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British Chemical Abstracts. B.-Applied Chemistry. June 7


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JU N E 7, 1929.


Lord K elvin’s law in chem ical manufacture.

M. H. Dow (Ind. Eng. Chem., 1929, 21, 368).—The general application of the principle th at elaborations in plant to obtain working economies are only justifiable up to the point where the capital charges become equal to the economy obtained is discussed and illustrated.

C. Ir w i n.

Reactions [and corrosion phenom ena] at high pressures. B. Be r l (Chim. et Ind., 1929, 21, 452—

465).—The variation of the composition limits necessary for the explosion of mixtures of combustible gases and air with increase of pressure from 0 to 800 atm. is depicted graphically. The narrowing of the limits which occurs in some cases a t pressures up to 25—40 atm. is not continued at higher pressures, and is attributed to the heat supplied by the ignition spark. For hydrocarbon- air mixtures the limits a t higher pressure widen greatly.

In the combustion of water-gas with insufficient air, which a t low pressures results in the preferential combus­

tion of hydrogen, with increase of pressure an increase of formation of carbon dioxide occurs. W ith hydrocarbons a similar change occurs, and at high pressures it is suggested th at the first stage of the combustion is a' splitting into carbon and hydrogen, and th a t the oxida­

tion of the former takes place by the water-gas reaction.

Similar curves are given for mixtures of air with the vapours of ether, hexane, etc. Anomalies in the case of cycZohexane and hexane may be due to the elimination of hydrogen. The effect of various liquids on iron at high pressures was studied by the aid of a cast steel bomb charged with iron filings and the corroding liquid and mechanically shaken. The corrosion was measured by the additional pressure developed due to hydrogen.

A trace of caustic soda reduces the corrosive effect of pure water, but greater quantities increase corrosion.

As local concentrations around rivet heads might occur, protection by addition of sodium sulphate is preferable.

Sodium sulphide, nitrate, and chloride are corrosive, and magnesium chloride is excessively so. This corrosion is reduced by sodium sulphate. Nitrates, chromate3, etc. are protective if sufficiently dilute. I n the absence of such oxidising agents the product of corrosion is a ferrous oxide-ferrosoferric oxide complex. The protec­

tive coating produced by dilute caustic soda or by sodium sulphate can also be produced by pre-treatment with these solutions a t high temperatures. The severe action of magnesium chloride is explained by the partial dehydration of magnesium hydroxide under high temperatures and pressures. Such dehydrated hydroxide only reprecipitates ferrous chloride slowly. As sodium hydrogen sulphate is corrosive, sodium sulphate can only

act protectively by reducing the dissociation of magnesium chloride. This hypothesis is confirmed by determinations of pu, but absolute j)ji values are not a measure of power of corrosion in all cases.

C. Ir w i n.

Tower packings and the back-pressure created by their arrangem ent. J. A r n o u l d (Chim. et Ind., 1929, 21, 478—482).—The relation between back­

pressure, flow of liquid, and flow of gas was determined for 3 types of packing, stoneware rings 25 mm. diam. X 25 mm. height, flat annular stoneware discs 3 cm. diam.

X 5 mm. thick, and steel spirals, all packed without any regular arrangement. The free space and the surface per unit volume increased in the order mentioned above.

I t was found th a t the back-pressure was not a strictly linear function of either the height of the column or the gas or liquid flows. For different packings it varied approximately with the free space. The spirals appear to be the best wherever metals are admissible. The rings and discs have practically the same free space, and when dry give the same back-pressure, but with liquid flow the greater tendency of the rings to retain liquid increases the resistance. On account of their strength they are suitable for the lower parts of high towers. Star packing offers relatively little surface, and gives a higher back-pressure. 0. I r w i n .

Measurement of steam quantity in w o r k s’

practice. J. L. Ho d g s o n (J. Inst. Fuel, 1929, 2, 235—


Calorimeter. Uc h i d a.—See II.

Pa t e n t s.

Chemical heat storage. H. LeR. Cr o o k e r (B.P.

309,244, 21.1.28).—A solution which yields heat on crystallisation is prepared by heating a mixture of 16 oz. of sodium acetate containing about 40% of water of crystallisation with £ oz. of calcium chloride, to which sufficient water is added to bring the total up to about

46%. L- A. Co l e s.

Drying apparatus. L. B u c k , Assr. to J. H u n t e r M a c h i n e Co. (U.S.P. 1,703,290—1, 26.2.29. Appl., [ a ]

2.2.27, [b ] 1.8.27).—(a ) The apparatus comprises a chamber with a false roof some distance below the true roof, so as to form an air space through which the drying air passes before entering the chamber a t the far end through a wide opening. The false roof is supplied with narrow apertures, through which the drying air'passes in high-velocity jets which compensate for the increase in moisture content of the main volume of drying air, and thus keep the drying conditions uniform, (b) A long chamber, through which passes a conveyor to carry the articles to be dried, is provided with heating elements


B r i t i s h C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s — B .

4*9 Cl. XI.— Fu e l ; Ga s ; Ta b ; Miit b e a l Oil s.

disposed along the walls, with fans which circulate the drying air through the heating elements and the goods, and with an exhaust duct extending along a considerable part of its length. P art of the exhausted air is recir­

culated to the circulating fans. A. R. Po w e l l.

Evaporator. F. W. Si e v e r t (U.S.P. 1,704,064, 5.3.29. Appl., 15.5.26).—The liquid passes through the perforated wall of a horizontal rotary drum, and falls upon horizontal tubes within, which are supplied with heating gases. Deposited solids are continuously re­

moved from the inside of the drum and the surface of the tubes, and the mother-liquor is discharged.

F. G. Cl a r k e.

Porous body for use as a filter or diaphragm.

L. Me l l e r s h- Ja c k s o n. From Si e m e n s & Ha l s k e

A.-G. (B.P. 309,316,17.4.28).—A compressed mixture of chromium oxide with one or more other chromium compounds, e.g., chromic acid, chromium nitrate, and common salt or sawdust is heated until these chromium compounds are entirely or partly converted into the oxide. The resulting body may be strengthened by means of wire netting. J . S. G. Th o m a s.

Production of dense foam^ffor cellular building m aterials etc,]. G. M. Th o m s o n (B.P. 308,029, 31.1.28).—Foam produced by air passing at constant pressure through a uniformly perforated plate into a solution of a foaming agent rises into contact with vertical, stream-lined, rotary beaters. To prevent the atmosphere reaching the latter from above, and destroying the uniformity of the foam, the outlet is placed above the beaters. F. G. Cl a r k e.

Separation and liquefaction of gases. W. S.

