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Nonlinear frequency division multiplexing with b-modulation


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Nonlinear frequency division multiplexing with b-modulation

Shifting the energy barrier

Gui, Tao; Zhou, Gai; Lu, Chao; Lau, Alan Pak Tao; Wahls, Sander



Publication date 2018

Document Version Final published version Published in

Optics Express

Citation (APA)

Gui, T., Zhou, G., Lu, C., Lau, A. P. T., & Wahls, S. (2018). Nonlinear frequency division multiplexing with b-modulation: Shifting the energy barrier. Optics Express, 26(21), 27978-27990.


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Nonlinear frequency division multiplexing

with b-modulation: shifting the energy barrier

































1Photonics Research Centre, Department of Electrical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic

University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

2Photonics Research Centre, Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, The Hong Kong

Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

3Delft Center for Systems and Control, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft, The


4tao.gui@connect.polyu.hk 5s.wahls@tudelft.nl

Abstract: The recently proposed b-modulation method for nonlinear Fourier transform-based

fiber-optic transmission offers explicit control over the duration of the generated pulses and therewith solves a longstanding practical problem. The currently used b-modulation however suffers from a fundamental energy barrier. There is a limit to the energy of the pulses, in normalized units, that can be generated. In this paper, we discuss how the energy barrier can be shifted by proper design of the carrier waveform and the modulation alphabet. In an experiment, it is found that the improved b-modulator achieves both a higher Q-factor and a further reach than a comparable conventional b-modulator. Furthermore, it performs significantly better than conventional approaches that modulate the reflection coefficient. © 2018 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement

1. Introduction

Nonlinear impairments are a major limiting factor in fiber-optic data transmission. There has been significant interest in utilizing the nonlinear Fourier transform (NFT) for data transmission in the last few years [1–7]. The NFT decomposes the ideal Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation (NLS) into a set of parallel communication channels characterized by a nonlinear spectrum [8]. The propagation of signals encoded under this framework reduces, similar to linear channels in the conventional frequency domain, to a simple multiplication with a transfer function. The nonlinear spectrum is divided into two parts: the continuous spectrum, which depends on a real parameter ξ (corresponding to the “dispersive” signal components), and the discrete spectrum where eigenvalues λ lie in the upper half of the complex plane (corresponding to the “solitonic” signal components). Exploiting nonlinearity in optical systems started two decades ago with on-off keying soliton transmissions. A form of ‘eigenvalue communication’ was first proposed in [9]. Following the advances of digital coherent technology in the last decade, arbitrarily complex phase and amplitude modulated signals can be generated and received. Thus, today more dimensions can be used in NFT-based communication designs. Numerous proof-of-concept experiments have been demonstrated by many groups during the last few years. With the modulation of the discrete part (eigenvalue transmission), data rates up to 24 Gbps at 4 Gbaud (6 bits/symbol) have been reported [10]. By modulating the continuous part only, 32 Gb/s transmission with 64 modulated nonlinear subcarriers was demonstrated over 1464 km in [11], showing over 1 dB performance advantage over conventional frequency division multiplexed (FDM) transmissions. The first system modulating both discrete and continuous modes at 26.3 Gbps has been demonstrated in [12].

However, a current issue in NFT-based transmission is that most modulation methods (i.e., methods to embed blocks of data in a nonlinear Fourier spectrum) do not offer tight

#338240 https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.26.027978


control over the duration of the pulse. One solution to this problem is to use the NFT for periodic signals instead of the more common NFT for vanishing signals [13–15]. The transmitter only transmits one period of the generated signal plus a cyclic prefix in this scenario, similar to conventional OFDM. The challenge of the periodic NFT approach is that the NFT for periodic signals is mathematically more complicated. It is in particular not straight-forward to enforce a desired period. So far, only relatively simple systems with a few degrees of freedom have been demonstrated. An alternative solution is our proposed b-modulation method [16], which is based on the NFT for vanishing signals and can generate pulses of a finite, pre-specified duration in a simple way. This method was adopted in an experimental demonstration of 100 Gbps b-modulated nonlinear frequency division multiplexed (NFDM) transmission using 132 subcarriers [17]. A dual polarization NFDM transmission achieving a record net data rate of 400 Gbps based on b-modulation was demonstrated in [18].

