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Automatic Parallel Program Generation and Optimization from Data Decompositions


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Automatic Parallel Program Generation and Optimization from Data Decompositions

Edwin M. Paalvast, Henk J. Sips*, A.J. van Gemund

TNO Institute of Applied Computer Science (ITI-TNO) P.O. Box 226, NL-2600 AE Delft, The Netherlands

*Delft University of Technology

P.O. Box 5046, NL-2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands


Data decomposition is probably the most successful method for generating parallel programs. In this paper a general framework is described for the automatic genera-tion of parallel programs based on a separately specified decomposition of the data. To this purpose, programs and data decompositions are expressed in a calculus, called V-cal. It is shown that by rewriting calculus expressions, Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) code can be gen-erated for shared-memory as well as distributed-memory parallel processors. Optimizations are derived for certain classes of access functions to data structures, subject to block, scatter, and block/scatter decompositions. The pre-sented calculus and transformations are language inde-pendent.

1. Introduction

In programming either shared- or distributed-memory parallel computers, programmers would like to consider them as being uni-processors and supply as little extra in-formation as possible on code parallelization and data par-titioning. On the other hand, maximum speed-up is de-sired, without loss of portability. This trade-off is re-flected in the existence of a variety of parallel language paradigms, which, regarding to the decomposition method, can be divided into two categories: implicit and explicit. Languages based on implicit descriptions, like functional [Hudak88, Chen88] and dataflow languages [Arvind88], leave the detection of paral lelism and map-ping onto a parallel machine to the compiler. Unfor-tunately, contemporary compilers do not pro duce efficient translations for arbitrary algorithm-machine combina-tions.

Most languages based on explicit descriptions specify parallelism c.q. communication and synchronization as in-tegral part of the algorithm. This has the disadvantage that one has to program multiple threads of control, which are generally very hard to debug. Hence, experimentation with different versions of the same parallel algorithm, for example different decompositions, is in general rather cumbersome. Comparably small changes may require ma-jor program restructuring.

An alternative approach is to automatically generate parallel programs in SPMD (Single Program Multiple

Data) [Karp87] format, given a data decomposition speci-fication. This approach has recently gained a lot of atten-tion. It has been applied by [Callahan88, Gerndt89, Kennedy89,90] for applications to Fortran, by [Andre90] to C, by [Rogers89] to Id Nouveau, by [Koelbel90] to Kali-Fortran, by [Quinn89] to C*, and by [Paalvast90] to the fourth-generation parallel programming language Booster. In particular application to Fortran shows some limitations, due to equivalencing, passing of array-sub-sections to subroutine calls, etc. A second limitation is that the description of complex decompositions and espe-cially dynamic decompositions, i.e. a redis tribution of the data at run-time, is not feasible either. An exception is [Kennedy89] where a method is presented to describe re-distribution. However, this method still has the drawback that redistribution statements are not generated automati-cally and are intermingled with the program code, which limits portability.

A more fundamental problem to these approaches is that distinctive formalisms are used for the description of algorithm and decomposition. Hence, a unified formal system to reason about optimizing transformations at compile-time is not possible. Furthermore, the approaches do not address the issue in the general context of data rep-resentation.

This paper aims at presenting a language independent framework for representing and reasoning about the trans-formations involved, yielding a unified and generalized approach to this subject. The approach is based on a so called view calculus, denoted as V-cal. From this several optimizations are derived for important classes of data de-compositions. It is shown that parallel programs can be generated for shared-memory as well as distributed-mem-ory parallel processors.

2. Program Representation and Transformation 2.1 Algorithms and Programs

In order to describe program transformations from data decomposition specifications in a language independent way, we need to define which characteristics are to be ex-tracted from a program source code. A first observation is that most algorithms suitable for parallelization involve many identical operations on (parts of) large datastruc-tures. In traditional imperative languages this is reflected


by implementations involving many iterations over some nested loop-structure, whereas in functional languages the operations are recursively defined over one or more list structures.

A second observation is that algorithms can either be described by a function mapping of a set of input values to a set of output values, where the calculations of the output values are mutually independent, or by a function mapping where some values from a previous function application are part of the input set. The first type of mapping is involves no intermediate state and is therefore inherently parallel. The second type of mapping involves some intermediate state and inhibits a sequential component. Note that all algo rithms can be transformed to the first category. However, this can lead to an excessive duplication of work and data. Usually, the use of in-termediate states comes quite naturally (e.g. in algorithms exposing obvious complexity when writing them explicitly or algorithms containing intermediate tests on data values).

In principle, the state-less part of an algorithm can be expressed in a single expression of the type A=expr(B), where A is a variable and B is a set of variables, represent-ing multi-dimensional data structures, on which an ex-pression expr is defined. Over this exex-pression the sequen-tial part of the algorithm can be defined (if existent). In this paper, we restrict ourselves to datastructures, where the index to the data can be defined by an ordered index set, i.e. a finite set of d-tuples in N, from here on simply called index set. This includes all array-like structures, but excludes relational structures like trees.