Bo w e n (U.S.P. 1,704,649, 5.3.29. Appl., 9.8.27).—

An enlarged chamber, arranged between pressure and expansion conduits, which are in heat-exchange relation, contains a stator and a rotor, through which the gases pass in their passage from the pressure to the expansion conduit. The stator consists of a series of restricted passages, of such size th a t the critical temperature of one of the gases is reached. F. G. Cl a r k e.

Apparatus for heating fluids. S . P . V a u g h n ,

Assr. to S u r f a c e C o m b u s tio n Co., I n c . ( U .S .P . 1,700,961, 5.2.29. Appl., 3.9.24).—The apparatus comprises essentially a series of concentric worm tubes, the annular spaces between the worms being packed with porous material, in which the heating gases are burnt on the surface-combustion principle. A. R. Po w e l l.

Apparatus for separating liquids. B. D, Co m y n

(U.S.P. 1,707,077, 26.3.29. Appl., 17.8.28. U.K., 10.8.27).—See B.P. 297,551 ; B„ 1928, 879.

Apparatus for cooling and purifying gases.

F. G. Inglts (U.S.P. 1,707.163, 26.3.29. Appl., 25.4.27.

U.K., 21.7.26).—See B.P. 278,118; B„ 1927, 897.

Chamber furnaces [with rotatable platform s],

In t e r n a t. Ge n. El e c t r ic Co., In c., A s se es . of Al l g e m. El e k t r i c i t a t s-Ge s. (B.P. 300,905, 16.11.28. G e r.,


[Automatic] heat-control sy stem s for furnaces etc. Un i t e d Gl a s s Bo t t l e Ma n u f r s., Lt d., a n d W . A . Mo o r s h e a d ( B .P . 309,246, 23.1.28.)

Refrigerating m achines of the absorption type.

G. Ma i u r i and R . F. Bo s s i n i ( B .P . 309,050, 29.9.27).

Refrigerating apparatus of the absorption type.

N. V. Ko d o w a Re f r i g e r a t o r Co., and W. A. Sl a g e r

(B.P. 309,007, 2.1.28).

D istilling apparatus (B.P. 309,317).—See XVIII.

(B.P. 308,956).—See X X III.


A new adiabatic calorim eter. S. U c h i d a (J. Fuel Soc. Japan, 1929, 8, 33—37).—An adiabatic bomb calorimeter, consisting of a calorimeter surrounded by a water-jacket containing electrical heating elements and special stirrers, is described. In the determination of the calorific value of a fuel the temperature of the water in the jacket can be accurately controlled to follow th a t of the calorimeter. This type of apparatus allows determinations to be made independently of room temperature, no radiation corrections are neces­

sary, and the time of operation is considerably short­

ened. C. B. MARSON.

Composition of coal. Plant entities as oil-yielding constituents. R. I Io l r o y d and R. V. Wh e e l e r (J.C.S., 1929, 633—641 ; cf. B., 1928, 880; 1929, 116).—Dis­

tillation of the vitrain and durain fractions of two samples of bituminous coal in a vacuum shows that a t about 300° the plant entities present begin to decom­

pose. The active decomposition point (305—310°) is well-marked with the vitrain, but less distinct with the durain. Above this temperature (310—320°) the evolu­

tion of gases increases rapidly. A larger volume of gas is obtained from the durain owing to carbon dioxide production from the plant entities. The amount of oils obtained over the range 300° to 320° is also greater with the durain. The durain oil consists of unsaturated hydrocarbons and neutral oxygenated compounds, whilst the vitrain oil is composed of saturated hydro­

carbons and phenols. The amount of phenols in the former oil is much smaller than in the latter. Distillation of the megaspore exines isolated from a durain a t 100—

400°/vac. gives (a) gaseous products rich in'oxides of carbon, together wnth defines and paraffins, (b) liquid products consisting chiefly of water, unsaturated hydro­

carbons, and neutral oxygenated compounds. The difference in character of the products from the vitrain and durain is thus due to the plant entities. Small amounts of nitrogenous and sulphur compounds appear in both sets of products at all distillation temperatures.

H . Bu r t o n.

D ecom position of wood ; com position of fo s­

silised wood. S. A. Wa k s m a n and K. R. St e v e n s

(J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1929, 51, 1187—1196).—Evi­

dence is adduced to show th a t in the rotting of wood certain constituents are broken down more rapidly than others. The material attacked undergoes com­

plete degradation, so-called intermediate products being actually derived from the cell-substance of the organisms effecting decomposition. Accordingly analyses of wood anaerobically decomposed or fossilised show a large increase in ligniu (up to 70—80% of the whole), protein, and ash, and a decrease in celluloses, hemi- celluloses, and water- and ether-soluble matter, as


B r i t i s h C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s — B .

Cl. I I . — Fu i l ; Gab ; Ta bj Miit e r a l Oil s. 421

compared with those of healthy wood. Under aerobic conditions, however, the course of decomposition depends on the nature of the organisms present (cf.

Rose and Lisse, B., 1917, 457). The conclusions of Marcusson (B., 1926, 8 0 9 1 9 2 7 , 129) are criticised, and it is shown th a t the acid and alkaline treatments which he employed to remove “ oxycelluloses ” also dissolve a considerable part of the lignin. For com­

parison, the solubility of acid lignins from rye straw and from peat in 2% sodium hydroxide at 15°, 100°, and 120° has been determined. P art only of the dissolved m atter is reprecipitated by acid.

H . E. F . No t t o n.

Chemical com position of peat. III. Chemical studies of two Florida peat profiles. S. A. Wa k s m a n

and K. R. S t e v e n s (Soil Sci., 1929, 27, 271281.

Cf. B., 1928, 880 ; 1929, 231).—A saw-grass peat (Ever­

glade) and a sedimentary lake profile (Gyttja) were examined. The upper layer of the saw-grass peat was characterised by low contents of ether-, alcohol-, and

■water-soluble matter, medium hemicellulose and ash, and higher protein and lignin contents. This is typical of low-moor peats. The lower sedimentary layers had low hemicellulose and high ash contents. The lignin and protein constituents were of the same order as those of the upper layers when calculated on the ash- free dry matter. In the decomposition of both upper and lower layers nitrate formation was rapid and carbon dioxide production relatively slow. The ratio carbon dioxide-carbon: nitrate-nitrogen was narrow (1 ‘ 3—3 -3 :1 ). Differences in the fertility of the different peat layers when cultivated cannot be attributed to differences in the activity of micro-organisms.

A. G. Po l l a r d.

Rapid determ ination of water in brown coals for briquette m anufacture. A. Fa b e r (Z. angew.

