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In this paper we extend the well known Riesz lemma to the class of bounded ϕ-variation functions in the sense of Riesz defined on a rectangle Iab ⊂ ℝ2


Academic year: 2021

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Wadie Aziz, Hugo Leiva, Nelson Merentes, Beata Rzepka

A Representation Theorem for ϕ-Bounded Variation of Functions in the Sense of Riesz

Abstract. In this paper we extend the well known Riesz lemma to the class of bounded ϕ-variation functions in the sense of Riesz defined on a rectangle Iab 2. This concept was introduced in [2], where the authors proved that the space BVϕR Iab; ℝ

of such functions is a Banach Algebra. Moreover, they characterized also the Nemytskii operator acting in this space. Thus our result creates a continuation of the paper [2].

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26B30, 47H30.

Key words and phrases: Bounded variation, function of bounded variation in the sense of Riesz, variations spaces, Banach space, algebra space.

1. Introduction. In 1881 Jordan in [6] introduced the notion of a function of bounded variation. That concept was generalized in various directions depending on the context of the theories in which it was used. In 1910 Riesz in [10] defined the concept of p-bounded variation functionand with a help of that concept he proved that the dual space of Lp[a, b] coincides with Lq[a, b]1

p +1q = 1 with 1 < p < ∞ . Apart from that it was shown that the well-known Riesz lemma take place expressing that a function belongs to the class of functions of bounded variation if and only if it is absolutely continuous and its derivative belongs to Lpwith some p, 1 < p < ∞.

During the next years Young [16] introduces a class denoted by Φ containing of all functions ϕ : + → ℝ+ (+ = [0, +∞)) being non-decreasing and continuous on+ and such that ϕ(0) = 0, ϕ(t) → +∞ if t → +∞. It is worthwhile mentioning that results obtained by Young generalized those obtained by Wiener [15].

On the other hand let us point out that results obtained in [16] and connected with the concept of bounded p–variation were generalized by Medvedev [8] who introduced the following concept:


We say that a function u : [a, b] → ℝ has bounded ϕ–variation on the interval [a, b] in the sense of Riesz if the quantity

(1) VϕR(u) = VϕR(u; [a, b]) := sup


Xm i=1


|u(ti) − u(ti−1)|

|ti− ti−1|

|ti− ti−1|

is finite, where ϕ is a function belonging to the class Φ, π denoted an arbitrary partition a = t0< t1<· · · < tm= b of the interval [a, b].

The number VϕR(u; [a, b]) defined in (1) is called the ϕ-variation in the sense of Riesz of a function u on the interval [a, b]. In the sequel we denote by VϕR[a, b] the class containing all such functions.

Moreover, Medvedev proved a result being a generalization of Riesz lemma.

To quote the mentioned result we introduce the following concept. Namely, we will say that a function ϕ :+ → ℝ+ satisfies ∞1–condition if ϕ(t)/t → +∞ when t→ +∞.

Lemma 1.1 ([8]) Let ϕ be a convex ϕ-function (i.e. ϕ ∈ Φ) satisfying ∞1–condition.

Then u ∈ VϕR[a, b] if and only if u ∈ AC[a, b] andZ b a

ϕ(|u0(t)|)dt < ∞.

Moreover, the following equality holds

VϕR(u; [a, b]) =Z b a


Let us note that the symbol AC[a, b] used above denotes the class of all real functions defined and absolutely continuous on [a, b].

In this paper we are going the present some result generalizing the Riesz lemma for functions of two variables defined on a rectangle.

2. Definitions, notations and auxiliary results. The section is devoted to present some auxiliary facts which will be used later on.

Assume that a = (a1, a2), b = (b1, b2) are arbitrary fixed points on the2plane.

Denote by Iab the rectangle defined as Iab= [a1, b1] × [a2, b2]. Based on [4, 8] we can introduced the concept of bounded ϕ–variation in the sense of Riesz for function of two variables defined on Iab. To this end suppose that a1= t0<· · · < tm= b1and a2 = s0 <· · · < sn = b2 are arbitrary partitions of the intervals [a1, b1], [a2, b2], respectively. Using the notation introduced in [1, 5], let us write: ∆ti = ti− ti−1,

∆sj= sj− sj−1. Next, for a function u : Iab→ ℝ, u = u(t, s) let us put:

10u(ti, sj) = u(ti, sj) − u(ti−1, sj),

01u(ti, sj) = u(ti, sj) − u(ti, sj−1),

11u(ti, sj) = u(ti−1, sj−1) + u(ti, sj) − u(ti−1, sj) − u(ti, sj−1).


