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f u n c t io n s ... 20 235-246


Academic year: 2021

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Tome Pages A b e l, M .

1. The density property in algebras of A-valued continuous

f u n c t io n s ... 20 235-246

А Ы а д , A .

1. (and D. D e e v e r ) Representation of simply ordered sets and

the generalized continuum h y p o th e s is ...11 183-188 2. The method of synergistic m o d e ls ... 16 265-270

A15, R . A .

1. (and H. L. S h a p ir o ) Totally bounded uniform ities... 17 307-312

A lte r , R .

1. (and T. B. C urtz) On binary non-associative products and

their relation to a classical problem of E u le r ...17 1-8

A l t m a n , M .

1. A generalized gradient method of minimizing a functional . . 14 75-77

A m b r o s ie w ic z , J .

1. 0 pewnym problemie zwiqzanym z wartosciami wlasnymi ma- cierzy (On a certain problem related to characteristic roots

nf m atrices)... 12 53-56

A n to n i, J .

1. On modular spaces of strongly summable sequences . . . . 19 1-11

A r y a , S . P .

1. (and M. K. S in g a l) On m-paracompact spaces, I I ...17 215-218

A u l, С. E .

1. A certain class of topological s p a c e s ... 11 49-53 2. Sequences in topological s p a c e s ... 11 329-336

B a k s a la r y , J . K .

1. (and R. К ala) A method of finding bases of a matrix . . . 20 1-5

B a lc e r z y k , S.

1. Some Kan extensions of non-additive fu n c to r s ... 20 247-254

B a r a n s k i, F .

1. (and E. W a c h n ic k i) On the tree-harmonic problem for the

«-dimensional h a lf-s p a c e ... 18 157-172

2. (and E. W a c h n ic k i) Orlicz space and Dirichlet problem . . . 18 173-176


3. The mean, value theorem and oscillatory properties of certain

elliptic equations in three dimensional s p a c e ... 19 13-14 4. (and J. M u sia le k ) On a certain bicaloric p ro b lem ...19 171-181 5. (and E. W a c h n ie k i) On a certain generalization of the Orlicz

theorem ... 20 255-258 Bartos, J.

1. The determination of the two-dimensional distribution by

means of conditional d istr ib u tio n s...18 129-140 Bartoszynski, R.

1. Some remarks on the secretary p ro b lem ... 19 15-22 Bhaumik, R. N.

1. A note on almost if-compact s p a c e s ... 18 1-6 Blaszczyk, A.

1. On pseudocompact ex ten sio n s... 20 259-261 Bobrowski, D .

1. Some properties of oscillatory solutions of certain differential

equations of second o rd er... 11 39-48 Bochenek, J.

1. Properties of nodal lines of eigenfunctions of a certain system

of partial differential equations of second o r d e r ... 12 31-34 2. On eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of strongly elliptic systems

of differential equations of second o r d e r ... 12 171-182 3. On the reasonable choice of the coordinate functions in the

Bubnov-Galerkin m eth od ... 17 9-16 4. Some remarks on the convergence of Ritz and Galerkin

m e t h o d s ... 17 17-27 Bochnak, J.

1. Wiqzki liniowe (Vector bundle) I ... 12 141-159 2. Wiqzki liniowe (Vector bundle) I I ... 16 169-213 Bogdanowicz, W. M.

1. Relations between the Lebesgue integral generated by a meas­

ure and the integral generated by a v o lu m e ... 12 277-299 2. (and J. N. W elch ) Extensions of projective volumes to pro­

jective m easures... 17 313-320 3. (and J. N. W elch ) Integration generated by a volume which

is an infinite sum of v o lu m e s... 17 321-334 Borowiecki, M.

1. (et L. S z a m k o lo w ic z ) Remarques sur la construction des

graphes sy m étriq u es... 13 249-253 Borsuk, К.

1. A note on the shape of quasi-homeomorphic compacta . . . . 14 25-34 Bose, M. K.

1. Results on АС* —со (C-sense) and ACC* — со (C-sense) func­

tions ... 20 7-28

T o m e Pages


T om e

B r ie r ly , J . E .

1. ^and H. N a k a n o ) Generalized relative sp e c tr a ...17

B u c k o , Z .

1. Analogie der Losungsmethoden von Differenzen- und Differen- tialgleichungen mit konstanten K oeffizienten... 20

B u tle w s k i, Z .

1. Théorèmes de comparison pour un système d’équations aux différences fin ie s...14

B y lk a , G.

1. On some class of monotonie fu n ctio n s... 19

C a r m ic h a e l, R . D .

1. The representation of functions analytic in turbular radial domains by Fourier in te g r a ls...17

Cams, L. G.

1. On the set of orders on a f i e l d ... 16

C h a b r o w s k i, J .

1. Le premier problème de Fourier relatif au système parabolique d’équations quasi linéaires les domaines non cylindriques . . . 12 2. Sur la construction des solutions relativement extrémales de

l’équation aux dérivées partielles du type parabolique . . . . 12

C h a n d r a , R .

1. Norlund summability of the derived series of Fourier series . . 16

C h a n e y , R . W .

1. Note on Fourier-Stieltjes transforms of continuous and ab­

solutely continuous m e a su r e s...15

C h ^ d z y n s k a , A .

1. On some classes of sets related to the symmetry of the tangency relation in a metric s p a c e ... 16

C h o jn a c k i, W .

1. On Banach algebras which are Hilbert s p a c e s ... 20

C h r is tia n , U . J .

1. A note on the relation between, Lindelof and ^-com pact s p a c e s ... 16

C h u a n g , H . H .

1. (and H. N a k a n o ) Simple linear la ttic e s ... .... . 18

C ie s ie ls k i, Z .