Chem., 1929, 42, 406—407).—An outline is given of the methods for determining water in brown coals which gained awards in a competition organised by the German brown coal industry. The first prize was given for a rapid method based on the variation of the dielectric constant with the moisture co n ten t; other methods proposed rely on direct measurement of the water evolved on heating, on the dilution produced in added standard acetic acid, and on the rise of tem­

perature obtained by the addition of concentrated sulphuric acid. E. Le w k o w i t s c h.

D ry d istillation of som e Japanese coals.

C. Iw a s a k i and K. Sa s a k i (Tech. Rep. Tohoku Imp.

Univ., 1929, 8, [2], 95—117).—The rate of evolution of moisture at 105° and of gases and tar on sudden heating a t 600° and at 900° and during stepped heating between 150° and 900° has been determined for several varieties of Japanese coals. The results and analyses of the gases are shown in a series of tables and diagrams.

A. R. Po w e l l.

Gasification of coal in producers. F . Mo r a w s k i

(Gas-u. Wasserfach, 1929, 72, 149—154).—Coal may be continuously gasified by means of air, a mixture of air and steam, or a mixture of air and combustion gas con­

taining carbon dioxide. Assuming pure carbon to be gasified and the gas to lose no sensible heat on leaving

the producer, gasification with air yields, per kg. of carbon, a gas having a heating value of 5688 kg.-cal., a temperature of 1318°, which will give a combustion temperature of 2252°. For gasification with air satur­

ated with moisture at 60°, and with air and combus­

tion gases containing 21% C02, the corresponding figures are 7488 kg.-cal., 400°, 2082~° ; and 6908 kg.-cal., 562°, and 1904°, respectively. A truer comparison is obtained by reckoning the figures on the cold gas a t 0° ; thus the gas from (a) air alone, (b) air-steam mixture, and (c) air-carbon dioxide has calorific values of 1050, 1570, and 1054 kg.-cal./m.3, with combustion tempera­

tures of 1648°, 1949°, and 1644°, respectively. The best results are thus obtained using an air-steam mixture.

The above calculations assume complete decomposition of the steam, -which is justifiable, and the production of carbon monoxide and no dioxide from the carbon. The latter assumption is not quite sound, and curves are drawn from which the necessary corrections can be made.

Mixtures of air and water vapour can be produced either by the direct introduction of steam into air or by saturating air with vapour by contact with hot wrater.

The latter method is more practical and economical, and with English coals the gas having the highest cal.

value and combustion temperature is obtained by using air saturated with moisture a t 60°.

W. T. K. Br a u n h o l t z.

Explosive gas m ixtu res. P . H . Pr a u s n it z (Oesterr.

Chem.-Ztg., 1929, 32, 63—64).—Instead of using a wire gauze to prevent a flame from spreading in an explosive mixture, a permeable disc of glass or silica may be employed; this device is not so liable to rupture. Ex­

periments have been carried out with mixtures of illuminating gas or hydrogen and air or oxygen, and the appearance of the combustion under varying conditions of concentration and pressure is described. If a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen is fired, the explosion is stopped by a porous silica surface, but the combustion on it is so intense th a t the solid rapidly becomes hot enough to start the explosion anew. R. H. Gr i f f i t h.

Gas analysis. J. T. Do n n e l l y, C. H. Fo o t t, and J. Re i l l y (Sci. Proc. Roy. Dubl. Soe., 1929, 19, 165—

172).—A number of modifications made in a Bone and Wheeler apparatus are described, which include the use of a six-way tap for introducing reagents by suction and improved mercury-sealed stopcocks; special reference is also made to methods of eliminating the necessity of handling mercury. An apparatus for applying to gas analysis the method of using copper oxide for determin­

ing hydrogen in presence of hydrocarbons is also

described. N. M. Bl i g h.

Determ ination of benzene and toluene in ga ses.

F. Sc h u l z (Coll. Czechoslov. Chem. Comm., 1929, 1, 228—233).—The gas is shaken in a gas-pipette with a mixture of bromine and anhydrous aluminium bromide whereby benzene is converted into hexabromobenzene, m.p. 326°, and toluene into pentabromotoluene, m.p.

228°, which are collected and weighed. When gasoline hydrocarbons or ethylene are present the bromination products are washed with methyl alcohol saturated with hexabromobenzene and with pentabromotoluene.

A. I . Vo g e l.


B r i t i s h C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s — B .

4 2 2 Cl. n . — Fo b l ; Ga s ; Ta b ; Mi n e r a l Oi l s.

Determ ination of sm all quantities of hydrogen sulphide in gases. H. Bach (Gas- u. Wasserfach, 1929, 72, 154—155).—The gas (2 litres) is slowly passed through a 10-bulb tube containing 10% sodium hydr­

oxide (25 c.c.). The solution is diluted and its sulphide content determined colorimetrically. For the compari­

son, a standard solution of arsenic trisulphide is used (1 c.c. = 0 - 1 mg. H 2S or 0-065 c.c. H 2S at N.T.P.), and an alkaline solution of lead acetate (25 g. of sodium potassium tartrate, 5 g. of sodium hydroxide, 1 g. of lead acetate in 100 c.c. water) is added to both solu­

tions. The arsenic trisulphide may conveniently be kept in compressed tablets, weighing 1 g. each and containing 24 mg. of the sulphide and 976 mg. of anhy­

drous sodium carbonate, from which the standard solution is prepared by dissolving the tablet in 100 c.c.

of water. W. T. K. Braunholtz.

Industrial u ses of gas. F. W. Go o d e n o u g h (J. Inst.

Fuel, 1929, 2, 258—292).—A lecture.

Continuous distillation of tar or crude m ineral oil b y superheated steam . H. J. V. W i n k l e r (Chim.

et Ind., 1929,21, 466—472).—The Ab der Halden pro­

cess effects the distillation of tar at 300° by superheated steam (using 40—50% of the weight of tar) and sepa­

rates the products by fractional condensation. The taT

is preheated to above 100° before it enters the still;

it is claimed th at the working is not affected by the presence of water in the tar. Four condensers are supplied, the temperature of which is regulated by dephlegmators. The steam injected is condensed in the last two with the light oil and crude naphtha. Compara­

tively sharp fractionation is obtained. A plant designed for the distillation of low-temperature tar on the same general principle has one high fractionating column into the top of which dilute caustic soda is injected. Sodium phenolate etc. is drawn off from one of the upper sections and treated as usual so th at four oil fractions and the tar acids are the products. A plant for the treatm ent of crude petroleum of low asphalt content works in two stages, the heavy residue from the first still being treated in a second still. Flow sheets are given to show the simplification eSected over usual

methods. C. I r w i n .

