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European Union Law in the Decisions of the Member States' Constitutionaland Administrative Courts and Public Administration


Academic year: 2021

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Jean Monnet Module National Public Administration and European Integration CONFERENCE ENROLMENT SHEET

European Union Law in the Decisions of the Member States' Constitutional and Administrative Courts and Public Administration

CRACOW, 18-19 October 2017 FIRST NAME


Academic title and rank Represented

university/institution Mailing address

Data required for invoicing:

Taxpayer’s Identification Number, name of the institution or first name and surname (if a private person pays), payer’s address, address to which the invoice should be sent E-mail address

Telephone number

Nutritional preferences meat/vegetarian dishes*

Accommodation booking 17-18 October/ 18-19 October/ 19-20 October*

My conference contribution will be delivered in


Contribution title

Abstract (circa 200 words)

* Cross out the wrong answer(s).

Please sent the completed form by 10 July 2017 to: [email protected]


date, signature


Powiązane dokumenty

The purpose of the study is to present the results of the analysis of the education level in the European Union countries and to verify the relationship between the level of

Please write down the solutions (transformations, substitutions etc.), and additio- nally provide the final answer in the space specified (the answer should be a number in

Taxpayer’s Identification Number, name of the institution or first name and surname (if a private person pays), payer’s address, address to which the invoice should be sent

dudzikowej wychowanie i samowychowanie jednostki są jednym i tym samym zjawiskiem pedagogicznym (1993, s. oczywiście należy odróż- niać proces resocjalizacji jednostek

Short justification (please express remarks and comments that should be considered by the authors to receive a positive

1) in order to implement a research project referred to in Article 119 section 2 items 2 and 3 of the act provided above: programmes, projects or competitions

 by establishing that parent company had obtained, at its request and over and above what it was entitled to, up-to-date information on the state of the banana market

Postępując za przyjętą metodą Autor przedstawił wzorzec strukturalny tonu oraz omówił jego klauzule dyferencyjne w badanych antyfonarzach, które zebrał w siedem