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Academic year: 2022

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[this and the previous page are visualization of the cover - please delete them in the document to be printed on the basis of this template.

In the digital version submitted to APD,

the page with the cover may (but does not have to) remain

The covers intended for the print version are available at the dean's office]


in the field of study {name of the field of study}

and specialization {name of the specialisation}

{title of thesis}

{Name and surname}

Student record book number {number}

thesis supervisor

{academic title/degree, name and surname}


{academic title/degree, name and surname}



(this document is a template for a thesis)

Update date: 11.06.2021



Title of the thesis: {Tiltle}

If the thesis is written in English, it must include an abstract in English containing the title of the thesis and keywords. It should not exceed 1 page. The thesis must also have an abstract in polish with title and keywords and any other language if students ask to get diploma translation in this language.

This document shows guidelines for creating an engineering dissertation. It describes recommended content, and text formatting shows how to include equations, images, and tables. Every MSc candidate of technical physics and photonics should read this. This document shows guidelines for creating an engineering dissertation. It describes recommended content, and text formatting shows how to include equations, images, and tables. Every MSc candidate of technical physics and photonics should read this.

This document shows guidelines for creating an engineering dissertation. It describes recommended content, and text formatting shows how to include equations, images, and tables. Every MSc candidate of technical physics and photonics should read this. This document shows guidelines for creating an engineering dissertation. It describes recommended content, and text formatting shows how to include equations, images, and tables. Every MSc candidate of technical physics and photonics should read this. This document shows guidelines for creating an engineering dissertation. It describes recommended content, and text formatting shows how to include equations, images, and tables. Every MSc candidate of technical physics and photonics should read this.


diploma, exam, editoral restrictions, rules, pattern



Tytuł pracy: {tytuł pracy}

Jeżeli praca dyplomowa jest napisana w języku polskim to musi zawierać streszczenie pracy w języku polskim zawierające tytuł pracy i zestaw słów kluczowych. Objętość streszczenia nie powinna przekraczać 1 strony. Musi także zawierać streszczenie pracy w języku angielskim także obejmujące tytuł i słowa kluczowe, Objętość wersji angielskiej także nie powinna przekraczać jednej strony. Jeśli dyplomant występuje o wydanie odpisu dyplomu w tłumaczeniu na język inny niż angielski podobne streszczenie należy dodać również w tym języku.

Dokument niniejszy przedstawia zalecenia dotyczące tworzenia pracy magisterskiej. Dotyczy, więc jej treści, układu graficznego, formatowania tekstu oraz sposobu osadzania równań, rysunków i tabeli. Polecany jest wszystkim dyplomantom kierunku fizyka techniczna oraz fotonika przystępującym do tworzenia pracy dyplomowej. Dokument niniejszy przedstawia zalecenia dotyczące tworzenia pracy magisterskiej. Dotyczy, więc jej treści, układu graficznego, formatowania tekstu oraz sposobu osadzania równań, rysunków i tabeli. Polecany jest wszystkim dyplomantom kierunku fizyka techniczna oraz fotonika przystępującym do tworzenia pracy dyplomowej. Dokument niniejszy przedstawia zalecenia dotyczące tworzenia pracy magisterskiej. Dotyczy, więc jej treści, układu graficznego, formatowania tekstu oraz sposobu osadzania równań, rysunków i tabeli. Polecany jest wszystkim dyplomantom kierunku fizyka techniczna oraz fotonika przystępującym do tworzenia pracy dyplomowej.

Dokument niniejszy przedstawia zalecenia dotyczące tworzenia pracy magisterskiej. Dotyczy, więc jej treści, układu graficznego, formatowania tekstu oraz sposobu osadzania równań, rysunków i tabeli. Polecany jest wszystkim dyplomantom kierunku fizyka techniczna oraz fotonika przystępującym do tworzenia pracy dyplomowej.

Słowa kluczowe:

praca dyplomowa, egzamin dyplomowy, wymogi edycyjne, regulamin, wzór, szablon

(podpis opiekuna naukowego) (podpis dyplomanta)


Declaration of the independence of the work

Warsaw University of Technology



Świadomy/-a odpowiedzialności karnej za składanie fałszywych zeznań oświadczam, że niniejsza praca dyplomowa została napisana przeze mnie samodzielnie, pod opieką kierującego pracą dyplomową.

Under the penalty of perjury, I hereby certify that I wrote my diploma thesis on my own, under the guidance of the thesis supervisor.

Jednocześnie oświadczam, że:

I also declare that:

niniejsza praca dyplomowa nie narusza praw autorskich w rozumieniu ustawy z dnia 4 lutego 1994 roku o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych (Dz.U. z 2006 r. nr 90, poz 631 z późn. zm.) oraz dóbr osobistych chronionych prawem cywilnym,

this diploma thesis does not constitute infringement of copyright following the act of 4 February 1994 on copyright and related rights (Journal of Acts of 2021, item 1062) or personal rights protected under the civil law

niniejsza praca dyplomowa nie zawiera danych i informacji, które uzyskałem/-am w sposób niedozwolony,

the diploma thesis does not contain data or information acquired in an illegal way,

niniejsza praca dyplomowa nie była wcześniej podstawą żadnej innej urzędowej procedury związanej z nadawaniem dyplomów lub tytułów zawodowych,

the diploma thesis has never been the basis of any other official proceedings leading to the award of diplomas or professional degrees,

wszystkie informacje umieszczone w niniejszej pracy, uzyskane ze źródeł pisanych i elektronicznych, zostały udokumentowane w wykazie literatury odpowiednimi odnośnikami,

all information included in the diploma thesis, derived from printed and electronic sources, has been documented with relevant references in the literature section,

znam regulacje prawne Politechniki Warszawskiej w sprawie zarządzania prawami autorskimi i prawami pokrewnymi, prawami własności przemysłowej oraz zasadami komercjalizacji.

I am aware of the regulations at Warsaw University of Technology on management of copyright and related rights, industrial property rights and commercialisation.

Warszawa, 16 November 2021

{legible signature

of the graduate student }


Statement on granting a work license to the University

Warsaw University of Technology

(Name and surname of the student)

(student record book number)

(field of study)

Oświadczenie studenta w przedmiocie udzielenia licencji Politechnice Warszawskiej

Student declaration on granting a license to the Warsaw University of Technology

Oświadczam, że jako autor/współautor* pracy dyplomowej pt.


udzielam / nie udzielam* Politechnice Warszawskiej nieodpłatnej licencji na niewyłączne, nieograniczone w czasie, umieszczenie pracy dyplomowej w elektronicznych bazach danych oraz udostępnianie pracy dyplomowej w zamkniętym systemie bibliotecznym Politechniki Warszawskiej osobom zainteresowanym.

