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Industrial and Engineering Chemistry : analytical edition, Vol. 5, No. 2


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A n a l y t i c a l E d i t i o n V o l . 5 , N o . 2

M a r c h

1 5 , 1 9 3 3

I n d u s t r i a l


C h e m i s t r y


Pu b l i s h e d b y t h e Am e r i c a n Ch e m i c a l So c i e t y Ha r r is o n E . Ho w e, Ed i t o r

Pu b l i c a t i o n Of f i c e: E a s to n , P a .

Ed i t o r i a l Of f i c e:

R oom 706, M ills B uilding, W ash in g to n , D . C.

Te l e p h o n e: N a tio n a l 0848 Ca b l e: Jieohem (W ashington)

Ad v e r t i s i n g De p a r t m e n t: 332 W est 42nd S t.,

N ew Y o rk , N . Y.

Te l e p h o n e: B ry a n t 9-4430

Analysis of Refrigeration-Grade Liquid Sulfur Dioxide. . . ... F. A. Euslis


19,200 Copies of This Issue Printed

| A Laboratory Esterifying and Fractionating Apparatus . . ...Carrol A . Doran 101 Note on Washing the Potassium Cobaltinitrite Precipitate.

... W. E. Thrun Quantitative Determination of Small Amounts of Hydro­

cyanic Acid. . . Nalhan Gales and Andrew J. Pensa Determination of Dextrin, Maltose, and Dextrose in Corn Sirup . W. R. Felzer, J. W. Evans, and J. B. Longenecker International Atomic Weights, 1933 ...

Determination of Sulfur and Chlorine in Gasoline...

...Charles Wirlh III and M. J. Slross 77



81 84

85 Determination and Occurrence of Fluorides in Sea Water. .

. . . Thomas G. Thompson and Howard Jean Taylor 87 Removal of Corrosion Products from I r o n ...

... Thomas J. Finnegan and Richard C. Corey 89 Quantitative Determination of Formaldehyde and Benzal-

dehyde and Their Bisulfite Addition P rod u cts...

...L. II. Donnally 91 A Mechanical Device to Agitate Analytical Solutions by

Swirling. . . Arthur F. Scolt and Ellon F. Reid, Jr. 92 Colorimetric Determination of Thallium. . Paul A. Shaw 93 Microdetermination of Calcium in Sea Water...

... Paul L. Kirk and Erik G. Moberg 95 Relation between Volume of Respiration Chamber and Con­

centration of Carbon Dioxide in End Sample and in Com­

posite Sample of Air...M. Kleiber 98 Preparation of Aldehyde-Free Ethyl Alcohol...

... Albert W. Stout and• H. A. Schuelle 100

Determination of Amino Acids and Related Compounds in Honey...R. E. Lolhrop and S. I. Gerller 103 Effect of Alkali Treatment on the Yield of L ig n in ...

... Elwin E. Harris 105 Value of Electrical Methods for Estimating the Moisture

Content of Wheat...II. E. Hartig and B. Sullivan 107 Platinized Silica Gel as an Oxidation Catalyst in Gas

Analysis. I. . Kenneth A. Kobe and Elmer J. Arveson 110 Volumetric Methods of Estimating N it r it e s ...

...Raymond D. Cool and John II. Yoe 112 Determination of Carbon Dioxide in Continuous Gas

Streams. . . William McK. Marlin and Jesse R. Green 114 Apparatus and Methods for Precise Fractional-Distillation

Analysis. II and I I I ... Walter J. Podbielniak 119 Combustion Train for the Determination of Total Carbon

in Soils... T. H. Hopper 142 An Automatic Pressure-Regulating Unit for Vacuum Dis­

tillation. . . . E. H. Huntress and E. B. Hershberg 144 A Laboratory Cooling U nit... D. II. Cook 147 An Inexpensive Muencke Blower. . . Richard F. Robey 148 A Stirrer Drive for Laboratory Use. . . Max H . Hubacher 149 Note on the Micro-Dumas Method. . . . M . L. Nichoh 149 A New Method for the Qualitative Detection of Casein in

Woods... T. H. Whilehead 150

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m onogram

B a k e r & ^ A d A M S O N R eagents

M a n u f a c t u r e d b y G E N E R A L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y . . . 40 R e c t o r S t . , N e w Y o r k

Pub lish ed b y th e A m erican C hem ical Society, P u b licatio n Office, 2 0 th & N o rth a m p to n Sts. E a sto n P a

? * “ „ “ ^ ^ . ^ • Æ d e r . t h e « t o f M a r c h 3. 1879, « 4 2 tim es _a y e ar. In d u stria l E d itio n m o n th ly on th e 1 st; N ew s E d itio n on th e lO th a n d 2 0 th ; A n aly tical E d itio n b im o n th ly on th e 15th. A cceptance for m ailfn? a t s o e d a l

ra te o f postage provided for in Section 1103, A ct of O ctober 3. 1917, a u th o rized Tuly 13 1918.

Make Every Analysis One You 1

Swear to . . . on the Witness Stand

Y O U R profession involves re­

sponsibility, whether you seek it or not. Y o u r notes, your reports are and must be based on facts.

E ven in routine work you disci­

pline yourself to accuracy which approaches the absolute. N o man is infallible, but you never know when you m ay be called upon to swear to your results.

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Adamson labeled purity is fact.