2.2 V-cal

In order to capture the essential algorithmic informa-tion from programs and be able to perform transforma-tions on those programs, we have developed a calculus, called V-cal. The calculus is constructed around the no-tion of and manipulano-tion with bounded index sets and uses concepts from set- and function theory. In this paper, only a short introduction is given to V-cal, which should be sufficient to understand the concepts. For a more detailed description, the reader is referred to [Paalvast91b].

2.3 Index Sets

The notion of an index set is crucial to V-cal. All trans-formations and optimizations are expressed in terms of index set manipulations. First we define the notion of a bounded set.

Definition 1:

The bounded set Nb, with b = (l,u) is given by the Cartesian product N1×..×Nd, where l = (l1, l2, ..., ld) and u

= (u1, u2, ..., ud), with l,u Nd, and NiN is defined as:

Ni = { ni | li ni ui} i = 1..d

The vector l and u are called the lowerbound and upper-bound of the set, respectively, b the upper-bound vector, and the positive integer d the dimension of Nb.

Example 1. The set {(2,3), (2,4), (3,3), (3,4)} is within the bounded set l=(2,3), u=(3,4), but also within the bounded set l = (1,0), u = (8,7). The first bounded set is called a normalized bounded set.

Using the bounded set we define an index set as:

Definition 2:

An index set I is a bounded set Nb, on which a predicate function P: Nc T is defined. The set I is defined as a set comprehension:

I = {i Nb | P(i)} or shorthand I = (b, P).

Example 2. Consider I = (b, P), with l=(0,0), u=(2,2), and P((i1,i2)) = i1i2 yields the set {(0,1), (0,2), (1,2)}. We

will also use the notation I = (0:2×0:2, P), whenever convenient.

Next, we define a selection function on an index set I, which selects a single index from I:

Definition 3:

The single index selection function, denoted as [i], selects the i-th index when applied to I. The application is written as [i](I).

In general, instead of i, a function prescription will be en-closed between the square brackets: [ip(i)]. The function ip(i) is called the index propagation function.

Example 3. Let ip(i) = (i1+1, i2+1), then (i1, i2)=(1,3),

when applied on the index set of the above example, re-turns the index (2,4).

In practice, we often need to be able to express a set of such single index selections, yielding what we call a view.

Definition 4:

A view V is a onto and one-to-one relation V I×J, de-scribed by the tuple (K, dp, ip), where I, J, and K are in-dex sets, ip is an integer total function from J to I, and dp is a monotonic increasing function on the bounding vec-tors of the index set. A view is denoted as

(K, dp, ip),

A view application to an index set I is denoted as


where it holds that J = (bK & dp(bI), ( PI° ip) PK), with

I = (bI, PI). The parameter expression (i J) ◊ binds

the index set J to the parameter i, where the symbol de-notes the partial ordering on the elements of J. The '&' operator denotes the bound vector of the intersection of two sets represented by bound vectors.

The parameter expression ∆(i J) ◊ can be thought of as an abstract loop, generalizing all forms of DO-loops, such as DOALL and DOACROSS.

An important characteristic of views is that they can be composed:

Definition 5:

The view composition U = V°W is defined by the follow-ing compositions on the respective views V = ( (bKv,

PKv), dpv, ipv), and W = ((bKw, PKw ), dpw, ipw),: ipu = ipw ° ipv dpu = dpv ° dpw bu = bKv & dpv(bKw) Pu = PKw° ipv PKv

A derived result of this definition is the so-called contrac-tion of parameter expressions (i I) [ip1(i)] (j J)

[ip2(j)]. We can write them as the composition √1(I, id, ip1) ° √2(J, id, ip2) where J = (b,R) and id is the identity

function. Then according to Definition 5 this composition is equal to √(I (b, R°ip1), id, ip2 ° ip1), which is again

equal to the parameter expression: ∆(i I (b, R°ip1))


Example 5: We illustrate the principle of view composi-tion with an example:

Let V = (bv, Pv, dpv, ipv,): bv, = (0,1), Pv(i) = {i ≥ 1},

dpv(i) = i – 2, ipv(i) = i + 2

W = (bw, Pw, dpw, ipw): bw = (0,10), Pw(i) = {i ≥ 4},

dpw(i) = i div 2, ipw(i) = 2.i

The V ° W = (bv°w,Pv°w,dpv°w,ipv°w) : bv°w = (0,1) & (–2,10–2) = (0,1), Pv°w(i) = {i ≥ 4}° ipv {i 1}= {i ≥ 2},

dpv°w(i) = (i div 2) – 2, ipv°w(i) = 2.(i + 2) = 2.i + 4.

