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A Joint Indonesian-Dutch Project on the Review of the Paleobotanical Jambi Collection and Paleontological Research on Sumatra


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A Joint Indonesian-Dutch Project on the Review of the Paleobotanical Jambi Collection and

Paleontological Research on Sumatra

Second progress report

August 2004 expedition

Waveren, I . M van*, F. Hasibuan **, Suyoko**, P.L. de Boer ***, D. Chaney ****, K. Ueno*****, M. Bool*,

E. Iskandar **.

• * National Museum of Natural History, Naturalis, P. O. Box 9517, 2300 RA, Leiden, The Netherlands

• ** Geological Research and Development Center, Jl. Diponegoro, 57, Bandung, Indonesia

• *** Department of Sedimentology, University of Utrecht, Budapestlaan 2, Utrecht, The Netherlands

• **** Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA

• ***** Department of Earth Sciences, Fukuoka University, Japan.


We thank Dr. Djadjang Sukarna, director of GRDC for making thi s paleontological research and sampling

project possible by giving us both scientific and technical support. We are honored with the co-operation

between the GRDC and Naturalis and consider this as a wonderful opportunity for which we are veiy grateful.

It is a great pleasure to be able to work and to share experiences with such experienced and professional

colleagues. We would like the Smithsonian Institution for providing Dan Chaney with the means to participate

to the expedition through the Small Research Grant Program. We are gratefid to the Fukuoka University for

providing Dr. Ueno with the means to support our work with a good stratigraphic fi-amework. We also thank

the Treub Maatschappij and the Vrij Vrouwe van Renswoude Foundation for making the participation of

Menno Booi possible. We are greatly indebted to the Molengraaff Foundation for providing two students,

Arjan de Leeuw and Christine King with the means to participate in the expedition, we would also like to thank

WOTRO who provided Isabel van Waveren with a traveling grant. We would like to thank the Alida van

Buitendijk fonds for providing us with financial support for the traveling costs and the K. Martin foundation

for providing us with financial support for the costs of the food.

1) Introduction

In spring 2003 a request for cooperation with Indonesian specialists on the Permo-Carboniferous of Sumatra was

submitted to LIPI. This cooperation was meant to include the review of the paleobotanical collections in Bandung,

to integrate newly pubHshed identifications with the identifications of Jongmans and Gothan, 1935, to apply new '

techniques to the material (Jones and Rowe, 1999), and to include the taphonomy, stratigraphy and sedimentology

of the deposits to the interpretation of the fossil plant associations.

One of the problems that can be solved (Barber and Crow, 2003) is the relative position of the Indochina block on

the Cathaysia province. Insight into this problem can be obtained by comparing the palaeofloras within the

Malaysian Archipelago with each other and then extemally with Cathaysian paleofloras. Such comparisons require

a clear understanding of the stratigraphic position, the composition and the depositional envhonment of different

plant associations. Given the collections at Naturalis collected by Posthumus in 1925 such comparisons are not

possible as the locahty information available consists of the name of a 30 km long river. We recently ascertained

(van Waveren et al. 2003) that in fact there are often three or more locahties, which are combined under a single

rivers name.

A pilot study in October 2003 in co-operation with the GRDC indicated that the locaUties could be relocated, that

they still were holding plant fossils and more over that the sediments in which the fossils occuiTed could give'clear

information on the depositional environment in which the plant fossils occurred. The marine fossils we found also


indicated that the stratigraphic framework could be detailed. From these new observations we defined the

following objectives:

(1) To relocate of the original samphng localities.

(2) To improve the interpretation of the different deposition environments of each sampling locality.

(3) To improve the age estimation of the deposits.

(4) To analyse the palaeofloral composition of each sampling locality (ratio of the different

palaeofloral elements) and to sample fresh plant material in order to apply new analytical

methods, such as stomatal analysis or new taxonomie methods.

In order to achieve the above-mentioned objectives we constituted a sampling and research team with a

composition based on the following considerations.

Ad 1. We needed someone knowing the field area. Ir. Suyoko has mapped this area for the GRDC and could help

relocate the sampling localities.

Ad 2. We needed a specialist in siliciclastic depositional environments. The depositional environment of the plant

fossil associations can be clarified through the sedimentological study of the regressive Mengkarang formation.

Prof Dr. Poppe de Boer is a sedimentologist from the university of Utrecht who is a specialist on siliciclastic

regressive sequences. Two of his students Arjan de Leeuw and Christine King will prepare a sedimentological

report for respectively their BSc and their MSc reports.

Ad.3. We needed a speciahst on the stratigraphy of South East Asia. Dr. Kastumi Ueno is an intemationally

renounced fusuhne speciahst from the Fukuoka University. He is working on the upper paleozoic stratigraphy

of South East Asia. We also needed a more general paleontologist, Dr. Fauzie Hasibuan from the GRDC is a

general paleontologist.

Ad. 4. The expedition of 1925 used half an battaUon to sample the various localities, we needed many hands to

help us sample as much as possible. Drs Menno Booi participated in this expedition because he will conduct

the taxonomie study of the project as part of iiis PhD study on the significance of the Jambi paleoflora. Eka

Iskandar participated to the expedition as she has just completed her MSc on the ferns (pecopterids) of the

Jambi collection at NaturaUs, We also could use the expertise of Drs Dan Chaney paleobotanist at the

Smithsonian working on the same time interval in Texas. We had the support of the GRDC geological museum

for which we are collecting, three employees of the museum joined us: Adang Hendarsyah Lambri (MSc),

Suharto (MSc), and Makmiu-.

Consequently the expedition team had the following composition

From Indonesian side:

Dr. Fauzie Hasibuan,

Head of the department of paleontology at the GRDC

Jl. Diponegoro No 57

Bandung 40122


e-mail: fhasibuan@grdc,esdm.go.id

Ir. Suyoko, general geologist,

Department of mapping at the GRDC

Jl. Diponegoro No 57

Bandung 40122


e-mail: suyoko® grdc.esdm.go.id

From the GRDC museum

Adang Hendarsyah Lambri (MSc)


Geologist at the GRDC geological museum

Jl Diponegoro No 57

Bandung 40122


e-mail: abufath hz@al-islam.com

abufath® grdc.go.id

Suharto (MSc)

Geologist at the GRDC geological museum

Jl Diponegoro No 57

Bandung 40122


Tel 6208156219192

e-mail: makmur@grdc.esdm.go.id


Geologist at the GRDC geological museum

Jl Diponegoro No 57

Bandung 40122


Tel 62081320620434

e-mail: makmur®grdc.esdm.go.id

International specialists

D. Chaney MSc,

Smithsonian Institution

PO Box 37012

National Museum of Natural History

Dept. of Paleobiology, MRC-121

Washington, D.C. 20013-7012


phone 202-633-1315


Dr Katsumi Ueno

Department of Earth System Science Faculty of Science

Fukuoka University

Fukuoka 814-0180 JAPAN

TEL+81-92-871-6631 ext.6282


E-mail: katsumi@fukuoka-u.ac.jp

From Dutch side:

Dr. I. van Waveren Project co-ordinator

Curator of Palaeobotany,

National Museum of Natural History, Naturalis

RO. Box 9517

2300 RA Leiden

The Netherlands

Tel. 071- 5687686

Fax. 071-5687666

e-mail: waveren@naturalis.nnm.nl


Drs. M Booi (PhD Student in Palaeobotany)

