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Umacnianie wąwozów drogowych w terenie lessowym


Academic year: 2021

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R O C Z N IK I G L E B O Z N A W C Z E T. X X V , D O D A T E K , W A R S Z A W A 1974


C O N S O L ID A T IO N OF R O A D G U L L IE S IN A LO ESS T E R R IT O R Y 1 Departm ent of Land Reclam ation and Farm Building

A gricu ltu ral U n iversity of Lublin


Soil roads in loess territories of the South-East Poland’s Uplands are lowering its level under effect of wind and w ater erosion. Particularly quickly are lowering road levels on slopes [1, 7, 16]. A t the road depth of over 1 m the author [16] proposes the name road gully (Fig. 1). The depth of such gullies can reach several meters. Along with the depth there increases the threat of outwash and destruction of road [8, 16] (Fig. 2).

The gullies cause area topography changes and make difficult agri­ cultural utilization of the area.

Furthermore, both gullies and deepened roads form a harmful network of periodical watercourses causing an excessive drainage of adjacent fields. The passage along such gully roads is more and more difficult and in such seasons as autumn, winter and early spring becomes almost impossible, bn autumn highly moistened loess forms a plastic mass in which the vehicle wheels are sinking. Hollows and wheel tracks are forming on the road, deepened by flowing water and then the threat of road destruction increases.

In winter the road gullies up to 2 m in dqpth are drifted with snow up to the adjacent field level. In spring the drifted snow is slowly mel­ ting and grooves are being formed under w ater outwash effect. The passage is possible after a preliminary road levelling.

In the work effectiveness of executed protection devices in three road gullies is discussed. The gullies are situated: at W erbkowice near H ru­ bieszów [3, 9] at Zdanów near Sandomierz [10] and Elizowka -near Lublin [12, 14].

1 The respective research was financed in a part by a grant made by the US Departm ent of Agriculture, Agricu ltu ral Research Service, authorized by Public L a w 840.


Polish Upland

Phot. S. Z ie m n ic k i

Fig. 2. Outwashed road after the snowm elt w ater runoff. Th e environm ent of Kraśnik. 1970


Consolidation of road gullies... 2 5 7


Shallow road gullies of about 1 m in depth and short length can be liquidated by their filling up with the soil taken from another place. Then the necessity of connection of the brought soil material with sub­ strate, of ramming b y layers and of bringing humus soil onto the surface must be kept in mind. These works must be executed before the threat of heavier rainfalls and runoffs occurs. Immediately after filling up the gully the protective vegetation (grasses) must be introduced. It is not recommended to fill up the gully with soil material taken from the adjacent field since then a depression is formed, which can be easily outwashed by water.

Deeper and longer gullies must be consolidated. For this purpose a replacement of the road and prohibition of passage along the bottom of the gully road would be necessary. The passage prohibition alone can already protect against the formation of further holes and vehicle

wheel tracks. :i

Two gully consolidation ways are applied: biological and bio-technical. Only fe w specialists accept the biological consolidation alone [2, 6] ; most of them recommend to apply technical consolidations jointly with, biolo­ gical ones [1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13]. Nevertheless, in the case of a slight erosion intensity (lack of a catchment area, mild gradient and short length of the gully) only biological consolidation may be sufficient.

However, it is always less risky to execute technical measures prior to the vegetation introduction, since they w ill check shiftings of soil ma­ terial, creating at the same time more favourable, conditions for veget­ ation development. These measures are simple and not especially expen­ sive. The period of action of these measures must not b e particularly long, since as early, as after 3-4 years the protective role w ill be taken over by vegetation. To such consolidations belong: shallow ditches and sills established across the gully bottom gradient, fascine hurdles and earth dykes lowered near either gully slope. Such dykes divide the stream of flowing down w ater into two parts [11].

The first years of growth of both grasses and trees on the compact loess w ill be difficult. Therefore digging deeper and w ider holes than normal ones for planting trees is recommended. Then at least single full mineral fertilization is necessary. W ith regard to drifting the gully with snow, breaking young trees, the spring tree planting is recommended. In the course o f the first 3-4 years every-year removal of herbage and loosening the soil around tree seedlings are necessary. The longer w ill be the cultivation measures around trees, the quicker their growth. R oczniki G lebozn aw cze — 17


The gullies described iin this w ork w ere consolidated in different ways. It enabled a comparison of the results obtained and facilitated drawing conclusions.