2.4 Views on Data Sets, Expressions, and Clauses

So far, views are applied to index sets. In reality, a data value of a certain type is related to each index value, similar to an array in conventional languages and its asso-ciated index set. From now on, instead of applying a view V to an explicit index set I, e.i. V(I), we will write V(A), denoting the application on the index set IA of a

datastruc-ture A. Predicates on index sets might even be related to data values. For example, [i](A>0) denotes a predicate on i, selecting only those indices of which the associated data values are larger than 0.

In the same way, views can be defined over expres-sions involving multi-dimensional operations. Multi-di-mensional operations in V-cal are defined strictly ele-ment-wise, according to reduction rules like:


(i J) ([ip(i)](V)+[ip(i)](W)).

Where ⊕ is the multi-dimensional equivalent of the scalar +. Finally, views can be defined over clauses. Clauses in-corporate view expressions and assignments and define state-to-state transformations. For example,


(i J) ([ip(i)] (U) :=[ip(i)](V)+[ip(i)](W)). So far, nothing has been said about the ordering operator

◊. This operator can define arbitrary orderings, of which two forms, ◊ = • and ◊ = //, are of specific importance. The '•' order implies the lexicographical ordering of selec-tions and '//' denotes the absence of such an ordering, im-plying the possibility of parallel execution.

2.5 Transformation of Programs into V-cal.

The question that arises when introducing a new for-malism, is the applicability to, for example, existing lan-guages like Fortran or C. To perform this transformation, it is necessary, to a certain extend, to extract the actual al-gorithm from a given program. This process is far from trivial and may only be partly successful. However, it is shown in [Paalvast90,91b], that the high-level language Booster is can make full use of, and can be translated al-most directly to V-cal .

In this respect,V-cal presents a model of computation to which restructuring efforts of Fortran and C can be di-rected, and which, if restructuring is successful, yields the advantage of the rewrite-rules of the calculus. This will be an area for future research. Below we will only give a trivial example of a translation of an imperative program to V-cal (A and B are independent)

for i:=imin to imax do if A[i]>0 then

A[i]:= B[f(i)];

fi; od;

(i (k+1: n | [i]A>0 ) // ([i](A) := [f(i)](B)) Fig.1 Example program and corresponding V-cal ex-pression.


2.6 Data Decomposition

Data decomposition in V-cal can be expressed quite easily. In the sequel, we consider the data structures A and B used in an algorithm as views on the (distributed) mem-ory of a machine. Furthermore, by following the conven-tion that the processor responsible for a certain data ele-ment is also responsible for the computations involved in its calculation, we can generate SPMD programs. Consider the following general template, where we re-strict ourselves, for reasons of clarity, to the following one-dimensional clause, where A and B have index sets (0:n–1) and (0:m–1):

(i (imin:imax)) [f(i)]A :=Expr([g(i)](B)) (1)

If A is replaced by a general decomposition V(A'), with index set (0:pmax–1× 0:k), where A' is the 'machine'

im-age of A, we obtain the following general decomposition view:


where K = Ø, dp((l,u))=l*u, ip(j)=(procA(j), localA(j))

The functions procA and localA allocate each element to a

processor and local memory, respectively. Substitution of A by V(A') and similarly B by W(B') in Eq.(1), in combi-nation with the application of the view V to the respective machine images yields:


([f(i)] (j (0:n–1)) [procA(j), localA(j)]A' :=

Expr([g(i)] (j (0:m–1)) [procB(j),localB(j)]B')

Applying parameter expression contraction (result of Definition 5), the expression becomes

(i (imin:imax)) ([procA(f(i)), localA(f(i))]A' :=

Expr([procB(g(i)), localB(g(i))]B')


In this form, we have replaced the one-dimensional struc-tures A and B with the two-dimensional strucstruc-tures A' and B'. When implemented on a machine, the structures A' and B' may, or may not be physically distributed. Next we in-troduce the concept of SPMD-parallel programs by apply-ing the rewrite-rule renamapply-ing:

[E(i),....] ⇒∆(e (emin:emax | E(i) = e)) [e, ...],

in which the expression procA(f(i)) is replaced by p in a

parameter expression which includes a predicate.

(i (imin:imax)) ◊∆(p ((0:pmax-1)| procA(f(i)) = p)

([p, localA(f(i))]A' := Expr([procB(g(i)), localB(g(i))]B')

We can rewrite the expression by interchanging the two parameter expressions, effectively moving the parameter

p to the left, while causing the condition procA(f(i))=p to

move from the one parameter expression to the other:

(p (0:pmax-1)) ◊∆(i (imin:imax | procA(f(i))=p))

(p, localA(f(i))]A':=Expr([procB(g(i)), localB(g(i))]B') (3)

From this expression, we can start generating SPMD (Single Program Multiple Data) programs, by instancia-tion of the expression for each value of p, yielding node-programs that only differ in the parameter p and which act upon those elements that have indices satisfying procA(f(i))=p. We can translate this V-cal expres sion

di-rectly to a parallel version of the original program. However, this translation only yields a 'real' parallel pro-gram if the composition operator ◊ equals the parallel op-erator //. In the case of a sequential opop-erator • the expres-sion translates to a sequential program, and in the case of more complicated orderings we can obtain DOACROSS-style synchronization patterns.