National Museum of Natural History, Naturalis

P.O.Box 9517

2300 RA Leiden

The Netherlands

Tel. 071-5687686

Fax. 071-5687666

e-mail: booi@naturahs.nnm.nl

E. A. P. Iskandar MSc

National Herbarium Nederiand, van Steenisgebouw

Einsteinweg 2

ROBox 9514,

2300 RA Leiden

Prof. Dr. P. L . de Boer , Institute of Geology, Department of sedimentology

Budapestlaan 2, 3584 CS Utrecht/ PO Box 80021-3508 TA Uttecht

tel. 030 2535190

Fax number 00 31 30 2532648

tel thuis 030 6561036

mobiel 06 54906124

e-mail: pdeboer@geo.uu.nl

Christine Isa King (geology student)

Van Lieflandlaan 54

35 71 AD Utrecht

tel: 030-2710150

mobiel: 06-24942486

Fax number 00 31 30 2532648

e-mail: chrisnegen@hotmail.com

Arjan de Leeuw (geology student BSc)

Willemstraat 32 351 I R K


Telefoonnr: 0615226279

Fax number 00 31 30 2532648


2) Implementation


Pilot study

October 5-th to October 29-th 2003

see first progress report.


Sampling/research expedition

December 2003 to July 2004: sponsor seeking, visa and LIPI administration work.

July 31 to September 3-rd, 2004: sedimentological, stratigraphic and sampling expedition.


Detailed sampling ofthe Merangin section: August 2005 or August 2006

Details of the implementation of the sampling/research expedition August 2004

1. 31-st of July to 6-th of August:

Travelhng & administration. Airival in Bangko (province of Jambi, Sumatra) on August 6-th.

2. 7-th to 9-th of August:

a. Stratigraphy: a team including Dr Katsumi went sampling the fusuhne limestone layers

along the Merangin (in the lower member of the Mengkarang formation) in order to

determine the age of the fusuline layers. The next day the same team went sampling the

fusuhne Umestones along the Mesumai in the upper member of the Mengkarang formation.

b. Sedimentology: an other team including Prof de Boer and his two students made a bulk

analysis of the sedimentary facies along the Merangin and the Menkaiang downstream

c. Sampling: a samphng team sampled brachiopods, ammonites, pecopterids, cordaites,

silicified wood, calamites along the Mengkarang downstream and the Merangin upstream.

3. 10-th to 14-th of August:

a. Sedimentology: Quick scan of the sections along the Merangin, Karing junction,

Mengkarang downstream

b. Sampling: Mengkarang upstream, Maius, Merangin downstream.

4. 15-th to 24-th of August:

a. Sedimentology: A team started the detailed description of the Merangin scale 1/100, an

other team did a fast description scale 1/250.

b. Sampling: New localities along the Merangin {Macralethopteris was found in abundance in

a single layer), new locahties were found along the Karing (Calamites, Pecopteris, and

Calamites), new samphng locahties were found along the Ketiduran Siamang with probably

two new species.

5. 25-th of August to 2-nd of September:

Registration and administration. We arrived in Bandung on August 26-th, after which we started the

definitive registration and further administrative tasks.


3) Results


Limestones that aUowed the sampUng of fusulines, were found along the Merangin and the Mesumai. Dr

Katsumi Ueno made a detailed desciiption of the hmestone levels both along the Merangin and the Mesumai.

He sampled both levels. His preUminary identification of the fusulines seemed to indicate an Asselian age for

the lowest member of the Mengkarang formation, which Jongmans called the Karing Schichten and an

Artinskian age for the middle member of Mengkarang formation, which Jongmans called the Salembuku

Schichten (Jongmans, 1935). Dr. Katsumi Ueno expects to have definitive results within half a year.


Sediments along the Merangin and Mengkarang River were deposited in a shallow marine to terrestrial

environment. The study has concentrated on the terrestrial, fluvial deposits where plant fossils occur especiaUy

in the fine-grained intervals. These fluvial deposits were formed in a deltaic system, and they are characterized

by a dominance of fine-grained sediment. Good preservation of plant fossils occurred especially by the

migration and deposition of mid-channel bars in broad river beds. As yet their width cannot be estimated, but

likely has been considerable, i.e., of the order of hundreds of metres. SiUcified wood and fine-grained deposits

are a common phenomenon.


Presently we recognize 11 different hthofacies:

1. Dark blocky shales:

a. These deposits don't hold fossils or just root systems

b. They are interpreted as soils, although real soil profiles have not been observed.

2. Dark shales and mudstones:

a. Holding fems (Cordaites, pecopterids and Calamites)

b. Based on the fossil content these shales are interpreted as overbank deposits.

3. Coalbeds

a. Coal beds of one to one and a half meter thick coal beds are found between the shales. The

reflectance of the coal is high.

4. Alternating fine sheet sandstones locally holding pebbles, and alternating with the dark shales:

a. In these fme sands species occur which we consider to be not in situ, but derived from

upstream aieas. They include Macralethopteris, Sp II, Gigantopteris, Taeniopteris

b. These we interpret as flooding events.

5. Mud lenses:

a. The mud lenses hold ferns (pecopterids) and Cordaites

b. These we interpret as the fils of depressions in the river bed that have been covered by sand


6. Light-grey fine sandstones:

a. These sandstones hold most of aU calamites and pecopterids. Locally these fine sandstones

are organized in lateral-accretion units.

b. Based on the lateral accretion units we inteipret these sand bodies hke part of a meandering


7. Yellow/grey middle to coarse sandstones with locally pebbles included:

a. In these sandstones most of all calamites were found, situ or broken, many Cordaites

specimens, some pecopterids and incidental Taeniopteris, tree trunks, also tree trunks in situ.

These deposits constitute sand bars. The hee ttunks occur on top of the sandbars.

b. We consider these deposits to represent isolated bars within in the channel of a braided river


8. Thick coarse-grained yellow to grey pebbly sandstones with cross stratification.

a. No fossils.


b. These thick sand bodies are considered like fluviatile doininated deltaic deposits.

9. Quartzite/ sihcified sandstone:

a. No fossils.

b. These deposits likely are marine sands.

10. Conglomerate:

a. No fossils, pebbles very coarse sometimes sub rounded

b. These conglomerates form part of the braided system (blijkt dat niet uit de context?)

11. Limestone:

a. The limestones hold fusulines, brachiopods, oncoids and corals.

b. These deposits indicate a marine deposit with a water depth of at maximum 20 metres

12. Dark limy mudstones with marine fossils:

a. These mudstones hold brachiopods, crinoids and ammonites, possibly a bivalve.

b. These deposits were deposited in a marine environment at shallow depth as the crinoids are

found only in little rare fragments, indicatmg that they have been exposed to wave acdon.

Preliminary description of the Merangin section.

The Merangin section was described in detail with a sedimentologie section scale 1/100 and scale 1/250

A preliminary description of the section indicates the following alternation of deposits.