1. (i Z. S e m a d e n i) Przeglqd niektôrych nowszyeh metod w teorii potenejalu (Survey of some new methods in potential theory), III 11 2. On the spectrum of the Laplace o p era to r ... 14

C o s te , A .

1. (and It. P a llu de la B a r r iè r e ) Radon-Nikodym theorems for set-valued measures whose values are convex and closed . . 20







237-244 245-250







99-128 41-50




Cox, S. H., Jr.

1. (and S. B. N a d le r , Jr.) Supremum norm differentiability . . . 15 127-131 Curtz, T. B.

1. (and B. A lte r ) On binary non-associative products and their

relation to a classical problem of E u le r ... 17 1-8 Cybertowicz, Z.

1. On some approximation p ro b lem s... ... 12 61-74 2. (and W. M a tu sz e w sk a ) Functions of bounded generalized

variations... 20 29-52 Czajsner, J.

1. Some equivalence relations in relational s y s t e m s ...13 81-89 Czerwik, S.

1. On some properties of solutions of a functional equation with

parameter... 17 335-339 2. Solutions of class Cr with respect to the parameter of a linear

functional e q u a t i o n ... 17 341-345 3. On a differential equation with deviating a rg u m en t... 19 183-187 Dawidowicz, A.

1. Une remarque sur les solutions radiales d’une équation aux

dérivées partielles d’ordre su p érieu r... 12 57-60 2. Sur l’allure asymptotique des potentiels de chaleur de l’arc . . 12 81-98 Deever, D.

1. (and A. A b ia n ) Representation of simply ordered sets and the

generalized continuum h y p o th e sis ... 11 183-188 Deshpandé, J. V.

1. Intrinsic topologies on a p o s e t ... 16 75-81 Diestel, J.

1. On the essential uniqueness of an example of С. E. Rickart . . 17 263-264 Dmocboweki, I. (Дмоховски, И.)

1. Разностное энергическое неравенство для параболической

с и с т е м ы ...12 165-170 Domanski, Z. (Доманьский, 3.)

1. (и А. П и ск о ре к, 3. Р оек ) О применении метода Фишера-

-Рисса-К упрадзе для решения первой задачи Фурье . . . 16 137-147 Drewnowski, L.

1. Some characterization of metric spaces in which every bounded

set is conditionally c o m p a c t... 12 311-314 2. Some remarks on rearrangements of s e r ie s ...18 7-9 3. On complete su b m ea su res... 18 177-186 4. Additive and countably additive correspondences... 19 25-54 Dubikajtis, L.

1. Système d’axiomes de la géométrie affine basé sur la notion

de demi-droite... 13 161-169

T o m e Pages


D u d a , R .

1. On monotony of y-dimension . ...12 19-21

D w iv e d i, G . K .

1. On a sequence of Fouridi* co efficien ts... 15 61-66

D y c z k a , W .

1. The moments of Polya distribution. Special c a s e ...13 129-139 2. On the multidimensional Polya d istrib u tio n ... 17 43-63

F i l a r , M .

1. On a certain boundary problem for the equation A2u —Ci u — 0 16 83-90 2. On a certain boundary problem for the equation (zl + a2) (zl+

+ b2)u = 0 ... 19 55-66

F i r l e j , B .

1. Approximation of functions of two variables in i * <p-metrics . 16 229-237 2. (and W. M a tu sz e w sk a ) Some remarks on spaces provided

with mixed n o r m ... 17 347-357

F is c h e r , W .

1. (and U. S e h o le r ) A characterization of non-locally bounded Orlicz spaces by power series with finite domain of conver­

gence ... 19 67-72 2. (and U. S e h o le r ) On derivatives of vector-measures into

lp (X), 0 < p < l ... 20 53-56

F r a s e r , R . B ., J r .

1. A new characterization on Peano c o n tin u a ... 16 247-248

F r i e d r ic h , T h .

1. On an equality for 3-dimensional m a n ifo ld s... 18 187-188

F r y d r y c h , Z .

1. On the Orlicz space and Dirichlet problem for m-dimensional

s p h e r e ... 20 311-313

F u d a l i, C.

1. (and S. F u d a li) On the osculating plane of a curve in an

те-dimensional Euclidean s p a c e ... 13 15-21

F u d a l i, S.

1. On the osculating circle of a curve in an те-dimensional Eucli­

dean s p a c e ...13 3-13 2. (and C. F u d a li) On the osculating plane of a curve in an

те-dimensional Euclidean s p a c e ... 13 15-21 3. On the osculating jfc-sphere of a curve in an те-dimensional

Euclidean s p a c e ... 18 11-20 4. On the osculating fc-plane of a curve in an те-dimensional

Euclidean s p a c e ... 20 315-322

F u l l e r , R . V .

1. Uniform continuity and net b eh aviou r...16 165-167

T om e Pages


Gemigjnani, M. C.

1. A simplified characterization of an open m-arrangement . . . 12 183-191 2. On a compact border in a closed m-arrangement... 12 227-229

Geretenkorn, T. ï f,:

1. The multidimensional truncated Polya d istrib u tion ... 19 189-210

Glazek, K .

1. (and J. M ic h a lsk i) Weak homomorphisme of general al­

gebras ... 19 211-228

Godziewski, A .

1. On the theory of seq u en ces... 17 291-304 2. Errata to the paper “ On the theory of sequences” ... 18 155

Golqb, J .

1'. On a certain mixed boundary value problem for iterated

Helmholtz e q u a t io n ... 20 323-336

Gol^b, S.

1. (andM. K u c h a r z e w sk i)Ü b e r dasFlâchenmaBin Vektorrâumen 14 51-57

Gôrowski, J .

1. (and E. W a c h n ic k i) The Green function for the Lauricelli

problem and for polyharmonic equation in the half-space . . . 20 57-63 2. On the Dirichlet problem for interior and for exterior of an

elliptic d o m a i n ... 20 337-340

Gruzewski, A .