I hereby declare that as the author / co-author* of the diploma thesis entitled [as above]

I grant/ do not grant* the Warsaw University of Technology a free, non-exclusive, unlimited in time license to include my diploma thesis in electronic databases and to make my diploma thesis available in the closed library system of the Warsaw University of Technology to those


Licencja na udostępnienie pracy dyplomowej nie obejmuje wyrażenia zgody na wykorzystywanie pracy dyplomowej na żadnym innym polu eksploatacji, w szczególności kopiowania pracy dyplomowej w całości lub w części, utrwalania w innej formie czy zwielokrotniania.

The license to make the diploma thesis available does not include the consent to use the diploma thesis in any way, especially to copy the diploma thesis in full or in part, to save it in any form or to multiply it.

Warszawa, 16 November 2021

{legible signature

of the graduate student }


Table of Contents

1. Principles of performing diploma theses and regulations of the diploma

examination at full-time second-cycle (master's) studies - excerpt ... 13

2. Issues covering the essential content for the second-cycle diploma examination18 3. Recommendations for the content of the work ... 22

3a. Language requirements ... 22

3b. Content of the thesis ... 22

3c. Guidelines for authors of works ... 23

3d. The volume of the thesis ... 23

3e. Layout and page numbering ... 23

3f. Thesis binding ... 24

4. Editing tips ... 25

4a. Cover page ... 27

4b. Tables ... 28

4c. Figures ... 30

4d. Mathematical formulas ... 30

5. Footnotes and references from the literature ... 32

5a. Footnotes ... 32

5b. Literature references ... 32

5c. Bibliographic list ... 33

6. Documenting the consctructions and software ... 35

6a. List of contents of attached media (cd, dvd) ... 35

6b. IT description of procedures ... 36

7. Plagiarism ... 38

7a. On what terms can works be used within the limits of fair use ... 38

7b. What is plagiarism ... 38

7c. Consequences of detecting plagiarism ... 38

8. Additional informations ... 39

List of symbols and abbreviations ... 40

List of figures ... 41

List of tables ... 42

List of attachments ... 43

Attachment 1 ... 44


(if the table of contents contains an odd number of pages, a blank page should be added

so that the actual content of the work begins on an odd page)



1. Principles of performing diploma theses and regulations of the diploma examination at full-time second-cycle (master's) studies - excerpt

1. The diploma thesis is an independent study of a scientific or practical issue, presenting the student's achievement of knowledge, competencies, and skills related to studies at a given level and field of study.

2. The implementation of the diploma thesis serves to demonstrate the ability to analyze and reason independently. Thus, the diploma thesis may concern, for example, the design and implementation of an experimental system or its element (including the necessary software), numerical simulations of the course of physical phenomena, or the study of physical phenomena and analysis of the obtained results.

3. At the student's request, approved by the supervisor, the Dean may consent to prepare the diploma thesis in a language other than the language of studies.

4. In these being part of a larger project, a common topic for no more than two students is allowed. Each graduate student then has individually defined tasks to be performed, and in a complex text study of the topic of work, he describes the tasks he has accomplished.

5. The Dean of the Faculty of Physics of the Warsaw University of Technology appoints the supervisor to supervise the diploma thesis. Apart from the supervisor, a second supervisor (co-promoter) may also be assigned to consult the diploma thesis. The promoter should be an academic teacher, an employee of the Warsaw University of Technology. In the case of second-cycle studies, the supervisor (and co-promoter) must have at least a doctoral degree.

Therefore, the function of the second supervisor may act a person with at least a master's degree (e.g., an assistant employed at WUT, participant of doctoral studies at WUT, a doctoral student at the WUT doctoral school, or an employee of a research and development unit other than the Warsaw University of Technology).

6. In a single selection of thesis topics, the number of applications for which the same person acts as a supervisor should not exceed 5, including a maximum of 3, the implementation of which does not include the participation of a second supervisor.

7. With the Dean's consent, a student may perform the diploma dissertation in an institution that will provide appropriate conditions for its performance outside the Warsaw University of Technology. In such a situation, the Faculty of Physics of the Warsaw University of Technology, the student, and such institution must conclude a tripartite agreement on cooperation in implementing scientific and technical research included in the diploma thesis.

8. The declaration of the choice of the subject of the diploma thesis takes place in the penultimate semester of studies (i.e., the 6th semester in engineering studies and the 2nd or 3rd semester of graduate studies). The Dean accepts the declaration of the choice of the thesis topic.



9. The student completes the diploma thesis within the following courses: "Pre- graduate laboratory" (in the penultimate semester of studies) and "Thesis" (in the last semester of studies). Completing the course "Pre-graduate laboratory", which is carried out by the supervisor based on the student's report, means confirming the student's commencement of the thesis.

Completing the "Diploma thesis" course requires an electronic copy of the diploma thesis to be placed in the Archives of Diploma Theses (APD PW) and a printed and bound copy of the thesis submitted to the Dean's Office. The printed version of the thesis should contain the student's signature under the relevant statements and the signature of the supervisor (and the second supervisor, if any) under the thesis abstract. The latter confirms the positive opinion of the promoter (s) about the thesis. The submission of the diploma thesis should take place no later than the date specified in the "Academic Year Schedule" and in the Regulations of Studies at the Warsaw University of Technology.

10. Failure by the student to obtain credits for the courses listed in point 9 by the end of the nominal duration of studies means that he/she resigns from the assigned topic of the diploma dissertation. At the student's request and with the supervisor's consent, it is possible to extend the period of the diploma thesis after obtaining registration for the next semester of study. At the request of the student and the supervisor, it is also possible to postpone the deadline for submitting the diploma thesis, but not longer than by three months concerning the date referred to in point 9.

11. Topics of diploma theses that students have not completed may be re- proposed by the promoters during the subsequent recruitment of theses topics. In such a situation, he/she should note in the appropriate place of the application form that the topic was approved for implementation by the Education Committee previously.

12. Along with the diploma thesis, the diploma student is obliged to submit to the Dean's office a poster (in the form of an A3 printout) presenting the achievements of the thesis in the form typical for conference posters.

