An d r z e j M ^d r e c k i
Minios’ theorem in nonarchimedean locally convex spaces 1. Introduction, notations and preliminaries. Let G be an abelian group.
A complex-valued function / defined on G is called positive-definite if (1.1) /(0) = 1 and Z cJidi-g^Cj >0,
i.j= i for all integer n, c{eC and ^.
If G is an abelian topological group then by PC{G} we denote the set of all positive-definite and continuous functions on G.
Now consider a triplet (X,
s é ,Ж) where X is an arbitrary set,
s éis a er-algebra of subsets of X and Ж is a compactology in (X,
s é )(cf. e.g. [2], [17]), that is, a class of subsets of X such that
(C) for every sequence {Kn} (K n
gЖ , n = 1, 2, ...) such that p)«+=°°i Kn = 0 , there exists a positive integer N such that /£„ = 0 .
We call every such triplet (X,
s é ,Ж) a Radon triplet. Every set function p such that
(Rl) p(X) = l,
(R2) p is a cr-additive measure on
s é ,(R3) p is Ж -tight ([1]), i.c., for each £ 0 there exists K{ 6 JT such that p(KE) > l - s ,
is called a Radon measure on (X,
s é ,Ж) (cf. [21]).
By 01 {(X,
s é, Ж)} we denote the set of all Radon measures on the Radon triplet {X,
s é, Ж).
If G is an abelian topological group then we write 0t{G} for
^{(G, 01(G), J f (G))}, where (G, 01(G), (G)) is the standard Radon triplet on G, i.e., J'(G) is the а-algebra of all Borel sets in G and Ж (G) is the family of all compact subgroups of G.
If G is an abelian topological group then by G we denote its Pontria- Qin dual, that is, G is the abelian topological group of all continuous *
* 1980 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 43A32, 43A35, 46P05; Secondary 60B11, 60B15.
102 A. Mqdrecki
characters on G (i.e., continuous homomorphisms from G into the unit circle S1 = {
z gC: \
z\ = 1}, where C is the field of complex numbers), endowed with the topology of uniform convergence on precompact sets in G.
Each /ieâ${G} defines the characteristic functional (ch.f. for short) fi on G by the formula
(1.2) fi(g*) = Sg*{g)n(dg), g*eG.
Obviously, /lePC{G}. We set Ê{G) = {fi: peM(G)}.
Each geffl{G} defines the inverse characteristic functional ( for short) fi on G by the formula
(1.3) fi{g) = [g*(g)n{dg*), geG.
gPC{G}. Moreover, we set .#{G} = {fi: ju<=M(G)}.
We say that an abelian topological group G is a Sazonov group if there exists a topology £~s on G such that
(SC) P C { ( G , ^ s)} = â{G}.
3TS is called a Sazonov topology on G (cf. e.g. [10], [16]).
We say that an- abelian topological group G is a Minlos group if there exists a topology ?TM on G such that
(MC) PC {G}=â{(G,3TM)}.
is called a Minlos topology on G.
Let ^ be a subcategory of the category TAG of all abelian topological groups and continuous homomorphisms. Let S(^) and M(^) denote the subcategory of all Sazonov groups and all Minlos groups in respectively.
The Bochner problem for consists in describing S { and M(^) for given
^ ç TAG. More precisely, let Kat(TAG) be the category of all subcategories of TAG. Of course, S and M are functors from Kat(TAG) to Kat(TAG). Then the Bochner problem consists in calculating S(^) and Mifê) for the most interesting points (objects) ^ of Kat(TAG).
In the following important cases the form of Sfi?) or M(^) is well known.
(1) Let # = LCA be the category of all locally compact abelian groups.
By Weil-Raikov’s theorem (cf. e.g. [6]) and Pontriagin’s theorem (G = G), S(LCA) = M(LCA) = LCA.
(2) Let # = Hilb(R) be the category of all real Hilbert spaces. Then M(Hilb(jR)) = (finite-dimensional spaces over R} and S(Hilb(/?)) = Hilb(R) (Gross-Sazonov’s theorem, [3], [5], [21]).
(3) Let <€ = Ban(/?) be the category of all real Banach spaces. Then М(Вап(Я)) = M(Hilb(R)) and 5(Вап(Д)) $ (BeBan(R): В is of cotype 2}
(cf. [7], [15], [22]).