Each lot, as recorded on the unit packages, has been analyzed by methods and under supervision which leaves no question as to the accuracy of the result. T h e m a­

terial you buy m ay have less im­

purities than shown on the label;

never more. Y o u can swear to the stated purity of these reagents with the same conviction with which you certify your own work.

Because o f their importance to your cum ulative record o f personal success you will w ant the “ B & A ” label on all your supplies o f labora­

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March 15, 1933 I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y 5







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G A S C O M P R E S S O R S — for all gases ex­

cept oxygen. Suction capacities of 1 to 4 0 cub. m. per hour and more. End pressures up to 2 0 0 0 atm.

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FO R A N A L Y T IC A L W O R K L O W T E M P E R A T U R E C O K IN G A P P A ­ R A T U S — for determination of low-tem pera- ture tar b y the Franz Fischer and Schrader methods. M a d e of aluminum. Capacities of 2 0 to 2 0 0 gr.

A L U M I N U M O V E N S — for low tem ­ perature coking tests of bituminous ma­

terials b y the A . W e in d e l process. For

about 3 kg.

R O T A T IN G O V E N S — for d e ­ term ination of low-temperature tar. Capacity, 15 kg.

O V E N S — with new control d e ­ vices for catalytic purposes:

B a b o -M y e r system. M a d e of aluminum.

B E N Z IN E D E T E R M IN A T IO N A P P A R A ­ TUS— D .R .G .M ., for determ ination, b y the A . W e in d e l and Tramm methods, of vapor­

ized solvents in gases such as benzene and gasoline in tail gases.

S T E A M S U P E R H E A T E R S — D .R .G .M . by the Tropsch process. For gases and liquids.

Capacities, 3 and 8 kg. per hour at 3 7 0 ° C.

M a d e of aluminum.

Full information on any of these products may be had for the asking. O r , better still, if you are engaged in chemical re­

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March 15, 1933 I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y 7

A N E W catalog o f P Y R E X L ab oratory G lassw are is on its w ay to you now . L o o k through it ca re fu lly — you w ill find evidence o f painstaking effort to m ake it o f m ore service to you. A n alphabetical in dex has been added at the back. R eferen ces to the literature have been am plified as w ell as descriptions o f the w are.

Bu t m ore than that, three im portant steps have been taken to provide you new econom ies on laboratory glassw are.

1 . M a n y new item s, heretofore obtainable only on special order have been added to the standard line.

2. Case quantities have been re­

duced on m any item s and a new 25-case consum er’s discount estab­

lished on all. F o r yo u r conveni­

ence in ordering, net prices per case are show n fo r single cases, 2 5, 50 and 10 0 case quantities.

3. P rices have been reduced on m any item s, effective M a rc h 15 th ,

1 9 3 3 . R eductions are greatest on item s in com m onest use, thus ef­

fectin g a m ajor saving on your total glassware costs. T est tubes, fo r exam p le, have had substantial reductions, ran ging as h ig h as 3 7 M % - R eductions on beakers run up to 2 0 % on the most popu­

lar size.

W ith these three m easures in effect, it is m ore than ever true econom y to standardize on P Y R E X Lab o rato ry G lassw are. It is the one brand o f glass that you can use fo r all types o f w o rk . Its inherent resistance to therm al shock perm its w a ll thickness adequate fo r rough h an d lin g o f every day usage. T h o ro u g h an­

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“PYREX” is a trade-mark and indicates manufacture by Corning Glass Works, Corning, N. Y.




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HE United States Pharmacopoeia protects the Phar­

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Then there are the “Recommended Specifications for Analyti­

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What o f the chemicals you receive, however, when you order

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Even though chemicals from two or more manufacturers may show the same purity on their labels, the actual im­

purity content may vary widely due to different methods of analysis.

Merck was the first manufacturer in this country to produce laboratory chemicals conforming to definite standards, and was also the first manufacturer to publish methods o f testing them. These tests originally appeared in the 1907 edition o f Merck’s Index. With the gradual improvement in manu­

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ards o f Merck’s Laboratory Chemicals have been correspond­

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March 15, 1933 I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y 9


T h is is o n e o f t h r e e H o s k in s f u r n a c e s u s e d b y t h e F er ro E n a m e l C orp. u s e d fo r c o lo r m a t c h in g o f e n a m e ls a n d fo r f u s io n t e s t s o n g r o u n d c o a t f r it s . “ F e r r o ” is n o t e d fo r t h e g o o d a n d u n if o r m q u a lit y o f t h e ir e n a m e ls , w h ic h c o m e s fr o m c lo s e p r o c e s s c o n t r o l ; t h e s e H o s k in s f u r n a c e s a re p a r t o f t h a t c o n t r o l. T h e y a re r u n fr o m 10 t o 20 h r s . a d a y a t t e m p e r a t u r e s f r o m 1200 t o 1800°

F ., u n d e r w h ic h c o n d it io n s t h e C h r o m e l-A h e a t in g

u n i t s la s t a b o u t a y e a r a n d a h a lf , a n d s o m e fo r m o r e

t h a n tw o y e a r s . T h e C h r o m e l-A u n i t is a h e lic a l c o il,

w r a p p e d a r o u n d t h e g r o o v ed m u f f le ; t h e t u r n s o f w ir e

a re c o n c e n t r a t e d , f r o n t a n d b a c k , w h ic h m a k e s fo r

g o o d u n if o r m it y o f t e m p e r a t u r e t h r u o u t t h e m u f f le .

