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Generators of rings of constants for some diagonal derivations in polynomial rings


Academic year: 2021

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Generators of rings of constants for some diagonal derivations

in polynomial rings


Andrzej Nowicki

Institute of Mathematics, N.Copernicus University 87–100 Toru´n, Poland (e-mail: anow@pltumk11.bitnet).


Jean – Marie Strelcyn

D´epartement de Math´ematiques, Universit´e de Rouen,

URA CNRS 1378, B.P.118, 76134 Mont Saint Aignan Cedex, France and

Laboratorie Analyse, G´eometrie et Applications, URA CNRS 742, Institut Galil´ee, Departement de Math´ematiques, Avenue J.–B. Cl´ement,

93430 Villetaneuse, France (e-mail: strelcyn@math.univ-paris13.fr).


Let K be a field of characteristic zero. We show that if n ≥ 3, given r ≥ 0 there exists a diagonal K–derivation of K[x1, . . . , xn] such that the minimal number of generators over K of the ring of constants is equal to r.

1.Introduction. Let K be a field of characteristic zero and R = K[x1, . . . , xn] the polynomial ring over K.

Let d be a K-derivation of R and Rd its ring of constants, that is, Rd= {w ∈ R; d(w) = 0}.

If Rd 6= K and Rd is finitely generated over K then we denote by γ(d) the minimal number of polynomials from R \ K which generate Rd over K. Moreover we assume that γ(d) = 0 iff Rd = K, and γ(d) = ∞ iff Rd is not finitely generated over K.

In a recent paper [1] Derksen show that the Nagata’s counterexample [3] to the fourteenth problem of Hilbert can be put in the form Rd for some derivation d with


n = 32. So there exists a K-derivation d of R (for n = 32) such that γ(d) = ∞ (see also [4]).

If n = 1 and d 6= 0 then of course γ(d) = 0. If n = 2 and d 6= 0 then, by a result of Zaks [6] and Eakin [2], we see that γ(d) ≤ 1. If n = 3 then it is known, by a result of Zariski [7] , that γ(d) < ∞ (see [5] for details).

In this note we show that, for n ≥ 3, the set {γ(d); d is a K-derivation of R} is unbounded.

In our proof we use only diagonal K-derivations, that is, such K-derivations d that d(x1) = a1x1, . . . , d(xn) = anxn, for some a1, . . . , an ∈ K.

The aim of this note is to prove the following

Theorem 1 If n ≥ 3 and r ≥ 0 then there exists a diagonal K-derivation of R = K[x1, . . . , xn] such that γ(d) = r.

2.Proof. Let us start with the following two simple remarks:

(a) If d(x1) = x1, . . . , d(xn) = xn then γ(d) = 0.

(b) Let 1 ≤ r < n and d(x1) = . . . = d(xr) = 0, d(xr+1) = xr+1, . . . , d(xn) = xn. Then γ(d) = r.

Consequently, in the remaining part of the proof we will assume that r ≥ n.

Define m = n − 3 and p = r − n + 2 = r − m − 1; p ≥ 2.

Let x = x1, y = x2, z = x3 and if n > 3, y1 = x4, . . . , ym = xn.

To prove our theorem let us consider a K-derivation of R defined as follows:

d(x) = x, d(y) = y, d(z) = −pz and, if n > 3,

d(y1) = . . . = d(ym) = 0.

Consider now r polynomials f0, f1, . . . fp+m:

f0 = xpz, f1 = xp−1y1z, . . . , fi = xp−iyiz, . . . , fp−1 = x1yp−1z, fp = ypz which are defined for every n ≥ 3 and

fp+1= y1, fp+2= y2, . . . , fp+m = ym when n > 3.

If n = 3 then R = K[x, y, z] and p + 1 = r. If n > 3 then R = K[x, y, z, y1, . . . , ym] and p + 1 + m = r.

Let us observe that these polynomials belong to Rd. Indeed; if 0 ≤ i ≤ p then d(fi) = d(xp−iyiz) = (p − i + i − p)xp−iyiz = 0

and if i = p + j ≥ p, then d(fi) = d(yj) = 0.


Lemma 1 The polynomials f0, . . . , fr−1 generate Rd over K.

