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The wavescan second generation directional wave buoy


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(ii,r prest.d at the

sanoigy Intaatj

Technsche HogschooI


3riita%, U.K., Nar 19U)




Stephen F. Barstow

Oceanographic Center (OSS). Trondheirn, Norway

Gird Ueland

Continental Shelf and Petroleum Research. Institute Ltd (IKU),

Trondheim, Norway

BjGrn A. Fossum

SEATEX A/S. Trondheirn, Norway


This paper describes the new ml.tipurpose data buoy VESCAN specially designed for directional wave uasurementa. The overall objective has been to produce a second generation high capability metocean data buoy, with full in situ processing, real time telemetry and onshore result

presentation. One of the main goals was to design a buoy hull with the wave following capability needed to accurately measure wave slope whilst at the same time retaining the stability to operate and collect meteorological data. under the extren conditions the buoy is likely to

meet It is this aspect of the design that we concentrate on in this paper. However, it was seen 6f equal inçortance that the buoy should be conçact and modular in design for ease of operation and maintenance, and should take full advantage of recent microprocessor technology for

real time data processing, system monitoring and event controlled data collection. The buoy system should also be based on the ARGOS satellite system for world wide surveillance and data transmission and have a user-friendly data presentation. Finally, the cost of the system should be reasonable conared to other systems presently available.

The present paper puts the present design into perspective by briefly reviewing the advantages and disadvantages of the various buoy hulls whidh have been ençloyed for collection of metocean data. We then proceed by discussing the stability and dynamic response of the final design followed by a discussion of results from a field test intercomparison during which a prototype buoy was deployed for several weeks offshore mid-Norway. The VESC?N system functions and the

directional wave analysis are sunmarised in the Appendices.



VESCAN is a second generation metocean data buoy specially designed for directional wave spectrt measurements. It is an integral part of the SEASCAN real time data collection and presentation system, which is




the result of a 3 year R & D prOject at The Continental Shelf Institute (IJ) in Trondheith. The overall objective of this project has been to expand the capabilities of medit size data collection buoys to include full, in-situ processing of directional wave and meteorological

para-meters and to tranit the results to the user in real time by

the Argos satellite system. However, equally iortant was that the

buoy should have a ixdular

and ccact design for

ease of operation and

maintenance, be capable of event controlled data collection and finally to have a. reasonable, cost without sacrificing reliability.

I1 deployed its first buoy with wave direction measurement capability in 1980. Since then oceanographic arid meteorological measurements have been carried out with several buoys of this type, here referred to

as (XAS-buoys, totalling about 10 buoy-years. Measurements have been carried out. at. a nunher of locations fr the tropics to the

high arctic. Operational experience had shown that to obtain acceptable

data recovery by iroving instrntation

reliability, an intensive

maintenance and inspection program was needed. This lead naturally' to high operational costs, especially when coupled with the logistic

problems of operating at offshore locations which were far from the coast and widely sparated geographically. The. need to develop a tre reasonably priced cost-effective system therefore rapidly became evident.

The increasing requirement from the offshore industry for the acqui-sition of wave directionality data alified this need for new data

collection equipnt. Even though the analytic methods for obtaining directional wave data from wave slope following buoys was well developed, it was evident' that the lack of adequate and reliable


was a limiting factor. With this background IKEJ in 1981/82 forilated a project with the aim to design a second generation data buoy system to meet these requirements.

The objectives for the develoent project were to design, build and test a buoy based data collection system for directional wave data acquisition and presentation within a period of 2 years, based on the following criteria:



Re&cti.on of the overall cost of threctj.ona]. wave data acquisition and presentation.

Increase in the flexibility and ease of operation

together with extension of the unattended period at sea.

Irovemant of data recover'by performance


- Enhancement of the potential

use of the buoy system by

providing a set of metocean data together with directional wave data in real time.

Inclusion of facilities for event controlled data collection. Provision of a system capable Of opeçating on a worldwide basis.

In order to meet these objectives the project was divided into logical sub-units corresponding to the main develoçznent efforts:

Buoy Null Design.

-. In-situ Processing and Control Software.

- Electronics for the Data Acquisition Nodule. - Real-tima Monitoring and Data Presentation.

- Enhanced Storage and Data


In this paper we concentrate on the buoy hull and a first assessment of the overall measuring performance of the buoy system. we first discuss the various buoy hull designs which were considered at the. project outset and si.arise their strengths nd weaknesses based on a brief literature survey, we then proceed


discussing the .thods used in

designing the final buoy hull. Based on cOnuter siilat-ions and a

comprehensive series of wave tank tests we s1.mmarise the response. and stability characteristics of the buoy system.

