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Progress in the analysis of the viscous resistance of surface ships


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Bethesda, Maryland 20034



Paul S. Granville

Approved for Public Release: Distribution Unlimited

Ship Performance Department

October 1974 SPD 581-01

26 AUG. 1975

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4. TITLE (arid Subtitle)

Progress in the Analysis of the Viscous Resistance of Surface Ships




7. AUTHOR(s)

-Paul S. Granville



Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda, Maryland 20084


6li53N R 023-01


Naval Sea Systems Command Washington, D.C. 20360


September 1974

13. NUMBEROFPAGES 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME & ADDRESS(I1 different from Controlling Office)


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-Approved for Public release; Distribution Unlimited

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19. KEY WaRPS (Continue on re ide if necessary end Identify by black number)

Viscous resistance; Surface ships

20. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse aidel necessary and identify by block number) - - - - -- -Progress in the analysis of the viscous resistance of surface ships since

the last ITierican Towing Tank Conference in 1971 is summarized from the avail-able: technical literature. The summary is considered at various theoretical levels when examining the flow field about thehull. Emphasis is placed on-boundary-layer theory. The appendix has a new empirical formula relating form

factor to hull geometry. The form factor was obtained from a boundary-layer calculation of equivalent bodies of revolution and is to be used for the extrapolation of towed modei.resistanceto.fuli_scalecQflditiO.fl,





Progress in the ana1ysis of the viscous resistance of surface ships since

the last American Towing 'Tank Conference in 1971 is summarized from the available technical literature. The' summary is considered at, various theoretical levels when éxamining'the flow field about the hull. Emphasis is placed on boundary-U.

layer the9ry.' The" appendix ha&' a new empirical formula relating form factor to hull geometry. The form factor was obtained from a .bounary-layer calculation

of equivalent bodies of revolution and 'is 'to be used for the extrapo1ationof'' towed' model resistance tofui1sca1e conditions..


(Presented to 17th American Towing TankCoñference, Pasadena, Cal. - June 1974)

Progress in the analysis' of the viscous' resistance of surface ships is reviewed ,since the 1971 meeting of the American Towing Tank Conference)' See

also the summary by Wieghardt2 'to the 1972 International Towing Tank Conference.

Progrés.s in the analysis of the viscous resistance of surface ships may be examined. at different theoretical levels when considering the flow about the hull. 'T'hese levels depend on the nature of the analytical, models describing the flow about a'sh.i'p which is advancing along a free surface. The flaw may. be,

laminar and/or tubulent and wavy at the free surface.. Resistance to the flow

arises from the pressure and shearing stres distributiofls over the hul1 surface.

Level 1 Navier-Stokes Equations and the Free Surfce Condition .


Level 1 may be considered the most' theoretical level and p'rbbab1. the least developed. Here the complete flow field 'is to be solved for a ship producing waves on a free surface. The resulting total résistance including' wavemaking' and

viscous components is the summation of the pressure and shearing stress over the

hull surface:in the axial direction. What is requiredis three-dimensiona'1

solution ofthe Navier-Stokes equations for both laminar and turbulent floW

with a free-surface boundary conditionof constant pressure.

The Nayier-Stokes equations represent Newton's second law of motion and

Newton's linear law of viscosity man Eulerian continuum system.. Mathematically

the Navier-Stokes equati.ons are non-linear partial differential equations .of

1Granvil.le, P.S., "Progress in the Analysis of the Viscous Reispnce of Surface

Vessels," Naval Ship Research and Development Center, Ship Performance Tech

Note 204 (Aug 1971).. . ' ' '


2Wieghardt, K., "Viscous Resistance," 13 th International Towing Tank Conference, Report of Resistance Committee,. Appendix 4, pp. 4-14 (Sept 1972).


the elliptic kind. The free-surface conditiOn satisfying Bernoulli's equation

is also non-linear,

There are currently determined efforts to develop numérlcal niethOds. to

solve, the Navier-Stokes 'equationfor laminar flow, Emphasis ison simple

geometries and unsteady separated flow3'4 with results so far limited to low

Reynolds numbers. Ship geometries and the free-surfac cond1toñ are nowhere.

in sight. .

There seemsto beno perceptible progress onhoW tosolve the

Navier-Stokes equations for turbulent flow.. Current theories pfturbuience assume

that turbulent motion does obey the Navier-Stokes 'equations .nstantaneously.

