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Język angielski – test dla uczniów klas I-III gimnazjów w roku szkolnym 20


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„Gdańskie Lwy” – maj 2012 – Język angielski – test dla uczniów klas I-III gimnazjów 1

Język angielski – test dla uczniów klas I-III

gimnazjów w roku szkolnym 2011/2012

Etap międzyszkolny (60 minut)

Imię i nazwisko ... szkoła ...

A. Uzupełnij luki w tekście. W jednej luce może się znaleźć tylko jedno słowo. Przepisz słowa do arkusza odpowiedzi.

Money matters

We ask youngsters how they spend their cash

Malcolm Sawyers, 13, allowance: €5 per week. I usually save € 1.50 and spend the rest. I haven't counted it ... (1) a while, so I'm not sure how much is there at the moment. If I do a really big chore at home, I might get a bit extra.

Generally the two things I like to buy ... (2) my pocket money are tracksuits and trainers. The tracksuits can be any ... (3) but the trainers must be Nike. I try to get the same stuff ... (4) my friends. Recently, I needed some new trainers and my dad offered to pay ... (5) to €40 for them. But I wanted more expensive ones, so I ... (6) a deal with my mum where she agreed to buy me the ones I wanted and I said I ... (7) go without pocket money for three weeks.

... (8) there's something I desperately want, I'm not that bothered about pocket money and I don't really think about getting a rise. It's not something I talk about with friends at school. If some children's parents give them too ... (9) pocket money, other people might get jealous so it's important not to show ... (10) about what you've got.

Jimmy O'Donnell, 14, allowance: €10 per week. My mum gives me €10 a week and says that I can ... (11) spend it in the canteen at school or she will make me a packed lunch, and then I can save the €10 to ... (12) on whatever I want. I'm trying to save the €10 and not spend it in the canteen. I have €170 saved up from birthday and Christmas money. I go out with my mum at the weekend and she will usually buy me one thing like a CD or some clothes. If something costs €50 and I only have €40, she might give me the ... (13) €10 or I will do some chores around the ... (14) to earn the rest of the money.

Ellen Segalov, 12, allowance: €8 a month. I try to put some of it to one side for emergencies, and spend the rest. My mum gets most of my clothes for me, and buys me Mizz magazine ... (15) two weeks.

Sometimes we have a half ... (16) off from school on a Friday and, if I go out with my friends, I'll end up spending more money then. As ... (17) as CDs, I like to buy books or sweets. One thing I've found ... (18) very well is a 50/50 deal with my mum and dad - I pay half, if they'll pay half. I went to the cinema with my friends last week to see Ocean's 11 on that basis. They are very good to do deals with – I end up getting an extra euro ... (19) and there.

Now that I've started secondary school, I'm going out more with my friends. It's nice to go out with some money in my pocket and know that it's ... (20).

Adapted from © Macmillan


„Gdańskie Lwy” – maj 2012 – Język angielski – test dla uczniów klas I-III gimnazjów 2 B. Wybierz najlepszą odpowiedź A, B, C lub D i przepisz odpowiednią literę do arkusza.

(21) ... of the notebooks is yours?

a) What b) Which c) Where d) Whose

(22) Who locked ... door to my room?

a) a b) an c) the d) –

(23) His sister arrived ... Poland two weeks ago.

a) to b) in c) on d) at

(24) A: ‘Would you like a sandwich?' B: 'Oh yes, I ... breakfast this morning.' a) hadn't b) didn't c) didn't have d) haven't

(25) We haven't got ... money.

a) some b) no c) any d) many

(26) She ... better see a doctor.

a) did b) would c) should d) had

(27) She speaks Japanese ... . a) good b) well c) nice d) beautiful

(28) A: ‘Did you speak to Margaret about winter break?' B: 'No, I've ... seen her.’

a) nearly b) hardly c) often d) always

(29) There aren’t ... students outside.

a) many b) much c) lot of d) some

(30) Alice is taller ... her best friend, Joan.

a) then b) than c) of d) that

(31) The noise was ... loud that we couldn't hear anything.

a) very b) so c) such d) such a

(32) Just as we ... home it started to rain.

a) were leaving b) would leave c) have left d) leave

(33) Please do not leave your seat until the plane ... .

a) stop b) has stop c) has stopped d) is stopped

(34) A: ‘I don't like orange juice.’ B: ‘….. do I.’

a) So b) Neither c) Either d) No

(35) I couldn’t find the woman ... case I’d taken by mistake.

a) who b) which c) whose d) that

(36) A: 'Have you visited Scotland?' B: '...' a) Not yet b) I didn’t c) Already yes d) Not

(37) Is Patrick ... Tom?

a) taller that b) taller c) as tall as d) more tall

(38) ... its high price, they’ve still bought the car.

a) In spite b) Despite c) Although d) Though

(39) Well, I think you should ... your homework.

a) make b) do c) compose d) craft

(40) 'Where's the ... petrol station, please?' a) most near b) near

c) more near d) nearest

(41) Would you mind ... the window?

a) closing b) close c) to close d) closed

(42) How long ... German?