1. (et A. S c h in z e l) Bur les iterations d’une fonction arith­

m étique... 11 279-282

Gulden, S. L .

1. Equivalent forms of m-paracom pactness... 11 265-278

Herer, V .

1. On the extension of measure with values in a topological

group... 19 73-80

Herrlich, H.

1. Mengen reeller Zahlen. Ordnungstheoretische und topologische

K e n n z e ic h n u n g ... 11 205-212

Holub, J . R .

1. Concerning biorthogonal systems in 0 ( 8 ) ... 13 275-279

Hudzik, H.

1. On density of C™(û) in generalized Orlicz-Sobolev space

W\t(@) f°r every open set Q c R n ... 20 65-78 2. On imbedding theorems of Orlicz-Sobolev space W%[(Q) into

Cm (Q) for open, bounded and starlike Q c R n ... 20 341-363

Iwinski, T. B.

1. Some remarks on Toeplitz methods and c o n tin u ity ... 16 37-43

T om e Pages


J a i n , R . K .

1. On the strong (L ) summability of Fourier s e r ie s ...13 107-112

J a k u b o w s k i, Z . J .

1. On the upper hound of the functional \f^(sz)\ (n = 2, 3, ...)

in some classes of univalent fu n c tio n s... 17 65-69 2. On some properties of extremal functions of Carathéodory . . 17 71-80

J a k u s z e n k o w , H .

1. On some property of the generalized gamma-distribution . . . 17 237-242

J a n k o w s k i ,


1. Note on the characteristic classes of the elements of the

unitary bordism m o d u le ...15 91-102 2. Remarks on generalized homology th e o r ie s... 15 185-199 3. (and R. R u h in s z te in ) Functions with non-degenerate critical

points on manifolds with b o u n d a ry ... 16 99-112 4. Note on i/2-equivariant im m ersion s... 17 81-85 5. Remark concerning iC-theory of classifying s p a c e s ... 19 229-237

J a n k o w s k i , L .

1. Some properties of the core to p o lo g ies... 19 239-247

J a n k o w s k i , T . *

1. On periodic solutions of the equation x ' ( t ) ~ F(t, x (<), %'(t)) . . 19 249-253

J a n o w 's k i, W .

1. On the radius of starlikeness of some families of regular func­

tions ... 14 137-149

J a r e k , P .

1. (and E. S q sia d a ) On the conjugacy of homeomorphisms of

unit i n t e r v a l ... 19 365-371

J a r o s z e w s k a , M .

1. Holder’s condition for some function sp a ces... 15 75-86 2. A generalization of the Riesz-Thorin T h eorem ... 17 87-96

3. Some properties of the spaces 17 359-372

J ç d r y k a , T . M .

1. (and J. M u siela k ) On bimodular sp a c e s... 15 201-208

J o h n s o n b a u g h , R .

1. Spaces and algebras of vector-valued differentiable functions . 20 79-85

J u r k s z t o w i c z , Z .

1. (and J. K op ec) On orders of growth of the entire functions

represented by the Dirichlet s e r ie s ... 17 97-103

K a c z m a r s k i, J .

1. On the radius of convexity for certain regular functions . . . 17 373-383 2. On some extremal problem for certain classes of close-to-

starlike f u n c t i o n s ... 17 385-398

K a l a , R .

1. (and J. K. B a k s a la r y ) A method of finding bases of a matrix 20 1-5

T o m e Pages


T om e K a le c k i, M .

1. On the sum ... H 2. A short elementary proof of the prime number theorem . . . 13 3. On the inequality in the general additive theory of numbers . . 15

K a m in s k i,


1. (and K. U r b a n ik ) Centred probability distributions . . . . 14

K a m o n t , Z .

1. (and W. P a w e ls k i) On a certain case of asymptotic stability of the integral y — 0 of the differential equation dyjdx = g{y/x) 17 2. (and W. P a w e ls k i) On a special case of asymptotic stability

in a uniform manner with respect to the initial conditions . . . 19 3. (and W. P a w e ls k i, S. Z a ch a rek ) On a certain case of asymp­

totic stability of the solution T = 0 of a system of ordinary differential equations Y' — F (x , Y ) ...20

K a p c i a , V .

1. Sur une généralisation des équations différentielles de Clairaut et de d’Alembert et sur ses solutions paramétriques . . . . ^ 17 2. Sur l’existence des solutions singulières d’une généralisation

des équations différentielles de Clairaut et de d’Alembert . . . 18

K a p tu r k ie w ic z , K .

1. On the mixed problem for the Poisson equation in the quart- plane ... 20

K a r a f i a t ,


1. On the continuity of a mapping inverse to a vector measure . . 18

K a r e n s k a , Z .

1. On some functional equation in the theory of geometric objects 12 2. On some two functional equations in the theory of geometric

o b j e c t s ... 20

K a r p i n s k i , M .

1. Equivalence results on probabilistic tree la n g u a g es... 20

K ^ c k i , E .

1. (and W. K r y s ic k i) Die Parameterschatzung einer Mischung von zwei Laplaceschen Verteilungen (im allgemeinen Fall) . . 11

K e jn d irili, B .

1. An example of a topological g r o u p ... 15

K e r t z , G .

1. (and J. M eyer, F. J. R egan ) Exponential analogues of a gen­

eralized Lambert s e r i e s ... 15

K is ie le w ic z , M .

1. On the existence of solutions of differential-integral equations with a lagging arg u m en t... 13

K n a s t e r , B .

1. Une décomposition effective du carré en deux ensembles denses, ponctiformes, connexes et localement connexes . . . 14

189-191 51-55 133-134


229-235 81-84


399-410 21-35

97-109 37-43

219-226 365-375 111-131


1 -2




P a g e s


Kolakowski, H.

