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The finite dam: A study of the timedependent, stochastic behaviour of storage systems with additive input


Academic year: 2021

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ON ^ BIBLIOTHEEK TU Delft P 1945 3384






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1.1. A mathematical idealisation of a dam I (discrete case) 3

1.2. A mathematical idealisation of a dam II (continuous case) 8

1.3« Level crossings by certain stochastic processes 17

1.4. Level crossings by the content process v(t) 23

1.5. Review of recent research on related dam processes 25

1.6. Some notational and analytical detail 37

Chapter II Discrete Dams with Additive input 41

2.1 o The transient behaviour and first entrance times for the

infinit.e dam 41

2.2. First surpassage times for the infinite dam 46

2.3. First entrance times and transient behaviour for the

finite dam 51

Chapter III The infinitely high and deep dam 55

3.1. Introduction 55

3.2. The transient behaviour of the unrestricted dam 57

3.3. Calculation of the first entrance times ö ^0

3.4. Calculation of the taboo first entrance times 0 c2 -u;xy

3.5. Calculation of the first skip times ir 65

^ -xy

3.6. Calculation of the taboo first skip times 7t ó8 -u;xy


4.2. Calculation of the first passage times g~ 72

4.3. The transient behaviour of the infinitely deep dam 73

Chapter V The infinitely high dam 77

5.1. Introduction 77

5.2. The transient behaviour of an initially dry dam 79

5.3. The transient behaviour of the infinite dam 82

-I- 86

5.4. Calculation of the first entrance times ^

5.5- Calculation of the taboo first entrance times é 89 ^ ; x y

5.6. Calculation of the first skip times T 93 -xy

5o7. Calculation of the taboo first skip times 7r 96 -u;xy

Chapter VI The finite dam 101

5.1. Introduction 101

6.2. Calculation of the first entrance times é 102 6.3. The transient behaviour of the finite dam 104

References 111


The phenomena to be studied in this thesis are described

easiest in relation to water storage situations. It should be

recognized though that the methods we develop in the sequel

may be applied to certain Markovian time homogeneous Random

Walks, such as occur in the theories of Queues and Inventory

Gontrol. The particular feature investigated is the effect of

the imposition of boundaries on unrestricted or partially

res-tricted processes of this kind.

With a view to indicate the type of problems we intend to

examine, imagine a basin into which water is admitted from time

to time. The water is stored in the basin and released as

re-quired according to some rules. It is often of interest to Ido*

e.g. how much water is on hand at any given time, the maximum

content of the basin in a certain time interval and whether a

more or less continuous supply of water can be guaranteed.

The vital importance of the answer to such questions is

exem-plified by the use to which water in a reservoir is commonly

put and the reason for which dams are sometimes build viz.

drinking water, irrigation, generation of electricity, cooling


naturally depends to a large extend on the way in which water

is admitted, the input. Great fluctuations of the input will

cause a similar behaviour of the content. Further, the capacity

of the reservoir is an important factor. If the capacity is

small a lot of water is likely to go to waste. Finally, the

release rules are of importance. Thrift, if applied wisely,

may ensure a relatively long if meagre supply during draught.

Of necessity these remarks are vague. It is obvious that

the three aspects mentioned i.e. input, capacity and release

do influence the behaviour of the content of the dam in time,

but how and to what extend depends on the three factors

joint-ly. A fairly constant input and release may imply that a big

capacity of the reservoir is unnecessary. A near critically

small excess of average input over average use may nevertheless

necessitate a huge capacity. In view of these considerations

it is therefore pertinent to give a precise description of the

dajn models to be studied. This description will be given in

sections i and 2.

The approach throughout this study of Markovian Dam


distributions from the timedependent behaviour of the chain.

Alternatively, given the return time distributions of a Markov

Chain, the transient behaviour of same may be found. Often

return times for one Markov Chain can be found from same of a

related Markov Chain. Indeed, the return times of the finite

and semi infinite dams considered are found from those of

re-lated unrestricted processes. For a particular Markov Chain

this procedure is illustrated in Chapter II and it will be seen

that it relies heavily on Feller's Theory of Recurrent Events.

The application of a si.-nilar approach to certain Strong Markov

ProcesG?;s requires a relation between the transient behaviour

oF such processes and the renewal functions of the Renewal

Pro-ces.ses imbedded at any level. This relation is found in the

fairly basic theorem of section 3 regarding level crossings in

certain morr.entarily skipfree Stochastic Processes. In section 5

tae apprOtiCh presented is compared with other methods.

1.1. A n:?.thematical idealisation of a dam I (discrete time).

Consider a dam built to store water and thus forming a


contribu-tory rivers originating in the catchment area. The rainfall in

this area is a random process and therefore the inflow into the

reservoir is subject to random fluctuations; it is natural to

assume that this inflow is never negative.

Following Moran (1954), we consider the storage system only

at equidistant moments n = 0, 1, 2, ..., i.e. after equal

(year-lyt say) intervals. Denote by z* the content of the reservoir

at time n, while z^ = z is the initial nonnegative integer

con-tent. Let the positive integer K be the capacity of the

reser-voir. A dam for which K is infinite will be refered to as an

infinite dam; quantities pertaining to the latter will be

unstarred, e.g. z is the content of an infinite dam at time n.

The release of water occurs during the first half of the unit

time intervals (n,n-i-l), n = 0, 1, 2, ... . The amount of water

released during (n,n+l) is either a positive integer M units

or the total content at the start of the interval z* whichever —n

is less.

The input process of the cam is described by the total

amounts that become available in unit time intervals. Let x —n


the content of the reservoir in the second half of this

inter-val. Excess water overflows if the content z at time n minus —n

the release (min(il'i,z*)) plus the input x exceeds K. In this —n —n case an amount z -i- x - K - min(M,z ) goes to waste.

—n —n —n

The choice of the time at which the inflows become

availa-ble is fairly arbitrary. We are forced to make such a choice

due to the discretisation of the problem.

With the above assumptions we can express the

relation-ship between the content process 1^ , n = 0 , 1, •••[ and the

input process | x , n = 0 , 1, 2, ...I in the following recurrence

relation for n = 0, 1, 2, ... , z* ., = z* -I- X - M if z* > M, z* -(• X - M i K , (1.1) —n-i-1 — n — n — n * ' — n — n ' ^ - n if z** < M , X 4 K, —n ~ —n * = K if z*4 M, x^ j: K, = K if z* + X - M ? K . —n —n

Writing x = max(0,x), x = min(0,x), this can be condensed to

z* , = K + ((z* - M)"^ -I- x - K ) " . (1.2) —n+1 —n —n


As values of M exceeding unity lead to complications, we v/ill

take M = 1. This simplifies the formulae considerably and thus

gives a better insight in the structure of the results. The

loss of generality seems justified by the gain in clarity.

With a view to get as complete a picture as possible of the

stochastic behaviour of the dam as time proceeds, we further

define two accumulative processes. The total input X(n) during

the interval (0,n), clearly


X(n) = y~ X for n = 1, 2, ... ; (1.3)

— < — n 1^0

the total dry time d_(n) of the dam in the interval (0,n). This

dry time is the sum of the number of intervals in (0,n) during

which the reservoir was empty initially. Note that not

with-standing an inflow during the second half of the interval

(n,n+l) it is counted as a dry interval if z = 0 .