Distinction between American and Russian petroleum s. T. P. Ra ik o w a (Z. anal. Chem., 1929,77, 42—46).—2 c.c. of a 0-2% solution of iodine in chloro­

form, 2 c.c. of a 20% solution of sodium nitrite, and 2 c.c. of the petroleum are placed in a test tube and a 1 : 3 solution of sulphuric acid is added dropwise, the whole being agitated after each addition. Acid is added until the iodine colour disappears or, if this does not occur, until nitrous fumes are no longer evolved.

If tho petroleum is of American origin decolorisation occurs after the addition of 2—3 drops of acid. All fractions, including vaseline, of American oils react thus.

With Russian oils no decolorisation occurs even after

several hours. J. S. Ca r t e r.

Cracking of light o ils. G. Eg l o f f(Petroleum, 1929, 25, 507—509),—Contrary to the usually accepted view, a high pressure is not necessary for the production of benzine in high yield by the cracking of light oils. Thus an oil of d 0-825—0-834, b.p. 176-7—388-8° is cracked

at 490° and 15-4 atm., yielding 86% of pressure distil­

late, ¿0-750, b.p. about 29—249-3°, 9-5% of coke, and 4-5% of gas (and loss). The pressure distillate is treated continuously with 2-9 lb. of sulphuric acid (d 1-83) per brl., then with water, soda, and water, and is then distilled in a pipe still, giving 65% (on the original oil) of benzine, d 0-735, b.p. 25-5—218-3°, as well as fuel oil, ¿0-8325, b.p. 220—348-3°.

W . S . No r r i s.

Anti-knock ratings of pure hydrocarbons. S . F.

Bi r c h and R. St a n s f i e l d (Nature, 1929, 123, 639).—

A reply to Nash and Howes (B ., 1929, 346), and a description of methods employed. A. A. El d r i d g e.

[Anti-knock ratings of pure hydrocarbons].

A. W. Na s h and D. W. Ho w e s (Nature, 1929,123, 640).

—A reply to Birch and Stansfield (preceding abstract).

A. A. El d r i d g e.

Coal-dust firing for boilers and industrial furnaces. H. Be r g and E. Vo g t (J. Inst. Fuel, 1929,2, 240—257).

Reactions at high pressures. Be r l.— S e e I .

E xplosives in coal m in es. An o n.—See X X II.

Pa t e n t s.

• Coke ovens. L. Wi l p u t t e, Assee. of W . H. Pa v it t ( B .P . 308,120, 30.5.28. U.S., 3.4.28).—A coke oven is described with horizontally elongated coking chambers, having heating walls with vertical flues, and heating gas inlets opening at diSerent levels ; in each inlet the supply of fuel gas can be regulated whereby a better distribution of the heating effects is obtained and

“ hot bottoms ” are avoided. C. B . Ma r s o n.

Coke oven. A. Pu t s c h, Assr. to Ko p p e r s Co.

(U.S.P. 1,705,029, 12.3.29. Appl., 6.8.19. Renewed 1.6.28).—The heating walls between the coking chambers of an oven contain two parallel series of triangular flues, facing respectively the chambers on either side of each heating wall. Cross-regenerators below the chambers communicate with all the flues in the adjacent series in each adjacent heating wall. Each flue series is provided with gas supply and is adapted to be fired in alternation with th e contiguous series in each heating

wall. A. B. Ma n n i n g.

Coking retort oven. J. v a n Ac k e r e n, Assr. to

Ko p p e r s Co. (U.S.P. 1,705,841,19.3.29. Appl., 15.6.21).

—The oven has vertical combustion flues arranged in inside and outside groups. Separate inside and outside regenerators extend crosswise of the battery below the coking chambers and are individually connected with the inside and outside groups of flues respectively. Below the regenerators are tunnels formed by crosswise-running walls. Means are provided for supplying coke-oven gas, a t each reversal period, to some of the inside and outside groups of flues. Reversing valve connexions for controlling the supply of air to the regenerators lead from the latter to the tunnels below. Means are pro­

vided for supplying an alternative fuel gas, e.g., producer gas, to some of the regenerators. A pair of waste-gas tunnels extend along each side of the battery ; some of the regenerators are connected with one pair of tunnels and the remainder with the other pair.

A. B. Ma n n i n g.


B r i ti s h C h e m ic a l A b s t r a a t s —B .

Cl. I I . — F tn u . ; G a j ; T u ; ¡ b m u O i l s . 423

Apparatus for [heat] treatm ent of [carbonaceous]

m aterials. H. M . Ro b e r t s o n (U.S.P. 1,706,128, 19.3.29. Appl., 18.6.27).—Solid carbonaceous materials are distilled in a tunnel retort comprising a preheating, a heating, and a cooling chamber in series. At the outlet end of the heating chamber are combustion chambers, th e hot gases from which pass through pipes extending through the heating chamber. Air pipes pass from the cooling chamber through the heating chamber and open into the preheating chamber, and means are provided for exhausting the vapours from the

last-named. A. B. Ma n n i n g.

Apparatus for destructive distillation of powdered fuel. Tr o c k n u n g s-, Ve r s c h w e l u n g s-, d. Ve r g a s u n g s-Ge s.m.b.H . (B.P. 285,015, 8.2.28. Ger., 8.2.27).—The powdered fuel is fed to a distributor a t the lower end of a vertical distillation vessel. The material is carried up through the vessel and thence through a dust separator. The distillation vessel is externally heated, being preferably surrounded by a heating jacket supplied with fuel gas and air, and packed with radi­

ating bodies for flameless combustion. The fuel dis­

tributor has a funnel-shaped mouthpiece with a con­

stricted portion a t the bottom for the passage of the fuel, and means a t the upper end, e.g., a centrifugal device consisting of a set of rotating rings, for spreading the powdered fuel over the entire cross-section of the vessel. In a second type of distributor the powdered fuel is injected into the vessel by a stream of gas blown through a nozzle, th e position of which relative to the constricted portion of the distributor is adjustable.

The gas used for this purpose may be a portion of the distillation gas from which the ta r has been removed, and which has been preheated by the waste gases from the heating jacket. A. B. Ma n n i n g.

D istillin g carbonaceous m aterial. F . Pu e n in g (U.S.P. 1,698,240, 8.1.29. Appl., 6.11.22).—Low- temperature carbonisation of bituminous coal etc. is effected in a furnace with movable walls, which are first brought to, e.g., 760° by contact with hot gases, while the side walls are retracted. The side walls are then brought against the ends of the heating walls by suitable mechanism, and the coal is charged in and distilled a t the desired final temperature, e.g., 540°, by heat transfer from the walls. At the end of the carbonisation the side walls are retracted, breaking any adhesion due to a surface formation of coke on the coal, and the product is discharged a t the base of the furnace by opening the bottom doors. R. Br i g h t m a n.

