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British Chemical Abstracts. B.-Applied Chemistry. August 4 and 11


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A U G . 4 a n d I I , 1933.*


M ean tem perature differences in m u ltip ass heat exch an gers. W. II. Nagle (Ind. Eng. Chem., 1933, 25, 601— 609).—Correction factors, to be applied to the logarithmic mean tem p, difference are calc, for multipass condensers, assuming uniform ternp. of the shell fluid over any cross-section and equal heating

surface in. each pass. A. G.

T h erm oregu lator for higher tem peratures. W.

Bubam and H. Brixtzixger (Chem. Fabr., 1933, 6, 265).

—The apparatus (electrically controlled) is fixed exter- naliv to the furnace and serves to keep the la tte r a t

400—500° ¿ 1 ° . E .S .H .

R efrigeration w ith am m on iu m thiocyanate. H.

Seekaslp and W. Peahler (Ber. Ges. Kohlentech., 1933, 4, 305—309).—A m ixture of 230 g. of NHjCXS, 30 g. of NH,GI, and 300 c.c. of H jO produces a fall of temp, from 15° to —19=. Increase of XiTjCI content reduces the cooling effect, which is tàus well under

coutroL C. I.

F iltration of [fine] su sp e n sio n s [from coarse im p u rities]. W. Bûche (Chem. Fabr., 1933, 6, 240—242).—A filter-press with, wire gauze in place of cloth, m ay be used but frequent stops for cleaning are necessary. Where the coarse material is of the same composition as the suspension re-grinding is the best solution where the cost of this is small relative to th a t of the m aterial handled. Centrifuging will effect removal of foreign m aterial from a suspension in which the suspended m aterial has d — th at of the liquid. R o tary screens, shaking screens, etc. suffer from the difficulty caused by the progressive clogging effect of the im purity as w ith filter-presses. Vibrating screens avoid this as the retained particles have not rime to get entangled in the meshes, and they are particu­

larly useful where there is little difference in d between the particle and the suspension. The best method of filtration in anv given case can usuallv be determined

by laboratory trials. C .L

T h e sim p le st and m o st accurate v isco sim eter , and oth er in stru m en ts w ith su spended level. L.

Ubbeloh.b e (J. In st. Petroleum Tech., 1933. 19, 376—

420).—Following a discussion of the principles of capillarity measurements and the limits of accuracy ia the methods of using relative viscosimeters, a pre­

viously unobserved phenomenon—the suspended level—

is considered theoretically and experimentally. Applied to the viscosimeter, it has resulted in a new type of instrument which has a suspended level in place of the usual lower liquid surface. H . S. G.

F alling-sphere viscosim eter for opaque liquids.

A. Zart (Chem. Fabr., 1933. 6 , 266).—The sphere is provided with a vertical wire, on which two m arks are made. The time taken for the length of wire between the marks to pass through the liquid surface

is observed. E. S. H.

R ational u tilisation of com p ressed air. G. I.

Michaud; (Anilinokras. Prom., 1933, 3 , 99—103).—

The use of compressed air for transportation of materials

is discussed. R. T.

S tatistical m eth od s in process control. H. C.

Plaut (Chem. Fabr,, 1933, 6, 237—240).—Illustrations include : (1) the effect of composition on the mechanical properties of a product, and (2) the relative nos. of articles the properties of which fall within certain limits, as for the mechanical strength of briquettes. In some instances these “ frequency ” curves enable practical results to be obtained, as in the case of the mechanical strength of screws and the composition of the metal, where the sim ilarity indicates cause and effect. In general, such curves assist in obtaining uniformity

of the product. C. I.

T hin film lubrication o f journal bearin gs. M. D.

Hebsey (J. Washington Acad. Sci., 1933, 23, 297—305).


“ Grid ” burner [for Lancashire b oilers].—See II. B oilers in the d ye in d u stry.—See IV,


M uffle kiln. H. G. Begexax (U.8.P. 1,375,365, 6.9.32. Appl., 23.8.30).—A tunnel kiln of the muffle type has entirely independent heating flues for each side and the b o tto m : those a t the sides are divided into two levels, the upper one of which m ay be heated only by radiation from the lower or by some combustion

also. B. M. V.

M ethod of incinerating. C. C. P arke?. (U.S.P.

1,377,580, 13.9.32. Appl., 15.8.29).—The refuse (J ) is charged to the combustion chamber and dried by currents of air through the grate (B) without combustion.

On ignition, the draught will he so much strengthened th a t flap doors in auxiliary upper air inlets will open : when the fire dies down they will close, thus forcing all the air again to pass through A and B. B. 3£ V.

H igh-tem perature indirect h ea tin g . T. Gp.is-

woid, JL'X., Assr. to Dow Ch e ii. Co. (U.S-P. 1,877,762, 20.9.32. Appl., 13.2.28).—A desired reaction is effected in tube coils o r nests, under pressure if desired. The tubes are heated b y showers of a non-volatile liquid

* The remaimier oí this of Abstracts will appear In next- week's issue.



B r i t i s h C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s — B .

008- Cl. I . — Ge s e i u l,; Pl a n t ; 5 Ia.c h i!LKK\\

which is heated, in a kettle provided with a circulating pump and a superheater if desired. B. M. Y.

H eat exchanger. Y . M. Ch a t f i e l d, Assr. to Su n

Oir. Co. (U.S.P. 1,876,<401, 6.9.32. Appl., 28.7.31).—

An exchanger comprising a nest of tubes (4 ) within a larger tube is arranged for ready withdrawal of A even though they form a straight run w'ith the supply and

delivery conduit. B. M. V.

D rying apparatus and process. W. I. Sa l l e e

(U.S.P. 1,876,025, 6.9.32. Appl., 3.12.29).—A rotary, double co-axial cylinder is provided with a stationary combustion chamber a t the upper end ; th e noz/Je which directs the products of combustion into the central flue (A) is telescopic to alter the am ount of air admitted.

The gases return in direct contact with the material, which is showered on A by lifters. B. M. V.

M anufacture of h eat-in su latin g m aterial. J.

Lkppjtk (B .r. 392,393, 10.8.32. Estonia, 17.8.31).—

The composition comprises plastic fat clay, milled paper, sawdust, bast fibres, and sufficient H ?0 for working, with, if desired, crashed asbestos or cement.

High-temp. surfaces are first covered with a composition of asbestos, MgO, and H 20 . B. M. V.