(4) Let <€ — LCWm{R) be the category of all metric locally convex spaces
over R. Then by Minlos’ theorem ([12], [13], cf. also [2], [22]) M(LCVm(R)) is
the category of all nuclear spaces over R.
Milnos' theorem in nonarchimedean locally convex spaces 103
(5) Let '(> = Bans(F) be the category of all separable p-adic Banach spaces over a fixed local field F. Then S(Bans(F)) = Bans(F) [10, Theorem 4.3].
In this paper we give a solution of a half of the Bochner problem (the Minlos problem) for the subcategory LCV(F) of TAG, of all Hausdorff locally convex spaces over a local field F . Namely, we prove that M(LCV(F)) = LCV(F), for an arbitrary local field F.
The form of S(LCV(F)) is more complicated. In particular, S(LCV(F)) ^ LCV(F) (cf. [11]), but we will not discuss it in this paper.
2. Sazonov and Minlos spaces over local fields. Let F be a local field (cf. [10]). An F-linear topological space V is called a nonarchimedean locally convex space over F (locally convex space for short) if its F-linear topology 3~v is generated by a family IIv — {pa:
x eIv) of nonarchimedean seminorms on V (cf. e.g. [18, p. 62]), that is, 3TV is the weakest topology on V under which all functions from Пу are continuous.
A further discussion of nonarchimedean locally convex spaces can be found in [14] and [18].
Let F be a locally convex space over a local field F (l.c.s. for short), and V*
the set of all F-linear continuous functionals on V. We denote by <•, •) the duality function: Vx V*
v, г>*)ь-*<(и,
v* }
eF. By ^(F*) we denote the algebra of all cylinder sets in V*, that is, the family of all sets C of the form (2.1) C = C(Vl, ..., vn; В) = {г* e V*: ((v,, F*>, ..., (vn,
eB], where vt
eV and В is a Borel set in F".
Let W be a finite-dimensional subspace of V. Then by (é>(V*, Щ we denote the family of all cylinders C of the form (2.1) with B ^ W. It is trivial that
W) is a a-algebra for every finite-dimensional W.
We recall that a cylindrical measure v on V* is each finitely-additive set function on tf(V*) such that v(V) = 1 and v is rr-additive on ^(V*, W), for every finite-dimensional W ^ V .
The following lemma gives the relations between the cylindrical mea
sures on V* and Radon measures on the standard Radon triplet (F*, ЩУ*), X(V*%
emma2.1. There exists a one-to-one correspondence between (1) the elements
v e&{V*}, and
(2) the cylindrical measures v on #(F*) such that
(2.2) far every s > 0 there exists KsEJf{V*) such that for each C
e^(V*) with C o K £ = 0 we have v(C) < e.
Lemma 2T is an easy modification of Prohorov’s theorem [22, VI.3,
Theorem 3], where F = F-lin{<i>, •):
v eV}. By Lemma 2.1 there exists
one-to-one correspondence between the Radon measures ve^{F *} and
104 A. M^drecki
the vePC{F}, which in this case has the form (2.3) v(u) = f %F{(v, v*))v(dv*), veV,
y *
where X
fis the standard additive character on F (cf. [10]).
Let F be a local field.
De f in it io n
2.1. A l.c.s. V over F is called a Sazonov space if there exists a linear topology on V* such that
(2-4) PC{(V*,3TS)} = â { V j .
is called a Sazonov topology on V* (cf. [10]).
De f in it io n
2.2. We say that a l.c.s. V over F is a Minlos space if there exists a linear topology $~M on V* such that
(2.5) PC {V} = É{(V*,3rM)}.
2TM is called a Minlos topology on V*.
3. Two important examples of l.c.s. associated with p-adic Banach spaces.
Let (В, || • ||B) be a separable p-adic Banach space over a local field F (cf. [14], [18, p. 4]).
The space B + 00
De f in it io n
3.1 (cf.
[ 9 ] ) .An F-linear continuous map S
:B*->B is called nuclear in В if lim„ ||S(en)||B = 0 for some orthonormal base {en} in В (cf. [14]).
We denote by N F(B*, В) the class of all nuclear maps in B. For each S e N F(B*, В) we define a pseudonorm ps on B* by
(3.1) ps(x) = ||S(x)||B, xeB*.
By nF(B*, B) (cf. [10, Sect. 3]) we denote the weakest topology on B*
under which all seminorms ps are continuous.