As an example, consider the parallel case, in which the following imperative style SPMD pseudo code for all pro-cessors p = 0, ..., pmax-1 is generated, where p is assumed

to be provided by the run-time function my_node: p := my_node;

for i := imin to imax do if procA(f(i)) = p then

A'[p,localA(f(i))] :=

Expr(B'[procB(g(i)),localB(g(i))]; fi;


An implicit assumption is that direct access to all data by any processor is possible. However, for some architec-tures explicit routines have to be generated for the move-ment of data.

2.7 Data Retrieval

For any architecture that does not support immediate access to all data by every processor, the aforementioned general (parallel) expression has to be extended with the notion of remote data access. Since there is always at least one processor responsible for issuing access commands for a certain data element, we can rewrite the expression by distinguishing two cases. In the first case, the proces-sor responsible for the computation of A[f(i)] is also re-sponsible for the retrieval of B[g(i)]. In the second case, the data has to be retrieved from the memory for which procB(g(i)) is responsible. The criterion for deciding

whether a value can be retrieved locally is procB(g(i))=p.

Below the general scheme is given, where the part of A and B local to processor p, are denoted as AL, BL. The

function fetch implements the remote data-fetching with the processor number procB(g(i)) and memory location

localB(g(i)) as arguments.

(p (0:pmax-1)) ◊∆(i (imin:imax| procA(f(i))=p))

[localA(f(i))]AL := (if procB(g(i))=p then [localB(g(i))]BL


The actual realization of the function fetch depends on the type of target architecture.

2.8 Modify- and Reside Sets

Before elaborating on various realizations and their complexity, we introduce the sets Modifyp, Reside p, and

Allp that simplify notation. The set Modifyp contains all indices i for which A[f(i)] is to be modified by processor p. The set Residep contains all indices i where the ele-ments B[g(i)] reside on processor p.

Modifyp = { i (imin:imax) | ProcA(f(i)) = p }

Residep = { i (imin:imax) | ProcB(g(i)) = p }

Allp = Modifyp Residep

In terms of realizations, we will distinguish between two types of parallel machines; shared-memory machines and dis tributed-memory machines. The main difference between those machines is not their physical appearance, but the way data is retrieved.

2.9 Shared-Memory Machines

The SPMD-code template for shared-memory ma-chines is straightforward, because each processor can ac-cess each memory location directly. Therefore, for all in-dices i, for which A[f(i)] is to be updated by processor p, effectively the following code is executed1:

p := my_node; forall i in Modifyp do A[f(i)] := Expr(B[g(i)]; od; barrier; 2.10 Distributed-Memory Machines

The code generation for distributed- (or message-pass-ing) architectures is somewhat more complicated, because data needed might reside on another processor. Below, a trivial template is given, for a virtual machine that has non-blocking sends and blocking receives.

p:= my_node;

forall i in Allp do

if i in Residep\Modifyp then

send(procA[f(i)], BL[localB(g(i)]);

fi;**send all elem. needed by other pr. if i in Modifyp\Residep then

tmp := receive(procB[g(i)],BL[localB(g(i)]); AL[f(i)] := Expr(tmp);

fi;** receive elem. stored elsewhere and upd.** if i in Modifyp Residep then

AL[f(i)] := Expr(BL[localB(g(i)]);

1 The expensive barrier synchronization can in many cases be eliminated or merged with other synchronizations in intra-statement optimizations. For sake of correctness, this synchronization is added here.

fi;** update all local elements ** od;

Each processor p computes those elements for which it is responsible or which reside on it. Those elements of B which reside on this processor, but are to be computed on a different processor, are sent to that processor. Alternatively, those needed, but not residing are received. Finally, if all communication is terminated successfully, the values of A local to p are updated.

3. Optimizations

The elementary programs presented above can have a very bad time-complexity, if the sets Modifyp and Residep

have to be computed at run-time. For example, in the worst case it takes imax-imin + 1 iterations with imax-imin

+ 1 tests to determine whether i is an element of the set Modifyp, i.e. satisfies the test procA(f(i))=p. The same

holds for Residep, which may take the same number of

it-erations and tests in the worst case. For an equal distribu-tion of the workload, only (imax-imin)/p indices are

actu-ally processed per computing node.