We identified 19 fluviatile sandstone bodies that were all given a GPS locality (see list of the locahties) In the

lower part of the section above a set of siliciclastic deposits with coarse sand and pebbles interpreted as having

been formed in a river-dominated delta setting, a marine intercalation starting with dark mudstones containing

brachiopods and ammonites is covered by the hmestone holding fusuhnes, corals and oncoids. Above the

limestones deltaic coarse sandstones occur, followed by mudstones and shales that likely represent the alluvial

plain. Also coal was found in these deposits. Based on the lateral accretion units lower in the section we expect

the sandstone bodies to have been deposited at fkst by a meandering system after which higher in the section

based on the presence of bars we expect them to be deposited by a braided system. In the section we observe'

lateral accretion umts after the bars lower in the section. We believe the braided system is followed by a

meandering system again. The sandstones are generally fine-grained in the lower part and medium to coarse in

the upper part of the section.

Preliminary description of the Mengkarang section downstream

Along the Mengkarang dark brachiopod mudstones occur at the base of the studied succession- above

fine-gramed sandstones occur, followed by shales and fine-grained sandstones holding most of the pecopterids that

have been found, and also tree trunks that cleariy have been transported. We observe several of these sand

bodies altemating with dark shale and blocky shale above which a very thick (6 m) channel deposits with clear

lateral accretion occurs. This is covered by dark plant fossil holding mudstones and shale and the section ends

with a hght quartzite. Along the riversides we observe silicified wood in great quantities. We also observed a

piece from the hmestone with fusuhnes but unfortunately were unable to find the layer from where it came.

Preliminary deseription of the Mengkarang section upstream

Along the Mengkarang upstream, on the other side of the anticline, we could not find the brachiopod layer but

did find the dark wavy fine sandstone hold plant fossils here it was holding most of all ferns but also some

Cordaites and Calamites, both in the sandstone as in the thinners shale and sandstone accompanying it.

The section was followed down stream, here we still could find many big blocky trunks of sihcified wood but

m the section we could see each time a dark plant fossils holding dark mud and s even a thick coal bed, being

followed by more and more massive sandstone. The dark mudstone would only hold Cordaites and a few

ferns. Following the section down stream we found a very massive conglomerate followed by thick coarse



Remarks on the Mesumai section

At the Mesumai we only have the description of the limestone holding the fusulines. According to Suyoko, the

section only holds limestone. This was not observed on the map of Jongmans.

Remarks on the Marus section

The Marus gives a rather bad outcrop; still we managed to observe the transition from the dark plant fossil

holding mudstones to the Ught grey fine sandstones, at least two times. In the mudstone we observed root

systems, fems and calamites.

Remarks on the Titimeranti section

At the Titimeranti we observed the dark mudstones but did not find plant or marine fossils.

At the end of the section we did observe Palaeogene conglomerate with a single angiosperm leaf fossil.

Remarks on the Ketiduran Siamang section

At the Ketiduran Siamang we observed four sandstone bodies that were separated by areas with dense

vegetation. Each sandstone body was announced by a series of dark fossil holding mudstones holding

Cordaites. The last sandstone body from the series was showing an alternation of thin fine sheet Uke

sandstones and dark shale. In one of the sandstones we observed a large amount of a type (Sp II in Table II) of

fossil reminding strongly of a Cathaysian species.

Remarks on the Karing section

Along the Karing we observed middle to coarse light grey sandstone bodies alternating with mud lenses. In the

mud lenses we observed Cordaites, pecopteris and Calamites. In the sandstones we observed Cordaites leaves,

Taeniopteris leaves, Lepidodendron branches and stem. We observed such a sand body at least two times; in

between the section was densely covered with vegetation.


Registration and sampling

Along each river we gave each samphng locality a code and a GPS measurement (for GPS localities of

samphng localities see Table I).



River along which outcrop was found

coordinates of the outcrop

sampling day


Batu Impi

S: 02-05'-38.4"/E: 102-06'-53.3"


Kar 1


S: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09'-03.4"


Kar 2


S: 02-09'-08,7"/E: I02-08'-56,I"


Kes 1

Ketiduran siamang

S: 02-09'-7.8"/E: I02-08'-31.5"


Kes 2

Ketiduran siamang

S: 02-09'-10.9"/E: I02-08'-26.3"


Mar 1 to 5


S: 02-06'-32.I"/E: I02-05'-54.9"


Men 5


S: 02-10,814'/E: 102-10.590'



Mengkarang Upstream of granite intrusion S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281'


Menu 2

Mengkarang Upstream of granite intrusion S: 02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281'


MenUn 2

Mengkarang Upstream second trip

S: 02-ir-35.6"/E: 102-10-14.5"


Mer 1(A,B,C) Merangin

S: 02-09'-519"/E: 102-09'-196"


Mer 10


S: 02-09'-08.1"/E: 102-09'-14.6"


Mer 2


S: 02-09'-519"/E: 102-09'-196"


Mer 3


S: 02-09'-519"/E: 102-09'-196"


Mer 4


S:02-09'-519"/E: 102-09'-196"


Mer IX


S: 02-09'-21.1"/E: 102-09'-09.1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004




S; 02-09'-23,8"/E: 102-09'-09,l"


Mer X I


S; 02-09'-14.8"/E: 102-09'-09,l" 16 to 20 Aug.2004




S: 02-09'-14.8"/E: 102-09'-09,l" 16 to 20 Aug.2004

Mer X V I


S: 02-09'-09.4"/E: 102-09'-13.1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004



S: 02-09'-38.5"/E: 102-08'-57.9"



Teluk Petal

S: 02-09'-45.6"/E: 102-08'-56.7"




S: 02-09'-38.5"/E: 102-08'-57.9"


The following codes were used:

MER 1-17 Merangin locahties 1 to 17, for each sample we gave a number within the locality:

ex MER 1-1: From the first Merangin locahty, the first sample. Sometimes a letter was used

to indicate that at a particular locality the samples came from different layers. Sometimes we

also gave different number to the same coordinates in order to indicate the same as above.

Each sample was given a code (see above) and a preUminary identification. We assembled approximately 520

samples, from which we expect to have approximately 6 new species (see Table II: sample list enclosed).

We also sampled each coal and/or silty shale under each sandstone body in order to look for pollen.

The GRDC museum gave us the permission to bon-ow the samples we gathered for a period of one or two

years in order for us to describe and pubhsh them.

Remark: several plant fossils samples seem to still have a cuticula, which would allow the application of

stomatal density analysis.


Discussion and conclusion

We found all sampling localities along the Merangin, the Karing, the Mengkarang, the Ketiduran Siamang, the

Marus, excepted for the locality on the Titimeranti which was probably hidden by a new load of sediment due

to the clearing of the forest exactly the same locality as indicated on the Jongmans map. We also found many

new localities from which two contained interesting new associations. This was thanks to the enthusiastic and

skilful contribution of Dan Chaney.

The sedimentological detailed description of the Merangin section as well as the contribution of prof de Boer

has indicated that we are working in an alluvial plain where a change from a meandering system to a braided

system is observed. We now know that we find the fossil locaUties most of the time at the bottom of a

migrating fluviatile system.

Also from a more regional point of view the North West- West of the Bangko area seems to give a deeper

facies (with more hmestone) than the South East -East where we see a very clear big channel, no hmestone,

many blocks of silicified wood, and conglomerates. Clearly all of the data must be developed and analysed

more carefully before we draw any real further conclusion from it.

