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Measurement of the cross section of high transverse momentum $Z \rightarrow b\bar{b}$ production in proton--proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV with the ATLAS Detector


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Physics Letters B


Measurement of the cross section of high transverse momentum Zb b production ¯ in proton–proton collisions at √

s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector


a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t ra c t



Receivedinrevisedform8September2014 Accepted8September2014

Availableonline16September2014 Editor:H.Weerts



Boostedbb topologies¯

ThisLetterreportstheobservationofahightransversemomentumZbb signal¯ inproton–protoncol- lisions at

s=8 TeV and the measurementof its productioncross section. The data analysed were collectedin2012 withthe ATLASdetector attheLHC andcorrespond toan integratedluminosity of 19.5 fb1.TheZbb decay¯ isreconstructedfromapairofb-taggedjets,clusteredwiththeanti-kt jet algorithmwithR=0.4,thathavelowangularseparationandformadijetwithpT>200 GeV.Thesignal yieldisextractedfromafittothedijetinvariantmassdistribution,withthedominant,multi-jetback- groundmassshapeestimatedbyemployingafullydata-driventechniquethatreducesthedependence oftheanalysisonsimulation.Thefiducialcrosssectionisdeterminedtobe

σZfidbb¯=2.02±0.20(stat.) ±0.25(syst.)±0.06(lumi.)pb=2.02±0.33 pb, ingoodagreementwithnext-to-leading-ordertheoreticalpredictions.

PublishedbyElsevierB.V.ThisisanopenaccessarticleundertheCCBYlicense (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).FundedbySCOAP3.

1. Introduction

High transverse momentum (pT), hadronically decaying, elec- troweak-scale bosons have already been used in searches at the LHC [1–5], and are expected to play an increasingly sig- nificant role as the LHC moves to higher centre-of-mass ener- gies in 2015. Therefore it is important to study them directly.

This Letter presents the observation of a high-pT Z bb sig-¯ nal in a fully hadronic final state, and a measurement of its production cross section. The measurement is compared to the next-to-leading-order (NLO) matrix element plus parton-shower predictions of POWHEG [6–9] and aMC@NLO [10], where the parton-shower,hadronisation andunderlying-event modellingare provided by Pythia-8.165 [11] and Herwig++ [12], respectively.

This first measurement of a high-pT electroweak-scale boson in anall-hadronicfinalstate attheLHCdemonstratesthevalidityof boththeanalysistechniquesused andofthestate-of-the-art NLO plusparton-showerparticle-levelpredictionsforelectroweak-scale bosons decaying to bb.¯ It is therefore of great relevance for the search for the Hbb signal¯ in the (most sensitive) highHiggs boson pT range [13], aswell as for searches for TeV-scale reso- nances decaying to bbb¯ b via¯ Z Z , Z H or H H [14,15]. A high-pT Zbb signal¯ can also provide a usefulbenchmark for validat-

 E-mailaddress:[email protected].

ingtheperformanceoftheATLASdetector(forexample,theb-jet energy scale1); and for testing and optimising analysis methods relevant for physics studies involving high-pT jets that contain b-hadrons(b-jets).

TheanalysisdescribedinthisLetterisdesignedtoselectbb de-¯ caysofZ -bosonswithpT>200 GeV,inproton–protoncollisionsat

s=8 TeV.Thehigh-pT requirementhelpstoenhancethesignal relativetobb production¯ inmulti-jetevents(predominantlygluon splitting to bb in¯ this high-pT regime), which is the dominant sourceofbackgroundandhasamoresteeply-falling pT spectrum.

In orderto minimisethe dependenceon simulation,the analysis employsafullydata-driventechniqueforthedeterminationofthe invariantmassspectrumofthemulti-jetbackground.Thisisespe- ciallyimportantgiventhatMonteCarlo(MC)generators havenot beentestedthoroughlyin thisregionofthebb production¯ phase space.