1. Qualitative study of a system of three polynomial equations . . 11 157-173 2. Non-coercive mixed p r o b le m ... 18 189-192

К о т к о т ,


1. Review of the Kantorovie variational m e th o d ... 17 105-117

Kopec, J .

1. Inverse monotone functions and their ap p lication s...11 213-228 2. Some criterions of Norlund su m m a b ility ... 13 67-75 3. On a generalization of Jensen’s fo r m u la ... 13 77-80 4. (and Z. J u r k s z to w ic z ) On orders of growth of the entire

functions represented by the Dirichlet s e r ie s ... 17 97-103

Korner, T. W.

1. Integration and pointwise convergence... 19 253-258

Kotkowski, B.

1. The integral representation of a bounded linear functional in

a symmetric sp a c e ... 12 259-265

Kozek, A .

1. Orlicz spaces of functions with values in Banach spaces . . . 19 259-288

Kozniewska, 1.

1. Méthode algébrique pour la solution de deux équations liné­

aires, l’une de récurrence et l’autre différentielle... 17 119-125

Kranz, P.

1. Additive functionals on abelian sem igrou p s... 16 239-246 2. Sandwich and extension theorems on semigroups and lattices . 18 193-200

Krasinkiewicz, J .

1. On homeomorphisms of the Sierpinski c u r v e ... 12 225-257 2. On quasi-embeddability of dendroids... 16 249-252

Krasnodçbski, R .


1. Dihedral angle of the regular w -sim plex... 15 87-89

Krôlikowska, K .

1. On the characterization of some families of distributions . . . 17 243-261

Krypel, S.

1. (and J. M u sia lek ) On a mixed problem for the biharmonic

e q u a t i o n ... 18 201-211

Krysicki, W.

1. (and E. K qcki) Die Parameterschatzung einer Mischung von

zwei Laplaeeschen Verteilungen (im allgemeinen Fall) . . . . 11 23-31

Kubik, L .

1. Sur un problème de M. D. D u g u é ... 13 1-2

Kucharzewski, M.

1. (und S. G olqb) Über das FliichenmaB in Vektorrâumen . . . 14 51-57

T om e Pages

18 — R o c z n ik i PT M P r a c e M at. X X .2


K u c z n i a , M .


, 1. Fractional iteration of differentiable functions with multiplier

z e r o ... 14 35-39 2. On some set classes occurring in the theory of convex functions 17 127-135

K u l p a , W .

1. (and U. L orek ) A remark on Jones’ proof of Archangelskii

theorem... 18 213-216 2. Another proof of a Hurewicz theorem . ... 19 85-87

K w a p ie z , M .

1. On certain differential equations with deviated argument . . . 12 23-29 2. (and J. T uro) On some class of integral-functional equations

in locally convex s p a c e s ... 20 377-391

L a b u d a , 1.

1. Denumerability conditions and Orlicz-Pettis theorems . . . . 18 45-49 2. A note on exhaustive m easu res... ... 18 217-221

L a u , A . Y . W .

1. (and С. H. Y oas) Connectedness of the hyperspace of closed

connected s u b s e t s ... 20 393-396

L e ê n ie w ic z , R .

1. On Hardy-Orlicz spaces, I ... 15 3-56 2. On generalized modular spaces, I . . . ... 18 223-242 3. On generalized modular spaces, I I ... 18 243-271

L e v in e , N .

1. On the infimum of a family of topologies for a s e t ...11 55-59 2. On the intersection of open sets containing the diagonal . . . 15 67-73 3. On compactness and gen eralization ... 19 89-96

L in , B .- L .

1. (and I. S in g er) On conditional bases of Z2 ... 15 135-139

L ip e c k i, Z .

1. Decomposition theorems for Boolean rings, with applications

to semigroup-valued m easures... 20 397-403

L is , B ,

1. Particular spectral theory of finite-dimensional spaces . . . . 18 51-61

L o r e k , U .

1. (and W. K u lp a ) A remark on Jones’ proof of Archangelskii

t h e o r e m ... 18 ^ 213-216

L u c h t e r , J .

1. Determination of the linear non-homogeneous geometric ob­

jects of the type [m, n, 2], where m < n ...17 137-157

M a c e d o n s k a - N o s a ls k a , O .

1. On the coincidence of verbal p ro d u cts... .... 18 273-276

T o m e Pagea


M a c k o w ia k , T .

1. Some kinds of the n n icoh eren ce... .... 20 405-408

M a g d z ia r z , J .

1. One some spaces of infinitely differentiable functions . . . . 11 305-312 2. On a modular space of infinitely differentiable functions . . . 17 159-177

M a le c , M .

1. (and Z. S k u p ie n ) On the maximal planar graphs and the four

colour p r o b le m ... 12 205-209 2. Une méthode approchée de résoudre une équation non linéaire

parabolique aux dérivées m i x t e s ... 19 289-296

M a r c h o w , E .

1. (and W. P u lik o w s k i) Equivariant Whitney immersion

t h e o r e m ... 20 409-415

M a rc z e w e k i, E .

1. A remark on independence in abstract algebras...14 15-17

M a r k ie w ic z , T .

1. Some remarks on coefficients on double Fourier series . . . 11 33-37

M a tts o n , D o n A .

1. Proximity mappings and induced hom om orphism s... 13 119-123

M a tu s z e w s k a , W .

1. (and B. F ir le j) Some remarks on spaces provided with mixed

n o r m ... 17 347—357 2. (and Z. C y b e r to w ic z ) Functions of bounded generalized

variations... 20 29-52

M ^ k o w e k i, A .