Writing (A) for the indicator function of the event A, that is

(A) = 1 if A occurs and zero otherwise, (1.4)



d*(n) = 1 ^ (z* = 0) for n = 1, 2, ... . (1.5) i=o

Alternatively, we have for the total input •jx(n) , n = O, 1, 2,..f

and total dry time |d^(n), n = O, 1, 2, ...r processes the

following recurrence relations for n = O, 1, 2, ... ^


X(n+1) = X(n) + X , (1.6)

d|(n+l) = d(n) + (z* = 0 ) ,

while we define X(0) = d(0) = 0.

Finelly, we will have to be more specific about

The inout process.

The inflows x of water during the caoosen disjoint unit

time intervals (n,n+l), n - 0, 1, 2, ... are independent and

identically distributed random variables with a discrete

dis-tribution on the nonnegative integers.

Let P(p) be the probability generating function of x t

that is


and let a be the expected value of the input during the

choosen unit intervals, i.e.

a = EJxjjj = P'(l) ^ <». (1.8)

The value of a relative to unity is naturally of particular

importance when dealing with the (semi) unrestricted darrs.

1.2. A mathematical idealisation of a dam II (continuous time).

The description of a finite dam in continuous time is a

rather more intricate than for the discrete case. v;e will

restrict ourselves in the first instance to the somewhat

pecu-liar class of input processes whose sample functions are

nonde-creasing step-functions vanishing at t = 0 . Subsequently, we will

limit the type of input processes even further to processes with

independent increments and almost all whose sample functions have

a finite number of jumps, that is to compound Poisson input. The

reason for the latter restriction is discussed at the end of

section 1.4.

Let X(t) be the input of the dam during the time interval

(0,t3 and let the input process jx't), t ^ o\ be a separable stochastic process whose sample functions are nondecreasing


step-functions vanishing at t = 0. That is, X(t) is the amount

of water that flows into the reservoir in the interval from

0 to t. The release of water will be assumed to be at unit rate.

Possibly the simplest model for a dam is one where the

reservoir is so large that it can never overflow and contains

so much water that it never runs dry. This is what we will call

an infinitely high and deep dam or briefly an unrestricted dam.

Let v^(t) be the water level for such a dam at time t, while

v(0) = V is the initial level. We will acsume that the level

of water increases or decreases by one unit if one unit of

water is added or withdrawn respectively. Alternatively we may

refer to v(t) as the content of such a dam at time t, it

be-ing understood that v(t) may assume any real value. Unlike

common usage of the word content, it is measured here relative

to some arbitrarily fixed reference level. Since X(t) is the

total input in the interval (0,t], while no water is lost and

release is continuous, we may write

v(t) = v(0) -1- X(t) - t. (2.1)

The content v(t) at any time t is therefore completely


been received since.

Next, we consider the infinitely deep dam, (cf. Hasofer

(1966)) Again we assume that the reservoir contains so much water

that it can never become empty, but the water level can not

exceed the positive value K at any time. Let v (t) be the water

level for the infinitely deep dam or by the same abuse of

langua-ge as before the content of this dam at time t. The process

v_ (t), t > Oj be;iaves like that of the unrestricted dam as long as the latter does not exceed K. As soon as an input occurs

that would cause the content v_ (t) to exceed K, the excess water overflows and the process is restarted with v (t) = K.

We will now derive (cf. Gani and Pyke (I960)) an explicit

expression for the content v (t) of the infinitely deep dam.

Firstly, if no overflow occurs in the interval (0,t], the

con-tent V (t) at t equals the right hand side (R.H.S.) of (2.1),

with v(0) replaced by v (0). On the other hand, if the dam

over-flows in (0,t] define o and T, the time of first overflow and the last time such happened in (0,t],respectively. The content

at time t when an overflow has ocoured in (0,t] equals K plus

the input from the moment T_ the dam overflowed last miniB the


v"(t) = K -I- X(t) - X(r) - t -I- T . (2.2)

Now consider some moment s in the interval (t ,tj . Since

the dam did not overflow during (X>U we have v_ (s) 4 K, thus

from (2.2) it follows that X(s) - X(T) - s + t ^ 0, so that for

any se(t,tl

X(t) - X(l) - t + T 4 x(t) - X(s) - t + s, (2.3)

Similarly, let s be any time in the interval ( 0 , ^ .

Since the dam overflows at t_, the total input in the interval

(S,T1 has exceeded the length of this interval, so that

X ( T ) - X(s);j: 1_ - s and again (2.3) holds in this case for S€(0,T1 . It follows that if the dam overflows in the interval

(O.tJ at least once, the content at time t equals the H.H.S.

of (2.2) for which we may write

v~(t) = K + inf |x(t) - X(x) - t + T I . (2.4) OiTitI- J

Further, since v~(0) -t- X(s) - s ^ K for all se(0,tl if the

dam does not overflow in this interval it follows that

v~(0) -I- X(t) - t does not exceed the R.H.S. of (2.4) in this


v~(0) + X(w) - 2 ;j K so that the R.H.S. of (2.4) does not

exceed v (0) + X(t) - t then. We conclude that we have for the content of the infinitely deep dam that

v"(t) = minrv"(0)


X(t) - t, K •^ inf }x(t) - X(t) - t -^ t|] . (2.5)

We now turn our attention to the infinitely high dam or

infinite dam as it is commonly known. The content process

\z. (*)f * ^ Oj for this dam behaves as that of the unrestricted dam as long as the zero level is not reached. The content may

assume any nonnegative value. When this dam runs dry, release

ceases and the content remains zero until water flows into the

reservoir. As soon as this happens release at unit rate is

re-sumed and the behaviour is again as for the unrestricted dam

with restart content equal to the amount of water received. An

explicit expression may be derived for the content at any time

t in the same spirit as before for the infinitely deep dam as,

v'^(t) = max[v'^(0) + X(t) - t, sup |x(t) - X ( T ) - t -^t|| . (2.6)

We come now to the description of the finite dam. Let the


v^ (t) the content of the finite dam at time t, while

V (0) = v 4 K is the initial nonnegative content. The process

•jv (t), t > Of behaves like that for the infinite dam as long as

the value K is not exceeded. If an input occurs so as to take

the content v (t) of the infinite dam beyond the level K, the

process is now stopped, excess water overflows and the v (t)

process is restarted again with restart content v^ (t) = K.

This procedure is repeated indefinitely. This way we obtain the

behaviour of the finite dam as a random walk between two

re-flecting barriers 0 and K. If this process does not reach the

boundaries during a certain time interval, its behaviour is

like that of the unrestricted dam; if only the lower boundary

is reached, like the behaviour of the infinite dajn, while if

during some time interval only the upper boundary is attained

it bahaves like the infinitely deep dam in this interval. Note

that if the upper level K is reached, the lower level cannot

be reached subsequently until at least a time interval K has

elapsed, since decrease of v (t) can only occur at unit rate.

In order to find the content v (t) of the finite dam of

capacity K at time t we choose a positive quantity h < K and


((n-l)h,nh], (nh,tj, where n is the largest integer not

exceeding r. For each of these subintervals the final content

is now determined successively. Consider the interval ( S , S + A ]

with A <K and suppose that the initial content v (s) is known,

then using (2.6) one can determine the content v (u) at any

time ue(s,s-i-Al if the dam did not have finite capacity. This

enables one to determine whether an overflow for the finite

dam occurs. Then the final content at time s + A is found from

(2.6) if no overflow occurs as

V * ( S + A) = max[v*(s) -i- X ( S + A ) - X ( S ) - A , (2.7) sup fx(s + A) - X(T) - s - A + T|| .