Carbonisation of coal and the like. G. Ce l l a n- Jo n e s (B.P. 307,811,12.12.27).—The heat of waste gases of high-temperature coke ovens is utilised for carbonisa­

tion of coal a t a lower tem perature ; the semi-coke produced forms 10—30% of the charge of the high- temperature oven. C . B. Ma r s o n.

M anufacture of absorptive carbon. Ca r b i d e &

Ca r b o n Ch e m ic a l s Co r p., Assees. of A. B. Ra y (B.P.

291,043, 23.9.27. U.S., 25.5.27).—Non-coking bitum ­ inous or sub-bituminous coal, admixed with a “ carbon­

ising agent,” e.g., zinc chloride, phosphoric acid, is calcined a t a high tem perature and then activated by

controlled oxidation, preferably with steam. Coking or swelling coals may be used if they are subjected to a preliminary heat treatm ent under oxidising conditions, whereby their caking power is lost. Lignitic coals may also be used if subjected to a similar pre-treatm ent.

A. B. Ma n n i n g.

Apparatus for extraction of volatile constituents from carbonaceous m aterials. R . B . Pa r k e r ( B .P .

282,415, 14.12.27. U.S., 14.12.26).—A retort with a grate a t the bottom and means for interm ittently operating the fuel feeding by the ejector without opening the retort to the atmosphere is described. The admission of gas from boxes to the fuel bed can be controlled and the generated or used gases removed from the top of the

retort. C. B . Ma r s o n.

Recovery of valuable organic products from solid carbonaceous m aterials. I. G. Fa r b e n i n d. A.-G.

(B.P. 282,691 and 283,545, 21.12.27. Ger., [a] 21.12.26,

[b] 13.1.27).—(a) The materials are mixed with a hydro­

carbon oil boiling above 300°, and the mixture, without the further addition of hydrogen or water, is heated at 300—400°, the temperature being below th at a t which the oil cokes, and under a pressure of a t least 30 atm.

Catalysts may be used if desired. No appreciable amount of gas is formed, and the yield of liquid products from the coal etc. is several times as great as th at obtained by low-temperature carbonisation. The process is continuous. The products may subsequently be sub­

jected to low-temperature carbonisation, or may be cracked, or may be extracted with a suitable solvent to separate the liquid from the solid portion, (b) In a

modification of the process an oil, boiling range 100—

300°, is used, the materials being then heated under a pressure of a t least 75 atm. If desired, the process may be carried out in stages. A. B. Ma n n i n g.

Treatm ent of coal and other solid carbonaceous m aterials for production of liquid hydrocarbons or other organic substances. I. G. Fa r b e n i n d.

A.-G. (B.P. 308,633, 21.12.27. Addn. to B.P. 282,691;

preceding).—Carbonaceous materials which are to be hydrogenated or cracked are subjected to a preliminary treatment in which they are heated under pressure a t a temperature above 100° but below the coking point of the materials. The process is carried out preferably in the presence of water and of a substance with an alkaline reaction, e.g., sodium sulphide. Low-boiling organic solvents and/or gases free from hydrogen may be added during the treatment. A. B. Ma n n in g.

Manufacture of hydrocarbons and especially those of low b.p. J. Y. Jo h n s o n. From I. G.

Fa r b e n in d A.-G. (B.P. 307,946, 12.9.27).—Coal, tar, mineral oils, their distillation and extraction products, residues, etc. are hydrogenated under high temperature and pressure in the presence of a catalyst consisting of an oxide of a m etal or metalloids of groups 3—7 of the periodic system deposited in small amounts on the metals aluminium, silver, manganese, chromium, or chromium-nickel alloy employed in a form presenting a dense coherent surface. The catalysts are applied to the etched metal supports in the form of acidified solutions of the salts of the catalytic elements.

H. S. Ga r l i c k.


B r itia h C h e m ic a l A b a tr a c ta — B .

424 C t . ü . — F tn rL ; G a* ; T i J t ; M n o t a ü O il* .

Dissolution of coal. Tr e n t Pr o c e s s Co r p., Assees.

of W . E. Tr e n t ( B .P . 277,659,12.9.27. U.S., 14.9.26).—

Very finely-divided bituminous coking coal is suspended in a liquid hydrocarbon and the mixture is heated a t the softening point of the coal until the liquefiable consti­

tuents have dissolved in the oil, in which the residual carbonaceous m atter then remains in colloidal form or as a substantially permanent suspension. [Stat. ref.]

A. B. Ma n n in g.

D ecom position of coke-oven gas by cooling to low tem peratures. Ge s. f. Li n d es Ei s m a s c h i n e n

A.-G. (B.P. 289,817, 2.5.28. Ger., 2.5.27).—Substances favourable to formation of explosive compounds, e.g., ammonia, water vapour, and acetylene hydrocarbons, are partially removed, the last-named sufficiently to prevent their separation in solid form during the cooling.

The copper parts of the apparatus are protected by a coating of tin, lead, etc. C. B. Ma r s o n.

[Fuel-]gas purification. Ko p p e r s Co., Assees. of J. B ecker (B.P. 283,948, 16.12.27. U.S., 22.1.27).—

Gas is freed from acidic impurities by alkali solution, and the heated spent lye is regenerated by agitating it with a portion of the purified gas, the latter being afterwards used as a fuel for heating coke ovens etc.

(Cf. B.P. 169,996; B., 1921, 762 a.) C. B. Ma r s o n.

Conversion of natural or artificial inflam m able gases into unsaturated hydrocarbons. Soc.

d’Et u d e s e t d’Ex p l o i t. d e s Ma t i è r e s Or g a n i q u e s,

Assees. of Sy n d. d’Et u d e s d e s Ma t. Or g. (B.P. 282,690, 21.12.27. Luxembourg, 21.12.26).—Combustible gases, e.g., natural gas, coal gas, are mixed with air or oxygen and passed over a catalyst, e.g., platinum black, oxides of iron, copper, nickel, etc., whereby the proportion of unsaturated hydrocarbons in the gas is increased.

These are then converted into liquid hydrocarbons by passage over another catalyst such as nickel.

A. B. Ma n n i n g.

Manufacture of porous m aterial [for receptacles containing explosive or com bustible gases]. J.

Ha u s e n (B.P. 293,697, 9.7.28. Ger., 9.7.27).—Recep­

tacles for storing, e.g., acetylene dissolved in acetone are filled with inorganic material graded from 0-5 mm.

to 0-1 mm. in diam. L. A. Co l e s.

Bitum inous product. M . R . Co n e, A s s r. t o Union- Tr u s t C o. (U.S.P. 1,698,878, 15.1.29. A p p l., 24.10.21).