Production of therm ocouples. L, M e lle rsh - Jackkon. Prom S i e me n s - P j. a n i a \v k r k e A.-G. f. K oule- fa b h ik a tk (B.P. 393,103, 26.4.32).—Couples for very high temp, are formed of two graphite members one of which has been made from petrol coke or similar material which is easily converted into graphite, and the second from 0 black, wood charcoal, or other material not readily graphitised. The couple is made up by screwing one member in the form of a rod into the bottom of a hollow tube of the other member and insulating the rod from the tube at the upper end with A120 3 or Z r0 2.

a. r ; p . M eans for rem ovin g boiler scale and preventing the form ation thereof. H. A. Daum, Assr. to Ei.ecteo- Matic Scale Eliminator, Inc. (U.S.P. 1,877,389, 13.9.32. Appl., 14.3.30).—Electrolytic protection is provided, the anode being an insulated plug screwed in a sediment chamber below a H sO column connected to the boiler like a EUO-gauge; blowing down is effected past the plug. The cathode is the shell of the boiler.

B. M. Y.

A nti-freezing agen ts. He n k e l & Co. G .m .b .H , (B.P. 392,876, 16.2.32. Ger„ 26.3.32).—The addition to 1LO of the lower monoalkvl ethers of glvcerol is

claimed. ' B' M. Y.

H am m er crusher, G. \Y, Bo r t q n, Assr. to Pe n n­ s y l v a n i a Cr u s h e r Co. (U.S.P. 1,877,121, 13.9,32, A ppl, 20.1,30).—Methods of adjustably supporting a screen and subsidiary breaker plate are described.

B. M. V.

A pparatus for p u lverisin g m a teria ls. W. J. A.

Lo n d o n, Assr. t o Pea b o d y En g, Co r p. (U.S.P. 1 ,8 7 5 ,8 1 7 , 6.9.32. A p p l. 12.2.29).-—The rotor of an impact pulveriser rotates horizontally and the material from the hammers is conveyed by its momentum up a curved casing, back towards the centre of th e rotor, and above it, whence the fine material is. removed pneumatically and the coarse drops back for re-grinding, B. M, Y.

G rinding m ill. W. H. L ktz, Assr. to L e tz Ma n ijf g.- Co. (U.S.P. 1,875,743, 6.9.32. Appl., 3.2.30).—A method of supporting the discs of a disc grinder so th a t they will not fly out if broken is described. B. M. Y.

G rinding m ill. W . M. Hi l l, Assr. to J. D. Ca n a r y

(U.S.P. 1,876,416, 6.9.32. Appl., 28.8.28).—A no. of horizontally rotating discs are superposed and increase in diam. dow nw ards; the topmost one is a feeder, and the others carry hammers (w'hich are described in

detail). B. M. Y.

R otary pulp screen. T. O ’Co n n o r(U.S.P. 1,877,030, 13.9.32. Appl., 16.4.30).—The b ath surrounding the lower p art of a rotary drum screen is divided by longitud­

inal partitions, and oscillatory agitators are placed in each compartment, effecting squeezing of the pulp.

B .M . V.

Separation of m aterials. L. A. H a t c h , Assr. to M i n n e s o t a M i n i n « & M a n u k : . Co. (U.S.P. 1,877,861, 20.9.32. Appl., 2.12.27).—In a pneum atic elutriator the separating air current is substantially non-turbulent and the oversize m aterial falls down an inclined passage in the lower side of which are strong jets of air winch scrub the material and eventually become th e m ajor p art of the classifying current. The feed of original material is preferably also effected by a strong jet.

B .M . V.

Separating m aterials of different specific g rav­

ities [ e .g ., coal from refuse]. T. M. Ch a n c e (U.S.P, 1,876,533, 13.9.32. Appl., 24.9.27).—In an apparatus similar to th a t described in U.S.P. 1,854,107 (B., 1933, 180), excess I I 30 is wasted, carrying with it some fine c o a l; a t intervals the agitation in the sand-collecting sump is reduced by reducing the flow through it, causing the material to settle into three layers (sand, coal, and H 20), the middle one being removed through a special

port and valve. B. M. Y.

M aterial m ix in g , feeding, and m easu rin g appar­

a tu s. E . E. Ha r t o r (U.S.P. 1,875,450, 6.9.32. Appl., 8.12.30).—A rotary drum is provided with a scoop which keeps a small internal hopper (/I) full. An axial plunger passes through the lower p art of A ; it is operated by a cam on the drum with a variable stroke and discharges a measured quantity once each revo­

lution. B. M. V.

T hickening filters. J. B. Ye r n a y (B.P. 392,180, 7.9.31. Fr., 24.12.30. Addn. to B.P. 363,301 ; B., 1932, 212).—The filter elements described in the prior patent are provided with hollow, tapering, cylindrical fillers arranged to cause equal velocity of flow of filtrate

a t all depths. B. M. Y .

A pparatus for fractional distillation of c o m p o site liquids. H . T . Tin d a l l (U.S.P. 1,876,179, 6.9.32.

Appl., 23.5.30).—A rectification tower is provided with plates having uptakes and caps, b u t the downtakea completely drain the plates and thereby prevent bub­

bling. ' B. M. Y.

F ractionators. F. V. Ac k e r, Assr. to Pe t r o l e u m En g., In c. (U.S.P. 1,876,800,13,9.32. Appl., 31.3.30).—

In a bubbling plate, the upflows are elongated flanged slots covered by inverted trough caps the edges of which


B r i t i s h C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s — B .

Cl. I I . — Fu e l; Ga s; Ta k; Mi n e r a l Oi l s. 609

rest on other inverted channel members which are perforated and submerged in the liquid. B. M. V.

D istillation. W. 0 . Sn e l l in g (U.S.P. 1,878,007, 20.9.32. Appl., 28.9.28).—One liquid is distilled in the presence of another immiscible liquid of lower d and higher b.p. which fills substantially all the usual vapour

space in the still. B, M. V.

C rystallisation processes. W. J. Te n n a n t. From A./S. Kr y s t a l(B.P. 392,829, 28.10.32).—An evaporating chamber (E ) is situated a considerable height above the salting chamber (S), which is preferably open to the atm.

for convenience in working. A column of m etastable solution descends from E to S to a point below a perfor­

ated shelf, and rises through a bed of seed crystals.

The mother-liquor with fresh liquor is pumped through a heater a t a comparatively low level back to E, which is

under vac. B. M. Y.

Apparatus for producing em u lsion s and the lik e. S.D . Ol s e nand W. Kin g(B.P. 392,430,11.10.32).

—A small pump fitting on to a milk bottle or similar vessel and having restrictions in the outlet is described.

B. M. V.

T reatm ent of deep w e lls. J. J . G r e b e and R. T.

Sanford, Assrs. to D ow Ciiem. Co. (U.S.P. 1,877,504, 13.9.32. Appl., 30.6.32).—When the bearing strata comprise limestone or other sol. formation, the yield of such wells m ay be increased by sending down dil.

HC1 preferably containing an inhibitor. The process is applicable to wells producing oil, brine, etc. B. M. V.

