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4th Sunday of Lent 2021 Happy Mothering Sunday to all mothers!


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4th Sunday of Lent 2021

Happy Mothering Sunday to all mothers!

Mass from St Theresa’s on Tuesday 16th March at 9.30am, and Thursday 18th March at 9.30am.

Mass from St Andrew’s at 11.30am for Fourth Sunday of Lent

Sunday 14th March 2021

Polish Mass and devotions on Tuesday 16th March and Friday 19th March at 7pm and Mass on Sunday 14th March at 9.30am

Following the First Minister's announcement yesterday Masses will begin the weekend of

Palm Sunday and will be up to 50 where capacity allows. We will publish a full list of Masses and services for Holy Week next week.

Booking starts from Monday 15th March 2021 To book for St Andrew’s, St Philip’s and St

Theresa’s email catholic126@gmail.com on Mondays 10am– 12 noon. For those without

email tel 01506432141 For St Peter’s

email Steven Egan Steve.egan17@gmail.com For those without internet access phone him on

Mondays 10am –12 tel 07771 788 715


Of charity please pray for those who have died recently:

Mary Boyd, Mary Winter, George Egert, Mary Mitchell, Rose Polland.


126 Victoria Street 9 Carmondean Centre The Lanthorn Kilronan Park Craigshill Deans Kenilworth Rise 41 Main Street Livingston Livingston Dedridge, Livingston East Calder EH54 5BJ EH54 8PT EH54 6NY EH53 0ES

T: 01506 432141 T: 01506 438787 T: c/o 01506 880918 T: 01506 880918

Pastoral Team:

Fr Kenneth Owens, Fr Simon Hughes, Fr Peter Krakowiak SAC Email: catholic126@gmail.com PPC Email: catholic126@gmail.com Fr Peter Mobile: 07460 676 278 (text only) Email: katolicylivingston@gmail.com

Facebook: Livingston and East Calder Catholic Parishes Website: www.livingstoncatholicparishes.co.uk

SVDP Contact Numbers:

St Andrew’s & St Theresa’s: 07342 793611 St Peter’s: 07796 662264 St Philip’s: 07502 031701

Fr Kenneth Fr Simon Fr Peter Sunday 14th March

People of the parish People of the parish People of the parish

Monday 15th March

Tuesday 16th March

Yvonne O’Leary Mary Campbell

Wed 17h March


Mary Winter

Thursday 18th March

Funeral Michael

“George” Egert

Friday 19th March


Saturday 20th March

Sunday 21st March

People of the parish People of the parish People of the parish


Lent 2021: How is Lent going for you?


What scripture passages have

particularly touched you this year?

How you found the Daily Reflec-

tions on the book of revelation helpful?

Can you commit some time this week to our online Parish Mission Reconcile, Recover and Rebuild?


Has fasted helped you to have more time for God?

Do you feel freer as a result of your fasting activity?

Where have been the deserts this Lent for you?


Are you supporting SCIAF’s appeal for South Sudan this year?

Have you other charitable works that you do?

What could you offer in the post-pandemic opening

up to use your time and your talent?


Drodzy, z 2 księgi Kronik wiemy, że Pan Bóg bez wytchnienia wysyłał do nich swoich posłańców, albowiem litował się nad swym ludem i nad swym mieszkaniem. Oni jednak szydzili z Bożych wysłanników, lekceważyli ich słowa i wyśmiewali się z Jego proroków. Opis zniszczeń i cierpień Izraela jest konsekwencją niewierności Bogu. Paweł w Liście do Efezjan mówi o Bożym miłosierdziu: Bóg będąc bogaty w miłosierdzie, przez wielką swą miłość, jaką nas umiłował, i to nas, umarłych na skutek występków, razem z Chrystusem przywrócił do życia. Łaską bowiem jesteście zbawieni. Słowa Jezusa do Nikodema z Ewangelii Janowej są jednym z kluczowych zdań Nowego Testamentu: Tak bowiem Bóg umiłował świat, że Syna swego Jednorodzonego dał, aby każdy, kto w Niego wierzy, nie zginął, ale miał życie wieczne.

