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Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry for 1942: issued by the Chemical Society. Index of Subjects


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Acenaphthenone. condensation of, w ith o- chlorophenylmagnesium brom ide, 176.

A cenaphthylene from n a tu ra l gas, 157.

Acetic a c i i eth v l ester, carhafkorvjation of.


Acetylation, catalytic, 129.

Acetylenes, cataly tic reactions of. 131.

/roji^-2-Acetylfyr/ohexyl p-toluenesulphon- ate. reaction of. w ith silver acetate, 1 2 2. Acetyloleanohc acid, esterificatien of, 140.

svnthesis of, w ith boron fluoride catalvst, ' 130.

Acid chlorides, volatile, p rep aratio n o t 141.

Aconite alkaloids, 206.

Aconitine. 206.

Aconitine. 206.

AttnutMm heterophyllum, akaloids from , 207.

Acorn/urn napellu-t, alkaloids from . 207.

AoomJMm mchalinen^e, alkaloid from . 207.

AcvnituM Uda&sicum, alkaloids of. 206.

Acridine, hydrogenation of, 199.

Acridone. compounds of, w ith phosphorus oxy chloride. 199. ,

Acrylonitrile, reaction of. w ith fluorene and w ith ryrfopentadiene. 140.

d/-Alanine, stru ctu re of. 105.

Algae, auxin content of, 229.

lipoid constituents o t 229.

\ li7^rin metallic lakes of, 166.

Alkali metals, atom ic reactions of, 36.

Alkaloids, aconite, 206.

cinchona, 206.

Erythrina. 205.

ErylMrophlfVm, 208.

hellebore. 207.

Lycorit, 205.

pyridine, 2 0 2.

■Vsoquinoline, 203.

sabadilla, 207.

Senecio. 202.

Solanvm, 208.

utilisation of. by etiolated plants, 238.

Alkylation, catalytic, 134.

Aik ylquinu clidines. 201.

Alpinetin. constitution of, 192.

Alpinia cMinen^U. 192.

Am anita phaUoidts, poisonous constituents of, 198.

Amides, substituted, synthesis of, w ith boron fluoride catalyst, 130.

Amino-acids, acetyl derivatives, p a rtitio n coefficients of, 236.

iodinated, stru ctu re of. 1 1 1.

Amino-ketones. p rep aratio n o t from Sch iff bases. 136.

Am m onium fcejMfluosilicate-ammonium fluoride, stru ctu re of, 103.

Ampelopsin, 192.

Am pelopsis mdicffotia, 192.

Amylase, bacterial and m alt. 233.

Amylolyose, 233.

Ahgiosperms, differentiation of, from gvmno- sperm s, 143.

A nhydrides, sodium enolates of, 137.

Animals, trace elem ents for. 211.

A nisotropy, induced, hypothesis of, 126.

A nthanthrene, halogenides of, 167.

Anthocyanins, utilisation of. by plants, 238.

Anthracene, j>erchlorate, 167.

derivatives, synthesis of, 175.

group, reactions in, 186.

maleic anhydride compound of, 170.

photo-oxide, 188.

reaction of, w ith maleic anhydride, 190.

re ac tiv ity of benzologues of, 161.

spectrum and stru ctu re of, 169.

stru ctu re of, 162.

A nthracene, 9-amino-, acetyl derivative, and 9-nitro-. maleic anhydride compounds of, 170.

9-bromo-, maleic anhvdride compound of.


9 : HW ichloro-, maleic anhydride com­

pound of, 169.

Anthracenes, reactiv ity of, 190.

synthesis of. 177.

Anthraquinone, action of Grignard re ­ agents on, 179.

dyes, acid, stru ctu re of, 165.

stru ctu re of, 164.

Anthrone, chloro-, 188.

Antibodies, H- and O-tvpes, heat stab ility of, 2 2 2.

H- an d B -types, 224.

production of, 2 2 0. purification of, 2 2 1.

reactions of, w ith antigens, 2 2 2. valency of. 223.

Antigens, 215.

alcohol-soluble, 218.

artificial, 218.

b acterial, 215.

reactions of, w ith antibodies, 2 2 2. valency of, 223.

W asserm ann, 218.

A ntisera, precip itatio n of, w ith nucleic acids, 220.

j Araban. 234.

A recaidine, synthesis of, 202.

Argon, liquid, stru ctu re of, 100.

Arm epavine, 204.

A rom atic compounds, polycyclic, 155, 174.

A rvlam ines, restricted ro tatio n in, 119.

Asym m etric synthesis, 126.

partial, 127.

i transform ation, 125.


2 5 0 IN D E X OF S U B JE C T S . A taxia, enzootic, 213.

Atisines, 206.

Auxin, association of, w ith leaf proteins, 229.

Avena, coleoptiles, auxin in, 230.

Avidin, 230.

fcjci/doAza-alkanes, 200.

7-Azaoxindole, 196.

Bacillus anthracis, antigen from , 215.

B acteria, antigens from , 215.

Bacterium dysenterice, antigens from, artificial, 218, 219.

-Flexner, antigen from , 216.

Shiga, antigen from , 215.

Bacterium typhosum, antigens from , 216, 218.

Bebeerilene, 205.

Bebeerine, stru ctu re of, 204.

4 : 5-Benzacridans, 195.