Perform ance of chem ical reactions under p res­

sure, b y m ean s of highly-heated g a s e s . Metallges. A.-G. (B.P. 392,427, 7.10.32. Ger., 17.12.31).—A superheater for gases th a t are to be used for reactions under a pressure of 3—200 atm . is heated by combustion of gases th a t have previously been compressed to about the same high pressure, the energy of the gases after combustion being recovered in a gas turbine.

B. M. V.

Apparatus for carrying out exotherm ic hydrogenation reactions under pressure. J . Y.

Jo h n so n. Prom I . G. Fa u b e n in d. A.-G. (B.P. 392,688, 22.2.32).—The reaction mixture after the hydrogenation has started, b u t before it is completed, is cooled by indirect contact with H 20 under pressure, the temp.

O 300°) being regulated bv the am ount of H 20 supplied.

B. M. V.

G as-cleaning and heat-transfer apparatus. G. H.

H o r n e and M. A. L is s m a n , Assrs. to I n t e r n a t . P r e c i p i t ­ a t i o n Co. (U.S.P. 1,875,341, 6.9.32. Appl., 28.7.31).—

A no. of cyclone separators are placed in a casing through which another fluid m ay be passed. B. M. V.

G as-w ashing apparatus. No r t h Me t r o p o l it a n El e c t r ic Po w e r Su p p l y Co., and G. T. T. Rh e a m

(B.P. 392,475, 14.12.32).—A device for the irrigation of vertical plates in a uniform manner is described.

B. M. V.

Centrifugal liquid and g a s separator. A. L.

W i l s o n and S. H. H ü l s e , Assrs. to S t a n d a r d O i l D e v e l o p m e n t Co. (U.S.P. 1,878,052, 20.9.32. Appl., 2.2.31).—The gas is caused to whirl in a chamber with perforated walls through which the liquid does and the bulk of the gas does not pass. B. M. V.

C entrifugal m achine for g a s separation. Separ­

ation of g a ses b y centrifugal m ea n s. O. Po t t h o f f

and C. Mi c h e l s (B.P. 392,319 and 392,699, 7.3.32).—

Centrifuges for the separation of the constituents of air in the already diffused gaseous state are described.

B. M. V.

Air separator. W . A. Gib s o n, Assr. to Br a d l e y Pu l v e r iz e r C o. (U .S .P . 1,876,911, 13.9.32. A p p l., 23.10.30).—A separator of the type in which fine material is lifted out of the centrifugally spread feed is described.

B. M. V.

G as and liquid contact apparatus. F. W . Sperr, j u n . , Assr. to K o p p e r s C o. o f D e l a w a r e (U.S.P.

1,873,064, 23.8.32. Appl., 3.3.30).—In a tower having two sections of hurdles or other filling with a spraying zone between, the sprays and their supporting pipes are inserted through the upper filling and are removable.

B. M. V.

A bsorption bulb for com bustion a n a ly sis. W. D.

Tu r n e r (U .S .P . 1,877,151, 13.9.32. Appl., 15.5.30).—

A flask is provided with a tube extending from the bottom to the upper part of the wall, but not projecting, and opposite to th a t point with a recess. A ground cap acts both as closure and cock, as it has side tubes which may or may n o t coincide with the internal tube and

recess. B. M. Y.

G as flue or vent. J. A. St a d t f e l d, Assr. to Pl a n t Ru b b e r & As b e s t o s Wo r k s, In c. (U .S .P . 1,876,357, 6.9.32. Appl., 8.8.28).—A sheet or strip of asbestos is impregnated with an alkali silicate and metallic com­

pounds (e.g., N a2Si03, ZnO, and PbC03) and formed into a tube, which is dried and baked, dipped into CaCl2,aq., and baked again. B. M. Y.

B rake-lining com position. O. H. Gib s o n (U.S.P.

1,876,910, 13.9.32. Appl., 14.10.29).—The dressing is composed of maize oil 85, kerosene 10, neatsfoot oil 5%,

mixed w ithout heat. B. M. Y.

Fluid com p osition s for fluid p ressure sy ste m s [e .g ., hydraulic brakes]. H. La n g w e l l, J. E.

Yo u e l l, and Br i t. In d u s t r ia l So l v e n t s, Lt d. ( B .P . 393,591, 4.12.31. Cf. B.P. 285,144 ; B., 1928, 292).—

A mixture consisting of hydracetylacetone (40—(50%), castor oil, and, if desired, 0-05—0-5% of NaOH or

KOH is claimed. S. H. M.

Balance w eigh t. W . O. Sn e l l in g(U.S.P. 1,878,009»

20.9.32. Appl., 29.10.28).;—A precision wt. is formed of an outer covering of inert material, e.g., synthetic resin, filled with a heavy m etal to give the same average

d as brass. B. M. Y.

C om b atin g fir e s.— See II. Insulating products.

—See IX . M easuring con cn s., colours, etc.—See X I.

D rying grain.—See X V n i.


C lassification of co a ls, u sin g specific volatile in d ex. E. J. Bu r r o c g h, E. Sw a r t z.m an, and R. A . Str o n g (Canada Dept. Mines, Invest. Fuels, 1930—1, No. 725, 36—50).—Coals arc classified on the basis of the sp. volatile index ( S .V .I.) which is expressed (on the dry ash-free basis throughout) by : {(B.Th.U. in coal — (14,500 X wt. of fixed C)}/% volatile m atter.

The S.V.I. corresponds to the heat val. per 1% of vol.


B r i t i t h C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s — B .

6 1 0 Cl. I I . — Fu e l ; Ga s ; Ta k ; Mi n e r a l Oi l s.

m atter in the coal. The coals are divided into three groups, which m ay be further subdivided into non­

coking, low-rank coals (volatile m atter 35—75%, S.V.I. 50—160), coking, bituminous coals (14—45%, 160—230), and non-coking, high-rank coals (3—16%, 230—290), these figures being on a “ unit coal basis.”

It is claimed th a t the classification, in conjunction with laboratory determinations of volatile m atter and calorific vals., predicts the behaviour of the coal in the by-product oven, or its suitability for blending. H. E. B.

Form ation and chem ical structure of bright brow n coals. III. H. St a c h (Brennstoff-Chem., 1933, 14 , 201—207; cf. B„ 1931, 372; Braunkohle, 1932, 31, 912).—The humic acid, humin, and residual coal fractions of soft brown coals and pitch (bright) brown coals resemble each other closely in ultim ate composition and in chemical constitution (as shown, e.g., by the Me content of the m ethylated material). I t is concluded th a t the transform ation of humic acids into humins and residual coal has n o t occurred as a result of anhydride (lactone, ether, or acid anhydride) formation or of decarboxylation, but is the result of a colloid-chemical ageing process in the humic acid gel. The acid character of the humic acids is retained during this transformation although their solubility in alkalis is diminished or lost.

