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Beyrichites (Beyrichites) sp. from the Lower Muschelkalk of the Holy Cross Mts


Academic year: 2022

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No. 1


Beyrichites (Beyrichites) sp.

acta geologica


Waruawa 1972:

from the Lower Muschelkalk of the Holy Cross Mts

ABS'l1RACT: An· ammonite identified as Bevrichttes (Be'J}'richites) sp. wu found in.

the :IJOWU" M'IlElclhelk:adk of the Holy Oooes !M1Is.. '!biB ammonite, ~yplcad. for the Uppe;r Scythdan 1&00 Atnd_n of the TethyolLn proviJnee, i6 ;f·urthEn"' e'V'idence oIt .strong;

.Alpine:ln:fluences !ID rtbe Lower iM'Ufi(!helka1k of Polend.

At Wol:ica vi·llage,


the SW margin of the Holy' Cross Mts (cf. Tram- mer 1971, Fig. 1) within Lima striata Beds (after lithostratigraphy by Senkowiczowa 1957; cf. also Trammer 1971, Fig. 2), a fragment of ammo- nite was found. This ammonite belQIlgs to the nominative subgenus of the genus Beyrichites Waagen).1895 •. Despite careful searching at Wolica and in other outcro~ of the. ~wer Muschelkalk in the Holy Cross Mts •.

no more representatives of


~ubgen'US were found. Poor preservation.

of the specimen precluded its id~tification to the specific rank.

The ammonites of the subgenus Beyrichites (Beyrichites) Waagen are known from the Up~ Scythi~n and AniBian of the Alps, Balkan Peninsula (and Ohios Id), 'Caucasus, Himalaya, Timor, Japan, Stberia, Spitsbergen, British Columbia, Nevada and Chile (cf· SheVY!l"ev 1968 and references therein).

There are only two repprts on the occurrence of Beyrichites (Bey- richites) Waagen in the epioontinental{German) Triassic. Wagner (1891) described a new species, Beneckeia. cognata, from the Lowei"' Muschetkalk.

of the vicinity of Jena; thereafter this species was included into the genus Beyrichites Waagen and renamed as Beyrichites cognatus (Wagner) by Frech (1903-190B). The other new species, Beyrichites thuringiacus, was desc:I'!ibed from the Lower MuschelkaLk of Thurmgia by Fritsch (1906).

Both these specimens are poorly preserved and insufficiently illustrated;

thus full comparison with the Polish 'form is impossible. Neverthpl", .. ~



the~ differences are obvious and the discussed Holy-Cross specimen is not .related to these' GeTriiarispecies~ Moreovet;if se'emsthat inclusion


'both German forms into the genUs Beyrichites Waag€n was nOt 'well consi-

·dered. This viewpoint seems to tbe'held alsO by Arkell, Kummel & Wright .(1957) who do not mention Gennany in the distribution of thiS genus.

In the Holy Cross Mts, the only kn()W.Il representative of the ammo- nite fauna in the Lower Muschelkalk was hitherto (SEmkowiczowa 1956) the species Benee-keia bue-hi v. Alberti, a common form in the contem- poraneous deposits of Germany. On the other hand, the nautilid, Pleuro- 'nautilus moris Mojsisovic~, reoorded by.l.uniewski (1923) from the Lower .Muschelkalk of the northern margin of th€ Holy Cross Mts is known,

besides the latter aa-ea, only from the Anisian of the Tethys.

Recently of other animals' 'groups, two oonodont species typical for the Alpine province, and Wlknown dn Germany, were found in the Lower :Muschelkalk limestones :in the SW maTgin of the Holy Dross Mts (Tram- :mex 1971).

The find of the ammonite, being frequent in the Alpine province, in the Lower Muschelkalk of the Holy Cross Mts is of a further evidence ,conf1rming the viewpoint held by Samronowicz (1929) that "Polish-8i1e- .sian province", including the Holy Cross Mts, wa.s oonnected mOTe closely with the Alpine province .than with the German province during the Lo-

wer Muschelkalk time.

Family Beyrichitidae Spath, 1934 Genus BEYRICHITES Waagen, 1695 Subgenus BEYRICHITES Waagen, 1895

Beyrichites (Beyrichites) sp.

(Figs 1a-bj PI. 1, Figs la-b)

Material. - IOlIle specdmen ;pr.eeerved BB am. Ilnoomp1elle II1OUM, whleh oompti.'8'eS, the fdJneJ. hody ohambe:r (8Jttad,ndng DSJ,f a whod) wiJth mOOlIllPlete aperture, as rwe'll

'as final parl of the phragmocone.

