byP Kloppenburg
Techno Fysica by, The Netherlands
© CIMAC 1993
P. KLOPPENBURG General Manager Techno Fysica by
Barendrecht, The Netherlands
In 15 years of experience in the field of trouble
shooting it became clear that installations, equipped with
in itself totally reliable components, can get a reputation
of unreliability due to environmental influences totally
out of reach of the manufacturers.
These boundary conditions may concern governing of the installation, exceptional operating conditions, vibratory
behaviour or matching of the components of the driveline to
Often these boundary conditions lead to premature
failure of components in the driveline for which the engine
manufacturer gets the blame because it is the engine
produ-cing the power and therefore the forces and vibrations.
Many of these mismatches can be prevented by creating
an intensive exchange of information between the
manufactu-rers of different components that add up to form the final installation.
However, in most cases these coordinating task rests with
the yard who often doesn't have the time or the knowledge
necessary to cope with this task.
An independent expert engineering company is often rejected due to high cost and annoying interference.
commissioning or in service caused by off-design operating
conditions, mismatch of
components, insufficient
dynamic behaviour, no communicationbetween separate
manufacturers and lack ofknow-how concerning real operating conditions in practice.
kendant 15 annees d'experience dans la domaine de
des installations maritimes c'est evident pie des installations avec des pieces qui sont ensoi completement fiable peut obtenir une reputation
mauvais, par suite de
completement en dehorsde la sphere d'influence du fabricant.
peut s'agir de la regulation, des condi-tions operationels extraordinaires, des vibracondi-tions ou dela cooperation imparfait entre des composantes.Tres souvent ces
ont aboutia
manquerprema-ture des composantes pour lesquels le fabricant est impute .parce que c'est son moteur qui produit la puissance et par
consequent des forces et des vibrations.
Beaucoup de ces problemes peut etre prevenir par order uhe
atmosphere de l'echange
entre les fabricantsdes composantes qui foment
entier.Normalement le chantier est le responsable pour ca coordi-nation mais le chantier n'as ni du temps, ni lmexpertise pour remplir ca tache.
Un expert independant est souvent refuse a cause des frals
hauts et de la peine ennuyeux.
Dans ma
ja veux donner des exemples pratiquesde tous les jours par rapport a des installations avec des
problemes pendant les epreuves maritimes ou durant l'usage, cause par une gestion extraordinaire, connaissance
insuffi-sante de la conduite dynamique, manque de la
entre fabricants et manque de la
In spite of total quality control programs, as ISO 9000, being introduced more and more with manufacturers and in spite of all the rules set and supervised by the classi-fication societies lots of
are far from being perfect.This often results in problems which sometimes manifest
themselves already during the first seatrials or might lead to reduced lifetime of components which becomes clear after
a certain amount of
hours, much shorter thanexpec-ted.
Often these problems could have been prevented by
appropriate measures during the engineering-, the completi-on- and the trial stage by the responsible parties.
However, "responsible party" seems to have a flexible meaning when problems arise during commissioning or in the guarantee period.
The attitude the authors are often confronted with during
trouble shooting is one of selfprotection where every
manufacturer only attempts to prove that his
isnot the cause of the problem instead of trying to find a
solution by combining the efforts.
The shipyard, usually the main responsible for the
entire installation, shelters itself behind the fact that
everything has been constructed according to- and checked
by the classification societies.
As classification societies will undoubtedly confirm,
following their rules to the letter is no guarantee for an
unproblematic installation; sound engineering judgment by
qualified personnel is needed just as well.
However, appointing somebody, be it a project engineer of
the yard, the engine manufacturer or an independent party
to perform the system engineering will cost time and money. They will ask lots of time consuming questions, will demand additional calculations to be carried out, especially
concerning interaction between
and will insistthat extra measurements are performed during an
already-chock-full trial program.
Therefore appointing system engineers is often eagerly
In the following some practical examples out of many
with different causes will be presented of installations
that revealed unexpected problems which,in most cases,
could have been prevented.