A new nomenclature is suggested, in which the brown- coal humic acids easily sol. in cold alkali, the humins sol. only in hot alkali, and the residual coal insol. in alkali in the absence of 0 2 are named, respectively, 6-, and y-hmnic acids. The mechanism of the formation of pitch brown coal is discussed ; the trans­

formation of soft brown coals into pitch brown coals is not a result of higher temp, b u t is caused by pressure on the swollen humic acid gel. A. B. M.

D eterm ination of w ater in geo lo g ica lly young coals b y m ea n s of an inert g a s stream . F. Eck

(Gas- u. Wasserfach, 1933, 76, 477—478).—A purified stream of C 02 is passed over the coal sample contained in tubes placed in an A1 block heated a t 100—105° by a micro-burner. The H 20 is adsorbed in a CaCl2 U-tube and determined by w t. For lignite, peat, etc. two of such tubes should be employed. R. N. B.

Solvent extraction as a m ethod of detecting the oxidation o f coal. J. Me n d e l s o h n (J. C liem . M e t.

Soc. S. Africa, 1933, 33, 285—289).—A comparison of the proximate and ultim ate analyses, the yields and analyses of fractions obtained by extraction with C0H6 and subsequent separation of the extract by Bone’s method (B., 1924, 584), of a W itbank (S. Africa) coal which was transported to England in a sealed tin, with corresponding data for samples of coal from the same source transported in wooden boxes (cf. B., 1930, 445), has shown th a t some, if not all, of the la tte r had been p artly oxidised during transit. A. B. M.

R elation betw een caking pow er and w eathering o f coals. II. O xidation of Chikuho coals by reagent. S. Iki (J, Soc. Chern. Ind., Japan, 1933, 36, 296 r t ; cf. B., 1933, 450).—Similarity of the results obtained by treating coal with 20% H N 03 a t room temp, for 24 hr. and by air-oxidation indicates the suit­

ability of H N 03 as a reagent for the weathering test.

V. P. P.

Clinker form ation as related to fu sib ility of coal ash . P. Nic iio l l s and W. A. Se l v ig (U.S. Bur. Mines Bull., 1932, N o . 364, 71 pp.).The composition, distribu­

tion, and fusibility of the ash have been determined for 21 American coals. The ash contents varied from 5• 3 to 18-5%, and the softening points (A.S.T.M. standard gas-furnace method) from 1130° to 1610°. The ash contents of the portions floating in a liquid of d 1 ■ 35 varied from 2 to 4-5% , and those of the sink portions from 16 to 35-9% . The float ashes were, in general, more fusible than the sink ashes, the fusibility of which was nearer th a t of the ashes of the original coals. The sink ashes had a higher Fe content and, with one excep­

tion,a lower Al20 3content than the float ashes. Ingeneral, the softening points were higher the greater was the ratio (A120 3 + S i 0 2): (Fe20 3 + CaO + MgO + N a 20 + K 20), although no close correlation between these vals. was observed. A study has been made of clinker formation from these coals in an experimental furnace. When the

% of clinker > 2 in. in size is plotted against softening temp, a general relationship between these quantities is evident, yet m any of the points lie off the main curve.

Coals having ashes the fusion temp, of which are a t the high or low end of the softening-temp. scale conform to the average more closely than d o those in the centre having softening temp, of 1300— 1400°. N o better correlation was observed when other quantities were used instead of softening temp., e.g., fluid tem p, of ash, difference between max. fuel-bed temp, and softening temp. The clinker formed depends not only on the softening temp, of the ash, therefore, b u t on other factors as well, e.g., size of coal, its coking characteristics, the proportion of ash which is segregated in lumps, and the method of burning. The influence of such factors is

discussed. A. B. M.

Calculating the calorific value of a fuel from its ultim ate a n a ly sis. E. S. Grumell and I. A. Davies

(Fuel, 1933, 12, 199—203).—The Dulong formula when applied to a series of 260 analyses of British coals gave excellent agreement between calc, and observed calorific vals. for coals up to 86% C ; above this it tended to give increasingly greater divergences, all positive.

Although not so accurate over the range 78—86% G, the Vondracek formula gave a better average agreement over the whole range studied (78—

93% C). A modified formula which gave satisfactory results over the whole range has been derived, viz., q, = (3 • 635H + 235-9) {0/3 + H — (0 — S)/8}.

The formula is of val. in checking the results of deter­

minations in the bomb calorimeter. Complete agree­

ment between determined and calc. vals. cannot be expected as long as the ordinary methods of analysis are subject to rather wide limits of error. A. B. M.

Coke form ation. III. S w ellin g o f sin g le p articles.

R. A. Mo t t (Fuel, 1933, 12, 185—194; cf. B., 1928, 916).—The bright portions (vitrain and clarain), and in some cases the durain also, of 32 British coals have been heated, in the form of 1-in. cubes, to 600° a t a rate of either 1° or 5° per min., and the am ount of swelling has been measured. For bright coals of H content > 4 • 85%

the to tal swelling increased with increasing C content.

This relationship held for both rates of heating, the


B r i t i s h C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s — B .

Cl. I I .— Fu e l; Ga s; T a k; Mix e r a l O ttsj G il

swelling being ahvays greater for the faster rate. For bright coals of H content < 4-85% and of high C content the Swelling power was reduced to a level found with coals of H ]> 4-85% and C 83—80%. Other things being equal, a high H content promoted swelling.

Swelling was a max. with coals of 0 87—88% and H ]> 5-0% . In genera], the swelling in the plane a t right angles to the bedding plane was ]> th a t in the plane parallel to the bedding. The results are discussed briefly in relation to the theory of the coking process.

A. B. M.

Pulverised fuel—the “ grid ” burner. T. F.

Hu r l e y (Dept. Sci. Ind. lies.; Fuel Res., Tech. Paper, 1933, No. 36, 21 pp.).—A burner, flexible as regards variation of load and type of coal used, and suitable for operation with a Lancashire boiler, fixed with powdered coal containing <t 20% of volatile m atter, is described (cf. B.P. 350,581). ' C. E. M.

Influence of operating conditions on coke-oven by-products. H. Ohno (J. Fuel Soc. Japan, 1933, 12, 53—56).—The yield of (NH4)2S 0 4 was low when the coking temp, was high, the free-space vol. large, and the suction of gas in the coke chamber poor, and in­

creased with the N content of the coal used. High temp, in the. free space gave large am ounts of light oil.

The ta r yield varies approx. directly with the volatile coûtent, is independent of the moisture, and is raised with good suction in the chamber. High coking temp.

and large free spaces caused decomp, of tar. C. E. M.

C hem ical in v estig a tio n s of bam boo. X . A d­

sorption from aqueous solu tion s b y bam boo charcoal. S. Og u r i (J. Soc. Chem. Ind., Japan, 1 933, 36, 150151b; cf. B., 1 93 3 , 4 5 9 ).—The adsorptive power of bamboo charcoal towards solutions of I, H2C20.,, and AcOH is th a t of wood charcoals used

for comparison. J . S. A.