In this paper, we extend our previous work [16] and add several modifications to the original b-modulation scheme, including flat top carriers and constellation shaping. The modified method is numerally studied to show the advantages of limited signal time duration compared with conventional modulation of the continuous spectrum (ˆq-modulation). In a back-to-back (B2B) scenario, simulation results show that signal-noise interactions through NFT-processing can be significantly reduced for improved b-modulated signals. Based on the results, we experimentally compare the modified b-modulator techniques with conventional b- and q-modulation schemes for a 14.4 Gbps 16QAM NFDM transmission over 640km standard single-mode fiber (SSMF). The proposed b-modulation scheme demonstrates a Q-factor gain of ~1.2 dB and nonlinear tolerance (launched power) gain of ~4 dB over a conventional FDM system. The results serve as another step forward in designing high performance NDFM signaling techniques for nonlinear transmission systems.

2. Introduction to the b-modulation method 2.1 Basics of the nonlinear Fourier transform

The NFT of a signal q t

( )

, which in our context is either the (normalized) input to or the (normalized) output of a single-mode fiber with anomalous dispersion, is defined in a two-step procedure. First, consider the Zakharov-Shabat problem (see, e.g., [8]) ȥ

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

1 1 1 * 2 2 2 ; ; ( ; ) ; 1 d , : , ; ; ( ; λ) ; 0 dt j t t j t t j q t t a t e t t q t j t b t e t λ λ φ λ λ φ λ λ φ λ φ λ λ φ λ φ λ →− −      −        = =  →                       (1)

where λ is parameter. The NFT of q t

( )

has two parts defined in terms of the limits

( )





a λ =a ∞ λ and b

( )

λ :=b( ; )∞ λ . The first part is the continuous spectrum 

( )

: ( ) / ( )

q ξ =bξ aξ , where ξ∈. The second part is the discrete spectrum


λ ρk, k k 1


K= , where the eigenvalues λk are the solutions to a

( )

λ =0 in Iλ>0, and the residues are given by k: b

( )

k / da

( )



ρ λ λ


= .

The main advantage of the NFT is that it simplifies the nonlinear Schrödinger equation

( )

2 2 2 2 , , , u u j u u u u z t z t=+ = ∂ ∂ (2)


which models the evolution of the complex envelope u z t( , ) at location z and at retarded time t in an ideal optical fiber. Denoting the functions a( )λ and b

( )

λ that correspond to the signal q t

( )

=u z t( , ) by az

( )

λ and bz

( )

λ respectively, the NFT of the fiber input u

( )


can be reconstructed from the NFT of the fiber output u z t( , ) using the relations

( )

( ) ( )

4 2

( )

0 , 0 .

j z

z z

a ξ =a ξ b ξ =e− ξ b ξ (3)

2.2 Conventional modulation methods for the continuous spectrum

We first aim to embed data in the continuous spectrum of the fiber input. The discrete spectrum is not used and chosen to be empty. Several methods have been proposed to modulate a block of symbols s , ,NsN∈, where  is a finite modulation alphabet, into the continuous spectrum. Let ψ

( )

ξ denote a carrier waveform, A 0> a power control factor, and ξs >0 a shift. Most modulation methods (e.g., [3, 19]) for q

( )

ξ take one of two forms,

( )

( )

( )

A2 ( )2 ( )

1 : or 2 : 1 ,

u j u

q ξ =Au ξ q ξ = e ξ − e < ξ (4)

where the power control factor A 0> is a constant and

( )



u : N nψ s . n N s n ξ ξ ξ =− =

− (5)

2.3 The original b-modulation method

The conventional modulation methods for the continuous spectrum offer no control over the duration of the fiber input and suffer from poor utilization of the temporal domain. Motivated by a classic result for the NFT with respect to the Korteweg-de Vries equation [24], it was recently proposed to modulate b

( )

ξ instead of q

( ) ( ) ( )

ξ =b ξ /a ξ [16]. The modulation scheme in [16] was of the form

( )


( )

, with A and

( )

as defined above.

