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A bound for the range of a narrow light beam in the near field


Academic year: 2021

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A bound for the range of a narrow light

beam in the near field

Piet W. Verbeek and Peter M. van den Berg*

Department of Imaging Technology & Science, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology, Lorentzweg 1, 2628 CJ Delft, The Netherlands

*Corresponding author: p.m.vandenberg@tudelft.nl Received August 15, 2011; accepted September 3, 2011;

posted September 9, 2011 (Doc. ID 152949); published September 29, 2011

We investigate the possibility of light beams that are both narrow and long range with respect to the wavelength. On the basis of spectral electromagnetic field representations, we have studied the decay of the evanescent waves, and we have obtained some bounds for the width and range of a light beam in the near-field region. The range determines the spatial bound of the near field in the direction of propagation. For a number of representative examples we found that narrow beams have a short range. Our analysis is based on the uncertainty relations between spatial position and spatial frequency. © 2011 Optical Society of America

OCIS codes: 070.0070, 070.7345, 260.0260, 260.2110.


In the literature there is a growing interest in the near-field propagation of a light beam and its relation to the propagation of this light beam in the far-field region. In near future tech-nology, such as nano-optics, the interest in the near-field region becomes increasingly important. In particular, the plasmonic-beaming phenomenon in the near-field region (see Lezec et al. [1]) has attracted a great amount of interest over the last decade. Plasmonic light beaming is mainly due to the interaction between surface plasmons generated from a small aperture and beaming gratings [2]. With an appropriate choice of medium parameters and aperture size, scattering at the aperture can create a narrow beam by interference [3] in the immediate vicinity of the aperture (near field). Lezec and Thio [4] studied the plasmons around the aperture in more detail by investigating the behavior of the evanescent waves in the near-field region.

However, for further analysis, a clear distinction should be made between the width of the beam in the near-field region and in the far field. A major question is how the light beam propagates from the near field to the far field. We do not con-sider the change of the beam width from midfield to far field, where the influence of the evanescent waves may be ne-glected [5–14]. While many studies concentrate on the ampli-tude enhancement in the far field, the issue of the change of the width and the related acuity of the beam during propaga-tion in the near field is even more important. In principle, one can numerically study the propagation of the electromagnetic field from the near field to the midfield to the far field (e.g., [15]), but only some qualitative insight after many (physical and/or numerical) experiments can be arrived at.

The objective of the present paper is to rigorously quantify the change of the width of a beam and its loss of acuity during its propagation from near field to midfield. We generalize the problem by describing the electromagnetic field distribution at some reference plane and considering the propagation along a perpendicular direction to an observational plane

parallel to the reference plane. Similar to Porras [8], we write the electromagnetic field distribution at the reference plane as a two-dimensional (2D) Fourier integral of propagating and evanescent waves. Only the evanescent waves with high spa-tial frequencies contribute to the acuity of the beam, and these evanescent waves have only a very short range of traveling. In further analysis of beam propagation, Porras [8] excludes the near region close to the reference plane, where a complicated field behavior occurs. It is, however, this region where the pre-sent paper aims to quantify the influence of these evanescent waves on the beam width. Hence, a theoretical analysis in the 2D Fourier domain in both the reference plane and the obser-vational plane facilitates the analysis of the width. To quantify the width of the beam after propagation to an observational plane, we adopt the definition of second order moment of in-tensity, both for the width in the spatial domain and for the width in the spectral (Fourier) domain. These two quantities are related to each other via the uncertainty relations of Papoulis [16] for a 2D field distribution. An upper bound for the spectral width plane is derived. If the spatial second moment exists, a lower bound for the spatial width at the observational plane is obtained as well.

To characterize the decrease of the upper bound for the spectral width as a function of the propagation of the electro-magnetic beam, we define the range via either the first moment or the second moment of the decrease. In our analysis this range is considered to be the spatial bound of the near field perpendicular to the reference plane. This range is determined by the field distribution in the reference plane only.

For two illustrative examples, viz., a Gaussian field distri-bution in the reference plane and a band-limited field distribu-tion in the reference plane, the bounds for the widths and ranges are obtained in closed form and are analyzed in detail.


We introduce a Cartesian coordinate system with horizontal coordinates x and y and vertical coordinate z. The complex


representation of field quantities is used with complex time factor expð−iωtÞ. We further assume that all electromagnetic sources that generate the electromagnetic field in a three-dimensional space are located in the half-space z < 0. In the homogeneous and isotropic half-space z > 0, the electro-magnetic field vectors,E ¼ Eðx; y; zÞ and H ¼ Hðx; y; zÞ, may be written in the form of a Fourier representation:

fE; Hg ¼ 1 4π2


R2f~E; ~Hg expðikxx þ ikyyÞdkxdky: ð1Þ

By substituting these representations in Maxwell’s equations, it follows that the spectral field vectors ~E ¼ ~Eðkx; ky; zÞ and


H ¼ ~Hðkx; ky; zÞ have to satisfy the differential equation


∂z2þ k2− k2x− k2y

f~E; ~Hg ¼ 0; z > 0; ð2Þ in which k¼ 2π=λ is the wave number and λ is the wavelength. Since the electromagnetic sources are located in the domain z < 0, the solutions are either propagating waves traveling in the positive z direction or so-called evanescent waves decaying exponentially in the positive z direction (see Clemmow [17]).