S e n d fo r C a ta lo g 5 3 -L . H o s k in s M a n u f a c t u r in g C o .,

D e t r o it , M ic h .


10 A N A L Y T I C A L E D I T I O N

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tip le m achines. T hey a re acid etched fo r p e rm a n e n c y a n d r e a d a b ility , a n d a re fille d with a b rillia n t b lu e glass e n a m e l, fused-in as a p a rt of the glass itself. Every b u re tte is inspected fo r blem ishes an d im perfections, a n d retested fo r acc u rac y.

K im ble d esig n ,skill a n d p erfe ctio n a re b u ilt into e v e ry p ie c e of la b o ra to ry glassw are b e a rin g the fam ous " K " . From b ea ke rs a n d flasks to the most in tric ate o f g ra d u ­ a te d la b o ra to ry research a p p a ra tu s , the K im ble line is c o m p lete in e ve ry d e ta il.

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I n d u s t r i a l

V o l u m e 5 A N D E N G I N E E R I N G M a r c h 1 5 ,

num bbh 2 C h e m i s t r y 1933

Pu b l i s h e d b y t h e Am e r i c a n Ch e m i c a l So c i e t y Ha r r i s o n E . Ho w e, Ed i t o r

Analysis of Refrigeration-Grade Liquid Sulfur Dioxide

Official Method of the Sulfur Dioxide Committee, Compressed Gas M anufacturers’ Association

Introduction F. A.

Eu s t i s

Chairman, Sulfur Dioxide Committee, Compressed Gas Manufacturers’ Association


HE experience of the refrigeration industry has demon­

strated that extreme refinement in the purity of liquid sulfur dioxide that is to be used as a refrigerant in auto­

matic refrigeiating machines is commercially very important.

Obviously, therefore, it has become important to determine re­

liably the exact degree of purity of this product, in which all impurities occur only in very minute quantities. Accuracy of analysis of from one to two parts per million is required.

The manufacturers of refrigeration-grade liquid sulfur di­

oxide, wishing to avoid controversies in this matter of the purity of their products, created a special committee of chem­

ists to draft a standard procedure for the analysis of liquid sulfur dioxide. The chairman of this committee was F. B.

Downing of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., Wilming­

ton, Del., the other members being L. S. Larsen of Ansul Chemical Co., Marinette, Wis., and A. K. Scribner of the Virginia Smelting Co., W est Norfolk, Va. The committee considered all the data that had been collected by the manu­

facturers represented, and after a year’s work completed its draft of a standard method of analysis. This was submitted to the full Sulfur Dioxide Committee of the Compressed Gas Manufacturers’ Association, which was aided by a representa­

tive of the Calco Chemical Co., who was not a member of the association. The report was approved with very minor changes, and then referred to the Governing Board of the Compressed Gas Manufacturers’ Association, which approved it as the tentative standard of the association.

The manufacturers regard it as the standard method to be used for all control analyses. The method is given in detail below.

Mo is t u r e

Sulfur dioxide for the refrigeration industry is usually guaranteed to contain less than 50 parts per million of mois­

ture, while the actual moisture content m ay be as low as 5 parts per million in some cases. This represents from 0.0025

to 0.025 gram per pound of product (453.59 grams). The ac­

curate determination of this small amount of moisture (1, 2) presents difficulties, in that the detailed technic and the ex­

clusion of outside moisture must be carefully controlled to obtain correct results. The method in outline is simple;

a sample of liquid sulfur dioxide is drawn from the cylinder or drum in question and allowed to evaporate through a tared phosphorus pentoxide tube whose gain in weight is taken as the moisture content of the sample.

Under the best conditions, the experimental error is 0.0002 per cent absolute. However, samples are usually taken out- of-doors and the absolute humidity of the atmosphere has such an effect that during damp or rainy weather it is prac­

tically impossible to obtain a representative sample. When the relative humidity of the atmosphere is above 50 per cent at 68° F. (20° C.) or over 3.78 grains per cubic foot, results are very apt to be higher than the actual in spite of all pre­


Re a g e n t sa n d Ap p a r a t u s. The reagents used are phosphoric anhydride (pentoxide) in powder form and 95 per cent sulfuric acid. The apparatus consists of sample transfer fittings, sample container, heat exchanger, and phosphorus pentoxide drying tubes. Auxiliary pieces of apparatus are a sulfuric acid bubbler, sulfuric acid scrubber, phosphorus pentoxide tower, and aspirator or other source of suction.

Sa m p l e Fi t t i n g s. Two types of fittings may be used. A and B, Figure 1, illustrate the first type, which is more readily avail­

able for occasional use. C illustrates the second type, which is recommended for regular use. It consists of a T connecting to the drums or cylinder valve with a union and equipped with a valve on each Branch. Construct this using Prestolite Y-type valves for small cylinders.

Dry all fittings at 105° to 120° C. and use while hot. Dry the valve on the container with a blow torch or other means of heat­

ing and then connect fittings A or B to this valve without passing liquid sulfur dioxide through the fitting. Finally place the moisture tube on the rubber stopper and draw the sample. The T fitting C does not require a drying of the drum or cylinder valve. Merely flush this valve and the T fitting C through one of the Y valves and finally collect the sample in the moisture tube through the other valve.