b ξ = ξ u ξ (6)

It was observed that the generated fiber-input q t( ) would be time-limited with

( )

0 for , 2 2

T T q t = t∉ −

  (7)

if the carrier waveform ψ

( )

ξ was bandlimited in the sense that its conventional inverse Fourier transform

( )

( )

Ψ : ψ 2 j d e ∞ τξ ∞ ξ τ ξ π − =


satisfies Ψ

( )

τ =0 for τ [∉ −T T, ]. Note that this condition is a continuous-time version of the realizability conditions derived in the context of codirectional coupler design [22]: in the absence of eigenvalues, the discrete-time version of q t( ) is zero outside a given range if and only if the Fourier series coefficients of the discrete-time version of b

( )

ξ are zero outside a related range. Also note that it is essential that the power scaling factor is a constant w.r.t. to the nonlinear spectral parameter ξ. Except in very specific special cases, a ξ-dependent


power control factor will lead to a time-domain signal that is no longer time-limited even if the carrier wave fulfills the condition mentioned above.

The original b-modulation scheme in [16] is one of the first NFT-based modulation method that offers explicit control over the duration of the generated fiber inputs. It has been demonstrated experimentally in [17, 23], where the carrier waveform was a sinc pulse. We also remark that it was recently proposed [21] to embed information in the analytic extension

( )

b ξ of q

( )

ξ , but the methods in [21] do not lead to time-limited signals. 2.4 The energy barrier

The energy E:= q t

( )


of the generated fiber-input is known to satisfy [8]

( )




1 E log 1 . π b ξ dξ ∞ −∞ = −

− (9)

On the other hand, it is also known [8] that a valid b( )ξ satisfies a

( )

ξ 2+ b( )ξ 2 =1 and thus, in particular,

( )

1 .

b ξ < for allξ (10)

It was observed in [16] that even if the power control factor A is driven towards the limit imposed by the condition b

( )

ξ =A u

( )

ξ <1, the energy of the generated pulses would not surpass a certain finite limit. To better understand this phenomenon, let us consider the case of a single carrier with a unit symbol, i.e. b

( )

ξ =Aψ

( )

ξ . The single carrier case will be indicative for the general case if the shift ξs used in the definition of b

( )

ξ =Au

( )

ξ is large enough. In the single carrier case, the condition b

( )

ξ <1 translates into A 1/ sup | ψ

( )


ξ ξ

< .

The maximum energy we can achieve by adjusting the power control factor A in this case thus is

[ ]

( ) ( )


( )


2 2 A 1/sup ψ 1

MCE ψ : lim log 1 A ψ d

ξ ξ ξ ξ π − ∞ → −∞ = −

− (11)

We call MCE[ψ] the maximum carrier energy of the carrier waveform ψ

( )

ξ . The MCE can be both finite or infinite, depending on the carrier waveform. Consider, e.g.,

( )

1 2 , 1



ψ , 1, 2,3, . 0, 1 n example if n if ξ ξ ξ ξ   = ∈ … >  (12)

The MCE of this carrier waveform is finite for any value of n ,





1 1 2 2 2 A 1 1 1 1 1 4

MCE ψ lim log 1 A 1 n log n .

example n d d ξ ξ ξ ξ π π π − → − −  = = − = < ∞  


The carrier waveforms in [16] were impulse responses of raised cosines, and it can be checked numerically that their MCE is indeed finite as well. Interestingly, this is not true for all carrier waveforms. The MCE of a rectangular carrier waveform,


( )

1, 1 ψ 0, 1 rect if if ξ ξ = ξ ≤ >  (14) is actually infinite,







2 A 1 1 1 1 2

MCE ψrect lim log 1 A lim log(1 A ) .

A dξ ∞ π π − − → → − = −

− = − − = (15)

Rectangular carriers however defeat the purpose of b-modulation – their inverse Fourier transform Ψ

( )

τ is not compactly supported, so that the duration of the generated pulses is not finite anymore. The same discussion applies if a root raised cosine is chosen as the carrier

( )

ψ ξ , or if b

( )

ξ is formed similar to q2

( )

ξ as in [18]. In both cases, the energy barrier is defeated, but the signals are no longer of finite duration because b

( )

ξ is not bandlimited.