Proof. Let w ∈ R be such that d(w) = 0. First let us consider the case when w ∈ K[x, y, z]. Thus

w =Xaijkxiyjzk

with all aijk∈ K. Since d is diagonal then all monomials xiyjzkfrom the above sum are such that d(xiyjzk) = 0. Let us pick such a monomial w0 = xiyjzk. Then i + j = pk.

Let a, b, u, v be the nonnegative integers such that

i = ap + u, j = bp + v, u < p, v < p.

Then either u + v = 0, or u + v = p. If u + v = 0, then k = a + b and consequently w0 = xiyjzk= xapybpza+b = (xpz)a(ypz)b = f0afpb.

If u + v = p, then k = a + b + 1 which implies

w0 = xixjzk= xap+uybp+vza+b+1 = (xuyvz)(xpz)a(ypz)b = fvf0afpb. Therefore, if w ∈ K[x, y, z] and d(w) = 0, then w ∈ K[f0, . . . , fp].

Assume now that w ∈ R = K[x, y, z, y1, . . . , ym]. Then w =Xai1...imy1i1. . . yimm

where all coefficients ai1...im belong to K[x, y, z]. Since d(w) = 0 we have 0 = d(w) =Xd(ai1...im)y1i1. . . ymim,

and hence d(ai1...im) = 0. From the first step of our proof, we know that

ai1...im ∈ K[f0, . . . , fp] and therefore w ∈ K[f0, . . . , fp, y1, . . . , ym] = K[f0, . . . , fr−1].

Now we will prove that {f0, . . . , fr−1} is a minimal set of generators of Rd.

For this aim suppose that for some s < r there exist polynomials g1, . . . , gs such that Rd = K[g1, . . . , gs]. Then K[f0, . . . , fr−1] = K[g1, . . . , gs] so that there exist polynomials α0, . . . , αr−1 ∈ K[u1, . . . us] such that

fi = αi(g1, . . . , gs)

for i = 0, 1, . . . , r − 1. Moreover there exist polynomials β1, . . . , βs ∈ K[v0, . . . vr−1] such that

gj = βj(f0, . . . , fr−1) for j = 1, . . . , s.

Denote F = (f0, . . . , fr−1) and G = (g1, . . . , gs) = (β1(F ), . . . , βs(F )). Then in the ring R the following identities are satisfied:

fi = αi(G) = αi1(F ), . . . , βs(F )),


for i = 0, 1, . . . , r − 1, that is,

F = (α ◦ β)(F ), where α = (α0, . . . , αr−1) and β = (β1, . . . , βs).

Let us introduce the notations:

ω = (0, 0, 1, 0, . . . , 0) ∈ Kn, Aik = ∂αi


(G), Bkq = ∂βk


(F ), aik = Aik(ω), bkq = Bkq(ω), for any i, q = 0, 1, . . . , r − 1 and k = 1, . . . , s.

Moreover define

Ciq =




AikBkq, ciq = Ciq(ω) =




aikbkq, where i, q = 0, 1, . . . , r − 1.

Finally let us introduce the matrices:

A = [aik], B = [bkq], C = [ciq], where 0 ≤ i ≤ r − 1, 1 ≤ k ≤ s and 0 ≤ q ≤ r − 1.

By δiq we denote usual Kronecker delta.

Now, using the above notations we will prove the following two lemmas.

Lemma 2 If 0 ≤ i ≤ r − 1 and p + 1 ≤ q ≤ r − 1 then ciq = δiq. Proof. Differentiating the identity F = (α ◦ β)(F ) one obtains that


∂xj =





∂xj (1)

for i = 0, 1, . . . , r − 1 and j = 1, . . . , n.

Let q be as in our lemma and denote

t = q − p, j0 = t + 3.

Then t > 0, j0 > 3 and by virtue of our choice of f0, . . . , fr−1 we see that fq = yt= xj0, so ∂x∂fq

j0 = 1 and, if i 6= q, then ∂x∂fi

j0 = 0, that is,



= δiq. (2)

Therefore, by (1) and (2):

Ciq = Ciq · 1 = Ciq ∂fq






Cil ∂fl


= ∂fi


= δiq, and consequently ciq = Ciq(ω) = δiq.