Description. - 'Form SIt:rongly inV'OI1Jte, flat, Tt! mm Q.n diameter. La\teirIa!l :aides B'lightly OOIllvex, DaIl"roWing 'bDwards the ventral Side; ZIl8X'!maIl:width clO&e to umbl!.- lical mergiQ, an one-third of whool height equals 11'1 mm. Vt!nltnl1 B'lde rounded.

UmbiIlicu&, 7 mm in diameter, C()Il(!eals inner wbor1lS; 1lIJlbilloaI ,waiIl vertdca.l with upper margin sl:LgM'ly !roUIrlded. LeIteral aides of the last wbolN are ornamen1led 'W'.Irth tIne and an places obIJIcured dkhotami.c ribs; Ir'ibs ecmewbErt beDt ibackwaJrdly IIIIlJd disappea!l" clQS!e to apert\ll"ej 'Ventral side smoobh. Lobe lines are QIOIt evidently mar- ked. -In the preserved filnal part oaf iJJhe plllr'agmooone, tthed4" ~imatiJon may be noticed. [.obe Jine


the liast septU'lD is most disf11nct. It is of sub-.ammoindte type;

sID\lI!Ies are SIQIlllewha/t mgged '(hOlWeve;r, ao:nplitudes of sdnl\lS teeth seem 'Ix> be

<ioecl"eased due to 'Weathering), where·as lobes .are biJpall"tite. Because of .poor preser- vation of the specimen, num,be.r of lobes c,a,nnot be estimated.



Remarks. - The specimen .is similaar to the representatives of the species Beyrichites (Beyrichites) reuttensis o(IBeyrich 186'7) figured by Moj&ioovjos Ql0S82; PI. 9, Figs 1-3) f·rom the Anisian cif <the Alps an<i IBalka'n Peninsula, by Asseroato (1906'3;

PI. 2, Fig. 2) from rthe :AIl!i.stian <Yf Lombaroia, and by Sh-evyr>EW (1~8; iPI. 9, Fjgs la-b) Jrom the Anis1an 'Of the Caucasus. mt differs however 'from those specimens in lall'ge-r

.size a'nd elemenbs <Yf its l()be line, ,paiI"ticuJarly lobes are less dentate.

'F.ig. 1

Beyrichites (Beyrichites) sp.; Lower MuschelkaLk, WQI~ua a side view, b ventral view; nat. size

Occ'Wl'rence. - Wolica in the Holy Cross Mts, waste of ·the Lima striata !Beds.

:1>n !the Tethya.n province, the Sitr.albigraph~cal range of the subg-enU& Beyrichites (Bey-

. richite-s) Waagen extends from the Upper Scy1hian Ita Anislian (C'j. Alrkell, lKummel

& :Wright Ilem; She'VYIl'ev!ll963).

AcknO'Wledgernents . . Tihe GPecimen was fuu-n<i by A. Maltyja M. Se., an<i the d'Nlwdng pe-rio.rmecl !by A. lK'Ozrow.s9ti M. Se., '1:1.) whom the author oOrffer-s his most

.sincea-e thanks. He is also very indebted t() ,F\r()fes'S'Ol' H. Ma'kowslti for a <mibical

rea<i,ing oOrf the typescript.

Institute Of Geology of the Warsaw University . 'Warszawa 22, At Zwirk4 i Wigury 93

Warsaw, September 1971

.ARKELL W. J., K1J1MM·EL B. & W.R!I:GHT C. <W. 1957. tMesO'loic Amm()n1.l.i.dea. In:

R. C. MOOil'e (Ed.), Tlreahlse 'On <Lnve'l"tebrate 'Paileontol()gy, Ip'art L (Mollusca 4).



AS9I!IRATO lB. 1963. I3. Triaa in Loirnbardia (Studi geolog(ci e paleo.ntologici). W.

iFdISlli dell '9nfs:ioo IllUperior:e de1:1a \Tal Qamcmioa. - !Rdv. mal. lPaleont. stmtigr .•

vo1. 69,00.1 M:i:1mo.

F.RroH iF. 1903-1909. Lebbaea ge<l§I1OS1J.ca. T. ilffi, Bd. 1, IUef. 11--4. stu,ttgad..

F.RIlJ"I"SQH !K. 1906. Beiiflrlag zm-!K~ der Tierwel1t dreIr ~en Tri8lS. - Abh.

tNaturforsch. Ges., 34. Halle.

