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KARTA PRACY UCZNIA – Every time we say goodbye


Academic year: 2022

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KARTA PRACY UCZNIA – Every time we say goodbye

dla gimnazjum i liceum – poziom pre-intermediate

Ex. 1 When do we use Present Simple Tense? Match rules with examples.

permanent states and situations I always wake up before 7 o’clock.

permanent truths She arrives to New York. She meets John.

They fall in love with each other.

laws of nature I love you.

habits, repeated actions Earth goes around the Sun.

timetables The Vistula river flows through Warsaw.

dramatic narrative The plain leaves at 6:30 p.m.

Ex.1 Write the sentences in Present Simple. Use the given words.

1. how much/ do / you / earn ?


2. she/ like/ him/ very much/ .


3. water/ boil/ at/ 100 °C.


4. how long/ it/ take/ to climb/ Mount Everest ?


5. Anna and Tom/ want/ to buy/ beautiful/ house/ in the suburbs.


6. Mark/ never/ finish/ work/ before 6 p.m..


7. Every Friday/ John/ go out/ for a beer/ with/ his/ friends.


8. Americans/ eat/ fast food/ almost/ every day/ that/ be/ why/ they/ have/ health problems.



9. our English teacher/ be/ not/ native speaker/ but/ he/ speak/ English/ very well.


10. I/ need/ to pass/ any/ special/ exam/ before/ I/ start/ scuba diving?


Ex. 2 Work in pairs. Ask each other the following questions and write down the answers.

What time to you wake up? ______________________________________

How much time do you spend at school? ______________________________________

What do you do in your free time? ______________________________________

What is your favourite music? ______________________________________

Ex. 3 Listen and complete the song with the words from the list.

time say song goodbye allow

hear be strange ‘s

"Every Time We Say Goodbye" - Rod Stewart Every time we ____ goodbye

I die a little

Every time we say goodbye I wonder why a little

Why the gods above me Who must ___ in the know Think so little of me

They ____ you to go When you're near There__ such an air Of spring about it

I can ____ a lark somewhere Begin to sing about it There's no love ____ finer But how strange the change From major to minor

Every ____ we say goodbye There's no love song finer But how _____ the change From major to minor Every time we say ______

Aleksandra Kazimierczyk Nauczyciel języka angielskiego British School



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