If, in the spectralðkx; kyÞ domain, the values of kx and ky

are located inside the circular domain Dpr¼ fx ∈ R2;

k2xþ k2y≤ k2g, then kzis real and the solution is a propagating

wave in the z direction, viz.,

f~Eðkx; ky; zÞ; ~Hðkx; ky; zÞg ¼ f~Eðkx; ky; 0Þ; ~Hðkx; ky; 0Þg

× expðikzzÞ; z > 0; ð3Þ


kz¼ ðk2− k2x− k2yÞ12; ðkx; kyÞ ∈ Dpr: ð4Þ

Obviously, the field components that correspond to these low spatial frequencies have long-range propagation. Further, the spectral field vectors, ~E and ~H, and the wave vector k ¼ fkx; ky; kzg are related to each other as ð~E × ~HÞ × k ¼ 0;

speci-fically, we have ~

H ¼ ðωμÞ−1k × ~E; ð5Þ

whereμ is the permeability.

On the other hand, if the values of kxand kyare located in

the domain Dev¼ fx ∈ IR2; fk2xþ k2y> k2g, which is outside

the circular domain Dpr, then kzis imaginary and the solution

is an exponentially decaying (or evanescent) wave in the z direction, viz.,

f~Eðkx; ky; zÞ; ~Hðkx; ky; zÞg ¼ f~Eðkx; ky; 0Þ; ~Hðkx; ky; 0Þg

× expð−γzzÞ; z > 0; ð6Þ


γz¼ ðk2xþ k2y− k2Þ12; ðkx; kyÞ ∈ Dev: ð7Þ

The field components that correspond to these high spatial frequencies have short-range propagation. A wave field that propagates in the vertical z direction from our reference plane

at z¼ 0 to an observational plane z can be seen as passing through a spatial low-pass filter. Since a narrow light beam needs high spatial frequencies, it will lose its narrowness during propagation.

For illustration we show for some particular beams the field distributions at z¼ 0 and z ¼ λ=2, respectively (see Figs.1–4). In Fig.1, we consider a Gaussian field distribution at z¼ 0 with spatial field vector

Eðx; y; 0Þ ¼ E0exp  − r2 2σ2  ; r2¼ x2þ y2; ð8Þ

whereE0¼ Eð0; 0; 0Þ is some given vectorial amplitude. The pertaining spectral distribution is given by

~Eðkx; ky; 0Þ ¼ E02πσ2exp  −1 2σ 2κ2  ; κ2¼ k2xþ k2y: ð9Þ

In the top figures we have plotted the spatial and spectral dis-tributions forσ ¼ λ=4. In the spectral domain, within the do-main−1 < kx=k < 1 of propagating waves, we observe that the

major parts of the three curves coincide completely, and the evanescent waves play a minor role in the change of the spa-tial field distribution as function of z. The decay of the spaspa-tial field distribution and its beam widening for increasing z are modest. In the bottom figures we takeσ ¼ λ=20. In the spec-tral domain we have significant distributions both from the domain−1 < kx=k < 1 of propagating waves and the domain

jkx=kj > 1 of evanescent waves. The evanescent waves

dimin-ish very fast for increasing z, which has the consequence that the spatial amplitudes decay significantly after a short range of propagation in the z direction, together with significant beam widening.

In Fig.2, we consider a twice-differentiated Gaussian field distribution at z¼ 0 with spatial field vector

Eðx; y; 0Þ ¼ E0σ2  ∂2 ∂x2þ ∂ 2 ∂y2  exp  − r2 2σ2  : ð10Þ

The pertaining spectral distribution is given by

~Eðkx; ky; 0Þ ¼ −E02πσ4κ2expð−1

2κ2Þ: ð11Þ

Comparing these field distributions with the nondifferentiated counterparts, we observe increased evanescent components and reduced propagation components. The very high evanes-cent component in the bottom figure forσ ¼ λ=20 yields a very narrow beam at z¼ 0, but after traveling a half-wavelength the evanescent contribution has diminished substantially with the consequence that a huge beam widening occurs.

In Fig.3, we consider a band-limited distribution at z¼ 0 with spectral field vector

~Eðkx; ky; 0Þ ¼ E0ða2− κ2ÞΠaðκÞ;

ΠaðκÞ ¼

1; κ < a

0; κ > a: ð12Þ


Eðx; y; 0Þ ¼ E0


πr2J2ðarÞ; ð13Þ

where J2is the Bessel function of second order.

In Fig. 4, we consider the twice-differentiated form of the same band-limited distribution at z¼ 0 with spectral field vector

~Eðkx; ky; 0Þ ¼ E0


a2ða2− κ2ÞΠaðκÞ ð14Þ

and spatial field vector

Eðx; y; 0Þ ¼ −E0  ∂2 ∂x2þ ∂ 2 ∂y2  1 πr2J2ðarÞ: ð15Þ

Note that the pictures of these band-limited distributions do not differ essentially from the ones of the Gaussian distribu-tions. The major difference is the oscillating behavior due to the band limitation.

In the present paper we will quantify the loss of sharpness of a light beam during propagation by deriving some bounds for the width of a light beam.


In electromagnetic applications, wave propagation is gov-erned by the exchange of electric and magnetic energy. The volume density of the amount of energy that is reversibly

stored in the electric energy is proportional toεjEj2, whereε is

the permittivity. We therefore define the electric energy den-sity (apart from the permittivity factor) per unit length in the z direction as

IðzÞ ¼ZZ

R2jEðx; y; zÞj

2dxdy¼ ∥EðzÞ∥2

R2; ð16Þ

where the subscriptR2is included in the L2-norm definition to

indicate the domain of integration. Note that this electric en-ergy density is not preserved during propagation, because eva-nescent waves are present. This is the reason that we study the influence of the evanescent waves by concentrating on this energy quantity. The change of this quantity dictates the range of the field in the region where the evanescent waves contribute to the acuity of the beam.