2. TheATLASdetector

ATLAS is a multi-purpose particle physics experiment [17] at the LHC. The detector layout2 consists of inner tracking devices

1 TheuseoftheZbb peak¯ toconstraintheb-jetenergyscaleattheTevatron experimentswasdemonstratedinRef.[16].

2 ATLASuses aright-handedcoordinatesystemwith itsoriginat thenominal interactionpoint(IP)inthecentreofthedetectorandthez-axisalongthebeam http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2014.09.020



surrounded by a superconducting solenoid, electromagnetic and hadroniccalorimeters,andamuonspectrometer. Theinner track- ingsystemprovidescharged-particle trackinginthepseudorapid- ity region |η|<2.5 and vertex reconstruction. It consists of a silicon pixel detector, a silicon microstrip tracker, and a straw- tube transition radiation tracker. The system is surrounded by a solenoid that produces a 2 T axial magnetic field. The central calorimetersystemconsistsofaliquid-argonelectromagnetic(EM) samplingcalorimeterwithhighgranularityandaniron/scintillator- tile calorimeter providing hadronic energy measurements in the central pseudorapidityrange(|η|<1.7). Theendcap andforward regions are instrumented withliquid-argon calorimeters forboth electromagnetic and hadronic energy measurements up to |η|=

4.9. The muon spectrometer isoperated ina magnetic field pro- vided by air-core superconducting toroids and includes tracking chambersforprecisemuonmomentummeasurementsupto|η|=

2.7 and trigger chambers covering the range |η|<2.4. A three- leveltrigger systemis used toselect interesting events[18].The Level-1 trigger reduces the event rate to below 75 kHz using hardware-based triggeralgorithms acting ona subset of detector information.Twosoftware-basedtriggerlevels, referredto collec- tivelyastheHigh-LevelTrigger(HLT),furtherreducetheeventrate toabout400 Hzusinginformationfromtheentiredetector.

3. Data,simulatedsamples,andeventreconstruction

Thedatasample usedinthisanalysis, afterrequiringthatcer- tain quality criteriabe satisfied,corresponds to an integrated lu- minosityof L=19.5±0.5 fb1, and was recorded by ATLAS in 2012.Theuncertaintyontheintegratedluminosityisderived,fol- lowingthe same methodologyas that detailedin Ref. [19], from acalibration oftheluminosity scaleusing beam-separationscans performedinNovember2012.

MC event samples simulated with the GEANT4-based [20]

ATLAS detectorsimulation[21]areusedtomodeltheZbb sig-¯ nal and the small t¯t, Zc¯c and W qq¯ background contri- butions. In addition, multi-jet MC event samples are used for studyingthetriggermodellinginsimulation.Theeffectofmultiple proton–protoninteractionsinthesamebunchcrossing(pile-up)is includedinthesimulation.

The Zbb signal¯ is modelled using Sherpa-1.4.3 [22], with the CT10[23] NLO partondistribution function (PDF) set. An al- ternative Zbb model¯ wasgeneratedwith Pythia-8.165[11]and the CTEQ6L1 [24] leading-order (LO) PDF set and is used to de- terminethesystematicuncertaintyassociatedwith Zbb mod-¯ elling.The Zc¯c backgroundisalsogeneratedwith Sherpa-1.4.3 and the CT10 PDF set. The t¯t background is simulated with [email protected][25] interfacedto Herwig-6.520 [26] forthe frag- mentationandhadronisationprocesses,including Jimmy-4.31[27]

fortheunderlying-event description.The topquark mass isfixed at 172.5 GeV, and the PDF set CT10 is used. The W qq¯ and multi-jet MC samples are generated using Pythia-8.165 withthe CT10PDFset.

Jets are reconstructed using the anti-kt jet clustering algo- rithm [28], withradius parameter R=0.4. The inputsto there- constructionalgorithmaretopologicalcalorimetercellclusters[29]

calibratedattheEMenergyscale.Theeffectsofpile-uponjeten- ergies are accounted forby a jet-area-based correction [30]. Jets are then calibrated to the hadronic energy scale using pT- and

η-dependentcalibrationfactorsbasedon MCsimulationsandthe

pipe.Thex-axispointsfromtheIPtothecentreoftheLHCring,andthe y-axis pointsupwards.Cylindricalcoordinates(r,φ)areusedinthetransverseplane,φis theazimuthal anglearound thebeam pipe.Thepseudorapidity, η,is definedin termsofthepolarangleθasη= −ln[tan(θ/2)].

