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where P(X, Y ) is the subspace of HomA(X, Y ) consisting of the A-homomorphisms which factorize through projective A-modules


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VOL. 72 1997 NO. 1





1. Introduction. Throughout the paper K is a fixed algebraically closed field. By an algebra we mean a finite-dimensional K-algebra, which we shall assume, without loss of generality, to be basic and connected. For an algebra A, we shall denote by mod(A) the category of finitely generated right A-modules, and by mod(A) the stable category of mod(A). Recall that the objects of mod(A) are the objects of mod(A) without projective direct summands, and for any two objects X, Y in mod(A) the space of morphisms from X to Y in mod(A) is HomA(X, Y ) = HomA(X, Y )/P(X, Y ), where P(X, Y ) is the subspace of HomA(X, Y ) consisting of the A-homomorphisms which factorize through projective A-modules. For every f ∈ HomA(X, Y ) we shall denote by f its coset modulo P(X, Y ). Two algebras A and B are said to be stably equivalent if their stable module categories mod(A) and mod(B) are equivalent.

Following [5, 11] we shall say that a module T in mod(A) is a tilting (respectively, cotilting) module if it satisfies the following conditions:

(1) Ext2A(T, −) = 0 (respectively, Ext2A(−, T ) = 0);

(2) Ext1A(T, T ) = 0;

(3) the number of nonisomorphic indecomposable summands of T equals the rank of the Grothendieck group K0(A).

Two algebras A and B are said to be tilting-cotilting equivalent if there exist a sequence of algebras A = A0, A1, . . . , Am, Am+1 = B and a sequence of modules TAii, 0 ≤ i ≤ m, such that Ai+1 = EndAi(Ti) and Ti is either a tilting or a cotilting module.

Following Gabriel [9], a K-category R is called locally bounded if the following conditions are satisfied:

1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 16G20.

Supported by Polish Scientific Grant KBN 590/PO3/95/08.



(a) different objects are not isomorphic;

(b) the algebra R(x, x) of endomorphisms of x is local for every object x in R;

(c) P

y∈RdimKR(x, y) < ∞ and P

y∈RdimKR(y, x) < ∞ for every object x in R.

Interesting examples of locally bounded K-categories are the repetitive algebras introduced by Hughes and Waschb¨usch in [12]. For an algebra A denote by D = HomK(−, K) the standard duality on mod(A). Recall that the repetitive algebra bA of A is the selfinjective, locally finite-dimensional matrix algebra without identity defined by

A =b

· 0

· ·

· ·

· Ai−1

Ei−1 Ai

Ei Ai+1

· ·

· ·

0 · ·

where matrices have only finitely many nonzero entries, Ai = A, Ei =

ADAA for all integers i, all the remaining coefficients are zero, and the multiplication is induced from the canonical bimodule structure of DA and the zero morphism DA ⊗ADA → 0.

One of the interesting problems concerning repetitive algebras is a clas- sification of locally bounded K-categories which are stably equivalent to a given repetitive algebra. The problem was studied by several authors (see [1, 2, 14, 20, 21]). Wakamatsu proved in [21] that if A is tilting-cotilting equivalent to B then bA is stably equivalent to bB. Peng and Xiao proved in [14] that if H is a hereditary algebra and Λ is a locally bounded K-category which is stably equivalent to bH, then there is an algebra B tilting-cotilting equivalent to H such that bB ∼= Λ. We shall prove the following theorem on locally bounded K-categories stably equivalent to the repetitive algebras of tubular algebras in the sense of Ringel [18].

Theorem. Let A be a tubular algebra. A locally bounded K-category Λ is stably equivalent to bA if and only if Λ is isomorphic to the repetitive algebra bB of a tubular algebra B which is tilting-cotilting equivalent to A.

Our proof of the above result rests heavily on the main results obtained in [15, 16] for trivial extension algebras. In the case when Λ is a repetitive algebra the above theorem has been proved in [2].


We shall use freely results about Auslander–Reiten sequences which can be found in [3].

2. Preliminaries

2.1. Following Ringel [18], the canonical tubular algebras of type (2, 2, 2, 2) are defined by the quiver
















with the relations α1α21β21γ2= 0 and α1α2+kβ1β21δ2= 0, where k is some fixed element from K \ {0, 1}. The canonical tubular algebras of type (p, q, r) = (3, 3, 3), (2, 4, 4) or (2, 3, 6) are given by the quiver

α2 //



α1 @


β1 //




β2 // βq //

γ2 // ~~~~γr~>>

with α1α2. . . αp+ β1β2. . . βq+ γ1γ2. . . γr = 0.

