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Dinosaur footprints from the Upper Jurassic of Blaziny, Poland


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Geo log i cal Quar terly, 2002, 46 (4): 463–465

Di no saur foot prints from the Up per Ju ras sic of Błaziny, Po land


Gierliński G. and Niedźwiedzki R. (2002) — Di no saur foot prints from the Up per Ju ras sic of Błaziny, Po land. Geol. Quart., 46 (4):


New di no saur tracks are re ported from the Late Ju ras sic plat form car bon ates of Po land. Foot prints dis cov ered in a new tracksite of Błaziny re sem ble large theropod ichnite of Megalosauripus sensu Lockley et al., 1998 and sauropod tracks of Brontopodus Farlow et al., 1989.

Gerard Gierliński, Pol ish Geo log i cal In sti tute, ul. Rakowiecka 4, PL-00-975 Warszawa, Po land; Grzegorz Niedźwiedzki, De part ment of Bi ol ogy, War saw Uni ver sity, ul. Miecznikowa 1, PL-02-096 Warszawa, Po land, e-mail: GrzegorzNiedzwiedzki@poczta.net-line.pl (re - ceived: April 8, 2002; ac cepted: Au gust 19, 2002).

Key words: Po land, Late Ju ras sic, Theropoda, Sauropoda, tracks.


In Feb ru ary 2002, a new Late Ju ras sic tracksite was dis cov - ered on the north east ern flank of the Holy Cross Moun tains.

This is the third lo cal ity in this re gion where di no saur foot prints have been dis cov ered in Late Ju ras sic plat form car bon ates, fol - low ing the sites of Ożarów and Bałtów (Gaździcka et al., 2001;

Gierliński et al., 2001; Gierliński and Sabath, 2002). The new di no saur foot prints were found by the au thors and by Konrad Kowalski in the quarry at Błaziny near the town of Iłża.

The tracks are pre served as nat u ral casts on iso lated blocks of fine-grained oolitic lime stone. The track-bearing lithostratigraphic unit was de scribed by Gutowski (1998) as the Błaziny Oolite Lime stones of late Oxfordian age.

The theropod foot print and the sauropod trackway (Figs. 1 and 3) are pro tected and cat a logued by the Mu seum of His tory of Ma te rial Cul ture in Starachowice (MHKM). The third spec i - men, a small sauropod ichnite (Fig. 2), was slightly dam aged dur ing the ex ca va tion in the quarry. A plas ter cast made be fore its un for tu nate ex ca va tion, is housed in the MHKM, while the orig i nal spec i men is owned by the se nior au thor.


The large theropod foot print from Błaziny, MHKM GG/3 (Fig. 1), is 43 cm long and 30 cm wide. The an gle be tween dig its

II and III equals 29°, while the an gle be tween dig its II and IV is 44°. The ra tio of foot print length to length of digit III equals 1.81.

Among sim i lar large and strictly tridactylous theropod Late Ju - ras sic ichnotaxa, this ra tio fits that of Megalosauripus sensu Lockley et al. (1998). Re cently, how ever, Thulborn (2001) has dem on strated that the name Megalosauripus was in cor rectly ap - plied to those tracks by Lockley et al. (1998). Thus we use this name with quo ta tion marks un til a new name is es tab lished to la - bel the ma te rial de scribed by Lockley et al. (1998).

The lack of such “Megalosauripus” di ag nos tic fea tures as dis crete dig i tal pads in our spec i men might have been caused by the preservational con di tions. As noted by Lockley (1998), some “Megalosauripus” tracks pre served in plat form car bon - ates lack dis tinctly im printed dig i tal pads.

The other Błaziny finds are sauropod tracks of a ju ve nile and an adult or subadult. The pedal ichnite of the ju ve nile trackmaker, MHKM GG/4 (Fig. 2), is 19 cm long and 13 cm wide, while the manus is 8 cm long and 12 cm wide. The track of a larger sauropod forms a three-step trackway, MHKM GG/5 (Fig. 3). The pes is 48 cm long and 31 cm wide. The manus is 22 cm long and 32 cm wide. The trackway seems to be of a me dium-gauge type. The pes pace angulation equals 92°. The ra tio of pace length to pes length is 1.97. Un like the nar row-gauge trackways of Parabrontopodus Lockley et al.

(1994), the Błaziny spec i mens show the man ual prints lo cated

anteromedially to the pes and close to the trackway’s midline,

in a fash ion sim i lar to that of the wide-gauge trackways of

Brontopodus Farlow et al. (1989).