The VESCA1J prototype was deployed

on Haltenbanken for its first full scale sea trial in Autuim 1984. One of the first wave directional buoys extensively used by IKU, QCAS.!492 (manufactured


Bergen Ocean Data),



was also moored nearby. The results of this field

trial interconcarison are presented here and are used to qualify the

fulfillmant of the design objectives. Finally, although lack of space does

not allow us to describe in detail the advanced electronics fQrming the backbone of the system, we do give a brief overview of the basic VESCN

functions in Appendix 2.






A n'.er of generic buoy hull, shapes have been suggested with the view to collecting metocean data. These range fr the

lOm monster buoys


for long term unattended operation, to small 2 utre

research buoys designed for short term deployints from research ships.

The first real effort towards an wxferst.anding of the

total buoy system

dynamics was

inde uier the



Buoy Developent Project which started in the United States in 1967, later coordinated by the

AA Data Buoy Office (0). airing the early 1970s the NDSO was fore-. most in wave tank testing of various types of data buoys and the

develont of

mathematical models from knowledge carried over from

ship theory. This rk has been well. doci.nnted in a series of publications. Kaplan et al (1972) and later Hoffman et al (1973) report on the concarison of mathematical udel results with model wave tank. tests of a ntunber of generic buoy shapes including discus, boat, catamaran and spar types, the latter report being an excellent state-of-the-art review.

Marechal (1973) tested three generic shapes (Fig. 2.1) which have later been applied for the maasuremant of wave direction. One was the discus solution used for the DEl and )B monster buoys, a number of research buoys such as the original


pitch-and-roll buoy (Longuet-Higgins et a.l,1963) and the Colombia University 1.5 m discus



It is perhaps riot too, unfair to state that we can sum up the problems

of a discus type buoy by the fact that the Colombia University buoy was equipped with radio antenna on both faces of the disc, one piercing downwards into the water I Other directional wave systems, apart from E and the DB-series, which have been developed are of much smaller size (typically 2.5 m diamater).





Disk w/IglOo Disk wIC'wwgflt

Figure 2.1. The tIree generic buoy hull shape tested by Marechal

(1973) in

breaking waes

ai later adopted to asure directional wave spectra.

The response characteristics of the three hull types used for

directional nasurements may be st rised as follOws:


A free

floating disttth buoy has near perfect wave

following ability up to a frequency determined by the buoy's diauter (the buoy will tend to begin to "go through" waves as the wavelength approaches the buoy diameter). However, the stability is basically poor, but this may be içcoved by enloying specially

designed noring systems which in turn can adversely affect dyna.ic response. Such systems may only then be eloyed to collect a full range of mateorological paraters.

Disc with counterweight: Typical

2.5 diater buoys which

have been used in Norway are of this type. aid sho good wave following ability up to about 0.3Hz frçm which frequency the buoys show enhanced pitch and roIl. The pitch/roll eigenfrequency for OPAS-492 is at 0.36Hz. This seems to be satisfactorily corrected for by

assing that the buoy behaves like a foçced linear reSonator in response to the surface wave slope (Barstow and Krogstad, 1984), thus giving directional wave information up to approX. 0.5 Hz where again buoy diameter is the limiting factor. Stability is good allowing mateorological data also to be collected.


Disc with igloo: Pynamic response is presumably good (no published in.formation apart from so-'called check ratios which, as we show


Appendix 1, give an indication of amplitude response - Ezraty et al., 1981, 1983; Pitt et al., 1985). Meteorological data collection may be difficult due to stability problems.





The disc/counterweight generic buoy hull type used for the ODAS-buoys was also chosen for the second generation buoys as it was considered to be the st promising Solution

for a clete

tocean buoy system,

i. e one that would allow both teoro1ogia1 and directional wave data

to be collected. Based on this choice the aim was to design a new buoy huLl with sufficient righting nt in the extre breaking waves

likely to occur in its applicatian areas. In this respect experiences

with the CAS type design, with its proven stability, could be used In addition, it was seen as an added advantage if the natural pitch frequency could at the sa tims be increased over O..4 Hz in order to

reve the resonance fr the major ocean wave frequency range.

Although a good deal has been written about the resonse àf the larger discus buoys, very little has so far been published on the response characteristics and other design considerations for the smaller buoy systems. It is clear that for all directional systems there has been made soma choice giving a compromise solution between stability and dynamic response.

