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ed Heart Parish Sacr MASS: Reconciliation: Office Hours: Telephone:


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Sacr ed Heart Parish

MASS: Saturday: 4:30 PM. English Sunday: 8:00, 10:00 AM in English & 12 Noon in Polish Weekdays: 9:00AM - Monday, Wednesday, Friday / 7:30AM. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Reconciliation: Saturday from 3:15 PM until 4:00 PM or by appointment.

Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 10AM til 6:00PM. Closed Saturday & Sunday Sacred Heart Ministry Center, 8245 W. 111th St., Palos Hills, IL 60465

Telephone: (708) 974-3336 FAX: (708) 974-3556

email: parishmail@sacredheartpalos.org / Parish website: www.sacredheartpalos.org


Page Two February 21, 2021


“Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem” (Mt 20:18) Lent: a Time for Renewing Faith, Hope and Love

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Jesus revealed to his disciples the deepest meaning of his mission when he told them of his passion, death and resurrection, in fulfilment of the Father’s will. He then called the disciples to share in this mission for the salvation of the world.

In our Lenten journey towards Easter, let us remember the One who “humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross” (Phil 2:8). During this season of conversion, let us renew our faith, draw from the “living water” of hope, and receive with open hearts the love of God, who makes us brothers and sisters in Christ. At the Easter vigil, we will renew our baptismal promises and experience rebirth as new men and women by the working of the Holy Spirit. This Lenten journey, like the entire pilgrimage of the Christian life, is even now illumined by the light of the resurrection, which inspires the thoughts, attitudes and decisions of the followers of Christ.

Fasting, prayer and almsgiving, as preached by Jesus (cf. Mt 6:1-18), enable and express our conversion. The path of poverty and self-denial (fasting), concern and loving care for the poor (almsgiving), and childlike dialogue with the Father (prayer) make it possible for us to live lives of sincere faith, living hope and effective charity.

1. Faith calls us to accept the truth and testify to it before God and all our brothers and sisters.

In this Lenten season, accepting and living the truth revealed in Christ means, first of all, opening our hearts to God’s word, which the Church passes on from generation to generation. This truth is not an abstract concept reserved for a chosen intelligent few. Instead, it is a message that all of us can receive and understand thanks to the wisdom of a heart open to the grandeur of God, who loves us even before we are aware of it.

Christ himself is this truth. By taking on our humanity, even to its very limits, he has made himself the way – demanding, yet open to all – that leads to the fullness of life.

Fasting, experienced as a form of self-denial, helps those who undertake it in simplicity of heart to rediscover God’s gift and to recognize that, created in his image and likeness, we find our fulfilment in him. In

embracing the experience of poverty, those who fast make themselves poor with the poor and accumulate the treasure of a love both received and shared. In this way, fasting helps us to love God and our neighbour, inasmuch as love, as Saint Thomas Aquinas teaches, is a movement outwards that focuses our attention on others and considers them as one with ourselves (cf. Fratelli Tutti, 93).

Lent is a time for believing, for welcoming God into our lives and allowing him to “make his dwelling” among us (cf. Jn 14:23). Fasting involves being freed from all that weighs us down – like consumerism or an excess of information, whether true or false – in order to open the doors of our hearts to the One who comes to us, poor in all things, yet “full of grace and truth” (Jn 1:14): the Son of God our Saviour.

(will be continued in the next bulletin)


Page Three


„Oto idziemy do Jerozolimy…” (Mt 20, 18) Wielki Post: czas na odnowę wiary, nadziei i miłości

Drodzy bracia i siostry,

Zapowiadając uczniom swoją mękę, śmierć i zmartwychwstanie, aby wypełnić wolę Ojca, Jezus ukazuje im głęboki sens swojej misji i wzywa ich do zjednoczenia się z nią dla zbawienia świata.

Podążając wielkopostną drogą, która prowadzi nas do uroczystości wielkanocnych, pamiętajmy o Tym, który „uniżył samego siebie, czyniąc się posłusznym aż do śmierci i to śmierci krzyżowej” (Flp 2, 8).

W tym czasie nawrócenia odnówmy naszą wiarę, zaczerpnijmy „żywej wody nadziei” i przyjmijmy z otwartym sercem miłość Boga, która przemienia nas w braci i siostry w Chrystusie. W Noc Paschalną odnowimy przyrzeczenia naszego Chrztu, aby odrodzić się jako nowi mężczyźni i nowe kobiety, dzięki działaniu Ducha Świętego. Jednak sama wielkopostna wędrówka, podobnie jak cała chrześcijańska droga, jest już w całości oświetlona światłem Zmartwychwstania, które ożywia uczucia, postawy i wybory tych, którzy chcą naśladować Chrystusa.