If an overflow does occur, i.e. if

sup |max(v*(s) + X(o) - X(s) - o + s, (2.8)


sup fx(<^) - X(-c) - CT + t]U > K,

TÉ(s,ff)^ JJJ

then we have from (2.5) that

v*(s-HA) = K + inf (X(S-HA) - X(r) - s - A -I-T|, (2.9)


Here use is made of the fact that A <K so that, since the

re-lease is at unit rate, the dam cannot have become empty after

the overflow occured. This procedure enables us to determine

the content of the finite dam at any time t, through succesive

calculation of the final content in each of the subintervals

introduced above. It hardly needs mention that criterion (2.8)

is rather prohibitive in nature, so that the whole procedure

seems fairly impractical. Nevertheless, it can and has been

used to determine the transient behaviour of the finite dam by

Roes (1970a).

As in the discrete case, we further define the process r ^ 1 "'

Id (t), t :^ OJJ where d, is the total dry time in the interval . That is d^ (t) is the total time during which the dam is

empty in the interval from 0 to t. Note that (cf. (1.4))

d (t) = (v (u) = 0)du, (2.10) o

Also, for the infinite dam we have if v (0) = v for the total

dry time é (t) in the interval (0,tj that


We proceed with a description of the input process in

more detail.

The input process.

Prom here onwards we assume, when dealing with dams in

continuous time, that ]x(t), t > Oj is a separable stochastic

process with independent stationary increments. We stated

al-ready that almost all sample functions Of the input process

are nondecreasing right-continuous step-functions with X(0) = 0.

The Laplace-Stieltjes transform of the input process X(t)

has the form (cf. Takacs (1967))

E[e-?i^*)] = e - * ^ ( ^ \ (2.12)

where t ^ 0, Re J ^ 0 and


?(9) =


(l-e"^*)dN(x), (2.13)

0 +

and N(x), 0 < x < C Ö , is a nondecreasing, right continuous

function for which lim N(x) = 0 and / xdN(x) <oo , We note



Define (cf. (1.8)) a = / xdN(x) 4: 00 , the expected input f °'^]

per unit time interval; EjX(t)l = at. The expected nximber of

jumps in an inteiTral of length t exceeding x is -tN(x). Define

A = -iy(O).^ 00 ; thus ^ t is the expected number of jumps in an

interval of length t. If \<oothe input process is a compound

Poisson process. This latter type of process will be the input

process for the dams considered in this section from here


1.3» Level crossings b.y certain stochastic processes.

In the present section the stage is set on which most of

the analysis in subsequent chapters is based. A relation is

derived between the timedependent distribution of a certain

type of Random Walk and the expected number of level crossings

of same. This relation affords us to link the behaviour of

restricted dams with that of the unrestricted one.

Consider a stochastic processwhich increases and

decrea-ses by simple jumps as well as smoothly. The rate of smooth

increase and decrease with time is a function of the state of

the process. The process is not constant in time except,


relation between the expected number of true crossings of a

level X, say, in an interval of time and the time-dependent

distribution. By a true crossing of the level x at time t we

mean that the process increases or decreases smoothly at t,

as opposed to a skipping which happens when the state x is

bypassed due to a jump from a state below x to a state

excee-ding X or from above to below x. The relationship is found

from a close examination of the sample paths.

The approach appears to be a powerful tool if the original

process is a strong, time homogeneous Markov process, since

then the expected number of crossings of a level x is the

re-newal function of an imbedded rere-newal process at that level.

Consequently, this enables one to find the first entrance

times of the Markov process. Moreover, the approach is

reversi-ble; the first entrance time distributions may be used to

ob-tain the timedependent distribution of the process.

Let lz.(t), t > Or be a stochastic process on the

nonnega-tive real line, whose sample functions z{t,u), u(Sl, are right continuous. Let T(w) = }t:z(t,i)) > 0| and assume that (i) the

right hand sample derivative exists for every tfcT(w), (ii) its


(iii) the number of jumps is finite in every finite interval.

A typical sample path is shown in figure 1, to which we refer

in the next paragraph.

z(t ,6))

Figure 1 A general sample path

In the sequel we will need to distinguish between

cros-sings and skippings of a level. The level x is skipped at t = t

if z(t--,w) < X < z(t ,0)) or z(t--,u) > x > z(t. ,(.>)• If on the

other hand z(t-,(ü) = x = z(t,<o), the level x is crossed; this

may be done from above as at tp or below as at t-. For

complete-ness' sake we may define the situation z{t.-,cj) = x < z(t.,Cij) as a skipping at t ; while if, as at t_, the sample derivative

changes sign from negative to a positive value, and z(tj.-,<J) =

= z(t_,(u) = y, then a crossing from above occurs. Similar


de-serve no attention as they play no vital role in the sequel.

It will be more convenient to deal with processes for

which r(x) = 1 and we therefore transform the range through

division by r(x). We now consider a typical sample path as

shown in figure 2 and define N(T,X,Ü>) as the number of times

the path actually crosses the line z(t,Ci>) = x > 0 in the

inter-val (0,TJ. We observe the following identity


ƒ N(T,x,(o)dx =

where the L.H.S. is the sum of lengths of the projections

on the vertical axis of the oblique parts of z(t,CLi)

under-neath level X and between 0 and T; the R.H.S. the sum of

lengths of projections of same on the t - axis (cf. figure 2 ) .

Indeed, the identity follows from the one to one correspondence

between line segments. Note that this argument only applies if

the number of discontinuities and points of sign change of

the sample derivative (kink^ between 0 and T is finite. We will

assume that M(T), the expected value of this number, is finite

(cf. end of next section).

Let N(T,x) be the number of level x-crossings of z^(t) in



Figure 2 A sample path for r(x)= 1

(O.TJ. Since ^(t) has a finite number of discontinuities and

kinks with probability one in every finite interval (as

M(T) < co), it follows that N(T,x) is constant almost everywhere

and its number of discontinuities is finite with probability

one. Hence N(T,x), xe(-asoo) is a measurable stochastic process.

Let P (t,x) = P z^(t) ^ xj^j, where (p stands for the initial condition.- Further let m^^^(T) = E N(T,x))^ be the expected

number of level x-crossings of ^(t) in (0,T . Prom the

finite-ness of M(T) it follows that m^^^(T) is finite and integrable P


(3.1), applying a theorem of Doob (1953) p. 62, we may

inter-change the order of integration and obtain that


ƒ m^^^(T)dx = / [Pp(t,X) - P^(t,0)|dt. (3.2) 0 0

Finally, on taking transforms we have the follov/ing


Let £(t), tero,ao) be a stochastic process on the

nonnega-tive reals, whose sample functions possess a right hand

derivative, the absolute value of which equals unity except

possibly when z^(t) = 0. Let F (t,x) be the distribution func-(x)

tion of z(t) and m (t) the expected number of level x cros-— P

sings in (0,tj. If the number of jumps and points of sign

change of the sample derivative is finite, we have for

Re s > 0, Re s> ^ 0 that

oo o

r r

e"^*d^m^J^t)dx = ƒ e"""^ / e"^''d^P^( t ,x)dt. (3.3) 0 0 0 0 +

The interest of the present theorem is exemplified by the (x)

fact that m . (t) may be a renewal function. Indeed, if the

original process z^(t) is a strong Markov process, the average (x) T


a renewal process imbedded at level x if distinction is made

between up-crossings and down-crossings. That is, define

P'*'(t,x) = pfz(t) ^ X, z'(t) = l|^| and m'*'^^^(T) as the expected

nvunber of level x uo-crossings of z^(t) in (0,T] , then (3.3) + (x)

holds for these functions and m , (T) is a renewal function.


An analoguous relation applies for down-crossings.