a) do you learn b) are you learning

c) have you been learning d) you learn

(43) Can you tell me when ... ?

a) does the train leave b) leaves the train c) does leave the train d) the train leaves

(44) Luke ... have invented the story. He always does.

a) can b) must c) may d) shouldn’t

(45) When you and Mary ... back tonight, I'll cook dinner.

a) comes b) will come c) come d) shall come

(46) Peter told me that he ... in the UK the previous year.

a) has been working b) had been working c) has worked d) had been worked

(47) Sorry, Eve can't come to the phone. She ...

a bath!

a) is having b) has c) having d) have


„Gdańskie Lwy” – maj 2012 – Język angielski – test dla uczniów klas I-III gimnazjów 3 (48) Her daughter looks .... she's going to be sick.

a) as if b) as c) likes d) if

(49) She ... me to clean my desk.

a) said b) told c) suggested d) made

(50) John and Mary write to ... every week.

a) their b) themselves c) each one d) each other

(51) It ... to my uncle.

a) is ages that I didn't talk b) is ages since I talked

c) was ages that I haven't talked d) was ages since I talked

(52) You ... the bread. We have more than we need.

a) needn't have bought b) couldn't have bought c) can't have bought d) wouldn't have bought

(53) You would have passed the exam if you ...

so much time playing computer games.

a) wouldn't waste b) hadn't wasted c) had wasted d) wouldn't have wasted

(54) If only I ... stronger.

a) am b) were c) would be d) will be

(55) By this time next month, Susan ... all her exams.

a) will have taken b) will take c) take d) have taken

(56) I wish you ... playing that loud music!

a) would stop b) stopped c) stop d) have stopped

(57) I’m not sure how many I’ll need, so give me ... more.

a) few b) a few c) a little d) little

(58) Christine ... in Paris for three years before she married George.

a) has worked b) has been working c) have worked d) had worked

(59) He doesn’t want to learn – he ….. rather stay at home and play video games.

a) - b) would c) had d) can

(60) Give me a hand, ... you?

a) will b) do c) don’t d) may

C. Podaj przymiotniki o znaczeniu przeciwnym. Przymiotniki muszą pasować do rzeczowników w nawiasie i rozpoczynać się od podanej litery. Przepisz odpowiedzi do arkusza.

Przykład: wet (floor) – (d)


61) even (number) - (o) ...

62) public (transport) - (p) ...

63) major (problem) - (m) ...

64) gentle (slope) - (s) …...

65) close (relative) - (d) ...

66) first (train) - (l) …………...

67) funny (story) - (s) ...

68) silly (dog) - (i) ...

69) simple (task) - (c) ...

70) polite (man) - (r)...


„Gdańskie Lwy” – maj 2012 – Język angielski – test dla uczniów klas I-III gimnazjów 4 D. Podaj czasowniki o znaczeniu przeciwnym. Czasowniki muszą pasować/odnosić się do

rzeczowników w nawiasie, jeśli są one podane, oraz rozpoczynać się od podanej w nawiasie litery.

Przepisz odpowiedzi do arkusza.

Przykład: enter (room) – (l)


71) spend (money) - (s) ...

72) marry (friend) - (d) …...

73) start (engine) - (s) ...

74) win (elections) - (l) ...

75) follow (somebody) - (l) ...

76) damage (computer) - (r) ...

77) attack (castle) - (d) ...

78) send (letter) - (r) ...

79) hit (traget) - (m) ...

80) interrupt (play) - (c) ...

E. Wykreśl z każdej z grup jedno słowo, które do niej nie pasuje pod względem znaczenia. Przepisz odpowiedzi do arkusza.

81) kitchen: fork, knife, spoon, cooker, ridge 82) meat: beef, zeal, lamb, pork, poultry 83) face: jaw, lip, mouth, chin, leek, eyelid 84) bicycle: pedal, gears, chain, break, wheel 85) birds: owl, parrot, swan, agile, stork 86) clothes: glove, skirt, thighs, tie, socks

87) shapes: square, rectangle, triangle, circle, oven 88) hair: parting, fringe, jar, ponytail, plait 89) tree: branch, trunk, root, leaves, barn 90) flying: kite, parachute, glider, plain, balloon

F. Uzupełnij jednym słowem każde z poniższych wyrażeń idiomatycznych. Musisz wykorzystać podaną pierwszą literę. Przepisz odpowiedzi do arkusza.

91) prosić się o kłopoty – ask for (t) ………..

92) zrozumieć, załapć – get the (m) ………..

93) spróbować czegoś – give something a (t) ………..

94) dobrze się bawić – have a good (t) ………..

95) trzymać kciuki - keep your fingers (c) ………..

96) mylić się, źle coś rozumieć – get something (w) ………..

97) wepchnąć się do kolejki. – (j) ……….. the queue

98) rozgościć się, nie czuć się skrępowanym – (m) ……….. oneself at home 99) zmierzać we właściwym kierunku – be on the right (t) ………..

100) mieć pieniędzy jak lodu – have money to (b) ………..


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