Studia Politicae Universitatis
Silesiensis, T. 3 : summary.
Studia Politicae Universitatis Silesiensis 3, 313
Studia Politicae Universitatis Silesiensis
T. 3
S u m m a r y
B ecause of the subject-m atter raised here, the works presented in the volum e in question, as w ell as in the part devoted to review s and discussions, were divided into four them atic groups, i.e. th e political thought, political system s, international affairs and European integration. To th e m ost in terestin g articles w ith in th e scope of the political thought belongs the one w hich deals w ith a crucial subject from the perspecti ve of the n eed s of th e turn of th e centu ries and in which a thought about w idely-under stood relation s b etw een a lib eral dem ocracy and a social teach in g by th e Catholic church from M ichael Novak’s perspective is presented. W hat is also in terestin g is the work devoted to deliberations on th e m ain valu es and conceptions characteristic of the socio-political model of the U nited S ta tes of America.
In the part devoted to the political system s, a special em phasis is put on the work h ighlightin g th e issu e s concerning th e nature of the French party system , as w ell as the article show ing the evolution and specificity of the party system in Ireland. Also, worth recom m ending are th e text im printed into the current of the stu d ies on the topic of a territory governm ent, and a direct democracy, and th e one d iscu ssin g th e process of planning the strategy of local and regional developm ent on the Polish-G erm an bor derline.
In the part concerning intern ational affairs and European integration th e most im portant seem s th e article presen tin g deliberations on th e im plications of th e third war in the Persian G ulf for th e process of Iraq dém ocratisation in th e ligh t of th e USA strategy. The issu e n eed s to be paid attention to, above all, in th e context of difficulties in realising th e m ain aim s form ulated by G.W. B ush’s adm inistration in relation to Iraq in 2002. Crucial, especially because of a discussion on the m ain integrative dilem m as the European U nion experienced at th e beginning of the 21st century, is th e work paying sp ecial attention to th e m ost sign ifican t asp ects of a political debate on the issu es o f a social model in Europe.