combinationof severalinsitu techniques appliedto data[29].To remove jetswith a significant contribution from pile-up interac- tions, itisrequiredthat atleast50% ofthesummedscalar pT of tracksmatchedtoajetbelongstotracksoriginatingfromthepri- maryvertex.3

TheflavourofjetsintheATLASsimulationisdefinedbymatch- ing jetstohadronswithpT>5 GeV.A jetislabelledasab-jetif ab-hadronisfoundwithinR=

(η)2+ (φ)2=0.3 ofthejet axis; otherwise, ifa c-hadron is found within thesame distance the jet is labelled as a c-jet; andif neitheris the case then the jetislabelledasalight(quark)jet.Thelifetimeandother proper- tiesofb-hadronsareusedtoidentify(b-tag)b-jetswith|η|<2.5, by exploitingthepropertiesandtopologyoftheirdecayproducts, such as theimpact parameter oftracks (definedas atrack’s dis- tance ofclosestapproach tothe primaryvertexin thetransverse plane), thepresence ofdisplaced vertices,andthereconstruction ofc-hadronandb-hadrondecays.Theb-taggingalgorithmusedin thisanalysis[31]combinestheaboveinformationusingmultivari- atetechniquesandisconfiguredtoachieveanefficiencyof70%for taggingb-jetsinaMC sampleoftt events,¯ whilerejecting80%of c-jetsandmorethan99%oflightjetsinthesamesample.

4. Eventselection

The events of interest in this analysis were triggered by a combination ofsixjet-based triggers. The mostefficient ofthese triggers (accepting about 70% of the signal events) requires two jets identified asb-jets by a dedicated HLT b-tagging algorithm, withtransverse energies(ET) above35 GeV,anda jetwith ET>

145 GeV thatmayormaynotbeoneoftheb-taggedjets.Thetrig- gerefficiencyforthe Sherpa signaleventspassing thefull offline eventselectionis88.1%.

The event selection requires that there be at least three but no morethan fivejetswith|η|<2.5 and pT>30 GeV, andthat exactlytwoofthembeb-tagged.Theb-taggedjetsmusteachhave pT>40 GeV. The angulardistance, R, betweenthem must be smallerthan1.2andthetransversemomentumofthedijetsystem theyform, pdijetT ,mustbegreaterthan200 GeV.

The final step of the event selection uses two variables with significant discrimination betweensignal and background to de- fine twosets ofevents,one signal-enrichedandtheothersignal- depleted,referredtohereafteras“SignalRegion”and“ControlRe- gion”. The two variables, which are combined with an artificial neuralnetwork(ANN)intoasinglediscriminant,SN N,are:(1) the dijet pseudorapidity, ηdijet; and(2) the pseudorapidity difference,

η,betweenthedijetandthe balancingjet,wherethebalancing jet is chosen to be the one that, when added to the dijet, gives thethree-jetsystemwiththesmallesttransversemomentum.The correlation of these two variables with the dijet invariant mass, mdijet,isverysmall,allowingtheANNtobetrainedusingselected dataeventsoutsidethemasswindow[80,110]GeV asbackground and Zbb MC¯ eventsassignal.Fig. 1depictsthedistributionsof

ηdijet, η andSN N inthesignal MCsample andinthedata.The data shownhere include all events with 60<mdijet<160 GeV, and are representative ofthe background asthe signal contribu- tionisestimatedtobeonlyabout1%.TheSignalRegionisdefined by SN N>0.58 and the Control Regionby SN N<0.45. The dis- criminatingpowerof ηdijetandηstemsfromthefactthatsignal productionproceedspredominantlyviaaquark–gluonhardscatter, asopposedtothedominantmulti-jetbackgroundwhichislargely initiatedbygluon–gluonscattering.Duetothedifferencesbetween

3 Amongstallreconstructedproton–protoncollisionsinabunchcrossing,thepri- maryvertexisdefinedasthevertexwiththehighestsummedtrackp2T.