The areas comprised with the investigations have been described in detail in m any publications and therefore only indispensable data w ill be quoted here. The situation described concerns the period of start of the consolidation measures compared with that in 1971 and 1972. The observation period amounted to 15-20 years. A t that time the erosion intensity was similar and approximated the average one. It is evident from the surface runoff values put together for the locality of Slawin near Lublin [15].

The localities described are situated on deep loesses. A t W erbkowice and Zdanów chemozcms and on the slopes soils on loess occur while at Elizówka only the latter occurs. A ll the soils are subject to water erosion. The loess rock properties are similar and w ill be presented jointly. The mechanical composition shows the content of the fraction of 0.05-0.02 mm in 45-50%, of the fraction less than 0.002 mm of 8-10% and of that less than 0.02 mm 35-40%. The G aC 0 3 content amounts to 10-13%. The porosity varies within 45-50%, the highest weight water capillary capacity within 30-34% [3, 10, 12].

The anti erosion reclamations at W erbkowice on the fields of Agricul­ tural Experimental Station, the Institute for Soil Science and Cultivation of Plants, w ere executed in 1951 over the area of 150 ha [3, 9].

Two gully roads existed on this area. The smaller gully, of about 200 m in length and somewhat more than 2 m in depth is described here. In Fig. 3 the longitudinal sections in 1951, close after cancellation of the road, and in 1971 are presented. The inclination of the slope with the gully is 8%. In view of a low outwash intensity in 1950-1951 no tech­ nical measures w ere applied (Fig. 4).

The woody and shrubry vegetation was planted in the period of several first years beginning from 1952. The planting was carried out in the scheme of 1X1 m. The state of the woody vegetation in 1971 was as follows:

The bottom and slopes of the gully were covered w ith a dense m ulti- -species young forest composed of the trees, like: Quercus robur L., Acer platanoides L., PopulusXeuramericana Guinier, Tilia cordata Mill., Malus silvestris Mill., Carpinus betulus L., Salix alba L., Robinia pseuda- cacia L., Pirus communis L., Fraxinus excelsior L., Betula verrucosa Ehrh., Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsch., Larix decidua Mill. and Pinus silvestris L. The average height o f the trees w as 2-4 m (Fig. 5). In view


Consolidation of road gullies... 2 5 9

Fig. 3. P ro file and cross section of the road gu lly at W erbkow ice

I — right ba n k levels, I I — depth in 1951, I I I — depth in 1971, I V — su rface levels in 1951, V — surface levels in 1971; 1 — 1951, 2 — 1971

Fig. 4. V ie w o f the upper sector o f the gu lly at W erbkow ice a fter planting trees in 1952


Fig. 5. V iew of the afforested gully at W erbkowice. Early spring 1972. There was still snow laying on the gully bottom

Phot. S. Z ie m n ick i

of the inconsiderable height of the trees they w ere damaged in the first growth years by snow.

However, single trees distinguished themselves with a considerable growth, e. g. Tilia cor data Mill, reached the height to

10 m and P opu -

lus X euramericana Guinier to 18 m, the breast level thickness being 25-30 cm, Larix decidua M ü l— to 10 m, at the breast level thickness of 17 cm.

Beside the trees also the following shrubs were growing: Corylus avellana L., Cornus sanguinea L. and Evonymus europaea L.

The forest vegetation state was good.

The outwashes both of bottom and lateral ones of slopes were checked. Nevertheless, as it is evident from Fig. 3, the gully bottom was lowered on the average by 10 cm, at rnoßt by 29 cm. Instead of a flat bottom existing in 1952 (Fig. 4) a depression has been formed. This depression was outwashed b y water within the first fe w years after afforestation. Since 1956 no further outwashes were observed.

A t Zdanów, similarly as at Werbkowice, the anti-erosion reclamations according to the author’s design have been executed [9]. They were started in 1954, when the Experimental Station Zdanów belonged still to


Consolidation of road gullies.., 2 61

the Institute for Soil Science and Cultivation of Plants. Three road gul­ lies were there at that time in the fields of the Experimental Station. In two of them the roads have been liquidated and consolidation measures carried out. On the bottom shallow ditches up to 0,6 m in depth and small dykes w ere made across the 'bottom gradient. The spacings between ditches amounted to about

20 m. The dykes checked the water runoff,

though inconsiderable with regard to a catchment area lack.