1 : 2-Benzanthracene, antim ony trichloride complex, 168.

derivatives of, 158.

oxidation of, 187.

mesoBenzanthrone, halogenides of, 167.

stru ctu re of, 164.

Benzene, bromo-, chloro-, and iodo-, reaction of, w ith sodium , 45.

Behzene-2 : 4 : 6-tri-p-azophenylarsonic acid, an tib o d y to , 2 2 1.

Benzoic acid, esterification of, by propylene, 129.

Benzoylbenzoic acids, dehydration of, to an- thraquinones, 177.

o-Benzoylbenzoic acids, cyclisation of, to anthraquinone derivatives, 176.

2-Benzoylfluorene, 9-aci-nitro-, optical a ctiv ­ ity of, 117.

Benzoylformic acid, ( —) m enthyl ester, conversion of, in to active atrolactinic acid, 127.

1 : 12-Benzperylene, 173.

from coal ta r, 157.

prep aratio n of, 184.

3 : 4-Benzphenanthrene, carcinogenic deriv­

atives of, 183.

derivatives of, 158.

3 : 4-B enz-l-phenanthroic acid, 184.

Benzpyrenes, 156.

3 : 4-Benzpyrene, derivatives of, 158.

diazo-reaction w ith, 191.

stru ctu re of, 180.

synthesis of, 182.

4 : 5-Benzpyrene', synthesis of, 181, 182.

Benzretene, constitution of, 184.

Bikhaconitine, 206.

Biochem istry, 209.

Bios substances, 231.

B iotin, assay of, 230.

preparation of, 230.

stru ctu re of, 105.

Boron fluoride, catalytic a c tiv ity of, 128.

(M-Brazilic acid, 195.

Brazilin, synthesis of, 194.

Brucella bronchiseptica, toxins from , 217.

B ush sickness, 212.

B utane, 2 : 3-ciibromo-, reaction of, w ith silver acetate, 1 2 1.

2-Butanol, 3-bromo-, brom ination of, 122.

Butea frondosa, colouring m a tte r of, 192.

B utein, 238.

Ay-Butylene, catalytic polym erisation of, 133.

isoB ulyrylisobutyric acid, eth y l ester, from eth y l isob u ty rate, 137.

Cabbage, deh y d ratio n of, 210.

Cadmium halides, reaction of, w ith sodium , 39.

Calcium alum inate, stru c tu re of, 100.

Calgon, inhibition by, of com plem ent, 226.

Cameras, X -ray powder, 96.

cS-Camphor, resolution of, 140.

Cannabiscitrin, 193.

C arbalkoxylation, 138, 139.

Carbon, stru ctu re of, 99.

Carbon disulphide, reaction of, w ith sodium , 44.

Carbonic anhydrase, zinc in, 212.

Carbonyl compounds, reagent for, 140.

Carboxypeptidase, pancreatic, 226.

Carcinogenics, hydrocarbon, 157.

Cardiolipin from ox h eart, 218.

Carotenes, 237.

Carotenoids of algae, 229.

Carrots, dried, 210.

Cassaic acid, 208.

Cassaidine, 208.

Cassaine, 208.

Cassanic acid, 208.

C atalysts, boron fluoride, 128.

w ith m ercury an d trichloroacetic acid additions, 131.

C atalytic alkylation, 134.

esterification, 129.

hydrogenation, stereochem istry of, 117.

n itratio n , w ith boron fluoride, 136.

sulphonation, w ith boron fluoride, 136.

Cathepsin, 228.

Cattle, diseases of, deficiency, 212, 213.

due to toxic trace elem ents, 214.

Cevadine, 207.

Cevanthridine, 207.

Cevanthrol, 207.

Cevine, 207.

Chlorine, reaction of, w ith m ethane and sodium , 38.

Cholanthrene, p rep aratio n of, 183.

synthesis of, 178.

Choleic acids, 168.

Chondrodystrophy, 213.

Chromans, polycyclic, 194.

Chrom atogram , new, 237.

C hrom atography, use of, in investigation of protein hydrolysates, 237.

Chrysene, derivatives, su b stitu tio n in, 187.

synthesis of, 185.

C hym otrypsin, specificity of, 228.

Cinchona alkaloids, 206.

Clayden effect, 64.

Clostridium welchii, antigens from , 216.

a-toxin, opalescence produced in sera by, 225.

prep aratio n and purification of, 225.

0-toxin, 224.


HTDEX O F S U B JE C T S . Coal ta r, hydrocarbons of, 155.

Coast disease, 212.

Cobalt, as trace element-. 211.

deficiency of, in form anim al?. 212, 213.

Complement, 225.

am ount of, fixed by antigen—antibody complexes, 226.

Com posite, pigm ent of, 238.

Compounds, molecular, 167.

Configuration, relative, 124.

Configurational relationship. 124.

(i-Conhydrine, stru ctu re of, 202.

Conidendrin, 149.

Coniferyl alcohol, 142.

Copper, as trace elem ent. 211.

compounds in m am m alian tissues, 2 1 2. deficiency of, in farm anim als, 212, 213.

function of, in anim als, 213.

Coreopsis douglasii, pigm ent from, 239.

Coreopsis grandifiora, pigm ent from. 239.

Coronene, from coal ta r , 157.

synthesis of, 173.

Corydalis ophioearpa. ophiocarpine from. 203.

Corynebacterium diphtheria, antisens from, 216.