Sa m p l e Co n t a i n e r. For large samples use a half-liter suction flask with a calibration mark at the 500-cc. point; for small samples use a special cylindrical tube of 200 cc. capacity cali­

brated for 100 cc. and having a tip at its base of 1 cc. capacity calibrated to 0.01 cc. at its lowestportion.

Dry the containers at 120° C. Since ordinary oven-drying leaves moisture in the air in the flask and on the surface of the


Vol. 5, No. 2 glass, final drying is by means of the preliminary run described

below. Repeated analyses may be made using the same con­

tainer without cleaning between runs, provided air is excluded at all times. Sample containers that have not been used for several days should be treated as wet.

He a t Ex c h a n g e r. A preheater is placed between the sample container and the phosphorus pentoxide tubes to prevent cooling of the tared absorption tube. For 190-cc. or 500-cc. samples evaporated slowly, use 1 foot (30.48 cm.) of glass or brass tubing.

For 500-cc. samples evaporated at the maximum rate, use a 6-foot (183-cm.) helix. The tubing need not be larger than 5 mm. inside diameter.

irussre srofffe

The preheater is oven-dried and then finally dried in the pre- liminarv run. Keep it closed when not in use by means of glass or wooden plugs.

Dr y i n g Tu b e s. Two types of drying tube may be used: the Fleming phosphorus pentoxide absorption jar (No. 3890 in A. H. Thomas catalog), or a 4-inch (10-cm.) Swartz U-tube. The Fleming jar is better adapted to 500-cc. samples because of the greater number of runs that may be made before refilling. The Swartz tube is better adapted to 100-cc. samples and throughout its life is free from channeling and has low resistance to flow of gas.

Pack the Fleming jar with a mixture prepared by shaking two parts by volume of powdered phosphorus pentoxide with one part of Gooch asbestos fiber which has been dried at 140° C. This mixture is light, porous, and has long life with minimum tendency to channel. Pack the reagent loosely in the jar on a 0.25-inch (0.6-cm.) layer of glass wool. Prepare a second phosphorus pentoxide tube like the first and place it in the absorption train. All moisture is collected in the first tube. Any change in the second tube is therefore used, with a change of sign, as a cor­

rection on the weight of the first tube. A correction for tem­

perature, barometric pressure, and surface moisture is thus ob­

tained automatically.

Pack the Swartz tube with glass beads coated with phosphorus pentoxide. Use beads of not more than 0.125-incn (0.3-cm.) diameter and allow them to stand in the open air for a few hours so that the moisture on the glass surfaces is in equilibrium with the air. Then place them in a stoppered bottle and add finely pow­

dered phospnorus pentoxide in portions with shaking until the sur­

faces have taken up all that will stick to them. Fill the Swartz tube with these beads, using a plug of glass wool at each end.

Prepare a duplicate tube without phosphorus pentoxide to be used as a counterpoise. Weigh this tube, whether of Fleming or Swartz type, open to the air so that it is at the prevailing baro­

metric pressure. On tests that are only run an hour, brass weights have been found to be satisfactory.

The moisture in refrigeration-grade sulfur dioxide is quantita­

tively removed by one phosphorus pentoxide absorption tube.

Au x i l i a r y Ap p a r a t u s. For the purpose of judging the rate of evolution of the sulfur dioxide, a sulfuric acid bubbler may be placed at the end of the train. A 15-cc. pipet cut off just below the bulb and immersed in 15 cc. of concentrated sulfuric acid in a rubber-stoppered bottle makes a safe bubbler.

The Swartz tube may be weighed after sweeping with dry air if desired. To accomplish this, sweep the tube for 3 minutes with 2 liters of air per minute. Set up a train as follows: A sulfuric acid scrubber, a phosphorus pentoxide tower, the Sw'artz tube, and then a manometer connected to an aspirator or other source of suction.

Sa m p l i n g. Tw o sizes of samples may be used: the 500-cc.

sample for the most accurate work, such as for 2000-lb. drums and settlement of disputes, and the 100-cc. sample for local control work and for the analysis of small cylinders when there is no dis­

agreement. But, because of the possibilities of a larger experi­

mental error in the case of small samples, particularly in times of high humidity, rejections should be made only on the basis of 500-cc. samples.

Flush and carefully dry the drum or cylinder valve and attach the dry fitting A or B. If fitting C is used, connect it directly to the drum valve and flush both drum valve and fitting through one valve of the T. Draw the sample directly from the original drum or cylinder into the especially prepared sample container used for the analysis.

The use of a small cylinder to transfer material from the original container to the laboratory is not permissible.

Pr e p a r a t i o n o f Ap p a r a t u s. Before s t a r t in g the actual determinations, equilibrate the appara­

tus by collecting a full-size sample of r e fr ig e r a - tion-grade sulfur dioxide (using the sampling con­

nections and dried container), and evaporating it through the assembled absorption train. This is n e c e ssa r y to complete the drying of the sample container, to remove all air from the phosphorus pentoxide tubes, and to dry tubing connections.

In tr a n sfe r r in g the sample container from the c y lin d e r or drum to the a p p a r a tu s , k eep it stoppered but vented through a Bunsen valve.

At the end of the preliminary run, immediately close all stopcocks, beginning nearest the sample container, and then disconnect the absorption train.

After disconnecting the sample container and the preheater tubing, close both securely.