13. The promoter proposes two people representing the field of study and the diploma thesis specialization to prepare its review. The reviewer should be a person authorized to direct the thesis. In the master's thesis, the reviewer should be an independent researcher (at least with habilitation) if the supervisor is not. In the decision on admission to the diploma examination, the Dean appoints a thesis reviewer. The supervisor (in consultation with the second supervisor, if there is one) and the reviewer prepare written opinions about the thesis containing proposals for its evaluation.

14. A student may be admitted to the diploma examination under the following conditions:

 fulfillment of the requirements specified in the second-cycle study program, particularly passing all subjects and internships included in the study program, confirmed by collecting the required number of ECTS points.


15 Completion of the course must be documented with entries on the evaluation cards and in the index submitted by the student at the Dean's Office,

 advancing to the Dean's Office a printed and bound copy of the diploma dissertation with the signature of the academic teacher supervising the diploma dissertation under the abstract in the dissertation, which confirms his favorable opinion. The Dean decides to admit a student to the diploma examination at the request of the academic teacher in charge of the diploma dissertation.

In the event of failure to submit the diploma thesis within the deadline specified by the WUT Study Regulations and the academic year schedule, the Dean decides to remove students from the students' list.

15. The Dean decides to admit a student to the diploma examination at the request of the academic teacher in charge of the diploma dissertation.

 Suppose the diploma dissertation does not meet the formal requirements for this type of dissertation. In that case, the Dean may refuse to admit the student to the diploma examination, recommending corrections or supplements to the diploma dissertation. In particular, this applies to a situation where the diploma thesis gives the impression that significant fragments of it may be treated as plagiarism of another study that has not been correctly cited.

 The diploma thesis supervisor proposes two people representing the specialization of the diploma thesis who can prepare its review. In the decision on admission to the diploma examination, the Dean appoints a thesis reviewer from among academic teachers authorized to conduct diploma theses at the second-cycle studies at the Faculty of Physics of the Warsaw University of Technology. If the supervisor of the diploma dissertation does not have the academic degree of habilitated doctor, the reviewer should hold this degree.

In justified cases, the Dean may depart from these requirements and appoint a person with appropriate qualifications as a reviewer.

16. The thesis supervisor and the reviewer prepare written opinions about the thesis containing proposals for its evaluation. The reviewer is obliged to review in writing within seven days of receiving the diploma dissertation's printed version and the review form. Both opinions about the thesis should be made available to the student and submitted to the Dean's office no later than three days before the date of the diploma examination.

17. Before the diploma examination, the graduate student, his supervisor and the reviewer must complete all the activities related to placing information about the work in the Archives of WUT Diploma Theses (APD PW).

18. Before the diploma examination, no later than on the day before the examination, the student should::

 submit a poster, printed in A3 format, presenting the most significant achievements obtained in the diploma thesis. Additionally, an electronic version of the poster should be delivered in the form of a .pdf file,



 pay the diploma examination fee and submit the proof of payment to the Dean's office,

 provide photos for the diploma.

Failure by the student to comply with the obligation to provide all the required documents will result in the inability to take the diploma examination.

19. The diploma examination takes place in front of the Diploma Examination Commission appointed by the Dean.

 The Diploma Examination Commission consists of:

 chairman - an academic teacher representing a given specialization with the academic title of habilitated doctor;

 secretary - an academic teacher representing a given specialization who holds a doctoral degree;

 an academic teacher supervising the thesis;

 thesis reviewer.

 The Dean may appoint the chairman and secretary of the Diploma

Examination Commission for each specialization of second-cycle studies in the fields of Technical Physics and Photonics for the entire term or a specified period.

 The supervisor of the diploma dissertation and the reviewer are appointed to the Commission to conduct the student's diploma examination.

 The Dean may supplement the Committee's composition with a specialist representing the field of the diploma dissertation. In particular, it may be a person who supervised the student if the diploma thesis was performed outside the Warsaw University of Technology.

 The Dean or the chairman of the Board may allow other persons to observe the diploma examination at one time.

20. The diploma examination should take place within 30 working days from admission to the diploma examination. This period may be extended during the summer holidays. The secretary of the Diploma Examination Committee set the diploma examination date in consultation with other members of the Committee and the student.

21. The course of the diploma examination:

 The diploma examination in the field of Technical Physics is held in Polish and Photonics in English. Suppose the thesis is written in a language other than the language of studies. In that case, at the joint request of the graduate and supervisor, Dean may designate a different language of the exam, e.g., the language of the thesis.

 The graduate student presents the most significant achievements of the diploma thesis in a short presentation (about 10 minutes). After the presentation, members of the Committee ask questions related to the subject of the diploma thesis.



 Then the student receives two questions formulated by the Committee in writing:

 a question from the list of issues covering the essential curriculum content in the relevant field of second-cycle studies;

 a question about crucial topics in the specialization of second-cycle studies completed by the student.

The student answers the questions orally. The student has a total of 10 minutes to prepare for the answer.

 The assessment of the diploma examination takes place at a closed session of the Commission attended only by its members. The following are assessed separately:

 presentation of thesis achievements and the student's answers during the discussion on the thesis;

 response to the question on the essential content of the curriculum in the relevant field of second-cycle studies;

 response to the question concerning crucial issues of the second-cycle studies specialization.

All Committee members participate in the discussion on each assessment, which is expressed in the applicable assessment scale. After the Committee agrees on the individual grades, the secretary calculates the arithmetic mean of the three grades, with a fail grade (2.0) contributing zero to the average. To be considered successful, the grade point average must not be less than 3.0.

The final grade is the grade from the applicable scale (3.0; 3.5; 4.0; 4.5; 5.0), which differs the least from the average grade.

 Suppose the grades of the diploma dissertation issued by the supervisor and the reviewer are different. In that case, the supervisor and the reviewer agree on the final grade for the diploma dissertation during discussion.

22. If the student does not pass the diploma examination or fails to take it on time without justification, the Dean shall set the second date of the examination as the final one. The re-examination may occur one month after, and not later than three months from the first examination date.



2. Issues covering the essential content for the second-cycle diploma examination

For the field of Technical Physics:

 General knowledge

 Movement in Newtonian and relativistic mechanics.

 Principles of behavior and symmetries in physics.

 Classical and quantum harmonic oscillator.

 Physical content of Maxwell's equations and the wave equation.

 Properties of electromagnetic waves.