Lemma 3 If 0 ≤ i ≤ p and 1 ≤ q ≤ p then ciq = δiq.

Proof. Let dx = ∂x , dy = ∂y. Given a natural number t ≥ 2 we define Mt as the ideal in R generated by all elements of the form

daxdby(fk), where k = 0, 1, . . . , p and 1 ≤ a + b ≤ t − 1.

It is clear that dx(Mt) ⊆ Mt+1 and dy(Mt) ⊆ Mt+1. Moreover every element from Mp is of the form zh, where h ∈ R is such that h(ω) = 0.

By succesive differentiations of the identity F = (α ◦ β)(F ) one easily sees (see (1)) that, for a ≥ 0, b ≥ 0, a + b > 0 and 0 ≤ k ≤ p,

daxdby(fk) =




Ckldaxdby(fl) + Ek,a,b,

where Ek,a,b ∈ Ma+b. From the above identity and Lemma 2 one deduces that daxdby(fk)(ω) =




ckldaxdby(fl)(ω), (3) because every element of the ideal Ma+bvanishes at ω. Now, observe that if 0 ≤ k, q ≤ p then

dp−qx dqy(fk) = (p − q)!q!δkqz. (4) Therefore, by (3) and (4), one obtains that

(p − q)!q!δkq = dp−qx dqy(fk)(ω)





ckldp−qx dqy(fl)(ω)

= (p − q)!q!ckq and consequently ciq = δiq.

Now we can conclude the proof of our theorem. By Lemmas 1 and 2, the matrix C is invertible. Let D = C−1A. Then D is an r × s matrix and I = DB, where I is the r × r identity matrix. Therefore there exist two K-linear mappings B : Kr −→ Ks, D : Ks −→ Kr such that D ◦ B = id. Then B is injective, but it is a contradiction because s < r. This proves that {f0, . . . , fr−1} is a minimal set of generators of Rd over K, that is, γ(d) = r.

3.Remark. In the proof we never used the assumption that {gi}, {fj}, {αk} are polynomials. Note that the same proof gives the following


Proposition Let K be the field of real or of complex numbers. Let n, p be natural numbers such that n ≥ 3 and 2 ≤ p ≤ n. Denote x = (x1, . . . , xn) and let

fi(x) = xp−i1 xi2x3, f or 0 ≤ i ≤ p

fi(x) = xn−p+i, f or p + 1 ≤ i ≤ p + n − 3.

If g1, . . . , gs ∈ C(Kn) and fi = αi(g1, . . . , gs), gj = βj(f0, . . . , fp+n−3), for some functions

αi ∈ C(Ks), 0 ≤ i ≤ p + n − 3, βj ∈ C(Kp+n−2), 1 ≤ j ≤ s, then s ≥ r.

If K is the field of real numbers instead of C functions it suffices to consider functions of class Cp.

Acknowledgnents. The first version of this paper was written when the se-cond author was a guest at Department of Mathematics of Toru´n University. It was com- pleted during the stay of the first author at the Department of Mathematics of Rouen University as visiting professor. Both Departments are acknowledged for their hospi- tality and excellent working conditions.


[1] H.G.J. Derksen, The kernel of a derivation, Report 9123, Catholic University Ni- jmegen,1991.

[2] P. Eakin, A note of finite dimensional subrings of polynomial rings, Proc. Amer.

Math. Soc., 31(1972), 75 – 80.

[3] M. Nagata, On the fourteenth problem of Hilbert, Proc. Intern. Congress Math.,1958, 459 – 462, Cambridge Univ. Press, New York, 1966.

[4] A. Nowicki, Rings and fields of constants for derivations in characteristic zero, to appear.

[5] A. Nowicki, M. Nagata, Rings of constants for k–derivations in k[x1, . . . , xn], J. Math. Kyoto Univ., 28(1988), 111 – 118.

[6] A. Zaks, Dedekind subrings of k[x1, . . . , xn] are rings of polynomials, Israel J. Math., 9(1971), 285 – 289.

[7] O. Zariski, Interpretations algebraico–geometriques du quatorzieme probleme de Hilbert, Bull. Sci. Math., 78(1954), 155 – 168.


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