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Algae in the Sarmatian deposits from the Machów outcrop and from the boreholes Jamnica M-83 and S-119 (Carpathian Foredeep)


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Geological Quarterly, Vol. 38, No.3, 1994, p. 571-576


Algae in the Sarmatian deposits from the Mach6w outcrop and from the boreholes Jamnica M-83 and S-119

(Carpathian Foredeep)

Algal cysts of Halicoryne morelleti (Pokorny) (order Dasycladales) were found in the Lower Sarmatian deposits studied in the Mach6w ontcrop and from the boreholes near Jamnica. They are accompanied mainly by foraminifera of the miliolidae group. The cysts are.most common within the clayey part of the Krakowiec Clays but in sandier sediments their amount rapidly decreases to zero lack in the youngest part of the Sarmatian sequence. Such varied content of algal cysts of Halicoryne inorelleti (Pokorny) and variable taxonomic composition of foraminifera assemblages resulted from changes in the sedimentary environment.

Microfaunal studies of materials from the Miocene deposits from the Machow outcrop and from the boreholes near Jamnica (northern Carpathian Foredeep area) indicated that sometimes large concentrations of algal cysts of the order Dasycladales occur together with foraminifera assemblages. The specimens of these algae were noticed by J. Malecki (1970;

1974) at the Niskowa and Gliwice Stare sites, where eight gametangia of the species Chalmasia morelleti (Pokorny) were described, defined by V. Pokorny (1948) from the Sarmatian sediments in the central part of the Vienna Basin. O. Miletic-Spajic (1961) considered Chalmasia morelleti (Pokorny) to be the same as the species Acicularia morelleti. G. Valet, G. Segonzac (1969) considered te genera Chalmasia and Halicoryne synonymous based on comparison of the fossil species Chalmasiamorelleti (Pokorny) with the recent species Halicoryne spicata (Kiitzing). Lastly, 1.1. Bucur et at. (1993) have noticed Halicoryne morelleti (Pokorny) in the Lower Sarmatian deposits of Rumania.

The above mentioned scientists have observed the co-occurrence of both isolated and grape-shape aggregates of cysts of Halicoryne morelleti (Pokorny). In studied material from MachOw and Jamnica, the author found only the both isolated cysts (PI. I, Figs. 1,2). They were present in the Lower Sarmatian during the development and differentiation of the


572 lo1anta Paruch-Kukzycka

miliolidae. These cysts are rare in the first faunal assemblages of the Cycloforina karreri ovata Zone, but they are more common in the upper part of it. They are most frequent in the Varidentella sarmatica Zone, which was dominated by pelitic sedimentation (the Krakowiec Clays). The number of cysts rapidly decreased with the beginning of sandier deposition and the replacement of miliolidae by foraminifers of the elphididae and nonioni- dae groups. In all studied profiles the algae occur with the same frequency within the same horizons, and it seems that their abundance in the Varidentella sarmatica Zone could be useful for correlation.

Variable algal content as well as variable taxonomic composition of foraminifera assemblages of studied faunal associations probably resulted from environmental changes (i.e. temperature, salinity) in the sedimentary basin.

Dasycladales are marine algae which live in mainly shallow (5-30 m deep), tropical and subtropical waters with normal or increased salinity and low turbulence typical for coastal lagoons (J. L. Wray, 1977). Recent Halicoryne are known from the Western Pacific, Japan and New Caledonia. Halicoryne spicata (Kiitzing) occurs southward from the equator, particularly south of lat. lOoS, and Halicoryne wrightii (Harvey) is frequently found north oflat. lOON (G. Valet, G. Segonzac, 1969).

Family Acetabulariaceae Genus Halicoryne Harvey, 1859

Halicoryne morelleti (Pokorny, 1948) Valet et Segonzac, 1969 (PU, Figs. 1-4)

1948 Chalmasiamorelleti; V. Pokorny: p. 13-51, PI. 1, Figs. 1-8; PI. 2.

1961 Acicularia morel/eli (Pokorny); O. Miletic-Spajic: p. 182, PI. 1, Figs. 6,7.

1969 Halicoryne morel/eti (Pokorny); nov. comb. G. Valet, G. Segonzac: p. 124-126, PI. 3, Fig. 3.

1970 Chalmasia morelleli (Pokorny); 1. Malecki: p. 170, PI. 3, Figs. 6, 6a, b.

1974 Chalmasia morel/eti (Pokorny); 1. Malecki: p. 599-600, PI. 1, Fig. 4a-c.

1987 Halicoryne morel/eli (Pokorny); P. Genot: p. 120, PI. 3, Fig. 17.

1993 Halicoryne morel/eli (Pokorny); I. I. Bucur et al.: p. 81-90, PI. 1, Fig. 7; PI. 2, Figs. 8,9,10; PI. 3, Figs.

1-7; PI. 4, Figs. 1-6.