Weigh the absorption tubes preparatory to the moisture determination. The Fleming jars must be weighed filled with sulfur dioxide. The Swartz tubes may be weighed filled with sulfur d io x id e or they may be swept with air. If this is desired, sweep for 3 minutes with phosphorus pentoxide-dried air at the rate of 2 liters per minute and weigh. When weighing the absorption tubes, use a duplicate counterpoise having one end open to the

Fi g u r e 2 . Ap p a r a t u s f o r De t e r m i n a t i o n o f No n c o n d e n- s a b l e Ga s e s i n Li q u i d Su l f u r Di o x i d e

E. Leveling bu lb F - • •


K . A . 100-co. &a3 b u re t

B. 3-w ay stopcock

C. C up for a d d itio n of p o tassium hydroxide

D. C o n n ectio n fo r su lfu r dioxide inlet

R u b b er tu b e Pinchcocks

O pen ends of ru b b e r tu b in g G lass sig h t tu b e

air. Also weigh the second Fleming jar used as a compensating tube. Equalize the pressure within all analytical phosphorus pentoxide tubes with the prevailing atmospheric pressure before closing them for weighing.

Pr o c e d u r e. Reassemble the absorption train. Collect the sample directly in the sample container, observing all the pre­

cautions given above, and immediately transfer it to the labora­

tory and connect it to the absorption train.

Regulate the rate of evaporation of the sulfur dioxide by cau-


March 15, 1933

tiously using a bath of lukewarm water. Allow at least 45 minutes for the evaporation of 100-cc. samples, and at least 1.5 hours for 500-cc. samples, when using the Swartz U-tubes. The Fleming jar requires 45 minutes for 100-cc. samples and at least 4 hours for 500-cc. samples. The rate of evaporation is limited by the back pressure of the absorption train and the danger of blowing out stoppers.

At the close of the evaporation, shut off the stopcocks in the same manner as at the end of the preliminary run and weigh the tubes, using the tare tube as counterpoise.

100 AI

r- - % m o istu re 1.46 X cc. sam ple

Where 1.46 is the specific gravity of sulfur dioxide at its boiling point at atmospheric pressure, M is the gain in weight of the first phosphorus pentoxide tube less the increase or plus the de­

crease in the second or compensating phosphorus pentoxide tube.

Re s i d u e Te s t

The residue left by the evaporation of refrigeration-grade sulfur dioxide is too small for a quantitative determination to be practicable. Hence, it is determined microscopically and compared with a standard.

Pr o c e d u r e. Use a 200-cc. cylindrical sample container having a 1-cc. tip which at its lowest portion is graduated to 0.01 cc.

Clean this container with cleaning solution, rinse with distilled water, and dry at 120° C. The glass surface should be bright and free of all film. Wipe the cylinder valve and flush. Draw a 100- cc. sample without using any sample connection. Stopper the container either with rubber stopper and Bunsen valve or with a plug of cotton wool. Evaporate to dryness and compare with standard.

Su l f u r i c Ac i d

After evaporation of the sulfur dioxide and careful removal of all sulfur dioxide vapor, as shown by iodine test, the sulfuric acid is titrated with 0.01 N caustic.

Pr o c e d u r e. Use a 125-cc. Erlenmeyer flask, with a calibra­

tion mark at the 100-cc. point. Clean with chromic acid cleaning solution, wash out thoroughly, and dry at 120° C. Evaporate a 100-cc. sample, using a plug of cotton wool to stopper the flask.

After the evaporation, remove sulfur dioxide vapor by connecting a Gooch crucible adapter to suction and applying the rubber end to the flask, then breaking the connection. Repeat fifteen times until no odor of sulfur dioxide remains and a drop of 0.01 iV iodine added to the flask is not decolorized. Prepare water for the titration by adding 2 drops of methyl red and adjusting by means of either 0.01 N sodium hydroxide or 0.01 Ar hydrochloric acid to the exact neutral point. Add 25 cc. of this wrater to the flask and titrate with 0.01 N sodium hydroxide.

cc. X A ' X 0.0490-4 X 100 „ „ cc. of SO, X 1 .4 6--- “ % H iS 0 '

No n c o n d e n s a b l e Ga s e s

The 100-cc. sample of sulfur dioxide gas is collected in a 100-cc. gas buret and potassium hydroxide added. The re­

sidual gas is read as noncondensable gases.

The results for small amounts of noncondensable gases are read directly to 0.02 per cent and may be estimated to 0.005 per cent.

Re a g e n t. 30 per cent potassium hydroxide solution.

Ap p a r a t u s. The buret is similar to Eimer and Amend, No.

28940, except that it is of 100 cc. capacity and the upper tip is graduated in 0.02 cc. down to the 0.2-cc. mark.

Pr o c e d u r e. With pinchcock II closed, open the cock between A and C, and raise the mercury leveling bottle until the mercury just comes into the cup C. Close the stopcock B, leaving a small globule of mercury in the cup.

Place the cylinder containing the liquid sulfur dioxide on its side so that the ramshom of the lower valve is in the liquid phase.

Connect the apparatus as shown in the diagram. With the spring pinchcock G open, the cylinder valve is cautiously opened until liquid sulfur dioxide runs out at the tube and I. (Some analysts find it more convenient to substitute the use of one foot for pinch­

cock G.) The pinchcock H is now opened, the buret stopcock turned into the position shown in the diagram, and the pinchcock G and the cylinder valve closed. When the liquid sulfur dioxide has vaporized as indicated by the globule of mercury, the cylinder valve is opened to allow liquid s ill fur dioxide to escape into the tubing only as fast as it will vaporize.