W pandemicznym czasie, rok po zamknięciu kościołów w Szkocji, mamy okazję do przeżycia rekolekcji wielkopostnych online po angielsku – wspólnie ze Szkotami i przedstawicielami różnych języków i narodów, zgromadzonych w grupie One World w Livingston. RECONCILE, RECOVER, REBUILD – to będą tematy 3 nabożeństw Słowa oraz 3 mszy świętych, które odprawiać będą 3 duszpasterze: Ks. Kenneth, Ks. Simon i Ks. Piotr. Jedynym pewnym elementem jest fakt, że jako ludzie i księża jesteśmy od siebie bardzo różni, a mimo odmienności potrafimy współpracować już prawie 6 lat dla dobra naszych wspólnot i wszystkich ludzi dobrej woli.

Nie wiem, co przygotują 2 pozostali księża, ale wiem, że od dawna rozmyślają, jak uczynić ich nabożeństwa i liturgie najbardziej przemawiającymi do nas. W liturgii słowa w czwartek 18 marca będę rozważał „ODBUDOWĘ NADZIEI” wraz ze świeckimi liderami naszej wspólnoty, którzy przygotowują swoje przemyślenia. Na sobotniej mszy podsumowującej rekolecje oprócz angielskiego zabrzmią inne języki naszej wielobarwnej wspólnoty tworzącej One World. Wierzę, że każdy znajdzie w tym czasie duchowe inspirację. ZAPRASZAM WAS Z RODZINAMI NA TE REKOLEKCJE!

Ks. P

Poniedziałek 15 marca 7pm (20:00 w PL) Rozpoczęcie rekolekcji - Holy Mass: Praying for seeds of hope (Msza na rozpoczęcie rekolekcji -Modlitwa o Nasiona Nadziei) - Fr Kenneth

Wtorek 16.03 o 7pm; Nabożeństwo Reconcile my people (Pojednaj moich ludzi), Fr Simon Środa 17.03 7pm Nabożeństwo, Recover my nations (Odzyskaj me narody) - Fr Kenneth

Czwartek 18.03 7pm; Nabożeństwo, Rebuild my hope (Odbuduj moją nadzieję) ks. Piotr z zespołem polskich współpracowników – rozważania po angielsku

Piątek 19.03 7pm; Holy Mass: Going out on mission (Wyruszając z misją) Fr Simon

Sobota 20.03 7pm Holy Mass: Mary, Mother of the Redeemer (Maryja, Matka Zbawiciela) Ks.

Piotr z Polakami i przedstawicielami różnych narodów z grupy One World

ZMIANA - 6pm (o 19.00w PL) NOWY czas polskich liturgii na czas English Retreat Wtorek 16.03 6pm Msza i CYKLICZNE NABOŻEŃSTWO DO ŚWIĘTEGO JÓZEFA Piątek 19.03 6pm Uroczystość Św. Józefa - Msza święta po polsku i Droga Krzyżowa Niedziela 21.03 od 9am adoracja i Gorzkie Żale; msza święta o 9.30am (10.30 w PL)

Kolejny tydzień msze online o 7pm Wtorek 23.07 i Czwartek 25.03 - ZWIASTOWANIE

Już Piątek 26.03.2021 od 7pm spowiedzi i msze dla 50 osób zarejestrowanych przez email +online; Kolejne spowiedzi i msze Polskie będą ogłoszone online i w biuletynie parafii WAŻNE!

REJESTRACJE TYLKO POPRZEZ EMAIL: zostawnak2020@gmail.com


St Theresa’s Year ending 31


December 2020

Opening balance 5 985.39 Ordinary income 34 830.40 (2019 40 888.19)

Extra income 12 573.44 Total income

53 985.39 Expenses

House 19 409.18

Church 8 531.26

General 10 872.95

Extraordinary 12 522.66 Total expenditure

51 806.27 Surplus £ 1 582.56

Offertory income down by 15%

St Philip’s Year ending 31


December 2020

Opening balance 6 435.13 Ordinary income 27 161.42 Extraordinary income 1 429.26 Total income 35 025.81 Expenses

House 1 665.89 Church 8 608.61

General 6 908.39 Extraordinary 14 622.11 Total expenditure 32 166.30 Surplus £ 2 859.51

Offertory income down by 5.5%

St Andrew’s Year ending 31


December 2020

Opening balance 26 634.10 Ordinary income 45 468.04 Extraordinary income 39 443.30 Total income 111 545.44 Expenses

House 57 143.52 Church 19 694.96 General 30 426.36 Extraordinary 108 284.93 Surplus £ 3 260.51

Offertory income down by 34%

Thanks to all who have

contributed at this difficult time.

Although Offertory Income is down in all parishes and fundraising has been impossible

we have finished in the black!

Please continue to contribute

online and by handing in offerings to the presbytery.