 Wave interference and diffraction.

 Laws of thermodynamics.

 Entropy in terms of thermodynamics and statistics.

 Classical and quantum statistical distributions.

 Structure of matter.

 Wave-particle duality and its experimental confirmation.

 Hamiltonian in classical and quantum mechanics.

 Schrödinger equation dependent and independent of time.

 Fundamentals of quantum formalism - physical quantities, states, operators.

 Quantum description of the hydrogen atom. Quantum numbers.

 Fundamentals of relativistic physics.

 Expertise knowledge

 Specialization: Data Mining and Interdisciplinary Modeling

 Cellular automata.

 Basic theorem of genetic algorithms.

 Scaleless networks.

 Agent dynamics of opinion.

 Hopfield neural network.

 Naive Bayesian classifier.

 Methods of studying signals in the domain of time and frequency.

 Synchronization in nonlinear dynamical systems.

 Fokker-Planck equation.

 Fractal and multifractal methods of signal analysis.

 Mean field theory for the Ising model.

 The phenomenon of symmetry breaking in real systems: examples, models.

 Mutual information in data processing and transmission.

 Methods of dimension reduction in data mining.

 Methods of statistical inference.

 Shamir's algorithm for sharing secrets in cryptography

 Specialization: Medical Physics

 Basic cell organelles and selected methods of studying these structures.

 Human thermodynamics: entropy, heat transport mechanisms, cross processes.



 The role and properties of relaxation oscillations in living systems.

 Synchronization as a nonlinear phenomenon in biology.

 Methods of studying signals in the domain of time and frequency.

 Main detection techniques and types of ionizing radiation detectors.

 Medical charged particle accelerators.

 Dose distribution in the water phantom irradiated with a therapeutic photon beam.

 Basic quantities, units and dosimetric standards.

 IMRT technique and reverse planning in radiotherapy.

 Photon vs. proton radiotherapy - advantages and disadvantages.

 Action potential. Electrical phenomena in living organisms.

 Myocardial conduction disturbances: related conditions and treatments.

 Thermovision methods in medicine.

 Eye defects and vision correction methods.

 Specialization: Nuclear Physics and Technology

 Elementary particles and fundamental interactions.

 Potential of strong interactions.

 Asymptotic freedom and confinement of quarks.

 Space and time evolution of the nuclear collision reaction.

 Phase diagram of strongly interacting matter.

 Quark-gluon plasma.

 The interaction of ionizing radiation with matter.

 Techniques of ionizing radiation detection.

 Radioactive transformations and series.

 Dirac equation.

 Nuclear forces and models of the atomic nucleus.

 Charged particle accelerators.

 Neutrons, their sources, interactions and detection.

 Basic quantities, units and dosimetric standards.

 Types of nuclear power reactors, their design, operation and safety systems.

 New solutions in nuclear energy.

 Specialization: Applied Optics

 Wave superposition. Temporal and spatial frequencies.

 Dispersion of electromagnetic waves in media.

 Light polarization.

 Coherence of light.

 Holography. Examples of holograms.

 Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction.

 Waveguides.

 Nonlinear phenomena in optics.

 Fiber optic sensors.

 Properties of light beams.

 Absorption and emission of light.

 The interaction of light with matter.

 Laser as a light source.



 The electromagnetic field in quantum description.

 Comparison of the geometric and wave description of light propagation.

 Specialization: Physics of Advanced Materials

 Band structure of solids and methods of its determination.

 Low-dimensional structures and their characteristic features.

 Phonons.

 Base absorption edge in semiconductors.

 Magnetic properties of diamagnets, paramagnets and ferromagnets.

 Semiconductor devices: diode, laser, photovoltaic cell.

 Phase transitions of the first and second kind. Homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation.

 Electron and atomic force microscopy.

 X-ray methods of material testing.

 Calorimetric methods for testing materials.

 Methods of obtaining and testing low-dimensional structures.

 Quantum dots: methods of obtaining and application.

 Quantum Hall effect.

 Electronic transport in quantum structures. Coulomb blockade.

 The phenomena of giant and tunnel magnetoresistance.

 Carbon nanotubes, graphene - physical properties and methods of obtaining

In field of Photonics:

 General knowledge:

 Light as electromagnetic wave.

 Physical interpretation of Maxwell's equations and wave equation.

 Interference and diffraction of waves.

 Polarization of light.

 Dispersion of electromagnetic waves in media.

 Interaction between light and matter.

 Wave-particle duality and its experimental confirmation.

 Hamiltonian in classical and quantum mechanics.

 Classical and quantum harmonic oscillator.

 Time-dependent and time-independent Schrödinger equation.

 Fundamentals of quantum formalism - physical quantities, states, operators.

 Quantum description of hydrogen atom. Quantum numbers.

 Coherence of light.

 Holography and holograms.

 Light beams.

 Expertise knowledge:

 Superposition of waves. Spatial and temporal frequencies.



 Fresnel and Fraunhoffer diffraction.

 Liquid crystals.

 Optical fibers.

 Planar optical waveguides.

 Nonlinear effects in optics.

 Fiber and waveguide sensor.

 Diffractive optical elements.

 Interferometers and their applications.

 Absorption and emission of light.

 Principles of operation of laser.

 Electromagnetic field as a quantum structure.

 Light propagation in geometrical and wave description.

 Sampling and its application in optical information processing.

 Optical transforms.



3. Recommendations for the content of the work

3a. Language requirements

Correct language, good style, adherence to grammar rules, and correct punctuation are desirable thesis features. Problems with style, grammar, and spelling are a common cause of lowering the level of the thesis. The text should be clear and communicative, sentences understandable and relatively short, containing only one thought. Authors should avoid too flowery language, too long, or too succinct wording of thoughts. Grammatical and spelling doubts can be solved using dictionaries. It is recommended to use rather British than American English.

3b. Content of the thesis

Most often, the documentation of the diploma thesis consists of the following parts:

 The initial part - includes the title page of the documentation, abstracts, statements on the self-execution, and granting a license to the University to work, possibly thanks, table of contents.

 Introduction - a short (2-3 page) introduction and justification for selecting the topic of work. In addition, it should include: clearly defined purpose and motivation of the work, reference to other works in the studied area, clearly formulated technical or methodological assumptions that the student has met.

 Analytical part - which is an introduction to the issues, analysis of literature sources in the field of the topic under study, review of possible solutions, their advantages and disadvantages in the context of the problem at hand, and a review of tools (e.g., measurement, programming) or methods used when working on similar issues.