However the irregular fiuctuationpropertieS of turbulence. such as. the distribution of amplitude, frequency and phase seem torqu1re hypotheses

additional to those implied In the Navier-Stokes équatibns. Level II - Reynolds Equations and. Free Surface Condltin

For turbulent flow the Navi'er-Stokes eauat.ons may be.averaged over a small time interval to yield the Navier-Stokes equations for:the mean velocity and

mean pressure, now.tern,ed the Reynolds equations. However.the'non-liflear.nature of the Navier-Stokes equations results in"additionai apparent stresses called

Reynolds or'turbül.ent stresses. The. solution of the Reynolds eauatinsreauires

then additional analytical 'relationsfor the turbulent.stresses.. Since there

is no general theory for the turbulent stresses, recourse: has to be made' to approximate methods.. Because turbuient.shearing stress Is the most. important,

it has received the most attention.. Historically Boussinesq by analogy, to..

laminar viscosity introduced the eddy viscosity, the value of which unfortunately

varies with the flow field unlike lan.inar yiscoslt,y. Prandtl by analogy to,

the mean free path of gases introduced the mi:xlng length which also, varies with the flow field. More recently differential, equations or rate equations

have been introduced for the turbulent shear stress involving various empirical

coefficients. Launder and Spaldl.ng5 present a recent summary some of the

methods. . . , .

3Roache, P.J., "Computatna.1 Fluid Dynamics," Hermosa Publishers, Albuquerque, New Mexico (1972).

4Marshal1, G. and E. van Spiegel, "On the Numerical Treatment-of, the Na.vier-Stokes, Equations for an Incompressible Fluid," Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 173-88 (April 1973).

5Launder, B.E. and D.B. Spalding, "Lectures in Mathematical Models .of Turbulence,"



Application to ship flows at this theoretical level seems to be practically nonexistent.

Level 1.11 - General Boundary Layer

A great simplification in analyzing the flow field about a ship results from applying the boundary-layer concept. Physically it is recoqnized that there is a region of flow next to the hull where the viscous effects of the fluid

predominate. In fact the turbulent flow next to the hull is cuite visible to an observer. The exaggeratiQn of..the,. viscous effects next to the hull is due nainly tO the no-slip condition on the hull.

A boundary layer or the flow region next to the hull is defined, inside of

which the flow is viscous and outside of which the flow is inviscid. The viscous flow in the boundary layer originates at a stagnation point on the bow and

increases progressively in thickness downstream. In additionthe viscous flow.. starts out laminar and, usually undergoes transition to turbulent flow farther:.

downstream. The inviscid flowoutside the boundary layer provides the pressure

field which controls the growth of th.e boundary layer and phenomena such as


Analyticallythe inviscid flow outside the boundary layer is treated as a

potential flow which is naturally a great simplication. Inside the boundary layer the Navier-Stokes eauations may be applied to the laminar flow and the Reynolds eauations to the turbulent flow. A great simplication is to use the -pressure.fleld outside the boundary layer as a boundary condition to the viscous flow inside.

The general mathematical problems of the flow about a ship more or less at this theoretical level is treated by Landweber.6 The exact boUndary,

conditions on the hull surface and on the free surface are included in general mathematical statements.

The. boundary-layer concept also provides the rationale for separatjnq the resistance of a ship into wavemaking resistance and viscous resistance. The wavemaking resistance arises mostly from the potential field outside the boundary layer which for ships is strongly affected by. the waves produced on the free surface. The viscous resistance conies rnostly from the boundary-layer flow which ends up as the viscous wake far downstream.

6Landweber, L. "ContribUtiOns on Some Current Problems of Ship Reistance" in "International Jubilee Meeting, 40th Anniversary of Netherlands Ship Model Basin 1972,' Netherlands Shi'p 'Model Basin, Wageningen 1973.


