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Contents Marine Technology Reporter 2016


Academic year: 2021

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Kira Coley graduated with a BSc (Hons) Marine Biology degree from University of Portsmouth and has extensive experience as a Field Scientist in various locations, p. 30




46 Michael Flynn

Cathx Ocean aims to clear the view subsea.

By GregTrauthwein


March 2016


Volume S9 • Number 2

On the Cover

5 6 Digging Deep

Soil Machine Dynamics (SMD) has delivered three Seafloor Production Tools to Nautilus Minerals, Inc. The story, and some amazing photos, reside on page 56.

28 Seafloor Mapping

The evolution of ocean exploration continues with seafloor mapping with Geodesy.

By Kira Coley

38 Robots & Marine


Underwater robotics grow increasingly important In marine conservation.

By Kira Coley

42 $ 7 B & Counting

NCAA released its report which aims to give shape and size to the U.S. Ocean Enterprise, a collective entity estimated to be in excess of $7 billion annually

By GregTrauthwein

52 S u b s e a


4D seismic technology is being used for Permanent Reservoir Monitoring (PRM), which is showing results offshore Brazil.

By Claudio Paschoa


April 2016


Volume 59 • Number 3




22 Win & Wisdom

The Marine WITT (Whatever Input to Torsion Transfer) is a unique technology with the power to harness energy from motion.

By Kira Coley

26 Floating


The six things you need to know now to capitalize on the offshore floating production market when it rebounds.

By Jim McCaul

30 Decommissioning

What goes up, must come down. The business of

decommissioning offshore rigs is projected to boom through 2040. By Ben Wilby

On the Cover

36 The $2IVI C h a s e

Nine teams vie for the $2 million purse in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Wave Energy Prize. MTR spoke with Alison taBonte, Marine and Hydrokinetic Technology Program Manager in the DOE Wind and Water Power Technologies, for her take on the technological developments.

By GregTrauthwein


May 2016


Volume 59 • Number 4

Voyager .


22 Echo Voyager

Inside Boeing's Pliantom Works emerges one ofthe biggest, most capable UUV ever.

By Kira Coley

16 Is Bigger Better?

Undersea superiority will rely on targe Underwater Vehicles, but in this regard, how big is too big?

By Edward Lundquist


28 Into the Valley

MTR ventures into the Norwegian 'Subsea Valley' for insights on new and emerging subsea technologies.

By William Stoichevski

01 '16 Wrap-Up

38 Showtime

01 in tondon again proved itself the biggest and best display of subsea technology in the wodd.

By Eric Haun


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