Increasing the g a s yield [from coal carbonisa­

tion]. K. Ba u m (Gas- u. AVasserfach, 1933, 76, 397—

404).—The various proposed modifications of the methods of increasing the gas yields from retorts by steaming the charge and/or cracking the ta r are critically

discussed. A. B . M.

G asification of sch u n gite. B. Kl im o v, V. La n i n, aud N. Pu g a t s c h e v (J. Appl. Chem. Russ., 1933, 6, 31—35).—Schungite (I) from the vicinity of Leningrad, containing H aO 2-32, ash 35-81, C 54-16, II 0-76, N 0-56, S 1-58, and O 4-81% , yields on heating a t

< 1100° with a lim ited air supply 2300—2800 litres of gas per kg. ; the gas contains C 02 1-2, CO 31 - 7, CH4 0-8, H 2 1-2, and N 2 65%. (I) can also be used for

manufacture of water-gas. R. T.

M anufacture o f hydrogen from w a ste g a s in the hydrogenation of coal. Y. Ta k e n a k a (J. Fuel Soc.

Japan, 1933,12,57—61).—The effect of various catalysts, made from a mixture of Ni with metallic oxides and alkalis, on the reaction CH4 -f- 2H 20 = C 02 + 4HgO has been investigated ; T h 0 2 and A120 3 give a large yield of C 02, whilst the best results a t temp. <[ 750° were obtained w ith Ni-Al20 3- K 2C03. Excess of steam and removal of C 02 gave H 2 of > 90% purity.

C. E. M.

Purification of illu m in atin g g a s b y rem oval of benzol w ith active charcoal. A. E n g e lh a k d t and H. Rü p in g(Gas- u. AVasserfach, 1933,76, 478—484).

—The active-charcoal (A) and wash-oil (Z?) methods of benzol removal are compared. A plant for treating daily 50,000 cu. m. of gas containing 37-5 g. of benzol per cu. m. by methods A and B gave an exit gas con­

taining, respectively, H 2S nil, 0-002; org. S 0-178, 0-288; HCN 0-108, 0-201; C jH j, nil, 0-041 ; and benzol 0-1, 13-3 g./cu. m. Thus A is more efficient in removing benzol as well as those impurities which cause corrosion anil meter troubles. Process A also removes more gum-forming, unsaturated hydrocarbons, e.g., CT/ciopentadiene, styrene, and indene. A plant (method A) for stripping 2-1 X 10° cu. m. per day of mixed horizontal and coke-oven gas is described.

Analyses of the inlet and outlet gases and of the recovered

benzol are given. R. N. B.

Prevention of naphthalene d ep osits in gas conduits. AV. von Pio t r o w s k i and J. Wi n k l e r

(Brennstoff-Chem., 1933, 14, 208—209).—By the oxida­

tion of petroleum fractions with air, either in the liquid phase or in the vapour phase in the presence of a catalyst (porous pot impregnated with NH 4 molybdate and activated with Cu phenoxide), liquid products having a high solvent power for C10Hg have been prepared. They are superior to tetralin for the prevention of c 10h 8

deposits in gas conduits. A. B. M.

F orm ation of asphaltic bitum en from proteins.

F. J . N e l l e n s t e y n and D. T h o e n e s (Chem. Weekblad, 1933, 30 , 359).—20 g. of gelatin and 20 g. of casein were mixed w ith 20 g. of CaC03 and 3 g. of MgC03 and heated in a H 2 atm . a t 240° for 10 hr., under an initial pressure of 33 atm . A CS2 extract of the product gave, after evaporation, a brownish-black plastic substance of d 1 -02, drop point (Ubbelohde) 13-8°, break­

ing point (Fraas) —33-8°, closely resembling natural bitumen. T h e colloidal solution in CS2 exhibited Brown­

ian movement, and the particles were flocculated by

E taO. H. F. G.

Standardisation of b itum en em u lsio n s. E m u l­

sio n s w ith solid em u lsifyin g agen ts. E. St e in ix z

(Petroleum, 1933,29, No. 21, 6—8).—Methods of testing emulsions made with liquid emulsifying agents, e.g., soap solutions, are not suitable for the newer types of emulsion having solid emulsifying agents, e.g., oxidation products of brown coal or brown-coal pitch.

Modified methods of examination are suggested.

A. B. M.

A ustrian petroleu m s. H. Su ib a and H. Po l l

(Petroleum, 1933, 29, No. 22, 9— 10).—The properties of three crude oils (Gosting, Baumgarten, and Urmansau)

are tabulated. A. B. M.

1 : 1-D im ethylcyc/opentane and {3-methylhexane in m idcontinent p etroleu m . J. H. Br u u n and M. M.

H icks-B ruun (Bur. Stand. J. Res., 1933, 10 , 465— 473).

— fj-Methylhexane, b.p. 89-67°, f.p. —118-9°, n” 1-3850, is isolated from the fraction, b.p. 90—91°, by crystallis­

ation from CH4-C3H 8 (at about —70°?). The existence of a well-defined fraction, b.p. 87-5°, 1-4122, f.p.

—76-4°, mol. wt. 102 ± 4, free from C6H6, indicates the presence of 1 : l-dimethylcycfopentane also. H. A. P.

a 3


B r i t i s h C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s — B .

6 1 2 C l . I I . — F u e l ; G a s ; T a r ; M i n e r a l O i l s .

W eathering of crude naphtha in T urner Valley.

P. V. Ro s e w a r n e and W. P. Ca m p b e l l (Canada Dept.

Mines, Invest. Fuels, 1930—1, No. 725, 100— 111).—The reduction of vol. by weathering naphthas was of the order of 12% by direct measurement and agreed with th a t calc, from analyses (Podbielniak method) of the naphtha before and after weathering to a v.p. of 10 lb./

sq. in. a t 38°. The weathering losses for other crude condensates (unweathered naphthas) reached a max. of 35%. I t is estimated th at, if all hydrocarbons of b.p. >

the b.p. of pentane could be recovered, e.g., by increased efficiency of stabilising equipment, an increased output of 2—4% of the production could be obtained.

II. E. B.

Cracking of Em ba p etroleu m , G rosny paraffin, and ceresin. N. D. Ze l i n s k i and M . E. Mic h l in a

(J. Appl. Chem. Russ., 1933, 6, 16—19).—Emba petroleum yields on cracldng in the presence of A1C13

•18% of benzine, consisting of low-b.p. saturated aliphatic (I) and aromatic (II) hydrocarbons. Under similar conditions, Grosny paraffin yields 25% of asphaltic residue, 20% of gaseous products, and 55% of benzine, containing about 3% of (II), whilst ceresin gives 65%

of distillate, of which 30% had b.p. 100° and consisted of (I), with 2% of (II), 12% boiling a t 100— 150°, and 10% a t 150—200°, containing chiefly cyclic hydro­

carbons. Ceresin containing 3-9% of S yielded S-frce

products. ’ R.*T.