. approaches re made towards the design objectives apart from assessing experiences from the ODAS buoys. First, computer simulations ware made using the

AA Data

Buoy Office's siimilation dél of the total system


configuration for various design

alternatives., Although useful experience was qained from this exercise, it was not easy to relate results directly to physical values. Secordly, a comprehensive series of model wave tank tests (Barstow, 1984) were run to test the theory and quantify differences between the various alternatives. The following variables were considered in the design optimisation:


- Buoy hull shape

- Length of understructure - Counterweight

- Mooring type

- Mooring attachnt point

The design proceeded by intercoaring response and stability of three possible buoy hull designs, all of the disc/counterweight type. The dels were fabricated to a 1:20 scale. A del of the ODAS 492 buoy was used as a control. The following tests were. carried out ui a towing tank at the Norwegian Hydrodynamic Laboratories

() in Trondheim:

- Determination of natural. frequencies in pitch and heave in still water

Dynamic response in reilar waves covering a. wide raxige of frequencies and at two wave alithdes corresponding to '1/2 and 2/3 of the breaking height for the given frequency.

- Dynamic response in irregular waves. - Stability in breaking waves.

- Towing test in still water.

Al]. tests were repeated for different combinations of understructure length/counterweight and mooring attachment 'point. TWO types Of mooring were also tested the standard mooring (Fig. 3.1) and a vertically pretensioned mooring solution. Measured


included wave, height and period and the buoy's heave, pitch arid. surge and mooring loads.

Response alitude operators, which are rton-dimensional paratCrs specifying the ratio of model to real values of pitch and surge were computed for all tests and interconcared.




Figure 3.1 The cVESCPIN buoy and its standard oririg system.

Based on the response and stability characteristics of the three

dels and the god agreennt of the

ODAS-492 n*del



full scale asLirents, a prototype de1 (closely resembling the full scale prototype depicted in Fig.

3.2) was

manufactured. It was subseiently Subjected to a similar series of tests to those described, above, this time in a larger towing tank at NHL with emphasis on dyiamic response iii regular waves and stability in breaking waves Both pliuging and spilling breakers up to ii. m (full Scale) were used. This may appear soWhat low, but an analysis of wave records carried out by Kjeldsen and Myrhaug (1978) had shown.that only waves in the range up


to 13 m have extreu steepUess racteristjcs. These tests showed that the prototype udel fulfilled both the stability and dynamic response requ.irents set at


outset. The next stage was

the manufact,.re of

the first prototype


based on


de1, to test

it out in

the real environznt, compare with the ixdel test results and, if

necessary, adjust. sô of the design paratérs. The field testS are described in. the following section.



Figure 3.2 The final WAV CAN design.

Buoy 650kg





The main irpose of the field tests were: to assess the


characteristics of


system; to get a first impression on. system durability and to uncover possible weak spots in the system; and

to obtain a first assesnt on PVESCAN' s ability to measure,

and also compute in real time, the direction4.wave spectn.

We have tried to meet the latter objective by assessing the physical realism of


directions.], data based. on meteorological and geographical

conditions, by internal check parameters and by intercomparing

the VESCAN data with data fr the cAS-492 buoy

ored neirby. The two

buoys crise

different electronics, compasses and wind sensors. Although

VESCAN should have somewhat better wave following ability than AS-492 it was not expected that this would have a large

effect on the directional

wave spectn (see Appendix 1).

4.1, Prototype tests

The first VESQN prototype was completed during

Autunri 1984. After a

series of function tests in the fjord off Trondheim, the buoy was


on 18th October approximately 150 km off the Norwegian

coast on Haltenbanken (Fig. 4.1). The water depth at


deployment area is

about 270. metres ,and as may be seen from the map, fetch


will be strong for a sector of width arotnd 200°, whilst outside

this sector the ocean stretches south westwards out into the Atlantic

and northwards up into the Barents Sea. The location is, therefore, situated in one of

the ust exposed areas of the

Norwegian Shelf.


recorded by the ODAZ-buoys during 1980 to 1985 in this area has

produced significant wave heights up to 14 m and single waves up to 24

m. The. area is also exposed to energetic long period swell from the Atlantic. Currents in the area are generally small with maximi.wi near surface current events (60,'s) associated with inertial oscillations. No current measurements were available at the time of the field trial.

ThIVESCAN was posit-ioned on Ha].tenbanken for two nth long deployments

during the

1984-85 winter. Operational experiences have been good with over 95% wave data return. Both buoys were equipped with the real time wave processors described in Appendix 2 allowing us to follow the testing in real time. Preliminary results based on the real tjme ARGOS data has been presented in Jeiand and Barstow (1985).





Figure 4.1 Th* location of


field test site to

the west of

Ealtenbanken on the Norwegian


I -- I I- 4 4

18 18 20 21 22 23 24 .23 31


Figure 4.2 Coarison of

aYprincipal wave direction,


and b) wind direction for real. ti ARCOS

data C)

and post!-processed data recorded on the bi.oy' $


Data loggers



-Fig. 4.2 shows that the data collected in real time by the ARGOS


is in good agreent with the directional wave data poSt-analysed


IKLT fr the Sea Data tapes.