Definition 2.1 Let ϕ ∈ Φ.

(a) If x2 is a fixed number in [a2, b2] then the quantity defined by the formula

(2) Vϕ,[aR 1, b1](u) := sup


Xm i=1


|∆10u(ti, x2)|



is said to be the ϕ–variation in the Riesz sense of the function u(·, x2) on the interval [a1, b1], were Π1denotes the set of all partitions of the interval [a1, b1].

(b) If x1 is fixed in [a1, b1] then (similarly as above) we define the quantity

(3) Vϕ,[aR 2,b2](u) := sup


Xn j=1


|∆01u(x1, sj)|



being the called ϕ–variation in the sense of Riesz of the function u(x1,·) on the interval [a2, b2], where the supremum is taken over the set Π2of all partitions of [a2, b2].

(c) The quantity defined by the formula

(4) VϕR(u) := sup


Xm i=1

Xn j=1


|∆11u(ti, sj)|


· |∆ti||∆sj|

where the supremum is taken over all pairs (Π1, Π2) of partitions belonging to Π1, Π2, respectively, will be referred as ϕ–bidimensional Riesz variation of u.

(d) The quantity T VϕR(u) defined by the formula

(5) T VϕR(u) = T VϕR u, Iab:= Vϕ,[aR 1,b1](u) + Vϕ,[aR 2,b2](u) + VϕR(u) will be called ϕ–total variation in the sense of Riesz of a function u : Iab→ ℝ.

In what follows we will denote by VϕR Iab the class of all functions having bounded ϕ–total variation in the sense of Riesz on the rectangle Iab (cf. [2]).

3. Properties of bounded ϕ–variation of functions in the Riesz sense.

At the beginning denote by Lip Iabthe class of real functions being Lipschitzian on the rectangle Iab.

It is well-known that in the one dimensional case each function being Lipschitzian on a bounded interval I is a member of the class VϕR(I) for ϕ ∈ Φ. This assertion is no longer true in two dimensional case.

Indeed, we have the following result.

Proposition 3.1 There exists a function ϕ, ϕ ∈ Φ, such that Lip Iab

⊂ VϕR Iab does not hold.


Proof In order to prove this assertion let us take the partition of the intervals [0, 1] lying on both axes of coordinate system t0s with help of the points 0 = t0<


n < n−11 <· · · < 12 < 1 = tn, 0 = s0< n1 < n−11 <· · · < 12 < 1 = sn. Next, let us consider the square I01= [0, 1] × [0, 1]. We consider the function u = u(t, s) defined in such a way that its graph is created by the surface of the pyramid with the base being the rectangleh1

i,i−11 i


j,j−11 i

located on the t0s plane and with the vertex situated at the point

2i(i−1)2i−1 ,2j(j−1)2j−1 ,i(i−1)1 

for i, j = 2, 3, 4, . . .. Moreover, we put u(0, 0) = 0.

It is an easy exercise to verify that the function u satisfies the Lipschitz condition with the constant 1/2.

Next, let us take ϕ(t) = t2 for t ­ 0. Fix a partition both of the interval [0, 1]

located on the t–axis and of the same interval located on the s–axis which has the form

0 = t0< 1

n < 2n − 1

2n(n − 1) < 1

n− 1 <· · · < 1 2 < 3

4 < 1 = t2n−1 and

0 = s0< 1

n < 2n − 1

2n(n − 1) < 1

n− 1 <· · · < 1 2 < 3

4 < 1 = s2n−1, respectively (n ­ 2).