LUNlEWSKlI lA. 111923. 0 :l5armach alpejsldch w falunde rwapiema m'llBZllowego Illa p61-' 'IlIDCIlym zbocrz:u gor Swlit:1;ok!myBldch (Sur laselemeJllt6 dpiDs dens ~ Ifauae.

du !MuschelkBJat 91.11r Je ver\SIIIIDIt


des morilasnes de Swi~ty KnyZ). - SpraJw. Ra (1Bu[l. Serv. Geol. /Pol.), 1t • .2, IDl" 112.lWarewawa.

MOJSlSOV'KS E. ill88a. lDie Cepbaloopodec de!r medli:ternoen ~ - Abh.

Goo1. lReicbsanst., Bd. 110. Wien..

S~ J. 1UJa9. ~hsrlJtyn, Itlr!iae Ii. Has 1lB p6moc:nym 2b00zu LYBOgOr ~ ZechsteiJn, !le 'Ilr!Iu et le oLiasll.q1Je iSUIr 1e Vert!l!mt IDard du Masisd.f de 8-!te- Oroix); - Sprraw. !RIG ~ SeIr.v. GEol. 1FbL). t. 5, !II" '1112. WU'srzatWa.

SENiKOWlIOZIOWA H. 1:956. Wapien muszlowy ne p6moonym obrzeienilu G6r Swic;:- illok!rzyskdch ~lJSIChell;k,al'k: on othe noNhenn per:lphery of tne Swd~ IKmyz:

MoUJIl.lliaIins-). - Biul. 'LmPt. Gool. 'L13. Warazawa. '

- 111007. 'WQIPIilen m'llSl'lllowy !IIIIIi potudoiowym ,rZhOCZU: GQr Swlic;:tdkrzysklich mi~y

Cza:raul N'1ld1l a C~em (The MuscheHmlk


the southern mope of rflhe·

Swic;:oty !Knyi 1Mt& between Cmrma Nlida and Chm:ieln!k). - IbCdem, 12A.

SHEV'YBEV lA. lA. 11968. 'l'l1iJaaclvye BllJDl()O()ide( juga ,SSSR. - Tl'udy Paleoot. b t .

~lewrt. Jsn6t. WOl"k!I), '\1'01. 1.1·9. M<l6kva.

TRAMlMER J. 197,1. iMddci-le 'l'xU.aEeic (M'IlSIcbelkalk) COl1tOdonts '!rom :the SW ma1.lfin.

of the iHIoly 0rasIs M'fls" -1A.GIa Gedl.Pol., vol. ~1, 00.



W1AGNm !R. 11991. Ueber el.n~ge Vemteineru'llgen des untere:n MuscheJkla.lb von Jena. - e;. \Deut.sch. Geol. Ges., Bd. 413. Bedin. '



GOB 8~~KICB (Streszczenie)

W pro:Mlu 'W'OIIiIcY.1l8 ~odnim obrzeien4u G6l" S,wic;:tda:zy'Sl'kdch (pot'. 'l':rammea- 1971, fig. 1), w dbrc;:bie wmebw z Lima striata (wg podziailu ldtostr&- tyg,raficmego SerilrowicrullW'ej, 1'9157; por. l1:akie 'Tnmmer 110911, fig. 12) lZIlalezIDny ~o­

sfal f4'agm.Emt amona'lla (fdg. ,la-bi plo 1, fig. 1a---b) noaJ.~cego do podirIod'IBju Betlli- chlites 'Waagen,' 1'8195. Podrodmj :ten :znany je9t z g6rnego lSiCyty.ku oraz ~ku

i ~je gl6wme osady Tetydy. stwiE!'l'dl.en.ie jego obecooki w dolnym wa- p1eoiu mUSlZlowym G6r $wi~!lllm:h starwwi kO'lej,ny dc1wQd silnydl wplyw6w' aIpejl9ldch w OwC2eSD.ych ~ fart.mlistYQ7Jllyeh 'll6 teren1e l'IolSki (pC1r. Lwliew·

sCki 1L923, Samsonawtk::z 192J9, T.ooInmer 11911).

Instytut Geotogti 'Podstawowej Uniwerslltetu WarsMwskiego WarBzawa 22, At. Zwirki i W,fgurll 98

WarBzawa, we wrzdntu 1971 r.



Bevric'hiite.s (Beyri.chites) p.; Lower Mw;.chellm,lk, W·ol<ica la .side Vliew, Ib v~Ill:l1road view; 1TlIat. ISIiz~

.Photos taken by B. Drozd, M. Se.


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