Corynebacleritim lw fm annii, antigens from, 216.

Cotton-wood. See P opidvs macdongali.

Coumingidine, 208.

Coumingine, 208.

Crocoite, stru ctu re of, 1 0 0.

Crokdaria gr/mtiana. grantianine from . 203.

Crystals, structure analysis of, 96.

Crystallography, 95.

Cyanoethyl groups, in tro d u ctio n of, into compounds w ith active m ethylene groups, 140.

Cyanogen, reaction of, an d o f its halides w ith sodium , 42.

Cyanuric triam ide, stru c tu re of, 106.

Cvmene peroxide, 190.

Dahlia variabilis, pigm ent from , 238.

Deamination, 142.

Decevinic acid, 207.

Dehydroeugenol, 149.

D ehydrotetrahvdroelliptone, sy nthesis of, 194.

Derris malaccensis, co nstituents of, 194.

Deuteropyrroles, spectra of, 195.

Dextrins, crystalline, from starch, 233.

Diacridens, 200.

1 : 2 : 5 : 6-D ibenzanthracene, antigens con­

taining, 219.

carcinogenic action of, 158.

1 : 2 : 7 : 8-Dibenzanthracenc, preparation of, 183.

Dibenzphenanthrenes, prep aratio n of, 183, 184.

1 : 2 : 3 : 4-D ibenzphenanthrene, carcinogenic action of, 159.

3 : 4 : 5 : 6-Dibenzphenanthrene, stru ctu re of, 173.

Dienes, syntheses w ith, 184.

arf- Diethvldihenzyl series, stereochem istry of, 115.

D iethvlm ethylam ine, di-8 chk>ro-, condens­

ations of, 199.

5 : 10-D ihvdroarsanthren. stereoisom erides of, 119.

D ihydrobenzpyrene, 181.

Dih vdro-^-conhvdrinem et hine, oxidation of,


10 : 10'-Dihydro-9 : 9 '-d iphenanthrvlidene.

halogenides of, 167.

(fl-Dihvdroheliotridanm ethine, synthesis of, 202.

Dihydrohexacene, stru ctu re of, 160.

D ihydroniquine, 206.

9 : 10-D ihydrophenanthrene, spectrum and stru ctu re of, 168.

9 : 10-D im ethoxyanthracene, photo-oxidation of; 189.

3 : 7-D im ethoxy-l : 2 : 5 : 6-dibenzanthra- quinone, 177.

3 : 3'-D im ethoxydi benzyl, 6: 6'-</iiodo-. h e a t­

ing o f w ith copper bronze, 183.

2 : 7-Dimethoxv-9 : 1 0-dihvdrophenanthrene.


1 : 4-Dimethoxy-9 : 10-diphenylanthracene, photo-oxidation of, 189.

9 : 10-D im ethyl-l : 2-benzanthracene, 179.

carcinogenic action of, 158. 159.

photo-oxidation of, 189.

4 : 9-Dimethyl-5 : 6-benzthiophanthren, car­

cinogenic action of, 158.

1 : 2-D im ethvlchrvsene, carcinogenic action of; 159.

prep aratio n of, 183.

6 : 7-D im ethylchrysene, 172.

X y '-D im eth y ld iacrid en , fission of; w ith sulphur, 2 0 0.

4 : 5-D im ethvlphenanthrene, synthesis of, 172.

Dim ethylquinolines, 199.

9 : 10-D im ethyl-l : 2-(2' : 3'-thiopheno)an- thracene, 158.

D im roth-V an’t Hoff rule, 125.

9 : 10-D i-a-naphthylanthraeene intsodi- chloride, 163.

Diopside, stru ctu re of, 97.

Diphenic acids, sub stitu ted , optical a ctiv ity in, 119.

Diphenyl, spectrum and stru ctu re of, 168.

9 : 10-D iphenvlanthracene, me&xitchloride, 163.

synthesis of, 178.

9 : 10-D iphenylanthracene-l : 5-dicarboxvlic acid, esterification of, 169.

• ajS-Diphenvl-a-(9-phenanthryl)suecinic a n ­ hydride, 174.

Diphenylselenium dibrom ide and bichloride, stru ctu re of, 107.

D iphtheria antito x in , crystalline, 221.

fission of, 2 2 1. toxin, 224.

Diseases, deficiency, 211, 212, 213.

Dispersion, ro tato ry , equation for, 125.

Dithio-/3-t3oindigos, 197.

D i-p-toluidinoanthraquinones, 166.

D rude equation, 125.

Dyes, sensitising action of, 52.


2 5 2 IN D E X OF S U B JE C T S . Eggs, dried, 209, 210.

E gg w hite, an tib io tin factor in, 230.

Egonol, 149.

E lem ents, trace, 210.

E lljptone, stru ctu re of, 194.

Em etine, synthesis of, 201.

proteolytic, 226.

specificity of, 227.

E quation, D rude, 125.

E q uisetrin, 193.

Equisetum arvense, equisetrin in, 193.

Erechtites hieracifolia, hieracifoline from , 203.

E rysodine, 205.

E rysonine, 205.

E rysopine, 205.

Erysovine, 205.

E ry th ralin e, 205.

E ry th ram in e, 205.

E ry th ra tin e , 205.

Erythrina alkaloids, 205.

E rythrophleic acid, 208.