Further on, for a fixed i and j let us calculate the quantity ∆11u(ti, sj):

11u(ti, sj) = u(ti, sj) + u(ti−1, sj−1) − u(ti−1, sj) − u(ti, sj−1) = 1 i(i− 1). Consequently, we derive the following chain of equalities:


i=1 2n−1X



|∆11u(ti, sj)|




i=2 2n−1X



1 i(i−1) 1 i(i−1) 1



· 1

i(i− 1) 1 j(j− 1)


i=2 2n−1X


j2(j − 1)2· 1 i(i− 1)


j(j− 1) =2n−1X

i=2 2n−1X


j(j− 1) i(i− 1)




i(i− 1)[(2n − 1)(2n − 2) + (2n − 2)(2n − 3) + · · · + 3 · 2 + 2 · 1] .


Now, using the simple evaluations, we get


i=1 2n−1X



|∆11u(ti, sj)|







i(i− 1)[(2n − 1) + (2n − 2) + · · · + 2 + 1]

= n(2n − 1)




i(i− 1) = n(2n − 1)

1 − 1 2n − 1

= 2n(n − 1).

The above estimate shows that the ϕ–bidimensional variation in the Riesz sense of u with respect of ϕ is unbounded, i.e. T VϕR(u) = ∞.

In what follows we prove a result which indicates a few class of functions belonging to VϕR Iab.

Proposition 3.2 Let u : Iab → ℝ be a function satisfying one of the below listed conditions:

(i) |∆10u(ti, s)| ¬ L1|∆ti|,

(ii) |∆01u(t, sj)| ¬ L2|∆sj|,

(iii) |∆11u(ti, sj)| ¬ L3|∆ti||∆sj|,

where L1, L2, L3 are nonnegative constants and t, s are arbitrarily chosen numbers, t∈ [a1, b1], s ∈ [a2, b2]. Then u ∈ VϕR Iab


Proof Let Π1 = {t0, t1, . . . , tm} and Π2 = {s0, s1, . . . , sn} be partitions of the intervals [a1, b1] and [a2, b2], respectively. Then we get


T VϕR(u) = sup


Xm i=1


|∆10u(ti, x2)|


|∆ti| + sup


Xn j=1


|∆01u(x1, sj)|



+ sup


Xm i=1

Xn j=1


|∆11u(ti, sj)|



¬ sup


Xm i=1


L1|ti− ti−1|


|∆ti| + sup


Xn j=1


L2|sj− sj−1|



+ sup


Xm i=1

Xn j=1





= ϕ(L1) sup


Xm i=1

|∆ti| + ϕ(L2) sup


Xn j=1

|∆sj| + ϕ(L3) sup


Xm i=1

Xn j=1


¬ ϕ(L1)|b1− a1| + ϕ(L2)|b2− a2| + ϕ(L3)|b1− a1||b2− a2| < ∞.

This shows that u ∈ VϕR Iaband completes the proof. 4. Main Result. In this section we prove some results which generalize the Riesz lemma (cf. Section 1) for functions of two variables defined on a rectangle Iab. To this end we will utilize some facts from measure theory [3, 7, 12, 13, 14]. At the beginning let us denote

(6) Q(t, s) = [a1, t]× [a2, s] for (t, s) ∈ Iab.

Next, let us recall that the symbol L Iab will denote the space of real functions being Lebesgue integrable on the rectangle Iab. Similarly, we denote by L([α, β]) and AC([α, β]) the spaces of real functions which are Lebesgue integrable and absolutely continuous on the interval [α, β], respectively. Additionally, if E is a measurable set in the space ℝ or ℝ2, we use the symbol µ(E) in order to denote the Lebesgue measure of E.

In the sequel we present the definition of an absolutely continuous function which is defined on the rectangle Iab. This definition will use some ideas of Carath´eodory [12] given in one dimensional case.

To realize this goal denote by P Iab

the set of all rectangles of the form [t1, t2

[s1, s2] which are contained in Iab. If P ∈ P Iab

, then the area of P will be denoted by |P |. We say that the rectangles P1, P2 ∈ P Iab

do not overlap if they have no common interior points. Moreover, we say that the rectangles P1, P2 ∈ P Iab

are adjoining if they are not overlapping and P1∪ P2∈ P Iab


Definition 4.1 ([7, 12]) A function F : P Iab

→ ℝ is said to be additive if for arbitrary adjoining rectangles P1, P2∈ P Iab

, the following equality holds F (P1∪ P2) = F (P1) + F (P2).