In contrast, the energy barrier is not that relevant for conventional modulation of the continuous spectrum, i.e., the modulation of q1

( )

ξ and q2

( )

ξ , respectively. The energy of a signal obtained by modulation of q1

( )

ξ is given by

( )


( )



( )



2 1 1 log 1 1 log 1 A ψ . E q t dt q d d ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ξ ξ ξ ξ π π − − −   = =  +  = +  


As soon as the absolute value of the carrier waveform can be lower bounded by some rectangle, the energy will go to infinity for A→ ∞. The same holds for the modulation of

2( )

q ξ , which has been especially designed to enable explicit control the pulse energy.

3. The improved b-modulator 3.1 Carrier waveform

In light of the discussion in the previous section, we find that the carrier waveform should at least fulfill the following two conditions: ψ

( )

ξ should have a

i) compactly supported Ψ

( )

τ to ensure finite pulse durations; and ii) large enough MCE to enable sufficiently high signal energies.

The sinc and raised cosine carriers used for b-modulation so far satisfy these conditions, but there is nevertheless an issue with them that has not been obvious so far since we focused on the single carrier case until now. Ideally, the maximum energy we can achieve with a multicarrier system containing 2N+1 carriers would be


2N+1 MCE


[ ]

ψ . However, when performing b-modulation with sinc or raised cosine carriers, the individual carriers are only guaranteed not to influence each other at the carrier centers due to the Nyquist property. At other nonlinear frequencies, the individual carriers do interact and can form a maximum at random nonlinear frequencies that is very hard to control. Since the amplification factor has

to satisfy

( )


A 1/ sup |< b ξ |, such an uncontrollable maximum can limit the maximum energy in a multicarrier system to random value much less that


2N+1 MCE


[ ]

ψ . To avoid this issue, we require our carrier waveform to fulfill a third condition: ψ

( )

ξ should be


iii) localized in the ξ domain so that with reasonably large carrier spacing ξs , no uncontrollable maxima occur in b

( )

ξ .

To address all three conditions i)—iii), we propose to use Fourier-transformed flat top windows (e.g., [20]) as carrier waveforms since they are bandlimited, concentrated in the ξ

domain, and approximate a rectangle at their center (which has infinite MCE). In our experiments and simulations, we used the carrier that corresponds to the flat-top window

( )


( )

flat top m 0 1, 1 1 Ψ a cos , , 0, m if r m r T T T otherwise τ τ πτ τ τ =  ≤     =     =     


which was designed using the “Program 1” Matlab script in [20] with inputs that put equal weight on the perfect flatness of the carrier around zero and the decay of the sidelobes (i.e., N=64, M =15, DN=D0 7= and delt=0). The constant T >0 is the desired pulse duration in normalized units (see Section 2.3). The coefficients


a are given as Table 1.

Table 1. The value of coefficients am 0 a =1.00781249999087 a4=2.01557690160615 a8=1.80756640511884 a12=0.229897459751809 1 a =2.01562499996723 a5 =2.01459671013285 a9=1.49055821347783 a13=0.064961507923051 2 a =2.01562499848123 a6=2.00542418293614 a10=1.03117157326193 a14=0.0112874144984265 3 a =2.01562428510123 a7=1.95813292084616 a11=0.563957100582878 a15=0.000905697614069561 The corresponding carrier waveform is

( )

15 m 0 a sin c sin c . flat top m T T m m ξ ξ ψ ξ π π =      =   − +  +       


Both are shown as Fig. 1 for the duration T =4.5.