4.2 Data Analysis

Both the. VESCAN and the ODAS-492 buOys (Fig.4..3) asured synchronous

time series Of heave, pitch, roil and ccmpa5a together


wind speed, direction, air pressure, sea and air temperature.

Time series were 34 mine, in length and were sampled at 1. Hz giving

a Nyquist frequency at 0.5 Hz. Measurement sequences started

every third hour, ending on the hour. The AS-492 buoy was equipped with a Dataweil Hippy

12QA wave

sensor whilst


'WIVESCAN system had a Hippy

40. Installed, The.

crmpariscn between the t système is based on the period fr 18th October - 9th November 1984. Wave conditions varied,


a nter

of storms, maxi

significant wave height reaching 6.5 metres. A swell event and a number of situations with crossing wave trains producing .iltindal wave spectra also occurred. Wave heights were. rarely under 2 metres.


4.2.]. Dynamic response

The first stage of the analysis was to derive the slope, transfer

functions. Both buoys were subjected to

this analysis, i

.e. we did not

'as a priori that the nominal ODAS 492 transfer


(Barstow and Krogstad, 1984) were correct. The


by which the transfer functions are derived is described in Appendix 1. The buoys' response

to wave slope is assud to be that of a forced linea,r oscillator with associated pitch/roil eigenfrequency and damping ratio. Before we correct for the buoy's dynamic response, the phase of the heave/slope cross-spectra is as shown in Fig. 4.4a. In Figures 4.4b and c we show the phases after correction for transfer functions accocding to the best fit eigenfrequency and damping ratio. The corrected phases have nearly ideal behaviour for both systems. The eigenfrequency derived for VESCAN was fomd to be 0.43 Hz which meets the design objective and agrees closely with the measured ndel 'eigenfrequency.








Frequency (Hz)



0DM 492

Figure 4.3 1VQN and


492 bioys

at Halteribanken during the

inte tcciari

son test.


OOAS 492


0. 0







Figure 4.4 Cross spectral phases fo VESCAN (- )

and ODAS




a) before. correction by transfer functions, b) 2 In

< HMO < 4 m (best fit transfer functions) and C) kfi10 > 4 in

(best fit transfer fwctions). The t curves shown for each system correspond to elevation/east


eievatioiViorth phases.



015/2/1 4/E1S

- 14

By using this approach for deriving the slope transfer functions it

s1u1d. be pointed out that only the phase is checked. The check ratio, RD (see Apçendix 1) is dependent Only on the dulus of the transfer

functions for a sytric boy systen. In

Figure 4.5, the. nan RD is

plotted vs. non-dinsjonal frequency, f/f1 for all the 173 records in

the first depioynnt period.

RD is very cloSe to i. near the. spectral peak frequency as we would expect. We also notice that

RD increases slightly over unity for the higher frquencies. This may partially

be due to .zrent advection. The deviation below f is caused

by spectral estimation leakage (Ezraty et al., 1981) and Second order effects in the wave field (Krogstad, bc. cit.).

Figure 4.5 Deep water dispersion (check) ratio RD vs.


frequency, f/fe where.f is the peak wave frequency


The second major design criterion was that the system should be stable in extren waves. Experience so far has riot revealed any stability problems. At. the ti of. writing, the VE CAN buoy has successfully survived storms with single waves up to 20 itres and significant wave heights over 10 ntres without incident.




-4.2.2 Qiobal directional wave paramsters

Qe of the standard


carried cut on directional data is to

corre.-late the wind direction and a


frequency wave direction estimate (usually at about 0.4 Hz). This has been done for the october deploy-nt data sets (Fig. 4.6). The correlation is good for both systems, VESCPN's data


less variability. This is probably at least partially due to ure accurate wind djrection zasuremsnts for VESCAN

which coutes a vector average over. 10 minutes whilSt for


only 6 instantaEieous measurements are averaged. Wind speed and direction are plotted together in Fig. 4.7, and the measurements are generally very close.

In figure 4.8 we show significant wave height (0), peak period (TP,),

main wave direction (1IR) and wiidirectivity index (Ut) for both

systems. All parameters are


in Appendix 1. we draw the following conclusions to this carison:

Generally no significant difference


been fow between, the

estimates. The salinq variability of *1O is about 0.3 in.

TP : for HNO, but son deviations, particularly when the wave spectri. has iltidal characteristics. This is to be expected when t spectral peaks have similar energy levels. Note that TP has relatively larger statistical variability. IR Generally little bias apart from when directions are around

north. This effect is. also seen in Fig. 4.6 and is caused by a minor instrtnt scaling error for ODAS-492.