E rythrophleine, 208.

Erythrophleum alkaloids, 208.

E sters, sodium enolates of, 137.

synthesis of, w ith boron fluoride catalyst, 130.

Esterification, catalytic, 129.

Ethoxyfluoboric acid, eth y l ester, 129.

Ethylene, catalytic polym erisation of, 133.

E thylene riibromide, reaction of, w ith sodium , 40.

Ethylidene dibrom ide, reaction of, w ith sodium , 40.

E thylphenylcarbinol, reaction of, w ith h y ­ drogen brom ide, 1 2 0.

Fischer reagent, for determ ination of acids, alcohols, anhydrides, and w ater, 139.

F ish, dried, 210.

Flam es, diffusion, reactions with, 40.

dilute, reactions in, 36.

nozzle, 37.

F lavan, derivatives, 19L.

Flavanones, synthesis of, 191.

Flour, protein from petroleum e x tracts of, 235.

F luoranthrene from n a tu ral gas, 157.

Fluorene, chem istry of, and its derivatives, 185.

from coal ta r, 157.

reaction of, w ith acrylonitrile, 140.

stru ctu re of, 163, 171.

Fluorenone, oxidation of, 187.

Fluorenone-2 : 3-dicarboxylic anhydride, M ills-Nixon effect in, 163.

Fluorides, complex, stru ctu re of, 102.

Fluorine, as toxic trace elem ent, 211.

diseases due to , 214.

Fluorosis, 214.

in m an, 214.

Foods, dehydrated, 209.

F ourier series, sum m ation of, 97.

machine for, 98.

F um aric acid, trans-tra?i.s-methyl ester, stru ctu re of, 105.

F u ran s, synthesis of, 195.

Gas, n atu ral, polycyclic hydrocarbons from, 157.

Glass, cry stal analyses of, 98.

Globulin, antibodies from , 220.

serum , antigenic properties of, 2 2 0. Globulins, association of antibodies w ith, 222.

/3-Glucuronosidoglucoses, coupling of, w ith serum globulin, 219.

Glycogen, identification of, w ith cupric chloride, 234.

G rantianine, 203.

G raphite, carbon-carbon distances'in, 99.

G row th substances, 229.

Gums, p lan t, 229.

G utta-percha, stru ctu re of, 108.

G ym nosperm s, differentiation of, from angio- sperm s, 143.

Hsemocuprein, 212.

Haemocyanin, copper in, 212.

Haemoglobin, stru ctu re of, 111.

Haemophilus parapertussis, toxins from, 217.

Hoemophilus pertussis, to x in from, 217.

po/j/Halides, inorganic, reaction velocities of, 42.

H aptens, reaction of, w ith antibodies, 222.

H eliotridan, 202.

Hellebore alkaloids, 207.

H elm inthic diseases, 213.

Hemicelluloses, 233.

H epatocuprein, 212.

H eptacene, and its hydrides, 161.

Heptacenequinone, <e<rahydroxy-, 161.

H erschel effect, 51, 64.

H eteratisine, 207.

Heterocyclic compounds, 191.

H etisine, 207.

H exacene, stru c tu re of, 160.

H exahydrobenzoyl chloride, 140.

H exam ethylethane, stru c tu re of, 104.

C!/efoHexane, reaction of, w ith benzoyl per­

oxide and oxalyl chloride, 140.

cycZoHexane, 1 : 2-rfibromo-, reaction of, w ith silver acetate, 1 2 1.

trans-1 : 2-dibromo-, form ation of, 1 2 2. Hibiscus cannabinus, glucoside from , 193.

Hieracifoline, 203.

H unnem anine, 203.

H unnem annia fumaricefoUa, hunnem anine from, 203.

H ydrazinium difluoride, stru ctu re of, 102.

H ydrocarbons, acetylenic, reactions of, catalysed w ith boron fluoride in presence of mercuric oxide, 131.

arom atic, alkylation of, by olefins, 135.

polyoyclic, compounds of, w ith poly­

nitro-com pounds, 167.

carcinogenic, 157.

from coal ta r, 156.

ethylenic, polym erisation of, catalysed by boron fluoride, 133.

H ydrogen fluoride, cyclisation o f acids by m eans of, 181.

peroxide, stru ctu re of, and of its urea derivative, 103.

sulphide, reaction of, w ith sodium , 4 4.


2 5 3 H ydroivam ino-acids. isolation of, in protein

hydrolysates. 236.

Hypaconitine. 206.

H ypaphorine. 205.

“ H yperol,” stru ctu re of, 103.

Im m unochem istry. 215.

Indaconitine. 206.

Indene, condensation of, w ith m ethylene- anthrone, 185.

0-t«>Indigo. 197.

Indigotin. colour and stru ctu re of. 198.

Indogenides, colour and resonance in, 198.

Indole, alkylation of, 196.

and its carboxylic acids, 141.

synthesis of. 196.

Indoles, acetylation of, 196.

Indophenines, 196.

Integerrim ine. 203.

Intervaleney angles, 116.

Iodine, in anim als, 211.

Iris pecudaconis, carotenoids of. 238.

Iron, in anim als. 211.

Isatidine, 203.

Isatinecine, 203.

(3-Isoprenesulphone, stru ctu re of, 110, 195.

Jaconecine, 203.

Jervine. 207, 208.

Karanjin, 193.