1.4. Level crossings by the content process v(t).

As announced we assume that X, the average number of jumps

per time unit of the input process X(t) is finite. With this

assumption, only a slight modification in the proof of the

theorem of the previous section is required to obtain as the

equivalent of (3.3) for the content process v(t) for

Re s .^ 0, Re 5> = 0 that


e"'^^ ƒ e-^^d^m^^^t)dx = j e"^* j f."'''d^P^(t,x)dt, (4.1) 5 0 0

where P^(t,x) = p{v(t) ^ x(v(0) = v , m^^^(t) = E|N(T,X)|_V = v|,

N(T,x) is the number of level x cro.-ïsings of v(t) in (0,T] and


assumed character of the input X(t) it follows that there

exists an s > t such that v(u) < x for ue(t,s) if v(t) = x.

Hence the level x crossings of the content process v(t) are all


From the time..dependent behaviour of the process v.(t)t

determined by (3.2.3), it follows that the transition functions

of this process are continuous in the initial condition

v(0) = V. Further, the process is a right continuous,

time-ho-mogeneous Markov process. Therefore v^(t) is a Feller process,

as defined by Dynkin, and hence a strong Markov process (cf.

Dynkin (1961) p. 114). It follows that m^^^(t) is the renewal

function of the renewal process imbedded at level x in the

strong Markovian process v(t).

The relation (3.2) underlies all derivations and results

in the subsequent chapters concerning the continuous time

para-meter dam process. The only restriction on the validity of

(3.2) for these processes is the condition that A should be

finite. All attempts to give a rigorous deduction of its

vali-dity for infinite A have not been succesful as yet. It is

strong-ly conjectured, however, that (3.2) and even (3.1) (for almost


It should be mentioned that an approach as given by the

author in his paper Roes (1970a) leads to a rigorous analysis

of the transient behaviour of the finite dam with input X(t)

for which A = co(although a rather weak condition on ^(f) (cf.

(2.13)) still has to be imposed). In the latter approach,

how-ever, the various Markov times that emerge in the present

stu-dy, do not play any role and the same difficulties would arise

if one wanted to find them.

1.5. Review of recent research on related dam processes.

The early research on dams was reviewed by Gani (1957) and

Moran (1959). Subsequently, Prabhu (1964) gave a comprehensive

survey of the timedependent results obtained. We give a brief

summary of the work finalised since then and a discussion of

three methods which have been suggested recently for dealing

with the problem on hand i.e. the calculation of the

timedepen-dent distribution of the content of the finite dam.

Hasofer (1964) gave a rigorous derivation of the

distri-bution of the residual wet period for an infinite dam. This


to first emptiness of an infinite dam with prescribed initial

content. In Hasofer (1956) the model for the infinitely deep

dam with compound Poisson input was develloped with a view to

investigate the transient behaviour of a finite dam which is

nearly full. He derives an integral equation for the

timedepen-dent distribution of the content, shows that it has a unique

solution and produces same. Hasofer (1956) also gives the

limiting distribution of content for increasingly large values

of time and the distribution of the time to first overflow for

this model.

Phatarfod (1959) uses a birth and death technique to

find for the finite dam with Poisson input the transform of the

time to first emptiness before overflow and of the time to first

overflow before emptiness.

In Prabhu (1968) useful asymptotic results are compiled

for the infinite dam, for the residual wet period if the

ini-tial content is large, for the part of the interval (0,t]]

during which the dam is dry d (t), for the nett input and for

the dam content v (t) for large values of t.

In Roes (1970a) we were able to find the transient


characterising function ^(p) (cf. 2.13)) had the property

^(?) = 0(y), o< < 1, as |j>( ^ oo , Re J> > 0. This was achieved by

enclosing the content process v (t) between two processes and

applying Cohen's (1969) analytic method to the latter. The

method subject of Roes (1970b, 1970c) is the one which has been

stated more precisely in the present study.

As a means of comparison with the present approach as

summarised at the end of the first section, we discuss three

alternative methods.

Green's Function Method.

Keilson (1965) introduces a method to deal with bounded

processes. This method is in one respect not unlike the one we

give here in that he too first considers the unrestricted

pro-cess and derives the behaviour of the restricted propro-cess from

it. In order to give an idea of Keilson's method we quote a

simple example.

Consider the process |w , n = 0, 1, 2, ...y defined by

5n = 0 if E^_i + ün « 0 , (5.1)

= w , -I- u if 0<w . + u < K, —n-1 —n —n-1 —n ^ '


where |u ,n = 1, 2, ...> is a sequence of independent random

variables with common distribution A(.). Let A(K,y) =

= pjw i yl w .. = xj be the single step transition distribution

of w . It follows for 0 $ X ^ K that

A(x,y) = 0 if y < 0 , (5.2)

= A(y-x) if 0 ^ y < K,

= 1 if y ^ K .

Let P (x) = Pjw < x| be the distribution of w , which is

pres-n I—a * J -n' ^

cribed for n = 0. We have for n = 1, 2, ... that

P^(y) = ƒ A(x,y)dF^_^(x), (5.3)

which may be written as

Pji^y) = /A(y-x)dP^_^(x) + C^(y), (5.4)

where the compensation function


modifies (5,4) in the sense that (5.4) would be the equation

for the vuirestricted process but for the presence of C (y).

Defining C (y) = P (y) we have from (5.4) that


^J^^ ' Y i \

A^''"''^*(y-x)dCj^(x), (5.6)


the star indicating the convolution. Prom (5.5) and (5.6) one


C^^l(y) = f[A(x,y) - A(y-x)] fi Uy''-^^(x-z)dC^(z), (5.7)

from which the C (y) may be obtained recursively.

A similar treatment is possible for a compound Poisson

process, the analogue of (5.7) being an integral equation for

the compensation function rather than a difference equation.

For the transient behaviour of the finite dam with

com-poiind Poisson input Keilson (1965) proposes to apply a limiting

procedure j-> oo to the sequence of processes v^.(t) = v -H X(t) +


-I- Y.(t). The process X(t) is the compound Poisson input, Y.(t)


is a compound Poisson process with jump frequency j and jump


limit-ing procedure should be executed, taklimit-ing into account at the

same time compensation as sketched above.

It appears that much remains to be worked out before this

method can be fully evaluated. The results so far indicate

suitability of the method for obtaining the limiting behaviour

of v(t) as t -»• oo, but the usefulness of the approach for the

transient behaviour is not quite so clear as yet.

Combinatorial Method.

Takacs (1967) gave, after studying generalisations of the

classical ballot problem, the following theorem for processes

with cyclically interchangeable increments.

"If |x(u), 0 .^ u i tj is a real-valued seperable stochastic

process with cyclically interchangeable increments almost all

of whose sample functions are nondecreasing stepfunctions

vanishing at u = 0, then

Pfx(u) < u for 0 < u $ t | x ( t ) = y] = ( t - y ) / t i f O ^ y ^ t , (5.8)

and zero otherwise, where the conditional probability is

defined up to an equivalence".


section 2 is particularly noticeable in view of the formulae

(2.4) and (2.6). Rather than inquiring into the proof of this

theorem, which involves a thorough examination of the sample

paths, or into the way Takacs (1967) applies his result to dam

processes, we take the opportunity to illustrate the usefulness

of the theorem by applying same to part of the area of

conjec-ture of section 4. More specifically, we show that N(T,x), the

number of crossings of level x by the process v(t) in (0,T]] has

finite moments of all orders, irrespective whether A = oo or not.