Fr Kenenth


T: +44(0)1698 269114 F: +44(0)1698 275630 W: www.motherwelldiocese.org E. chancellor@rcdom.org.uk The Roman Catholic Diocese of Motherwell is a Charity registered in Scotland - Number SC 011041

Rt Rev. Joseph Toal STB KC*HS Bishop of Motherwell

To be shared with Parishioners on Sunday 14 March – SCIAF Sunday

My dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

I write on behalf of the Bishops of Scotland on this the fourth Sunday of Lent to thank you for your generous and prayerful support for SCIAF – the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund - over the past year.

In the Gospels, we hear of many occasions when Jesus heals the sick, reaching out with love and mercy to the most marginalised and the poorest, both in action and in spirit.

As Catholics we are called to follow his example, to recognise that we are our brother or sister’s keeper. To reach out to the poorest with love. SCIAF is the embodiment of the love of our Church in Scotland, reaching out to our vulnerable sisters and brothers around the world. It is why during Lent, we ask you to give generously to support the vital work SCIAF does on our behalf.

This has been a difficult twelve months for all of us, but through WEE BOX and collection donations, gifts in wills and direct debits, SCIAF have continued to help the poorest people in the world.

SCIAF is extremely grateful that last year, generous parishioners raised £945,218 to help survivors of gender- based violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Victims of a devastating war which lasted more than 20 years. Where many were killed, displaced and are in need due to ongoing violence.

Through SCIAF’s Church partners these vulnerable survivors, mostly women and girls, were given the medical care and trauma counselling they needed to recover, and gained new skills to build a better life. That is our faith in action.

This year, SCIAF ask us to look to another country where frequent conflict has left behind a legacy of fear, displacement and despair, making it one of the world’s poorest and most fragile states. Children with

disabilities were already the most vulnerable in society. Now, the coronavirus pandemic has deepened already existing issues of poverty, putting them at greater risk. When a crisis comes, be it conflict, famine or even the coronavirus, it’s the poorest and most vulnerable children who suffer most.

Many children with disabilities in South Sudan are not able to go to school or, later on, to work and earn a living. They may have no access to support services or hospitals for treatment. They may face stigma and exclusion. Due to a lack of access to education and opportunities, disabled children can miss out on vital learning that helps them to break out of the cycle of poverty, unlock their potential and live life to the full.

Through SCIAF the Scottish Catholic Church can help children with disabilities in South Sudan to access the education and support they need to build a bright future. SCIAF will reach the poorest people first and put our faith into action.

With the support of parishes, SCIAF’s work in South Sudan will provide a lifeline for children with disabilities and their families. Our support will help to adapt schools so that pupils with disabilities can access education.

Children will be provided with aids such as wheelchairs, ramps, hearing aids and canes, as well as healthcare to help them live more independently.

For example, just £35 could buy a classroom desk so a pupil with a disability doesn’t need to sit on the floor.

I am delighted to let you know that this year, all donations to SCIAF’s WEE BOX, BIG CHANGE appeal, made before 11th May, will be doubled by the UK government. Your donations will help SCIAF’s life changing work around the world, while match funding from the UK government will provide a lifeline to children with disabilities, their families and communities in South Sudan, helping them to build bright futures. Thank you for your continued generosity; know that it goes towards good work.


T: +44(0)1698 269114 F: +44(0)1698 275630 W: www.motherwelldiocese.org E. chancellor@rcdom.org.uk The Roman Catholic Diocese of Motherwell is a Charity registered in Scotland - Number SC 011041

Rt Rev. Joseph Toal STB KC*HS Bishop of Motherwell

As Lent continues and we look forward to the celebration of Christ’s resurrection, please remember SCIAF and everyone they work with in your prayers.

May God bless you and your families during the holy season of Lent and throughout the year.

+ Joseph Toal,

Bishop President of SCIAF

On behalf of the Bishop’s Conference of Scotland


St Andrew’s St Peter’s St Philip’s St Theresa’s Online Parish retreat for Lent

Monday 15th March—Saturday 20th March 2021

Reconcile Recover Rebuild

Each evening 7-8pm

Monday Mass: praying for seeds of hope Fr Kenneth Tuesday Reconcile my people Fr Simon

Wednesday Recover my nations Fr Kenneth Thursday Rebuild my hope Fr Peter

Friday Mass: going out on

mission Fr Simon

Saturday Mass: Mary, mother of

the Redeemer Fr Peter


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