Fig. 1. The shape of the carrier ψ ξ( ) and its inverse Fourier transform Ψ τ( ) for T=4.5. 3.2 Constellation shaping

The energy of the fiber input in the original b-modulation method b

( )

ξ =A ( )uξ with ( )uξ as in (4) was adjusted through the power control factor A 0> . The energy of a single carrier that has been modulated with a symbol sn∈ is, as above,

[ ]


2 2

( )



n 1 E s log 1 A sn ψ d . ∞ ∞ ξ ξ π − = −

− (19)


A disadvantage of the original b-modulation method discussed earlier is that the energy ratio

[ ] [ ]

n k

E s / E s for two different carriers n k≠ can be very different from the energy ratio

2 2


s / sk of their symbols. This is in contrast to the linear case, where the ratios are equal. To avoid the generation of disproportionately weak carriers, we propose to abandon the power control factor A 0> and use a reshaped version



shaped shaped shaped

1 M

a , ,a

= …

 (20)

of the given modulation alphabet =


a , ,a1M



In the improved b-modulator, a block of symbols s , ,NsN∈ is modulated as follows. Denote the index of the value in the alphabet that sn takes by m n

( )

such that sn =am n( ). The

( )

b ξ for the given block of symbols is then given by

( )



( )


shaped shaped shaped shaped

m n m N Ψ , where :=a . n s n b ξ s ξ nξ s =− =

− ∈ (21)

The reshaped modulation alphabet is chosen as shaped

m m m

a := γ am, where γ >0. (22)

Let Ed >0 denote some desired average energy (in normalized units). Assuming that

[ ]

MCE Ψ is high enough to support Ed, the γm are defined indirectly by the relations

( )






2 2 shaped m 2 2 d 1 1 E a : log 1 ψ E , / m m m M a a d a a M ∞ ∞ γ ξ ξ π −   = − =   +…+


where m 1, , .= …M The term in the middle of this equation is monotonously increasing in m

γ , while the right-hand side is known and independent of γm . Therefore, we could determine the γm using the bisection method; the integral was computed numerically. Note that our choice of γm ensures that the energy ratios of the modulated carriers match the energy ratios of their symbols with respect to the original modulation alphabet, i.e.,

2 2 E shaped / shaped / . n k n k s E s s s    =     (24)

In other words, the generation of disproportionately weak carriers is avoided. Another advantage is that the average modulated carrier energy matches the desired average energy,

shaped shaped 1 M d E a E a E . M  +…+      = (25)

The γm are monotonously increasing functions of the desired energy Ed. As Ed approaches the maximum carrier energy MCE

[ ]

ψ , the γm will converge towards 2

( )



1/ supam ψ ξ . 3.3 Simulation examples

In this subsection, we numerically investigate the performance of the improved b-modulator with that of several other methods in a back-to-back (B2B) scenario. The original modulation alphabet is a 16-QAM. It is shown together with its shaped version, for a desired carrier energy Ed =4, in Fig. 2(a). The fiber inputs generated by the original b-modulator (i.e.,


( )

A ( )

b ξ = u ξ ; A is adapted to control the signal energy; the constellation is not shaped), the improved b-modulator (i.e., b

( )

ξ =u( )ξ ; the reshaped constellation is used to control the average signal energy) and the two conventional modulators (from q1

( )

ξ , q2

( )

ξ mentioned in Section 2.2) all contain 2N+ =1 9 flat-top subcarriers with random symbols and a shift of



ξ = . We emphasize that in our setup both b-modulators, original and improved, use the same flat-top carrier. The reason for not using a sinc or the impulse response of a raised cosine was that, with such carriers, the original b-modulation scheme was not able to match the energies of the improved b-modulator. The advantage of this choice is that we can isolate the effect of constellation shaping in our investigations. Some example pulses are shown in Fig. 2(b). The symbol duration for the b-modulators is T =4.5. For the q -modulation methods, much larger windows are used to generate the initial signals and then truncated to


T = . All four q t

( )

have the same energy. The q t

( )

generated by the b-modulators are constrained to [-2.25 2.25] by design, while the other q t

( )

are more spread out and suffer from slowly decaying tails. The fiber inputs q t

( )

generated by the b-modulators are exactly zero outside the interval [-2.25, 2.25], but they are already very small for t >1. This phenomenon can be explained with the shape that the inverse Fourier transform Ψ τ( ) of the carrier waveform ψ ξ

( )

(see Fig. 1). It decays quickly and is very small long before it becomes exactly zero. Consequently, the same holds for the inverse Fourier transform B

( )


of b

( )

ξ , which in turn is at least indicative for the behavior of q t

( )

; for signals with low amplitudes b

( )