To start with, it is easily seen that the jumps of v(t)

exceeding a positive value u, occuring in a Poisson stream (cf.

discussion following (2.13)) with mean N(u), cannot attribute

to the value of N(T,x) to the extent of causing it to become

infinite. Indeed their contribution is less than 1 -i- Tu . Now

consider the process v (t) v/ith an input from which the jumps

exceeding u are suppressed; that is v (t) is a content process

v_{t), for which the input characterising function ^(.) equals


o-i-^ „ ( 9 ) = I (l-e"o-i-^'')dN(x). (5.9)


u a, = ƒ xdN(x) < 1. (5.10) 0 + u

'. = ƒ

(5.11) 1

This is always possible by virtue of the fact that / xdN(x)< co

0 +

Next, we appeal to Takacs' ((1967), p. 37,38) theorem,

based on the cyclical interchangeability of the increments of

the input, restated in terms of the content process v(t) for

0 :$ y ^ t as

P [ V ( T ) < 0 for 0 < T ^ t|v(0) = 0, v(t) = -y] = 2,

from which it is concluded that (cf. convention introduced

immediately preceding (1.2))

pfv(T) < 0 for 0 < T ^ t | v ( 0 ) = o| = E | [ - ^ ^ J |V(0) = o| , (5.12)

Choosing t = 1 , we obtain in particular that

P [ V ( T ) < 0 for 0 < T 4 l|v(0) = oj = (5.13)



= 1 - P [x(l) > IJ - I xd^pjx(l) $ x ( ^ o


> 1 - / xd^pfxd) é x| = 1 - a.

Application of this inequality to the process v (t) with

trun-cated input, yields that

P [ V ^ ( T ) < 0 for 0 < T ^ l|v^(0) = o| ^ 1 - a^ > 0. (5.14)

This implies that there is a positive probability for the time

between two successive crossings of a level to exceed unity.

A standard argument (cf. Prabhu (1965) p. 155) yields for

k = 0, 1, 2, ... that

E [(a(T,0))*'|v(0) = o| < 00. (5.15)

Analytic Method.

The transient behaviour of the finite dam with compound

Poisson input was first found by Cohen and is given in his book

Cohen (1969), Actually, he finds the transient behaviour of


input has occured. Prom either of these processes the content

at any time t may be found in the same way as Cohen (1969,

p.294) does for the G/G/1 queue. The advantage of dealing with

imbedded processes is the possibility this gives to show that

the solution of the integral equation, which has to be solved

in the course of the derivation of the transient behaviour,

has an unique solution. Prom the transient behaviour of the

im-bedded processes Cohen (1969) derives the distributions of

several Markov times.

We give an outline of our paper Roes (1970a), which is

very similar to Cohen's (1959) treatment of the finite dam.

First it is shown that the distribution of the process

ju(t), t€|0,OQ)V converges to that of v (t), where u(t) is

de-fined for t = nA by (cf. convention introduced just before


u(0) = V,

u ( t + A) =


- A + [ u ( t ) + X(t + 4) - A(t) - K[~y ,

u ( t + r ) = [ j i ( t ) - T]"^ f o r O < t < A .


integral equation for U(5>,s) = / e ^]e — ]dt

e i-x 1 y -'nx ~ 2TTW (P-(p -ii)n e d-ri where 0 < Re'ri < Re ? , (5.17)


e ^ " 2ÏÏÏ -/ "(yT^'^^'di^ "here [Re fj"" < Re 1^ ,

and the contour B is along the vertical line Re T| = c from

c - ioo to c + ioo. This is achieved as follows. From (5.16) and

(5.17) we have for 0 < Re 7J < Re e < Re? that

-?u(t+A) _



r_y -^(k-A)

® 2ni J (.9-'Tin 15.IB;

[T _ _ i _ f _l!^_p-e(u(t)-i-x(t-i-A)-x(t)-K) ]

A similar identity is obtained from u(t) = [K+|u(t)-KJ~J . On

subtraction, division by A, taking the limit A->-0 (which

in-volves some nontrivial interchanges of limit operations and

for which we make use of the additional assumption ^(i) = = 0(f>°'),o<< 1, \if\ -> oo , Re ? > 0) and Laplace transforms with respect to t it is found that U(5>,s) satisfies for Re s ^ 0,


(s-f-H^(y))U(?,s)-e"^^+ U(oo,s) = (5.19)


Further, U(j,s) is an entire function complying with

lim U(j,s)e?'^ = 0 for I n < arg ? < |lt. (5.20)

Subsequently a trial solution is substituted in (5.19) leading

to the conclusion that a solution of (5.19), satisfying (5.20)

is given by (6.3.14).

Summarising, we can say that the method presented in this

thesis as compared with the three discussed above is the more

probabilistic of the four, except possibly for Takacs'

combina-torial approach, to which it is probably closest in spirit. In

as far as usefulness is concerned, it should be borne in mind,

that, although our method provides us with the distributions

of many Markov times, for Markov processes in discrete time it

can only be applied if the state space of the process is

crete. We have not yet been able to extent the method to

dis-crete time parameter processes with a continuous state space.


pro-cesses as the Markov process imbedded in the G/G/1 queue. This

restriction does not apply to the Green's function and Analytic

Method described.

1.5. Some notational and anal.ytical detail.

In the sequel we will be lead to consider the equation

in p,

p = sP(pq), (6.1)

where P(.) is the generating function characterizing the input

for the discrete dam (cf. (1.7)). Prom Rouche's theorem (6.1)

is easily seen to have a unique root w = w(q,s) in the domain

|pq| ^ 1 provided that iqsj ^ 1.

Similarly, for dams in continuous time the relevant

equa-tion is

f - s = ^(tf-H?), (6,2)

where ^(,) is defined in (2.13). V,'e quote from Takacs (1967)


plane Re p ;^ - Re o- if Re(s-i-cr) > 0 and note that Cti(a,s) = => 6>(0,a-+s) - a.

In order to reduce the complexity of notation we introduce

the following short hand conventions.

ig(u)du = ^ ^ /g(u)du, (6.3)


where C is a simple closed contour encircling.the.origin,

tra-versed in counterclockwise direction and such that |uq| .^ 1 on

C. The dummy variable p will always be used if C should not

en-close the point w, while the dummy variable t refers to a

con-tour C encircling the point t = 1 but again not encircling w.

Analogously, integrals without limits and Greek dummy

variables are defined by

/g(e)de = lim ^ / g(e)de, (5.4)

"^ x-iy

for specified x = Re ö. The dummy variable f will always be utilized when x > Re co; the dummy variable ^ refers to a

simi-lar integral along a line parallel to the imaginary axis such


zero, an appropriate indentation of the contour is assumed so as to let it pass to the left of the origin and to the right of a and always such that the contour is in the semi plane Re^j > - Re ff. These contours are displayed in figures 3 and 4.

Imp Rep Figure 3 A p contour -Reff Imr| Req -Recx Imri



Reu < 0 Rew > O Figure 4 An Ti contour

The absolute values of the complex variables p, q, r and s

occuring in Chapter II are always less than unity and nonzero

unless specifically stated otherwise or specifically implied by

the definition of the contours just defined; often analytic

continuation to zero or unit absolute values of the variables

is possible. Similarly, the real parts of p, a ,X and s in Chapters III and VI are always positive unless specifically


Por the discrete dam processes of Chapter II a star

indi-cates that the quantity refers to the finite dam; if no

super-script is attached the quantity refers to the infinite dam. For

the continuous dams of Chapters III to VI the absence of a

su-perscript indicates that a quantity refers to the unrestricted

dam. The superscripts minus, plus and star refer to the

infinite-ly deep, the infiniteinfinite-ly high and the finite dam respectiveinfinite-ly.