The gully bottom has been sown with grass and planted with trees within the scheme of about




m. The main species in 1972 w ere

P opulus X euram ericana Guinier, P. B e ro lin e n sis Dipp., P. n ig ra L. va r. ita lia n a du Roi, P. alba L., A in u s incana Mnch., P ru n u s d iv a ric a ta Led.,

F ra x in u s excelsior L., Q uzrcus ro b u r L., A c e r pseudoplatanus L. The poplar trees reached the height of 9-15 m, at the breast level thickness of 20-30 cm; A ln u s incana Mnch., the height of


m and P ru n u s d iv a ric a ta

Led.— of 3 m. The remaining species originated from self^sowing, their height being about 1 m (Fig.


The sloipes were covercd with dense shrubs: Sambucus n ig ra L. (to

Fig. 6. A fforested road gully at Zdanów. G ully depth 2.5 m. 1972


1,2 m in height), Rosa canina L. and Corylus avellana L., These bushes originated from self-sowing.

The forest vegetation state w as good.

The control measurements of the bottom executed in 1971 showed that the height remained unchanged. The bottom level was locally raised by about 3 cm.

The road gully at Elizówika is situated on the area of the Experimental Station, Agricultural University in Lublin.

The antierosion measures according to the author’s design were exec­ uted in 1957 and 1958 [12, 14]. Through the area of the Station a road ran with intensive movement of vehicles. B y 1958 the road led along the bottom of a gully of 3 m in depth. The gully length w as about 500 m. The gradient of slope, along which the road ran, was 10% and the highest road gradient w as 5%. The road width was 8-10 m. The gully bottom along which the road ran w as heavily outwashed [5]. E.g. in 1957, after snowmelt water runoff, the depth of grooves on the road reached 1,5 m at their width to about 1 m [12]. Therefore the m ad was periodi­ cally unpassable and then the vehicles ran over the field adjoining the gully.

Since the road could not be established along another route, it has been situated on the nearly field. Despite leading water o ff the new road by ditches into the consolidated gully, the bottom of this road was dropping and as early as in 1972 the road level depth reached 0.6 m. Therefore, in the case in question there w ill be necessary to consolidate this road b y a stable pavement to counteract the further road level drop­ ping and the formation of a n ew gully beside the old one.

In view of a considerable erosion intensity in 1958 on the gully bottom small low earth dams with the core made of boards and fascine bundles at the spacings of about 10 m were executed. The board cores w ere established at the places, where the small earth dams crossed deeper grooves. The dam height reached 0.4 m. They w ere lower at the gully slopes [11], owing to which the w ater streams flow ing along the grooves were parted and lost their energy. In the Fig. 7 the longitudinal section of the consolidated road gully according to the state in 1958 and 1972 is presented. The ‘bottom level was raised, in the average, by about 20 cm, owing to inhibition of w ater runoff b y small dykes and leading w ater rich in suspended soil material from the n ew road into the gully. A fter execution of technical measures the gully bottom was sown with grass and planted with trees and shrubs. O f Salix sp., living barriers in three rows at the spacing of about 0.8 m w ere made.

A part of the trees was planted in 1958 and another one in 1966 and 1967. Therefore the tree height in 1972 was differentiated. The following


Consolidation of road gullies.., 263

Fig. 7. P ro file and cross section of the road gu lly at E lizów ka

I — right ba n k levels, I I — bottom su rface levels in 195Ç, III — su rfa c e levels in 1972, TV left b a n k of the gully, V num eration o f ridges and th eir a rran gem en t; 1 — 1958, 2 — 1972

species grew there: Populus Simoni Fastigiata and Populus X eurameri- сапа Guinier of 15 m in height and of 25 cm of breast level thickness. There grew also Robinia pseudoacacia L. (to 10 m in height and 20 cm of breast level thidkness).

Low er height (to about 5 m) had the trees: Fraxinus excelsior L., A cer platanoides L., Betula verrucosa Ehrh. The lowest w ere the trees planted additionally later: Quercus robur L. and Tilia cordata Mill.

Am ong shrubs, apart from the mentioned Salix sp., there grew : E von y - mus europea L., Prunus divaricata Led., Cerasus mahaleb Mill., Rosa ca- nina L., Crataegus oxyacantha L., Corylus avellana L.

The state of the trees was good.


1. Consolidation of road gullies with the depth of about 2 m is rather easy, if these gullies have no catchment areas and the bottom gradients amount to about 10%. The condition of gully consolidation is liquidation of the road.


not protect the gully bottom carrying out little expensive technical measures is recommended.