 Synthetic part - constituting a direct description of the assumptions adopted and selected methods of work implementation and the justification for their choice.

 Verification part - describing the methodology and assessment of the correctness of the adopted solution and a quantitative statement of the most important results with conclusions.

 Endings - is a summary of the work and the task being solved. The conclusion should include a presentation of findings, reference to individual chapters of the work, and an indication of any recommended directions for further work on the undertaken task.

 Bibliography - containing a set of all cited publications in the order of citation

 Lists - of markings, abbreviations, figures, tables

 List of attachments - is a collection of materials to which the author refers to thesis and which, due to their length, would disrupt the transparency of the argument (photos, specifications of software and measuring instruments, precise


23 calculations, source data, specifications, instructions for software installation and commissioning)

 Attachments - in the form of a digital carrier or a separate text or graphic development

3c. Guidelines for authors of works

The author of the master's thesis project should pay special attention to, among others:

 the thesis must present the results of a self-performed research task under the direct care of the supervisor.

 indication of the existence of other possibilities of solving the given problem/task,

 description and justification of the chosen method of solving the problem proving the theses

 the fact that the presented solution is not exhaustive and may be the basis for further considerations,

 description of the difficulties encountered in the implementation of the project,

 critical evaluation of test results.

The thesis author is obliged to analyze and interpret the obtained results in the context of the current literature. The work should go beyond the methods and solutions of the given task known in the literature.

3d. The volume of the thesis

The master's thesis documentation (introduction + chapters + ending) usually contains between 50 and 100 pages and includes no less than four and no more than seven chapters. However, deviations from these values are possible if they are justified in the content of the study.

A necessary formal requirement is to maintain the correct volume structure of the thesis: the weight and scale of the problems undertaken should be such that the volume of individual chapters is proportional to the entire dissertation. The graduate student's description of the thesis done independently should constitute at least half of the master's project documentation volume.

3e. Layout and page numbering

The work should be printed on both sides. Remember to set the appropriate margins considering the binding: mirror inside margins 10 mm wider for duplex printing.

Recommended values are 25 mm for the top and bottom margins, 20 mm for the outer margin, and 30 mm for the inner margin.

In the page numbering, we consider all pages, starting from the title page, which is given the number 1. It is recommended to put the page numbers in the footer starting (only) from the first page of the main content (i.e., the introduction). This page should be an odd page. The following pages should also be odd numbers: the abstract in the



thesis language and statements and the first page of the table of contents (an appropriate number of blank pages should be added).

Numbers must be placed on the bottom outer side (i.e., right for odd pages and left for even pages). Pages are numbered with Arabic numerals written in the same font as the work, with no spaces from the top and bottom.

3f. Thesis binding

The required form of binding the work is a standardized cover available in the Dean's office.

 The cover is made of 250g cardboard, 2xA4 + spine

 Cover background color - white

 Color of the elements identifying the University and the mark of the type of thesis – plum color (Pantone 681C and 681U; CMYK 40, 70, 20, 0; RGB 150, 95, 119)

 A minor element defining the basic field of the faculty's activity related to the offered fields of study

- for the group of "mathematics and physics" faculties - plum color

 The inscription in black in two lines - "Master's thesis."

 Font Adagio_Slab Medium 15/23 pt in all caps with a separation of 1,3



4. Editing tips

The proposed rules for editing documentation concern the formats of its elements:

font size and typeface, paragraph indents, and margins. The absolute editing requirements include:

 cover pattern

 a pattern for the first (title) page of the work,

 A4 paper size (210 x 297 mm)

 duplex printing

 limiting chapters / subchapters to three levels

 page numbering

Following the Graphic Identification System of the Warsaw University of Technology (SIW PW), it is recommended to use the following editing rules

 Margins

 top: 2,5 cm

 bottom: 2,5 cm

 inner: 3,0 cm

 outer: 2,0 cm

 Vertical orientation

 if it is necessary to set some pages in landscape orientation (drawings, diagrams, etc.), text orientation from top to bottom.

 Colors

 Main text – black color (RGB 00/00/00)

 Underlines, bullets, strong highlights – plum color (RGB 150/95/119)

 in the case of monochrome printing, it is allowed to replace the plum color with graphite color (RGB 60/60/60)

 The color recommendations do not apply to the content of illustrations and diagrams

 Main text:

 Font: sans serif typeface, 11 pt (e.g. Arial, Verdana, Calibri)

 Line spacing: min. 1.15 lines

 Space before paragraph 4 pt

 Space after paragraph 0 pt

 Alignment: justify

 It is allowed to indent the first line by 0.5 cm instead of a space before the paragraph (consistently throughout the work)

 In the case of works containing a large number of mathematical formulas and calculations, it is allowed to use serif fonts (e.g. Times New Roman, Cambria, LeTeX MetaFont)



 It is recommended to use the same font throughout the work (main text, captions, titles, headings, page numbering)

 Chapter titles (1st row headings))

 Font: sans-serif typeface, pre-bold, 14 pt

 Plum-colored bottom border, thickness 1.5 pt

 A page break before the header

 Numbering with Arabic numerals

 Intervals before 15 pt, after paragraph 10

 Subsection headings (2nd row headings)

 Subsection headings (2nd row headings)

 Font: sans serif typeface, 13 pt, bold

 Numbering by positive to the chapter number of the next lowercase letter (e.g. 5a, 5b etc.) or a consecutive Arabic number (subsection number) separated by a period (e.g. 5.1, 5.2)

 Intervals before 15 pt, after paragraph 10

 Subchapter section titles (3rd row headings)

 Font: sans serif, 12 pt, bold, underline

 No numbering or numbering by adding a consecutive Arabic number (section number) separated by a period (e.g. 5.1.1, 5.1.2, etc.)