Fig. 1. Thedistributionsof:(a)thedijetpseudorapidity,|ηdijet|;(b)thepseudorapid- itydifference,|η|,betweenthedijetandthebalancingjet;and(c)theneuralnet- workdiscriminantSN N,inthe Zbb signal¯ (redsquares)andinthedata(black circles),includingalleventswith60<mdijet<160 GeV.Thedataisdominatedby themulti-jetbackground.Thetwodashedlinesin (c)indicatetheSN Nvaluesdefin- ingtheSignal(SN N>0.58)andControl(SN N<0.45)Regions.(Forinterpretation ofthereferencestocolourinthisfigurelegend,thereaderisreferredtotheweb versionofthisarticle.)

thegluon andquark PDFs, the Z+jet system tends to be more boostedalongthebeamaxis;hencethe Z -bosonisproducedwith higherηandsmaller ηseparation fromitsrecoil, compared to thebackground.

Since SN N is minimally correlated withmdijet theControl Re- gion can be used as an unbiased model of the background in theSignal Region. Fig. 2showsthe normalisedratio ofthemdijet distributions in the Signal and Control Regions, excluding the Z masswindow.A first-orderpolynomialfittothisdistributiongives a good χ2 probability, 0.18, anda gradient consistent withzero, (−1.37±1.10)×104 GeV1.In addition,thevalidity ofassum-

Fig. 2. Thenormalisedratioofdijetmassdistributionsinthe SignalandControl Regions, excludingthe signalmasswindow,fittedwithafirst-order polynomial.


ing minimal correlation is supported by a test, performed with eventsfrom a Pythia 8 multi-jetMC sample satisfying theabove analysisrequirements,givingaratiooftheabovedistributionscon- sistent with being flat.The impact ofpossible differences in the backgroundmdijetshapebetweentheSignalandControlRegionsis consideredasoneofthesystematicuncertaintiesonthemeasure- ment.

Thetotalnumberofdataeventssatisfyingthefullanalysisse- lection is 236 172 in the Signal Region and 474 810 inthe Con- trol Region. The signal-to-background ratio in a 30 GeV window around the Z -bosonmassis expectedtobe about6% (2%) inthe Signal (Control) Region. The tt events¯ are estimatedto represent about0.5%ofthetotalbackgroundinboththeSignalandControl Regions,andthe Zcc and¯ Wqq¯ backgroundsare approxi- mately8%and6%ofthesignal,respectively.

5. Cross-sectiondefinition

Thefiducialcrosssectionofresonant Z -bosonproduction,with Z decaying to bb,¯ σZfidbb¯, isdefinedasfollows.Particle-level jets inMC Zbb events¯ arereconstructedfromstableparticles(par- ticleswithlifetimeinexcessof10 ps,excluding muonsandneu- trinos)usingtheanti-kt algorithmwithradiusparameter R=0.4.

There must be two particle-level b-jets in the event that satisfy the following fiducial conditions: pT>40 GeV, |η|<2.5 for the individual jets; and R(jet1,jet2)<1.2, pdijetT >200 GeV, 60<

mdijet<160 GeV forthedijetsystem.

The cross section is extracted from the measured yield of Zbb events¯ inthedata,NZbb¯,as

σZfidbb¯= NZbb¯ L·CZbb¯


where CZbb¯ is the efficiency correction factor to correct the detector-level Z bb yield¯ to the particle level. The value of CZbb¯ inthe Sherpa MCsignalisfoundtobe16.2%,whichcanbe factorisedintotheproductof:triggerefficiency(88.1%),b-tagging andkinematicselectionefficiency(52.7%),andtheefficiencyofthe SN NrequirementthatdefinestheSignalRegion(35.0%).Theuncer- taintiesonCZbb¯ arediscussedinSection7.

6. Signalextraction

The signal yield is extracted by fitting simultaneously the mdijet distributionsoftheSignal andControlRegionsintherange [60,160]GeV withabinned,extendedmaximum-likelihood(EML) fit,usingabinwidthof1 GeV.


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Stepanov Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus 92 National Scientific and Educational Centre for Particle and High Energy Physics, Minsk,

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Stepanov Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus 91 National Scientific and Educational Centre for Particle and High Energy Physics, Minsk,

Stepanov Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus 90 National Scientific and Educational Centre for Particle and High Energy Physics, Minsk,

Stepanov Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus 90 National Scientific and Educational Centre for Particle and High Energy Physics, Minsk,

Stepanov Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus 91 National Scientific and Educational Centre for Particle and High Energy Physics, Minsk,

Stepanov Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus 91 National Scientific and Educational Centre for Particle and High Energy Physics, Minsk,