ξ reduces to a conventional linear Fourier transform so that B

( )

τ reduces to

( )

q t . Hence, we will later be able to truncate the signals generated by the b-modulators to durations shorter than T =4.5. The truncation error made will be much lower than for conventional q-modulation because the tail is rapidly, and not slowly, decaying to zero. To corroborate this claim, we show the 99.9% durations and bandwidths of each q t

( )

modulated with randomly chosen blocks of symbols by the four methods in Fig. 2(c). It can be seen that the 99.9% durations of the pulses generated by the b-modulators are consistently lower than that for the conventional modulation methods. Figure 2(d) shows the (conventional) Fourier transforms of the four fiber input types, which are all very similar.


Fig. 2 domai modu and b spectr Then, to u investigated methods (desc time waveform of a linear fre as the other m where the imp FDM method BER as a fun of 1e-3 (FEC b-modulation curve, while a b-modulation attribute the b instead of a p are less sensi been observe possible expl encompasses 16-QAM con time domain sufficient the which is requ fixed SNR = energy E (wd desired carrie 2. (a) Constellatio in shape of the fib lator, two convent andwidths of fibe ra for the four fibe

understand the the back-to-ba cribed in the S m power to av equency divisio methods. The p pact of tail tru d. No additiona ction of SNR f threshold), th method are ∼ almost no pena schemes use t better performa power control f itive to noises

d for the discr lanation is tha an additional nstellation perf translate into oretical unders uired for the de 8dB, the noise which controls er energies Ed on shape of 16 Q ber inputs |q t( )| tional modulators er inputs q t by ( ) r inputs q t . ( ) signal-noise in ack (B2B) pe Sections 2.2, 2. veraged noised on multiplexing pulses were tru uncation is neg al guard interva

for the four mo e SNR penalti 6 dB and ~1 d alty is observed the same flat-t ance of the im factor. The res than the q1/ 2

rete spectrum at ( )aξ is also noise contribu forms bad sinc o quite compli standing of ho esign of optim e tolerance for the average po lead to strong

AM and its shap generated by the

by q1/2 with sam the four modulat

nteraction thro erformance of 3 and 3) under power ratio). W g (FDM) schem uncated to a du

ligible for the al (GI) was use odulation meth es of the q1/ 2

dB respectively d for the impro top carriers an mproved scheme sults clearly in -modulation s in [21] and th o affected by ution. Another ce additive wh icated noises i ow noises affe mal constellatio the different m ower of fiber in ger decaying ta

ped version with E improved b-mod me information; (c tion methods; (d) ough NFT proc f the signals g r different norm We also invest me that uses th uration of T = b-modulation ed. For an aver hods are shown modulation sc y in compariso oved b-modulat nd carrier spaci e to the use of ndicate that the schemes. A si he continuous noise, such th possible expla hite Gaussian n in the nonline ect the nonline ons, is still lac methods under

nputs) are show ails and less to

d E =4; (b) Time dulator, original b-c) 99.9% durations Fourier transform cessing, we num generated by malized SNR ( tigated the per he same flat-top 2 = before tran methods and t rage energy Ed n in Fig. 3(a). A chemes and the on with the lin

tion scheme. S ing in this exa f reshaped con e b-modulation imilar phenom spectrum in [ hat the resulti anation is that noises (AWGN ear Fourier do ear Fourier coe cking. In additi various averag wn in Fig. 3(b olerance to nois e -s m merically the four (averaged formance p carriers nsmission, the linear d =4, the At a BER e original near FDM Since both ample, we nstellation n schemes menon has [17]. One ing effect t a square N) in the omain. A efficients, ion, for a ge carrier b). Higher se for the


conventional sensitivity. Th Fig. 3 B2B s averag 3.4 The role The b-modula components. modulation. W It is

well-( )

b λ can be real by using normally is o Remember th satisfy The signals g added on top equation abov

( )