By B + o0 we denote the F-linear space В* endowed with the nuclear (normal) topology nF(B*, В), that is, B + o0 — (B*, nF(B*, В)). It is easy to see that B +00 is a Hausdorff l.c.s. over F.
Le m m a
3.1. Let В be a separable p-adic Banach space. Then B + o0 is a Polish space, i.e., a separable complete metric space.
P ro o f. B +00 is metric (cf. e.g. [20, p. 37]). B +o0 is complete. Assume that b = {bn} is a (countable) Cauchy sequence in B +oa, that is, for every S e N F(B*, В) the sequence {S(bn)} is a Cauchy sequence in B, and therefore f b(S) = UmnS(bn)e B exists. It is easy to verify that the mapf b: N F(B*, B)-+B is continuous, since f b = limn/ n is the pointwise limit of the F-linear continuous maps /„: N F(B*,B)^>B defined as f n(S) = S(bn), n ^ l (observe that the F-linear space N F(B*, B) is a separable p-adic Banach space with the nuclear norm
(N) ||5||N = sup||S(e„)||B, S e N F(B*, B),
Milnos’ theorem in nonarchimedean locally convex spaces 105
where {en} is a fixed orthonormal base for В). Now,
\ \ № \ \
b= Щ Ъ М в < Ш • \\Ь„\\в* < IIS IU - IlfeJlB*
and N
f(B*, B) is complete (by a Banach-Steinhaus type theorem, cf. e.g. [18, Th. 1, p. 84]). Now, let {£„} be an orthonormal base in the separable p-adic Banach space N F(B*, В), i.e., for each S e N F(B*, В)
(3.2) S ^{< S ,£ „> }£ c0(f), || £ J = 1, ||S||N = sup|<S,Ê„>|F.
Since f b: N F(B*, B)-+B is F-linear and continuous, by (3.2) we obtain
+ 00 +00
(3.3) f b(S) = I <S, E„> •/„(£„) = <S, S E„ ■/„(£„)> = S(B),
n= 1 И=1
where В = En •/b(En) e B* corresponds to {fb(En)} e /°°(F) under the isomet
ry (p*: 1 co(F) = B*. Thus we have shown the existence of BeB* such that f b(S) = limnS(bn) = S(B), for every S e N F(B*,B). Obviously, B= \im nbn in
B+00, which shows the completeness of B +00.
B + 00 is separable. Let Sp(F) be a separable set in F. Then the set Sp(B+00) = {b e B : <b, en) = 0 for all but finitely many n and <b, e„>eSp(F)}
(here {en} is some orthonormal base in В) is a countable dense set in B +cc (cf.
also [10, Proposition 3.1 (3)]). If В = c0(F) then we write c + 00(F) instead of c0(F) + 00. In the notations of [10], c + 00(F) = (/°°(F), nF(/°°, c0)).
The space В _да. Let {e„} be an orthonormal base in B. For each X = {A„}
such that
(3.4) lim \Xn\F = +
oo,2„eF\{0} for л > 1, П
we define an F-linear subspace Bx of В by
Bx = {xeB: there exists 0 ^ M(x) <
+ o osuch that
|<x, en}\F ^ M(x)|A„-1 |F for n ^ 1}.
Let us equip the space Bx with the p-adic norm:
Px(x) = sup \X„• <x, en)\F (< M(x)), x e B x.
It is easy to verify that for each À = {A„} which satisfies (3.4), Ek — {Bx, p j is an infinite-dimensional p-adic Banach space over F. Let A be the set of all к = {Дп} which satisfy (3.4). Thus, we have a family {Ex. XeA) of p-adic Banach spaces, a linear space В and linear maps ix: Ex-+B (the canonical imbeddings) such that the family {ix{Ex): XeA} spans the entire space B. We define
В ж — limind Ek
(cf. e.g. [8], p. 74). That is, B-*, : = (B, where denotes the inductive topology. It is easy to see that B -^ is a Hausdorff l.c.s. over F. It is also easy to prove the following two lemmas:
emma3.1. (
В_„)* = B +00.