 Intervals before 15 pt, after paragraph 10

 List

 First level

 Full square  (Webdings 167) in plum color,

 Distance of 0 cm

 Text indentation 1 cm

 Second level

 Empty square  (Webdings 250) in plum color,

 Distance of 1 cm

 Text indentation 2 cm

 Third level

 Point  (Webdings 160) in plum color,

 Distance of 2 cm

 Text indentation 3 cm

 Tables and figures

 Font: sans serif typeface, 9 pt

 Alignment: left justification

 The titles of tables should be placed above the table, and figure captions below the drawing

 The description of the source of a figure or table should be placed under the figure or table

 Footnotes

 Continuous numbering throughout the work



 Font: sans serif typeface, 9 pt

4a. Cover page

The title page should appear sequentially:

 Inscription: "Warsaw University of Technology"

 Font: Adagio_Slab, 24 pt

 Inscription "Faculty of Physics"

 Font: Adagio_Slab 12 pt

 Inscription with a separation adjusted to the width of the text Warsaw University of Technology

 Emblem of the Warsaw University of Technology

 Diameter 25 mm

 On the right side of the inscriptions: Warsaw University of Technology "and"

Faculty of Physics."

 Inscription: "Master's diploma thesis."

 Font: Adagio_Slab, 43 pt

 In one line

 Inscription: "in the field of Technical Physics" or "in the field of Photonics."

 Font Helvetica Light, 12 pt.

 Inscription “and specialisation” {name}

 font Helvetica Light, 12 pt

 Only for the field of Technical Physics

 Instead of {Name}, enter the Name of the specialization, i.e.

 Data Mining and Interdisciplinary Modeling (Polish: Eksploracja danych i modelowanie dyscyplinarne)

 Medical Physics (Polish: Fizyka medyczna)

 Nuclear Physics and Technology (Polish: Fizyka i technika jądrowa)

 Applied Optics (Polish: Optyka stosowana)

 Physics of Advanced Materials (Polish: Fizyka zaawansowanych materiałów)

 {Thesis title}

 Font Helvetica, 14 pt

 {name and surname of graduate}

 Font Helvetica 21 pt

 Inscription: „Student record book number” {liczba}

 Font Helvetica Light 12 pt

 Inscription “Supervisor”



 Font Helvetica Light, 12 pt

 { title / academic degree, name and surname of the supervisor }

 Font Helvetica 12 pt

 Inscription „WARSZAWA” {rok}

 Font Helvetica Light 12 pt

Arial may be used as a substitute for Helvetica Light and Helvetica.

The cover page template is the title page of this document.

4b. Tables

Tables are used to present statements, as well as those containing figures and symbols. There must be a reference to the table in the main text of the work. Tables should be placed as close to the reference as possible and numbered consecutively in a given chapter. Tables are numbered with Arabic numerals and should contain a reference to the main chapter and the order of the tables in the chapter. The title of the table, preceded by the inscription "Table" and a consecutive number, should be placed above the table by 9 point font and left-justified with a space of min. 10 pt.

Avoiding abbreviations in column headings is advisable. Units should be placed on the line immediately below the column headings. If the table contains information from literature sources, the source should be cited in brackets, directly below the table, and justified to the right (font-size: 9 pt, italics). If there is a need to move the table to the next page, their numbers with Arabic numerals are placed above the column headings and these numbers are transferred to the next page. Tables are placed in the center of the text, while the text in tables should be:

 for column headings - bold and centered,

 in the case of left-hand labels - aligned to the left edge of the column,

 for numeric fields - aligned to the right edge of the column,

 for other fields, centered.

It is recommended to frame the table and the header row with a plum-colored line with a thickness of 1 pt and the grid inside the table with a black line with a 1 pt. The numbers of the columns (in the case of moving the table between pages) are made in plum color and separated from the column titles with an invisible line.

It is recommended to number the tables in the format (chapter number} - {table number within the chapter}. However, it is also allowed to number tables continuously throughout the work.


Table 5-1 Description of volumetric recommendations for individual parts of the work



1 2 3

Part of thesis Recommended volume Remarks

Abstract 150-250 words in Polish and English

Introduction 2-3 pages

Introduction to the topic, motivation to undertake this topic, thesis (purpose) of the work

Analytical part 30-40% of the volume

Description of the issues related to the topic in the scope used later to carry out the work and analyze its results

Synthetical part 20-30% of the volume

Description of the adopted solutions and justification of their choice

Verification part 30-40% of the volume

Description of the results, their analysis, verification, and

comparison to literature data

Endings 3-5 pages

Another short presentation of the results summarizing the work with numerous references to the chapters of the work

Bibliography 15-25 positions List of literature items, websites, scientific publications referenced in the text of the work

(Guide for a graduate student, Faculty of Physics 2017)



4c. Figures

Graphic objects (drawings, photos, and charts) should be placed directly in the text centered. There must be a reference to the illustrations in the main text of the work.

Objects should have a light background (charts - white) and a resolution of 300 dpi (e.g., for a drawing with a page width of 16 cm, the required horizontal resolution is 1920 pixels). If the element of the object is a string, its size should be at least 9 pt font size. These objects are numbered with Arabic numerals and should contain a reference to the main chapter and the order of the drawing in the chapter. The title of the object preceded by an abbreviation Fig. (Also for photos and charts) should be placed under the figure (graph) in 9 point font, justified to the left. After the title of the graphic object, a space of at least 10 pt should be applied. If the object comes from literature sources (also from the Internet!), The source should be quoted directly below the drawing and justified to the right (font 9 pt, Italic). If the figure's signature does not contain the source of origin, it means that the author made it himself.

It is recommended to number the drawings in the format (chapter number} - {figure number within the chapter}. However, it is also allowed to number the drawings continuously throughout the work.

(http://www.fizyka.pw.edu.pl/index.php/en/pracownicy/identyfikacja-wizualna, access. 1.01.2017) Fig. 5-1 Graphic symbol of the Faculty of Physics of the Warsaw University of Technology

4d. Mathematical formulas

When using the formulas in general form, you should avoid rewriting the pinouts and provide the initial and final form with appropriate explanations and numbers (possible findings or proofs can be included in the appendices), e.g .:

� 𝐸𝐸�⃗𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑙⃗


= − 𝑑𝑑Φ






– magnetic field flux,

E – electric field,

L– any closed contour.


31 Math formulas should be placed in the first column of a two-column table with no visible borders, centered and numbered incrementally. Mathematical formula numbers in parentheses should be aligned to the right margin of the second column and should contain a reference to the main chapter and the order of the formula in the chapter separated by a period; for example (3.15) - fifteenth formula in the third chapter. However, the continuous numbering of formulas throughout the work is also allowed.

When applying number formulas, the measurement units used should be taken into account, e.g .:

1963 . 4 0

5 . 0 14 .

3 ⋅




= [m




It should be ensured that both before and after the formula there is a space of min, 10 pt.