On account of Parseval’s theorem, the electric energy den-sity may also be written in terms of the spectral quantities as

IðzÞ ¼ 1 4π2 ZZ R2jEðkx; ky; zÞj 2dkxdky¼ 1 4π2∥~EðzÞ∥2R2 ¼ 1 4π2½∥~EðzÞ∥2Dprþ ∥~EðzÞ∥ 2 Dev; ð17Þ

where the subscripts Dpr and Dev are included in the norm

definition to indicate the integration range of the domain of

−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x/λ → |E(x,0,z) / E(0,0,z)| σ = λ/4 −5 −3 −1 0 1 3 5 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 k x/k → |E(k x,0,z) / E(kx=0,0,z)| z=0 z=λ/2 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x/λ → |E(x,0,z) / E(0,0,z)| σ = λ/20 −5 −3 −1 0 1 3 5 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 k x/k → |E(k x,0,z) / E(kx=0,0,z)| z=0 z=λ/2

Fig. 1. (Color online) Gaussian field distribution: the spatial field amplitudes as a function of x at y¼ 0 (left figures) and the spectral field am-plitudes as a function of kxat ky¼ 0 (right figures), for z ¼ 0 and z ¼ λ=2, respectively. We consider σ ¼ λ=4 (σk ¼ π=2) (top figures) and σ ¼ λ=20 (σk ¼ π=10) (bottom figures).


propagating waves and the domain of evanescent waves, re-spectively. Note that the energy density in the spectral domain is a superposition of the energy density of the propagating waves and the energy density of the evanescent waves.

In view of the uncertainty relations for 2D signals (Papoulis [16]), we define the spatial width wðzÞ of a light beam in the spatial domain via its second moment as a function of z as

w2ðzÞ ¼ 4 RR R2ðx2þ y2ÞjEðx; y; zÞj2dxdy IðzÞ ¼ 4 ∥rEðzÞ∥2 R2 IðzÞ ; ð18Þ with r¼ ðx2þ y2Þ1

2. Similarly, the spectral width WðzÞ of the

light beam in the 2D Fourier domain is defined as

W2ðzÞ ¼ 4 1 4π2 RR R2ðk2xþ k2yÞj~Eðkx; ky; zÞj2dkxdky IðzÞ ¼ 44π12∥κ~EðzÞ∥2R2 IðzÞ ; ð19Þ withκ ¼ ðk2xþ k2yÞ1

2. For these width definitions the following

uncertainty relation holds (see Papoulis [16]):


2wðzÞ 12WðzÞ ≥ 1: ð20Þ

Further, Papoulis [16] has claimed that the equality sign holds only if the spatial field distribution is Gaussian, i.e.,

expð−ax2− by2Þ with positive a and b. However, a further

analysis of the proof shows that it only holds for a¼ b. Suppose now that in the spectral field ~E vanishes in the domain Dev where the waves are evanescent, as is

asympto-tically true for large z. Then, the spectral width WðzÞ reaches its maximum 2k if and only if jEðκ; θ; zÞj2

κ−1δðκ − kÞjAðκ; θ; zÞj2, where we have introduced the polar

coordinates ðκ; θÞ in the spectral domain. Consequently, WðzÞ ≤ 2k for all positive z, and the uncertainty relation of Eq. (20) says that wðzÞ ≥ 2=k ¼ λ=π for all positive z.

Conversely, if the spatial width wðzÞ ≤ 2=k, then ~E does not vanish in the whole domain Dev, as we shall suppose to be true

for z¼ 0. Therefore, we define a light beam to be narrow in the spatial domain if wðzÞ ≤ 2=k or, equivalently, in the spec-tral domain if WðzÞ ≥ 2k.

In view of the discussions in the literature on high-aperture beams and the existence of the second order moment in the spatial domain, Sheppard ([12], p. 1584) states“that a Gaus-sian beam of any width comprises evanescent components. If these evanescent components are truncated the width, as de-scribed by the second moment, diverges.” However, in our present paper we investigate the consequence of the presence of the evanescent waves and their decay during propagation. The analysis of nondiffracting beams such as Bessel beams does not comply with our analysis in the near field. The reason is that they lack evanescent components, which makes the concept of near field meaningless. At the other hand, (other

−5 −3 −1 0 1 3 5 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 k x/k → |E(k x,0,z) / E(kx=0.9k,0,z)| −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x/λ → |E(x,0,z) / E(0,0,z)| σ=λ/4 z=0 z=λ/2 −5 −3 −1 0 1 3 5 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 k x/k → |E(k x,0,z) / E(kx=4.5k,0,z)| −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x/λ → |E(x,0,z) / E(0,0,z)| σ=λ/20 z=0 z=λ/2

Fig. 2. (Color online) Distribution of the twice-differentiated Gaussian field distribution: the spatial field amplitudes as a function of x at y¼ 0 (left figures) and the spectral field amplitudes as a function of kxat ky¼ 0 (right figures), for z ¼ 0 and z ¼ λ=2, respectively. We consider σ ¼ λ=4 (σk ¼ π=2) (top figures) and σ ¼ λ=20 (σk ¼ π=10) (bottom figures).


than Bessel) beams may exist that combine evanescent com-ponents with divergence of the second order momentum in space. Therefore we emphasize that the major analysis is car-ried out in the spectral domain, independent of the existence of the second order momentum in space. In case of divergence of the second order momentum in space, all relations in the spectral domain remain valid, but the relation with respect to the spatial width loses its meaning.

In the next section we shall investigate how the spectral width WðzÞ depends on vertical coordinate z.