Since the boundary-layer flow 1 ariven by the inviscid pressure field outside the boundary layer, the anaytcal solution o the boundary layer

flow requires as an input the analytical solution of the inviscid wavemaking flow about the


In other words tne wavemaking resistance has to be knowh analytically before the boundary-layer can be calculated analytically0 Progress in the calculation of viscous resistance at this theoretical level is dependent then on progress in the calculatiOn of wavemaking resistance Level IV - Boundary Layer Equations and Free Surface Conaition

At this level the boundary layer concept still remains However, by an order of magnitude analysis for th comparatively thin boundary layer, the Navier-Stokes equations and the Reynolds eauations become simplitied by discarding tenns considered negligible0 The results are the boundary layer equations of motion which ae now parabolic partial differential equations

instead of the more difficult elliptic partial differential eauations

The ship boundary.layers are three-dimensional in geometry with, however, one great simplication: symmetry about the center fore-and-aft plane0 In general, there has been continual development In the solution

of,three-dimensional boundary-layer equations and this will be reviewed separately, The presence of the free surface and its waves provides a great difficulty in obtaining the pressure field and even th upper extent of the boundary

layer at the free surface0 In fact, knowing the pressure. field means knowing the wavemaking resistance a subject whose analysis is still being aeveloped.

The choice of. coordinate systems for ship boundary layers is considered by MIloh and Patei70 The usual use of streamhne coordinates means a

different coordinate system for each different Froude number



different wave pattern0 Mlloh and Patel advocate a fixed orthogonal coordinate system with axial stations as one of the coordinates; the whole system then being independent of Froude number- in general, coordinate systems for three-dimensional boundary layers are based on the given body surface as a reference

surface it should be. noted that streamline coordinates are. physically meaning-fül and are also required by integral methods for solving boundary layer


7Miloh, T0. and V0C- Patel, "Orthogonal Coordnate Systems for Three-Dimensional

Boundary Layers, with Particular Reference to Ship Forms," Journal of Ship Research,


17, No 1, pp. 50-58 (Mar 1973).


As an input to boundary layercalculations, Adee8 solves the potential

flow around a ship hull using a linearized free-stream boundary condition. Sources are distributed on the hull surface and the results are given in terms

of streamlines. Adee9usesan integral method, the entrainment method of

Cumptsy and Head, to perform boundary layercalculations.on a ship hull.

Since at this theoretical level, the wavemaking resistance is obtained. from the calculated pressure field and the viscous resistanceisobtained from

the boundary-layer calculation, the analytic result is a calculated total resistance.

Level V. - Froüde MethOd and Boundary Layer on Double Model

The levels..to follow involve model tests at full-scale Froude numbers to take care.of wavemaking resistance. The viscous resistance is then to be

calculated by some other means.

The inability to calculate the resistanceof ship led long ago to the use

of reduced-scale models. In the universally used Froude method, the model is towed at the full-scale Froude number to deduce the wavernaking resistance, leaving to calculation the determination of the change In viscous resistance

due to thechange inRe,'nplds number. from model sc1è to. full scale. A recent analysis by Granville1° argues that even in considering variousinteractions

between wavemaking and viscous resistances, the changein viscous resistancedue

to Reynolds number can be accomodated by the change in viscous resistance of

th&ship at zero Froude number. ThecaseOf zero Froude number Is the same

as that of adeeply-submerged double model. The zero .Froude number case is

relatively simple since itinvolves the determination of the potential pressure

distribution without the great complications ofthe free surface. There are;

numerical methods available as programs for potential flow calculations involving

source distributions'.

There is also the simpler butlessaccuratepotential-flow slender body method of TUck and von. Kerczek..3

8Adee, B.H., Calculation of the StreamlinesAbout a Ship Assuming a Linearized gFree-Surface Boundary. Condition,"JoUr.of Ship Res., Vol. 17, No.3, pp.140-6

Adee, B.H., "Boundary Layers on Ships," Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. ofCalifornia

10(Berkey) 1972.

Granville, P S , "A Modified Froude Method for Determining Full-Scale Resistance

of Surface Ships from Towed Models," Naval Ship R&D Center Report 4201 (July 73), Vito appear in Journal of Ship Research.

Hess, J L and A M 0 Smith, "Calculation of Potential Flow about Arbitrary Bodies," in Progress in Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 8, Pergamon Press, New York.


"Dawson, C.W. and J.S. Dean, 'The XYZ Potential Flow Program," Naval Ship Research 1and Development Center .Report 3892 (June 1972).

Tuck, E.O.and C. vonKerczek, "StreamlInes and Pressure Distribution on Arbitrary Ship Hulls at Zero Fróude No.", Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 12, No.. 3 (Sept 68).