2.2. For the repetitive algebra bA the identity morphisms Ai → Ai−1, Ei→ Ei−1 induce an automorphism νA of bA which is called the Nakayama automorphism. Moreover, the orbit space bA/(νA) has the structure of a finite-dimensional K-algebra which is isomorphic to the trivial extension T (A) of A by its minimal injective cogenerator bimodule ADAA. This is the algebra whose additive structure coincides with that of the group A ⊕ DA, and whose multiplication is defined by the formula (a, f )(b, g) = (ab, ag+f b) for a, b ∈ A, f, g ∈ ADAA. Thus bA is a Galois cover in the sense of [9] of the selfinjective algebra T (A) with the infinite cyclic group (νA) generated by νA.

2.3. A locally bounded K-category R is said to be locally support-finite [6] if for every indecomposable projective R-module P , the set of isomor- phism classes of indecomposable projective R-modules P0such that there ex- ists an indecomposable finite-dimensional R-module M with HomR(P, M ) 6=


0 6= HomR(P0, M ) is finite. Of particular interest is the fact that the repet- itive algebra bA of a tubular algebra A is locally support-finite (see [13]). A locally bounded K-category is said to be triangular if its ordinary quiver has no oriented cycles.

2.4. Following Gabriel (see [9]), for a locally bounded K-category R and a torsion-free group G of K-automorphisms of R acting freely on the objects of R, R/G is the quotient category whose objects are the G-orbits of the objects of R. Moreover, there is a covering functor F : R → R/G which maps any object x of R to its G-orbit G · x. F induces the push- down functor Fλ : mod(R) → mod(R/G), which preserves indecompos- ables and Auslander–Reiten sequences, maps projective R-modules to pro- jective R/G-modules and preserves projective resolutions. Furthermore, if R is locally support-finite then Fλ is dense and induces a bijection between the set (ind(R)/∼=)/G of the G-orbits of the isomorphism classes of finite- dimensional indecomposable R-modules and the set ind(R/G)/∼= of the iso- morphism classes of finite-dimensional indecomposable R/G-modules [6].

2.5. Let ΩR : mod(R) → mod(R) be Heller’s loop-space functor for a selfinjective locally bounded K-category R. Then ΩRτR−1R(S) is simple for every simple R-module S, where τR−1 stands for the Auslander–Reiten translate TrD on mod(R). Thus we obtain a permutation of the isomor- phism classes of the simple R-modules. This permutation induces a K- automorphism νR of R in an obvious way. We denote by (νR) the infinite cyclic group of K-automorphisms of R generated by νR.

3. Preparatory results

3.1. Throughout this section we shall assume that R1 and R2 are self- injective locally bounded K-categories which are locally support-finite and have no indecomposable projective modules of length 2. Moreover, there is a fixed equivalence functor Φ : mod(R1) → mod(R2).

3.2. Proposition. If M is an indecomposable nonprojective finite-di- mensional R1-module then Φ(τR1(M )) ∼= τR2(Φ(M )) and Φ(ΩR1(M )) ∼= R2(Φ(M )).

P r o o f. A direct adaptation of the arguments from the proofs of Propo- sition 2.4 and Theorem 4.4 of [4].

3.3. Lemma. If τR−11(M ) 6∼= ΩR−21(M ) for every indecomposable nonpro- jective finite-dimensional R1-module M then (νR2) acts freely on the objects of R2.

P r o o f. We have to show that ΩR2τR−12R2(S) 6∼= S for every simple R2- module S. Suppose to the contrary that there exists a simple R2-module S


with ΩR2τR−12R2(S) ∼= S. Then there exists a nonprojective indecompos- able finite-dimensional R1-module M such that Φ(M ) ∼= S, and we infer by Proposition 3.2 that ΩR1τR−11R1(M ) ∼= M , which contradicts our assump- tion, because this isomorphism implies τR−11(M ) ∼= ΩR−21(M ).

3.4. Lemma. Let F1 : mod(R1) → mod(R1) and F2 : mod(R2) → mod(R2) be exact equivalences satisfying the following conditions:

(a) If Fis: mod(Ri) → mod(Ri), i = 1, 2, are defined by Fis(X) = Fi(X) for X ∈ mod(Ri), Fis(f ) = Fi(f ) for f : X → Y in mod(Ri), then Fis are well-defined functors which are equivalences.