Post, modlitwa i jałmużna, przedstawione przez Jezusa w Jego kazaniu (por. Mt 6, 1-18), są warunkami i znakami naszego nawrócenia. Droga ubóstwa i wyrzeczenia (post), spojrzenie i gesty miłości wobec zranionego człowieka (jałmużna) oraz synowski dialog z Ojcem (modlitwa) pozwalają nam wcielić w życie szczerą wiarę, żywą nadzieję i czynną miłość.

1. Wiara wzywa nas do przyjęcia Prawdy i do stania się jej świadkami przed Bogiem i przed wszystkimi naszymi braćmi i siostrami.

W tym czasie Wielkiego Postu przyjęcie i przeżywanie Prawdy objawionej w Chrystusie oznacza przede wszystkim zgodę na dotknięcie słowem Bożym, które Kościół przekazuje nam z pokolenia na pokolenie. Prawda ta nie jest konstrukcją intelektualną, zarezerwowaną dla nielicznej grupy wybranych, wyższych lub wyróżniających się umysłów, ale jest przesłaniem, które otrzymujemy i możemy zrozumieć dzięki mądrości serca otwartego na wielkość Boga, który nas kocha, zanim sami staniemy się tego świadomi. Tą Prawdą jest sam Chrystus, który przyjmując całkowicie nasze człowieczeństwo uczynił siebie Drogą – wymagającą, ale otwartą dla wszystkich – prowadzącą do pełni życia.

Post przeżywany jako doświadczenie wyrzeczenia prowadzi tych, którzy go praktykują w prostocie serca, do ponownego odkrycia daru Bożego i do zrozumienia prawdy o nas, jako stworzonych na Jego obraz i podobieństwo, i znajdujących w Nim spełnienie. Zgadzając się na ubóstwo i doświadczając go, ten kto pości, czyni siebie ubogim z ubogimi i „gromadzi” skarb otrzymanej i dzielonej z innymi miłości. Tak rozumiany i praktykowany post pomaga kochać Boga i bliźniego, ponieważ – jak uczy św. Tomasz z Akwinu – miłość jest poruszeniem, które skupia uwagę na drugim, uważając go „za jedno z samym sobą” (por. Enc. Fratelli tutti, 93).

Wielki Post to czas wiary, to znaczy: przyjęcia Boga w naszym życiu i umożliwienia Mu

„zamieszkiwania” z nami (por. J 14, 23). Post oznacza uwolnienie naszej egzystencji od wszystkiego, co ją przytłacza, także od przesytu informacji – prawdziwych czy fałszywych – i od dóbr konsumpcyjnych, aby otworzyć drzwi naszego serca dla Tego, który przychodzi do nas ogołocony ze wszystkiego, ale „pełen łaski i prawdy” (J 1, 14): Syna Bożego, Zbawiciela. (ciąg dalszy w następnym biuletynie)


Page Four

First Sunday of Lent

Your ways, O LORD, make known to me;

teach me your paths.

— Psalm 25:4


Today is the First Sunday of Lent. During this season of preparation for Easter, our churches look stark and simple—no flowers at the altar, no festive banners or decorations. And our liturgies feel different, too. The organ is quiet except to accompany the singing of the assembly. The Gloria, our Sunday song of rejoicing, is not heard except on solemnities, and we will not sing the Alleluia, our joyful acclamation of praise, until the Easter Vigil. “Alleluia cannot always / Be our song while here below,” says an eleventh-century hymn.

“Alleluia our transgressions / Make us for a while forego; / For the solemn time is coming / When our tears for sins must flow” (Alleluia dulce carmen, J. M. Neale, trans.).

These changes in the liturgy will catch our attention, and make us eager for the festive outpouring of joy that will return with Easter. This year, may the stripped-away liturgies of Lent remind us to strip away what is not essential in our lives to make space for the crucified and risen One, and thus to be ready to sing “Alleluia”

once again when Easter returns. —Corinna Laughlin, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


First Reading — I will set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth (Genesis 9:8-15).

Psalm — Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those who keep your covenant (Psalm 25).

Second Reading — The water of the flood prefigured baptism, which saves you now (1 Peter 3:18-22).

Gospel — Jesus was tempted by Satan, and the angels ministered to him (Mark 1:12-15)

The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation.

All rights reserved.