106 A. Mtjdrecki
Le m m a
3.2. For every separable p-adic Banach space В ч п в +аа) = т в +ж).
R em ark 3.1. The Hausdorff l.c.s. cp(F), p = +
—oc(where c_ 00(F) = (c JF )),^ ) may be regarded as a nonarchimedean analogue of lp(R) spaces
(1 ^p
< + oo).4. Minlos spaces —positive results. Recall that if V is a metric locally convex nuclear space over R then we have the following theorem:
PC{F} =&{(V*,(TR{V*, V))}
due to Minlos (cf. e.g. [22, VI. 4, Theorem 4.3] or [2,111.1, Theorem 1.3]).
It is well known [19] that each l.c.s. over a local field F is a nuclear space in the sense of Grothendieck [4]. Therefore we can formulate the following
Th e o r e m
4.1 (p-adic version of Minlos’ theorem). Let V be a Hausdorff l.c.s. over a local field F . Then
PC{K} = .$t{(T*,<xF(F*, V))}.
To show that PC {V\ <= <rf (K*, V))} we need three lemmas.
Throughout this section, F will be a local field, | • |f its nonarchimedean discrete valuation and RF = {
x eF: \x\F ^ 1} the maximal compact subring of F.
«У || 'll O O we denote the “sup-norm” in Fn (n ^ 2). If p is a nonarchimedean seminorm on Fn then we write K p(r) for the r-ball { x e F n: p ( x ) ^ r } .
Le m m a
4.1. Let A be an arbitrary F-linear map from Fn into Fn. Set pA(x) = ЦТхЦ^,
x eF", and let HA be the probability Haar measure such that (cf. [10, Lemma 4.1])
ljeP4(i)(x) = I Z
f« x ’ y » d H A(y), x e F n.
F r,
(Here and in the sequel l x(x) denotes the indicator of X .) Then ' f \\x\\KdHA(x) ^ ||T||N,
where || • ||N is the nuclear norm of A (see (N)).
P ro o f. Let M A be an Rf -submodule in F" such that M A = suppHA.
Obviously, M A is a compact convex absorbing set in F" (cf. [18, §2.5]) and O
eM a. Therefore [14, p. 81], there exists a base el5 ..., en and positive real numbers a ls ..., anER+ such that
M A = {:x e F ": * = £ л ^ {, |A£|F ^ at}.
i= 1
Milnos’ theorem in nonarchimedean locally convex spaces 1 0 7
Since, for each i = 1, 2, n,
J XpiK^i, y » d H A(y) = j x A ^ d H ^ t ) =
lKpJ1 )(^£)
F" F
~ ^ P l \ e i y R F ^ ’
\4is the probability Haar measure on pA{e^-RF (cf. e.g. [10, Lemma 4.1]; here HA denotes the distribution of the nonarchimedean r.v. <e(., •): (M A, HA)\-+
(F, &(F))). Hence at = рА(е^ that is, П
(4.1) M A = П PA(ei)' R
i = 1 From (4.1) we obtain
J 11*11 * dHA(x)= f sup |<x, «?,.>!FdHA( x ) ^ sup pA(et)
Fn Ma t 1
< SUp M^flloc = MlljV,
1 which completes the proof.
emma4.2. Let p be a probability measure in (Fn, ,#(F")), ft its ch.f. and A, В arbitrary F-linear maps from Fn into Fn. I f
|1 — Re/î(x)| ^ £ for all x e F n with pA{x) — ^ 1, then
(4.2) p({xeFn: pB(x) > p}) ^ e + (2/p)\\AB\\N (J8 > 0), where pB(x) =
||#x|lao,x e F n.
P ro o f. Without loss of generality we can assume /? = 1.
Let HB be a probability Haar measure such that U PB(i)(x) = J
XfK x >y » H B{dy), x e P .
F n
Since 1 — 1крв(1)(х) = 1 if PB(x) > 1, we have
(4.3) p{x: pB(x) > 1} = f p{dx) = j [ l - l KpB(i)(xy\p{dx) {PB>1}
F n= Re J HB{dy) J [1 - X
f« x ’ y»]Mdx)
f n f n
= f V-Refi(y)lH.(dy).
F n
Under our assumptions
(a) $ [1- R e p(yJ]HB( d y ) ^ e } HB{dy)^e, I
pa^ 1}
(b) f [1 —Re/i(y)]Hs (dy) ^ 2 J HB{dy) 2 f pA(y)HB(dy).
[ PA>1} [ PA> 1} F n
108 A. M^drecki
But by Lemma 4.1
(4.5) J PÂy)HB(dy) = f \IAy\\„HB(dy) = f \\y\\„HAB(dy) a И В ||„.
p n p n p n
Combining (4.3), (4.4)(a), (b) and (4.5) we obtain (4.2).