The authors hope to convince the maritime industry of the
need for system engineers to decrease our number of bad
Off-design operating conditions
The authors were involved in the following case:
A pipe laying barge was equipped with six 16-cylinder
generatorsets providing the necessary power to the barge. The time between overhaul of the exhaust valves was reduced to 3000 hours which means that every year 384 valves had to be renewed because inlet valves were renewed at the same time.
This leads to a considerable increase in maintenance cost.
Daring the investigation it became clear that there were heavy deposits present on the valves and that the
valve heads were bent.
Also the inlet- and exhaust ducts were fully covered with a thick layer of deposits.
It was decided to measure several parameters which
influence air exchange and combustion under realistic operating conditions.
From the measurements it followed that the operating profi-le of the barge was as follows:
During welding of the pipes the barge is stationed and
the positioning winches are stalled which means the
generatorsets only deliver power for welding, hydrau-lic power and lights resulting in only 30% load on the engines.
If the pipe is eased off the barge is pulled forward by the winches which requires 60% load on the engines.
This load is also required under adverse weather
conditions to keep the necessary tension on the pipe to prevent buckling.
This kind
load is called "Spiking" and results inblock loads on the engines from 30% to 60% load.
As this installation is about 20 years old the transient
response on block loads, especially from low load, is poor. It became clear that the engines were constantly fouling under low load and were suffering from an enormous lack of air during transients resulting in high temperatures and an even worse amount of soot deposits.
Also the engine speeddip was high and response slow with
the risk of tripping the engine on low frequency (Fig. 1). From discussions with the crew it became clear that in
the old days they shared the load over less engines but
they decided to use more engines to diminish the risk of a black-out due to engines tripping.
But in practice the risk of an engine tripping was just as high because of the low load and the slow response.
The authors advised to run the least amount of engines,
possible to increase base-load, which was met with much
opposition from the crew, and to install air-injection
triggered by the fuel rack to increase transient behaviour. These advices were observed which resulted in a decrease of response speed to 40% (fig. 1) and after a season of pipe laying no problems were encountered and valves were in good condition.
This was not purely an engine problem but an operatio-nal problem.
Just analysing the problem logically instead of acting
according to intuition could have saved the company about
2000 valves.
Mismatch of components
The authors were asked to perform shaftpower
measure-ments on a twin screw patrol boat which was designed to
achieve 21 knots at an output of 4860 kW .
The vessel only achieved 19 knots on deep water at design draught.
Usually this is the point were the yard blames the
engine manufacturer that the engines don't deliver the
desired horsepower, the engine manufacturer blames the yard
for building a boat which is to heavy or is calculated to.
enthousiastically and the propeller manufacturer is accused
of having provided propellers with not enough pitch.
Simple shp measurements showed that the engines
deli-vered 115% of rated output at rated enginespeed (fig. 2).
This showed that the design of the vessel with calculated speed was to optimistic.
If the engines had only been capable of delivering rated
power the speed would have been even lower.
The vessel was equipped with extra trimming devices,
resul-ting in 20.7 knots at rated engine power and -speed.
Suitable calculations and model tests would have prevented this problem.
Another example of mismatch was found during
measure-ments on a bow thruster that didn't deliver the desired
From power measurements it was concluded that the propeller was slipping over the shaft (fig. 3).
The propeller manufacturer didn't believe this and changed over to another type of propeller (3 instead of 4-bladed)
which resulted in even lower power and thrust.
Carefully studying results of measurements and
trus-ting in experts would have lead to better results.
-5-Lack of communication between suppliers
On a number of containerships repeated damages occurred on each of the three dieselgeneratorsets.
The damages ranged from broken ancillaries like filters, pipes, braces, pumps and coolers to broken down main bea-rings.
The diesel, together with the generator, was mounted on a skidframe which was connected to the ship structure through rubber mounts.
The manufacturer had calculated natural frequencies for the resilient mounting and concluded that no natural frequency of the set-up would be excited by engine generated frequen-cies near nominal speed.
The engine ran at 750 rpm resulting in 1st order vibrations of 12.5 Hz and ½th order vibrations of 6.25 Hz (Misfiring).