Monday: 1 Pt 5:1-4; Ps 23:1-3a, 4-6; Mt 16:13-19 Tuesday: Is 55:10-11; Ps 34:4-7, 16-19; Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19; Lk 11:29-32

Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8;Mt 7:7-12 Friday: Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-8; Mt 5:20-26 Saturday: Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8; Mt 5:43-48

Sunday: Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ps 116:10, 15-19; Rom 8:31b-34; Mk 9:2-10


To change and to change for the better are two different things. — German proverb


Humanity is never so beautiful as when praying for forgiveness, or else forgiving another.—Jean P. F. Richter


Page Five

Laura Barajas, Joe Potocki, Larry Herm, Jr., Franciszak Kojs, Kathy & Ed Brzezinski,

William Budig, Sandy Garbauski, Kateri Garbauski, Robbie Lasica, Connie Jasik, Clifton Young,

Ronalie Murawski, Eugene & Martha Marcin, Harold Miller, Marlene Thometz, Melanie Bergado, Don C. White, Carol Ann Olsen, Elizabeth Piwowar, Evelyn Foran, Eddy Mckendrick, Verna Cavato, Frank Souza, Mary Ann Rodda, Sharon Arnett, Phil Piekarz, Doris Konieczka, Mary Anna Gercius, Elizabeth Mitchell, Leo Gannon, Florence Gaetano, Maria Libront, Marlene Hebert, Angelo Tuzio, Ken Jankist, Betty Murray, Valeria Pawlowski, Fr. Andrew Zbeeb, Steve Marz, Laura Valdez, Rosemary & Richard Krankavitch, Frank Edwards, Kate Townsend, Maria Libront, Larry Konieczka, Mary Cailles, Florence Sartori, John Martin, Nancy Neary, Pete Perisin,and Melissa Rivette.

Your prayers are requested for the following:




The brother of Laureen Valiquet WIESŁAW




The sister of Ginny Jankowicz

Please pray for their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed.


All parents having a child in the near future are asked

to attend ONE Baptismal class. It is mandatory that parents attend the baptismal preparation class before making arrangements for the Baptism. The Class is held in the Ministry Center building (Formation Room). Please call the Ministry Center office to make arrangements for Baptism by calling 708.974.3336, press 0.

The next Class is scheduled for Tuesday, February 23, 2021, at 7:00pm.

Katecheza przed Chrztem , Wtorek, 23, LUTY ~ 7:00PM Jeżeli w najbliższym czasie planujecie chrzest swojego dziecka to prosimy o kontakt z naszym biurem parafialnym 708

-974-3336, wew. 0. Ponadto zapraszamy rodziców oraz chrzestnych na katechezę przygotowującą do tego ważnego wydarzenia. Katecheza jest prowadzone w języku angielskim.

The following was baptized at Sacred Heart Parish on Saturday, February 6, 2021:


We welcome Juliana into the Mystical Body of Christ and into our Sacred Heart Family.


If you or someone you know, are unable to attend Mass and would like to receive communion at home, please call Elizabeth Droel at 708.974.3336, Ex. 250.

If you are not able to speak to Liz, please be sure to leave a message with your name and telephone number on her voicemail and she will call you back.


Page Six

Saturday, February 20

7:30 AM – Sacred Heart Parishioners

4:30 PM – Jeff Jones, Evelyn Mampreian, Frank P. Holban, Norma Jean Werner Living and Deceased Members of the Charles Roth Family

Sunday, February 21

8:00 AM – Martin F. Popelka, Arlene Murphey, Gladys Ludwig

Living and Deceased Members of the Domico and Quintiliana Families 10:00 AM – Maria Zbela Mudd, Tony Noonan, Jeanne Smith, Rev. Paul Burak

Special Intention for Barbara Frankowicz (Celebrating her Birthday) Healing Intention for William Budig,

12:00 PM – Paweł Gąsienica-Szymków, Irena Habina, Mirosława Szwab, Renata Dudzik Krystina Zurawska, Zbigniew Ochyra, Katarzyna Bobak, Józef Leja

Walter & Teresa Cygan, Deceased Members of the Laszkowski and Naklich Families

Special Intention for Anna & Anthony Magiera (Celebrating their 2nd Wedding Anniversary)

Monday, February 22 – William Bauer

Tuesday, February 23 – Poor Souls in Purgatory

Wednesday, February 24 – Robert Pietrowski, Florence Mampreian, Jean Vazzana Jennie Cernick (1st Anniversary)

Thursday, February 25 – For Our Sacred Heart Benefactors Friday, February 26 – Sacred Heart Parishioners

Saturday, February 27

7:30 AM – Poor Souls in Purgatory 4:30 PM – Pat Duhig,

Living and Deceased Members of the Charles Roth Family Healing Intentions for Kate Townsend

Sunday, February 28

8:00 AM – Living and Deceased Members of the Morgan and Lawson Families Living and Deceased Members of the Troy, Bolbat, and Spalla Families Special Intention for Danny & Kelli Lasica and Family

10:00 AM – Frank Tranchida, Mate Covic, Donald Jankowski Healing Intention for William Budig

12:00 PM – Irena Habina, Mirosława Szwab, Katarzyna Bobak, Józef Leja Teofil & Franciszka Trzaskus, Stanisław & Stanisława Trzaskus,


Page Seven

To continue our celebration of our founder’s Beatification (Blessed Michael McGiveny) on October 31, 2020, the Knights of Columbus are extending the FREE first year membership promotion until June 30, 2021.