No t a t i o n s.
Let F be a l.c.s. over a local field F . Let S ç F be an arbitrary subset in F. Then the polar set 5° of S is defined as follows:
S° = (u*
gF*: |<y, v*y\F ^ 1, for each veS}
(cf. [14, p. 68]).
If p is a nonarchimedean seminorm on F then we write N(p) = {ve V: p(v) = 0} and we denote by Vp the p-adic Banach space which is the completion of the normed space (V/N{p), p), p(v + N{p)) = p{v), veV.
Le m m a
4.3. Let V be a finite-dimensional F-linear space and p a nonar
chimedean seminorm on V. Let I p be the identity map in Vp. Finally, let p be a probability Borel measure in V* such that
|1—Re/2(x)| ^ £ if p{x) < 1 (e < 1).
Then for every j3 > 0
(4.6) ;<{K»VK?(/?)}«e + 2/!||/|)||„.
The proof of Lemma 4.3 is an easy modification of Proposition 1.2 from [2,111.1, p. 124] “modulo” our Lemma 4.2, that is, in the proof of Proposi
tion 1.2 from [2] it suffices to replace Proposition 1.1 from [2] by our Lemma 4.2 and <т1{фм) by \\Ip\\N.
P r o o f of T h e o re m 4.1. ç . Let ZTV be the locally convex topology of F and let Ylv = (pf: i e l v} be a family of nonarchimedean seminorms on F generating
£ T Vwith pfV)
< =\F\P, for every
i g / f .(Observe that if F is a local field then &~v can always be generated by such a family of seminorms [14,111.3.2, p. 33].) L e t/e PC {F} = PC{(F, f v)} be arbitrary. Then for every
£ > 0 there exists a finite subset F (fi) ç I v such that
(4.7) 11 — Re / (x)| < £ if pE(x) : = max pfx) < 1, xeV.
Let K Pc(f) = {veV: pe{v) ^ /?}, e, /? > 0. Obviously, K Pe(f) is a compact set in the weak-star topology o>(F*, F) on V* (the Banach-Alaoglu theorem).
Let C(vt , ..., vn; B)
g^(V*) (cf. (2.1)) be such that (4.8) C{ih , . . . , v n;B)nK°PeW) = 0.
Set L = F-linfvj, v2, ..., vn} and C(vl , B) = C(L; B). Without loss of generality we can assume that Be@(L*), C(L; B) = {v* e F*: ProjL*’i;*)GB}
and B = C(L; B) n L* (here ProjL* is the algebraic projection of V* into L*).
Milnos theorem in nonarchimedean locally convex spaces 109
By (4.8), C(L; В) £ (j8). Hence
B = C(L; B )nL * £ L* п{У*\К°рЩ ,
<4'9) L*\K%(P)nL° = Ь*\(КРе(Р) n L)°
(L* = L°), and K Pe(P) n L = {
dgL: pE(t;) ^ /?}. Now, let pi be the cylindrical measure on ÿ>(V*) which corresponds to / ( / = /r) and let Ie be the identity map in VPe. By the definition of pi, (4.9) and Lemma 4.3 we have
(4.10) M(C(L; B)) = nL(B) pL [L* \{Kp,(li) n L)0}
^ e + 2-jg||/e|L||JV ^ e + 2-[}• Ц/glljv = s + 2ft, where Ie\L denotes the restriction of Ie to L and piL is the сг-additive restriction of pi to <£(¥*, L). If we put p = e/2 then (4.8) and (4.10) imply that pi(C) ^ 2e for each C e^(F * ) such that С n K Pe(£/2) = 0 . But K 2e: = K°Pe(£/2) is a compact set in the oF(V*, F)-topology on F*. Hence by Lemma 2.1 and the definition of a Radon measure, pie&{(V*, o>(F*, F))} (in fact, pi admits an extension
(7F(V*, F))}) and / = fi, which completes the proof.
3 . Let pie3${(V*,
gf(V*, F))}. In order to show the continuity of fi on F it suffices to show the continuity of Re/ï at zero (cf. [10, Proof of Theorem 4.2]). By the definition of a Radon measure, for given e > 0 one can find a nonarchimedean seminorm pe on F which is «^-continuous on F and such that
l - e / 2 (r„>0).