(b) For every object X ∈ mod(R1), F1s(X) ∼= Φ−1F2sΦ(X), where Φ−1 is a fixed quasi-inverse of Φ.

Then F1s and Φ−1F2sΦ are isomorphic functors.

P r o o f. In the first step of the proof we show that for every short exact sequence

0 → U → Xw → V → 0p

in mod(R1) with all terms without projective direct summands there are w0 : Φ−1F2sΦ(U ) → Φ−1F2sΦ(X) and p0 : Φ−1F2sΦ(X) → Φ−1F2sΦ(V ) such that the following sequences are exact in mod(R1):

0 → F1s(U )F−→ F1(w) 1s(X)F−→ F1(p) 1s(V ) → 0, 0 → Φ−1F2sΦ(U )w


→ Φ−1F2sΦ(X) p


→ Φ−1F2sΦ(V ) → 0,

where w0 = Φ−1F2sΦ(w) and p0 = Φ−1F2sΦ(p). The exactness of the first sequence is obvious by the definition of F1s, because F1is exact.

In order to show the exactness of the second, we first show that w0 is a monomorphism, where w0 is any representative of the coset Φ−1F2sΦ(w).

Suppose to the contrary that w0 is not a monomorphism. Then w0= w02w01 with w01 : Φ−1F2sΦ(U ) → im(w0) an epimorphism and w02 : im(w0) → Φ−1F2sΦ(X) a monomorphism. Since w is a monomorphism, we infer by [17;

Lecture 3] that w 6= 0. Thus w0 = w02w01 6= 0 and there are W ∈ mod(R1) and w1 : U → W , w2 : W → X such that Φ−1F2sΦ(wi) = w0i, i = 1, 2, because Φ−1F2sΦ is an equivalence. Since w01 is a proper epimorphism, we have the following inequality for lengths: l(im(w0)) < l(Φ−1F2sΦ(U )). But F1 is an additive exact equivalence, hence F1 preserves the lengths of R1- modules. Therefore F1spreserves the lengths of R1-modules without projec- tive direct summands and so does Φ−1F2sΦ, because F1s(M ) ∼= Φ−1F2sΦ(M ) for any M ∈ mod(R1) by the assumption of our lemma. Consequently, l(W ) = l(im(w0)) < l(U ). But w − w2w1 factorizes through a projective R1-module, say P . Thus there are q1 : U → P and q2: P → X such that w − w2w1 = q2q1. Since w is a monomorphism, there is q01 : X → P such


that q1 = q01w. Then w − w2w1 = q2q1 = q2q10w and w − q2q01w = w2w1. Hence (idX− q2q10)w = w2w1. But (idX− q2q01)w is a monomorphism, be- cause idX − q2q01 is an isomorphism. Therefore we obtain a contradiction, because the monomorphism (idX− q2q10)w factorizes through the module W of length smaller than U . Consequently, w0 is a monomorphism.

Dually one proves that p0 is an epimorphism, where p0 is any represen- tative of the coset Φ−1F2sΦ(p).

Since Φ−1F2sΦ preserves the lengths of R1-modules without projective direct summands, showing that p0w0= 0 is sufficient to show that the consid- ered sequence is exact. Since pw = 0, we have pw = 0. Thus p0w0= 0. Hence there are a projective R1-module P and morphisms q1 : Φ−1FsΦ(U ) → P and q2 : P → Φ−1F2sΦ(V ) such that p0w0 = q2q1. Since w0 is a monomor- phism and p0is an epimorphism, there are morphisms q20 : P → Φ−1F2sΦ(X) and q10 : Φ−1F2sΦ(X) → P such that p0w0= q2q1= p0q20q01w0. Then putting w00= (idX− q20q01)w0 we obtain p0w00= 0 and w00= w0.

In the second step of the proof we show that there is an isomorphism f : F1s → Φ−1F2sΦ given by a family (f (X))X∈mod(R1) of isomorphisms in mod(R1) such that for every morphism u : X → Y in mod(R1) the diagram

F1s(X) f (X)−→ Φ−1F2sΦ(X)

F1s(u) Φ−1F2sΦ(u) F1s(Y ) f (Y )−→ Φ−1F2sΦ(Y )

commutes. We construct a family (f (X))X∈mod(R1) such that for every X ∈ mod(R1) there is an isomorphism fX in mod(R1) with fX= f (X) and such that for every short exact sequence

0 → U → Xw → V → 0p in mod(R1) the diagram with exact rows

0 F1s(U ) F1(w) F1s(X) F1(p) F1s(V ) 0

fU fX fV

0 Φ−1F2sΦ(U ) w


Φ−1F2sΦ(X) p


Φ−1F2sΦ(V ) 0 commutes, where w0, p0 are as in the first step of the proof. This condition is called the commutativity condition for fX.