It is evident that compile-time conversion of these sets to 'closed form' index sets is important to reduce run-time overhead. Preferably, all index sets are completely re-duced at compile time and replaced by enumerating func-tions, generating exactly the elements of the set. This is, unfortunately, not always possible due to the fact that the functions involved either depend on values of the array el-ements — which are generally only known at run-time — or are too complicated. The latter restriction more or less depends on the progress made in — automated — sym-bolic manipulation techniques, whereas the first one is in-herent to the algorithm. In the following sections, we will examine various optimizations possible at compile-time.

3.1 Compile-time Optimizations

The best achievable solution to the membership prob-lem, at compile-time, is to find a generation function gen from the predicate expressions Modify and Reside. The function gen (imin:imax)× (tp,min:tp,max) is to be

con-structed such that i=gen(t) and the predicate procA(f(i))=p

is always 'true' in the range (tp,min:tp,max), effectively

re-placing (3) with

(p (0:pmax-1)) ◊∆(t (tp,min:tp,max)) [genp(t)]

(i (imin:imax | procA(f(i))=p)) [p, localA(f(i))]A' :=

... yielding

(p (0:pmax-1 )) ◊∆(t (tp,min:tp,max))

[p, localA(f(genp(t)))]A' := ...

The function gen generates exactly those indices that are effectively used. For a number of data decompositions and properties of the function f(i) or g(i) those


op-timizations can be obtained (in the sequel, we will refer to these functions as f(i) only). We will elaborate on those optimizations in the following sections, where we will concentrate on the class of well known types of Block-Scatter decompositions: BS(b) with a certain block-size b. Prior to this we present a general special case, namely if the index propagation function f is a constant.

Theorem 1:

Let A be subject to any decomposition, and let f(i) = c, where c is an integer constant, then the generation pa-rameters are given by:

gen(t) = t

tp,min = imin, for p= procA(c) and tp,min =0, for pprocA(c)

tp,max = imax, for p= procA(c) and tp,max=-1, for p


Proof: The condition procA(f(i)) = p implies procA(c) =

p, hence it is independent of i. So for that processor p = procA(c), the complete range imin:imax is valid and for all

others the range is empty. For gen(t) we can take in fact any arbitrary function, because it is composed with c.

3.2 Block-Scatter Decomposition

We first derive a general result for block-scatter de-compositions. From this specific instances are derived. In block-scatter decompositions the data is split in a number of blocks containing consecutive data elements, each block scattered over the range of processors (fig 2a) The optimization is given in the following theorem:

Theorem 2: Block-scatter decomposition

Let A' be a block-scatter-decomposition BS(b) of A with parameter b according to:

A = (i ((imin:imax)| proc(f(i)) = p)

[proc(f(i)),local(f(i))]A' where proc(i) = (i div b) mod pmax and local(i) = b.(i div

m.pmax))+i mod b. Let f be a monotonic increasing

func-tion, then:

A = (k (0:kp,max)) ◊∆(j (jk,p,min:jk,p,max)) ◊

[p,local(f(j))]A', where

kp,max = (f(imax) div b – p) div pmax

jp,k,min = max(imin, f-1(b.(p + k.pmax)))

jp,k,max = min(imax,  f-1(b.(p + k.pmax) + b – 1))

Proof: We can write the equation p = (f(i) div b ) mod pmax also as:

p + k.pmax = t with t = f(i) div b

Let the range for k be equal to 0:kmax and assume that f is

a monotonic increasing function, then the value for kmax

can be derived as follows:

kmax = max{ k N | p + k.pmax f(imax) div b } =

max{ k N | k (f(imax) div b – p) div pmax } =


The range for jp,k in f(jp,k) div b = p + k.pmax can be

derived as follows:

b.(p + k.pmax) f(jp,k) b.(p + k.pmax) + b – 1

f-1(b.(p+k.pmax))≤ jp,k≤f-1(b.(p+k.pmax) +b– 1)

The range thus equals:

jp,k,min = max(imin, f-1(b.(p + k.pmax)))

jp,k,max = min(imax, f-1(b.(p + k.pmax) + b – 1))

In those cases were jp,k,min > jp,k,max, there exists no

integer solution for the range of jp,k.