This is specifically for you. You’ve been kicking around the idea of wanting to do more...to do something bigger than yourself. You’ve even thought about joining the Knights. But, like all of us, it’s the initial push that’s sometimes the most difficult. So, let this be the push that makes you move. Because if not you, then who?

This promotional offer is only available online. So, you’ll need to register at kofc.org/joinus and use promo code MCGIVNEY2020. Or leave a message at the parish office and one of our Knights will reach out and assist you.


2021 Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.)

Are you or someone you know interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about Christianity

Maybe you are not Catholic, but you are married or engaged to someone who is.

Maybe you were recently asked to be a godparent, a Confirmation sponsor, or a spon sor for a loved one s quincea era.

Maybe you were baptized at an early age, but have not received First Communion and/

or Confirmation.

It is never too late to learn more about your faith, to receive the Sacraments of Initiation, or to join the Catho lic Church. This FREE process is intended for adults and mature young adults. You do not need to live in Pa los Hills to participate.

Online (ZOOM) formation sessions are a ailable for participants preparing to recei e the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and/or Confirmation.

Contact Liz at (708) 974 3336 ext. 250 or droel sacredheartpalos.org for more information.

Catholic Relief Ser ices Rice Bowl Program

As we prepare for Lent, our parish will sup port Catholic Relief Services by participating in the Rice Bowl Program. Cardboard “bowls” and enve lopes will be available in the Narthex and chapel hallway beginning February 13/14. Make checks payable to Sacred Heart Parish and return your do nation no later than Holy Thursday (April 1).

100% of your donations assist Catholic Re lief Services in its humanitarian efforts both in de veloping countries and here in the United States.

Thank you for your generosity.


Page Eight


In the past, we have automatically sent out year -end tax statements for anyone who contributed over $250. Due to the new IRS Tax Changes, it is likely that more people will be using the standard deduction and will not be itemizing.

In an effort to save money on postage, we have decided not to automatically send out charitable contribution letters. We will be happy to provide these letters upon request.

Please call the Parish Office to request a statement (708) 974-3336, Press 0.

Thank you again for your generous support.

Any questions about your statement please call Ginny at 708 974.3336, Ex 211.


FEBRUARY 13 & 14, 2021

Sunday Budgeted Collection $13,500.00

Sunday & Holy Day $8,639.00

YTD weekly budget SURPLUS 4,461.00

God Bless You and Thank You!

Beth Mikula & Emmett Williamson Business Office

Sacred Heart Parish provides a safe and easy way to donate automatically to our parish. It is called E- Giving, also referred to as electronic giving. It is easy to sign up and provides our parish with a steady stream of income, even if you are unable to attend mass because of vacation or other obligations. You have the option to give weekly, biweekly, monthly, or even make a one-time donation.

You can have the donation withdrawn directly from a checking or savings account or by credit card. You have the option of donating to Sundays, Holy Days, Christmas, Easter, second collections and even special campaigns like our 150 Anniversary Celebration.

Follow the prompts on our website under donations.



Page Nine

Dear Parishioners,

Thank you for your generous support for our Split the Pot fundraising efforts. We are seeing more support of this effort as the weeks roll on. However, it is becoming more difficult every week to keep track of donations. Many of you are sending one check in and asking us to spread the Split the Pot donations over several future weeks’ drawings. Other times the instructions are not specific enough and we have to track down your intentions. Since the winner must give to Split the Pot and make a regular donation to qualify to win, it is imperative that we are able to determine this at the time of the drawing. We are also receiving entries through the post office, sometimes these are late entries that do not qualify because we have drawn the number before receiving the envelopes. . We are doing our best and are committed to being transparent.

These exceptions are causing problems, so, if at all possible please send in one en elope and one check (cash) specifically for Split the Pot in the week it is drawn.

Thank you for your continued generosity and understanding.

Emmett Williamson, Business Manager

Rules for Split the Pot:

1. Only registered parishioners are eligible to win this weekly drawing. If you are not registered with our parish, please come to our administrative office and we will be happy to register you into Sacred Heart Parish.