The boundary-layer calculation on the double model is that of a three.-dimensional method adapted tohull geometries0 Huang.andvon-..Kerczek14 and

von Kerczek15 use the entrainment method of Cumptsy and Head for. the boundary-layer, calculations and the slender body method of Tuck andvon Kerczek for the.

potentlal-flowcalculations. A similar calculation has besn performed by

Hatano et'al'6' and by Hotta17.

There St:ill rémainS a. number of important prbblems-in'the calculation of

the viscOus resistance of double models from the boundary-layer development.

For example the wall shearing stress distribution is calculated over the hull. What is needed is a method for calculating the viscous resistance from the wake

far downstream. This also includes the contribution from the viscous pressure

resistance. There is 'alsd the problem of calculating the separation resistance for ships with full sterns, and proper modeling Of cross-flow in the boundary

layer with making a small crossflow approximation. Level VI - Equivalent Body of Revolution

For the deterrninatic'n of viscous resistance, the double model maybe

approimated be an equivalent body of revolution. The cakuiatfon.'df'the''iscous

résistance of.bodies of revolution from the boundary-layer development is. relatively simple. The fit of a body of revolution to a ship hull is fairly 'clóse"wlth the greatest discrepancy at the bow and' .stern.

'I:n order to accommodate the boundary layer development as closely as possible, G'ranviile1° defines a dual equivalent body of revolution. For the. pressure'distthutiOn, an equivalent bodyof revolution is givenby the

cross-sectional -area -of the hull. For the surface area, an equivalent, body of

revolution is given by the perimeter of the hull. . Both are used in.the

boundary-layer cal'cülatiqn; the first indirectly through thepressure d.lstrlbt,ion.

14Huang, T T

andC H

van Kerczek, "Shear Stress and Pressure Distribution on a Surface Ship Model:. Theory and Experiment" presented to 9th Symposium

Naval Hydrodynamics, Paris, August1972.

von Kerczek, C , "Calculation of the Turbulent Boundary Layer on a Ship Hull

atZero Froude Number," Journal Of Ship Research,Vol. 17, No.2., pp. 106-120

l6Hatano, S., M. Nakato, T.. Hotta,1973). and.S. Matsui, "Calculation of Ship Frictional Resistance by Three-Dimensional Boundary Layer Theory," Journal of Society 17of Naval Architects of Japan, Vol. 130,, pp. 1-10 .(Dec 1971).

Hotta, T., "A. Method for Calculating Three-Dimensional Turbulent Boundary Layers by Using Streamline Co-ordinates," 'Japanese Journal, of Applied Physics,

Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 908-15' (June 1973.). .


In general, there have been improvements in the calculation of boundary

layers on bodies of revolution. Cebeci et al18 use a differential method with an eddy viscosity model for the shearing stress Nakayama and Patel19

use the integral entrainment method of Head, together with a consideration

of thethi.k'b'oiindáry läyeron the tail;

Level VII - Form Factor fromEquivalént BodyOf Revo1utôn

Granviile19 obtains a form factor fromthe boundary layer calculation of

the equivalent body of revolution with the dual definition. The form factor

is used in Landweber's hypothesis relating the viscous resistance of the ship

to thatof an, equivalent flat plate with allowance for aconstant separation

resistance.coefficient. Granville calculates this fonn.factor which is independent..of Reynolds number by using a power-law similarity law for the ,turbulent boundary layer. Sincethe Froude method only requires the change

in viscous resistance from model tO full-scale, it Is notnecessary to evaluate

the constant separation coefficient which drops. out. In the Appendix these calculated form factors .are related to overall hull geometrical factors.

Level VIII FormFactor for Equivalent Flat Plate

In the Hughes method, the viscous resistance.at zero Froudenumber is

proportionalto the equivalent flat plate.resistance, the constantof

proportionality being the form factor The form factor is obtained empirically

from the total resistance measurements at a close-to-zero Froude number Owing to difficulties instimulating transitiont low Reynolds numberandthe p,or'

precision of dynamometers at low towing speeds, the determination of the Hughes'

factOr. is quite uncertain. Investigators have correlated the Hughes form factor ii'th Simple geometrical coefficients of the hull.

Gross.and Watanbe20glvea

summary of recentefforts in this regard.