The above Theorem in fact defines a Repeated Block decomposition. However, also an alternative formulation exists:

i. Repeated Scatter

The formula found for the BS(b) can be rewritten by applying rules from the calculus, to obtain a form that is more favorable than the form in the previous Theorem, under the condition that b f(imax)/(2.pmax). We will

re-fer to this form as the Repeated Scatter decomposition, as opposed to the Repeated Block decomposition presented in the above Theorem. The rewrite of A yields

A =(k ((0:kp,max)) ◊∆(t (b.p: b.p + b – 1))

(j (jk,p,min:jk,p,max)) ◊ [p,local(f(j))]A' , where

jp,k,min = max(imin, f-1(t + b.k.pmax))

jp,k,max = min(imax,  f-1(t + b.k.pmax))

= ∆(t (b.p: b.p+b–1)) ◊∆(k ((0:kp,max) | f-1(t +

b.k.pmax) Z) [p,local(t + b.k.pmax)]A'

In the following, we will explore a number of special cases of block-scatter decomposition, such as block and scatter decomposition in a general form and with a spe-cific form of the index propagation function f.

ii. Block-decomposition

In the case of block-decomposition (fig2b), the general case of block-scatter decomposition reduces to BS(b), where b = f(imax)/pmax pmax.b = f(imax). From this it

follows that kp,max = (f(imax) d i v b – p ) div pmax=

((pmax.b ) div b – p) div pmax = ((pmax – p) div pmax = 0,

and the parameter k can be elimated altogether. The bounds for j now equal:

jp,min = max(imin,f-1(b.p))

jp,max = min(imax,f-1(b.p+ b – 1))

The theorems above are also valid for monotonic de-creasing functions f(i), provided that the arguments of f-1 are exchanged for tp,min and tp,max.

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 block processor (b) 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 processor scatter (c) block/scatter 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 processor (a)

Fig.2 Data Decompositions

iii. Scatter-decomposition

In the case of scatter-decomposition (fig 2c), the general case of block-scatter decomposition reduces to BS(1) which yields the following simplified ranges:

kp,max = (f(imax) – p) div pmax

jp,k,min = max(imin, f-1(p + k.pmax))

jp,k,max = min(imax,  f-1(p + k.pmax ))

The next theorem defines a more optimal version for the scatter decomposition if the function f is linear:

Theorem 3: Scatter-decomposition with linear functions

Consider the scatter decomposition BS(1) with function f(i) = a.i + c, a Z\{0}, c Z, then the view expression can be rewritten as:

V = (t (tp,min,tp,max)) ◊


genp(t) = xp + (pmax/gcd(a,pmax)).t

tp,min = (imin – xp)/(pmax/gcd(a,pmax))

tp,max= (imax – xp)/(pmax/gcd(a,pmax))

where xp is a particular solution in i of the linear

dio-phantine equation a.i – pmax.k = p – b and gcd denotes the

function that yields the greatest common divisor. If no solution to the diophantine equation exists, then that particular processor is not to execute any code.

Proof: The index propagation function has the form f(i) = a.i + c, a Z\{0}, c Z, and the inverse exists and equals f-1(i) = (i – c)/a. Hence by Theorem 2, we have the


following values for the bounds jp,k,min, jp,k,max and


kmax = (a.imax + c – p) div pmax

jp,k,min = max(imin,f-1(p + k.pmax)) =

max(imin,(p + k.pmax – c)/a))

jp,k,max = min(imax,f-1(p + k.pmax)) =

min(imax,(p + k.pmax – c)/a))

Thus jp,k,min = jp,k,max iff (p + k.pmax – c)/a = i Z.

This condition for k can be restated as: (p – c) = a.i – k.pmax 0 ≤ k kmax

Let i = xp be a particular solution of this diophantine

equation, which is obtained by the usual iterative tech-nique of logarithmic complexity (see Section 4). Consequently, the generation function gen is given by genp(t) = xp + (pmax/gcd(a, pmax)).t, iff (–p + c)/gcd(a,

pmax)) ∈ Z. The range tp,min t tp,max can be derived

from the constraint imin genp(t) imax. Substitution of

genp(t) yields imin xp + (pmax/gcd(a, pmax)).t imax and

the corresponding ranges are:

tp,min = (imin – xp)/(pmax/gcd(a,pmax))

tp,max= (imax – xp)/(pmax/gcd(a,pmax))

The solution of xp is dependent on p. This implies that we have to find xp for every value of p. This requires much work, that can not be done at compile-time, when some values, like pmax, are not known. However, as is

shown in Section 4, run-time overhead can be kept low. Simplifications can be derived for a number of special cases. To this purpose, we rewrite a.i - pmax.k - p + c = 0


α.ip -β.k + δp = 0 (4) with α = a/gcd(a, pmax), β = pmax/gcd(a, pmax), and δp

= (- p+c)/gcd(a, pmax). From the theory of integer

equations [Gelf60], it is known that the solution of the equation is of the form:

ip p.C(a, pmax) + β.t t= 0, ±1, ±2,...(5)

where C(a, pmax) is a constant, solely dependent on a and

pmax, hence independent on p. Both gcd(a, pmax) and

C(a, pmax) can be found by using the extended Euclid's

algorithm described in [Bann88]. Having found C(a, pmax), xp is simply derived as

xp = δp.C(a, pmax), iff p = c + δp.gcd(a, pmax) (6)

By choosing δp=1, i.e. p = c + gcd(a,pmax), we get

xc+gcd(a, pmax) = C(a,pmax), which results from solving

a.i -pmax.k - gcd(a, pmax) = 0. This equation can now be

used in two cases to obtain C(a,pmax) directly. Corollary 1: If pmax mod a = 0, then

genp(t) = (p-c+pmax.t)/a

tp,min = (a.imin-p+c)/pmax

tp,max = (a.imax-p+c)/pmax

Proof: If a divides pmax, then gcd(a,pmax)=a. Therefore,

Eq.(4) becomes a.i - pmax.k - a = 0. It is easy to see that

q=1, k=0 is a solution for this equation. Hence, C(a, pmax) =xc+a =1. From this we obtain xp =c)/a, iff

(p-c) mod a =0.