Our construction will run inductively on the length of X in mod(R1). If l(X) = 1 then X is a simple R1-module. Fix an isomorphism fX = f (X) : F1s(X) → Φ−1F2sΦ(X). Let u : X → X be a nonzero morphism. Since X is simple, u is an automorphism. Thus Φ−1F2sΦ(u) = v, where v is an


automorphism. But u is multiplication by ku∈ K= K \ {0}. Since F1s(idX) = idFs

1(X) and Φ−1F2sΦ(idX) = idΦ−1Fs

2Φ(X), it follows that for u = idX· ku we have

F1s(u) = idFs

1(X)· ku and Φ−1F2sΦ(idX· ku) = idΦ−1Fs

2Φ(X)· ku. Thus for any f (X) we have f (X)F1s(u) = Φ−1F2sΦ(u)f (X).

Now consider two isomorphic simple modules X, Y such that X 6= Y . For every isomorphism class [X] of a simple R1-module X fix a representative, say X. For every Y isomorphic to X fix an isomorphism uY : X → Y . Then fix an isomorphism fX : F1s(X) → Φ−1F2sΦ(X), and for every Y ∈ [X] define fY : F1s(Y ) → Φ−1F2sΦ(Y ) by the formula

fY = f (Y ) = Φ−1F2sΦ(uY)f (X)F1s(u−1Y ),

where fY is an arbitrary fixed representative of the coset f (Y ). If u : Z → Y is an isomorphism with Y, Z ∈ [X] then for Z = X we have u = uY · ku for some ku∈ K. Thus F1s(u) = F1s(uY) · ku and Φ−1F2sΦ(u) = Φ−1F2sΦ(uY) · ku. Therefore f (Y ) = Φ−1F2sΦ(uY)f (X)F1s(u−1Y ), which implies that f (Y ) = (Φ−1F2sΦ(uY) · ku)f (X)(F1s(u−1Y ) · ku−1) = Φ−1F2sΦ(u)f (X)F1s(u−1Y ).

Thus f (Y )F1s(u) = Φ−1F2sΦ(u)f (X).

Now consider the case Y = X. Then u = u−1Z · k−1u for some ku∈ K. Thus F1s(u) = F1s(u−1Z ) · k−1u and Φ−1F2sΦ(u) = Φ−1F2sΦ(u−1Z ) · ku−1. There- fore f (Z) = Φ−1F2sΦ(uZ)f (X)F1s(u−1Z ), which implies

f (Z)−1= F1s(uZ)f (X)−1Φ−1F2sΦ(u−1Z )

= (F1s(uZ) · ku)f (X)−1−1F2sΦ(u−1Z ) · k−1u )

= F1s(u)−1f (X)−1Φ−1F2sΦ(u).


f (Z) = (Φ−1F2sΦ(u))−1f (X)F1s(u) and

Φ−1F2sΦ(u)f (Z) = f (X)Φ−1F2sΦ(u).

Finally, consider the case Z 6= X 6= Y . Then uY · ku= uZ for some ku K. Moreover, we infer by the above considerations that f (Z)F1s(uZ) = Φ−1F2sΦ(uZ)f (X) and f (Y )F1s(uuZ) = Φ−1F2sΦ(uuZ)f (X). But F1s(uuZ)

= F1s(u)F1s(uZ) and Φ−1F2sΦ(uuZ) = Φ−1F2sΦ(u)Φ−1F2sΦ(uZ). Then we get

f (Y )F1s(u)f (Z)−1f (Z)F1s(uZ) = Φ−1F2sΦ(u)Φ−1F2sΦ(uZ)f (X) and f (Y )F1s(u)f (Z)−1= Φ−1F2sΦ(u). Consequently,


f (Y )F1s(u) = Φ−1F2sΦ(u)f (Z),

and for simple R1-modules X the family (f (X)) is constructed.