Dr. Katsumi Ueno has taken samples within the Karing Schichten under both main fossil levels and above. We

expect that his results will give a clear indication of the age of our plan association.

We consider that we have two to three plant associations: (1) a local one holding cordaites, pecopterids and

calamites, (2) one extra local ones holding Macralethopteris and (3) possibly a third holding the Sp I I with

Cathaysian afinity. Possibly we also can differentiate between an over bank association from the meandering

system (with pecopterids) and a sandbar association from the braided system (with Cordaites and large

Calamites). We now have a more clear view of the depositional envnonments in which the fossils are found.

More over we have sampled fossils with original organic carbon with cuticle on them so we can expect to

apply new techniques based on stomatal densities to the Jambi material.

Obviously we base the present discussion and preliminary conclusion on field observations and the careful

analysis of the data we assembled will possibly bring other deeper insights on the predominantly fluviatile

depositional environment in which the Jambi palaeoflora is found. Nevertheless we can conclude that we met

or created the conditions to meet our original goals as

(1) we found nearly all original locaUties but also new ones;

(2) we created the conditions to improve the interpretation of the different deposition environments of

each sampling locality, and we already have a global idea of the depositional environments;

(3) we expect to improve or corroborate the age estimation of the deposits through the work done by Dr.

Katsumi Ueno on the fusuUne limestones;

(4) we will be able to analyse the palaeofloral composition of each sampling locality and as we manged

to assemble new fresh material with cuticle that will allow the application of new analytical methods,

such as stomatal analysis or new taxonomie methods.

Possibly in the future we might need even more detailed information on the different plant associations

observed in each layer, moreover we have not had the possibility to look for fluviatile outcrops along the

Mesumai. We expect to have a more precise idea of what still is needed in spring 2005.



Barber A, and Crow, M. 2003. An Evaluation of the Plate Tectonic Models for the Development of Sumatra,

Gondwana Research, 20 (1): 1-28.

Jongmans W. J. and Gothan, W., 1935. Die Ergebnisse der paliiobotanischen Djambi-Expedition 1925.2. Die

palaobotanische Ergebnisse. Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch Indië, 59: 71-121,

Li X,, and Yao Z,, 1982, A review of recent research on the Cathaysia Flora in Asia. Amer, J. Bot, (3)- 479¬


Suyoko, 1996. Penelitian sedimentologi dan paleontologi formasi Mengkarang di Daerah Dusunbaru

Kabupaten Bangko, Jambi. Evolusi Tektonik Pra Tersier Sumatera Bagian Selatan. 35p.

Waveren l.M, van, J.H, A, van Konijnenburg and R.H, Wagner, 2003 . The Lower Permian Jambi Palaeoflora

of Sumatra: a progress report,, Abstract for the XV-th International Congress of Carboniferous and Permian


Zwierzycki, J, and Posthumus, O., 1926. De Palaeo-Botanische Djambi-Expeditie. Tijdschrift van het

Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Tweede serie, 43: 204-219.


Field numbei" Locality Coordinates Sampling day Description Remarks Merl-1 Merangin S:02-09'-5197E; 102-09'-196" 7-8-2004 cf. Rajahia pseudohemitehoides

MerI-2 Merangin S: 02-09-5197E: 102-09'-196" 7-8-2004 stem? Rachis? Merl-3 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.

Merl-4 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 cf. Rajahia pseudohemitehoides Merl-5 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.

Merl-6 Merangin S: 02-09-5197E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.

Merl-7 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 cf. Rajahia pseudohemitehoides Merl-8 Merangin S; 02-09-519"/E: 102-09'-196" 7-8-2004 cf. Rajahia pseudohemitehoides Merl-9 Merangin S: 02-09-5197E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 cf. Rajahia pseudohemitehoides Mer 1-9 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 stick

Merl-9 Merangin S; 02-09'-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-10 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E; 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.

M e r l - 1 ! Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E; 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 cf. Rajahia pseudohemitehoides Merl-12 Merangin S: 02-09'-519"/E; 102-09'-196" 7-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.

MerI-13 Merangin S: 02-09'-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 Sphenopteris? Merl-14 Merangin S: 02-09'-519"/E; 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 stick Merl-15 Merangin S; 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.

Merl-16 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 cf. Rajahia pseudohemitehoides Merl-17 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 cf. Rajahia pseudohemitelioides Merl-18 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E; 102-09'-196" 7-8-2004 cf. Rajahia pseudohemitelioides Merl-19 Merangin S: 02-09'-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.

Merl-20 Merangin S; 02-09'-519"/E; 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-21 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 Cordaites Merl-22 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09'-196" 7-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.

Merl-23 Merangin S: 02-09'-519"/E: 102-09'-196" 7-8-2004 cf. Rajahia pseudohemitelioides Merl-24 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.

Merl-25 Merangin S; 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 cf. Rajahia pseudohemitelioides Merl-26 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.

Merl-27 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-28 Merangin S: 02-09'-519"/E; 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-29 Merangin S: 02-09'-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-30 Merangin S:02-09'-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 stick Merl-31 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-32 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E; 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-33 Mei^angin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-34 Merangin S; 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-35 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09'-196" 7-8-2004 Sphenopteris? Mer2-1 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.

Mer4-1 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 Nemejcopteris feminaeformis Mer4-2 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 Callipteridium? Pecopteris sp.? Mer4-3 Merangin S: 02-09'-519"/E; 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 Pecopteris? Sphenopteris? M e r 4 ^ Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 7-8-2004 sticks?

MerlO-1 Merangin S: 02-09'-08.1"/E: 102-09-14.6" 10-8-2004 Calamites Merl0-2a Merangin S: 02-09-08.1"/E: 102-09-14.6" 10-8-2004 Calamites Merl0-2b Merangin S: 02-09-08.1"/E: 102-09-14.6" 10-8-2004 Calamites Merl0-2c Merangin S: 02-09'-08.1"/E: 102-09'-14.6" 10-8-2004 Calamites MerlO-2d Merangin S: 02-09'-08.1"/E: 102-09'-14.6" 10-8-2004 Calamites MerlO-3 Merangin S: 02-09-08.1"/E: 102-09-14.6" 10-8-2004 Calamites M e r l 0 4 Merangin S: 02-09'-08.1"/E: 102-09-14.6" 10-8-2004 Calamites MerlO-5 Merangin S: 02-09'-08.1"/E: 102-09'-14.6" 10-8-2004 Taeniopteris K a r l - l Karing S: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09'-03.4" 10-8-2004 Lepidodendron sp. Karl-2 Karing S: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09-03.4" 10-8-2004 Lepidophyllum sp. Karl-3 Karing S: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09-03.4" 10-8-2004 Lepidophyllum sp. Karl-4a Karing S: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09'-03.4" 10-8-2004 Pecopteris ? Karl-4b Karing S: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09'-03.4" 10-8-2004 Sticks Karl-4c Karing S: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09'-03.4" 10-8-2004 Stick Karl-5 Karing S: 02-09'-08.6"/E; 102-09-03.4" 10-8-2004 'ecopteris sp. Karl-6 Karing S: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09'-03.4" 10-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Karl-7a Karing S: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09-03.4" 10-:8-2004 Stem Karl-7b Karing S: 02-09'-08.6"/E; 102-09'-03.4" 10-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Karl-7c Karing S: 02-O9'-08.6"/E: 102-09'-03.4" 10-8-2004 'ecopteiis sp. Karl-7d Karing S: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09-03.4" 10-8-2004 Stem Karl-7e Kaiing S: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09-03.4" 10-8-2004 'ecopteris sp. Karl-7f Caring S: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09-03.4" 10-8-2004 Pecopteiis sp.


|Karl-7g Karing S: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09-03.4" 10-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Karl-7h Karing S: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09'-03.4" 10-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. |Karl-7i Karing S; 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09'-03.4" 10-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.