T h erm al p olym erisation of gaseou s olefines to liquid hydrocarbons. I. Z. Iv a n o v (J. Appl. Chem.

Russ., 1933, 6, 103—111).—The “ C2H 4 co ncentrate”

obtained in the process of cracking of mineral oil under­

goes condensation on passage through a S i0 2 tube a t 550—580°/i atm ., yielding liquid products, b.p. 20—

100°, consisting chiefly of define hydrocarbons and CjH^; the content of the la tter rises a t the expense of the former with higher temp. In the presence of ZnCl2, and a t 320—360°/30—70 atm ., a max. yield of low-b.p.

products is obtained (about 10 g. per 100 litres of gas), consisting of paraffin, olefine (> 3 0 % ), aromatic, and naphthene hydrocarbons. The proportion of products of b.p. ]> 200° increases with duration of exposure.

R. T.

Cracking of g a s oil in the liquid phase under atm osp h eric p ressure in the presence of catalysts.

V. Iv a n y s s (Petroleum, 1933,29, No. 20, 1—5 ; No. 21, 1—6).—A gas oil was distilled in the presence of 5—10%

of various catalysts. With metals, e.g., Fe, Sn, Al, or Ni, and w ith some chlorides, e.g., CaCl2, MgCl2, ZnCl2, or FeCl3, the vol. of distillate obtained up to about 300°

was > , and th at obtained above this temp. < [, th a t obtained without a catalyst. Oxides, e.g., F e20 3, CaO, kieselguhr, etc, were less effective as catalysts. W ith Na a tarry residue was formed. A1C13 had the most marked effect as catalyst, giving a considerably larger vol. of distillate a t lower temp, than was obtained with no catalyst. NaOH, Na2C03, graphite, and active C had little effect, as catalysts. When the oil was refluxed with the catalyst for some time before distillation the yield of lower-boiling products was decreased; the max.

yield of such products was obtained when the temp, was raised slowly and the cracked products were removed as they were formed. The yields of low-boiling products

with AlClg as catalyst were > those obtained by pressure distillation ; the products were H 20-white and needed no further refiuing. The residue was a porous coke, or, if the process was stopped after 3 hr,, was still liquid ; in the latter case the yield of benzine was 50%. A. B. M.

Oxidation m ech an ism of m in eral o ils. V. P er­

oxide form ation in the oxidation of refined m ineral oil. T. Ya m a h a (J. Soc. Chem. Ind., Japan, 1933, 36, 277—279b ; cf. B., 1932, 666).-—Determination of per­

oxide formed in “ technical white oil,” heated a t 120°

for different periods, by (1) Wheeler’s method (a 3 : 2 m ixture of glacial AcOH and CIIC13, with K I), (2) using E tO H in place of the AcOH, showed th a t the peroxide val. reaches a max. before the Ac val., indicating that oxidation is a peroxidation rather than a hydroxyiation.

In Wheeler’s solvent the peroxide val. increased with time, but a const, val. was obtained after 4—5 hr., using E tO II instead of AcOH. Sap. val. increased w ith time of oxidation. 0 2 absorption of oxidised oil and of un­

oxidised oil containing 20% of oxidised oil is the more rapid the higher is the peroxide concn. V. P. P.

R efining of a B urm ah crude oil w ith special regard to th e colour-reversion ch aracteristics of the lubricating o il d istilla tes. A. R. Bo w e n (J. Inst.

Petroleum Tech., 1933, 19, 364—375).—Distillation on Indaw topped crude oil with an excess of steam yielded oils of considerable stability as regards colour, even if the unrefined state, but when the quantity of H 20 is reduced distillates are obtained which exhibit colour- reversion tendencies. A dark reverted oil is bleached by ultra-violet light, but after prolonged exposure the oil reverted again in colour, presumably by oxidation.

Extraction with certain solvents concentrates most of the colour-reverting substances (-4) in the H-poor extract of a lubricating oil distillate. Asphaltic and resinous constituents of a crude oil also contribute to the content of A in a distillate. The presence of small quantities of NaOH or suitable refining earth in the still or vapours gives greater colour-stabilitv to the distillates.

H. S. G.

A nalytical steam -d istillation for m easu rin g the volatility range of lubricating o ils and other high - b oilin g petroleum fractions. R. N. J . Sa a land C. G.

Ve r v e r (J. Inst. Petroleum Tech., 1933, 19, 336—354).

—A new apparatus and method for conducting a steam distillation a t a const, temp. (320—350°) is described, in which th e proportion of H 20 to oil in the distillate is employed as a measure of volatility. By plotting the

y o1 .-% of oil in the distillate fractions against the vol.-0 ó of the original charge which has distilled over to the points where the cuts are made, a stepped curve may be obtained from which, by connecting the mid-points of the fraction percentages, an approximation to the true volatility curve may be obtained. Various applications of the method are described. H. S. G.

H ydrocarbon com bustion in an engine. A.

Eg e r t o n and F. L. Sm it h (Nature, 1933, 131, 725).—

Peroxides are formed during a knocking type of explosion;

the amount of peroxide appears to be connected with knocking, Tl, which is a more powerful antiknock than Pb, when adm itted to the engine cylinder as vapour is effective oqlv when previously oxidised. L, S. T.


B r i ti s h C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s — B .

Cl. I I . — Fu e l ; Gas ; Ta r ; Min e r a l Oi l s.

Theory of fuel knock. S. Stbelf. (Nature, 1933,131, 724—725).—Evidence is advanced supporting the view that fuel knock is due to the rate of reaction between free H , formed from the fuel and 0 2 reaching a high

order of magnitude. L. S. T.

Ozokerite and paraffin : properties, structure, and behaviour tow ards volatile solven ts. L.

Iv a n o vszk y (Erdol u. Teer, 1932, 8 , 4 7 7 — 478 ; Chem.

Zentr., 1933, i, 3 5 0 ).—When heated with varnish benzine (5 % ), paraffin gives a clear solution, whilst the ozokerite is alm ost completely pptd. The “ retention

val.” is defined. A. A. E.

H um in su b stan ces. IV. H um ification of paraffin. N. A. Or l o v and V. V. Tis c h t s c h e n k o

(J. Appl. Chem. Russ., 1933, 6, 112—119).—Air is passed through melted paraffin, m.p. 57°, a t 120— 150°, in the presence of V20 5 and Na2C03. The liquid darkens after 3—4 days, and assumes a semi-solid consistency after 33 days, after which it is heated for a further 17 days in an open vessel: The loss of wt. amounts to 72% over the whole period, and the C and H contents fall from 85 to 62%, and 14-8 to 1'5%, respectively. The product is a black, humin­

like substance, insol. in benzine, and p artly sol. in nq. NaOH, yielding on oxidation with K M n04 chiefly BzOH C6H |(C 0 2H ) i and C6H3(C02H)3, with a small quantity of E tC 0 2H. The OH-group content is shown by methylation to be the same as for peat humic acid.