Level IX -. Equivalent Flat Plate . . .

This is the traditional Froude niethodwhere the change in.viscous resistance

from model to full-scale is made equal to the change in flat plate resistance

The equivalent flat plate.is one with the ship length and an area equal to

that.ofthe wetted hull surface.

'8Cebeci, T , G J Mosinkis and A M 0 Smith, "Calculation of Viscous Drag in Incompressible Flows," Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 9, No. 10, .p. 691-2

19(Oct 1972). . .

Nakayama, A. & V.C. Patel, "Calculation of the Viscous Resistanceof Bodies Of Revolution," University of Iowa, Institute of Hydtaulic Research, Report 151

20(Oct 73). .

Gross, A. and K. Watanabe, "FormFactor," 13th International Towing Tank Conference, Report.of Performance Committee, Appendix. 4,.pp. 4-14(Sept 72).


There has been almost o recent work on flat plate resistance pe Se.

Wieghardt21 shows the difference in measured flat-plate resistance

coefficients over the yars for selected Reynolds numbers0

Three-Dimensional Turbulent Boundary Layers

The general characteristics of three-dimensional turbulent 'boundary layers over curved bodies are discussed by Eichelbrenner22 and also by Nash and Patel23. Orthogonal curvilinear coordinates are used to describe the boundary-layer flow

field0 Turbulent boundary-layer equations are the reduced Reynolds equations of

motion where in terms considered negligible have been dropped0 An elliptic system

of partial differential equations has been reduced to a simpler parabolic system.

However, the principal difficulty in solving the Reynolds equations remains,

namely, a lack of relations for the Reynolds stresses0 These have to be separately supplied by other considerations, mostly empirical.

In general, there have been two approaches to solving the boundary-layer

equations: the differential approach to solve the equations directly as partial differential equations and the integral approach where the equations are

integrated forijally over the boundary layer and then solved as ordinary differential equations.

Both differential and integral methods are used in two-dimensional flows

and have been adapted to three-dimensional conditions0 In the differential methods the Reynolds shearing stress has to be known to obtain any solution.

Cebeci and his associates24'25'26 use an eddy viscosity model which is considered

21Wieghardt, K0, "Zur Grenzschicht am Schiff," in "Beitrage zur Stromungsmechanik, Insbesondere zur Grenzs chi chttheori e," Deutsche Luftund Raumfahrt Forschungs -22bericht 72-27, pp. 391-7 (1972),

Eichelbrenner, E.A., "Three-Dimensional Boundary Layers" in "Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics,


5," M. van Dyke, W0G0 Vincenti, and J.V. Wehausen, eds.,

2 Annual Reviews


Palo Alto, California (l973)

3Nash, J.F. and V.E, Patel, "Three-Dimensional Turbulent Boundary Layers," SBC 2ATechnical Books, Atlanta, Ga0 (l972)

Ceheci, T.,G0J. Môsinskis, and K0 Kaups, "A General Method for 'Calculating

Lncompressible 'Lamtnar 'and TurtYulent Boundary Layers 1. Swept. Ln.f.inite Cylinders and Small Cross Flow," Douglas Aircraft Co. Report 2MDC J5694 (Nov l972)

Cebeci, T., K. Kaups, G.J. Mosinskis and J0A0 Rehn, "Some Problems of the

Calculation of Three-Dimensional Boundary-Layer Flows on General Configuration," 26NASA CR-2285 (July 1973).

Cebeci, T., "A General Method for Calculating Three-Dimensional Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layers0


Three-Dimensional Flows in Cartesian

Coordinates," Douglas Aircraft Co0 Report MDC J6517 (Mar 1974).


as a scalar quantity for three-dimensional flows. Bradshaw27 developed a rate equation for shearing stress from the turbulence energy equation which was

later extended to the cross-flow shearing stress defined for Cartesian

coordinates. Launder and Spalding5 sumarize the various analytical models

for the Reynolds stress. In general, the differential methods require extensive

numerical analysis for programming.28

Wheeler and Johnston29 compare various three-dimensi onal differential

methods for given measured flows,

Integral methods require streamline coordinates in order that a

two-dimensional method be used in the streamline direction and an additional

velocity model for the cross-flow direction, Granville30 presents a group of two-dimensional integral methods based on a two-parameter velocity law and quasi-equilibrium, conditions.