Although at this point we are not able to derive a closed-form expression for the spectral width WðzÞ, we can give an upper bound. We first note that in the domain Dpr of the spectral

space, where the waves are propagating, the value of j ~E j2

does not change as function of z; therefore,


∂z2j~Eðkx; ky; zÞj2¼ 0; for ðkx; kyÞ ∈ Dpr: ð21Þ

Secondly, we observe from Eqs. (6) and (7) that in the domain Dev of the spectral space, where the waves are evanescent,

j ~E j2does change as function of z, and the second order

de-rivative in the z direction is given by


∂z2j~Eðkx; ky; zÞj2¼ 4ðk2xþ k2y− k2Þj~Eðkx; ky; zj2;

forðkx; kyÞ ∈ Dev: ð22Þ

Integration of the last equation over the domain Dev and

reordering of the different terms yield

∥κ~EðzÞ∥2 Dev¼  k2þ 1 4 ∂2 ∂z2  ∥~EðzÞ∥2 Dev: ð23Þ

Adding on both sides the contribution of the integration of κ2j~Ej2over the domain D

pr, we arrive at ∥κ~EðzÞ∥2 Dprþ ∥κ~EðzÞ∥ 2 Dev¼ ∥κ~EðzÞ∥ 2 Dpr þ  k2þ 1 4 ∂2 ∂z2  ∥~EðzÞ∥2 Dev: ð24Þ

The left-hand side is equal to 4π2IðzÞW2ðzÞ [cf. Eq. (19)]. Since

κ2− k2≤ 0 in the domain D

pr, we observe that the first term

of the right-hand side satisfies the inequality ∥κ~EðzÞ∥2 Dpr≤


Dpr. Further, in view of Eq. (21), we conclude that

Eq. (24) is replaced by the inequality

4π2IðzÞW2ðzÞ ≤ 4  k2þ 1 4 ∂2 ∂z2  ½∥~EðzÞ∥2 Dprþ ∥~EðzÞ∥ 2 Dev: ð25Þ −5 −3 −1 0 1 3 5 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 k x/k → |E(k x,0,z) / E(kx=0,0,z)| −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x/λ → |E(x,0,z) / E(0,0,z)| a = 2k z=0 z=λ/2 −5 −3 −1 0 1 3 5 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 k x/k → |E(k x,0,z) / E(kx=0,0,z)| −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x/λ → |E(x,0,z) / E(0,0,z)| a = 5k z=0 z=λ/2

Fig. 3. (Color online) Band-limited field distribution: the spatial field amplitudes as a function of x at y¼ 0 (left figures) and the spectral field amplitudes as a function of kxat ky¼ 0 (right figures), for z ¼ 0 and z ¼ λ=2, respectively. We consider a ¼ 2k (top figures) and a ¼ 5k (bottom figures).


The equality sign holds if there are no propagating waves. Using the definition of IðzÞ [see Eq. (17)], we immediately observe that WðzÞ ≤  1 þ 1 4k2 ∂2IðzÞ=∂z2 IðzÞ 1 2 2k: ð26Þ

For later convenience, we rewrite it as

WðzÞ ≤ ½1 þ αðzÞ1

22k; ð27Þ


αðzÞ ¼∂2IðzÞ=∂z2

4k2IðzÞ ; ð28Þ

which implies the lower bound

wðzÞ ≥ ð2=kÞ½1 þ αðzÞ−1

2≡ wlbðzÞ: ð29Þ

The variation of quantityα as a function of z is a measure of the change of the spectral width and consequently the change of the spatial width of the light beam traveling in the z direc-tion. Note that in the quantity∂2IðzÞ=∂z2¼ ð1=4π2Þ∥2γz~E∥2


only evanescent waves contribute.


In order to study the decay ofαðzÞ as function of z, we define the scaled function

βðzÞ ¼ αðzÞIðzÞ Ið0Þ¼ ∂


4k2Ið0Þ : ð30Þ

Note that the scaling factor IðzÞ=Ið0Þ represents the decay of the stored energy of the light beam in the z direction. This should not be confused with the transport of the total electro-magnetic energy through a z plane. The electroelectro-magnetic energy transport in the z direction is described by half of the real part of the complex Poynting vector, integrated over the observational z plane, i.e.,

1 2Re ZZ R2½E × H  zdxdy  ¼ 1 2Re ZZ R2½~E × ~H  zdkxdky  ¼ 1 2Re ZZ R2 kz ωμj~Ej2expðikzz − ikzzÞdkxdky  ¼ 1 2 ZZ Dpr kz ωμj~Ej2dkxdky; ð31Þ −5 −3 −1 0 1 3 5 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 k x/k → |E(k x,0,z) / E(kx=1.4k,0,z)| −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x/λ → |E(x,0,z) / E(0,0,z)| a = 2k z=0 z=λ/2 −5 −3 −1 0 1 3 5 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 k x/k → |E(k x,0,z) / E(kx=3.5k,0,z)| −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x/λ → |E(x,0,z) / E(0,0,z)| a = 5k z=0 z=λ/2

Fig. 4. (Color online) Distribution of the twice-differentiated band-limited field distribution: the spatial field amplitudes as a function of x at y¼ 0 (left figures) and the spectral field amplitudes as a function of kxat ky¼ 0 (right figures), for z ¼ 0 and z ¼ λ=2, respectively. We consider a ¼ 2k (top figures) and a¼ 5k (bottom figures).


which shows that there is no contribution from the evanescent waves, so that only the propagating waves contribute to the transport of energy and the energy is conserved.