ITGDI Teluk Gedang S: 02-09'-38.5"/E: 102-08-57.9" 7-8-2004 Fusulinid Katsumi's ITGD2 Teluk Gedang S: 02-09'-38.5"/E: 102-08-57.9" 7-8-2004 Fusulinid Katsumi's (2)

TGD4 Teluk Gedang S: 02-09'-38.5"/E; 102-08-57.9" 7-8-2004 Fusulinid Katsumi's Teluk Gedang S: 02-09'-38.5"/E: 102-08'-57.9" 7-8-2004 Fusulinid Katsumi's Teluk Gedang S: 02-09'-38.5"/E: 102-08'-57.9" 7-8-2004 Fusulinid Katsumi's Merangin S;02-09'-519"/E: 102-09'-196" 7-8-2004 Is. Concretion Katsumi's Batu Impi S: 02-05'-38.4"/E; 102-06'-53.3" 8-8-2004 Fusulinid Katsumi's Batu Impi S: 02-05'-38.4"/E: 102-06'-53.3" 8-8-2004 Fusulinid Katsumi's Batu Impi S: 02-05'-38.4"/E: 102-06'-53.3" :-8-2004, Fusulinid Katsumi's Batu Impi S: 02-05'-38.4"/E; 102-06'-53.3" 8-8-2004 Fusulinid Katsumi's Batu Impi S: 02-05'-38.4"/E: 102-06'-53.3" 8-8-2004 Fusulinid Katsumi's Batu Impi S; 02-05'-38.4"/E: 102-06'-53.3" ;-8-2004 Fusulinid

Batu Impi S: 02-05'-38.4"/E: 102-06'-53.3" 8-8-2004 Fusulinid Batu Impi S: 02-05'-38.4"/E: 102-06'-53.3" 8-8-2004 Fusulinid

Katsumi's Katsumi's Katsumi's Batu Impi S: 02-05'-38.4"/E: 102-06'-53.3" 8-8-2004 Fusulinid Katsumi's Batu Impi S: 02-05'-38.4"/E: 102-06'-53.3" 8-8-2004 Fusulinid Katsumi's Batu Impi S: 02-05'-38.4"/E: 102-06'-53.3" 8-8-20041 Fusulinid Katsumi's Batu Impi S: 02-05'-38.4"/E: 102-06'-53.3" 8-8-2004

Batu Impi

Fusulinid S: 02-05'-38.4"/E: 102-06'-53.3" 8-8-2004 Fusulinid

Katsumi's Katsumi's Batu Impi S: 02-05'-38.4"/E: 102-06'-53.3" 8-8-2004 Fusulinid Katsumi's Batu Impi S: 02-0S'-38.4"/E: 102-06'-53.3" 8-8-2004, Fusulinid

Batu Impi S: 02-05'-38.4"/E: 102-06'-53.3" 8-8-2004 Fusulinid Batu Impi S; 02-05'-38.4"/E: 102-06'-53.3" 8-8-2004 Fusulinid

Katsumi's Katsumi's Katsumi's Batu Impi S: 02-05'-38.4"/E: 102-06'-53.3" 8-8-2004 Fusulinid

Teluk Gedang S: 02-09'-38.5"/E: 102-08'-57.9" 7-8-2004

Katsumi's Suyoko's Teluk Pete S: 02-09'-45.6"/E: 102-08'-56.7" 9-8-2004

Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' Brachiopod 9-8-2004 sticks Mengkarang S:02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' Taeniopteris? 10-8-2004 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' Pecopteris 10-8-2004 Mengkarang S; 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' Pecopteris 10-8-2004 sticks Fauzies's Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 stick 10-8-2004 Cordaites Mengkarang S; 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 "trunk"+leaf scar? Mengka S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Taeniopteris Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590 10-8-2004 Cordaites Mengkar-ang S; 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 10-8-20041 Cordaites Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' Pecopteris 10-8-2004 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' Pecopteris 10-8-2004 Mengkarang S; 02-10.814'/E; 102-10.590 Pecopteris Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 10-8-2004 stick Cordaites Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 stick


Men5-Cl lMen5-C2 lMen5-C2

Mengkarang S; 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Cordaites Mengkarang S; 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 seed Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 sticks Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Mengkarang leaf fragments S: 02-10.814'/E; 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E; 102-10.590' Pecopteris 10-8-2004: Taeniopteris cp

Men5-C2 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Cordaites lMen5-C3


Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 stem Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris lMen5-C5 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris lMen5-C6 Mengkarang 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Cordaites lMen5-C6 Mengkarang 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris |Men5-C7a Mengkarang 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Cordaites lMen5-C7b Mengkarang 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Cordaites lMen5-C7c Mengkarang : 02-10.814'/E; 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Cordaites lMen5-C8 Mengkarang 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004, sticks

lMen5-C8 Mengkarang 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 seed? P-cp

|Men5-C8 Mengkarang 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris


lMen5-C9-l Mengkarang S;02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004|Pecopteris big fronds

Second progress report

GRDC Naturalis


Men5-C9-2 Mengkaiang S: 02-10.8147E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris big fronds

Men5-C9-3 Mengkai^ang S; 02-I0.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris big fronds

Men5-C9-4 Mengkarang S;02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris big fronds

Men5-C10 Mengkarang S:02-10.814'/E; 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris Men5-Cll Mengkarang S; 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 seed Men5-C12 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Cordaites Men5-C13 Mengkarang S; 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Cordaites Men5-C14 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris Men5-C15 Mengkarang S:02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris Men5-C16 Mengkarang S:02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris Men5-C17 Mengkarang S:02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris Men5-C18 Mengkarang S; 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris Men5-C19 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris Men5-C20 Mengkarang S; 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Cordaites Men5-C21 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Cordaites Men5-C21 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris Men5-Dl Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E; 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 coal sample Men5-El Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Calamites Men5-E2 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590 10-8-2004 Calamites Men5-E3 Mengkarang S; 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Callipteridium Men5-E4 Mengkarang S; 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Calamites Men5-Al Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecoptens Men5-A2 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E; 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris Men5-A3 Mengkai-ang S: 02-10.814'/E; 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris

Men5-A4 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris float, p-cp

Men5-A5 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris Men5-A6 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590 10-8-2004 Pecopteris Men5-A7 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris Men5-A8 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris Men5-A9 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris Men5-A10 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E; 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris

Men5-All Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E; 102-10.590 10-8-2004 Pecopteris float

Men5-A12 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E; 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris Men5-A13 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris Men5-A14 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris Men5-B16 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 Pecopteris Men5-B16 Mengkarang S: 02-10.814'/E: 102-10.590' 10-8-2004 stick