1. (and K. W ié n ie w sk i) Generalization of Abian’s fixed point

t h e o r e m ... 13 63-65

M e y e r, J ,

1. (and G. K e r tz , F. J. R eg a n ) Exponential analogues of a gen­

eralized Lambert s e r i e s ... 15 103-113

M ic h a le k i, J .

1. (and K. G la zek ) Weak homomorphisms of general algebras . . 19 211-228

M ik o la jc z y k , L .

1. A theorem on distortion for univalent p -symmetrical functions

bounded in the circle \z\ > 1 ... 12 35-51

M ik o s z , M .

1. Two estimates for continuous fu n c tio n s ... 17 269-278

M ile w e k i, J .

1. On a certain limit problems for poliparabolic equation . . . . 20 133-145

M o s ie r,

R. G.

1. (and H. N a k a n o ) Discrete linear la ttic e s ... 17 179-185

Tome Pages

18 — R o c z n ik i PT M P r a c e M a t. X X .2


Moszynski, K.

1. Une généralisation de la méthode de séparation des variables . . 17 279-290 Mott, T. E.

1. Some generalizations of the Cantor-Lebesgue Theorem, II . . . 15 151-184 Mrôwka, S.

1. Structures of continuous functions, VI. Lattices of continuous

fu n c tio n s ... 17 411-420 Murdeshwar, M. G.

1. On the maximum correlation between fu n c tio n s...11 193-197 Musialek, J.

1. On some differential inequalities of elliptic t y p e ...11 1-8 2. On some property of solutions of the equation A2v + 1cv — 0 . . 11 9-14 3. On homogeneous polyharmonic p o ly n o m ia ls... 11 283-288 4. On a certain property of the equation Ap u + Jcu = 0 . . . . 11 289-295 5. Local properties of certain solutions of differential equations

of elliptic t y p e ... 13 171-192 6. The Green’s function and the solutions of the Neumann and

Dirichlet p rob lem s... ... 16 1-35 7. The mixed boundary conditions of Dirichlet-Neumann type

for the Laplace equation in the positive quadrant of the plane . 17 421-427 8. (and S. K r y p e l) On a mixed problem for the biharmonic

e q u a t i o n ...-... 18 201-211 9. Some properties of the solutions of the equation L 2u + ku = 0 18 277-284 10. (and F. B a r a n s k i) On a certain bicaloric p ro b lem ...19 171-181 11. The bicaloric problem with mixed conditions in the quarter-

plane ... 20 147-176 Musielak, H.

1. Inequalities for the norms of some functions defined by Stieltjes

i n t e g r a l s ... 16 45-51 2. Fractional partial derivatives and approximation of functions

of two real v a ria b les... 19 97-110

M u s ie la k , J .

1. (and A. W a sz a k ) Countably modulared spaces connected

with equisplittable families of m ea su res... 13 267-274 2. (and T. M. J q d r y k a ) On bimodular sp a ces... 15 201-208 3. (and.A. W a sz a k ) Some new countably modulared spaces . . . 15 209-215 4. (and A. W a sza k ) Some remarks on families of Orlicz classes . . 19 297-303 Nadler, S. B ., Jr.

1 (and S. H. C ox, Jr.) Supremum norm differentiability . . . . 15 127-131 Naimpally, S. A.

1. (and С. M. P a r e e k ) Graph topologies for function spaces, II . 13 221-231 Nakano, H.

1. (and J. E. B r ie r ly ) Generalized relative s p e c tr a ... 17 29-34 2. (and K. G. M osier) Discrete linear la ttic e s ... 17 179-185 3. (and H. H. C hu an g) Simple linear la ttic e s ...18 141-149 4. (and S. R o m b e r g e r ) On distributive la ttic e s ... 18 151-153

T om e Pages


Tom o

N a t a r a j a n , P . N .

1. The Steinhaus theorem for Toeplitz matrices in non-archimedean fie ld s ... ...20

N o iri, T .

1. Almost-bounded sets and some fu n ctio n s... 19 2. Almost-closed images of countably paracompact spaces . . . . 20

N o w a k , K .

1. On approximation of the solutions of linear differential equa­

tions in Banach spaces by a difference process 17

O lu b u m m o , A .

1. (and M. R a ja g o p a la n ) Anti-self dual g r o u p s ...19

O rllc z , W .

1. On some classes of finitely additive set fu n ctio n s... 11 2. On spaces L*v based on the notion of a finitely additive in­

tegral ... 12 3. Absolute continuity of set functions with respect to a finitely

sub additive m e a su r e ...14

P a l lu d e l a B a r r iè r e , R .

1. (and A. C oste) Radon-Nikodym theorems for set-valued measures whose values are convex and c lo s e d ... 20

P a r a m e s w a r a n , M . R .

1. A Tauberian theorem for the product of the logarithmic and Cesàro method of su m m a b ility ...19

P a r a s h a r , В . P .

1. On the field of operators of Ditkin and P ru d n ik o v ... 13

P a r e e k , С . M .

1. (and S. A. N a im p a lly ) Graph topologies for function spa­



... 13

P a e ic k i, L .

1. A short proof of the Caristi th eorem ...20

P a w e ls k i, W .

1. On a simple case of asymptotic s t a b ilit y ...13 2. (and Z. К am ont) On a certain case of asymptotic stability

of the integral y — 0 of the differential equation dy[dx = g(y/x) *17 3. (and Z. К am o n t) On a special case of asymptotic stability

in a uniform manner with respect to the initial conditions . 19 4. (and Z. K a m o n t, S. Z a ch a rek ) On a certain case of asymp­

totic stability of the solution Г = 0 of a system of ordinary differential equations Y' = F ( x , Г ) ...20

P e lc z y n s k i, A .

1. On Sikorski’s trace fo r m u la ... 14

P e n g - N u n g , N g

1. (and Lee P e n g -Y e e ) Cesàro sequence spaces of non-absolute

ty p e ...