In order to arrive at some measure for the behavior ofβðzÞ as function of z, we investigate the range ofβðzÞ. We propose two range definitions:Γ1andΓ2. Let us consider the integrals R

0 z2βðzÞdz,


0 zβðzÞdz, and


0 βðzÞdz, and let us assume that

the integrations with respect to kx, ky, and z may be inter-changed. Then, these integrals may be rewritten as

½16π2k2Ið0Þ Z 0 z2βðzÞdz ¼ZZ Dev 4γ2zj~Eðkx; ky; 0Þj2 Z 0 z2expð−2γzzÞdz  dkxdky ¼ ∥γ−12 z ~Eð0Þ∥2Dev; ð32Þ ½16π2k2Ið0Þ Z 0 zβðzÞdz ¼ZZ C04γ 2 zj~Eðkx; ky; 0Þj2 Z 0 z expð−2γz zÞdzdkxdky ¼ ∥~Eð0Þ∥2 Dev; ð33Þ and ½16π2k2Ið0Þ Z 0 βðzÞdz ¼ZZ Dev 4γ2zj~Eðkx; ky; 0Þj2 Z 0 expð−2γzzÞdz  dkxdky ¼ 2∥γ12z~Eð0Þ∥2 Dev: ð34Þ

This gives us the definition of the range Γ2 of βðzÞ via its second moment as Γ2 2¼ R 0 z2βðzÞdz R 0 βðzÞdz ¼∥γ −1 2 z ~Eð0Þ∥2Dev 2∥γ12 z~Eð0Þ∥2Dev ð35Þ

and the rangeΓ1via its first moment as Γ1¼ R 0 zβðzÞdz R 0 βðzÞdz ¼ ∥ ~Eð0Þ∥2Dev 2∥γ12 z~Eð0Þ∥2Dev : ð36Þ

After traveling of the light beam over a distance equal to either the range Γ2 or Γ1, the pertaining inequality of Eq. (27) is

WðΓÞ ≤ ½1 þ αðΓÞ1

22k; ð37Þ

with eitherΓ ¼ Γ2 orΓ ¼ Γ1, and where αðΓÞ ¼∥ γz k~EðΓÞ∥2Dev ∥ ~Eð0Þ∥2 R2 : ð38Þ

Correspondingly, for the spatial width of the light beam, the inequality

wðΓÞ ≥ 2

k½1 þ αðΓÞ1 2

ð39Þ holds, which shows that the width of the light beam after tra-veling over a distance equal to the rangeΓ cannot be smaller thanð2=kÞ½1 þ αðΓÞ−12.

At this point we are not able to quantify this bound more precisely. However, for each spatial field distribution in the reference plane, we are able to calculate either analytically or numerically the spectral field distribution. As a next step we show the results for a few examples, for which we are able to calculate analytically the integrals in the numerator and denominator of Eqs. (35) and (36). Finally,αðΓÞ is calculated by computing the integrals of Eq. (38).

So far our analysis is carried out in the Cartesian coordi-nates x, y, and z. In the case that the spatial field distribution in the reference plane z¼ 0 exhibits rotational symmetry, it is advantageous to use the polar coordinates x¼ r cosðθÞ and y ¼ sinðθÞ. Then all spatial integrals, ∬R2dxdy¼ 2πR0∞rdr, become single integrals over the radial coordinate only. This rotational symmetry is preserved in the spectral domain, and we employ the polar coordinates kx¼ κ cosðϑÞ and ky¼

κ sinðϑÞ. Similarly, all spectral integrals, ∬R2dkxdky¼

2πR0∞κdκ, become single integrals over the radial coordinate only.

In case there is no rotational symmetry in the field distribu-tion, we can enforce our 2D analysis to a rotational one, by defining the average of the spectral field distribution over theϑ direction as ~Eavðκ; zÞ ¼  1 2π Z 0 j~Eðκ; ϑ; zÞj 2dϑ 1 2 : ð40Þ

All integrals in the reference plane become integrals over the radial coordinate only, while all relations in the spectral domain remain valid. However, the inequalities of Eqs. (20) and (39) lose their meaning.


As examples we investigate the width and range in more detail for the Gaussian fields and the band-limited fields given in Section 2, as well as their differentiated ones. Both field distributions exhibit rotational symmetry, and we can employ polar coordinates in both the spatial and spectral domains.

A. Gaussian Field Distributions

The width wð0Þ and Wð0Þ are simply obtained as

wð0Þ ¼ 2σ; Wð0Þ ¼ 2=σ; ð41Þ

which shows that in the relation of Eq. (20) the equality signs holds. Using the field distributions of Eqs. (8) and (9), some analytical calculations lead to the rangesΓ1;2 as

Γ1¼ π−


2σ; Γ

2¼ σ: ð42Þ

The ranges are directly proportional to the spatial width. Spe-cifically, for the parameterσ ¼ λ=4, we have Γ1¼ 0:141λ and Γ2¼ 0:25λ, while for the parameter σ ¼ λ=20, we have Γ1¼

0:028λ and Γ2¼ 0:05λ. In other words, a reduction of the


a factor of 5 as well. To investigate the beam widening in more detail, we calculate the beam range quantitiesβðzÞ, Ið0Þ=IðzÞ, andαðzÞ.