Allow the gas to sweep out the air in the apparatus, which should be accomplished in 2 or 3 minutes. With pinchcock G closed, quickly turn stopcock B so that it is open between the cylinder and the buret A, lower the leveling bulb and fill the buret with sulfur dioxide gas. Close pinchcock H and open pinchcock G. Turn stopcock B so that it is open between A and C and rim this buret full of gas to waste througn cup C, as it is used only to treat with any small amount of potassium hydroxide left from a previous determination. Refill the buret in the same manner as before with exactly 100 cc. of sulfur dioxide under at­

mospheric pressure. Close pinchcock H and turn stopcock into the position shown in the diagram. Add through cup C about 15 to 20 cc. of the potassium hydroxide solution, being careful to exclude all air. After the contraction has ceased, bring the level of the mercury in the bulb to that in the buret and read the volume of residual gas.

cc. of resid u al gas “ % noncondensable gases in liq u id phase

Li t e r a t u r e Ci t e d

(1) Flenner, A. L., and Caverly, W. R ., Refrigerating Eng., 21, N o.

5, 344 (1931).

(2) Scribner, A. K ., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. E d.. 3, 255 (1931).

R e c e i v e d N ovem ber 3 , 1 9 3 2 .


Note on Washing the Potassium Cobaltinitrite Precipitate

W. E.

T h r u n ,

Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Ind.


HE precipitate of potassium cobaltinitrite obtained in micromethods (1~4) for determining potassium be­

comes increasingly flocculent upon washing with water. It is therefore usually washed in centrifuge tubes by si­

phoning. It was found that when the precipitate is washed with a dilute solution of aluminum sulfate (1 per cent) it will be much less flocculent, so that it can be washed by the usual method of drainage after inversion. Three washings with 3 cc. of solution are usually sufficient. If the super­

natant liquid from the second washing is not nearly colorless, a fourth washing should be performed.

It was also found that more consistent results can be ob­

tained when the precipitate is to be titrated indirectly with solutions of permanganate or eerie sulfate if, upon addition

of sulfuric acid and the oxidizing agent, the precipitate is thoroughly stirred for a while when the tube containing the reacting substances is placed in boiling water. Because of the instability of nitrous acid (1), eerie sulfate should be a better oxidizing agent for this purpose than permanganate, as it furnishes a positive ion to oxidize a negative ion.

Li t e r a t u r e Ci t e d

(1) Jacobs and Hoffman, J . Biol. Chem., 93, 680 (1931).

(2) K ram er and Tisdall, Ibid., 46, 339 (1921).

(3) Leulier, Velluz, and Griffon, B ui. soc. chim. biol., 10, 1238 (1928).

(4) Tischer, Biochem. Z., 238, 148 (1931).

Re c e i v e d Aujcust 11, 1932.


Quantitative Determination of Small Amounts of Hydrocyanic Acid

Na t h a n Ga l e s a n d An d r e w


Pe n s a

Chemical Laboratory of the Bureau of Food and Drugs, Department of Health, New York,

N .



HE most commonly used methods (1) for the deter­

mination of hydrocyanic acid have the objection that they are not quantitative for very small amounts.

The method outlined below affords a means by simple technic of determining hydrocyanic acid quantitatively in exceedingly small amounts, the delicacy being measured by the amount of ammonia which can be determined by Nessler’s reagent—namely, one part in one hundred million.

Hydrocyanic acid, known also as formonitrile, is subject to the general characteristic reactions of alkyl nitriles—

namely, hydrolysis with either alkali or acid to form the alkyl acids or their salts and ammonia or its salts. These reactions, where 11 is the alkyl group, are:

R O N + HC1 + 2H 20 — >- R C O O II + NILC1 R C N + K O H + 2HjO — >- RCO OK + N H ,O H and for hydrocyanic acid:

HCN + HC1 + 2H ,0 — >- HCOOH + N il, Cl HCN + KOII + 2H20 — >- HCOOK + NH(OH It is evident from the above reactions that the hydrolysis of hydrocyanic acid must be carried out in a closed system;

for hydrocyanic acid would be volatilized with acid hydrolysis, and ammonia with alkali hydrolysis.

In the industrial manufacture (4) of ammonia and formates a mixture of cyanides (KCN + NaCN) is autoclaved with 5 to 10 parts of water for 20 to 30 minutes between 180° and 190° C. In a series of laboratory experiments samples con­

taining standard aqueous potassium cyanide solutions equiva­

lent to 0.01, 0.10, and 1.0 mg. of hydrocyanic acid were autoclaved for 30 minutes between 180° and 190° C. and when Nesslerized checked with equivalent ammonium chlo­

ride solutions. The hydrolysis of the potassium cyanide solu­

tion is due to the alkaline reaction of this salt. This method has two disadvantages, the caustic action on the glass auto­

clave and high temperature. The optimum conditions for hydrolysis, as experimentally deduced, were obtained by autoclaving for 30 minutes between 140° and 150° C. in an acid solution.

The glass autoclave is the Leiboff urea apparatus (S) for the determination of urea in blood. This apparatus is essen­

tially a brass stand with a thermometer in the hollow of the rod and a circular brass plate containing six grooves from which are suspended the six glass autoclaves. The stand with the suspended autoclaves is set in an oil bath. The glass autoclave, of approximately 35 cc. capacity, is made gas-tight by a ground-glass rod which seals at the neck when the rod is so suspended. Lacking the Leiboff urea apparatus, satisfactory results could be obtained with ordinary medicinal ampoules.