2. You must play to win. In addition to your regular weekly offering of at least five dollars, the cost of a split the pot entry for any given week’s drawing is also fi e dollars. (There are separate

envelopes for split the pot). All monies for split the pot will be set aside until there is a winner.

3. There may not be a winner e ery week. Each week, a name is drawn from our entire, (whether they participate in the split the pot or not) parishioner file. If the name drawn participated in that week’s split the pot drawing, they will win the split the pot prize.

4. If the name drawn from our entire parishioner file did not participate in split the pot that week, the money will be rolled o er to increase the next week’s jackpot.

Thank you for your continued generosity! Emmett Williamson, Business Manager


For those using the extra Split the Pot envelopes provided in back of church; please be sure to put your name and or Envelope ID number. These envelopes are not preprinted, so we have no idea who you are..

Split The Pot Drawing for the Weekend of

FEBRUARY 14, 2021

The card I.D. #2892 was pulled.

(Not eligible; did not participate in Split the Pot)



Page Ten


11 DAYS: OCTOBER 18 – 28, 2021




TOUR INCLUDES: Roundtrip air from Chicago, first class/select hotels, most meals, comprehensive sightseeing with a professional English speaking guide, all admission fees, porterage, hotel service charges and much more!!

For a Brochure and More Information:

Please contact Fr. Jacek Wrona:

Tel: (708) 974-3336 jawrona@archchicago.org





Page Eleven

The brick orders that ha e been gathered during this last wa e, December 2019 through No ember 2020 ha e finally been installed. They were delayed due to the Co id pandemic. Starting in December 2020, Wa e 5 orders are now being accepted and we are hoping for a Spring installation.


Much has happened in these past several months with so many limitations, you may not have been able to attend such momentous occasions as a special birthday, baptism, graduation, wedding or the funeral of a loved one.

January is a special month to remember those loved ones that are gone but are not forgotten, why not honor their memory for the 2021 New Year by creating a brick for them in our

memorial gardens.

What better way to begin the New Year by giving thanks to God or to those who have made a special im pact in your life


Brochures containing all the information you need to order a memory brick are available at the Parish Office or on

the website page at

https://sacredheartpalos.org/memorial-gardens/pa er- brick-forms/

Completed forms with payments can be can be mailed to or dropped off at the parish office or placed in the drop box (located in the wall outside of the parish office). Please write

Pavers on the envelope. Completed forms without payment can be sent to pit guy8245 gmail.com but will not be fully processed without payment. Verification of design will be sent via email address.

Note that all the bricks in a phase are processed at the same time after the cut-off date and not individually.

Thanks - Paul Mikula


Page Twelve


Rev. Jacek Wrona, Pastor Rev. David Straub, Associate Pastor

Deacons: Dominic Andriacchi and Thomas Rzendzian Weekend Ministry: Rev. Robert R. Rohrich, C.M.

Pastores Emeriti: Rev. Robert F. McGinnity, Rev. Patrick M. Tucker

Pastoral Associate, Elizabeth Droel

Director of Religious Education: Elizabeth Mikula

R.E. Office In Moscow Center 708 974-3900 ~ FAX: 708 974-3922 Directors of Music: John and Sue O’Keefe


Business Manager, Emmett Williamson Business Staff, Beth Mikula

Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor: Ginny Jankowicz Receptionist: Steve Schanz Administrative Office: 708. 974.3336, Press 0

Anointing of the Sick: Every Monday morning after 9:00 AM Mass or by specific arrangement of priest.

Baptism (in Polish) First and third Sunday of each month at 12 Noon Mass (Maximum four allowed), and 1:30pm. (Maximum six allowed). Baptism (in English) 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month at 1:30 pm (Maximum of six). Baptismal Preparation Class is monthly. Baptism is set-up following completion of the class. Call 708.974.3336 Press 0, to make arrangements for Baptismal.

Reconciliation: Saturday, 3:15 -4:00 PM or appointment. Instruction In Catholic Faith call Ministry Office.

Marriages: Friday 4:00PM, Saturday 12:00PM and 2:00 PM.

Pre-Marriage instructions required. Arrangements should be made, according to Archdiocesan policy, at least six months before the wedding. Dates and times are not set at initial phone call, but must be confirmed by the officiating priest or deacon.

If you have a new address, land line, or cell phone number, please call us at 708 974-3336, Press 211, or send an Email to:



If we do not have your email address, can you please call or send an email

to the above email address. A special thank you to those of you who have contacted me and sent their email address.

Thank You and God Bless! Ginny Jankowicz




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