K eratin, stru ctu re of, 111.

/J-Keto-esters. p rep aratio n of. 139.

K etotetrahydrobenzpyrene. 180.

Kidneys, proteolytic enzym es o£ 22$.

Kobusine, 207.

Kynurenine, stru ctu re of, an d its derivatives.


Laccase, copper in, 2 1 2.

loeichacSlui oa-sti e. use of, in biotin assay, 230.

Levans, 234.

Lappa-conitine. 206.

Larch wood, arabogalactan from , 234.

Lariciresinol. 149.

Lecithovitellin. reaction of, w ith q-toxin, 225.

Lecksucht, 213.

Ltuconostoc mc&nteroidts. antisera from . 216.


Lichenin. 234.

Lignans, 149.

T.ignm, analyses of, 144.

butanol-, ex tractio n of. 154.

constitution of, 142.

E rd tm a n ’s views on, 149.

Freudenberg’s views on, 145.

H ib b ert’s views on, 150.

cuproxam . 143.

glycol-, 143.

hydrogenation of, 152, 153.

ju te. 143.

m ethanol-, 143.

physical properties of. 143.

L inario vulgaris, glycosides of, 193.

T Jnarin, 193.

n-fpLinarin. 193.

L iquids, containing non-spherical particles, shear o£ 19.

Longilobine, 203.

Lucigenin, 200.

Luminescence, 48.

L-upinus lutru-'. utilisation of alkaloids bv, 238.

Luteins, 237, 238.

Lycopenes, 237.

Lycorenine, 205.

Lycorine, 205.

LycorUalkaloids, 205.

M adura pomifera,pigm ents from. 193.

Magnolia fvscaia,magnoline from, 204.

Magnoline, 204.

Magnolol. 149.

Mala ecol. 194.

Maleic anhvdride, addition of, to anthracenes, 190.

Malonic acid, su b stitu ted esters of, from monocarboxylic esters, 138.

(W-Mandelic acid. ( — Kmenthyl ester, d ia ­ stereoisomerides of, 117.

Manganese, as trace elem ent, 211, 213.

Marasmus, enzootic, 212.

M eat, dried, 210.

Melamine. stru ctu re of, 106.

(—)-MenthoL reaction of, w ith phosphorus pentachloride, 1 2 0.

/-M enthyl .Y-aminocarbamate. as reagent for carbonyl compounds, 140.

Mercury halides. reaction of, w ith sodium , 39.

Mesaconitine, 206.

M ethane, reaction of, w ith chlorine and sodium , 38.

M ethane, bromo- an d chloro-derivatives, reaction velocities of, 42.

M ethoxyanthrone, 188.

Methoxvfluoboric acid, and its mercuric salt, 128'.

m ethyl ester, 129.

10-M ethvl-l : 2-benzanthracene. oxidation of, 191*

M ethyl brom ide, reaction of, w ith sodium, 45.

M ethyl oS-rfibromo-S-phenylethyl ketone, optically active, form ation o£ 127.

2-M ethyl-3-butanone, 2-hydroxy-, 132.

20-M ethylcholanthrene, carcinogenic action o£ i58.

diazo-reaction w ith, 191.

synthesis o£ 178.

M ethyleneanthrone, condensation of, w ith indene, 185.

Methylenecs/c/obutane, stru ctu re of, 104.

4 : 5-Methylene-9 :1 0-dihydrophenanthrene, stru ctu re of, 169.

4 : 5-M ethvlenedioxvchrvsene. preparation of, 183. '

y-M ethvl-a-ethylallyl alcohol, rearrange­

m en t of, 124.

(-t-)-y-Methyl-M-heptane. ro ta to ry power of, in various solvents, 117.

y-8-M ethyl-2-naphthylbutyrie acid, cyclis­

atio n of, 171.


2 5 4 IN D E X OE S U B JE C T S . 1-M ethylphenanthrene, prep aratio n of, from

retene, 183.

9-M ethylphenanthrene, synthesis of, 178.

2-M ethylpyrrolizidine, synthesis of, 201.

M ethylquinolines, 199.

Microscopes, X -ray, 97.

Milk, dried, 209.

Molecular compounds, 167.

rearrangem ents, 123.

w eight, viscosity and, 2 0. Molybdenosis, 214.

M olybdenum, as to x ic trac e elem ent, 211.

diseases due to , 214.

Muconic acid, trans-trans-m ethyl ester, stru c ­ tu re of, 105.

Mushrooms, copper in, 212.

Myosin, stru ctu re of, 111.

Nagler reaction, 225.

N akuruitis, 2 1 2. Napelline, 207.

N aphthacene from coal ta r, 156.

N aphthacenequinone, stru ctu re of, 164.

N aphthalene, catalytic alkylation of, 135.

Nickel n itra te am m oniate, stru ctu re of, 102.

Niobium ciisilicide, stru ctu re of, 101.

N iquidine, 206.

Niquine, 206.

N itration, catalytic, w ith boron fluoride, 136.

N itriles, carbalkoxylation of, 139.

synthesis of, w ith boron fluoride cataly st, 130.

pofo/Nitro-compounds, com pounds of, w ith arom atic hydrocarbons, 167.

N itrogen organic compounds, cyclic, 195.

oxides, reaction of, w ith sodium , 44.

Nobiletin, synthesis of, 192.