Definition 4.2 ([7, 12]) A function F : P Iab

→ ℝ is referred to as absolutely continuous if for every ε > 0, there exists δ > 0 such that if for P1, . . . , Pk ∈ P Iab

, we have

Xk j=1

|Pj| ¬ δ,

then Xk


|F (Pj)| ¬ ε.

In what follows for a function u : Iab→ ℝ we introduce the following notation:

(7) Fu([t1, t2] × [s1, s2]) = ∆11u(t2, s2) for [t1, t2] × [s1, s2] ∈ P Iab


In such a case we will say that the function Fu : P Iab

 → ℝ is a function of rectangles associated with u.

Definition 4.3 We say that a function u : Iab→ ℝ is absolutely continuous on Iab

in the sense Carath´eodory if the following conditions are satisfied:

(a) The function of rectangles associated with u is absolutely continuous on Iab. (b) The functions u(a1,·) : [a2, b2] → ℝ and u(·, a2) : [a1, b1] → ℝ are absolutely

continuous (in the classical sense).

Now we recall a few results concerning necessary and sufficient conditions for functions of rectangles to be absolutely continuous.

Theorem 4.4 ([7, 12, 13, 14]) The function of rectangles F : P Iab

→ ℝ is ab- solutely continuous if and only if there exists a function h ∈ L Iab

such that

(8) F (P ) =



h(t, s)dtds for P ∈ P Iab


Let us pay attention to the fact that in [12] ˇSremr demonstrated the following theorem characterizing functions being absolutely continuous.

Theorem 4.5 ([12, 13, 14]) The following conditions are equivalent:

(1) The function u : Iab→ ℝ is absolutely continuous on Iab. (2) The function u : Iab→ ℝ admits a representation in form

(9) u(t, s) = c + Z t


f (τ )dτ + Z s


g(η)dη + Z Z


h(τ, η)dτ dη

where c is a real constant and f ∈ L([a1, b1]), g ∈ L([a2, b2]), h ∈ L Iab

are some functions. Moreover, the symbol Q is defined by (6).


(3) The function u : Iab→ ℝ is subject to the following conditions:

(a) u(·, s) ∈ AC([a1, b1]) for every s ∈ [a2, b2], and u(a1,·) ∈ AC([a2, b2]), (b) ut(t, ·) ∈ AC([a2, b2])for almost every t ∈ [a1, b1],

(c) uts∈ L Iab


Let us remark that the symbols utand uts used in the above theorem designate the appropriate partial derivatives.

If the derivative uts(t, s) = 2∂t∂su(t,s) does exist we can express it in terms of

11u(t, s)/∆t∆s in the following manner


∂t∂s(t, s) = ∂t ∂u∂s(t, s) = lim



∂s(t + ∆t, s) −∂u∂s(t, s)


= lim



u(t + ∆t, s + ∆s)− u(t + ∆t, s)

∆s − lim


u(t, s + ∆s)− u(t, s)



= lim

∆t→0 lim


u(t + ∆t, s + ∆s)− u(t + ∆t, s) − u(t, s + ∆s) + u(t, s)

∆t∆s .

Obviously, these limits exist if u is absolutely continuous. Putting t = ti, s = sj

we can write the following approximate equality

(10) 2u

∂t∂s(ti, sj) =11u(ti, sj)



Using this fact we can give the following generalization of Riesz lemma.

Theorem 4.6 Assume that a function ϕ ∈ Φ satisfies the condition ∞1 and u : Iab → ℝ is an arbitrary function. Then T VϕR(u) < ∞ if and only if u is absolutely continuous on Iab in the sense Carath´eodory and

Z b1 a1

ϕ ∂u

∂t(t, s)


Z b2 a2

ϕ ∂u

∂s(t, s)


Z b1 a1

Z b2 a2

ϕ 2u

∂t∂s(t, s)

dtds <∞.

Moreover, the following inequality is satisfied T VϕR(u) =Z b1


ϕ ∂u

∂t(t, s)

 dt +

Z b2 a2

ϕ ∂u

∂s(t, s)


+Z b1 a1

Z b2 a2

ϕ 2u

∂t∂s(t, s)


Proof Suppose T VϕR(u) < ∞. In order to show that Fu ∈ AC Iab

 we have to prove that for each ε > 0 there exists δ > 0 such that if P1, . . . , Pk are rectangles in Iab with int(Pi) ∩ int(Pj) = ∅ for i 6= j and if

Xk i=1

|Pi| ¬ δ implies Xk i=1

|F (Pi)| = Xm i=1

Xn j=1

[|∆11u(ti, sj)|] < ε,


where the symbol int(P ) indicates the interior of P .