417-422 305-309 423-426



317-327 99-113 101-118






233-239 229-235 81-84






P e n g - Y e e , L ee

1. (and N g P e n g -N u n g ) Cesàro sequence spaces of non-absolute

t y p e ... 20 429-433

P i s k o r e k ,

А. (Пискорек, A.)

1. (и 3. Д о м а н ь с к и й , 3. Р оек ) О применении метода Фишера-

-Рисса-К упрадзе для решения первой задачи Фурье . . . . 16 137-147

P l i s ,


1. Loss of uniqueness property in difference approximation of

a Dirichlet p r o b le m ... 14 87-89

Pol, A. #

1. On the dual semigroups of compact sem igrou p s...13 215-219

P o l , R .

1. A non-paracompact space whose countable product is perfectly

n o r m a l... 20 433-437

P o l n i a k o w s k i , Z .

1. On some properties of Eiesz m e a n s ...11 129-140 2. Asymptotic properties of series of polynomials satisfying some

second order difference eq u a tio n ... ...12 1-18 3. On the differential equation y" — a(x)y = 0 ... 13 241-248 4. On the differential equation — a(x)y = 0 ...14 151-172 5. On solutions of the differential equation yW — a(x)y = 0 . . . 17 429-439 6. On the differential equation y ^ —b(x)y' — a(x)y = 0 . . . . 19 311-321 7. On some linear differential e q u a tio n s... 19 323-341 8. On solution of some linear differential eq u a tio n s... 20 177-197 9. On some system of linear differential eq u a tio n s... 20 439-448

P r o f f i t t , M . H .

1. Concerning accessibility in the p l a n e ... 17 441-443

P r z e w o r s k a - R o le w ic z , D .

1. Some boundary value problems with transformed argument . . 17 451-457

P u , H . W .

1. Another Aseoli theorem for multi-valued fu n c tio n s... 17 445-450

P u l i k o w s k i , W .

1. Equivariant homology theories indexed by representations . . 19 343-354 2. (and E. M arch ow ) Equivariant Whitney immersion theorem . 20 409-415

P y c h , P .

1. Approximation of functions in L- and (7-m etrics...11 61-76 2. Theorems of the Romanovski type for Denjoy-Perron in­

tegrals ... 16 125-131 3. The Denjoy integral in some approximation problems, IV . . . 19 117-125

R a d e c k i, J .

1. Schauder bases in the space of continuous fu n ctio n s... 13 193-196

R a j a g o p a l a n ,


1. (and A. O lu b u m m o) Anti-self dual g r o u p s ... 19 111-112

T om e Pages


R a p p , P .

1. On particular solutions of non-homogeneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients and constant deviation

of a r g u m e n t...19 127-138

R a t a j s k i , H .

1. An estimate for the Lebesgue (0, l)-functions of some poly­

nomial-like s y s t e m s ... 11 141-144 2. Some remarks on the Dini-Lipschitz t e s t ... 12 305-309

R e g a n ,


J .

4. 1. (and K. K e r tz , J. M eyer) Exponential analogues of a gen­

eralized Lambert s e r i e s ... 15 103-113

R e if , J .

1. (and V. Z izler) On strongly extreme p o in t s ... 18 63-70

R e m p u l s k a , L .

1. Approximation to continuous fu n c tio n s ... 18 71-76

R o b e r ts o n , J . M . (

1. (and H. C. W iser) Topologies of uniform convergence . . . . 12 231-235

R o b in s o n , W .

1. Some equivalent classes of Kothe s p a c e s ... 20 449-451

R o g e r s , J . W . , J r .

1. A space whose regions are the simple domains of another

sp a c e ... .... . ...13 141-159

R o j e k ,

Z. (Роек, 3.)

1. Обобщенная задача Гильберта...11 87-98 2. (и 3. Д о м а н ь ск и й , А. П искош ен) О применении метода

Фишера-Рисса-Купрадзе для решения первой задачи

Ф у р ь е ... 16 137-147

R o m a n o w ic z ,


1. (and К. W o z n ia k ) On a property of approaching maps in

Euclidean spaces... 12 201-204

R o m b e r g e r , S .

1. (and H. N a k a n o ) On distributive la t t ic e s ... 18 151-153

R u b i n s z t e j n , R .

1. (and A. J a n k o w s k i) Functions with non-degenerate critical

points on manifolds with b o u n d a ry ... .... . 16 99-112

R u b i o , J . L .

1. Nets of subgroups in locally compact g r o u p s... 20 453-466

R u m a k , T .

1. Some theorems about difference in eq u a lities... 16 159-164

R y ll, J .

1. Schauder bases for the space of continuous functions on an

ti-dimensional cube... 17 201-213

T o m e Pages


R z e p e c k i, B .

1. On the Banach principle and its application to theory of differ­

ential e q u a tio n s ... 19 355-363 2. Some properties of the set of solutions of an operator equation

in a Banach s p a c e ... 20 467-478

S a m p la w s k i, H .

1. On bilinear series in Banach spaces, I ...11 145-156 2. Fourier series and structural properties of fu n ctio n s...12 193-199 3. On bilinear series in Banach spaces, I I ... 18 77-83 4. On bilinear series in Banach spaces, III ... 18 85-94 5. On convergence of bilinear in te g r a ls ... 18 95-112

S a s ia d a , E .

1. (and P. J a rek ) On the conjugacy of homeomorphisms of unit

interval ... 19 365-371

S c h in z e l, A .

1. (et A. G r u z e w sk i) Sur les itérations d’une fonction ari­

thm étique... 11 279-282 2. Integer points on c o n ic s ... 16 133-135 3. Errata to the paper “ Integer points on conics” ... 17 305

S c h o le r , U .