Hence (cf. [10, Proof of Theorem 4.2])
|1 —Refi(v)\ ^ £ + 2 j |<u*, v)\Fdpi{v*).
But < (r‘}
f Kv*, u>|pdp{v*) sup |<i>*, v}\p = :qe(v)
K p E(re) v*e Kpe(r£)
and qe is «^-continuous. Hence |1— Re/ï(i;)| ^ £ + qe(v) if ve V, that is, Re/r is
^-continuous at zero (cf. [10, p. 234]).
An immediate consequence of Theorem 4.1 is the following generalization of the main result of [10].
Th e o r e m
4.2. Let В be a p-adic Banach space over a local field F. Then nF(B*, В) is a Sazonov topology on B*, that is,
PC {(B*, nF(B*, B))} = M{B]
or equivalently, PC{B+a0} = ${B}.
P roof. Without loss of generality we can assume that В = c0(I), for some set I = 1(B) (cf. [14, p. 44]). Since В is dense in B* in the topology nF(B*, В) (cf. e.g. [10, Proposition 3.1 (3)]),
PC {(B*, nF(B*, B))} = PC {(B, nF(B*, B))}.
п о A. Mitdrecki
By the p-adic version of Minlos’ theorem
PC {(B, nF{B*,B))}=â{B*,},
where B*n := (#*, (J
f(B*, (J3, nF(B*, B)))). But each peM{B*„} is a er-additive measure on B* which is tight in the following sense (cf. proof of Theorem 4.1, В = c0(/)):
(4.11) for every e > 0 there exists /(г)ес0(7) such that
xgc0(/): ||Я(е)-х||С0(Л < 1})°} ^ l- 2 e . It is easy to see that (with /1(e) = ( / f(e)}, 1йпгЯг(е) = 0)
({xec0(I): ||A(e)x||co(/) ^ 1})°
= {{^i} ^/°°(/): |x,lF ^ l^(e)|F, for all iel} = :K £ °.
Hence by (4.11) and the above we find that: (1) suppp £ B, and (2) is a compact set in В (cf. [10, Proposition 4.3]). Therefore g.ed#{B}.
R em ark 4.1. Observe that Sazonov’s theorem for Hilbert spaces does not follow from Minlos’ theorem for nuclear spaces over R (cf. [22, VI.4. Exercise 2]).
The topology nF(B*, B) is especially interesting from the point of view of Bochner’s theorem in nonarchimedean locally convex spaces:
Pr o p o s it io n 4 .1 .
Let В be a separable p-adic Banach space over a local field F. Then nF(B*, В) is a Minlos topology on B, that is,
p c { B . œ} = â { ( B * , n F(B*,B))} = â { B +to}.
P roof. By Theorem 4.1
PC {B-oo} = ${(B + oo, cF(B + 00, B -J )} .
Each g e $ { ( B + œ, oF(B + X), В -«>))} is a u-additive (and # (B f ^-cylindrical) measure, which is tight in the following sense:
(4.12) for every г > 0, there exists an F-linear continuous map S : F; (for some X) such that
g { ( { x e B - œ. ||З Д ||В< 1 } )° } > 1 —2б. .
It is easy to verify that for each F-linear continuous map S : Ex-> B(X
eЛ), there exists 5 _1 e N F(B*, В) such that ({ x e B - ^ : ||S(x)||B ^ 1})° = {xeB + 0C:
l|S-1 Cx)||B < 1} =:7Cs. Since the sets of the form K°, S: Ех->В(ХеЛ), form a base of neighbourhoods of zero for B + o0 and since every compact set К in B + a0 is contained in some neighbourhood of zero in B + x , it follows that
+ ,#(B + J , Jf'(B + „))} £ .«{(B+oç, oe(B+„, B_,.))}.
But B + ao is a Polish space (cf. Lemma 3.1). Therefore each c-additive Borel
Milnos’ theorem in nonarchimedean locally convex spaces 111
measure is tight (cf. [1, Theorem 1.4], that is,
= &{(B*,ne(B*,B))},- which completes the proof.
Theorem 4.1 can be formulated in the following form:
Th e o r e m
4.l.A. Each Hausdorff locally convex space V over a local field F is a Minlos space and the topology oF(V*, V) (weak-star topology on V*) is a suitable Minlos topology on V*.
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