For convenience, we introduce a new variable, ζ ¼ z=σ. Then, after some analytic calculations, we find

βðσζÞ ¼expð−σ2k2Þ

σ2k2 f ðζÞ; ð43Þ

IðσζÞ=Ið0Þ ¼ 1 − expð−σ2k2ÞgðζÞ; ð44Þ

andαðσζÞ is found as the ratio of the results of Eqs. (43) and (44). The functions fðζÞ and gðζÞ are obtained as

f ðζÞ ¼ 1 þ ζ21 2ð3 þ 2ζ 2Þζπ1 2erfcxðζÞ; ð45Þ gðζÞ ¼ ζπ1 2erfcxðζÞ: ð46Þ

The function erfcxðζÞ ¼ expðζ2ÞerfcðζÞ is the normalized

com-plementary error function, while the comcom-plementary error function is defined as erfcðζÞ ¼ ð2=π12ÞRζ∞expð−t2Þdt. The

functions fðζÞ and gðzÞ are depicted in Fig. 5, in which we have also indicated the values of fðz=σÞ at z ¼ Γ1 and z ¼ Γ2, respectively. First of all, we observe thatβðzÞ for z ¼

σζ consists of two factors, the first factor only depending on the product ofσ and k, and the second factor only depending onζ ¼ z=σ. The first factor is related to the normalized width σ=λ at z ¼ 0, while the second factor represents the decay as a function of z. We observe that f is an almost exponentially decaying function for increasingζ ¼ z=σ, and its value at ζ ¼ Γ2=σ is close to the value of expð−2Þ ¼ 0:1353. Further, at ζ ¼

Γ2=σ the function gðζÞ reaches the asymptotic value for large z

with the consequence that around thisζ-value the change of function IðσζÞ=Ið0Þ [see Eq. (44)] as a function ofσk is much faster than the change as a function ofζ. Therefore, it suffices to plot the beam range quantities forζ ¼ Γ2=σ ¼ 1 only. Then all the beam range quantities only depend on the product ofσ and k, and we plot them as a function of the normalized width wð0Þ=2λ ¼ σ=λ ¼ σk=2π (see the solid lines in Fig.6). We con-clude thatαðzÞ ≪ 1 at z ¼ Γ2and thus is not significant when

σ >1

4λ, which means that in this case the lower bound of 1

2wðΓ2Þ, i.e.,1k½1 þ αðΓ2Þ−


2, tends to 1=k and that the

narrow-ing effect due to the contribution of evanescent waves vanishes.

In the top picture of Fig.7, we present the narrowness fac-tor of the beam1

2kwlbðzÞ ¼ ½1 þ αðzÞ−


2for z¼ 0, z ¼ Γ

2, and

z ¼ 2Γ2, respectively. Because of Eqs. (43)–(45), we have

αð0Þ ¼ expð−σ2k2Þ=ðσ2k2Þ. From the results we conclude that

for narrow beams with a Gaussian field distribution, the beams do not propagate over ranges longer than about 1=4 the wavelength without losing their narrowness.

Subsequently, we consider the twice-differentiated distribu-tion of Eq. (10). The width wð0Þ and Wð0Þ are simply obtained as wð0Þ ¼ 2σ; Wð0Þ ¼2 ffiffiffi 3 p σ ; ð47Þ 0 0.5642 1 2 3 0 0.1053 0.256 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 ζ=z/σ → f(Γ 1/σ) f(Γ 2/σ) f(ζ) g(ζ)

Fig. 5. (Color online) Range functions fðζÞ and gðζÞ as a function of ζ ¼ z=σ.

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 σ/λ → β (Γ2 ) → 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 σ/λ → I( Γ2 ) / I(0) → 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0 1 2 3 4 σ/λ → α (Γ2 ) →

Fig. 6. (Color online) Gaussian beam range quantities βðzÞ, Ið0Þ=IðzÞ, and αðzÞ, for z ¼ Γ2, as a function of the normalized width wð0Þ=2λ ¼ σ=λ. Solid lines, Gaussian; dashed lines, twice-differen-tiated Gaussian.


which shows that wð0ÞWð0Þ ¼ 4=pffiffiffi3> 4 in accordance with Eq. (20). Note that the spatial width wð0Þ of the twice-differentiated Gaussian beam is identical to the one of the nondifferentiated beam. Using the field distributions of Eqs. (10) and (11), some analytical calculations lead to the rangesΓ01;2as Γ0 1¼ π− 1 2σσ 4k4þ 2σ2k2þ 2 σ4k4þ 3σ2k2þ15 4 ; Γ0 2¼ σ  σ4k4þ σ2k2þ3 4 σ4k4þ 3σ2k2þ15 4 1 2 : ð48Þ

For all values ofσ and k, these ranges are smaller than those of the nondifferentiated Gaussian beam. For the parameter σ ¼ λ=4, we have Γ0

1¼ 0:106λ and Γ02¼ 0:184λ, while for the

parameter σ ¼ λ=20, we have Γ01¼ 0:015λ and Γ02¼ 0:023λ. We observe that for the twice-differentiated Gaussian beam, a reduction of the width with a factor of 5 yields approxi-mately a reduction of the range with a factor of 7 to 8, com-pared to a factor of 5 for the nondifferentiated Gaussian one. As next step we consider the beam range quantitiesβðzÞ, Ið0Þ=IðzÞ, and αðzÞ. With the variable ζ ¼ z=σ, we obtain βðσζÞ ¼expð−σ2k2Þ σ2k2  σ4k4  1 2þ 12ζ 2  þ σ2k2  2 þ9 2ζ 2þ ζ4  þ 3 þ87 8ζ 2þ 5ζ4þ 1 2ζ 6 −  σ4k4  3 4þ 12ζ 2  þ σ2k2  15 4 þ 5ζ 2þ ζ4  þ 105 16þ 1058 ζ 2þ 21 4ζ 4þ 1 2ζ 6  ζπ1 2erfcxðζÞ  ; ð49Þ IðσζÞ=Ið0Þ ¼ 1 þ1 2expð−σ 2k2Þf½2σ2k2ζ2þ 9 2ζ 2þ ζ4 − ½σ4k4þ σ2k2ð3 þ 2ζ2Þ þ 15 4 þ 5ζ 2 þ ζ4ζπ1 2erfcxðζÞg; ð50Þ