464 Gerard Gierliński and Grzegorz Niedźwiedzki

Fig. 1. Large theropod foot print, MHKM GG/3, “Megalosauripus” sp. from the Up per Ju ras sic of Błaziny, Po land

Fig. 2. Small sauropod pes-manus set, MHKM GG/4, Brontopodus sp. from the Up per Ju ras sic of Błaziny, Po land


In both spec i mens from Błaziny (MHKM GG/4 and MHKM GG/5), the manus im prints are rel a tively large in com - par i son to the pes. The manus-pes area ra tio is 1:2.6 and 1:2.1 respectively, which is also closer to the Brontopodus pro por - tions (1:3) than to that of Parabrontopodus (1:4 and 1:5), ac - cord ing to the data given by Lockley and Rice (1990) and

Lockley et al. (1994). Thus, these fea tures cor re spond to those of the ichnogenus Brontopodus, which is at trib uted to brachiosaurids (Farlow, 1992) or ti tano saurs (Wil son and Carrano, 1999).


FARLOW J. O. (1992) — Sauropod tracks and trackmakers: in te grat ing the ichnological and skel e tal re cords. Zubia, 10: 89–138.

FARLOW J. O., PITTMAN J. G. and HAWTHORNE J. M. (1989) — Brontopodus birdi, Lower Cre ta ceous sauropod foot prints from the U.

S. Gulf coastal Plain. In: Di no saur Tracks and Traces (ed. D. D.

Gillette and M. G. Lockley): 371–394. Cam bridge Uni ver sity Press.

Cam bridge.

GAZDZICKA E., GIERLIŃSKI G. and SMOLEŃ J. (2001) — Di no saur foot prints in the Up per Ju ras sic of Po land. In: Ju ras sic II. Proc. Pol ish Geol. Soc. Meet ing (eds. G. Pieńkowski and J. Grabowski): 7–8. Pol - ish Geol. Soc. Pol ish Geol. Inst. Starachowice.

GIERLIŃSKI G., GAZDZICKA E., NIEDZWIEDZKI G. and PIEŃKOWSKI G. (2001) — New ornithischian di no saur foot prints in the Ju ras sic of Po land. Geol. Quart., 45 (2): 205–210.

GIERLIŃSKI G. and SABATH K. (2002) — A prob a ble stegosaurian track from the Late Ju ras sic of Po land. Acta Palaeont. Pol., 47 (3): 561–564.

GUTOWSKI J. (1998) — Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian of the north east - ern mar gin of the Holy Cross Moun tains, Cen tral Po land. Geol. Quart., 42 (1): 59–72.

LOCKLEY M. G. (1998) — Philo soph i cal per spec tives on theropod track mor phol ogy: blend ing qual i ties in the sci ence of ichnology. In: As - pects of Theropod Paleobiology (eds. B. P. Pérez-Moreno, T. Holtz Jr., J. L. Sanz and J. Moratalla). Gaia, 15: 279–300.

LOCKLEY M. G., FARLOW J. O. and MEYER C. A. (1994) — Brontopodus and Parabrontopodus ichnogen. nov. and the sig nif i - cance of wide- and nar row-gauge sauropod trackways. In: As pect of Sauropod Paleobiology (eds. M. G. Lockley, V. F. dos Santos, C. A.

Meyer, and A. P. Hunt). Gaia, 10: 135–145.

Dinosaur footprints from the Upper Jurassic of Błaziny, Poland 465

Fig. 3. Sauropod trackway, MHKM GG/5, Brontopodus sp. from the Up per Ju ras sic of Błaziny, Po land


LOCKLEY M. G., MEYER C. A. and SANTOS V. F. dos (1998) — Megalosauripus and the prob lem atic con cept of megalosaur foot - prints. In: As pects of Theropod Paleobiology (eds. B. P. Pérez- Moreno, T. Holtz Jr., J. L. Sanz, and J. Moratalla). Gaia, 15: 313–337.

LOCKLEY M. G. and RICE A. (1990) — Did “Bron to sau rus” ever swim out to sea?: Ev i dence from brontosaur and other di no saur foot prints.

Ichnos, 1: 81–90.

THULBORN T. (2001) — His tory and no men cla ture of the theropod di no - saur tracks Bueckeburgichnys and Megalosauripus. Ichnos, 8: 207–222.

WILSON J. A. and CARRANO M. T. (1999) — Ti tano saurs and the or i gin of “wide-gauge” trackways: a biomechanical and sys tem atic per spec - tives on sauropod lo co mo tion. Paleobiology, 25 (2): 252–267.

466 Gerard Gierliński and Grzegorz Niedźwiedzki


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