R. T.

Suspended-level v isco sim e ter.—See I. C rystall­

isation of (NH4)2S 0 4.—See VII. Coke-oven g a s and the Fe in d u stry.—See X. C om bustion of H 2 in the g a s cell.—See X I. T ar-d istillate sp ra y s.—

See XVI. B actericides from petroleum . C10H8 as fum igant. See X X I 11.

Pa t e n t s.

Coke oven s. R. W. Ja m e s. From Se m e t- So l v a y En g. Co r p. (B.P. 392,672, 5.2.32).—The heating walls of a coke-oven battery have vertical combustion flues arranged in a no. of groups, e.g., four, of consecutive flues, the flues of each group being concurrently operable for flow in the same direction. The regenerators are arranged below the coking chambers and each cross­

wise extending regenerator is divided to provide 8 regenerator section for each group of flues. Each section supplies preheated gas or air to, or is traversed by the products of combustion from, corresponding groups of flues in two adjacent heating walk. Alternate regenerator sections of each regenerator are connected to a chimney flue on the one side and the others to a similar flue on the other side of the battery. A. B. M.

Coking apparatus. F. Pukning (B.P. 392,751, 16.6.32. U.S., 21.6.31. Addn. to B.P. 362,522 ; B., 1932, 170).—The heating walls (A) and coking chambers (B) are surrounded by an enclosure so as to form a very compact structure. The walls of the enclosure are hollow and are heated by the circulation of hot gases therethrough ; the side walls act as lateral bound­

aries of B. The additional space required to perm it the necessary movement of A which facilitates the discharge of the coke is occupied during the coking

operation by a “ displacement body ” ; this reduces the free space to a min. and diminishes the vol. of distillation gases lost during discharge. A. B. M.

D estructive hydrogenation of carbonaceous m aterials. H . B. So m e r s e t, R. Ho l r o y d, and Im p e r­ i a l Ch e m. In d u s t r ie s, Lt d. (B.P. 392,559, 17.11.31).—

Suspensions or pastes of lignite or coal are destructively hydrogenated, e.g., a t 400—500°/250 atm ., in the presence of a small am ount, e.g., 0-1% , of a catalyst consisting of a mixture of an org. compound of Sn with a compound of C u and/or Fe. A preferred catalyst contains equal wts. of Sn02O4, C u oxalate, and F e20 3. A. B. M.

Gas producer. J . v a n Ac k e r e n, Assr. to Ko p p e r s

Co. o r De l a w a r e (U.S.P. 1,876,801, 13.9.32. Appl., 20.8.29).—The grate of a gas producer is surrounded by an annular, H 20-cooled ash-pan, the whole rotating together and the pan being provided with fixed scoops

to lift out the ash. B. M. V.

Production of carburetted w a ter -g a s. H. M.

Ko f p (U.S.P. 1,876,965, 13.9.32. Appl., 21.2.30).—

In a generator for the purpose, provision is made for spraying ta r into the down-run steam. B. M. V.

Production of com b u stib le g a se s from car­

bonaceous m a teria ls. W. C. Ho l m e s & C o ., Lt d., C. Co o p e r, and D. M. He n s h a w (B.P. 392,553, 17.11.31).

—Coal or coke is brought in contact w ith H aO vapour in known manner, e.g., in a water-gas generator or in vertical retorts, a t a temp, high enough to bring about reaction, the H 20 vapour being obtained only by the evaporation of ammoniacal liquor with indirect heating, e.g., in a boiler heated by steam coils or tubes. The liquor is preferably first freed wholly or in p a rt from its NHg by steam distillation. A. B. M.

G as purification. Ko p p e r s Co. o f De l a w a r e, Assees. of G. A. Br a g g, D . L. Ja c o b so n, and P. J . Wil s o n, j u n. (B.P. 392,544,16.11.31. U.S., 16.12.30).—

Gas is purified from H 2S, HCN, and other acidic im ­ purities by treatm ent with an alkaline liquid containing a catalyst or m etal compound in solution and/or in suspension, e.g., a solution of a complex Na thioarsenate ; prior to such treatm ent p art of the gas is freed from NHg and then is remixed w ith the remainder, the final N H j content being thereby so adjusted as to m aintain the optimum p a in the purifying solution. A. B. M.

R egeneration of solu tion s used in the purification of hydrocarbon g a s. H. J. Nic h o l s, j u n., and C. R.

Wi s e, Assrs. to St a n d a r d Oi l De v e l o p m e n t Co.

(U.S.P. 1,869,435, 2.8.32. Appl., 1.7.27).—Liquor con­

taining alkali carbonate and Fe(0H )3 which has been used to free gases from I I 2S is regenerated by being passed down a tower (A ) countercurrent to a stream of air ; A has horizontal partitions each of which supports a definite layer of liquor and which are provided with bell caps or other means of distributing the air through the liquid layer. Means are provided for withdrawing the S-containing foam from the surfaces of the liquid layers. The liquor leaving A passes to a tank where it is again aerated, with the production of foam which is

removed from the surface. A. B. M.

R ecovery of lig h t o ils, m otor fuel, and the like [from fuel g a s]. C. J. Ra m s b u r o, Assr. to Ko p p e r s

a -t


B r i t i s h C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t • — B .

6 1 4 C l , XI.— F u e l ; G a s ; T a r ; M i n e r a l O i l s .

Co. (U.S.P. 1,872,808, 23.8.32. Appl., 24.12.26).—

Aromatic hydrocarbons, e.g., CcIIG, are removed from coal or other fuel gas by scrubbing with petroleum oil.

The latter is then (a) freed from light aromatic hydro­

carbons (A) by steam-distillation and cracked, the washed products of steam-distillation and cracking being mixed ; or (b) cracked w ithout first removing A.

D. K. M.

R oad-m aking o ils or bitum inous road-m aking m aterials. P. Al e x a n d r o f f (B.P. 392,645, 22.12.31).

—Iligh-boiling fractions or residues obtained by the distillation of commercial creosotes or by extracting soft coal-tar pitch with CBH6 are added to asphaltic bitu­

mens to increase their property of preferential wetting of road aggregates in the presence of H 20 . A. B. M.