In the sequel all intervals are left open right closed;

thus (.,.) should be read as (.,.].

Finally, we refer to (1.4) for the definition of the


The dam processes described in the first section of the

previous chapter will now be investigated. These processes,

being Markov Chains, have imbedded in them Renewal Processes.

This fact may be exploited either to derive the distribution of

various Markov times from the transient behaviour or

alterna-tively the latter from the former. Such derivations are based

on Feller's Theory of Recurrent Events. Both approaches will

actually be used in the course of the calculation of the

tran-sient behaviour of the finite dam from same of the infinite


The present chapter is included mainly in order to

illustra-te the underlying ideas in relation to simple models. The

ap-proach will be used extensively in the next chapters.

2.1. The transient behaviour and first entrance times for the

infinite dam.

Consider the Markov chainj z^ , n = 0, 1, 2, ...j defined



z , = z - H X - l i f z > 0 , (1.1) —n+1 —n —n -n '^

= X if z = 0.

—n —n

This is the content process of the infinite dam defined in

(1.1.1), where we have taken M = 1, K = <», Further, we will

in-clude in the subsequent derivations the processes X(n) and

d(n), defined for n = 0 , 1, 2, ... by and X(n-fl) = X(n) + X (1.2) — — —n d(n+l) = d(n) if z > 0, (1.3) d(n) + 1 if z = 0, — —n

whereX(O) = d(0) = 0. These have been discussed in section !•!

and are the total input and total dry time for the infinite

dam in the time interval (0,n).

The recurrence relations (1.1), (1.2) and (1.3) yield for

the trivariate probability generating function of the three

processes considered that

, z^ , X(n-fl) d(n+l)| ) , f z X(n) d(n) I 1 E[p""'q r |z^=zJ=iE[p"q r ( V ° ) U o = ^ J '



-I- rE|q r (z^=0)| z^=zJE ((pq) " j , (1.4)

where (A) stands for the indicator function of the event A.

On definition of Z (p,q,r,s) = X_ E'jp q r \z =z\s ^ n=o

we have from (1.4) and Z (p,q,r,0) = p that


h^P''i'^'^^ = p-sP(pq) • (1-5)

The quantity Z (0,q,r,s) is easily determined from the fact

that z +n = X +d(n) + z, so that Z (p,q,r,s) is analytic for

pq c 1, lqs| < 1, Jl <i 1 and |pr| < 1, |sr| < 1, |^| ^ 1. \

The unique root of p = sP(pq) in this domain w = w(q,s) thus

must be a zero of the numerator of (1.5) and hence (of.


Z^(0,q,r,s) = Y ^ . (1.6)

The transient behaviour (1.5) with (1.5) of the infinite

dam may now be used to find the probability generating

func-tions of the first entrance times of same. A first entrance

time f is the time it takes the content process to evolve -xy


precisely, the first entrance time f for the infinite dam is

defined for nonnegative integer x and y by

f^y = minjn : z^ = y, n > 0 ) z^ = x|. (1.7)

jz^, n = 0, 1, 2, ...I i!

Since the process jz , n = 0, 1, 2, ...V is a Markov Chain,

the event z^ = y constitutes a recurrent

event(Peller(1950)).Con-sidering the content process only in as far as the entrance of

a certain state is concerned, we obtain a Delayed Renewal

Pro-cess for which we have from Feller's Theory of Recurrent Events

that ^

The left hand side of this relation is easily found from (1.5),

since it is the coefficient of p'^ in Z (p,0,0,s).- p^,

A convenient means of selecting this coefficient is through

division of Z (p,0,0,s) - p by p^ and subsequent integration,

so that we may write for the left hand side of (1.8)

/ z (p,0,0,s) - p''


where the contour integral is to be taken as described in

sec-tion 1.6 • Inputs and dry times during disjoint time

inter-vals are independent, particularly so for same during disjoint

first entrance times. Therefore expanding (1.8) we obtain for

X < y that E I S ^ V ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ I = 1 - I I W L / (l-pr)P(pq) jpl~\ (1^10)

' (l-rw;(sP(pq)-p)p''^^ I

I f x(4y) d(4^)| _ (i-^)w-ytiP(^^F^i

r ' 5 S I (l-pr)P(pq)


^ (sP(pq)-p)py^-^ and ( f X(f ) d(f )1

:ls-y^q--y^ r--y^ t = w^-^

(1.11) E)s '"q ^" r •»" i = w-'^. (1.12)

From these probability generating functions, we may now

derive analogous functions for taboo first entrance times.

A taboo first entrance time f is a first entrance time -u;xy

from a state x to y with the extra requirement that the taboo

state u is not entered in the mean time; that is


On noting the fact that a first entrance form a state

X to y occurs either without entering the state u in the mean

time or after the state u has been entered, it is found that




+ Els-y-'^Els^y^. (1.14)

Interchange of u and y in (1.14) yields a similar

expres-sion. The joint probability generating function of the taboo

first entrance time f , the input X(f ) and the dry time -u;xy' '^ u;xy

d(f ) in the intervening time then follows from these ex--^—u;xy

pressions, using (1.10), (1.11) and (1.12). Note that not all

possible combinations of u, x and y result in true taboo first

entrance times; for instance f is simply the first entrance -u;xy

time f if u < y <: X, due to the character of the content

pro--xy •' 3SS [ z ^ , n = 0, 1, 2, ...!,

2.2. First surpassage times for the infinite dam.

For the description of the relation between the infinite

and finite dam we further require the notion of surpassage. A

first surpassage time £ is the time required by the content xy


process ^ to go from the state x, via some state not exceeding

y if X > y, for the first time to a state exceeding y. Thus,

such a Markov time may be defined for any nonnegative integer

X and y by

£^y = minfn : z^.-^ * y< z^.n^oUo = xj . (2.1)

Note that we only need consider x i. y, since in the

comple-mentary case the first surpassage time is the sum of the two

independent times f and p . For the calculation of p ,x ^ v.

-xy -^yy -"^xy* ^ ^'

we note firstly that the first surpassage time £ does not

exceed n either if the content process, starting in x, is at

time n in a state exceeding y, while the state y + 1 has not

been entered in the mean time, or if the content process,

star-ting in X, has entered the state y + 1 in the Interval (0,n),

so that ( 2 . 2 ) n - 1 r ( ^ y ^< \ »z > y | z = x [ - ^ P | Z >y z = y-nlV P t f = ml + p | f -,<n\ = >- S ^ P I Z > y | z = y-i-lfplf = mi + P f ^^nf

) £^0 r''""' ° J (-x.y+i J [-x,y+i- J

P<z >y z = X (j-n ' —o


In order to obtain the joint distribution of £ , X(p ) and

d(D ) we note secondly that d^(D ) = d(f . ) , since there

is a one to one correspondence between relevant overlapping

first entrance and first surpassage times, while during the

(pessibly infinite) time interval from elapse of the first

sur-passage time D to elapse of its overlapping first entrance


time f ., the d^(.) process is constant. Hence, when

expan-ding (2.2), we will consider the input process throughout the

interval (0,n), but restrict our attention to the d(.) process

to (0,f .. ) or (0, D ) , whichever is more convenient. It

follows that

V-„r X(n-m)]„[, , X(m) d(m)f „[, , X(n) d(n)|


,„ .,,

2_E q-'' 'JE (p =m)q-' 'i-' 'j =E|(z^>y)q-' 'r-' U Q ^ X J + (2.3)

r^ï-f/ V ^ X(n-m) d(n-m)| •,l„J/, N X(m) d(m)l - 2_E[(ln-m^y)l ^ l^o=y*y((^x,y+l="'^'l- ^ J ^