Pr o c e d u r e

D istil the hydrocyanic acid in the usual manner from a solution acidified with tartaric acid and collect the distillate into 10 cc. of 0 .1 N sodium hydroxide. Transfer the distillate, approximately 25 cc., to the autoclave and add 5 cc. concen­

trated c. p. hydrochloric acid. Heat slowly in the oil bath

and maintain the temperature between 140° and 150° C, for 30 minutes. After cooling, empty and rinse with dis­

tilled water into a 50-cc. beaker. Evaporate slowly on a hot plate almost to dryness to get rid of the excess acid. Dilute with distilled water, transfer to a Nessler tube, and add 5 cc.

of Nessler’s reagent (2). Compare the resulting color with a series of standard ammonium chloride solutions and calculate the parts per million of the cyanide or hydrocyanic acid present in the sample. When the ampoule is used as the autoclave, cool in an ice bath before the addition of the hydrochloric acid and then immediately seal the ampoule.

Ex p e r i m e n t a l Da t a

Solutions containing 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 cc. of concentrated c. p. hydrochloric acid, 5 cc. of standard potassium cyanide solution (1 cc. equivalent to 0.1 mg. of hydrocyanic acid), and 20 cc. of distilled water were autoclaved for 30 minutes between 140° and 150° C. Hydrolysis was not complete when 1, 2, and 3 cc. of acid were used, whereas 4 and 5 cc.

of acid showed complete hydrolysis and the ammonia evolved checked quantitatively with equivalent standard ammonium chloride solutions.

Autoclaving 5 cc. of standard potassium cyanide solutions with 5 cc. of concentrated c. p. hydrochloric acid and 20 cc.

of water at 100° and 105° C. for 30 minutes showed that the liberation of ammonia was not quantitative, although more was formed at the higher temperature. Complete hydrolysis was obtained between 140° and 150° C. when autoclaved for 30 minutes.

Solutions containing 5 cc. of standard potassium cyanide, 5 cc. of concentrated c. p. hydrochloric acid, and 10 cc. of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide were autoclaved for 30 minutes between 140° and 150° C. Some of these solutions were Nesslerized directly with 5 cc. of Nessler’s reagent, but the acidity was too great for the development of the characteris­

tic brownish yellow color. In the others, the excess acid was neutralized with sodium hydroxide before Nesslerization, In these cases a turbidity formed due to impurities in the alkali, such as magnesium, calcium, and aluminum. How­

ever, when the excess acid was evaporated and the solution then diluted and Nesslerized, the resulting color was clear and checked quantitatively with ammonium chloride standards.

For 5 cc. of the Nessler’s reagent, the acid content of the solution must not exceed 0.4 cc. of concentrated hydrochloric acid.

Samples containing 5 ,1 0 , 15, 20, and 25 cc. of the standard potassium cyanide solutions were autoclaved in the usual manner with 5 cc. of concentrated c. p. hydrochloric acid and 10 cc. of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide. Upon subsequent re­

moval of excess acid and Nesslerization, the characteristic brownish yellow color developed and ranged from a clear light comparable color to the brownish yellow precipitate of the iodide of Millon base, N H j HgO H gl. It is necessary, therefore, when the solution to be Nesslerized contains am­

monia derived from more than 0.5 mg. of hydrocyanic acid, to take an aliquot portion for colorimetric comparison.



March 15, 1933 I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y 81 A one-gram sample of powder collected from a copper coil

of a gas heater contained, as determined by this method, a cyanide equivalent to 75 parts per million hydrocyanic acid.

This sample proved to be interesting, for Nesslerization re­

sulted in a turbid solution which proved to be due to iron carbonyl, which, present in the original sample, distilled over with the hydrocyanic acid. The iron carbonyl was precipi­

tated as iron hydroxide by boiling the alkali solution contain­

ing the carbonyl and the cyanide. The filtrate was auto- claved in the usual manner, and when Nesslerized a clear solution resulted.

Ac k n o w l e d g m e n t

The writers express their appreciation to Reginald Miller for his cooperation in this work.

Li t e r a t u r e Ci t e d

(1) A utcnreith, W ., "L ab o rato ry M anual for the D etection of P oi­

sons and Powerful D rugs,” 6th American edition, B lakiston, 1928.

(2) Folin, 0 ., “ L aboratory M anual of Biological C hem istry,” A p­

pleton, 1923.

(3) LeibofT, S. L „ and K ahn, B. S., J. Biol. Chem., 83, 347-52 (1929).

(4) M ange, L., Industrie Chimique, 5, 286-8 (1918).

Re c e i v e d N ovem ber 23, 1932.

Determination of Dextrin, Maltose, and Dextrose in Corn Sirup

W. R.

Fe t z e r,

J. W.

Ev a n s, a n d

J. B.

Lo n g e n e c k e r,

Union Starch and Refining Company, Granite City, 111.