Nucleic acids, p recipitation of, w ith a n ti­

bacterial sera, 2 2 0. N u tritio n , 209.

O at seeds, constituents of, 234.

Octacenequinone, <e<rahydroxy-, 161.

O ctahydropyrrocolines, synthesis of, 201.

O ctam ethylanthraquinone, 184.

Oleanolic acid, esterification of, 140.

Ophiocarpine, 203.

Optical activ ity , due to m olecular dis­

sym m etry, 119.

due to sym m etrically-placed deuterium and hydrogen, 119.

induced, 125.

Orange, osage. See M adura pomifera.

Organic chem istry, 113.

Osajin, 193.

Otosenine, 203.

Oxidases, copper in, 212.

Oxindoles, preparation of, 196.

Oxygen, reaction of, w ith sodium , 43.

ring compounds of, 191.

stru ctu re of, 1 0 0.

O xyhexafluoniobate ions, stru ctu re of, 102.

Palm oil, lipoid pigm ents from, 237.

Pantothenic acid, analogues of, grow th effects of, 231.

P an to th en ic acid, assay of, 231.

Papaver armeniacum, arm epavine from , 204.

P a p a y a latex, enzym es of, 228.

Pectic substances, 229.

Pectolinarin, 193.

Pelletierine acetal, synthesis of, 202.

Penicillamine, 237.

Pentacene, reaction of, w ith sulphur in trichlorobenzene, 161.

stru ctu re of, 160.

Pentacenequinone, ad d itio n o f G rignard reagents to , 165.

cycfoPentadiene, reaotion of, w ith acrylo- nitrile, 140.

P entam ethylanisole, 135.

cycloPentene oxide, reaction of, w ith sodium e th y l m alonate, 123.

2 : 3-cycJoPentenophenanthrene, 175.

Pepsin, chemical composition of, 226.

crystalline swine, fractionation of, 226.

specificity of, 227.

Peptidases, intestinal, activ atio n of, 226.

Perinaphthenone, basic properties of, 168.

halogenides, 167.

Perosis, 213.

Peroxides, tran san n u lar, form ation of, 188.

Persicaria hydropiper, persicarin in, 193.

Persicarin, 193.

Perylene, from coal ta r, 156.

halogenides, 167.

synthesis of, 181.

Phalloidine, 198.

Phenanthrene, derivatives, synthesis of, 175.

su b stitu tio n in, 186.

synthesis of, 174, 183.

y-2-P henanthrylbutyric acid, cyclisation of, 181.

y-3-P henanthrylbutyric acid, cyclisation of, 171.

/3-3-Phenanthrylpropionyl chloride, cyclis­

atio n of, 171.

a-(9-Phenanthryl)stilbenes, stereoisomeric, 174.

Phenols, cataly tic alkylation of, 135.

O -m ethylation of, 141.

9-Phenylanthracene, stru ctu re of, 169.

10-Phenyl-l : 2 : 3 : 4-dibenzphenanthrene, 174.

p-Phenylenebisim inocam phor, adsorption of, on lactose, 117.

2-Phenylindole, reduction of, w ith copper chrom ite, 196.

P henylm ethylearbinol, reactio n of, w ith hydrogen brom ide, 1 2 0.

Phenylpyridylbutadienes, 199.

Phosphates, acid, hydrogen bridges in, 100.

Phosphorus pentochloride, m odel of, 101.

Phosphorylase, p o tato , 232.

Photographic developm ent, 58.

effects, 60.

emulsions, gelatin-silver halide, latent- image form ations in, 49.

im purities in, 55.

sensitivity specks in, 57.

hypersensitisation, 61.


IN D E X OF S U B JE C T S . 255 P hotographic interm itten cy effect, 63.

late n t image, form ation of, 49.

size of, 55.

m aterials, reciprocity failure of, 61.

sensitivity, effect of tem p eratu re on, 62.

P hotom eters, integrating, 96r Photo-oxidation, 189.

Photo-oxides, 188.

P hthalic acids, condensation of, to anthra- quinones, 177.

Phthalocyanines, stru ctu re of, 99.

P h th aly l chloride as reagent in preparation of acid chlorides, 141.

Picene, preparation of, 183, 184.

Picenequinone, stru ctu re of, 166.

Picvlene ketone, stru ctu re of, 166.

Pigm ents, 237.

Pine disease, 212.

Pinoresinol, 149.

Piperidines, 199.

P lants, etiolated, substances utilised by, 238.

growth substances in, 229.

hemicelluloses of, 233.

trace elem ents for, 2 1 1. P lant pigm ents, 237. * P lant products, 229. •

Platinum oxide, stru ctu re of, 100.

Platynecine, 203.

Pneumococci, polysaccharides, com bination of, w ith antibodies, 224.

ty p e H I, polysaccharide from , 217.

antibody to , 2 2 1.

Polyisobutylene, viscosity of, 26.

Polychloroprene, stru ctu re of, 108.

Polymers, high, solubility of, 27.

osmotic pressure of, 9.

viscosity of, 19.

Polysaccharides, 229.

Polystyrenes, mol. w ts. of, in chloroform, 23.

solubility of, 27.

a-Polythienyls, 195.

Pomiferin, i93.

Populus macdoagali, hemicelluloses from , 234.

Potassium , reactions of, w ith halogens and halides, 37.

Potassium fluoroiodate, stru c tu re of, 107.

dihydrogen arsenate, 1 0 0.