3. W ith regard to protective role and for economic reasons the fol­ lowing tree and shrub species are recommended for consolidation of road gullies on loess territories of the Polish Uplands:

G ully bottom: Populus X euramericana of the Robusta, Gelrica, G ran­ dis varieties, Larix decidua M ill— with in the scheme of 2 X 2 m.

Low er part of gully slopes: Fraxinus excelsior L., Acer platanoides L., Acer pseudoplatanus L., Alnus glutinosa Gaertn. Tilia cordata Mill., Tilia platyphyllos Scop.— within the scheme as above.

Medium slope part: Carpinus betulus L., Prunus divaricata Led., Sor- bus aucuparia L., Corylus avellana L., Crataegus oxyacantha L., Crataegus monogyna Jacq.

Upper slope part: Rosa canina L., Prunus spinosa L., Viburnum opulus L., Caragana arborescens Lam., Evonymus europaea L., Cornus san- guinea L.

The above arrangement of trees and shrubs prevents an excessive shadowing of arable fields near the gully.


[1] В e n n e 11 H. H.: Soil Conservation. N e w Y ork -Lon d on 1939.

[2] B u r y - Z a l e s k a J., P i ę t a J.: Próba zadrzew ienia wąw ozu lessowego M iko- łajec. Pam. puł. z. 34, 1968.

[3] D o b r z a ń s k i B., Z i e m n i c k i S.: P ro je k t układu pól na erodowanych czarnoziemach w W erbkowicach. Ann. U M CS Sec. E, 6, 1951, 3.

[4] J ó z e f a c i u k C.: M elioracje przeciw erozyjn e i przeciw soliflu kcyjne w Lin o- wie. Wiad. IM U Z 5, 1966, 4.

[5] M a z u r Z.: Określenie natężenia erozji w odnej na terenie lessowym Zakładu Rolniczo-Doświadczalnego Elizówka. Ann. U M C S Sec. E, 13, 1958.

[6] R e n i g e r A.: Zalesienia i zadrzew ienia śródpolne jako czynnik ochrony gleb Polski przed erozją. Rocz. Nauk roi. 54, 1950, 1.

[7] S o b o l e v S. S.: R azvitye erozionnykh processov na territorii evropeyskoj chasti SSSR i fcorba s nimi. Izdatelstvo Akadem ii Nauk SSSR, vol. 2, I960. [8] Z i e m n i c k i S., N а к 1 i с к i J. : Stan i rozw ój trzech w ąw ozów na W yżyn ie

Lubelskiej. Zesz. probl. Post. Nauk roi. 119, 1971.

[9] Z i e m n i c k i S.: W prow adzenie przeciw erozyjnego układu pól na czarnozie- m ie w W erbkowicach. Rocz. Nauk roi. 71 Ser. F, z. 1, 1955.

[10] Z i e m n i c k i S.: P ro je k t przeciw erozyjn ego układu pól w Zdanowie. Zesz. probl. Post. Nauk roi. 8, 1957.

[11] Z i e m n i c k i S.: Enzelheiten über die Verbanung eines Erosionsgrabens. Dtsch. Landw. 12, 1958.


Consolidation of road gullies... 2 6 5

[12] Z i e m n i c k i S.: Ochrona gleby przed erozją wodną w Elizówce. Ann. U M C S Sec. E, 15, 1960/1962, 2.

[13] Z i e m n i c k i S.: Zastosowanie stopnia skrzynkowego do umacniania dna w ą ­ w ozów na przykładzie w ąw ozu w Opoce Dużej. Wiad. IM U Z 5, 1966, 4. [14] Z i e m n i c k i S.: M elioracje przeciw erozyjn e w okresie 10 lat w Elizówce.

W S R Lublin, Kat. Mel. Rolnych z. 2, 1968.

[15] Z i e m n i c k i S.: M elioracje przeciw erozyjn e w Sław inie w okresie 1948-1968. W S R Lublin, Kat. Mel. Rolnych z. 2, 1968.