Des c rip t ion . The cysts are spherical, sometimes ellipsoidal in shape (diameter between 0.2-0.4 mm), with the aperture on the peak (PI. I, Fig. 1). The walls of the aperture (PI. I, Figs. 3,4) are oriented so that its diameter decreases toward the cyst's center. V.

Pokorny (1948) assumed this as the characteristic feature of the discussed species. Visible in the apt section is the internal structure of the wall (PI. I, Figs. 3,4), composed of aragonite crystals oriented perpendicularly to the internal wall surface (PI. I, Fig. 4). The single cysts have no contact traces, which could indicate that they were separated in life by organic matter or that they were suspended (totally surrounded by) within it.


Algae in the Sarrnatian deposits from Mach6w outcrop ... 573


c cur r en c e. Poland (Niskowa, Gliwice Stare, Mach6w, Jamnica S-119, Jam- nica M-83); Czech (Vienna Basin), Rumania (Borod Basin), Serbia, Hungary (Ecseg area).

Muzeum Geologiczne

Panstwowego Instytutu Geologicznego Warszawa, ul. Rakowiecka 4 Received: 17.11.1993

Translated by Grzegorz Czapowski


BUCUR I. I., NICORICI E., SURAN N. (1993) - Sarmatian calcareous algae from Rumania. Bull. Soc. Paleont.

Ital., Spec., I, p. 8\-91.

GENOT P. (1987) - Les Chlorophycees calcaires du Paleogene d'Europe nord-occidentale (Bassin de Paris, Bretagne, Continentin, Bassin de Mons). These Doct. d'Etat, Univ. Nantes.

MALECKI 1. (1970) - Chlorophyta from Miocene sediments of Poland (in Polish with English summary). Rocz.

Pol. Tow. Geol., 40, p. 167-176, no. 1.

MALECKI 1. (1974) - Griinlagen Chlorophyta aus dem sarmatischen Ablagerungen von Gliwice Stare (polen).

In: Chronostratigraphie und Neostratotypen, Miozan M5 Sarmatien, p. 598-605. Bratislava.

M[LETlC-SPAJIC O. (1961) - Beleska 0 nalaski Krecnjackih algi u sarmatien, Veda, p. 598-605.

POKORNY V. (1948) - Chalmasia moreIIeti n.sp. (Dasyc\adacees) du Sarmatien de Tchechoslovaquie. Bull.

Intern. Acad. Tcheque Sciences, 49, no. 3.

V ALET G., SEGONZAC G. (1969) - Les genres Chalmasia et Halicoryne (Algues Acetabulariacees). Bull. Soc.

Geoi. France,l1, p. 124--127, no. 1.

WRA Y J. L. (1977) - Calcareous algae. In: Developments in paleontology and stratigraphy, 4. Amsterdam.




W osadach sarrnatu pochodzijcych z ods!oniccia w Machowie i z otwor6w wiertniczych Jamnica S-I\9 i M-93 stwierdzono cysty glon6w Helicoryne morelleli (Pokorny) nalez[!cych do rzedu Dasyc\adales. Towarzyszij im g!6wnie otwornice reprezentuj[!ce grupe miIioIid6w. Najwyzsza frekwencja cyst obserwowanajest w ilastej czesci warstw krakowieckich, w czesci bardziej piaszczystej zaS Iiczba cyst gwaltownie zrnniejsza sie aZ do calkowitego ich zaniku w najrnlodszej czesci sarrnatu. Zr6znicowany udzia! cyst glon6w Halicoryne morel/eli (Pokorny) i zmienny sklad taksonomiczny zespo!6w otwomicowych wywo!any by! zapewne przez zmiany srodowiska, zachodzllce w tym czasie w zbiorniku sedymentacyjnym.



Figs. 1-4. Halicoryne morel/eli (Pokorny)

Single cyst, general view: 1 - MUZ PIG 9001l931Os, Mach6w outcrop, Lower Sarmatian, x 978, 2 - MUZ PIG 9002/93/Ds, borehole Jamnica M-83, Lower Sarmatian, x 1146; 3 -internal view of the cyst, MUZ PIG 9003/93/Ds, Mach6w outcrop, Lower Sarmatian, x 1200; 4 - section of cyst, MUZ PIG 9004/93/Ds, Mach6w outcrop, Lower Sarmatian, x 2400

Widok og6lny: l-odsloniecie Mach6w, sarmatdolny, pow. 978 x, 2-otw6rwiertniczy JamnicaM-83, sarmat dolny, pow. 1146 x; 3 - widok wnetrza cysty, odsloniecie Mach6w, sarmat dolny, pow. 1200 x; 4 - przekr6j przez cyste, odstoniecie Mach6w, sarmat dolny, pow. 2400 x


Geol. Quart., No. 3,1994 PLATE I

Jolanta PARUCH-KULCZYCKA - Algae in the Sarmatian deposits from the Mach6w outcrop and from the boreholes Jamnica M-83 and S-119 (Carpathian Foredeep)


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