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Liczba punktów uzyskanych: __________/50 .......................................


Academic year: 2021

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Drogi Gimnazjalisto,

 przed Tobą test składający się z dwóch części: czytania ze zrozumieniem (zadanie 1) i znajomości środków językowych (zadania od 2 do 4);

 zadania czytaj uważnie i ze zrozumieniem;

przenieś wszystkie odpowiedzi na kartę odpowiedzi;

 dbaj o czytelność pisma i precyzję odpowiedzi;

 nie używaj korektora; jeśli się pomylisz, przekreśl błędną odpowiedź i wpisz poprawną;

 przy każdym zadaniu podano maksymalną liczbę punktów możliwą do uzyskania za jego prawidłowe rozwiązanie;

przed przystąpieniem do testu wpisz powyżej swój kod uczestnika i przenieś go na kartę odpowiedzi;

 za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt;

 do etapu rejonowego kwalifikuje się uczestnik, który otrzyma minimum 37 punktów na 50 możliwych do uzyskania;

czas na rozwiązanie testu wynosi 60 minut.

Życzymy powodzenia!

Liczba punktów uzyskanych: __________/50

I. READING _________/6 punktów

Zadanie 1

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższe wypowiedzi. Na podstawie zawartych w nich informacji odpowiedz na pytania od 1 do 6, wpisując w kratki obok pytań odpowiednie litery. Koniecznie przenieś je na kartę odpowiedzi. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz jeden punkt.

Katie, 15

“My parents had a very different upbringing to what I have today. The problems they had to face were not the same as I have. I live in inner-city Birmingham, and with peer pressure, school stress and lots of other things to deal with, I think that I have a much tougher life than they had.

We teenagers have a lot of responsibility and we have to act almost like adults. We have to be mature enough to refuse cigarettes or drugs when others offer them to us. I am nearly 16 years old and I have never tried any drugs, but I know plenty of people who have. This really depends on who you hang around with and how much will-power you have to say no.


I think that a lot of teenagers are discriminated against wrongly by adults. A few days ago I was on my way home in a rush because I was late, it was very dark and I was running. I ran past a middle-aged woman and I brushed her shoulder. She screamed and grabbed her handbag tightly. She thought I was going to mug her.

We need to have a certain level of trust put in us. We need to feel wanted and important, and not constantly targeted and victimised by the media. After all, if the media are constantly attacking teens and branding them as thugs, then that is the way we will act.”

Carol, 42

“The teenage years of my children differ from my own. Their problems, big and small, are not the same as mine when I was a kid. Nevertheless, it is completely inaccurate to assume that young people live with not a care in the world; that life is easier for them than it was for us once. We adults underestimate the pressure that teenagers suffer. It requires a lot of courage to stand up to your friends and say 'no' to drugs. Youngsters today are not as bad as the media make them out to be. Certainly, there are those who are a real threat, but criticising them will only provoke and encourage them to live up to their image of young criminals. I think we need to show them some trust. They need to see they are important to us. This will make them more confident. “

Richard, 45

“There are few similarities between my early life as a teenager and the life of young people today. I think they have it much easier now. I grew up on a farm in Ireland and, like many kids my age, had to help out my parents working all the time. We had regular jobs in shops and on farms. This taught us responsibility and maturity very early on in life. Today teenagers only have their own problems to deal with, problems of a different kind. Their life is much easier and virtually carefree thanks to the convenient presence of computers and machines. They have very few responsibilities and not much to do. And this I think is the reason why more and more young people today turn to drugs and alcohol. Some go as far as turning to petty crime.

Although it is wrong to judge the whole age group because of a few extreme cases, a teenager today is definitely more exposed to threats than he was when I was growing up.”

Which of the three people

A. Katie B. Carol C. Richard

1 believes that a teenager's life today is much easier than it once was?

2 says that adults don't recognise how stressed teenagers are?

3 thinks that young people have hardly any duties?

4 was thought to be a threat?

5 thinks it is brave to decline drugs?

6 is of the opinion that taking or refusing drugs depends on who you are friends with?



Zadanie 2 _______/ 24 pkt.

Wybierz jedną właściwą odpowiedź i przenieś ją na kartę odpowiedzi. Za każde zadanie otrzymasz jeden punkt.