Corollary 2: If a mod pmax = 0, then

genp(t) =t tp , m i n =

imin, for p=c mod pmax

tp,max = imax, for p=c mod pmax

Proof: If pmax divides a, then gcd(a,pmax)=pmax. Then

Eq.(4) becomes a.i - pmax.k - pm a x = 0. From this, it

follows that i=0, k=-1 is a solution. Hence, C(a,pmax)

=xc+a =0. Therefore, xp =0, p. However, it also holds

that p = c +δp.pmax , effectively defining a single processor in the range 0ppmax-1 to be active, i.e. p=c

mod pmax .


A last observation is that in the proof of theorem 3, it has been assumed that f(i) =a.i + c. However, strictly this is not necessary, yielding the condition that the range jp,k,min : jp,k,max is not empty, iff i = f-1(p + k.pmax - c)

Z. What we can do for each processor p, is check whether or not the above condition is satisfied, for k=0, 1, .., kmax, ikmaximax. This is of course not as optimal as

the scatter decomposition of Theorem 3, since some tests may fail. For monotone non-linear functions f(i) (e.g. f(i)= i + (i div 4), f(i)= i2), the method can be faster than simply enumerating on i, which would be the alternative. To see this, we rewrite the condition as f(i) = p + k.pmax

-c. If we enumerate on i, the sampling-rate of the lefthand-side is determined by df(i)/di. If we enumerate on k, the sampling-rate is pmax, hence enumerating on k is advan-tageous if df(i)/di < pmax, with an improvement of a

factor of (pmax)/(df(i)/di).

3.3 Piece-wise monotonic functions

So far, we have assumed that f(i) must be a monotonic function. However, some occurring index function in al-gorithms exhibit periodic behavior. Examples are index functions resulting from rotate- and perfect-shuffle type of views. Consider for instance f(i) = (i+6) mod 20, imple-menting a rotate operation. Clearly, functions as above are not monotonic. However, they are piece-wise monotonic. A function is piece-wise monotonic, if we can find a set of consecutive intervals [ik, ik+1 ), imin(ik,

ik+1)imax+1, ik<ik+1, for which f(i) is monotonic. The

value ik+1 is called a breakpoint. The requirement of piece-wise monotonicity is not sufficient for our purposes: f(i) must be injective as well.

We restrict the discussion here to functions of the form f(i) = g(i) mod z + d, where g(i) is a monotonic increasing function (for decreasing functions a similar derivation can be made), covering many practical functions. The func-tion f(i) is only injective, if z > g(imax) - g(imin). To find

f-1, the modulo function has to be removed somehow. We can rewrite the function as

g(i) mod z = g(i) - z.(g(i) div z)

Now, if there is no breakpoint in f(i), g(i) div z is a con-stant k and can be found by calculating k = g(imin) div z

or, alternatively, k = g(imax) div z. The function f(i) then

becomes g(i) - z .k +d and can be treated in the normal way.

If there is a breakpoint, then it holds k=g(imin) div z

and k+1=g(imax) div z. Therefore, the function is either

g(i) - z.k +d or g(i) - z.(k+1) +d. The breakpoint can be found by solving ib out of g(i) mod z = 0, with imin i

imax, yielding ibreak =ib.

For block decomposition, the processor number where the break occurs can be found by solving f(ibreak) div c

=p. At that processor the ranges must be split, according to imin i <ibreak with f(i) = g(i) - z.k +d and ibreak i

imax with f(i) = g(i) - z.(k+1) +d.

For scatter decomposition, a breakpoint in the range of f(i) is likely to affect every processor. Therefore, at each processor the range is split in imin i <ibreak with f(i) =

g(i) - z.k +d and ibreak i imax with f(i) = g(i) - z.(k+1)

+d. The two ranges only differ in the value of δp, hence

xp. For cases where z is a multiple of pmax and d=0, we

can derive a simplification by rewriting f(i) mod pmax to f(i) mod pmax = g(i) mod (n. pmax) mod pmax = g(i) mod pmax.