1. (and W. F is c h e r ) A characterization of non-locally bounded Orlicz spaces by power series with finite domain of conver­

gence ... 19 67-72 2. (and W. F is c h e r ) On derivatives of vector-measures into

lp (X), 0 < p < l ... 20 53-56

S e m a d e n i, Z .

1. (i Z. C ie s ie ls k i) Przeglqd niektôrych nowszych metod w teorii potencjalu (Survey of some new methods in potential theory),

I I I ...11 99-128 2. (and H. Z id e n b e r g ) On preordered topological spaces and

increasing semicontinuous fu n c tio n s ... 11 31.3-316 3. The Banaeh-Mazur functor and related fu n c to r s ...14 173-182

S h a p i r o , H . L .

1. (and R. A. A lo) Totally bounded u n iform ities... 17 307-312

S ic ia k , J .

1. Two criteria for the continuity of the equilibrium Riesz po­

tentials ... 14 91-99

S ie k lu c k i,


1. A generalization of a theorem of S. Mazurkiewicz concerning

Peano fu n c tio n s... 12 251-253

S i k o r s k i , R .

1. (and B. Z n o jk ie w ic z ) A proof of the representation theorem

for the space of random v a ria b les... 11 175-178

S ilb e r g e r ,

D. M.

1. Occurrences of the integer (2n — 2)l(nl{n — 1 ) ! ...13 91-96

T om o Pages


S im e o n ,


I. (and A. T yc) Brown’s theorem for cohomology theories on categories for chain co m p le x e s...

S in g a l, M . K .

1. (and S. P. A rya) On m-paracompact spaces, I I ...

S in g b a l-V e d a k , K .

1. Semigroups of operators on a locally convex s p a c e ...

S in g e r ,


1. (and B.-L. L in) On conditional bases of l2 ...

S in g h ,

J. P.

1. On the degree of approximation of an entire function . . . .

S in g h , V .


1. On the absolute summability |<7, r -fl|j. of the conjugate series of the r-th derived series of Fourier s e r i e s ...

S k ô r n ik ,


1. Irregularities of distributions

S k n p ie n ,


1. On the Hamiltonian graphs and Kuratowski’s theorem . . . . 2. (and M. M alec) On the maximal planar graphs and the four

colour p r o b l e m ...

S o b ic h , L .

1. On the recurrence relation for the moments of inflated binomial and inflated Poisson distribution...

S o b ie e z e k , W .

1. On the functional equations of the dynamic programming with a singular p o i n t ...

S o le c k i, A .

1. Finite atlases on m a n ifo ld s...

S o lty s ia k , A .

1. Capacity of finite systems of elements in Banach algebras . . . 2. Some remarks on the joint capacities in Banach algebras . . . 3. On Banach algebras with closed set of algebraic elements . . .

S t a n k o , S .

1. On existence theorems for some class of non-linear Tchebycheff approxim ation...

S ty p in s k i,


1. On Orlicz spaces with mixed norms, I ...

2. Steklov means in Orlicz s p a c e s ...

3. On approximation of generalized almost periodic functions . .

S z a m k o lo w ic z , L .

1. (and M. B o r o w ie c k i) Remarques sur la construction des graphes sy m é tr iq u e s...

18 285-296

17 215-218

16 53-74

15 135-139

19 139-146

19 147-153

12 211-217

11 255-264 12 205-209

17 459-468

19 373-380

17 469-473

19 381-387 20 197-204 20 479-484

12 301-304

11 247-253 11 297-303 12 161-164

13 249-253

T om e Pages


S z a r s k i, J .

1. Some axiomatic approach to the special theory of relativity . . 14 79-85

S z e lm e c z k a , J .

1. On Laplace transformation in spaces D 'Li ... 15 57-59 2. On absolute convergence of multiple Haar and Rademacher

series... 17 475-479 3. On absolute convergence of multiple Fourier series of func­

tions p-integrable with mixed p o w e r s ... 18 297-310

S z y b ia k , A .

1. Intrinsic construction of the metric in the model of Poincaré

of hyperbolic p la n im etry ... 17 481-487

S z y m ic z e k ,


1. On the distribution of prime factors of Mersenne numbers . . . 13 33-49

S la d k o w e k a , J .

1. Les polynômes de Faber dans les familles compactes de fonc­

tions univalentes bornées...> ... 20 205-214

S le b o d z in s k i, W .

1. Le principe dynamique d’E. C a rta n ...14 1-13

§ liw in s k i, E .

1. On the Neumann problem in an ^-dimensional half-space . . . 11 179-182 2. On some oscillation problems for elliptic equations of fourth *

o rd er...'... 11 199-203 3. On the oscillation properties of certain power s e r ie s ... 12 267-271 4. On some estimation of the first eigenvalue of the membrane

e q u a t i o n ... 12 273—276 5. The Dirichlet and Neumann problem for Laplace aquation in an

angular region... 17 489-498

S r o d k a , T .

1. On the distribution of product and ratio of powers of two independent random variables with the generalized gamma,

Maxwell and Weibull d istrib u tion ... 11 77-85

T a b e r s k i , R .

1. Extension of Juneja’s r e s u lts ...13 125-128 2. Summability of differentiated interpolating polynomials . . . 13 197-213 3. Some properties of Ж-variation s...15 141-146 4. Approximation of real functions by double trigonometric

polyn om ials...16 113-123 5. On general Dirichlet integrals... 17 499-512 6. On double singular i n t e g r a ls ...19 155-160 7. Differences, moduli and derivatives of fractional orders . . . . 19 389-400

T u r o , J .

1. (and M. K w a p isz ) On some class of integral-functional

equations in locally convex s p a c e s... 20 377-391

T o m e Pages


Tome Pages Tyc, A.