5. Footnotes and references from the literature

5a. Footnotes

During the preparation of the documentation, footnotes are used to increase its readability and clarity. Footnotes on the same page as their reference should be limited to the so-called digressive footnotes - unrelated to the source texts used.

They are used when, on the margins of the primary considerations, the author draws attention worthy of inclusion, which, included in the text, would disturb the logic of the arguments. Such footnotes should be written with a font size of 9 pt and numbered continuously throughout the work.

5b. Literature references

Each research work should contain an alphabetical list of documents (e.g., books, articles) used by the author when writing a specific paper. Such a list, called an attachment bibliography, is a ready source of literature on a given topic and is an expression of the honesty of the author of the work.

ISO style: PN 690: 2012 (recommended)

References to source materials (bibliography) and their list should be made according to the so-called ISO 690 numbering system with square brackets. Individual items are numbered in the text with successive Arabic numerals in square brackets in the order of their appearance. The bibliographic list is at the end of the documentation and is listed in the order of reference.

Harvard style

It is also permissible to use the Harvard style of references in work, the basic principle of which is to mention the author's name (or the abbreviation of the title in the case of collective works), the date of publication, and the page number in the main text in semicircular brackets.

"With a sufficiently small constant network concerning the maximum image resolution, it turns out that sampling allows you to save the image without loss of information (Shannon, 1949)"

When constructing a bibliography, the following rules should be kept in mind:

 When referring to several works by the same author published in one year, to distinguish them, a lowercase "a", "b" etc. is added after the publication date, e.g. (Jankowski 2015a) and (Jankowski 2015b).

 Where several publications are referenced, the order is first alphabetical and then chronological, e.g. (Langrange 1965; Poincare 2002; Prus 2011; Renault 2012).



 In the case when the publication has two authors, both surnames are given, joining them with the conjunction "and", e.g. (Ziółkowski, Kowalski and Nowak 1996)

 However, when there are more than three authors, the abbreviation "et al."

should be used after the first three. (and others), e.g. (Ziółkowski, Kowalski, Nowak et al. 1997)

 Titles of books, magazines and newspapers are highlighted in italics.

5c. Bibliographic list

The bibliographic list can be found at the end of the documentation and is listed in the order of reference (ISO styles: 690) or alphabetically according to the first authors' names (Harvard style).

Notation of a bibliography when using the ISO: 690 styles takes the following form depending on the type of item it refers to:

 Book - authors' surnames, initials, title are given. (volume, part), place, publishing house and year of publication,

 e.g., Billingsley P.: Probability and Measure. New York, John Wiley 1979

 Chapter in a collective publication - the authors' surnames, initials, title are given.

"in:", names of editors, initials of names, title, place, publisher and year of publication, or pages,

 e.g., Tymińska A.: Zasady utrzymywania czystości w magazynach

bibliotecznych i w księgozbiorach. in: E. Stachowska-Musiał (red.), Działania profilaktyczne w bibliotece. Wskazówki metodyczne..

Warszawa: Wydaw. SBP 1998 s.14-16

 An article in a scientific journal - the names of authors, initials of first names, title of the article, title of the journal, year of publication, month year (volume): page range

 e.g.: Berkhoff A.P., Sensor scheme design for active structural acoustic control, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 2000, 108 (3), 1037- 1045

An article in the materials of the scientific conference - the names of the authors, initials of the names, title, title of the conference, place and date range from-to-year of the conference, page range from - to

 e.g. Bourquin F., Collet M., Joly M., Lene F., Ratier R., An efficient feedback control algorithm for beam: Experimental results, Mat. Konferencyjne Active 97, Budapest, Hungary, 1997, 247 – 258

 Electronic publication - the title, URL address and date of obtaining the information are provided

 e.g..: Równania Maxwella - Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia:

http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Równania_Maxwella, access: 24/06/2013).

 avoid highlighting links in the text by changing the font color



 The normative acts are written as follows: The 2000 Budget Act of January 21 2000.

"Journal of Laws" 2000, No. 7, item 85.

If the Harvard style is used, the authors' surnames in the form and number used in references should be placed in parentheses with the year of publication of the item.

The other rules remain unchanged.

Using the ISO: 690 style, if the publication has more than six authors, the list should be shortened by using the words "and others" after the sixth name. It is not allowed to crop the list of authors after the first surname.

More information on creating references and a bibliographic list can be found in the guide available on the website of the WUT Main Library:

http://www.bg.pw.edu.pl/index.php/przypisy-i-bibliografia (in Polish)



6. Documenting the consctructions and software

It should be emphasized that the master's thesis should go beyond the methods and solutions known in the literature and be of a scientific nature (i.e. a research thesis).

If it is necessary to build a stand, describe how to assemble such a stand (including photos). Most projects that result in working software must have step-by-step start- up instruction and demonstrate how the scheme works. Ideally, the demonstration should be in the form of AVI movies, flash movies.

Code modularization should be used when implementing algorithms. For C / C ++

projects, important project algorithms should be included in separate libraries (dll, lib, header, and source) with a well-documented API.

This approach aims to enable other student groups to use the solutions developed during the project and create a database of algorithms. You should also spend some time testing the built libraries well and attach the test documentation (e.g., test data sets and instructions).

The main purpose of the design and software documentation is to provide information that allows the use of the created tools and algorithms and to ensure the experiments' repeatability as part of the project. The documentation should therefore contain:

A general description of how to use the software (e.g., installation, user manual),

 description of the conditions in which it was tested,

 the format of the processed data and the resulting data.

The software user manual must be concise, written, taking into account the needs of the future user, who is assumed to have only a preliminary knowledge of the details of the algorithm, and who should be able to run and correctly use the program created as part of the project. In particular, the purpose of the program or its part should be explained, and a list of preconditions must be met (operating system, installation, graphics resolution, input files). Then, step by step, the use of the program should be explained in critical places illustrated with copies of the screen windows. It is best to do this in general first and then on a specific example you choose.

6a. List of contents of attached media (cd, dvd) Each directory of the carrier must contain:

depending on the type of work - sample or all images that are the basis for creating and testing the algorithm

SRC - source forms of the procedures created along with the project, makefile, etc.,

EXE - the form of the program ready to be run together with any configuration files or other necessary components,

DOC - text of the report in electronic form (MS WORD and PDF or PS).



6b. IT description of procedures

This chapter is strictly technical. It begins with information about the programming environment, possibly modularization and compilation options, files attached, and the "foreign" libraries used. Then there are descriptions of the main procedures according to the standard presented in Table 7-1, along with the enumeration of necessary auxiliary functions for their proper operation.