Potatoes, polyphenol oxidase of, copperin, 212.

Precipitin reactions, theories of, 223.

Propargyl halides, stru ctu re of, 105.

2'-a-woPropyldiphenyl-2-carboxylic acid, 2'- a-hydroxy-, brucine salt, 125.

Propylene, cataly tic polym erisation of, 133.

esterification by, of benzoic] acid, 129,130.

* reaction of, w ith salicylic acid, 130.

P roteins, 235.

hvdrolvsis of, isolation o f products from, 236.'

iodinated, stru ctu re of, 1 1 1. stereochem istry of, 115.

Proteinases, a tta c k of peptides by, 227.

Proteus morgani*, use of, in p antothenic acid assay, 231.

Protolignin, 142.

Pseudomonas pyocyanea, reaction of, w ith lecitho-vitellin, 225.

Pterophine, 203.

Purapurine, 208.

Pyrans, 199.

P yrene, antim ony trichloride complex, 168.

chemigtry of, i8 6.

chem istry an d stru ctu re of, 163.

from coal ta r, 157.

from n a tu ra l gas, 157.

oxidation of, 187.

Pyrene, 1-hydroxy-, 172.

1 : 2-Pyrenequinone, 172.

Pyrenoylpropionic acid, reduction of, ISO.

Pyridine alkaloids, 202.

Pyrrole, pigm ent derivatives, 197.

Pyrroles, reduction of, catalysts for, 196.

Pyrrole-blues, 197.

Pyrrole group, 195.

Pyrrolidine, preparation of, 195.

Quenching, 48.

Q uercetagitrin, 193.

epiQuinidine, 206.

epiQuinine, 206.

Quinolines, Friedel-C rafts reaction w ith, 199.

2 : 3-disubstituted, preparation of, 199.

i'soQuinoline alkaloids, 203.

Radicals, form ation of, in reactions of sodium w ith organic halides, 46.

Reactions, fast, m easurem ent of ra te of, 36.

ionogenic, 46.

Retronecine, 202.

hydrogenation of, 203.

Rhenium bisilicide, stru ctu re of, 101.

Riboflavin, assay of, 23Q, Rosmarinecine, 203.

Rosm arinine, 203.

R o tato ry power, theories of, 116.

R ubber, equilibrium d istribution of, 28.

- gel and sol form s of, 31.

mol. w t. of, 8.

molecules, form of, in solution, 2 0. solubility and fractionation of, 27.

solutions, entropy of dilution of, 18.

osmotic pressure of, 8. in benzene, 15.

in toluene, 16.

physical chem istry of, 7.

viscosity of, 19.

stru ctu re of, 8, 108.

swelling of, 33.

vulcanised, swelling of, 34.

Rubicene, synthesis of, 179.

R ubidium A«cofluogermanate, structure of, 103.

Rubrene, stru ctu re of, 169.

Rubrenes, photo-oxides of, 188.

Sabadilla alkaloids, 207.

Salicylic acid, reaction of, w ith propylene, 130.

Salvia officinalis, seedlings, etiolation of, 238.

Scarlatina toxin, 224.

Selanthren, stru ctu re of, 108.

Selenium as toxic trace elem ent, 211.

I Selenophens, synthesis of, 195.


2 5 6 IN D E X OF S U B JE C T S . Selenophthens, 195.

Senecic acid, 203.

Senecio alkaloids, 202.

Sheep, diseases of, deficiency, 212, 213.

due to toxic trace elem ents, 214.

Silk fibroin, stru ctu re of, 220.

Silver arsenate, stru ctu re of, 100.

bromide, photolysis of, 50.

halides, crystals, discoloration of, by light, 51.

electrical and optical properties of, 51.

ionic processes in, 54.

photoconductivity of, 53.

spectra of, absorption, 51.

sulphide, in photographic emulsions, 58.

Sodium , fluorescence of, quenching of, 49.

reactions of, w ith cadm ium , m ercury, and zinc halides, 39.

w ith carbon and hydrogen sulphides, and w ith nitrogen and sulphur oxides, 44.

w ith chlorine and m ethane, 38.

w ith cyanogen and w ith its brom ide and chloride, 42.

w ith ethylene dibrom ide, ethylidene dibromide, and trim ethylene bromide, 40.

w ith halogens and halides, 37.

w ith halogenobenzenes, 45.

w ith hydrogen halides, 42.

w ith m ethyl bromide, 44.

w ith organic halides^ 41.

w ith oxygen, 43.

w ith stannic halides, 39.

Sodium triphenyjjnethyl, m etal enolate condensations with, 136.

Solatium alkaloids, 208.

Solanum auriculatum, alkaloids from, 208.

Solanum aviculare, alkaloid from, 208.

Solarisation, 64.

Solasodine, 208.

Solasonine, 208.

Solauricidine, 208.

Solauricine, 208.

Solvents, effect of, on ro ta to ry power, 116.

for viscosity m easurem ents, 26.

Sophora japonica, glucosides of, 193.

Sophorabioside, 193.

Sophoraflavonoloside, 193. . Sophoricoside, 193.

Spleen, proteolytic enzymes of, 228.

Squalene, mol. w t. and viscosity of, 24.

Staphylococci, enterotoxin and toxin, 224.

Staphylococcus aureus, polysaccharides and proteins from, 217.