andαðσζÞ is obtained as the ratio of the results of Eqs. (49) and (50). To compare the beam widening of the differentiated dis-tribution and the nondifferentiated one, we calculate these quantities at the same distance z, i.e., for the range Γ2 of the nondifferentiated distribution. For ζ ¼ Γ2=σ ¼ 1, these quantities are plotted as a function ofσ=λ (see the dashed lines in Fig.6). Although the curves of theβ-functions almost co-incide, the results for the ratio of the integrals IðΓ2Þ and Ið0Þ are very different, and they are responsible for the differ-ence in the curves of theα-functions. In the bottom picture of Fig. 7, the narrowness factor of the beam 1

2kwlbðzÞ ¼

½1 þ αðzÞ−1

2 is presented for z¼ 0, z ¼ Γ2¼ σ, and z ¼

2Γ2¼ 2σ, respectively. Because of Eqs. (49) and (50) we have

αð0Þ ¼ ½expð−σ2k2Þ=σ2k2h1

2σ4k4þ 2σ2k2þ 3


; the latter factor between the square brackets is the extra factor due to the dif-ferentiations of the Gaussian. At z¼ 0, the differentiated band-limited beam has a lower bound less than the one of the nondifferentiated beam, and it continues to have a lower bound for increasing z. It should also be noted that the intensity of the differentiated beam is less than that of the nondifferentiated beam. The z-dependence of the twice-differentiated Gaussian is similar to the nontwice-differentiated Gaussian. From the results of Fig.7we conclude that for nar-row beams with a Gaussian field distribution, the beams do not propagate over ranges longer than about 1=4 the wave-length without losing their narrowness.

B. Band-Limited Field Distributions

As second example we consider the band-limited field distri-bution of Eq. (12). The widths wð0Þ and Wð0Þ are calculated analytically, leading to

wð0Þ ¼ 2pffiffiffi6=a; Wð0Þ ¼ a: ð51Þ Further, analytical calculations lead to the rangesΓ1;2as

Γ1¼ ð35=32Þða2− k2Þ− 1 2; Γ2¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 7=2 p ða2− k2Þ−1 2: ð52Þ

For the parameter a ¼ 2k we have Γ1¼ 0:105λ and Γ2¼ 0:172λ, while for the parameter a ¼ 5k we have Γ1¼

0:036λ and Γ2¼ 0:061λ. We observe that for a band-limited

beam, a reduction of the width with a factor of 2.5 yields ap-proximately a reduction in the range with a factor of 2.9. Since Γ2is larger thanΓ1, in further calculations we useΓ2only. It is

presented in Fig.8. To investigate the beam widening in more detail, we calculate the beam range quantitiesβðzÞ, Ið0Þ=IðzÞ, andαðzÞ for z ¼ ζða2− k2Þ−1

2. After some calculations we obtain

βðζða2− k2Þ−1 2Þ ¼ 6hð1ÞðζÞða 2=k2− 1Þ4 ða2=k2Þ3 ; ð53Þ Iðζða2− k2Þ−1 2Þ=Ið0Þ ¼ 1 − ½1 − 6hð0ÞðζÞða 2=k2− 1Þ3 ða2=k2Þ3 ; ð54Þ 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 σ/λ k w lb (z) / 2 z=0 z=σ z=2σ 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 σ/λ k w lb (z) / 2 z=0 z=σ z=2σ

Fig. 7. (Color online) Beam narrowness factor 1

2kwlbðzÞ ¼ ½1 þ αðzÞ−1

2 as a function ofσ=λ for the Gaussian field distribution


and αðζða2− k2Þ−1 2Þ ¼ 6h ð1ÞðζÞða2=k2− 1Þ4 ða2=k2Þ3− ½1 − 6hð0ÞðζÞða2=k2− 1Þ3; ð55Þ in which hðnÞðζÞ is given by hðnÞðζÞ ¼Z 1 0 ð1 − v 2Þ2expð−2ζvÞv2nþ1dv: ð56Þ

This integral can be calculated analytically, but the results are difficult to interpret. It suffices to give the numerical results after substitution some specific values ofζ related to the range Γ2in the analytical expressions (see Table1).

Subsequently we consider the twice-differentiated band-limited distribution of Eq. (14). The widths wð0Þ and Wð0Þ are calculated analytically, leading to

wð0Þ ¼ 4pffiffiffi5=a; Wð0Þ ¼pffiffiffi2a: ð57Þ Further, analytical calculations lead to the rangesΓ01;2as

Γ0 1¼ 231128 a4þ 3a2k2þ 6k4 5a4þ 12a2k2þ 16k4ða2− k2Þ− 1 2; Γ0 2¼ ffiffiffiffiffi 11 p 2  a4 þ 4a2k2þ 16k4 5a4þ 12a2k2þ 16k4 1 2 ða2− k2Þ−1 2: ð58Þ

For all values a and k, these ranges are smaller than the ones of the nondifferentiated band-limited distribution. For the parameter a¼ 2k, we have Γ01¼ 0:031λ and Γ02¼ 0:081λ, while for the parameter a¼ 5k, we have Γ01¼ 0:007λ and Γ0

2¼ 0:027λ. We observe that for the twice-differentiated

band-limited beam, a reduction of the width with a factor of 2.5 yields approximately a reduction of the range with a factor of 4.4 to 3.0, compared to a factor of 2.9 for the non-differentiated beam.