3.4 Summary

In Table I, we have summarized the main optimizations derived in this paper.


f(i), g(i) Block Scatter Bl/Sc

c genp(t) = t genp(t) = t RB/

tp,min = imin, for p=c div b tp,min = imin, for p=c mod pmax RS

tp,max = imax, for p=c div b tp,max = imax, for p=c mod pmax

(else tp,min =0 and tp,max =-1) (else tp,min =0 and tp,max =-1)

i+c genp(t) = t genp(t) = p-c+(pmax).t RB/

tp,min = max{imin, b.p-c} tp,min = (imin-p+c)/pmax

tp,max = min{imax, b.p+b-1-c} tp,min = (imax-p+c)/pmax

a*i+c see a*i+c genp(t) = (p-c+pmax.t)/a RB/

(pmax mod tp,min = (a.imin-p+c)/pmaxRS

a =0) tp,max = (a.imax-p+c)/pmax

a*i+c see a*i+c genp(t) = t RB/

(a mod tp,min = imin, for p=c mod pmax RS

pmax =0) tp,max = imax, for p=c mod pmax

(else tp,min =0 and tp,max =-1)

a*i+c genp(t) = t genp(t) = xp+(pmax/gcd(a,pmax).t RB/

tp,min = max{imin, (b.p-b) div a} tp,min = (imin-xp)/(pmax/gcd(a,pmax))RS

tp,max = min{imax, (b.p+b-1-c) div a} tp,max = (imax-xp)/(pmax/gcd(a,pmax))

mono- genp(t) = t no optimization RB

tonic tp,min = max{imin, f-1(b.p)} (limited optimization as repeated

incr (or block decomposition if df(i)/di < pmax)

decr.) tp,max = min{imax, f-1(b.p+b-1)}

Table I. Optimizations for several decompositions. RB means repeated block-decomposition and RS means repeated scatter decomposition.

4. Implementation Issues

Implementation of block-decompositions is relatively straightforward. A difficulty is that the inverse of f(i) or g(i) must be known. For non-linear monotone functions this might not always be directly possible by automated means (i.e. a compiler). Then some binary search method must be applied or the inverse must be constructed table-wise.

A second remark is that the functions max and min can only be eliminated if imin, imax, and p are known at compile-time, otherwise they remain as a function in the SPMD-code.

As for scatter decomposition, an observation from Eq.(6) is, that if we have a processor pi for which the

equation is satisfied, the next processor pj for which

Eq.(6) holds is pj=pi ± gcd(a, pmax), with δpj = δpi ± 1.

Hence, it holds δp= 0, ±1, ±2,...,etc. All processors

between pi and pj do not select an index value. For the

implementation of the scatter decomposition, we need to calculate gcd(a,pmax). If a and pmax are known at

com-pile-time, we can calculate the processor ranges in ad-vance. A simple algorithm with only additions exists in this case. The ranges of δp can be found by combining

p=c+δp.pmax with 0ppmax-1, yielding


If either a or pmax are not known at compile-time,

the constants gcd(a,pmax) and C(a,pmax) must be

calcu-lated in run-time. This can be done on the host, but this requires communication of the results. Therefore, it is more efficient to let each processor calculate these val-ues. This would be prohibitive if the convergence of the gcd algorithm is very slow. The number of steps (see [Knut81]) will never exceed 4.8 log10(N) -0.32, with 0(a,b)<N. The average number of steps is 1.9504


log10 n, with n=max(a,b). In our case, the number of steps will be on the average even smaller, since a will, in actual programs, be small. The effect of a being small is that in one step the problem is reduced to a problem with na. Now suppose a7, then the maximal number of steps is 5 and the average number of steps is ≈2.65. From this, it can be concluded that the algorithm is very fast and can be used without precaution.

The implementation in case of a repeated block is simply the following loop:



while t_min i_max do <process block> m:=m+1;


For a repeated scatter, we get p:=c*p_mynode;

for m:=0 to c-1 do p:=p+m;

<process scatter>


Note that the gcd and c calculation need only be done once. All simplifications of the scatter decomposition, when applicable also hold in this case.

5. Conclusions

A language independent formalism has been pre-sented (V-Cal) in which programs, as well as separately defined data decompositions, can be readily expressed and integrated. Several optimizations have been derived for important classes of data decompositions and access functions which are generally applicable. Several optimizations discussed in this paper have also been presented by others, albeit in the context of some pro-gramming language [Callahan88, Gerndt89, Koelbel90, Paalvast90] . We have generalized these results and placed them in a general context.

Advantage of the methodology lies in application of the view concept, which through its associated calculus, allows for automated reasoning about compile-time op-timizations and code generation for a broad range of parallel machines. It is here where the real advantage of the approach lies: the concept of a formal framework underlying the annotation of data parallelism is almost universally absent.

Further research is directed to more advanced de-compositions and storage strategies, such as dynamic-and overlapped decompositions, dynamic-and run-time optimiza-tions.

6. References

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