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4) Political philosophy of Plato 5) Political philosophy of Aristotle


Academic year: 2021

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TOPICS | Political Socio-economic and Legal Thought | 23-LLMIEL-S2-S1-PSLT

1) Pre-Socratic reflection on state, law and society 2) Athenian democracy and its critics

3) Sophists

4) Political philosophy of Plato 5) Political philosophy of Aristotle

6) Political philosophy in ancient Rome (Seneca, Cicero)

7) State, law and society in the early Christian thought (including Saint Augustine) 8) Law, state and society in ancient China

9) Political philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas 10) Religion, state and law in early Moslem thought

11) Political philosophy of Marsilius of Padua and Dante Alighieri 12) Political philosophy of Erasmus of Rotterdam

13) Utopias of the Renaissance 14) Political philosophy of Machiavelli 15) Political philosophy of Jean Bodin

16) The Reformation – political thought of Luther, Calvin, Münzer and Zwingli

17) Polish political thought of the Renaissance period (Orzechowski, Ostroróg, Włodkowic, Modrzewski)

18) Hugo Grotius on natural law

19) Political and legal thought of Samuel Pufendorf 20) Political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes

21) Spinoza, Wolff and Thomasius on natural law and government 22) Political philosophy of John Locke

23) Classical absolutism in France (Richelieu) 24) Political and legal philosophy of Montesquieu

25) Ideology of the American Revolution (Franklin, Jefferson, Paine) 26) Political thought of the French Enlightenment (Voltaire, Diderot) 27) Political and economic philosophy of Adam Smith

28) Utopias of the Enlightenment (Meslier, Morelly, Mably) 29) Political philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

30) Physiocratism

31) Ideologies of the French Revolution 32) Bonapartism

33) Political thought of the Polish Enlightenment (Leszczyński, Konarski, Staszic, Kołłataj) 34) French theocracy (de Maistre, de Bonald)

35) German historical school of law (Savigny, Puchta) 36) Political and legal philosophy of G. W. F. Hegel 37) Conservatism of Edmund Burke

38) Liberalism of Benjamin Constant 39) Utilitarianism (Bentham, Singer)

40) Alexis de Tocqueville on democracy and revolution 41) Political philosophy of John Stuart Mill

42) Social liberalism (Hobhouse, Green, Keynes)

43) Liberalism of F. A. von Hayek and Milton Friedman

44) Ordoliberalism


TOPICS | Political Socio-economic and Legal Thought | 23-LLMIEL-S2-S1-PSLT

45) C. H. de Saint-Simon on industrial government 46) Political thought of Charles Fourier

47) Political and economic thought of Ferdinand Lasalle 48) Marxist political philosophy

49) Political thought of Eduard Bernstein 50) Political thought of Karl Kautsky

51) Anarchism (Godwin, Stirner, Proudhon, Bakunin, Kropotkin, Sorel) 52) Leninism and Stalinism

53) Political thought of Friedrich Nietzsche 54) Jose Ortega y Gasset – rebellion of the masses

55) 19


century racism (Gobineau, Chamberlain, Lapouge) 56) Social Darwinism (Gumplowicz, Spencer)

57) Vilfredo Pareto on the circulation of elites 58) Carl Schmitt’s decisionism

59) Polish Nationalism (Balicki, Dmowski) 60) Ideology of Italian Fascism

61) Ideology of German National Socialism

62) Authoritarianism in the 20


and its ideological justifications (Franco, Salazar, Atatürk) 63) Erich Fromm, Hannah Arendt, Zbigniew Brzeziński, Karl Popper and Raymond Aron on


64) Political philosophy of Gandhi 65) Social teaching of Leo XIII 66) Social teaching of Pius XI 67) Social teaching of Jan XXIII 68) Social teaching of John Paul II 69) Legal positivism of John Austin

70) German legal positivism (Jellinek, von Ihering) 71) Legal philosophy of Hans Kelsen

72) Legal and political solidarism (Duguit, Durkheim) 73) Legal philosophy of Leon Petrażycki

74) Legal realism and functionalism (Holmes, Pound) 75) Legal philosophy of L. L. Fuller

76) Legal philosophy of H.L.A. Hart and Ronald Dworkin 77) Gustav Radbruch on natural law

78) Natural law after WWII (Stammler, Finnis) 79) John Rawls’ theory of justice

80) Libertarianism of Robert Nozick, Murray Rothbard and H-H. Hoppe 81) Postmodernism (Derrida, Foucault, Rorty)

82) The clash of civilizations (Huntington) 83) Political futurology of Francis Fukuyama 84) Feminism

85) The ideology of European integration

86) The conception of Welfare State (Myrdal, Galbraith)


TOPICS | Political Socio-economic and Legal Thought | 23-LLMIEL-S2-S1-PSLT

Topics marked with colours will be subjects of following classes:

Enlightenment and liberalism - 2020-10-20

Socialism and communism - 2020-10-27

Racism and totalitarianism - 2020-11-03

Theory and philosophy of law - 2020-11-10

Modern and future ideas - 2020-11-17


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