Assume now that a family (f (X)) is constructed for every X ∈ mod(R1) with l(X) ≤ n. Consider Y ∈ mod(R1) with l(Y ) = n + 1. Let S be a simple submodule of Y . For the nonsplittable short exact sequence

0 → S→ Yw → Y /S → 0,p

where w is the inclusion monomorphism and p is the canonical epimorphism, we have the short exact sequences

0 → F1s(S)F−→ F1(w) 1s(Y )F−→ F1(p) 1s(Y /S) → 0, 0 → Φ−1F2sΦ(S) w


→ Φ−1F2sΦ(Y ) p


→ Φ−1F2sΦ(Y /S) → 0

as in the first step of our proof. Let fS be an isomorphism such that fS = f (S). Let fY /S be an isomorphism such that fY /S = f (Y /S). Let P be the projective cover of F1s(Y /S). Then there is an epimorphism π : P → F1s(Y /S). Furthermore, fY /Sπ : P → Φ−1F2sΦ(Y /S) is an epimorphism too, because fY /S is an isomorphism. Thus there are mor- phisms π1 : P → F1s(Y ) and π2 : P → Φ−1F2sΦ(Y ) such that F1(p)π1 = π and p0π2 = fY /Sπ. The morphisms π1, π2 are epimorphisms, because top(F1s(Y )) ∼= top(F1s(Y /S)) and top(Φ−1F2sΦ(Y )) ∼= top(Φ−1F2sΦ(Y /S)).

Moreover, there is a submodule L of P such that there is an epimorphism κ : L → F1s(S) and F1(w)κ = π1|L. Observe that p0π2(t) = 0 for every t ∈ L, because p0π2(t) = fY /Sπ(t) = fY /SF1(p)π1(t) = fY /SF1(p)F1(w)κ(t) = 0.

Thus im(π2|L) ⊂ im(w0). Then π2|L= w0fSκ · k for some k ∈ K. Changing w0 if necessary, we may assume that π2|L= w0fSκ, because if p0w0 = 0 then p0w0· k−1 = 0.

We define an isomorphism fY : F1s(Y ) → Φ−1F2sΦ(Y ) in the following way. For y ∈ F1s(Y ) we can find t ∈ P such that π1(t) = y. Then we put fY(y) = π2(t). Since ker(π1) ⊂ L and ker(π2) ⊂ L, we have ker(π1) = ker(π2) = ker(κ) because π2|L= w0fSκ and π1|L= F1(w)κ. Therefore fY

is a well-defined R1-homomorphism. Since ker(π1) = ker(π2), fY is an isomorphism. It is easy to see that the diagram

0 F1s(S) F−→1(w) F1s(Y ) F−→1(p) F1s(Y /S) 0

fS fY fY /S

0 Φ−1F2sΦ(S) w


Φ−1F2sΦ(Y ) p


Φ−1F2sΦ(Y /S) 0 commutes.

Suppose now that we have a short exact sequence 0 → U→ Ya → V → 0.b If im(w) is contained in im(a) then there are R1-morphisms i : S → U and r : Y /S → V such that the diagram


0 S w Y p Y /S 0

i || r

0 U a Y b V 0

commutes. Moreover, we deduce from the first step of the proof that there are short exact sequences

0 → F1s(U )F−→ F1(a) 1s(Y )F−→ F1(b) 1s(V ) → 0, 0 → Φ−1F2sΦ(U ) a


→ Φ−1F2sΦ(Y ) b


→ Φ−1F2sΦ(V ) → 0.

By the inductive assumption for some r0 : Φ−1F2sΦ(Y /S) → Φ−1F2sΦ(V ) such that r0 = Φ−1F2sΦ(r) we have r0fY /S = fVF1(r). Then r0fY /SF1(p) = fVF1(r)F1(p). Since F1(r)F1(p) = F1(b), we have fVF1(b) = r0fY /SF1(p) = r0p0fY, because it was shown above that fY /SF1(p) = p0fY. Observe that b0 can be chosen in such a way that r0p0 = b0. Indeed, since b = rp, we have b0 = Φ−1F2sΦ(b) = Φ−1F2sΦ(rp) = r0p0. Suppose that b0− r0p0 6= 0.

Then b0 − r0p0 factorizes through a projective R1-module Q. Since b0 is an epimorphism by the first step of our proof and b0 − r0p0 = q2q1 with q1: Φ−1F2sΦ(Y ) → Q, q2: Q → Φ−1F2sΦ(V ), there is q02: Q → Φ−1F2sΦ(Y ) such that q2q1 = b0q02q1. Therefore r0p0 = b0 − b0q02q1. Thus put b00 = b0(idΦ−1F2sΦ(Y )− q02q1). Then b00= b0and b00is an epimorphism. Moreover, if we put a00= (idΦ−1F2sΦ(Y )−q20q1)−1then a00= a0and a00is a monomorphism with b00a00= 0. Since b00= r0p0, we get fVF1(b) = b00fY.