On taking generating functions with respect to n it is seen that

1 f £xy i(£xv^ -^-^v^l /"z (P,q,r,s)


- ^ Z ^ , , ( l . q , r , s ) - ; . ^ ^ i ^

. - ^ (;-tr)P(tq) ^,J„x_^y^iEf3^.y.i/^^.y^i^/^^.y.i^j|,

l-^/(l-t)(sP(tq)-t)ty^l ( 1^ '^ -"^^

where the last two integrals are to be taken along a circular

contour in the t-plane such that tq < 1 and that the contour

encircles the point t = 1 but not the point w, the latter

con-dition may require a local indentation of the otherwise

cir-cular contour. Thus we obtain from (1.11) for x < y that

( ^ y ^ <


! i

i / ( i - t


) ( s P ( t q )






dt -

9 ^^'^'^

dp Ml-t)(3P(tq)-t)t^^^"

^* ^sP(pq)-p^P / (l-pr)P(pq) ^^






£ , X(£^^) d ( £ ^ ) l-sP(q) 7(l-t)(sP(tq)t"^^_

\ ' '^ "^ J ^ SP(0) / (l-pr)P(pq) ,„ •


(sP(pq)-p)p-We reinforce a previous remark by noting that the trivariate



generating function of P ^ , X ( p ^ ) and ^ ( o ^ ) is the product

of (1.12) and (2,5),

Finally, we define the taboo first surpassage time

simi-lar to the first surpassage and taboo first entrance time; the

taboo state must not be entered in the intervening time. The

taboo first surpassage time D _ for the infinite dam is

de-fined by

^ ; x y


'"^"[''=^n-l ^ y ^ -Sn' -^ ^ "• ° ^ " ^ ''1^0 = ^ j ' ^^'"^^

where u, x and y may have any nonnegative integer values, only

nine distinct cases are of interest however. The generating

functions for these variables follow from an argument not

un-like the one indicated in relation with the taboo first

en-trance times as follows. A first surpassage from x to y may

eventuate in two exclusive and exhaustive v/ays. Either the

surpassage occurs without the state u being entered in the me.;n

time or after state u has been entered at least once, that


As before, trivariate generating functions may be obtained

through inclusion of input and dry time in (2.8) during

rele-vant time intervals.

2.3. First entrance times and transient behaviour for the

finite dam.

'J^he behaviour of a finite dam of integer capacity K may

now be deduced from the results of the previous sections. The

recurrence relations which govern the content process

j ^ , n = 0, 1, 2, ...7 were given in (1.1.1), but we will not

actually use them. Instead, consider the behaviour of the

finite dam at the upper boundary and note that this is the

only aspect in which it differs from the infinite dam.

When-ever an input occurs which were to cause the infinite dam to

assume a content exceeding K, the subsequent behaviour for the

finite dam follows by reducing this amount to K. From this

ob-servation we derive the first entrance times for the finite

dam defined by


A first entrance of the state y by the content process z

starting from an initial value z, = x may occur after a number of overflows. Actually, this number of overflows may serve as the discreminator for an exhaustive system of mutually exclu-sive events leading to such a first entrance, so that

JlA] - z[r^'^'^^] .


Substitution of the relevant generating functions, indicated in the previous sections, yields for x •< y that

\ f* X(f* ) d*(f* ) | x y ^ y xy j -E(_S q r ,x-K

/ t^-^ / — ^ ^ - ^ ^ ) ^ ^ ^ q ) — d t / p ^ - y

/(l-t)(sP(tq)-t)^^ _7(l-t)(sP(tq)-t)t'^^^ /sP(pq / ( l - t ) ( s P ( t q ) - t ) ^ * ƒ (l-t)(sP(tq)-t) r f* X ( f * ) d''(f* ) \


(l-pr)P(pq) sP(pq)-p)p y+1 dp (l-tr)P(tq) (1-1;)(nP(tfi)-t)t K-Hl dt / ty-^ / (l-Pr)P(pq) ƒ (1-t) (sP(tq)-t)'** J (sP(pq)-p)py*^ -dp (3.2) (3.3) (3,4)



f" X(f* ) d*(f* )

s-y^q- -y^ r " "y^



(l-t)(sP(tq)-t) dt .x-K



By a reversal of the argument we now find the transient

behaviour for the finite dam from these generating functions

of the first entrance times. The finite dam content process ^

is in the state y if it is so for the first time or second

time or third time etc. It follows that

• ^ n„f, 3€ - X(n) d*(n)l » y s E (z = y)q-' 'r- ')z^ = xl =

n ^ L

r f* x(f* )

Els-^yq- - ^y r d*(f* )] . . ( f» x(f* ) (ïXf* )]

g-yyq- -yy y- -yy '

For the tetravariate generating function of content z^ , input

X(n) and dry time d (n) we find

^ ^ r z* X(n) d*(n)| 5,q,r,s) = ^ S ' ^ E | ^ P '^q r |z^ = 'l-(2) K+1 u-p u-sP(uq) z+1 (l-ur)P(uq) j'(l-t)(sP(tq)-t)'^^ (l-tr)P(tq) ,K+1 •dt (3.5) (3.6) (3.7) ;du, (l-t)(sP(tq)-t)t

where the integral with dummy variable u should be taken along


origin but neither encircling the points u = w nor u = p. Note

that, if the dam is initially full, there is a simple relation

between the transient behaviour of the process relating to the

finite and infinite dam as follows

n f z* X(n) d"(n)| 1

>\jp "q r |z^ = KJ

n=o ^ „ f z X(n) d(n) , ^

2 _ S " E [ P

"q r (V^^l^o = ^j


- £:s"Efq^(")r^('^)(z^>K)|z^ = K } '




In the present chapter we consider an unrestricted Random

Walk in continuous time which is skip free in the negative

direction. It can be thought of as a dam with additive input,

where there is no restriction on the content. For this model

we derive first entrance time distributions, using the relation

from the first chapter and Renewal Theory. Subsequently first

skip time distributions are calculated. The transforms of

these, apart from being of interest in their own right, are

used in the following chapters to lead eventually to the

tran-sient behaviour of the finite dam.

3.1. Introduction.

The sample functions of the content process | v(t), t ^ 0 f

of the unrestricted dam are the familiar succession of line

segments with slope minus one. They are right continuous and

the upward jumps are due to inflows of water which always

occur instantaneously.

As we will be considering the renewal processes imbedded


^ as the time it takes the v(t) process to evolve from an

initial state x to a state y for the first time. In terms of

the sample functions of v(t), the state y is entered at t if o

the line t = t^ intersects a sloping line segment of the sample

function at v(t) = y. The state y is usually approached from

above; if a jump in the v(t) process is such that

v(t-) < y < v(t-f), the state y is said to be skipped at t. The distribution of ^ may be defective.

xy V(t)




\ .

*W*x.yy « y .


t « X = 1 y


» y y




l \

Ttuu =Ttuy





» y y


1 •»u.yy




1«u = "^xy = ty.«u ='^y TWy =Tlu, Ky

Figure 5

First entrance and skip times


defined similar to ^ with the requirement added that the ^xy

state u is not entered in the mean time (but may be skipped at

some stage). Taboo first entrance times generally have defective


We further require for the description of the relation

be-tween the unrestricted and restricted dam processes the first

skip time X . This is the time required by the v(t) process to "Tcy

go from the state x to the first jump such that y is skipped.