To compare the beam widening of the differentiated distri-bution and the nondifferentiated one, we calculate the beam range quantitiesβðzÞ, Ið0Þ=IðzÞ, and αðzÞ for the range z ¼ Γ2¼

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 7=2 p

ða2− k2Þ−1

2 of the nondifferentiated distribution

(Fig.8). Of course, this is a differentΓ2 from the one used in Section6.A.

Analytical calculation leads to

βðζða2− k2Þ−1 2Þ ¼ 60hð3ÞðζÞða 2=k2− 1Þ6 ða2=k2Þ5 ; ð59Þ Iðζða2− k2Þ−1 2Þ

Ið0Þ ¼ 6ða2=k2Þ−5− 15ða2=k2Þ−4þ 10ða2=k2Þ−3 þ 60hð2ÞðζÞða2=k2− 1Þ5 ða2=k2Þ5 ; ð60Þ and αðζða2− k2Þ−1 2Þ ¼ 60hð3ÞðζÞða2=k2− 1Þ6

6 − 15a2=k2þ 10ða2=k2Þ2þ 60hð2ÞðζÞða2=k2− 1Þ5;


where the function hffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ðnÞðζÞ is given in Eq. (56). In Fig.9, forζ ¼ 7=2


we have plotted the beam range quantities, as a function of k=a, for the band-limited field distribution (solid lines) and its twice-differentiated one (dashed lines). Comparing Figs.9 and6we observe a qualitatively similar behavior.

Finally, we consider the narrowness factor, 1

2kwlbðzÞ ¼

½1 þ αðzÞ−1

2, presented in Fig. 10 for z¼ 0, z ¼ Γ2¼, and

z ¼ 2Γ2, respectively. Comparing Figs.10and7it is observed

that for k=a < 0:2, i.e., a narrowness factor roughly less than 0.3, the twice-differentiated distribution exhibits less z-dependency than the nondifferentiated one. Further, in the in-terval k=a > 0:6 we have1

2kwlbðzÞ ≈ 1. This means that only

the interval 0 < k=a < 0:6 is of interest, where Γ2=λ ≈13k=a

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 k/a → Γ 2 / λ→

Fig. 8. (Color online) Normalized rangeΓ2=λ as a function of k=a, pertaining to the nondifferentiated band-limited field distribution.

Table 1. Numerical Values of the Integral hn

hð0ÞðζÞ hð1ÞðζÞ hð2ÞðζÞ hð3ÞðζÞ ζ ¼ 0 0.166667 0.041667 0.016667 0.008333 ζ ¼pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi7=2 0.039589 0.005247 0.001455 0.000573 ζ ¼pffiffiffiffiffi14 0.014691 0.001007 0.000178 0.000052 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 k/a → β (Γ 2 ) → 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 k/a → I( Γ 2 ) / I(0) → 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 k/a → α (Γ 2 ) →

Fig. 9. (Color online) Range quantitiesβðzÞ, Ið0Þ=IðzÞ, and αðzÞ, for z ¼ Γ2, as a function of k=a, pertaining to the band-limited field dis-tribution (solid lines) and its twice-differentiated one (dashed lines).


or Γ2≈ 2=a. For k=a ¼ 0:6 we have Γ2≈ λ=4 (cf. Fig. 8). We conclude that for narrow beams with band-limited field distribution, the beams do not propagate over ranges longer than about 1=4 the wavelength without losing their narrowness.


We have rigorously quantified the change of the width of a beam and its loss of acuity during its propagation from a re-ference plane via near field to midfield. It is based on the de-finitions of the second order moment of intensity for the width in the spectral (Fourier) domain. An upper bound for the spec-tral width during propagation has been given. If the second order moment in the spatial domain exists, a lower bound for the spatial width during propagation is obtained using the Papoulis uncertainty relations. The decrease of the upper bound for the spectral width as a function of the propagation of the electromagnetic beam has been characterized by defin-ing the range, via either the first moment or the second mo-ment of the decrease. The range is considered to be the spatial bound of the near field in the direction of propagation. The range is determined by the field distribution in the reference plane only. This corresponds to Huygens’s principle, stating that the field from a radiating plane is completely determined by the field distribution at that plane.

The major analysis is carried out in the spectral do-main. The various quantities are obtained as 2D integrals. By averaging the intensity in the spectral domain over the angular coordinate, these 2D integrals reduce to one-dimensional in-tegrals over the radial coordinate. All relations in the spectral domain remain valid, e.g., the one for the spectral width, but the relation with the spatial width loses its meaning.

For a number of rotational field distributions, the bounds for the widths and ranges are obtained in closed form. For these examples, we concluded that the beams do not propa-gate longer than about a quarter of the wavelength without losing their acuity. This is in accordance with the numerical study of Chen et al. [15].

Finally, we note that the case of a periodic field distribution at the reference plane can be accommodated in the present analysis, by replacing the integrations in the spectral domain by a Fourier series and confining the integral in the spatial domain to a single spatial period.


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0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 k/a → k w lb (z) / 2 z=0 z=z 1 z=z 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 k/a → k w lb (z) / 2 z=0 z=z 1 z=z 2

Fig. 10. (Color online) Beam narrowness factor 1

2kwlbðzÞ ¼ ½1 þ αðzÞ−1

2as a function of k=a for the band-limited field distribution

(top figure) and its twice-differentiated one (bottom figure), where z1¼ Γ2and z2¼ 2Γ2.


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