Note: critical fragments of the source code must be commented

Table 7-1 Sample program code


/* */

/* Function_type Name_of_function */

/* */

/* Destination */

/* Short description of function */

/* */

/* Function parameters: */

/* type_arg1 name_arg1 – description of parameter 1 (before each type */

/* of parameter (I) should be inserted */

/* for input parameters, (O) for */

/* output parameters, (B) for */

/* both input-output parameters */

/* type_arg2 name_arg2 - description of parameter 2 */

/* type_arg3 name_arg3 - description of parameter 3 */

/* type_arg4 name_arg4 - description of parameter 4 */

/* type_arg5 name_arg5 - description of parameter 5 */

/* type_arg6 name_arg6 - description of parameter 6 */

/* */

/* Function returns: */

/* Description of returned parameters with explanation of their values */

/* (e.g. -1 – outside of range, -2 - fault of memory allocation */

/* 0 – all OK */

/* */

/* Used functions: */

/* List of all used dependent functions */

/* (started inside this function) */

/* */

/* Used variables: */

/* List of variables (with types), used by this function */

/* (global and external variables) */

/* */

/*Remarks: */

/* List of remarks, limitations, alogithms sources*/

/* used methods etc.*/

/* */


37 /* Author: */

/* Data about author (name, surname, year) */

/* */

/* List modified: */

/* Date and time of last modification with description of changes */

/* */




7. Plagiarism

When writing your master's thesis, you use the published works of other authors (books, articles from magazines), information posted on websites. The reference to the source literature proves the credibility of the work. Each quotation and reference in the text should be accompanied by a footnote, referring to the source document from which it was taken.

7a. On what terms can works be used within the limits of fair use

Art. 34 of the Act on Copyright and Related Rights contains the statement, "You can use works within the limits of fair use, provided that the author and the source are mentioned." You can read more about this in the online course "Copyright for librarians" (and not only for librarians) - available on the website of the WUT Main Library http://www.bg.pw.edu.pl/index.php/przypisy-i-bibliografia (in Polish)

7b. What is plagiarism

Plagiarism is a term used in legal literature and judicial decisions to describe the appropriation of someone else's work, i.e., the use (e.g., copying, distribution) of someone else's work, whole or in part, and presenting it as one's own. (Stanisławska- Kloc S. Plagiat i autoplagiat."Infos" 2011, nr 16)

7c. Consequences of detecting plagiarism

Copyright Act - civil liability (art. 78-79 of the copyright) and criminal liability (art.

115 of the copyright)

The Act on Higher Education - in relation to a researcher (appointed academic teacher) it is the termination of employment without notice (Article 126 of the Act) and disciplinary liability (Article 144 of the Act), and disciplinary liability towards a student (Article 214 of the Act) and withdrawal of the professional title (Art. 193 of the Act)

Act on the academic title and academic degrees - withdrawing a doctoral or postdoctoral degree from a person whose achievements or scientific dissertation have revealed infringement of copyright (cf. Articles 29 and 29a of the Polish



8. Additional informations

Answers to additional questions and detailed guidelines on the creation of diploma theses and the diploma process at the Warsaw University of Technology can be found in the "Guide for Writing a Diploma Thesis" published by the WUT Student Government.

Recommended literature (in Polish):

1. Bielec, E.: Podręcznik pisania prac albo technika pisania po polsku. Kraków, 2000.

2. Bisewski, T.: Jak pisać prace naukowe [poradnik dla studentów]. Rumia, 2010.

3. Boć, J.: Jak pisać pracę magisterską? Wyd.7. Wrocław, 2009.

4. Borcz, L.: Vademecum pracy dyplomowej. Bytom, 2001.

5. Gierz, W.: Jak pisać pracę licencjacką? Gdańsk, 1998.

6. Kamiński, T.: Poradnik dla prowadzącego i piszącego prace dyplomowe.

Warszawa, 2000.

7. Pułło, A.: Prace magisterskie i licencjackie. Warszawa, 2001.

8. Rozpondek, M.: Poradnik dyplomanta i absolwenta. Gliwice, 2003.

9. Urban, S.; Ładoński, W.: Jak napisać dobrą pracę magisterską. Wrocław, 2001.

10. Weiner, J.: Technika pisania i prezentowania przyrodniczych prac naukowych.

Warszawa, 2000.

11. Wendel, T.: Metodyka pisania prac doktorskich. Poznań, 2010.

12. Wójcik, K.: Piszę akademicką pracę promocyjną – licencjacką, magisterską, doktorską. Warszawa, 2005.

13. Zendrowski, R.: Praca magisterska: jak pisać jak bronić? Wyd.4. Warszawa, 2007/2008



List of symbols and abbreviations

APD PW – Archive of the Warsaw University of Technology Diploma Theses (Polish:

Archiwum Prac Dyplomowych PW)



List of figures

Fig. 5-1 Graphic symbol of the Faculty of Physics of the Warsaw University of Technology ... 30



List of tables

Table 5-1 Description of volumetric recommendations for individual parts of the work ... 28 Table 7-1 Sample program code ... 36



List of attachments

1. Tabplate of the cover of the master's thesis



Attachment 1


Powiązane dokumenty

to exercise, license, and sub-license others to exercise subsidiary and other rights in the article, including the right to photocopy, scan or

accredited on the territory of the Republic of Poland, a diplomatic mission or consular office of the country in which education the school operates, or accredited

I hereby request for re-admitting me to studies in order to submit my diploma thesis and take the diploma examination. I was removed from the student list

I hereby request for issuing an additional copy of the diploma of completing first- cycle/second-cycle* studies at the University of Wrocław along with the

I hereby request for re-admitting me to studies in order to submit my diploma thesis and take the diploma examination. I was removed from the student list on...( state the

Re wcielał niewy- czerpaną energię i regularny ruch: w dzień żeglował przez niebieskie przestworza w „łodzi poranku", o zachodzie przesiadał się do „lodzi

Met behulp van informatie over de slibafvoer uit zee en uit de Schelde en het aanwezige slib in het bekken in suspensie en in de bodem worden afschattingen

Pierwsze trzy „pokrywają się mniej więcej tematycznie” (jak zapewnia jej autor) „z trzema wykładami, które wygłosił w Uniwersytecie Columbia w kwietniu 1980