MenUl-1 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 P. mengkarangensis MenUl-2 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Menu 1-2 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites MenUl-3 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. MenUl-4 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Pecopteiis sp.A Menu 1-5 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Danaeites MenUl-6 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Danaeites MenUl-7 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. MenUl-7 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 stick

MenUl-8 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 bark of Lepidodendron? Menu 1-9 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. MenUl-9 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites

MenUl-10 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites principalis M e n U l - U Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.A MenUl-11 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites MenUl-12 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. MenUl-13 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Danaeites MenUl-14 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. MenUl-15 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.A MenUl-16 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites MenUl-17 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. MenUl-18 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. MenUl-19 Mengkaiang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11^8-2004 Cordaites MenUl-19 Mengkarang S;02-I1.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.A MenUl-20 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites MenUl-21 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Danaeites MenUl-22 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.A MenUl-22 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites


Menu I-23

Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites MenUl-24 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites principalis Menu 1-25 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites MenUl-26 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites MenUl-26 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 seed

MenUl-26 Mengkaiang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Pecopteris fragment MenUl-27 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Danaeites MenUl-28 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites MenUl-29 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 777

MenUl-30 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 bark of Lepidodendron? Menu 1-31 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.A Menu 1-32 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Danaeites MenUl-33 Mengkaiang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites Menu 1-34 Mengkarang S: 02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites Menu 1-35 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Pecopteris fragment MenUl-36 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites? MenUl-37 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites MenUl-38 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites MenUl-38 Mengkarang S: 02-U.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 P. mengkarangensis MenUl-38 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Danaeites MenUl-38 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. (A?) MenU2-Bl Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Lepidodendron MenU2-Bl Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Sphenophyllum MenU2-Bl Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Calamites MenU2-B2 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites MenU2-B2 Mengkarang S: 02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Sphenophyllum

MenU2-B3 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Lepidodendron p-cp

MenU2-B3 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Sphenophyllum p-cp

MenU2-B3 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Calamites P

MenU2-B4 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Calamites P

MenU2-B4a Mengkarang S: 02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Calamites cp

MenU2-B4b Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Calamites cp

MenU2-B5 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Lepidodendron MenU2-B5 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Lepidophyllum MenU2-B5 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Calamites MenU2-B6 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Sphenophyllum MenU2-B7 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Calamites MenU2-B7 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Lepidodendron MenU2-B7 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Sphenophyllum MenU2-B8 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Calamites MenU2-B8 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Lepidodendron MenU2-B8 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Lepidophyllum MenU2-B8 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Sphenophyllum MenU2-B9 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Calamites MenU2-B9 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Sphenophyllum MenU2-B9 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Lepidophyllum MenU2-B10 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Calamites suckowi MenU2-B10 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites MenU2-B10 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Lepidodendron MenU2-B10 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Sphenophyllum fragment MenU2-Bll Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Calamites

MenU2-B12 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Sphenophyllum MenU2-B12 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Lepidodendron MenU2-B13 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Calamites MenU2-B13 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Lepidophyllum MenU2-B13 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites MenU2-B14 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Lepidodendron MenU2-B14 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Sphenophyllum MenU2-B15 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Sphenophyllum MenU2-B15 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Lepidodendron MenU2-B15 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Lepidophyllum MenU2-B15 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Calamites MenU2-B15 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites MenU2-B16 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Shenophyllum MenU2-B16 Mengkarang S: 02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Calamites


lMenU2-B17 Mengkarang S: 02-lI.400yE: 102-10.281' 1 l-8-2004|Sigillaria? lMenU2-B17 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Calamites

MenU2-B18 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Lepidodendron lMenU2-B18 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Sphenophyllum |MenU2-B19 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Calamites IMenU2-B19 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Lepidophyllum

MenU2-B20 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites lMenU2-B20 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Lepidodendron

MenU2-B21 Mengkai-ang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 lMenU2-B22 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Calamites

MenU2-B22 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Lepidodendron MenU2-B23 Mengkarang S; 02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 SphenophyUum |MenU2-Al Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Callipteridium lMenU2-A2 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Lepidophyllum? lMenU2-A2 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004: rachis lMenU2-A3 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites

MenU2-A3 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Callipteridium MenU2-A4 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Gigantopteris |MenU2-A4 Mengkarang S: 02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites lMenU2-A4 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 fem?

MenU2-A5 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 stem (rachis?) lMenU2-A6 Mengkai-ang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites lMenU2-A6 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Gigantopteris lMenU2-A6 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 iTaeniopteris? MenU2-A7 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Lepidodendron MenU2-A8 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004;

|MenU2-A8 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281'

Gigantopteris 11-8-2004 stems lMenU2-A9 Mengkarang lMenU2-A9 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Calamites S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites |MenU2-A10 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Calamites lMenU2-A10 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites MenU2-All Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Calamites |MenU2-All Mengkarang S:02-11.4O0'/E: 102-10.281' ll-8-2004| Cordaites lMenU2-All Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004

MenU2-A12 Mengkarang S;02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281'

Pecopteris sp. 11-8-2004 Calamites |MenU2-A12 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004, Cordaites |MenU2-A13 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites |MenU2-A13 Mengkarang S: 02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 stem

MenU2-A13 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 seed lMenU2-A14 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Lepidodendron |MenU2-A14


Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' U-8-2004 Cordaites Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004: lMenU2-A14 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281'

Pecopteris sp. 11-8-2004 Taeniopteiis lMenU2-A14 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004

lMenU2-A15 Mengkarang S: 02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281'

Callipteridium? 11-8-2004

lMenU2-A15 Mengkarang S: 02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281'

Lepidodendron 11-8-2004 Cordaites MenU2-A15 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Calamites MenU2-A15 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 fem?

MenU2-l Mengkarang S: 02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 CaUipteridium float

lMenU2-l Mengkarang S: 02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Cordaites float

|MenU2-2 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004

MenU2-2 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281'

Pecopteris sp. 11-8-2004 Cordaites

float float Ino labell Mengkarang S: 02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Sphenophyllum

Ino labell Ino labell

Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E; 102-10.281' 11-8-2004, Cordaites Mengkarang S:02-11.4Q0'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Lepidodendron |no Iabel2 Mengkarang S: 02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Sphenophyllum jno Iabel2 Mengkarang S:02-11.400'/E: 102-10.281' 11-8-2004 Lepidodendron i M e r l - B l Merangin 02-09'-519"/E; 102-09'-196" 12-8-2004

Merl-B2 Merangin 02-09'-519"/E: 102-09'-196"

Pecopteris sp. 12-8-2004j Cordaites sp. lMerl-B3 Merangin 02-09'-519"/E: 102-09'-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. lMerl-B4 Merangin :02-09'-519"/E: 102-09'-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. lMerl-B5 Merangin 02-09'-519"/E: 102-09'-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. |Merl-B6 Merangin : 02-09'-519"/E: 102-09'-196" 12-8-2004 Cordaites sp. |Merl-B7 Merangin :02-09'-519"/E: 102-09'-196" 12-8-2004, Pecopteris sp. lMerl-B8 Merangin S: O2-09'-519"/E: 102-09'-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.