The most important natural frequency was 8 Hz which is
about /2 removed from both exciting frequencies.
During commissioning with only the generatorsets running the vibration levels were well within limits.
However, during measurements by the authors it was
concluded that the 30000 kW main propulsion plant, running at 95 rpm, created a frequency of 7.9 Hz at a considerable amplitude through the 5 bladed propeller (Fig. 4).
As this frequency coincided with the vertical natural
frequency of the generatorsets this resulted in vibration levels upto 80 mm/s on
as well as stopped engines.This was especially detrimental on stopped engines because these had no oilfilm between main bearings and
crankshaft, resulting in hammering and consequential dama-ge.
Checking the generated frequencies
board from other sources than their own diesels would have prevented damage.Lack of knowledge of real operating conditions
On several Dutch fishing cutters in the power range
from 1500 to 2000 kW a reduced service life of the elastic
couplings between engine and reduction gearbox was
expe-rienced down to 30 or 20% of usual values.
According to calculations and measurements the torsio-nal vibratory load on the rubber elements only amounted to
25 to 40% of the continuous allowable level.
During misfiring however, the vibratory torque amounted to 175% of the allowable level and heat load to 340% (Fig.5).
For this reason a barred speed range was imposed if misfit
The manufacturers of engine and coupling believed that misfiring was a rare thing to occur and that, if it would occur, the fishermen would observe the barred speed range. According to the experience of the authors, based on measu-rements of approximately 150 cutters, the load on the engi-nes is very heavy at all times.
The fishermen use 100% power and if possible 120% which
often leads to burnt- or sticking valves or injectors.
Most of them do not respect barred speed ranges under the motto: less power means less fish.
this implies that sailing under misfiring conditions with overloaded elastic couplings occurs during longer periods in practice, destroying the rubber elements.
Based on this experience it was decided by the coupling
manufacturer to advice a coupling type which would also
under continuous misfiring not be overloaded.
Example 2: A luxury yacht of 28 m, equipped with two
16 cylinder engines turning out 1080 kW a piece at 2300 rpm
experienced heavy vibrations on the engines and in the
accomodation after the cardanshafts between engine and
gearbox had been removed and reinstalled on the flywheel.
The vibrations were so severe that complete ceiling panels
fell down which is annoying, especially on a yacht.
The suspicion rose that unbalance could be the cause
al-though all parts had been balanced and were fitted in
exactly the same position as before.
Vibration measurements confirmed that the high
vibra-tion level was caused by an unbalance, resulting in an
additional vibration level of 63 mm/s (o-peak).
However, only a small amount of weight had to be added to
reduce the unbalance vibration component to 4 mm/s.
The main cause for the excessive response of the
engine to a small unbalance was the location of a resonance
frequency (yawing) of the engine on its elastic mounts of
38 Hz which exactly coincided with the first order
excita-tion frequency caused by unbalance at nominal speed.
The designer of the elastic supports knew this frequency
was existing but presumed the shafts fitted to the flywheel
would be well balanced and would retain the same degree of
balance when being dismounted and refitted.
Judging of the calculated resonance frequencies by a vibra-tion expert with practical experience would have resulted
in an advice to shift this frequency away from the first
order at nominal speed.
Figure 6 shows the vibration response as
function ofengine speed before and after balancing.
-7-Insufficient knowledge
system dynamic behaviourA series of vessels was equipped with a main engine
coupled to a reduction gearbox equipped with a PTO genera-tor.
During manoeuvring this 200 kW generator was only used to
power the bow thruster which was of a constant pitch and
constant speed design.
In service the rubber couplings between gearbox and
PTO generator tended to deteriorate much faster than expec-ted: the usefull lifetime amounted to around 1 year.
The electric circuitry between generator and thruster motor operated as follows:
When the thruster is started the PTO generator
cur-rent, and consequently torque, rises rapidly.
If a preset adjustable current level is reached an
adjustable shunt resistor is connected, resulting in a decrease in current to a lower, constant level.
The current setting determines peak torque, the shunt resistor determines mean torque during acceleration. In this phase the thruster speed increases.