This parameter is a good indicator of xw.iltiidality in the wave field (see Appendix 1). The period from 23rd to 25th shows a particularly marked deviation under. 1 and corresponds to a period of offshore winds (Fig. 4.7) with at the same time swell arriving from at various times the Atlantic and the Barents Sea. The estimates of UI show no large. deviations between the t systems.

Based on the above the VCAN system appears to measure and record wind and wave data. satisfactorily.







I. I I -( I I i 1 I OCTOBER



b) ODAS 492

I-- I I I I I I I I 1 I I I $ I I


I I I- I I I I I I i I I


2 24



Figure 4.7 Cariscn of

a) wind speed and b) wind direction for

VESQN (' ) and ODAS 492


+ 4 .4 .4 4 % 4 te.,..


4 .4 4.4I 4

- --

-4 4

4.'-+ + * : 4 ' 4 4 + 4 MG -4 .



0 180 270 360 0 90 180 270 360 0tR

Figure 4.6 High frequency wave direction (at ca 0.4 !!)., T!ThF against


nasured wind direction

for a) VESCAN and b)

OCS. 492.




a AL




c) I I I-- -I I I I I -, I I


I- I -I 1 ' 17 -I I I I


I I I I -I---I--I--I I I I. I I l I -I I I -I 1 I I I I 0) i






N a o


21 1 24 27 OCTOBER I - I I -I I I --1 I -I- -I I I I I




I I --I-- I

I-I I --

1- I

I I I I 30 2 8 8 NOVEMBER

Figure 4.8 quiparison of a) Significant wave height, HMO, b) peak wave period, TP, c) principal wave direction, IIDIR, and d)

unidirectivity index, UI for WAVESCAN (.'.) and OCAS 492





-4.2.3 Special Events

By studying the full directional wave spectr we can get a fairly good idea of the systems ability to correctly respond to given

teorologica]. conditions. Three special events from the first deploymsnt are described below.

EV A (Fig. 4.9a) Unidirectional wave field,


sea state. Within 3 days of the WAVESCAN prototype's first deployment

it was subjected to an extre test as an energetic low ixcved

north eastwards from the North Sea towards the Q.ilf of Bothnia


the 21st.

The winds

on the

depression's rear were strong and northerly.

Significant wave


rose quickly to over 6.5 metres with

single waves up to 11 metres. The directional wave spectri. for

0600 G'TI on the 21st i3

shown for both buoys in Fig. 4.lOa. The mean wave direction

may be

seen to vary little with frequency.

EVENI' B (Fig. 4.9b) Low sea state, bida1 wave field, swell/windsea. Total significant wave height was approximately 3 metreS early on the 25th October.


one dinsional wave spectrt (Fig. 4.lOb) could

easily be mistaken for a single peaked unidirectional

spectrun but in fact the plot of mean wave direction (Thi(f)) shows up a bithodal wave

field with an easterly wind wave part and a south westerly


separated in direction by about 130°. Both systems show these features although there is a small bias in directions. The wave spread shows a characteristic dip at the spectral peak with a frequency band with high spread in the region between the swell and wind wave part due to


bindality of the directional, distribution. That these features are physical may be seen from the accompanying weather chart for the 25th (Fig. 4.9b) which shows a system of twin depressions the nre easterly of the t giving the local easterly winds whilst the second had remained fairly stationary in that position for about 2 days producing the coincident swell on the 25th.

EVr C (Fig.

4.9c) Veering winds, biidal wave field, ixderate sea


A small cyclone ved. northwards along the Norwegian coast on the 30th October resulting in a rapid change in local wind direction from south east through south to west. The cyclone intensified as it nved north

over Haltenbanken producing the strongest winds of the period.



-In addition, a strong swe].i. signal arrived a3..st simultaneously

to the cyclone passage through the area. This swell was generated a

couple of days earlier by a strong depression to the south west of Iceland.

The contour plots of


deve1oent of


directional wave spectrt


4.11) during this event nicely illustrate this bidal

event and the

ability of the heave, pitch and roil buoy to both follow the

response of wave direction to the veering winds,


secondly to resolve the

swell arid


wave parts of the spectr.

a) 2lstOctoberl984

b) 25th October 1984

Figure 4.9 Surface weather charts from 12 QT for the events discussed in the text (COurtesy of the journal Weather).




3-0. TO 0.*O 0.5.3



0.00 Q.?0 .2O O.O O.0 0.50



-a) b) a WAVESCAN

- 00AS492

a a a C a 0.00 0.20 0.30

Figure 4.10 Directional. wave spectra for a) 21st October 1985 and )

15th October 1985 and for WAVESCP,N ( ) .and OAS 492

:). S(f) - elevation wave spectr.=; 1*J(f) mean wave direction; SPR(f) - circular Standard deviation (see Appendix 1).