•— B i tu m i n o u s m a t e r i a l is a to m is e d i n t o c o n t a c t w i t h a s t r e a m o f a i r o r w a t e r a t r e la ti v e ly h i g h t e m p e r a t u r e , b u t b e lo w i t s f u s io n p o i n t, a n d o f i n c r e a s in g v e lo c ity . T h e p a r ti c l e s a r e f in a lly im m e r s e d in a h e a t e d liq u id w h ic h is a llo w e d t o c o o l s lo w ly , g iv in g a m a s s r e a d i ly m is c ib le w i t h w a te r . R . Br ig h t m a n.

Rem oval of phenols from tars or tar oils. J.

K Ar p a t i and M. G. Hü b s c h (B.P. 283,569, 28.11.27.

Hung., 15.1.27).—The ta r or tar oil is extracted under pressures of 1-5—6 atm. and a t 100—150° with an aqueous solution of a solvent for phenols, such as methyl alcohol. On removing and cooling the aqueous layer the phenols separate therefrom and the residual aqueous solution can be used for the extraction of a- further quantity of tar. The aqueous solution used,

which preferably contains about 20% of methyl alcohol, may also contain a neutral salt, e.g., common salt.

A. B. Ma n n i n g. D e h y d r a t o r f o r p e t r o l e u m e m u l s i o n s . J. H. C.

DE Br e y (U.S.P. 1,704,463, 5.3.29. Appl., 20.7.26).—

A wide tank is surmounted by a cover having a central aperture communicating with a casing carrying an insulated electrode. In the casing are apertures closed with thin plates which open under internal pressure and are of sufficient size to allow the immediate escape of gases produced by an explosion within the apparatus.

H. S. Ga r l i c k.

C racking o f o i l s . J . Y. J o h n s o n . From I . G . F a r b ­ e n i n d. A.-G. (B.P. 309,227, 3.10.27. Cf. B.P. 302,941;

B., 1929, 232).—TaTS, mineral oils, etc. are destructively distilled in th e presence of organic compounds which contain a radical of a mineral acid and reduce the surface tension of water when added thereto, e.g., benzene- sulphonic acid, phenyl borate, etc. H. S. G a r l i c k .

D i s t i l l a t i o n [ o f o i l ]. W. K. L e w i s and N. E. L o o m is ,

Assrs. to S t a n d a r d O i l D e v e l o p m e n t Co. (U.S.P.

1,697,195, 1.1.29. Appl., 28.4.27).—Oil is fed con­

tinuously to a still heated by direct fire under low pressure, e.g., 25 mm. The vapours escape vertically without constriction or temperature drop through a hot jacket to a condenser. Refluxing to the still is avoided and a drip reflector and collector pan discharge the condensate to a receiver. Residuum is withdrawn continuously from the still. R. B r i g h t m a n .

Refining of o il. C. B . Fo r w a r d (U.S.P. 1,698,811, 15.1.29. Appl., 19.8.19. Renewed 26.3.27).—Oil is forced under pressure through heating coils in counter- current to superheated steam at, e.g., 540°, and dis­

charged through an atomiser, together with steam, into a closed separator from which the liquid is run off t o . a residue tank for lubricating oil while the vapours are passed through heating coils heated to 390—480°

by superheated steam. The vapour from these coils is freed from carbon before passing into a condenser in countercurrent to a spray of water. Gasoline passes on to further condensers and separators, and the con­

densed intermediate oil is separated, cooled, and dis­

charged. R. Br i g h t m a n.

Extraction of oils from carbonaceous m aterial b y m eans of solvents under pressure. J. Y.

Jo h n s o n. From I. G. Fa r b e n i n d. A.-G. (B.P. 309,229, 3.10.27. Cf. B.P. 302,941 ; B., 1929, 232).—Coal, tar, mineral oils, etc. are extracted with, e.g., tetra- hydronaphthalene in the presence of substances capable of acting when water is present as wetting and emulsi­

fying agents, e.g., sulphonic acids, fatty acids, saponins,

etc. L. A. Co l e s.

Manufacture of liquid hydrocarbons from d e ­ fines. J . Y. Jo h n s o n. From I. G. Fa r b e n i n d. A.-G.

(B.P. 309,199, 28.9.27).—Olefines, or gases containing them, are heated under pressure in contact with a metal th a t has been coated by heat-treatm ent with tin, zinc, aluminium, or chromium; the metal may be part of the reaction chamber. H. S. Ga r l i c k.

Oxidation of petroleum . Cracking and oxidation of [hydrocarbon] oils. C. El l i s, Assr. to El l i s-


B r i t i s h C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s — B .

Cl. I I I .—Obqanio Intermediates. 425

Fo s t e r Co. (TJ.S.P. 1,697,265—6, 1.1.29. Appl., [a]

3.4.23, [b] 13.10.24).—(a) Intermediate oxidation pro­

ducts are obtained by submitting the products of the cracking of petroleum hydrocarbons in the vapour state to the action of oxygen in the presence of a catalyst at incipient red heat, (b) In oxidising kerosene at below red-heat, an amount of oxygen is used sufficient to oxidise only a minor portion of the hydrocarbons.

H . S. Ga r l i c k.

O xidising petroleum oils. C. El l i s, Assr. to

El l i s- Fo s t e r Co. (U.S.P. 1,697,262, 1.1.29. Appl., 20.8.24).—A mixture of petroleum vapour and air is passed over a catalyst mass maintained at reaction temperature, e.g., 500°, by cooling. Thus vapour obtained by cracking kerosene a t 500—600° is mixed with dry air in a Venturi tube, cooled, and passed through a U-tube heated in a lead-bath at 425—450°, containing pumice in one leg and pumice coated with vanadium oxide in the other, the temperature of the exit gases just above the catalyst being 320—360°.

Substantial amounts of phthalic anhydride are formed.

The oxidation may be effected under pressure. The amount of aromatic derivatives produced depends on the proportion of naphthenes in the original oil.

R. Br ig h t m a n.

Oxidation of kerosene. C. El l i s, Assr. to El l i s- Fo s t e r Co r p. (U.S.P. 1,697,263,1.1.29. Appl., 27.12.21).

—Hydrocarbon vapours containing propane, butane, and pentane, and unsaturated hydrocarbons, e.g., from kerosene oil cracked in a tube at 540—590°, are mixed with air and oxidised at 400—500° in presence of a metallic catalyst and steam to control the reaction

temperature. R . Br ig h t m a n.

Oxidation [of oil gas]. C. El l i s, Assr. to El l i s- Fo s t e r Co. (U.S.P. 1,697,267, 1.1.29. Appl., 22.3.19).—

Oil gas containing a t least 20% of defines, obtained, e.g., by cracking heavy petroleum oil, after purification, if necessary, from sulphur compounds, is mixed with air in slight excess of th a t required for oxidation of the defines to fatty acids or aldehydes, and passed over a catalyst heated to just below red heat.