Merl-B9 Merangin S: 02-09'-5197E; 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-BlO Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 woodfragment ? M e r l - B U Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-B12 Merangin S; 02-09-519"/E: 102-09'-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. MeiT-BI3 Merangin S; 02-09-519"/E: 102-09'-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-B14 Merangin S;02-09'-519"/E: 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-B14 Merangin S; 02-09'-519"/E: 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Cordaites sp. Merl-B15 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-B15 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E; 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Cordaites ? Merl-B15 Merangin S:02-09'-519"/E: 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Apblebia ?

MeiT-B16 Merangin S;02-09'-519"/E; 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. p-cp Merl-B17 Merangin S; 02-09-519"/E; 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. p-cp Merl-B18 Merangin S; 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.

Merl-B19 Merangin S; 02-09'-519"/E: 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Mer)-B20 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-B21 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09'-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-B2I Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Cordaites sp. Merl-B22 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E; 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-B22 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E; 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Cordaites sp. Merl-B23 Merangin S: 02-09'-519"/E: 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-B23 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Cordaites sp. Merl-B24 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-B24 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Cordaites sp. Merl-B25 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E; 102-09'-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-B26 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E; 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-B27 Merangin S: 02-09'-519"/E: 102-09'-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-B28 Merangin S;02-09'-519"/E: 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-B28 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Cordaites sp. Merl-B29 Merangin S: 02-09'-519"/E: 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-B30 Merangin S: 02-09'-519"/E: 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-B31 Merangin S; 02-09'-519"/E: 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-B32 Merangin S: 02-09'-519"/E: 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Merl-B33 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09'-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. (fertile?) Merl-B34 Merangin S: 02-09'-519"/E: 102-09'-196" 12-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.

Merl-B35 Merangin S; 02-09'-519"/E: 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Cordaites sp. p-cp

Merl-B35 Merangin S: 02-09-519"/E: 102-09-196" 12-8-2004 Stem p-cp

Mer?? Merangin not registered 12-8-2004 wood

Mar3-1 Marus S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Calamites near s.bukit tingi Mar3-2 Marus S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.

Mar3-3 MaiTTS S: 02-06-32.1"/E; 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Mar3-3 Marus S:02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Cordaites Mar34 Marus S; 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Calamites Mar3-5 Marus S; 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Sphenophyllum

Mar3-5 Marus S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 cf. Rajahia pseudohemitehoides Mar3-6 Marus S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.A

Mar3-7 Marus S:02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Calamites Mar3-8a Marus S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.A

Mai-3-8b Marus S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.A Mar3-8b Marus S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Cordaites

Mai-3-9 Marus S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Mar3-10 Marus S: 02-06'-32.1"/E; 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Mar3-10 Marus S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Cordaites M a r 3 - l l Marus S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Cordaites M a r 3 - l l Marus S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Mar3-12 Marus S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Cordaites Mar3-13 Marus S;02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.A Mar3-13 Vlaius S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Cordaites Mar3-14 Vlarus S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteiis sp. Mar3-15 Marus S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Calamites?

Mar3-15 Vlarus S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Nemejcopteris feminaeformis? Mar3-16 Vlarus S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.

Mar3-17 Vlarus S:02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Mar3-I8 Vlarus S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 seed Mar3-18 vlarus S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Mar3-I8 Marus S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Cordaites


Mar3-19 Marus S:02-06'-32.1"/E; 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-200^ Pecopteiis sp. Mar3-20 Marus S: 02-06-32.17E; 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Calamites Mar3-20 Marus S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Mar3-21 Marus S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Mar3-21 Marus S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Cordaites Mar3-22 Marus S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteiis sp. Mar3-22 Marus S; 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Cordaites Mar3-23 Marus S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Calamites Mar3-23 Marus S:02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Mar3-23 Marus S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Cordaites Mar3-24 Marus S: 02-06-32.1"/E; 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Cordaites Mar3-25 Marus S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Mar3-25 Marus S; 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Cordaites

Mar4-1 Marus S: 02-06-32.1"/E; 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Calamites P

Mar4-1 Marus S: 02-06'-32.1"/E; 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Cordaites p-cp

Mar4-1 Marus S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 fragments p-cp

Mar4-2 Marus S; 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Mar4-3 Marus S:02-06'-32.1"/E; 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 roots Mar4-4 Marus S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 roots Mar4-5 Marus S;02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.

Mar4-6 Maras S: 02-06-32.1"/E; 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Nemejcopteris feminaefomiis p-cp

Mar4-7 Marus S: 02-06-32.1"/E; 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Sphenophyllum

Mar4-8 Marus S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Nemejcopteris feminaeformis Mar4-8 Marus S; 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Cordaites

Mar4-8 Marus S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Mar5-1 Marus S; 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Calamites Marl-1 Marus S:02-06'-32.1"/E; 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 LepidophyUum? Marl-1 Marus S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris? Marl-2 Marus S; 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 seed? Marl-3 Marus S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Cordaites? MarI-3 Marus S:02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 seed?

Marl-4 Marus S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Calamites p

M a r l ^ Marus S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Cordaites p-cp

Marl-5 Marus S;02-06'-32.1"/E; 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris Marl-6 Marus S;02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Lepidophyllum? MaiI-6 Marus S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Cordaites Marl-7 Marus S;02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 seed MarI-7 Marus S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris Marl-8 Marus S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Lepidophyllum? Marl-8 Marus S: 02-06'-32.1"/E; 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 stem? Marl-8 Marus S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris Marl-9 Mams S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris Marl-9 Marus S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Calamites Marl-10 Marus S: 02-06-32.1"/E; 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Calamites Marl-lO Marus S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Cordaites Marl-10 Marus S; 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 seed Marl-10 Maras S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris Marl-11 Maras S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 seed Marl-11 Maras S: 02-06-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 sticks Marl-12 Maras S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Calamites Marl-12 Maras S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 seed

Mar2-1 Maras S:02-06'-32.1"/E; 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Calamites p-cp

Mar2-2 Maras S: 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05'-54.9" 14-8-2004 Calamites

Mar2-3 Maras S; 02-06'-32.1"/E: 102-05-54.9" 14-8-2004 Pecopteris p-cp

K a r l - l Saring S: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09'-03.4" 17-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. p-cp K a r l - l Karing S: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09'-03.4" 17-8-2004 Cordaites p-cp

Karl-2 Karing S: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09-03.4" 17-8-2004 Cordaites? p-cp

Karl-2 Caring S: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09'-03.4" 17-8-2004 sticks? p-cp

Kai-1-3 Caring S: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09'-03.4" 17-8-2004 'ecopteris sp. Karl-4 Caring 3: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09-03.4" 17-8-2004 'ecopteris sp.

Karl-5 Karing S: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09'-03.4" 17-8-2004 'ecopteris sp. p-cp Karl-6 ] Caring 3: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09-03.4" 17-8-2004 Pecopteris sp.

Karl-7 1 Caring 3: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09-03.4" 17-8-2004 'ecopteris sp.