ORN sirup (glucose, or

“glue” as it is called col­

loquially by the candy manufacturer) has become an indispensable part of the manu­

facture of confectionery. One billion one hundred forty million pounds were refined in 1929, with a value of 34 million dollars. It is produced by the acid hydroyl- sis of corn starch under a pres­

sure of approximately 40 pounds, in three different purities—low, regular, and high. “Purity” is defined within the industry as the amount of reducing sugars ex­

pressed as dextrose, on a dry substance basis. The “regular”

purity of 43 to 44 forms the bulk of the commercial production.

Corn sirup is a thick, colorless solution of the three carbo­

hydrates—dextrin, maltose, and dextrose. The gravity of the sirup will run from 41° to 46° 136. (1° B6. being expressed at 100° F .). Sirups with a gravity of 41° and 42° B6. are more often called “mixing sirups,” and are used by manufac­

turers of mixed table sirups. Confectioners’ sirup runs from 43° to 46° B6., the bulk being sold at 43° B6., as this gravity represents the high practical limit at which this heavy, vis­

cous sirup may be handled economically.

Although there are m any published analyses for corn sirups or starch hydrolytic products, few are applicable to the com­

mercial product, because the sirups used for analysis have been prepared by boiling starch in open vessels, with acids different from those used in the commercial process. Further, most workers employ a low concentration of starch suspension, whereas in the industry it is customary to use a suspension from 22° to 26° B6., the latter figure representing the practical limit for pumping suspended starch. It is well known in the industry that the maximum purity attainable in manufacture is affected by the concentration of the starch suspension used, and it is reasonable to assume that the ratio of the various carbohydrate constituents might be altered by these same concentration differences of the starch.

Many methods have been proposed for the analysis of com sirup. All make use of several algebraic equations obtained from laboratory determinations, such as specific rotation, re­

ducing power before and after acid inversion, etc. Almost all employ the solids equation obtained from the moisture de­

yin addition in procedure is applied to the method of moisture determination by distillation with toluene, as proposed by Biduiell and Sterling and modified by Rice, to make it applicable to corn sirup. A new method fo r the direct deter­

mination of dextrin in corn sirup is proposed.

Based on the method of direct determination of dextrin, a procedure for the complete analysis of corn sirup is presented, which allows two check equations—p u rity and specific rotation. A n aly­

ses of several brands of confectioners’ corn sirup are made.

termination. The methods may be roughly grouped as follows:



A lg e b r a ic solution from s o lid s , specific rotation, and reducing sugar equa­


Precipitation of the dextrin by alcohol and solution by algebraic equations.

Fermentation methods.

Destruction of the sugars, followed by polariscopic d e te r m in a tio n of the d e x tr in , and then alge­

braic solution.

Algebraic solution for three car­

bohydrates requires three equa­

tions, and the following are easily available in the laboratory:

® + y + z = 196a: + 138.5.y + 52.7z = 1.1111® + 1.0555ÿ + z =

0.606y + z = solids

specific rotation

reducing sugars as dextrose after acid hydrolysis

purity or reducing sugars as dex­

trose on original sirup

It would seem, since dextrin has no reducing power, as shown by the last equation, that the solution for the three carbo­

hydrates would be simple, but the experience of the present authors and that of others U ) has been that small experi­

mental errors are enormously multiplied, so that the final results, even in simple mixtures such as corn sirup, can be regarded only as approximate.

Recognition of this difficulty has stimulated other investi­

gators to the direct determination of dextrin by precipitation by alcohol or a similar chemical, in which dextrin is insoluble but maltose and dextrose are soluble. Keener (5) stated that the precipitation of dextrin by alcohol was a most promising method but that it required further study. Experience in this laboratory has been that precipitation by alcohol is not only a disagreeable determination from an analytical stand­

point, but that it also gives unreliable results, as shown in Table I.

Ta b l e I. Da t a o n Pr e c i p i t a t i o n o p De x t r i n b y Al c o h o l W eig h t corn sirup, gram s

W a te r in corn sirup, ml.

W a te r a d d ed , ml.

9 5 % alcohol ad d ed , ml.

F in a l alcohol (calcd.), % D ex trin found, %

5 .0 5 .0 5 .0 5 .0 5 .0

0 .9 0 .9 0 .9 0 .9 0 .9

9 .1 2 0 .1 3 1 .1 4 1 .1 5 2 .1

190 179 168 158 147

90 85 80 75 70

1 9 .8 13 .9 8 .0 4 .0 1 .4


Powiązane dokumenty

K = ratio of the maximum extinction of the acid to that of an equal quantity of amide at time of maximum amide intensity as obtained from time-reaction curves

tion of Potassium. of dry guayule tissue. of th e selenium oxychloride solution. Shake Solution A thoroughly to resuspend all precipitated m aterial. volum etric

Table II contains the results obtained by applying the precipitation method of Willard and Chan (9) in which the strongly acid solution o f calcium containing an

Very little en trainm ent of the nickel complex b y th e copper complex was found.. In th e usual procedure th e iron is p recipitated as ferric hydroxide by sodium

Let V = original volume of solution in cell v = volume of standard nickel solution added Ci = original m olar concentration of nickel Caul.. — molar concentration

sure was adjusted to atmospheric by escape of excess gas through W and w ater seal B. After its tem perature and pressure had been recorded, th e sample was

chloric acid, and make up to volume in a volumetric flask. capacity, neutralize the solution to litmus with powdered sodium carbonate, add the anthranilic acid reagent, and

of 20 per cent sulfuric acid containing the same amounts of succinic acid and hydrogen peroxide th a t were used in the analysis, and putting the solution through the