-3.40 3.30


2 8



2 2 9 8 2 8 2 9 2 S S 2




9 S I' - -- -t 8 SO 120 'SO 240 300 5 0 av.v,J




'20 ' zic 3 S S '00 240 500 Q.Ot


0.10 '.00 '0.00

Figure 4.11 COntOur plots of the directional distribution D(f, 9) during

a m.tidal event with veering wind. Wix direction is

sh.'n by the vertica.1. 1ixe. The one- di.nsionsa1 ve spectr is shown, on the rit land side and is. clearly double peaked to start. with, the t peaks -rging at 0900 as the wind speed increases and tI wind sea veers

roi. to near the swell direction.


0000 GMT

WIND SPEED 9.8m/s 0300 GMT

WINO SPEED 13.6m/s 0600 GMT


0900 GMT 3.10 1.30 '0.30 I00.301.30 WOY. Sctr.. (s-.) 500 0 SO 240 0





A new metocean data buoy, ThIVESCN, has been developed.

This system extends the capabilities of medit size data collection buoys to include full in-situ data processing of wave directional data which

is transmitted to the user in real time by the ARGOS satellite system. This gives the user both security ir the correct functioning of the

buoy and the possibility to access a].l wave,

and meteorological parameters in real time. Event cOntrolled data 'collection

is also an available option. The new design is dular and compact which

eases operation and maintenance. The onboard microprocessor may be prograd to meet special user needs. Finally, a cost-effective

system has been

pro&ced without sacrificing reliability. Experiences so far have shOwn that:

- Buoy handling and ease of operation is good.

Onboard data processing of wave and meteoro].ogicai data is


- Data recovery has been very good (>95%) in the two xrnth test periOd.

- Wave directional data is of sufficient quality, is corisi stent with internal check parameters arid with data from another buoy


- Wind and other meteorological data is of good quality. - The buoy's stability is good.

Thus, we may conclude that VESCAN has reached its design goals and it has been further emphasized that the basic buoy hull shape consisting of a disc with counterweight can be employed to collect accurate directional wave data whilst at the sa time allowing the collection of standard meteorological data.


The authors acknowledge with thanks the support of Norsk Hydro A/S, Statoil and the Royal Norwegian Council of Scientific arid Industrial Research for sponsoring in part the development 0 VESCM4.


- 23

we also wish to thank Norsk. Hydra A/S, Saga Petro1ei., A/S, BP Petrole Develcsi&pt, Phillips Petrolei. Co. Norway, Elf Aquitaine Norge A/S, Conoco Norway Inc., Esso Expi. and Prod. Norway Inc. and the Royal Norwegian Cotmcil for Scientific and Industrial Research (NnJF) who supported the CLAP project under which the ODAS-492 data was collected.

BARSTi, S.?., 1984: cperimantal


of. the ztions of idel data

b.ioye, BS Project/IJ Rep. no. 01.0078.04/3/84, 176pp.



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direction des

vagues a partir des dees d'une


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spectrue buoy

using AS. Proceedings of the Oceans 83 Conference, San FranciSco, 1, pp. 258-261.

HOF)N, D.,


E.S. and NIElAN,

C.S., 1973: Mathematical SiAlation and del tests in the desiç of data buoys, Trans. Soc. Nay. Arch. Mar. big. 81: 243-73. KAPLAN, P., RAFT, A.I. and T.P., 1972: Experimantal and

Analytical Studies of Buoy Hull


in Waves, Report

- 72-89, Oceanics Inc., Plainview, N.Y., U.S.A.

Prepared for National Data Buoy Center, Contract .S 8-26879,


t., R.3;

1980: The Statistical evaluation of directional spectri.

estimates derived from Pitchofl buoy data, J. Phys.







1963: (servations of the directional spectr of sea waves using the

ition of a floating buoy.

Ocean Wave Spectra, pp. 111-36., Prentice-Mall, Mew York.

Z'1ARECAL, N., 1973: Ocean Data Collection Plat-form Survival. Iaterocean '73, pp. 1058-68, D(isseldorfer Messegelschaft



and van HErJ, J., 1985: A Cciarison of

the Measuremants made by t Pitch-Ro1l buoys during the

NUEC Project. Proceedings Ocean Data Conference



and Calibration of Ocean Instrtmnts,

Stir, London,

Jwle .1985.

STR, R.H., 1977:

A discus-hulled wave asuring buoy,

Ocean Eng.