T reatm ent of a m m o n ia -still w aste [for recovery of phenols therefrom ]. \V. D. Pa t t o n, Assr. to No r t h Sh o r e Co k e & Ch e m. Co. ( U .S .P . 1,873,629, 23.8.32. Appl., 17.2.30).—The waste liquor, preferably made slightly acid by treatm ent with dil. HC1 or waste gases containing C 02, is passed over activated C and the latter is subsequently heated to drive oil the adsorbed phenols. In one form of the apparatus the activated C is packed into the annular space between two metal cylinders. When the C is saturated the excess liquor is drained from the chamber and hot gases are circulated through the inner cylinder and through a jacket sur­

rounding the outer cylinder, the vaporised phenols being conveyed to a condenser. To sweep out the residual phenols in the later stages of the vaporising process part of the hot gases m ay be passed directly through the

activated C. A. B. M.

R etort for m ineral o ils. J. L. Ta y l o r and J. F.

Ta m e (U.S.P. 1,876,7S9, 13.9.32. Appl., 6.3.29).—A rotating cylinder, heated internally by electric currents, dips in the o il; scrapers are provided for removal of residue, including C, and an enclosing casing serves to

remove volatile m atter. B. M. V.

C arrying out chem ical reactions [in oil cracking].

J. R. Sc h o n b e r g, Assr. to St a n d a r d Oi l De v e l o p m e n t

C’o. ( U .S .P . 1,877,060, 13.9.32. Appl., 22.10.26).—Oil is cracked in the presence of a continuously circulating gas in a Vessel which is highly heated by a jacket of

molten salt or metal. B. M. V.

T herm al decom position of hydrocarbons. N . V . d e Ba t a a f s c h e Pe t r o l e u m Ma a t s., Assees. of [a] F. M . Pv z e l and [b] A. E. La c o m b le ( B .P . 392,643— 1, 19.12.31. U.S., 14.7.31).—(a) A chamber (.4) filled with refractory material is heated by a downward- flowing current of combustion gases from burners arranged around the top of A ; gaseous hydrocarbons, e.g., natural gas, are then passed in an upward direction through A , wherein they are decomposed with the production of a heating gas suitable for metal-cutting, welding, etc. After each step in the cycle A m ay be

urged by a current of N2 or steam, (b) During the eating of A p a rt of the combustion gases are re­

circulated therethrough. This perm its regulation of the temp, in A w ithout requiring the admission of excess air for this purpose, and thereby lowers the CO content of the gas produced in the succeeding step of the

process. A. B. M.

T reating crude o il. S. P. Co l e m a n, Assr. to St a n d a r d Oi l De v e l o p m e n t Co. (U.S.P. 1,877,811, 20.9.32. Appl., 19.4.28).—A system of rectifiers is operated to produce a distillate of C4H 10 w ithout crack­

ing, a t 25—250 lb./sq. in. and 123— 192°, the residue being redistilled under atm . pressure. B. M. V.

M otor-fuel process. J. J . La w t o n, Assr. to Se m e t- So l v a y Co. (U.S.P. 1,878,932, 20.9.32. Appl., 24.10.28).—Crude coke-oven light oil is slowly distilled and the first 10—15 vol.-%, containing low-boiling constituents undesirable in motor fuel, are separately collected. Distillation is continued until small quan­

tities of PhMe occur in th e distillate, and a fraction amounting to 40—50% of the charge and containing 2% of PhMe, suitable for use as a motor fuel without further purification, is obtained. F urther distillation yields a separate PhMe fraction which m ay be combined with the low-b.p. fraction initially produced.

H . S. G.

Cracking hydrocarbon o ils. P. Gu ic iia r d (B.P.

392,358, 12.5.32. Fr., 5.10.31).—Each of the reaction vessels of a cracking apparatus is connected to a source of cleaning fluid under pressure by a distributor which m ay be actuated by hand or autom atically when a blockage occurs and after the vessel has been p u t out of the reaction circuit. H , S. G .

T reatm en t of hydrocarbons. R . P. Ru s s e l l, Assr.

to St a n d a r d- I . G. Co. (U.S.P. 1,872,011, 16.8.32.

Appl., 2.7.28).— In a process for the destructive hydrogen-, ation of hydrocarbon oils a t 376—5 2 1 °/> 50 atm ., the reaction gas is separated from the liquid product and scrubbed with feed oil under pressure a t < 37-7°, whereby a large portion of the hydrocarbon constituents of the gas are dissolved and a gas rich in H 2 is obtained.

The feed oil is subsequently heated and the pressure released, whereby the dissolved gas rich in hydrocarbons is expelled and discarded, and the oil and undissolved gas rich in H , is passed into the reaction zone.

H. S. G.

T reatm ent of hydrocarbons. I. H. Jo n e s, Assr. to Ko p p e r s Co. o p De l a w a r e (U.S.P. 1,872,463, 16.8.32.

Appl., 1.10.27).—Aromatic hydrocarbons recovered from coal gas are treated with 4—-7% of conc. H 8S 0 4. The acid and liquid sludge produced are removed from the oil, treated with 5 vols. of H aO, heated, and the agglutinated solid material is removed and added to a relatively large vol. of H 20 a t 80°, whereby such material passes into solution or dispersion. H. S. G.

T reatm en t of hydrocarbons w ith a chlorinated hydrocarbon in the presence of a m eta llic halide.

M. L . Ch a p p e l l, Assr. to St a n d a r d Oi l Co. o f Ca l i­ f o r n ia (U.S.P. 1,878,262, 20.9.32. Appl., 22.1.27.

Renewed 21.8.31).—Naphthene-containing hydrocarbon oils are treated with chlorinated hydrocarbon oil-well gas in the presence of AlCla a t temp, suitable for a condensation reaction. The products are withdrawn to a second reaction zone where further A1C13 is added and the temp, raised sufficiently to effect decomp., thereby giving rise to gasoline vapours and a high-boiling oil which is withdrawn into a still and separated from AlClj residue and ta rry constituents by distillation.

H. S. G.


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lubricant, but it is only a t low speeds and high pressures th a t the benefit of the use of graphite is realised. The object of graphite lubrication is to obtain a

acids (1 :5 equilibrium mixtures) offers the simplest and quickest method for determining the availability of soil P, but several extractions w ith acids of

rated by a previous brief exposure. The differences in susceptibility between fats cannot be attributed to any of the non-fatty substances present, but are

ing through the hollow central shaft the gases evolved during the plating operation.. Before reaching the chamber p a rt of the- leaching liquor is by-passed

sisting of Na sulphonates in a polymerised hydrocarbon, the latter being obtained in a preceding operation of the process and returned after treatment with acid and

B. [Spinning funnels for] m anufacture of artificial silk. Turkey-red oil and soap form colloidal solutions. Alumina adsorbs soap from solution and vice versa. In the

II. Increase in heating activity of roadside coal and dirt packs was examined on the basis of analysis of the atm. I t is concluded th a t a fire may

of Prussian Blue (I) increased until it can be profitably extracted from the spent oxide. The results obtained agree with vals. derived from a formula of