KarI-8 ] Caring 3: 02-09'-08.6"/E: 102-09'-03.4" 17-8-2004 1 ^ecopteris sp. 3-Cp

MerVlU-l (Merangin 3: 02-09'-21.8"/E: 102-09'-08.6" 19-8-2004 ( C^alamites


MerVIII-2 Merangin S: 02-09'-21.8"/E: 102-09-08.6" 19-8-2004 Calamites MerVIII-3 Merangin S: 02-09'-21.8"/E: 102-09-08.6" 19-8-2004 Calamites MerVIII-4 Merangin S: 02-09-21.8"/E: 102-09'-08.6" 19-8-2004 Calamites MerVin-5 Merangin S: 02-09'-21.8"/E: 102-09'-08.6" 19-8-2004 Calamites MerVnr-6 Merangin S;02-09'-21.8"/E: 102-09-08.6" 19-8-2004 Calamites M e r l Merangin S;02-09'-519"/E: 102-09-196" 19-8-2004 Maroesia

Tim2 Titi Meranti not registered 19-8-2004 wood float

Tira3 Titi Meranti not registered 19-8-2004 fragments float

MerlX-la Merangin S: 02-09-21.1"/E: 102-09-09.1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Cordaites MerlX-lb Merangin S: 02-09'-21.1"/E; 102-09-09.1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Cordaites MerlX-lc Merangin S; 02-09-21.1"/E: 102-09'-09.1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Cordaites

MerIX-2 Merangin S: 02-09-21.1"/E: 102-09'-09.1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Cordaites p-cp MerIX-2 Merangin S: 02-09-21.1"/E: 102-09-09.1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Sphenophyllum p-cp MerIX-2 Merangin S: 02-09-21.1"/E: 102-09-09.1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Pecopteris sp. cp MerIX-3 Merangin S: 02-09-21.1"/E: 102-09-09.1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Cordaianthus p-cp MerIX-4 Merangin S: 02-09-21.1"/E: 102-09'-09.1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Cordaites

MerIX-4 Mei-angin S: 02-09'-21.1"/E: 102-09-09.1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Sphenophyllum MerIX-4 Merangin S: 02-09-21.1"/E: 102-09-09.1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Pecopteris sp. MerIX-5 Merangin S: 02-09-21.1"/E: 102-09-09.1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Cordaites MerlX-5 Merangin S: 02-09-21.1"/E: 102-09'-09.1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Sphenophyllum MerIX-6 Merangin S: 02-09'-21.1"/E: 102-09-09.1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Pecopteris MerIX-7 Merangin S: 02-09-21.1"/E: 102-09'-09.1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Sphenophyllum MerIX-8 Merangin S;02-09'-21.1"/E: 102-09'-09.1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Sphenophyllum MerIX-8 Merangin S: 02-09-21.1"/E: 102-09'-09.1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Cordaites Kar2-1 Karing S: 02-09'-08,7"/E: 102-08-56,1" 17-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Kar2-2 Karing S: 02-09'-08,7"/E: 102-08'-56,l" 17-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Kar2-3 Karing S: 02-09'-08,7"/E: 102-08-56,1" 17-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Kar2-3 Karing S: 02-09'-08,7"/E: 102-08'-56,l" 17-8-2004 Cordaites Kar2-4 Karing S: 02-09'-08,7"/E; 102-08-56,1" 17-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Kar2-4 Karing S: 02-09'-08,7"/E: 102-08'-56,l" 17-8-2004 Cordaites Kar2-5 Karing S: 02-09'-08,7"/E: 102-08-56,1" 17-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Kar2-5 Karing S; 02-09'-08,7"/E; 102-08-56,1" 17-8-2004 Cordaites Kar2-6 Karing S: 02-09'-08,7"/E: 102-08'-56,l" 17-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Kar2-6 Karing S: 02-09'-08,7"/E: 102-08-56,1" 17-8-2004 Cordaites Kar2-7 Karing S: 02-09'-08,7"/E; 102-08-56,1" 17-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Kar2-8 Karing S: 02-09'-08,7"/E: 102-08'-56,l" 17-8-2004 Cordaites Kar2-8 Karing S: 02-09'-08,7"/E: 102-08-56,1" 17-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Kar2-9 Karing S; 02-09'-08,7"/E: 102-08'-56,l" 17-8-2004 Cordaites Kar2-9 Karing S: 02-09'-08,7"/E: 102-08'-56,l" 17-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Kai-2-10 Karing S; 02-09'-08,7"/E: 102-08'-56,l" 17-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Kar2-10 Karing S: 02-09'-08,7"/E: 102-08-56,1" 17-8-2004 Cordaites Kar2-ll Karing S: 02-09'-08,7"/E: 102-08'-56,l" 17-8-2004 Pecopteris sp. Kar2-ll Karing S: 02-09'-08,7"/E; 102-08'-56,l" 17-8-2004 Cordaites Kar2-12 Karing S: 02-09'-08,7"/E: 102-08'-56,l" 17-8-2004 Pecopteiis sp. Kar2-12 Karing S: 02-09'-08,7"/E: 102-08'-56,l" 17-8-2004 Cordaites

MerXffl-1 Merangin S: 02-09'-14.8"/E: 102-09-09,1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Cordaites p-cp M e r X m - l Merangin S: 02-09'-14.8"/E: 102-09'-09,l" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Nemejcopteris feminaeformis p-cp MerXm-1 Merangin S: 02-09'-14.8"/E: 102-09-09,1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Pecopteris sp. (forked, new?) p-cp M e r X m - I Merangin S: 02-09'-14.8"/E: 102-09'-09,l" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Lepidodendron cp MerXIII-2 Merangin S: 02-09'-14.8"/E: 102-09'-09,1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 seed p-cp MerXm-3 Merangin S: 02-09'-14.8"/E: 102-09'-09,l" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Taeniopteris p-cp MerXnr-4 Merangin S: 02-09'-14.8"/E; 102-09'-09,1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Nemejcopteris feminaeformis p-cp M e r X i n ^ Merangin S: 02-09'-14.8"/E: 102-09'-09,l" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Cordaites p-cp MerXm-4 Merangin S; 02-09'-14.8"/E: 102-09'-09,l" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Lepidodendron p-cp MerXin-5 Merangin S: 02-09'-14.8"/E: 102-09'-09,1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Cordaites p-cp MerXin-5 Merangin S: 02-09'-14.8"/E; 102-09'-09,l" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Pecopteris sp. p-cp MerXni-6 Merangin S: 02-09'-14.8"/E: 102-09'-09,1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Sphenopteris? Pecopteris? p-cp MerXin-7 Merangin S: 02-09'-14.8"/E: 102-09-09,1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Sp.I p-cp MerXin-8 Merangin S: 02-09'-14.8"/E: 102-09'-O9,l" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Pecopteris sp. p-cp MerXffl-8 Merangin S: 02-09'-14.8"/E: 102-09'-09,1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Nemejcopteris feminaeformis p-cp MerXin-8 Merangin 5: 02-09'-14.8"/E; 102-09'-09,l" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Cordaites p-cp MerXm-9 Merangin S: 02-09'-14.8"/E: 102-09-09,1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 SU-obilus? p-cp MerXin-9 Merangin 3: 02-09'-14.8"/E: 102-09-09,1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 ^epidodendron p-cp

MerXin-9 Merangin 3: 02-09'-14.8"/E: 102-09-09,1" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 Pecopteiis sp.A :p MerXIII-lO I Merangin 3: 02-09'-14.8"/E: 102-09'-09,l" 16 to 20 Aug.2004 xpidostrobus? >cp


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