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{λ ∈ D : λ 6= 0}, is convergent in H(D, X), the space of holomorphic maps from D into X equipped with the compact-open topology


Academic year: 2021

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In finite-dimensional complex analysis, the extension of holomorphic maps has been investigated by many authors. In recent years some au- thors have considered this problem in the infinite-dimensional case. The aim of the present note is to study the extension of holomorphic maps with values in some Banach complex manifolds.

Let X be a Banach complex manifold. We say that X has the holo- morphic extension property (briefly HEP) if every holomorphic map from a Riemann domain Ω over a Banach space having a Schauder basis to X can be extended holomorphically to bΩ, the envelope of holomorphy of Ω.

Now as in [10], X is said to satisfy the weak disc condition if every sequence {fn} of holomorphic maps from the unit open disc D into X, convergent in H(D, X), where D = {λ ∈ D : λ 6= 0}, is convergent in H(D, X), the space of holomorphic maps from D into X equipped with the compact-open topology.

In this note we shall prove the following two theorems.

Theorem A. Let X be a Banach manifold satisfying the weak disc con- dition. Then X has the HEP.

Theorem B. Let X be a pseudoconvex Banach manifold having C1- partitions of unity such that every holomorphic map from D into X can be extended holomorphically to D. Then X has the HEP.

Here X is called pseudoconvex if KbP := {z ∈ X : ϕ(z) ≤ sup


ϕ for all plurisubharmonic functions ϕ on X}

is compact for each compact subset K of X.

Cover X by a locally finite system of coordinates {(Ui, ϕi)}. Let {Vi} be another open cover of X such that Vi ⊂ Ui, dist(Vi, ∂Ui) > 0 and ϕi(Vi) is isomorphic to a ball in a Banach space for every i.

1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 58B12.



By hypothesis there exists a C1-partition of unity {hi} such that hi= 1 on Vi and supp hi⊂ Ui for every i. Let p : T X → X be the tangent bundle of X. For each u ∈ T X, put

kuk =X


Denote by %X the integral distance on X associated with k · k. Then %X

defines the topology of X (cf. [1]).

P r o o f o f T h e o r e m A. Let f : Ω → X be a holomorphic map, where Ω is a Riemann domain over a Banach space B with a Schauder basis. By SX we denote the sheaf of germs of holomorphic maps on bΩ with values in X and by SXf the domain of existence of f . Then SXf is the component of SX containing the set {(x, fx) : x ∈ Ω}, where fx denotes the germ of f at x. We have the commutative diagram

−→f X


y α& x ef

b ←−

β SXf

in which e, α, β are canonical maps and ef is the canonical extension of f . (i) First we shall prove that SXf satisfies the weak disc condition. Given a sequence {un} ⊂ H(D, SXf) convergent to u in H(D, SXf). By hypothesis { ef un} converges to h in H(D, X). Take a neighbourhood U of h(0) in X which is isomorphic to an open subset of a Banach space E. Then we can assume that ef un(δD) ⊂ U for n ≥ 1.

Put K = cl conv(S

n≥1f ue n((δ/2)D)). Let F be the canonical Banach space spanned by K. Then

f ue n : ∂((δ/2)D) → F is continuous for n ≥ 1. Hence by the Cauchy formula

f ue n(z) = 1 2πi



f ue n(λ)(λ − z)−1 it follows that ef un: (δ/2)D → F is holomorphic for all n ≥ 1.

Now for each n ≥ 1, consider the map uen : (δ/2)D → lim ind

0∈W H(W, F )

where H(W, F ) is the Banach space of bounded holomorphic functions on W with values in F , defined by

eun(λ) = [un(λ) ◦ θγun(λ)]0


where γ = pβ,b p : bb Ω → B defining Ω as a Riemann domain over B and θv(r) = v + r.

Then {eun} converges to u in H((δ/2)De , lim ind0∈WH(W, F )), and hence in H((δ/2)D, lim ind0∈WH(W, F )). Since the above inductive limit is regular there exists a neighbourhood W of zero in B such that {eun} is contained and bounded in H(W, F ). Extend u holomorphically to 0 ∈ D by setting u(0) =u(0) ◦ θe −1γu(0). It remains to check that {un} converges to u in H(D, SXf).

For this consider the neighbourhood fW of u(∂((δ/2)D)) given by W =f [

{(γu(λ) + x, [u(λ)]γu(λ)+x) : |λ| = δ/2, x ∈ W }.

Take n0 such that un(∂((δ/2)D)) ⊂ fW for all n > n0. Now for each |λ| = δ/2 and n > n0there exists a neighbourhood W (n, λ) of γu(λ) in γu(λ)+W such that un(λ)x = u(λ)x for all x ∈ W (n, λ). Hence un(λ)x = u(λ)x for all x ∈ γu(λ) + W and |λ| = δ/2. This shows that the above equality holds for all |λ| ≤ δ/2. Hence un→ u in H(D, SXf ).