R. Br ig h t m a n.

Interm ediate partial oxidation product and its manufacture. J . H. Ja m e s, Assr. to C. F. By r n e s

(U.S.P. 1,697,653, 1.1.29. Appl., 7.3.19. Renewed 4.8.26).—Hydrocarbon vapour mixed with air is heated to 230—500° and passed through a catalytic screen of, e.g., blue oxides of molybdenum, affording a mixture of aliphatic aldehydes and acids in which the former are in excess. E.g., gas oil, b.p. 250—295°, a t 270° and 32 sec. contact gave a liquid product containing 45% of oxy-acids and 55% of other products (alcohols to acids) including unchanged hydrocarbons. Similarly, kerosene, b.p. 250—295°, in contact (33 sec.) with uranyl uranite and uranate catalyst at 310° gave a liquid containing 70% of aldehydes and 30% of aldehyde-acids.

R. Br ig h t m a n.

Production from m ontan w ax of valuable pro­

ducts suitable for fixing solvents used in shoe cream s etc. J . Y. Jo h n s o n. From I. G . Fa r b e n i n d.

A.-G. (B.P. 308,996, 3.12.27).—Deresinified montan wax is treated with a 25—50% excess of oxidising agent over that required for complete bleaching. H. S. Ga r l i c k.

Retort for treating carbonaceous m atter. P.

Dv o r k o v it z (U.S.P. 1,706,825, 26.3.29. Appl., 9.6.28.

U.K., 8.3.27).—See B.P. 296,793 ; B., 1928, 841.

Distillation apparatus [for carbonaceous m a te­

rial]. P . M. and E. M. Sa l e p.n i, Assrs. to E.M.S.

In d u s t r ia l Pr o c e s s e s, Lt d. (Re-issue 17,251, 2.4.29, of U.S.P. 1,541,071, 9.6.25).—See B ., 1925, 535.

Treatm ent [distillation] of carbonaceous m ate­

rials. A. M. A. Struben (U.S.P. 1,706,468, 26.3.29.

Appl., 15.1.26. U.K., 26.1.25).—See B.P. 250,699;

B., 1926, 523.

Preparation of bitum inous em ulsions. II. Pl a u- s o n, Assr. to Mi n e r a l A.-G. Br i g (U.S.P. 1,706,590, 26.3.29. Appl., 12.1.27. Italy, 31.7.26).—See B.P.

276,543 ; B., 1927, 836.

Manufacture of petroleum sulphonic acids and salts thereof. P . I. Sc h e s t a k o v ( U .S .P . 1,706,940, 26.3.29. Appl., 6.2.26. Ger., 17.2.25).—See B.P.

247,940; B., 1926, 864,

Bleaching of m ontan w ax. W . Pu n g s a n d ' T . H e l l t h a l e r , Assrs. to I. G. F a r n e n i n d . A.-G. (U.S.P.

1,698,450, 8.1.29. Appl., 26.11.27. Ger., 3.12.26).—

See B .P . 299,133; B., 1928, 919.

[Removal of carbon deposits from interior surfaces of] coke-oven apparatus. Ko p p e r s Co., Assees. of J . A. B. Lo v e t t (B.P. 285,070, 16.12.27.

U.S., 12.2.27).

Burner for liquid fuels. R. Za n i r o l i ( B .P .

278,374, 29.9.27, Italy, 29.9.26).

Gases containing nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide (U.S.P. 1,698,722). Purification of gases (U.S.P. 1,698,718).—See VII. Bitum en em ulsions (B.P. 308,389).—See IX. Briquettes (B.P. 282,104).—

See X. Active carbon (U.S.P. 1,701,272).—See XI.


Therm odynam ic consideration of the synthetic m ethyl alcohol process. K . K . K e l l e y (Ind. Eng.

Chem., 1929, 21, 353—354; cf. B., 1926, 214; A., 1929, 251).—Recent determinations by the author of the sp. heat of methyl alcohol at temperatures down to 16° Abs. and the adoption of a new value for the entropy of hydrogen have caused a modification of the free energy equation previously suggested for the formation of methyl alcohol from carbon monoxide and hydrogen.

This equation now becomes A F ° = — 20,740 + 453’X log T — 0-01586T2 — 69-4 r. Values of the equili­

brium constant K (in terms of fugacities) a t temperature intervals of 100° from 300° to 900° Abs. are given where K — (JMeOII)/(j’H 2)2(J'CO). These values are, respec­

tively 895 X 101, 196, 262 X 10~3, 303 X 1 0"5, 124x 10-6, 115 X 10~7, 191 x 10~8. This series does not agree with recent results of Lewis and Frolich (B., 1928, 359), Audibert and Raineau (B., 1928, 920), Brown and Galloway (B., 1928, 780), and Morgan, Taylor, and Hed- ley (B., 1928, 439), all of whom worked a t high pressures.

Correction from pressure to fugacity cannot be made with certainty under these conditions. Smith and Branting (A., 1929,265) have obtained a value of I i — 5 ■ 57 x 10~4 a t 576-9° Abs. a t 1 atm. total pressure, which, although


B r i ti s h C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s —B .

4 2 6 Cl. I I I . — Oe q a n i o In t e r m e d i a t e s,

more in accord with the author’s calculated value, does not agree sufficiently well to give a satisfactory experi­

mental confirmation of the equation. Possible reasons for this disagreement are discussed. H . In g l e s o n.

M ethyl alcohol from hydrogen and carbon m onoxide. I I . D im ethyl ether. R. L. Br o w n and A. E. Ga l l o w a y (Ind. Eng. Chem., 1929, 21, 310—313;

cf. B ., 1928, 780).—The hourly production of methyl alcohol has been studied under the following conditions : catalyst normal zinc chroniate, gas ratio hydrogen : car­

bon monoxide 2 :1 , average pressure 180 atm., tempera­

tures 300—400°, space velocities 3000 and 7500, catalyst volume 250 c.c. The catalyst employed has been found to accelerate both the reactions CO+2H2=M eO tI and 2MeOH = Me20 + II20. As, however, normal zinc chromate is primarily a methyl alcohol-forming catalyst the second reaction only takes place to a limited extent under conditions which favour high hourly yields of the alcohol. The presence of methyl ether among the products has been established by the isolation of the liquid, the determination of its density, the calculation of its mol. wt., and the examination of the properties of the gas. At a space velocity of 3000, the conversion of carbon monoxide into methyl alcohol increased from 7% at 300° to a maximum of about 30% at 375°, and decreased to 20% at 400°. A t the same space velocity the conversion into methyl ether increased with the temperature from 1-0% a t 307°

to 5-2% at 397°. The effect of increasing the space velocity at a given temperature is to decrease the percentage of carbon monoxide converted into the ether.