Taboo first skip times ir are defined similar to taboo first -u;xy

entrance times; the taboo state must not be entered but may be

skipped at some stage in the mean time. The distributions of

first skip times are usually proper if x 4 y, those of taboo

first skip times usually not.

3.2. The transient behaviour of the unrestricted dam.

let v(t) be the content of the dam at t and let the initial

content be ^(0) = v, -00 <v < 00. The content at any time t equals

the initial content v plus the input during the intervening time

interval (0,t) minus t, the release rate being unity. Thus we


v(t) = V + X(t) - t. (2.1) Define oo '"'"'"''"" l(0) = vidt, (2.2) oo „ ^ ^.^ f -st„f -^v(t)-crX(t)l , V^(9,a.t) = je E^e ^-' ' -' ' | v(

for Re (s-j')>0. Re (a--i-i')>0. It follows (cf. (1.2.13)) that

Re (s-i'+€(o-+y)) > O in the domain of definition of (2.2) so that

in this domain V^(?.<r.t) = e-y^j e(^-^)*E{e-(^*y)^(*)]dt (2.3) O CO

^.j>vJ^-(s-y + ^(^+f))t ^^

e o e-^^ s - y + ^ i"+f)'

Note that this expression is continuous in the initial

condi-tion V = V so that, with the other properties imposed, the

process is strong Markovian (cf. the end of section 1.4).

On behalf of the strong Markov property we have from the


imbedded in the content process and the distribution function of the latter (cf. (1.4)) for Re ? = 0 that

<o CO

|e-*'y |e-^*d^EJ2^y)(t)e-'^^(*)lv(0) = xj

dy = V (5.,^,t), (2.4)

where ^ y ( t ) is the number of downward level y crossings in the time interval (0,t) of the content process v ( t ) . That i s ,

v^'^''(t) is the number of times the state y is entered in (0,t). It follows from the inversion formula of the Fourier Transform (cf. Widder (1945) p. 241) for any real x and y that

^ ( y ) ( ^ , s ) = j e-^\E|v^(y^t)e-'^2(t)|,(o) = ^ j = (2.5)


Xi-f+'C^)^'^^ " f(x = y ) , Re(s+«-) > 0, Re'i?'= - Recr.

It follows for X < y that

( y ) . , „ . f e « y - )

A x (-• = > ° y s - V . ^ ( . . » ) ^ ^ ' (2.6)


^^h^ .\ - I '^'^'^

i _ 1


, V(g+^) ,, .,x

Px ^"^'^^ ' i s -'t- -I- \{<^+^ " 2 ~ 1 - t'(5 + c^) " -^ = 1 -T'(a-^>^)' ^ ' ,(x), ^(o-+^l 2 1 - ^'(»+^) 1 - T'

r)'^'^'^^ =/s-;-.T(^^.t»^'^ = i - V ( x . . ) ' (^•«^


where the last two integrals have been evaluated using the fact

that %{<}) = 0(?) for |?| ^ oo , Re ? > 0, (cf. Takacs (1967) p. 42) and our knowledge of the location of the zeros of the

denominator (of. section 1.6).

The present elementary derivation from which, it will be

realised, the first entrance times follow (cf. next section),

clearly indicates the power of the theorem derived in section

1.3. Indeed, one only needs to compare the present apparatus

with those required by Kemperman (1963), Hasofer (1954, 1955),

Phatarfod (1969) and Cohen (1969) to obtain only some of the

results of the next four sections.

3,3. Calculation of the first entrance times ± •

The first entrance time * for the unrestricted dam is

defined by

±^ - infft : v(t) = y|v(0) • xj,

where x and y may have any real value. Writing for brevity's


1 -s4v -'^^(^v^i

'f'^yU.s) =

E[e ^ y ^ y j , (3.2)

we have from Renewal Theory for any real x and y that

(v) ï'xv^"''^^

Tx (--^^ °l-7(^.s)- (^-3)


Thus from (2.7) it follows that

^^^(•r,s) = 1 - [ l


= f(<3--Hu>) = f'(u:(0,o-+s)). (3.4)

Note that the latter transform is only a function

of the sum (r+ s. This is due to the fact that, at moments

the content returns to the initial value, the time and

accumu-lated input equalize. We employ (3.3) again, but now with

(2.6) and (2.8) to yield for x < y that


= (1 - ^(a.u3))l^



= e


^ „ ( ^ . s ) - e'^(^"y^ (3.5) yx

3,4. Calculation of the taboo first entrance times * 2LL.

The taboo first entrance time <f> for the unrestricted ^ ; x y

dam is defined by

^ . ^ y = inf[t : v(t) = y, v(ir) + u, 0 < f < t|v(0) = x j , (4.1)

where u, x and y may assume any real values. Taking into

account that the process v(t) is skip free in the negative

direction, some values are ruled out either because the

re-sulting taboo time would be an ordinary first entrance time or

because the route implied is impossible. We are left with the

following eight taboo first entrance times of interest, where

u < x < y:

^ ; x y -y;xu

•^;uy % ; u x

^ ; x x •^x;xu


The variables as listed are found pairwise. We appeal to

the usual arguments (cf. Chung (1950)) when dealing with taboo

states. A first entrance from x to y may be effectuated in the

following two exhaustive and mutually exclusive ways. Either

by passing from x to y avoiding the state u in the mean time,

or by passing from x to u avoiding y and subsequent passage

from u to y. The v(t)process, being a strong Markov process,

has independent non-overlapping (taboo) first entrance times

É. . » .É, ^y virtue of the strong Markov property. We conclude for any real values of u, x and y that



'"^y) - E(e"^^'^yJ + E[e"^^'H E[e"^^yJ. (4.2)

Writing again

4> (,r,s) =E(e"'^'^y "''-^^'^y^(,

^u;xy ' ' t . J '


we have by the afore mentioned equations (4.2) and (3.4), (3.5)

and (3.6) for u -c x < y that

t^„('^.s) - <= (cr,s)* (cr,s)

<^u;xy(->-) = ^^ - ,

iZ)p ^Z) ' ^'-'^



(y-x) „^(y-u) j p- 3 - T('7+P)'^P

f 3p(y-u) •

J p. s - ^(^+p)^^


y p - s - ?(a-^p)^P

*x;uy(-^) = «'^^^"'^^ - (^ - ?V.^))e-(y-)/^.f!^;;j^^,d, .

g?(y-u) /" „<'(x-u)

3 ' 0 ( y - x ) i 7 Z Z Z I E ± n ^ + 2u3(y-x)j y - s - ^(a + ^)'^^

^ ^ ^ ( y - x ) ^ ƒ ^ y ( y - x ) ' ^^'^^ 9 - B - f (or + f)'^^ 7 y - S - ^(cr + f)'^^

[ ey(y-u) ƒ ey(x-n)

^ ( , . 3 ) = ^ - s - 1 ( . . y ) ^ y _ ^ . ( y - x ) ^ - s - ^ ( a ^ ^

'^y;ux' • f gy(y-x) 7 ^^(y-x) '

y y _ g _ ^(tf+y)'^'^ J r - 8 - -^(ff+yf^^


^uixx^*^'^) = 1 - I ^p(x-u) - ' (^-«^

y p - s - ?(a-fp)'^P

^xsxu^"^'"^ = 7 ^K^IÏÖ ' (^-5^

y P - s - ^(o+p)'^P

2t.Hy-x) , , , ^ x j x y ^ - ^ ' ^ ) - f ; , ( y - x ) - (^ - ? ( a . . ) ) e " ( y - ) , (4.10) J <( . s - ?(cr-H?)'^>'


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