1. ”Why is she so ...?” “Because she has failed her driving test.”

a) frightened b) upset c) thrilled

2. I keep trying to talk him into coming with us, but he's just so ... .

a) stubborn b) tense c) punctual

3. I'm grounded because I ... truant.

a) made b) played c) did

4. I hate going to the zoo, because I can't stand watching animals kept in ... .

a) tins b) boxes c) cages

5. Guess what happened today! I ... into Peter at the shopping centre!

a) met b) fell c) bumped

6. “We've ... coffee. Could you go out and buy some?”

a) run out of b) ended up with c) cut down on

7. “You look tired.” “That's because I ... last night.”

a) stayed up late b) overslept c) kept awake

8. He often teases his sister. He's such a(n) ... boy!

a) obedient b) neat c) naughty

9. Could you ... some more sugar into the sugar bowl?

a) pour b) sip c) load

10. Paul was ill, so he couldn't ... in the meeting.

a) take place b) take side c) take part

11. “I'm going to be an hour late, because my flight was ... .

a) cancelled b) delayed c) deleted

12. “Why did you miss yesterday's ... ? You know the performance is next week!”

a) rehearsal b) attempt c) try

13. My sister's daughter is my ... .

a) niece b) nephew c) stepsister

14. Can you ... something burning?

a) sniff b) smell c) sense


15. She's a(n) ... . She doesn't have any brothers or sisters.

a) foster child b) only child c) sibling

16. If you want to get good grades, it's ... to revise regularly.

a) necessary b) unwise c) futile

17. We would like to go on holiday to Antigua, but I'm afraid we can't ... it.

a) afford b) pay c) stand

18. The kidnappers are demanding a huge ... . We are going to have to pay it.

a) hostage b) hijack c) ransom

19. I have to ...of this old bike. I don't want it anymore.

a) get sacked b) get rid c) get hold

20. In order to buy the concert tickets you have to ... for hours.

a) quite b) queue c) quiet

21. Who does this pair of sunglasses belong ... ?

a) with b) at c) to

22. “Oh, I love your diamond ... . Where did you get them?”

a) earring b) earings c) earrings

23. Little Mark always ... asleep as soon as he goes to bed.

a) falls b) goes c) gets

24. My aunt is very ... . She always gives away anything she has.

a) generous b) selfish c) self-centred

Zadanie 3 ––––––––/ 12 pkt.

Wybierz jedną właściwą odpowiedź i przenieś ją na kartę odpowiedzi. Za każde zadanie otrzymasz jeden punkt.

1. Look at ... boys over there! Aren't they handsome?

a) that b) these c) those

2. I love horse-riding. I wish I ... my own horse.

a) have b) had c) will have

3. “Would you like some ice-cream?” “Yes, please, but not nut-flavoured. I'm allergic ... nuts.”

a) to b) on c) for


4. ... you study hard, you will fail your secondary school exams.

a) If b) When c) Unless

5. She wanted to lose some weight, so she decided to ... running.

a) take up b) take off c) take away

6. “I don't like chocolate.” “...”

a) So do I. b) I don't like it, either. c) Me too.

7.That's the author ... books I love.

a) whose b) who's c) which

8. This is the place ... I first met my sweetheart.

a) which b) that c)where

9. When I was a little boy I ... to play with toy cars.

a) got used b) used c) was used

10. “Are you ... on sports?” “No, not particularly.”

a) keen b) interested c) fond

11. ... I studied all night, I didn't do well on the test.

a) Although b) Despite c) However

12. “Is this your bag?” “No, I think it's ... .”

a) Katie b) Katie's c) Katies

Zadanie 4 ________/ 8 pkt.

Uzupełnij zdania 1-8 wyrazami tak, aby powstałe zdania były logiczne, poprawne gramatycznie a ich znaczenie było takie samo jak zdań powyżej. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych wyrazów. Za każde zadanie otrzymasz jeden punkt. Przenieś dopisane fragmenty zdań do karty odpowiedzi!

1. Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?

How about ...tonight?

2. History isn't interesting for me.

I'm not ... . 3. Somebody stole my bike yesterday.

My bike ... .


4. It's the best film I've ever seen.

I have never ... . 5. Mark is too young to drive.

Mark isn't ... . 6. I have nothing against cleaning.

I don't ... . 7. It is very rainy in England in October.

... a lot of rain in England in October.

8. Jack phones Annie every day and she phones him every day.

Jack and Annie ... every day.

Dziękujemy za wzięcie udziału w szkolnym etapie konkursu języka angielskiego!



Pamiętaj, żeby napisać kod uczestnika na karcie odpowiedzi.

W zadaniach 1-3 wpisz literę oznaczającą prawidłową odpowiedź.


Zadanie 1 Zadanie 2 Zadanie 3

1 1 1

2 2 2

3 3 3

4 4 4

5 5 5

6 6 6

________/6 pkt.

7 7

8 8

9 9

10 10

11 11

12 12


________/12 pkt.

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

________/24 pkt.



Zadanie 4

Przenieś dopisane przez Ciebie w teście części zdań do poniższej tabeli. Za każde prawidłowe zdanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.

Zadanie 4 – zadanie otwarte 1.

How about 2.

I'm not 3.

My bike 4.

I have never 5.

Mark isn't 6.

I don't 7.

a lot of rain in England in October.


Jack and Annie every day.

_______/8 pkt.

Razem:_________/50 punktów


podpis nauczyciela oceniającego test


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