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Pola Rise - Fear tekst piosenki


Academic year: 2022

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Pola Rise, Fear

And I saw myself Another useless soul who sleepy now sleepy now sleepy now out of time

when I saw my face nothing you could log just waiting for

waiting for waiting for deadly storm

how could I forger who I used to be?

chasing dreams

but now it’s no longer me Feel all the light

Without fear all the dark feel all of my scars Without fear of the night /2x

I was trying to was trying to move on but I’m still sneaky on sneaky on out of life

I am half way through of nothing more to loose I’m slowly freaking out freaking out

.. inside

how could I forger who I used to be?

chasing dreams

but now it’s no longer me Feel all the light

Without fear all the dark feel all of my scars Without fear of the night /2x

waiting is all I do

is all that holds me here I am standing by

standing by standing by wasted time when I realize

to sun would never rise I’m going back

going back going back to the start Feel all the light

Without fear all the dark


feel all of my scars Without fear of the night

Pola Rise - Fear w Teksciory.pl


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