After a certain time span, set by an adjustable time relais, the resistor is disconnected.
At this point the full torque is available to further accelerate the thruster.
The peak torque at this stage depends on the speed the thruster reached during the preceding phase.
All these settings are interrelated, determine rate of acceleration of the thruster and torque levels on the PTO elastic couplings.
The actual effect of the settings on absolute torque- and acceleration levels, however, was totally unknown to the installer of the system.
During commissioning several elastic couplings
ruptu-red within minutes while changing settings by trial and
error only brought small improvements.
The authors measured PTO input torque and speed,
bowthrus-ter speed and main engine fuel rack during normal operating conditions.
Dynamic- as well as peak torque overload was found (Fig.7). Also the setting on different ships showed big differences.
Based on these measurement results optimal settings
could be established to ensure acceptable acceleration and thrust and keep torque levels within limits.
Measuring during first trials would have saved a lot
-9--Interaction between governors and vibratory behaviour
In the last five years the authors were confronted
with a large number of problems, often with extensive
damage to components, caused by unwanted interaction
be-tween electronic governors and vibratory behaviour of
propulsion systems.
Electronic governors are often regarded as wonders of technology, suited to govern every installation regardless of complexity due to its versatility and the possibility to
adjust dynamic characteristic to almost every process.
However, this multitude of possibilities at the same time
requires very painstaking studies of the interaction
be-tween governor, system and environment as will be clear
from the following three examples.
Example 1: A straddlecarrier, used to transport
con-tainers around a depot, showed vehement dynamic behaviour
of the power plant which made
it almost impossible tooperate.
The engine, equipped with an electronic governor, was
coupled to a generator with additional flywheel through a
rubber coupling.
The inertia of the generator with flywheel was 12 times as
high as the engine inertia.
The governor used two speed pick-ups: one for the overspeed
function located at the generator flywheel and one for
governing which was located on the engine flywheel.
From measurements
it became clear that due to the
relatively high inertia of the generator compared to the
engine every loadchange of the generator resulted in
exces-sive torsional amplitudes at the engine flywheel.
This excited the first node torsional frequency which the
governor tries to compensate.
The system was improved by putting the governor
pick-up on the generator which showed much smaller dynamic
amplitudes than
the engine.
The governor therefore measured much smaller
speedvariati-ons and reacted less vehement as seen from figure 8.
Example 2: A vessel was equipped with three diesel
generatorsets, two of 3200 kW and one of 4200 kW, providing all power necessary.
The engines were equipped with state of the art electronic governors and a newly developed sophisticated power manage-ment system.
During the official seatrial with 80 people on board two
flexible couplings were torn apart within less than a
During testtrials suddenly, without any clear reason, two engines started to develop torsional vibrations with dyna-mic torques that exceeded allowable levels by 500%.
This could only be stopped by manual shutdown of the engi-nes.
After extensive measurements it was concluded that
electric interference on the supply voltage to the gover-nors caused the fuelrack to be reduced to zero within 0.03
seconds (Fig. 9).
This immediately excited the first node resonance frequency for torsion resulting in high alternating speed variations of the engine flywheel of 3.5 Hz.
The governor, with speed pick-ups on the flywheel, tried to compensate, leading to an undamped situation.
Another phenomenon was that immediately after the fuel
rack of one engine had zeroed another engine followed
because of the master-slave
The system has improved dramatically by using a stabi-lised galvanically separated supply voltage for the gover-nors to prevent interference.
At the same time the speed pick-up was mounted on the
generatorside where possible angular irregularities due to torsional vibrations are 5 times lower than on the flywheel
resulting in a less vigorous governor action.
Example 3: A tugboat with two propulsion plants had
two resilliently mounted engines coupled to gearboxes through highly flexible couplings.
The engines tended to show visually high amplitude
move-ments which were unacceptable to the owner.
These movements started at arbitrary engine speeds with
declutched engines and could only be stopped by
shutdown (Figure 10).