4, 101-7.


and BARSq, S.?.,


A wave direction buoy alls

presentation of wave direction data in near real tirn. Presented at the AOS Users

Conference, xiel, May 1985.







The directional wave


may be expressed as the product

E C f,


-5(f) D( f, 8) where S is the one dinsiona.L

fiequency spectri.

and D is

the directional distribution,

2zD(f,$) - 1 +

2Z_1(a(f)cos nG




The Fourier coefficients

a1, b1, a2 and b2

are related to the auto- and

cross-spectra, S - C - iQ, of the ti series of heave and slopes,

- (C





- 2C/( C



Here x an y refer to slopes and h tO heave (Long, 1980).

A real buoy does not record

(flfl1rL) perfectly.

However, if

hori-zontal buoy cvement is neglected


linear theory is asSund, it

turns out that

the corresponding

measured signals

(bbsb) relate



by linear filters. For the Fourier

transforms we thus obtain


a1 -



b1 -





-where T,

and T

are the transfer functions.

T is primarily

diffe-rent from


due tO integration of the acce].eroiter signal,

whereas T

and T have hydrodynamic origin.







-It is easily verified that the urier éóefficients based on the

buoy signals satisfy

a a cos(arg. T - arg T)a1

b - cos(arg T arg b

a2 - a2, b


= T1,. Thus, for a circularly syetric

System the scaled Fourier coefficients are completely thdependent of. the amplitude

transfer fwctions and (a21b2) are also independent of phase transfer fmcticns. The definitions given in (Al.l) are this. robust with respect to

transfer fcUort

errors. In

general, C, C

and Q,

have expectation zero (Barstow and Krogstad, 1984) Therefore,

as T is

known, arg(T) followS from t.e equation

Sbb(f) T(f) T(f) Sfl (A1f4)

where . is thea complex conjugate.

If we asse that the. buoy acts as a forced linear OScillator, then



- +

+ f)

(A]. .5)

where the eigenfrequency (f0) and damping ratio (A) may be estinted

from the. asuted arg( Ta).

The above approach checks Only the phase of the transfer ftthction. An

idea of

the amplitude response my be derived y considering the ratio between the linear wave theory wavenurnber, k(f) - (2itf)2/g (in deep water), and the iasured

wave mber:


It is easily sh that b


Rb-T RD x 015/2/26/E1S C


xx 1/2 26 -(kl.6) (Al.7)

Hver, unlike the cross-spectra]. phases, the CheOJI ratio may depart

fr 2. due to current advection and the presence of nCc-1-inear

contributions in. the wa"e field (see Barstow and Krogstaci, 1984 for an

asSesnt of

these effects). In practice. departures fr the

expected values of the cross-spectral

phases and

dispersion ratio could be minimized using the linear oscillator del to give the best fit to theory, or by directly using the nasured transfer functions.

The following directional parazters have been used in this paper

Mean wave direction, e0(f) - THE'(f) arctan(b1/a1)

Circular standard deviation or spread,


a (2(1 -, (a



Main wave direction, YWIR - arctan(b/a)

UxtidirSctivity index UI a (a2 + b2)1"2

Here a - (IS(f) cos(e0(f))df]/EIS(f)dfJ and similarly for b



replacing "cos".

U gives a good indication of the directional homogeneity of the wave fIeld. If all .an wave directions are the. sam, then UI a 1. When UI is close to I, IR is close to

at T.

For a sytric buoy, e

is insensitive to transfer functions, whereas c depends only on the






The SESCAN data col.lectiori and data dissemination System consists of three main elements; the VESCIN data buoy, the data telemetry link, and the monitoring and presentation sstena. The datalink is implemented using Service Argos,


in addition provides positioning fac1ities for the buoy. Figure A2.1 indicates the operational principle and a.lternatie dataflows using the Argos system.

VESCN( provides a complete software controlled data acquisition and

processing imit including a set of utility

routines for quality checks



control. Changes


sampling rates, sensor set-up,

prcessing algoritm, data trarsmiSsion software etc. are all carried

0 either by


control parameters or adding subroutines. The on-board microprocessor is progranmd in Micro Concurrent Pascal, providing the system with capabilities not previously available in this type of data collection equipnt. Fig. A2.2 shows the data flow between the main parts o the system and a more detailed block diagram of the data, acq sition


iS given in Fig. .3. It consists of the following items:

Single board S microcomputer with 192 memory

- 12 bit CbS analog to digital converter with 32 input channels

- Digital input channels - "Watch dog" logic

- Power save logic

- Power supply with subsystem on/off switching

- AS P

- Sea Datatape recorder -. Field and lab test terminal

Ml the

electronics are housed in special rugged, splashproof boxes placed inside



thstrflt cylinder in

the buoy centre. Low power components are used whenever possible and all parts of the system are turned off when riot in use. The niicrocomputer turns into a power save mode when idle. SincC the system is desigTted using the

standard bus structure (Eu), new function modules can easily be added.