Kux31 defines various three-dimensional integral parameters.

Drag Reduction

The reduction of hydrodynamic skin friction by an air film next to the

hull surface is based on the principle that the wall shearing stress depends

on the density, other factors being equal. Unfortunately, the lesser density

of air than that of water also leads to buoyancy instabilities in air films. .The:s.urfacetension between air and water also promotes the formation of

bubbles if the air is present in small amounts. Therefore, air lubrication

can only be applied to flat bottoms where the air cannot rise and the air must

be present in a substantial amount to prevent air bubbles.

.Such air lubrication has been applied to barge-like ships where the air

ts:..main±ai'ned in "large bottom cornpaTtnlents.32'33 A 20-percent reduction in res.istance has been achieved on such a model,

27Bradshaw., P., "Calculation of Three-Dimensional Turbulent Boundary Layers," 28Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 46, Pt. 3, pp. 417-45 (April 1971).

Klinksiek, W.F. and F.J. Pierce, "A Finite Difference Solution of the Two, and Three-Dimensional Incompressible Turbulent Boundary Layer Equations," Journal of Fluids Engineering, Trans. ASME, Vol. 95, Series 1, No. 3,

445-8 (Sept 1973).

Wheeler.,, A.J.'...'and'J.P.'Johnsto,' "An Assessment' of Three-Dimensiotal Turbulent 'Boundary. ..L'ayerP:redi'cttQn Methods," Journal of Fluids Engineering, Trans.

3ASME, Vol. 95, Series 1, No. 3, pp. 415-21 (Sept 1973).

vGranville, P.S., 'Integral Methods for Turbu'lent Boundary Layers in Pressure 31Gradients,"'.Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 191-204 (Sept 1972).

Kux, J..,. "integra]e 'Grenzschichtparameter Definitlonén, Deutungen,

3,Diffentialgleichungen," Schiffstechnik, Vol. 20, No.102, pp 74-6 (Nov 1973). 'Anon, "Applying the Air-Cushion Principle to Very Large Vessels," Naval 33Architect, No. 2, p. 38 (April 1972).

Courouble, M. "Recherche sur une Technique de Rduction de la Resistance a la Marche ds Navires Lents par Lames d'Air,"Bulietin de 1"Association

Technique' Maritime et Aronautlque No. 71, pp. 461-79 (1971).


The hydrodynarnic aspects of the reduction in turbulent skin friction by

polymer additives are well understood in terms of the boundary layer or pipe

flow similarity laws. A so-called negative roughness analogy seems to be

operative. The polymer additive also leads to a maximum drag reduction for

a thin boundary layer controlled by an interactive layer similarity law.

Granville34 reviews the current status of these hydrodynamic aspects and presents logarithmic resistance laws for flat plates. and for rotating disks35

including. the case of maximum drag reduction.36

Experimental Investigations

Experimental investigations on the viscous resistanceof ships may be

roughly divided into two types. The first type concerns the overall aspects

determined directly by a wake survey or indirectly by a wave-cut. The second

type involves the boundary layer in local measurements of the pressure, shearing stress and velocity profile. Of course local measurements can be

integrated over the hull surface to give the overall resistance. Most of the work has been done at model scale which still leaves the problem of scale effect.

Paffett37 gives a discussion of.the resolution of total resistance into

various components while Granville1° presents a component analysis in terms of dependence on Reynolds number and Froude number including their interaction.

Tsai and Landweber38 show from wake surveys the sinuous .variation of

viscous resistance with Froude number. Conn39 calculates the variation of the

frictional resistance from the wall shearing stress with Froude number by

considering the hydrostatic effect of the wave profile in producing undulations in the controlling velocity fieldoutsidé of the boundary layer.

34Granville, P.S., "Hydrodynamic Aspects of Drag Reduction with Additivies," 3MarThe Tecimology, Vol.

10, No.


(.Ju1y 1973).

raviiie, P.S..., :"The Resisting Torque. and Turbulent Boundary Layer of

Rotating Disks with Smooth and with Rough Surfaces in Ordinary Fluids and in Drag-Reducing Polymer Solutions," Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 17,

4, pp. 181-195 (Dec 1973).

Granville, P.S., "Maximum Drag Reduction for a Flat Plate in Polymer 37Solution," Journal of Hydronautics, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 58-9 (Jan 1972).