[16] Z i e m n i c k i S.: W ąw ozy drogowe w terenach lessowych. Rocz. glebozn. do­ datek do t. X X V s. С. ЗЕМНИЦКИ У К Р Е П Л Е Н И Е Д О Р О Ж Н Ы Х О В Р А ГО В Н А Л Ё С С О В О Й Т Е Р Р И Т О Р И И К аф едра мелиорации и сельскохозяйственного строительства Сельскохозяйственная академия в Лю бли не Р е з ю м е Дорож кые овраги образуются на лёссовы х территориях вследствие пони­ ж ения уровня дороги (рис. 1), вызываемого ветровой и водной эрозией. Д орож ­ ный овраг может подвергнуться размыву после более сильного стока воды (рис. 2). У креп лен ие дорож ны х оврагов довольно легкое, поск ольку их ук лон не превышает, как правило, 10%. Сверх того эти овраги не имеют водосбора. У с л о ­ вием укрепления оврага является ликвидация дороги. Короткие и м елкие дорож ные овраги можно ликвидировать путем и х засы ­ пания подвезенным грунтом. Б олее глубокие овраги рекомендуется укреп лять с помощью технических и биологических мероприятий. В статье рассматрива­ ются результаты укрепления дорож ны х оврагов на лёссовы х возвы ш енностях юго-восточной части П ольш и: в Вербковицах (рис. 3, 4, 5), Зданове (рис. 6) и Э ли зувке (рис. 7). В Вербковицах не применялись технические мероприятия. Лесонасаждения бы ли проведены в 1952 г. Согласно состоянию в 1971 г. дно оврага понизилось на около 10 см. В Зданове поперек уклона дна оврага бы ли залож ен ы зем ля ­ ные валики и проведены канавки. В период с 1954 по 1972 гг. отметка дна не изменилась. В Э лизувке бы ла пролож ена новая дорога вдоль оврага, а сток воды с этой дороги бы л направлен в овраг. На дне оврага залож ен ы в проме­ ж утк ах 10 м зем ляны е валики д ля задержания размывов. Лесонасаждения бы ­ ли проведены в 1958 г. До 1972 г. уровень дна повысился на около 20 см. За период 20 лет в Вербковицах и 17 лет в Зданове на дне оврагов в ы ­ росли тополи высотой 15-18 м, а также произрастали другие виды деревьев и кустарников. На основании оценки деревьев и кустарников произрастающ их в рассма­ триваемых оврагах, в заклю чениях приводится список видов рекомендуемых д л я посадки: на дне оврага — тополь и листвтенница; у подножия склонов — ясень, клен, черная ольха, липа; в средней части склонов — граб, сли в а-алы - ча, рябина, лещина, боярышник; в верхней части склонов смежной с полем — дикая роза, слива-терновник, калина, карагана, бересклет и красный дерен.




Chaire d’Am éliorations et de Constructions Agricoles, Université Agronom ique de Lublin

R é s u m é

On a fo rtifié trois ravins dans le terrain en loess des plateaux de la Pologne. On a supprimé les routes. Les mesures techniques n’ont pas été appliquées au ravin à W erbkow ice (dess. 3, 4, 5). L e ravin a été bordé d’arbres en 1952. L e fond de ce ravin a baissé environ de 10 cm jusqu’à 1971. A u ravin à Zdanów on a con­ struit de petites digues et des fosses à travers la pente du fond. A partir de 1954, quand on avait pris ces mesures et qu’on avait planté les arbres on n’a pas constaté de changement au fond du ravin jusqu’à 1972. A E lizów ka on a construit de petites digues moins espacées que celles de Zdanów et on a dirigé au ravin des confluents d ’eau de la route située à côté du ravin. De 1958 à 1972 le fond s’est levé environ de 20 m.

Dans des conclusions on a proposé une composition d’arbres et d’arbrisseaux pour boiser des ravins routiers en loess.


B E F E S T IG U N G V O N W E G E S C H L U C H T E N I N D EN LÖ S S G E B IE T E N Lehrstuhl fü r landwirtschaftlichen M eliorations-und Bauwesen,

Landw irtschaftlicher U niversität in Lublin

Z u s a m m e n f a s s u n g

Es wurden drei W egeschluchten im Lössgebiet des polnischen Hügellandes befestigt. Die W ege in den Schluchten wurden abgeschafft. In der Schlucht in W erbkow ice (Abb. 3, 4, 5) wurden keine technischen Massnahmen durchgeführt; die Schlucht w urde im Jahre 1952 bewaldet. Der Schluchtboden sank bis zum Jahr 1971 um etw a 10 cm. In der Schlucht in Zdanów wurden kleine W ällen und Gräben quer dem Bodengefälle angelegt. Seit dem Jahr 1954, wenn diese Massnahmen und die Bepflanzung der G ülle m it Bäumen durchgeführt worden waren, wurden bis zum Jahr 1972 keine Varänderungen festgestellt. In E lizów ka wurden die W ällen in kürzeren Abständen als in Zdanów angelegt und der Wasserabfluss vom neuen die Schlucht entlag verlegten W eg in die Gülle geleitet. Im Zeitraum von 1958-1972 erhöhte sich das Güllebodenniveau um etwa 20 cm.