They didn't seem to be related to a specific engine order. After measurements of engine movement, torque,
gover-nor vibration and fuelrack the following was established:
The engine had a natural rolling frequency on the rubber mounts of 6.3 Hz which was noted in all measured
This frequency caused rotation of the engine crankcase
(with governor pick-ups) around the crankshaft centerline.
Because the crankshaft was rotating fairly uniformly the
governor, experienced speedvariations of the pick-up relati-ve to the flywheel and compensated for it which wasn't to difficult due to the 200 pulses per revolution.
This caused a resonance, resulting in the engine movements
This could also be seen from the movement of the
fuelrod relative to the governor housing: as soon as the engine started vibrating the fuelrod moved in antiphase with its housing but as soon as the engine was shut down
the fuel rod moved in phase with the housing.
The problem was cured by mounting the engines rigidly to the ship foundation which was fairly radical.
It prevents engine movement but introduces vibrations into the ship which is unwanted.
Instead the pick-ups should have been relocated to a shaft-part with uniform rotational speed.
Although rules and quality assurance programs have
become more widely spread for
this is not thecase for entire systems.
No clearly defined rules by classification societies
exist concerning interactions between
behaviourand dynamic response of systems, including influences from
This often results in problems and damage during trials or
in reduced lifecycle of installations.
To improve the present situation, the end-responsible
for the entire system, mostly the yard, should appoint a
system engineer who speciffically deals with interactions between separate systems.
At the same time the classification societies should try to
compose rules giving clearly defined requirements to be
fulfilled to prove the acceptability of the design from a
IS 3.1=1111M1MarINIONO
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Enginespeed Blower speed Fuelrack Air injection Receiver preemie
Enginespeed Fuelrack
Blower speed
Air injection Receiver pressure
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Enginespeed Blower speed Fuelrack Air injection Receiver pressure
: : 0 2 : 0 1 : 0 100 2000 0.25 0 at 0 rpm rpm/div 0 = 0 rpm --0 mm mm/div = 0 bar bar/div = 0 bar rpm/div 5555.=M MN MIIMII/b7 mu Mwrissnasosrair 1151MNIII 11===11=1,1111=511151=5=1
5251.' 1=111 NM!!
MIMI 15:5151=215 WININI um wooO
bar/div mon=:=I MEM IIMIMINIIIMINMN IIIIMMUMMIUMNIM m I=.1 MW/IBMIIIMMINNEMINIIIN IIMEHMIIIIIIMMENINIIMI . ======1 EMINI 1151=111=11111 115=5 MVMM v 111=1=111551515111 MI= NM MM. MB 5=15155151=
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1115===1 =la NM==-=
=======.--MI NMI 111171=15====liN ==51111=N mm-imimmummnimmo =53:5111 155151515= =MI MINNMMEN=5511 .III
14 seconds 6 seconds figure1; Transient response of a 16 cylinder diesel engine
2 seconds
with air injection (right) and without (left).
Enginespeed Blower speed Fuel rack eceiver Air
2 1200 Sh1pnama Measuradate ! 16th MARCH 1989 Maasuresaries ! A Maasurecondit100 SEUNPO Measureposition ; PROPELLER SHAFT 0 RPM ] point
16th AND itth MARCH 1909
r i 0 100 200 300 400 500 506 700 BOO 900 10001100120 *--* SHAFTPOWER Se +--+ SHAFTPOWER PS [kW] Design point Figure 2:Shaftpower versus engine speed and vesselppeed for a twin screw patrol boat.
WM BM MN ZM MVO MM 4502 Ivit swims I ti $000 2700 2400 211)0_ stdo 500 ,360 0 1500 900 12 5 0
kW 550 495 440
3301 275220
165 110 ,55 Design point 400 570740
9101080 1250 1420 1590 1760 1930
RPM Figure 3: Power versus engine speed for a bowthruster witha slipping 4-bladed propeller and with a 3-bladed propeller with not enough pitch.
120 Ile 40 30 20 (Nil
Main engine speed : 95 rpm
Generator speed : 0 rpm
1.2 1.4 1 i 1 '2
Figure 5; Vibratory torque at the rubber coupling on
a cutter under misfiring during fishing.