Paffett, J.A.H., "The Components of Resistance," 13th International Towing Tank Conference, Report of Resistance Committee, Appendix 2, pp. 4-14 30(Sept 1972).

'Tsai, C.E. and L.LalTdweber, 11Tatal and Viscous Resistance of Four Series-6O,Mode1s-," 13th .rnternationa1 Towing Tank Conference, Materials for

39Reports, 4-14 (Sept 1972) p. 29.

Conn, J., "Note on the Undulations in Cv/Speed Curves," 13th International Towing Tank Conference, Materials for Reports, 4-14, (Sept 1972) p. 19.


For a Victory Ship model, Townsin4° finds that the sum of the viscous

resistance from a wake survey and the wavemaking resistance from a wave

pattern survey agree with the measured total resistance except at excessive

speeds. The undulation in viscous resistance with Froude number was noted. Townsin41 also investigates the added resistance due to wave-breaking at the

bow.,....,At.M.gh,speedstwO:setS.Ofbreakiflg waves were observed, Surveys of

the..side 1obes of. the"wake :due to, wave-breaking .Th.dicatad added resistance

which improved the agreement with the measured' total resistance.

Huang and von Kerczek14 measure the wall shearing stress and pressure

dis.tr4'butionon a towed Series 60 model0 Hot films and Preston tubes are used. tmeasure:both Tth.e magnitude and direction of 'the wall shearing stress. Gadd42 surveys the boundary layer of a model of an ore carrier for comparison

with previous full-scale measurements0 Matheson and Joubert43 measured the boundary layer of a double model of tanker in a wind tunnel, Full-scale

measurements of the boundary layer of a fishing training ship have been

obtained by a Japanese team.44

Voliheim and Nestler45 measured the effect of a bulbous bow on the viscous

resistance of a model of a bulk carrier.

Pope and Bellhouse46 describe the development of hot films to measure the

wall shearing stress of towed models.

40Townsin, R.L., "The Viscous Drag of a 'Victory' Model; Results from Wake and Wake Pattern Measurements," Royal Institution of Naval Architects, Supplimentary 41Papers., Vol. 113, p. 307-21 (T97l).

Townsin..R.L., "Ship Reststance Components Revealed by Wake Momentum and Wave '.PatternMeasurements in the Presence of Breaking Ship Waves," Transactions,

North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, Vol. 8., p. 23,

42ec 1972).

Gadd, G.E., "A Comparison of some Model and Full-Scale Hull Boundary Layer Measurements," Transactions North East Coast Institution of Engineers and

4Shipbuilders, Vol. 90, No. 2, pp.. 51-8 (Dec 1973).

"Matheson, N., and P.N. Joubert, "Experimental Detenninationof the Components of Resistance of a Small O.8OCB Tanker Model,tm Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 44l7 No. 3, pp. 162-80, (Sept - 1973).

Irnamoto1, H. et..al., "Measurements of Boundary Layers of Ships," Reports of Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University, Vol. 19, No. 63, 45pp. 125-186 (Oct 1971).

Vollheim, R. and W. Nestler, "Messung der Wellenentwicklung und der Reibungsverluste bei dem Modell eines MassengutfracterS, CB = 0.80, mit Bugwulstvarianten," Schiffbauforschung, Part 1, Vol. 10, No. 1/2, pp. 70-89 A(l97l); Part II, Vol., 10, No. 5/6, pp. 187-95 (1971).

9°Pope, R.J. and B.J. Bellhouse, "Measurement of Local Skin Friction on Ship Models Using Thin-Film Probes," Transactons, Royal Institution of Naval Architects, Supplementary Papers, Vol. 113, pp. 401-9 (1971).


APPENDIX - Form Factor for Equivalent Body of Revolution

The extrapolation of the resistance of towed models to full-scale

conditions at Level VII based on an equivalent body of revolution'0 may

be greatly facilitated if the calculated form factor is correlated with

simple hull geometrical parameters. For the cases treated by Granville10

a close correlation is given by


k1 = form factor frcm equivalent body of revolution

CB = Block Coefficient

B = Beam of ship

H = Draft of ship

L = Length of ship

The correlation should be considered tentative at this stage of

development and used mainly as a check on the boundary-layer calculations.

k.1 =




B , H


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