* * 1−b λ b (λ locations at w symbols ,sN a practical m modulation. 4. Experime 4.1 Experime We also cond experimental symbols were coefficient b


non-linear met he original b-m . For improved b-scenario (a) BER ge energy of E ud

of solitons ators used here

The question a We suspect that

-known (see, e found for any g analytic con only guaranteed hat solitons ar enerated by the of a time-lim ve we see that *) λ . See, e.g., which eigenvalu ,sN … that wer modulation an ental results ental setup ducted experim setup and of e mapped eith

( )

ξ . The burs thods. Howeve modulator again modulated, origin vs SNR at an av under SNR = 8dB.

e and in the lite arises whether t these benefits e.g., [8]) that y complex λ ntinuation. Th d for λ ξ= re re represented

( )

k 0 a λ = e b-modulator mited signal wit the correspon [22], [Sec. IV ues can be pla re used to gene nd demodulati

and discuss

mental verificat ffline DSP stru her onto the co st durations an

er, the improve n performs wor al b-modulated, q verage energy of E erature so far g r the addition o s are negligible for finite-dura

from their res he condition a eal, consequen in the NFT t

( )



* 0b λ b λ contain no sol thout extendin nding eigenvalu V] or also [25 aced on top of erate b

( )

ξ . Th ion scheme th sion

tions of the pro ucture. At the ontinuous spec nd the number

ed b-modulator rse than our im

 1/2 q modulated and d E =4; (b) Q fac generate signal of solitons cou e. ation signals, t strictions ( )a ξ

( ) ( )

* * a λ a λ +b ntly becomes tr through eigenv


* 1. λ = litons. It is kno ng the tempora ues can only b 5], (Case c) in

a b-modulated his seems to ma hat uses solit

oposed algorith e transmitter s ctrum q1/ 2

( )

ξ r of subcarrier r can largely re mproved version d FDM systems in ctor as function of ls that have no uld bring bene the functions a ) and b

( )

ξ wi

( ) ( )

* 1

b λ b λ =

rue for all com values λk, wh

own that soliton al support, but be added at the n Sec. 3. The d signal thus d ake it difficult tons together hm. Figure 4 s side, random or onto the s rs were same educe the n. n f o solitonic efits to

b-( )

a λ and ith λ ξ= 1 , which mplex λ. hich now (26) ns can be from the e zeros of e possible depend on to devise with b-shows the 16-QAM scattering as in the


simulation set the number o between neig compensate t (AWG) with normalization 0.4 ns. The to modulator, th The loop cons top optical fil of-band ampl oscillator wer ADJUSTIK F in the x-pola digital storag sampled signa also shown in received signa spectrum. A channel distor (BER) calcula Fig. 4 optica A develop inverse and f NFT for the b that this is a f in order to gen The algorithm and based on processing is notation into a 4.2 Results a To illustrate t the performan multiplexing other methods tting in Section of subcarriers ghboring burst the imperfectio 92 GSa/s was n parameter T0

otal bit rate of he optical wave sists of two spa ter with a 3-dB lified spontane re from fiber Fiber laser with arization, the r e scope with al was analyze n Fig. 4. After al was separate training symb rtion in NFDM ations. 4. DSP structure a al band-pass filter; pment version forward NFTs. b-modulators i fast algorithm, nerate D samp m for the NFT i n the results in thus O D( log2 account – close and discussio the effectivene nce of the diff (FDM) schem s was also exp

n 3.3, that is, th was 2N+ =1 ts. After the i on of transmit used to genera 0.2 = ns, the b f the designed eform was amp an 80-km SSM B bandwidth of eous emission laser sources h linewidth < 1 received signal a sampling ra ed by off-line r timing synch ed into bursts f bol based equ M systems. The and experimental PC: polarization c n of the softw The numerica s the modifica which only req ples of the sign is already inclu n [28]. The ov 2D flops, whi)

e to that of a co ons

ess of the propo ferent modulat

e that uses the erimentally tes

he duration of 9 . No extra z inverse NFT, tter component ate the electrica burst duration system is 14. plified and lau MF and lumped f 1 nm was use (ASE) noise. with very lo 100Hz). After a l was then co ate of 80 GSa/ digital signal p hronization and for further NF ualizer followe e last steps we

setup. AWG: arb controller. ware library FN al algorithm th ation of Algorit quires ( logO D nal ( )q t . It wil uded in the curr verall complex ich is – not tak onventional OF osed improved tion systems in e same flat-top

sted with the sa

f the transmitte zero guard int a linear pre-nts. An arbitrar al waveform o in physical un 4 Gbps. After unched into a f d amplification ed inside the lo