H . In g l e s o n.

Preparation of salts of naphthylsulphuric acid with arom atic organic bases, and their application to the dyeing of silk and wool by diazotisation on the fibre. E. I. Or l o v (Ukraine Chem. J., 1928, 3, [Tech.], 181—182).—Salts of ^-naphthylsulphuric acid with various aromatic bases arc diazotised on wool and silk fibres, which are thereby dyed various colours according to the base used. R. Tr u s z k o w s k i.

P ossib ility of industrial poisoning w ith ethylene dibrom ide. M. Koohmann (Munch, med. Wocb., 1928, 75, 1334—1336 ; Chem. Zentr., 1928, ii, 2041).

2 :4-Diam inodiphenylam ine. Karpukhin.—See IV. Dehydration of alcohol. Smith.—See XVIII.

Diethyl ether. King. Synthetic d rugs. Kaotmann

and others.—See XX. Determ ination of diphenyl- am ine and diphenylnitrosoam ine in presence of their derivatives. Ryan and others.--See XXII.

Pa t e n t s.

[Manufacture of] m ethyl ether. De l c o- Lig h t

Co., Assees. of P. R. Bic h o w s k y (B.P. 278,353, 23.9.27.

U.S., 28.9.26).—Methyl ether may be synthesised by passing carbon monoxide and hydrogen successively over a hydrogenating and then a dehydrating catalyst, or bypassing the gas mixture over a mixed hydrogenat- ing-dehydrating catalyst, Suitable dehydration cata­

lysts are partially hydrated alumina or titarda, thoria, or silica gel. Hydrogenation is conducted a t 500° and 125 atm. or more, and the dehydration at 300° and 25 atm.

or more, respectively. When the mixed catalvst is

used the intake end of the furnace is heated a t 500°

and the other end at 300° only, and a corresponding drop in pressure is maintained by a suitable conformation of the furnace, or by a special distribution of the catalyst, wliich offers considerable resistance to the passage of the gas. "When methyl alcohol itself is used as the starting material, and the hydrogenation catalyst dispensed with, an inert carrier such as carbon dioxide

is used. E. Ho l m e s.

Production of acetic acid. H . D. Go l d i n g, F. D.

Le i c e s t e r, H . S. Hi r s t, S. W. Ro w e l l, and Im p e r ia l Ch e m. In d u s t r i e s, Lt d. (B.P. 308,937, 18.7.28). Acetaldehyde dissolved in acetic acid in the liquid phase, or acetaldehyde vapour passed into acetic acid, may readily be oxidised by means of air or oxygen a t 30—40°

in the presence of cobalt acetate as catalyst. Mangan­

ese acetate is a good catalyst once the reaction is started, but it requires a small amount of cobalt acetate as a “ starter.” E. Ho l m e s.

Continuous m anufacture of anhydrous acetic acid from its aqueous solutions. S o c . An o n, d e s Di s t i l l e r i e s d e s De u x Sè v r e s (B.P. 300,246, 30.1.28.

Fr., 10.11.27. Addn. to B.P. 296,974 ; B., 1929, 349).—

A heat-exchanger is introduced into the plant previously

described. C. Ho l l i n s.

Production of ethyl alcohol. H . G. Sm i t h, C. J.

Br i d g e r, and Im p e r i a l Ch e m. In d u s t r i e s, Lt d. ( B .P .

308,4-68, 19.3.28).—W ater and ethylene a t 40 atm. are heated to 300° (pressure 150—200 atm.) in presence of inorganic salts having affinity for ethylene (e.g., mercuric chloride, cuprous chloride, silver nitrate). About 10%

conversion into ethyl alcohol results. C . Ho l l i n s.

Production of ethyl alcohol. R. E. Sl a d e, and

Im p e r i a l Ci i e m. In d u s t r i e s, Lt d. (B.P. 308,859,30.1.28).

—Ethylene (5—10 vols.) is treated with steam at 400—500° and 25—200 atm. in the presence of a dehy­

drating catalyst such as thoria or phosphoric acid deposited on charcoal. A high space velocity (10,000—

50,000 litres of gas at N.T.P. per hour per litre of catalyst) is preferable, and heat interchange between the outgoing and incoming gases assists the reaction.

E. Ho l m e s.

Manufacture of butyl alcohol and other organic com pounds from ethyl alcohol. Co n s o r t, p. El e k- t r o c h e m, In d. G .m.b.H . (B.P. 282,448, 19.12.27. Ger., 18.12.26).—Ethyl alcohol vapour is passed over a catalyst (oxides or hydroxides of magnesium, calcium, barium, manganese ; sodium ethoxide) a t 400—500°.

Barium oxide gives 20—30% conversion into butyl

alcohol. C . Ho l l i n s.

Production of ketonic alcohols [“ diacetone alcohol ” ]. No b e l In d u s t r i e s, Lt d. From E. I-

D u Po n td e Ne m o u r s & Co. (B.P. 308,285, 21.10.27).—

Acetone is converted into “ diacetone alcohol ” by treatment a t 6—25° with a suspension of potassium hydroxide in benzene or other liquid hydrocarbon in presence of an inert extender (fullers’ earth, slate, talc, alumina, gypsum, etc.). C. Ho l l i n s.

Manufacture of ethylene glycol m onoalkyl ethers.

C. O . Yo u n g, Assr. to Ca r b i d e & Ca r b o n Ch e m. Co r p.

(U.S.P. 1,696,874, 25.12.28. Appl., 7.2.24).—Ethylene


Powiązane dokumenty

H. At this tem perature most of the impurities do not melt, and remain undissolved. After filtering, the fused material is conducted to a spray distributor,

rated by a previous brief exposure. The differences in susceptibility between fats cannot be attributed to any of the non-fatty substances present, but are

tillate are withdrawn. B itum en and tar em ulsions. The amount of alkali present, beyond th a t required to neutralise the organic acids, must be 3—5 mols. of silicic

sulphide. 345,668, 18.11.29).—Precipitated titanium hydroxide is treated with a peptising agent, e.g., nitric or hydrochloric acid or barium chloride, and the

T ransform ation of austenite. The decomp, of austenite in Cr-Ni steels was followed by observations of changes in intensity of magnetisation. Dilatometric

lower ones, contrary to Traube’s rule. Conformity with Traube’s rule was obtained in aq. solutions containing EtOH, which, competing with the fatty acids for

neutralised chromed hide powder from pure egg-yolk fat-liquors; it was all extractable with light petroleum and EtOH, and was increased as the amount of egg yolk used and

C atalytic reduction of tar phenols to arom atic hydrocarbons. At higher temp. Commercial oils, e.g., tricresol, tar phenols, and ta r fractions containing phenols,