In den Schlussfolgerungen w ird die em pfohlene Baum- und Strauchartenzu­ sammensetzung für Bepflanzung von Wegeschluchten in den Lössgebieten ange­ führt.


Consolidation of road gullies... 2 6 7


U M A C N IA N IE W Ą W O Z Ó W D R O G O W Y C H W T E R E N IE L E S S O W Y M K atedra M eliora cji i Budownictwa Rolniczego

A kadem ii Rolniczej w Lu blinie

S t r e s z c z e n i e

W ąw ozy drogowe powstają w terenie lessowym wskutek obniżania się drogi (rys. 1). Obniżenie drogi w yw ołu je erozja w ietrzna i wodna. W ąw óz drogow y m oże zostać rozm yty po silniejszym spływ ie (rys. 2).

Um ocnienie w ąw ozów drogowych jest dość łatwe, gdyż spadki ich dna zw yk le nie przekraczają 10%. Ponadto w ąw ozy te nie m ają zlew ni. W arunkiem umocnienia w ąw ozu jest lik w id acja drogi.

K rótk ie i płytkie w ą w ozy drogow e można zlikw idow ać przez ich zasypanie dowiezioną ziemią. Głębsze w ąw ozy zaleca się umacniać zabiegam i technicznym i i biologicznym i. W pracy przedstawiono w yn ik i umocnienia w ąw ozów drogowych na w yżynach lessowych południowo-wschodniej Polski w W erbkow icach (rys. 3, 4, 5), w Zdanow ie (rys. 6) i w Elizów ce (rys. 7).

W W erbkowicach nie stosowano umocnień technicznych. Zadrzew ienia w p ro ­ wadzono w 1952 r. W edług stanu w 1971 r. dno w ąw ozu obniżyło się o ok. 10 cm. W Zdanow ie wykonano row k i i grobelki poprzecznie do spadku dna. W okresie od 1954 do 1972 r. wysokość dna nie uległa zmianie. W E lizów ce drogę przełożono obok wąwozu, a spływ y w od y z drogi kierowano do wąwozu. N a dnie w ąw ozu w ykonano co ok. 10 m grobelki w celu zaham owania rozm yw ów . Zadrzew ienia wprow adzono w 1958 r. Do 1972 r. dno uległo podniesieniu o około 20 cm.

W okresie 20 lat w W erbkow icach i 17 lat w Zdanow ie w yrosły na dnie w ą ­ w ozów topole wysokości do 15-18 m oraz inne gatunki drzew i krzew ów .

Na podstawie oceny drzew i k rzew ów rosnących w om awianych wąwozach podano w e wnioskach zalecane gatunki do zadrzew iania: na dnie w ąw ozu — topola i m odrzew, a u podnóża skarpy — jesion, klon, olsza czarna, lipa; w środkowej części zbocza — grab, śliwa ałycza, jarząb, leszczyna, głóg; w górnej stykow ej d# pola części zbocza — róża dzika, śliwa, tarnina, kalina, karagana, trzem ielina i dereń


P r o f . d r S te fa n Z ie m n ic k i

K a te d ra M e lio r a c ji i B u d o w n ic tw a R o ln ic z e g o A R L u b lin , ul. L e s z c z y ń s k ie g o 9



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Możemy się zająć etyką środowiska muzycznego, etyką warun- ków, w jakich musi się dzisiaj odnaleźć muzyka, kwestią rozmaitych systemowych rozwiązań i ich etycznego



Edytorzy publikujący nowe wydanie ksiąg wyznaniowych przyjęli inną fi lozofi ę niż miało to miejsce w przypadku wydania z 1930 roku, które sta- rało się dostarczyć

It emphasizes the leading role of Spain in the use of PPPs, especially autonomous metropolitan Madrid, who leads in the area of implementation of the infrastructure in the field

Recenzję każdej publikacji wykonuje anonimowo dwóch niezależnych recenzentów z listy recen- zentów spoza jednostki,. Recenzję publikacji zagranicznej wykonuje przynajmniej

2. Zarys wykładu, Kraków: Wyd. Zarys wykładu , Torun´: Wyd.. W s´wietle obowi ˛ azuj ˛ acych regulacji prawnych nie ma w ˛ atpliwos´ci, z˙e system programowanego oddziaływania