Both the tran ow laser phase alignment by a oherently detec /s and a bandw processing (D d frequency of T processing t ed to compens ere symbol dec

bitrary waveform NFT [26] was hat was used t thm 2 in [27]


g D floating ) ll be part of the rrent release of xity of our tra king the hidden FDM system. d b-modulation

n Fig. 5. A lin p carriers and p ame setup plat

d bursts was T

terval (GI) wa -equalizer was

ry waveform f the burst trai nits is equal to r conversion by fiber recirculat n only by EDFA oop to suppres nsmitter laser a e noise (NKT a polarization c cted and samp

width of 33 G SP), whose str ffset compensa to recover the n sate the impa cision and bit

generator; OBPF s used to com to compute th described in [ point operation e next release f FNFT. It is fa ansceiver digit n constants in t n scheme, we c near frequency parameter setti tform. As show 2 T = and as placed s used to generator in. With a 0 T T× = y the I/Q ting loop. A. A flat-s the out-and local Koheras controller pled by a GHz. The ructure is ation, the nonlinear ct of the error rate : mpute the he inverse 16]. Note ns (flops) of FNFT. ast as well tal signal the big-O compared y division ing as the wn in Fig.


5, after 640 k advantage in the improved launched pow for original b improve the to -modulated si demonstration slowly decay enforced and confirms the that signals d of optical tr implementatio nonlinear resp result, advanc be important r Fig. 5 modu 5. Conclusio In this paper, recently prop over the signa Numerical st translate into techniques al continuous sp further improv Funding European Res innovation pr Research Fun km transmissio terms of Q-fac d b-modulated wer) to ~4 dB i b-modulated s olerance to the ignals did not ns [23]. This is ying tails in th no additional advantage of esigned using ransceivers [7 on penalties du ponses, phase ced modulation research topics . Q-factor as func lated, q1/2 modula ons we proposed t osed b-modula al power and a tudies and ex further reach a llow one to g pectrum modu ve optical com search Council rogramme (gra nd (PolyU 1521

on, the improv ctor over the o scheme exten in comparison systems. This e fiber nonlinea show the sam s because q -m he time domai GI is used, the b-modulation inverse NFTs 7,11]. Thus, o ue to limitation noise and lim n formats, digit s and challenge

tion of average po ated and linear FD

to use flat top c ation scheme. avoids that som xperimental d and higher Q-f generate pulses ulation method mmunications sy l (ERC) under ant agreement N 116/15E). ved b-modulat original b-mod nds the gain o to FDM syste indicates the arity impairme e advantages o modulated sign

in. In our syst ey suffer from in limiting the are very sensit our experimen ns of current p mited resolutio tal signal proce es for future NF ower at 640 km for DM systems. carriers and co The improved me subcarriers demonstrations factors. It was s with lower s. The propos ystems based o r the European No 716669); T

ted system off dulated and FD

of nonlinear th em, while only

proposed b-m ent. One will no over FDM sign nals tend to hav tem, where sh severe truncat e signal durati tive to linear a ntal results in practical device ons of the opt

essing, and cal FT research. r improved b-mod onstellation sha d b-modulator are substantia showed tha also demonstr time-bandwidt ed method ser on nonlinear Fo n Union’s Hori The Hong Kon

fers 0.3 dB an DM system. In

hreshold (the y 2 dB gain is modulation sch ote that the res nals as in othe ve longer dura hort time dura tion errors. Th ion. We finall and nonlinear r n Fig. 5 suf es, including l tical transceive libration techni dulated, original b-aping to impro provides bette ally weaker tha at these impro rated that b-m th products th rves as anothe ourier transform izon 2020 rese ng Governmen nd 1.2 dB addition, optimum observed heme can sults of q er NFDM ations and ations are his further ly remark responses ffer from inear and ers. As a iques will -ove on the er control an others. ovements odulation han other er step to m. earch and t General



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