7 8 Hz
Figure 4: Vibration of a stopped generatorset due to the main 5-bladed propeller.
-Allowable Mean Allowable RPM cal cal 0.5th Order tracking KNM 35 .3 323 25= 20= 15- 105 -0 , =// / 7 1 ' 400 500 600 Nominal speed 700 .86e
v v
v V V 1l
\I \I V V 11
SECONDSEngine aft verti
Engine front verti
,,a VOLTS;: VOLTS 1V 100 mm/s VOLTS... VOLTS 100 90 80 70 60 SECONDS 2 .6
60 mrigs
Flour* 6: FrequenCy analysis
of engine vertical
vibration versus engine speed
(left) and after balancing
and elastic coupling.
1535 1524 1379 1319 1221 1095 1018 944 829 .5 663 558 0 150 210 240 "ZO 300 30 60 90 120 150 Hz 2299 2205 2117 2032 ..1922 1842 1738 1 4th order Hz SO 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 301 -4 'RPM 2300 2221 2121 1957 1894 113/4 1703 1593 4521 1404 1349 1204 1101 1032 940 503 708 Project 'Nate Date : 13-2-1992 Description :
Ur:Ct.:Joh SAILING Position : ENGINE PLYWEI.SIDE 1st Order (unbalance) 4th order '0 , 3
Torque on the PTO elastic coupling during manoeuvring for two ships with different settings of the electric circuitry.
1300 Tim 2700 Nm C. :MI 511111 liii I 111111 1i1111111M11.1 11=MIr n'4'''"--1 '11..71111 RI 111111111111M1rammay_mmaxan
INIIIMINla=1111E10 IMBIBE SIIMEM111.11110.111/1_ ONO IlltittialTill=
1 11111M =111MM1111%417111111.111+14111 na:7-1:1 NMI I MU alal..111.= WW1
SIN =1.11.1SEISII a. -Iflinganal
110:11l11 Ntimal 1Lao° taco ISMS 1000 ...-. SOO SOO too
...-_ .-..-thruster speed 1500 rpm --___.="e...--a--- 565 rpm . ..I ..- s a . MPG -fuel rack -SECONDS * 3 /WOO Sioo MPS torque 0 Al no I , S -SECONDS ^ __ F ,...__E ... ..---a MP 7 torque 3 Seconds 1.5 sec. SECONDS -_. generator ca° -t-750 Nm -*000 U I 0 R000
Torque Torque Fuel click 000 4000
stopped stopped -4000 -0000 Fuel. rack <Ls. 0.4:1 0: :OUP; A2r hoisting hoisting ^SECONDS SECONDS hoisting 000 SECONDS BUF.A2 SECONDSfioUre 8: Fuel rack and torque of the powerpack
of a straddle carrier before (upper)
and after relocating the governor pick-up's., SO stopped 6200 Nm allowable allowable ,5600 Nm
4, 000 0000780 rpm Aory_TA: 2.5 MW--4. 1 MW--4.4 42-6 kNm---4.44--,,, 37 mm---- . VOLTS -24 luta-VOLTS SUP. A I tUF.A4'
'-19-2 engines in service engine 1 : 2 MW BUF.A1 engine 2 : 0 MWA
Ail Ali
anammonwa WWWWW wag
WIN11111-11111117/1111011rrarla V V V SUE. AZ BUF.A4 SECONDS SECONOS a SECONDS SECONDS BUF.A 412.'6 kNmwr- ..7-VOLT,.,5,_ Thigtrer-- Thigtrer-- Shaft torque SECONDS 15 milliseconds S11: SECONDStharaS
Dynamic behaviour of a generatorset afterelectric interference on governor supply voltage (upper) and master-slave interaction
with tle diva- ErgireGoer)
4. Lob Engine speed ue1 rack F Shaft torque Fuel rack Electric' power engine 2 (master) Shaft tOrque SECONDS engine 2 (slave') 80 kNm -4 VOLTS,. allowable _ allowable 32 VOLTS... mm interference Fuel rack SECONDS