Figure A2.1 Real !j Z'bnitoring of Metocean 'Paraters by the SESQN

system. Field test terminal Acquisition and

proceing unit

User specifications

Figure A2.2 Buoy Data System.

28 -Satellite transmitter (ARGOS) Onboard recorder




Figure A2.3

Data Acquisition ModuIe.



ri nfl



3.iesr $tpSI

t. Oat.i






Ns50 PrecssuIn VeCiW A,crsglii rn. Oslo NUIoi. Hiss HicW Niad: Hi_i DiolrsI I Hici DwrsM Osuidis Have Pousr scirus SD Q..i. sdrs Hiss DIIW'IIssid lru

Figur. A2.4

Data flow in-Situ processing.



. ISV UAT1 'A"




'UT IaUHI. uo vilo Mta VN SD












'OW" 'OW" 'AVI yrimialislin F.r.sltsr i.ra.ilsr L _





DI.,'" .5.1.IIII. I.,.






-A2.i. Basic system configuration

The prototype buoy is equipped with the following sensors:

Heave, pitch, roll: Datawell Hippy-40

Compass: Digicourse 1O1E (fluxgate)

Wind: Srod1eS and Gateh use Model


(Sensor height 3.5 m)

Barozter: ANES8O Solid State Sensor

Air and Sea Temperature: Aanderaa 2775 and 1.229

The Hippy 120 sensor


also be used in future versions. These sensors form a basic set, but additional sensors may be fitted to the sensor mast or the buoy hull.

The data is collected at regular intervals, at present at synoptic ti every 3 hours at 1. Hz and over 34 minutes. These and other parameters are user progrnn.ihle within limits set by the operational period and the data storage capacity. Typical Opératiotial period is 3 rcnths. The satellite trariitter sends 256 bits every minute, updating the transmitter buffer every observation period. The standard real time data set consists of the following parameters:

Meteorological data

- Wind Speed (10. mn. vector average))


B5rtric Pressure

- Air Temperature

Sea Surface Temperature

Oceanographic data

- Mxiim wave height and its corresponding period

- Heave spectrum, S ( f)

Diretiotal Fourier coefficients a1(f), b1(f), a2(f) and b2(f) - Spectral 1I1mnts

- Significant wave height, O



-- Mean wave direction, e(f)

- Main spectral wave direction, 1IR - tidirectivitj index, UI

- sigh frequency wave direction - Wave direction at spectral peak - Swell energy and direction

Operational status

- Absolute ti Of last


- Battery Voltages

Active status of each sensor - Data .ia]4ty Control Flags - System Status Flags

A2.2 User selectable paraters

The stafldard system software covers a wide range of applications by specifying new sets of constants in the paranter lists. For the data acquisition one may specify the sensor configuration with individual sampling frequency,

ntber of



type etc. Selected results and raw data. are recorded as files on tape.. The file format may be specified for each application, and event controlled recording is

possible; Likewise, results may be specified for transmission via satellite, the transrnission. format may eaSily be altered and conditional transmissions are possible.

Analog sensors may in general be added directly to the system, provi4ed that they are electrically coatible. Inclusion of new digital sensors


generally require s prograimning.


of custom designed processing is, in st cases, a straightforward task, provided enough

mary is available.

A2.2.I In-situ processing

The comptitational parts of the system cOnsist of general and special processing. the general processing c be specified for any sensor, whereas the special. processing is Sensor specific. The general processing includes varioUs interpolation and averaging procedures as well as data control features such as checks for spikes, short and long term trends and signal drop out. The standard system special




-processing includes full wave directional analysis based on

mearnts from

the Hippy sensor. Typical processing time is


minuteS for a 1O24-sa'le record length and five data controls.

A2.2.2 Recording

Nearly any file format can be acconb,dted, and the processor can handle several file types if necessary, e.g. one file could


only raw data and

another results from. the in-situ processing. Recording features include:

- Alternate file types

- EVSflt controlled recording

- Easy definition of new file formats



length of tape status (available for transmission to shore)

- Default tape format for standard syst

A2.2.3 Data Transmission

- Multiple ARGOS pages in


message Alternate transmission format

- Event controlled transmission format

- Easy definition of new transmission format

Default transmission format fOr the standard system

A2.2.4, Field operator cr1Im1nicatiOn

This utility serves as an aid to verify correct operation of the data buoy and includes

Menu driven coiunication - Self explanatory operation - Field test utilities

Site report

- System setup display.

- Raw data and results inspection

- AOS message display

- System status displa


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