(ii) Now by (i), SXf is pseudoconvex.

(iii) Since B has a Schauder basis, SXf is the domain of existence of a holomorphic function [5]. This implies that the canonical map α : Ω → SXf can be extended holomorphically to bΩ. Hence β : SXf → bΩ is a biholo- morphism and ef β−1 is a holomorphic extension of f to bΩ. The theorem is proved.

R e m a r k. In the finite-dimensional case Theorem A was proved by Shiffman in [10]. Our proof is different.

P r o o f o f T h e o r e m B. By Theorem A it suffices to show that X satisfies the weak disc condition. Consider a sequence {fn} ⊂ H(D, X) converging to f in H(D, X). By hypothesis f ∈ H(D, X). Put

K = [


fn(∂((1/2)D)) and Z = (K)P.

Since K is compact and X is pseudoconvex, Z is also compact. Moreover, by the maximum principle for plurisubharmonic functions we have



fn((1/2)∂D) P [




Z ⊇ [




To complete the proof of Theorem B it remains to show that Z has a hyperbolic neighbourhood W . Indeed, let dW denote the hyperbolic distance of W . Then

dW(fn(0), f (0)) ≤ dW(fn(0), fn(z)) + dW(fn(z), f (z)) + dW(f (z), f (0))

≤ 2dW(0, z) + dW(fn(z), f (z)) and these inequalities imply that fn → f in H(D, X).

By [1] it suffices to show that there exists a neighbourhood W of Z in X for which sup{kσ0(0)k : σ ∈ H(D, W )} < ∞. Otherwise we can find a decreasing neighbourhood basis {Wn} of Z such that for each n ≥ 1 there exists a holomorphic map σn from D to Wn such that kσ0(0)k ≥ n. As in [3] there exists a sequence {βn} of holomorphic maps from nD to X such that βn(nD) ⊆ σn(D), kβn0(0)k = 1 for n ≥ 1 and {βn} is equicontinuous on every compact set in C. Since Z =T

n≥1Wn, by the compactness of Z it follows that {βn} contains a subsequence {αn} converging to a holomorphic map α : C → Z. Obviously α 6= const because kα0(0)k = 1.

By hypothesis α can be extended to a holomorphic mapα from CPb 1into X. Now take a holomorphic function σ on Dwhich cannot be extended to a holomorphic map from D into CP1. By hypothesis γ =ασ extends to ab holomorphic mapbγ : D → X. Since α is nonconstant, it follows thatb α is ab finite map. Hence we can find a neighbourhood U ofbγ(0) such thatbγ−1(U ) is a bounded domain in C. Thus σ extends holomorphically to 0 ∈ D. This is impossible so the theorem is proved.

R e m a r k. In the case when X is a holomorphically convex space with dim X < ∞ such that every holomorphic map from D into X extends holomorphically to D, Theorem B was proved by D. D. Thai in [12].

Acknowledgements. The author would like to thank Professor N. V. Khue and Dr. B. D. Tac for suggestions that led to an improvement of the presentation of this note.


[1] P. K. B a n, Banach hyperbolicity and the extension of holomorphic maps, Acta Math. Vietnam. 16 (1991), 187–200.

[2] T. J. B a r t h, Convex domains and Kobayashi hyperbolicity , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.

79 (1980), 556–558.

[3] R. B r o d y, Compact manifolds and hyperbolicity , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 235 (1978), 213–219.

[4] F. D o c q u i e r und H. G r a u e r t, Levisches Problem und Rungescher Satz f¨ur Teil- gebiete Steinscher Mannigfaltigkeiten, Math. Ann. 140 (1960), 94–123.

[5] L. G r u m a n et C. O. K i s e l m a n, Le probl`eme de Levi dans les espaces de Banach


a base, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris S´er. A 274 (1972), 1296–1298.


[6] A. H i r s c h o w i t z, Prolongement analytique en dimension infinie, Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 22 (2) (1972), 255–292.

[7] S. M. I v a s h k o v i c h, Hartogs’ phenomenon for holomorphically convex K¨ahler man- ifolds, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat. 50 (1986), 866–873 (in Russian).

[8] S. K o b a y a s h i, Hyperbolic Manifolds and Holomorphic Maps, Dekker, New York, 1970.

[9] P. N o v e r r a z, Pseudo-convexit´e, Convexit´e Polynomiale et Domaines d’Holomor- phie en Dimension Infinie, North-Holland Math. Stud. 3, North-Holland, Amster- dam, 1973.

[10] B. S h i f f m a n, Extension of holomorphic maps into Hermitian manifolds, Math.

Ann. 194 (1971), 249–258.

[11] B. D. T a c, Extending holomorphic maps in infinite dimensions, Ann. Polon. Math.

54 (1991), 241–253.

[12] D. D. T h a i, On the D-extension and the Hartogs extension, Ann. Scuola Norm.

Sup. Pisa 18 (1991), 13–38.


Re¸cu par la R´edaction le 5.8.1992


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