We deduce from the last commutative diagram by the snake lemma that there is a commutative diagram with exact rows

0 S i U c U/S 0

|| a v

0 S w Y p Y /S 0.

By the inductive assumption v0fU/S = fY /SF1(v) for some v0. Thus v0fU/SF1(c) = fY /SF1(v)F1(c).

Therefore v0fU/SF1(c) = fY /SF1(p)F1(a) and fY /SF1(p)F1(a) = p0fYF1(a), since we proved that fY /SF1(p) = p0fY. Now observe that for a suitable c0 we have fU/SF1(c) = c0fU by the inductive assumption. But we may assume that v0c0 = p0a00. Indeed, suppose to the contrary that p0a00− v0c0 6= 0 but p0a00− v0c0 = 0. Thus this difference factorizes through a projective R1- module, say Q1. Then there are z1 : Φ−1F2sΦ(U ) → Q1 and z2 : Q1 Φ−1F2sΦ(Y /S) such that p0a00− v0c0 = z2z1. Since p0 is an epimorphism by the first step of our proof, there is z20 : Q1 → Φ−1F2sΦ(Y ) such that p0z20 = z2. Then replacing a00 by a01 = a00− z20z1 we obtain p0a01 = v0c0.


Moreover, observe that a01is well-defined, because it is a monomorphism by the first step of the proof and b00a01= r0p0a01= r0v0c0= 0 since r0v0= 0.

Hence we may assume that p0a00−v0c0 = 0. Therefore we obtain v0c0fU = p0a00fU. Furthermore,

p0a00fU = v0c0fU = v0fU/SF1(c) = fY /SF1(v)F1(c)

= fY /SF1(p)F1(a) = p0fYF1(a).

Thus p0(a00fU−fYF1(a)) = 0. Then d = (a00fU−fYF1(a)) : U → Φ−1F2sΦ(Y ) and im(d) ⊂ ker(p0) = im(w0). Thus dF1(i) = 0, because dF1(i) = a00fUF1(i)

− fYF1(a)F1(i) = a00i0fS − fYF1(w). But a00i0 = w0. Indeed, if a00i0− w0 6= 0 then it is a monomorphism by simplicity of Φ−1F2sΦ(S). On the other hand, we know that a00i0− w0 = 0. Therefore we find that a monomorphism factorizes through a projective module, which is impossible by [17; Lecture 3]. Then a00i0fS− fYF1(w) = w0fS− fYF1(w) = 0.

Now we can consider the decompositions of K-spaces F1s(Y ) = im(F1(w))

⊕ Y0and Φ−1F2sΦ(Y ) = im(w0) ⊕ Y00. Since fY is an R1-isomorphism, fY is a K-linear isomorphism. Since w0fS = fYF1(w) and p0fY = fY /SF1(p), fY

restricted to Y0is a K-linear isomorphism of Y0to Y00. But if z ∈ im(F1(a))

∩ Y0 then fY(z) ∈ Y00. Furthermore, we can consider the decomposition of the K-space F1s(U ) = im(F1(w)) ⊕ U0. Then by the inductive assumption for the decomposition Φ−1F2sΦ(U ) = im(i0) ⊕ U00 the restriction of fU to U0 is a K-linear isomorphism between U0 and U00. Since a00i0 = w0, we get a00fU(z) ∈ Y00, where z ∈ im(F1(w)) ∩ Y0. Thus im(a00fU− fYF1(a)) ⊂ Y00, and so a00fU − fYF1(a) = 0.

Now consider the case when im(a) does not contain im(w). First assume that U is simple. Then we have the following commutative diagram with exact rows and columns:

0 0

U = U

a a1

0 S w Y p Y /S 0

|| b b1

0 S w1 V p1 V /S 0

0 0

By the inductive assumption,

a01fU = fY /SF1(a1) = fY /SF1(p)F1(a) = p0fYF1(a),

where a01 = Φ−1F2sΦ(a1) satisfies the required condition by the inductive assumption. We may assume that p01b0 = b01p0, where a0, b0 are so chosen


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She is pleased to thank the Department of Mathematics of Wesleyan University for generous hospitality during the spring semester of 1992.. The second author is pleased to thank