Starch, action on, of Bacillus macerans, 233.

maize, stru ctu re of, 232.

n a tu ral and synthetic), 232.

stru ctu re of, 232.

Stearic acids, <n'hydroxy-, diastereoisom eric, 118.

Stereochem istry, 115, 168.

Stereoisomerism, 117.

Sterols, of alga;, 229.

cis-Stilbene, conversion of, into trans­

form , 134.

Stilbene, Jnnitro-, brom ination of, 126.

Streptococci, haemolytic, polysaccharide of, 217.

Streptolysin-O , 224.

Strychnine, antigens containing, 219.

S u b stitu tio n in polycyclic arom atic com­

pounds, 186.

Sugars, su b s titu tio n reactions in, 123.

2-(/}-Sulphanilamidoethyl)pyridine, 199.

Sulphonam ides, antigens containing, 219.

Sulphonation, catalytic, w ith boron fluoride, 136.

Sulphur oxides, reaction of, w ith sodium , 44.

Sw ayback, 213.

Swelling, th eo ry of, 33.

Tagetes erecta, glucoside from , 193.

T alatisam ine, 207.

Talatisidines, 207.

Talatisine, 207.

T antalum disilicide, stru ctu re of, 101.

Tellurium <e<rachloride, stru ctu re of, 107.

Tetanus, antiserum to , purification of, 221.

Tetracarboline-y-carboxylic acids, Adam- kiew icz-H opkins reaction for, 198.

T etradeuterothiophen, 195.

T etrahydrobenzpyrene, 181.

( + )-Tetrahydrof'urfuryl alcohol, 126.

y-5 : 6 : 7 : 8-T etram ethyl-2-naphthylbutyric acid, cyclisation of, 171.

1 : 2 : 3 : 4-T etram ethylphenanthrene, car­

cinogenic action of, 159.

Thioindoxyls, condensation of, w ith thio- naphthenquinones, 197.

Thionaphthenquinones, condensation of, w ith thioindoxyls, 197.

Thiophens, synthesis of, 195.

Thiophen series, 195.

Thiopyrans, 199.

Thorium disilicide, stru ctu re of, 101.' T in halides, reaction of, w ith sodium , 39.

Tobacco viruses, mosaic, com bination of, w ith its antiserum , 224.

molecular stru ctu re of, 2 0.

3 - p - Toluenesulphonyl-4-acetyl-6-triphenyl- m ethyl-2-m ethyl-a-m ethylaltroside, re­

action of, w ith alkali, 123.

Toluidine-blue, stru ctu re of, 165.

Toluidine-green, stru ctu re of, 165.

T om ato viruses, bushy stu n t, antigenic pro­

perties of, 2 2 0. Toxins, 224.

Trace elem ents, 210.

essential, 2 1 1. toxic, 2 1 1.

2 : 4 : 6-Triethylbenzoic acid, esterification of, 140.

Triethylenediam inochrom itrichloride, adsorp­

tio n of, on q uartz, 117.

Trilobine, 205.

6 : 6 : 9-Trimethyl-3-?t-amyl-7 : 8 : 9 : 10- tetrah y d ro -6-dibenzopyran, 1 -hydroxy-, optically active form s of, 118.

2 : 4 : 6-Trim ethylbenzoic acid, esterification of, 140.


• 2 : 5 : 5-Trim ethvl-2-butvl-l : 3-dioxol-4-one, 132.

Trim ethvlene glycol, polvesters. stru ctu re of, 103'

2 : 4 : 6-Trii.*opropvlphenvl iaopropyl ether, 135.

T rypsin, specificity of, 227.

T ryptophan. derivatives. 198.

^T ryptophan, hydroxy-, stru ctu re of, 198.

T riptycene, stru ctu re of, 170.

Tropinonecar boxy lie acid, esters, prep ar­

atio n of. 139*.

Truxillam ie acids, m olecular rearrangem ents of, 123.

Tungsten, as trace elem ent, 211.

T u ratin , copper in, 212.

Tyrosine, iodination of, 227.

Ulra ladmca. rham nosan from , 235.

Vaccinia virus, antigens of. 218.

V anadium disilieide. stru ctu re of, 101.

Van’t H o ffs law. th eo ry oL 12.

Vegetables, dried, 209.

Velocity o f reaction, flame m ethods, 36, 40.

life-period m ethod, 44.

V eratram ine, 208.

Vibrio cholera:, antigens of, 218.

Vinvlacetvlene. m ethvl alcohol addition to , ' 132. '

1-V inylanthraquinone, 184.

V io laian th in , 238.

Viscosity, intrinsic. 19.

solvents for m easurem ent of. 26.

moL w t. and, 20.

V itam in-B 1 as grow th substance, 231.

V itam in-B t as grow th substance, 231.

\Valden inversion, 1 2 0.

W heat, In d ian , mucilage of. 234.

X anthurenic acid, 198.

i Y east, polysaccharide from, 234.

Y east cellulose. 235.

Zta, coleoptiles. auxin in, 229.

i Z ta may*, glycogen in. identification of, 234.

Zeaxanthin. 23S.

Zein, hydrolysis of, 235.

j Zinc, as trac e elem ent, 211.

compounds in m am m alian tissues, 2 1 2. deficiency of. in m am m als, 214.

halides, reaction of, w ith sodium, 39.