1. (and D. Sim s on) Brown’s theorem for cohomology theories

ч on categories for chain co m p lex es... 18 285-296

U r b a n i k , K .

1 . (and A. K a m in sk i) Centred probability distributions... 14 65-73

U r b a n s k i , R .

1. Weak compactness of the range of a set-valued measure . . . . 19 401-402

V o a e , С.

H. ,

1 . (and A. Y. W. Lau) Connectedness of the hyperspace of closed

connected s u b s e t s ... 20 393-396

W a c h n ic k i , E .

1 . (and P. B a r a n sk i) On the three-harmonic problem for the

w-dimensional h a lf-s p a c e ...18 157-172 2. (and P. B a r a n sk i) Orlicz space and Dirichlet problem .- . . . 18 173-176 3. Approximation of functions in Orlicz s p a c e ... 19 161-164 4. On the oscillatory properties of solutions of certain elliptic

e q u a tio n s... .... . 19 165-169 5. On boundary value problems for some partial differential

equations of higher o rd er... 20 215-233 6. (and P. B a r a n sk i) On a certain generalization of the Orlicz

theorem... 20 255-258 7. (and J. G ô ro w sk i) The Green function for the Lauricelli

problem and for polyharmonic equation in the half-space . . . 20 57-63

W a l c z a k , S .

1. Typical real functions in the exterior of the unit circle . . . . 17 513-531

W a lie z e w e k i, W .

1. On an axiomatic characterization of certain quasi-algebras with

one partial op eration ...11 15-18 2. Inductive d efin ition s...1 1 19-22

W a s z a k ,


1. On spaces of strongly summable sequences with an Orlicz

m e t r i c ... 11 229-246 2. Strong summability of functions in Orlicz m e tr ic s ... 12 115-139 3. Linear functionals in Orlicz spaces of strongly \A , 991-sum­

mable sequences... 13 97-105 4. (and J. M u siela k ) Countably modulared spaces connected

with equisplittable families of m e a s u r e s ... > 13 267-274 5. (and J. M u siela k ) Some new countably modulared spaces . . 15 209-215 6. Orlicz spaces connected with strong summability, I. Linear

functionals in spaces of strongly summable functions . . . . 15 217-234 7. (and J. M u siela k ) Some remarks on families of Orlicz classes . . 19 297-303

W e l c h , J . N .

1 . (and W. M. B o g d a n o w ic z ) Extensions of projective volumes

to projective m ea su res... 17 313-320 2. (and W. M. B o g d a n o w ic z ) Integration generated by a volume

which is an infinite sum of v o lu m e s... 17 321-334


W e r b o w s k i, J .

1. On oscillation behavior of solutions of differential equations generated by d e l a y s ...

W e r o n , A .

1. On a topological characterization of simple closed curve on the p la n e ...

W e s t, R . W .

1. Covering spaces r e v isite d ...

W ç g lo w s k i, Z .

1. On two notions of cu rv a tu re...

W ie c z o r e k , Z .

1. On the coefficients of starlike functions of some classes . . . .

W ie r le l a k , K .

1. A note on the remainder term of the prime-number formula for arithmetical progression s...

W is e r , H . C.

1. (and J. M. R o b e r ts o n ) Topologies of uniform convergence . .

W is n ie w s k i, K .

1. (and A. M q k o w sk i) Generalization of Abian’s fixed point theorem ...

2. On functions without fixed p o in t s ...

W o jt y n s k i , W .

1. On invariant subspaces of invertible linear operators . . . .

W o la n o w s k i, M . A .

1. A note on parametrical in te g r a ls ...

W o w k , C.

1. On the distribution of some sequences of integers in residue classes ...

W o z n i a k , K .

1. (and Z. R o m a n o w ic z ) On a property of approaching maps in Euclidean s p a c e s ...

Z a c h a r e k ,


1. (and Z. K a m o n t, W. P a w e ls k i) On a certain case of asymp­

totic stability of the solution Y = 0 of a system of ordinary differential equations Y' = F (x, Y ) ...

Z d e r k ie w ic z , J .

1. Sur la subordination dans la classe S * (


) des fonctions étoilées d’ordre



2. Sur la courbure de l ’image du rayon dans la classe des fonctions convexes d’ordre a ...

Z d u n , M . C.

1. Sur la solution générale d’équation fonctionnelle q>(x) • q>(f(%))

= 0 ...

20 485-493

17 219-225

15 119-126

17 533-536

18 113-119

16 149-157

12 231-235

13 63-65 17 227-228

18 121-122

17 265-267

19 403-408

12 201-204

20 87-96

19 409-414 19 415-419

18 123-128

T o m e Pages


T om e Pages

Z e lic h o w ic z , V .

1. On the equation (a;2 — 1)(г2 — 1) = (y2 — 1 ) ... 13 113-118

Z é m â n e k , J .

1. A simple proof of the Weierstrass-Stone th eo rem ... 20 495-497

Z e n o r , P .

1. On countable paraeoinpactness and n o r m a lity ... 13 23-32

Z id e n b e r g , H .

1. (and Z. S e m a d e n i) On preordered topological spaces and

increasing semicontinuous fu n c tio n s...11 313-316 2. On monotonically normal s p a c e s ... 12 75-79

Z im a , K .

1. On the Schauder’s fixed point theorem with respect to para-

normed s p a c e ... 19 421-423

Z iz l e r , У .

1. (and J. R eif) On strongly extreme p o in t s ... 18 63-70

Z n o jk ie w ic z , B .

1. (and R. S ik o r sk i) A proof of the representation theorem

for the space of random v a ria b les... 11 175-178

Z e l a z k o , ¥ .

1. A characterization of Silov boundary in function algebras . . . 14 59-64

2. A power series with a finite domain of convergence... 15 115-117


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