Thus, let us fix arbitrary ε > 0. Next, take rectangles P1, . . . , Pk such that int(Pi) ∩ int(Pj) = ∅ if i 6= j and P1, . . . , Pk⊂ Iab.

Keeping in mind that ϕ ∈ Φ is convex function and satisfies the condition ∞1, we can choose r > 0 such that εr2 > VϕR(u). Moreover, there exists t0 with the property ϕ(t) ­ rt for t ­ t0.

Now, let us define the following sets:

Ct0 =

(i, j) : |11u(ti, sj)|

|∆ti||∆sj| ­ t0

 , Ct00 =

i : |∆10u(ti, x2)|

|∆ti| ­ t0

 , Ct000 =

j : |∆01u(x1, sj)|

|∆sj| ­ t0


Then we infer the following estimates:

Xk i=1

|F (Pi)| = Xm i=1

Xn j=1

|∆11u(ti, sj)|

=X X


|∆11u(ti, sj)| +X X

(i,j) /∈Ct0

|∆11u(ti, sj)|

<X X


|∆11u(ti, sj)|

|∆ti||∆sj| · |∆ti||∆sj| +X X

(i,j) /∈Ct0

t0· |∆ti||∆sj|

¬ 1r




|∆11u(ti, sj)|


· |∆ti||∆sj| + t0X X

(i,j) /∈Ct0


¬ 1r· VϕR(u) + t0

Xk i=1

|Pi| < ε 2+ t0

Xk i=1


Thus, for δ such that 0 < δ < 2tε0 we obtain that the following implication holds:

Xk i=1

|Pi| ¬ δ implies Xk i=1

|F (Pi)| < ε 2+ε

2 = ε.

Consequently we have that Fu∈ AC Iab


Notice that in order to prove the first part of our theorem we have to show that u(·, s) ∈ AC([a1, b1]) and u(t, ·) ∈ AC([a2, b2]). Indeed, to obtain these assertions it is enough to apply Riesz lemma for one dimensional case [8, 9, 10]. Thus we infer that u is absolutely continuous in the Carath´eodory sense. Apart from this, in view of Theorem 4.5 we get


Z b1


ϕ ∂u

∂t(t, s)

dt <∞, Z b2


ϕ ∂u

∂s(t, s)

ds <∞, Z b1


Z b2


ϕ 2u

∂t∂s(t, s)

dtds <∞.

Conversely, suppose that u is absolutely continuous. Then we have

Vϕ,[aR 1,b1](u) =Z b1


ϕ ∂u

∂t(t, s)

dt < and

Vϕ,[aR 2,b2](u) =Z b2 a2

ϕ ∂u

∂s(t, s)

ds <∞.

Let us pay attention to the fact that the first of the above equalities is a conse- quence of Riesz lemma (Lemma 1.1) in the horizontal setting while the second one utilizes the same lemma in the vertical setting.

Now we show that

VϕR(u) =Z b1 a1

Z b2 a2

ϕ 2u

∂t∂s(t, s)

dtds <∞.

To this end recall (cf. Theorem 4.5) that in the case when the function u is absolutely continuous in Carath´eodory sense then the partial derivatives ∂2u(ti, sj)

∂t∂s and

2u(ti, sj)

∂s∂t do exist and coincide. In such a situation we can use equality (10).

This yields:


|∆11u(ti, sj)|


= ϕ 2u

∂t∂s(ti, sj)

 . Hence

Xm i=1

Xn j=1


|∆11u(ti, sj)|



= Xm i=1

Xn j=1

ϕ 2u

∂t∂s(ti, sj)

|∆ti||∆sj| see [11]

= Xm i=1

Xn j=1

Z ti


Z sj




∂t∂s(ti, sj)


=Z tm


Z sn


ϕ 2u

∂t∂s(ti, sj)



Taking supremum with respect to all partitions we deduce the following equality

VϕR(u) =Z b1


Z b2


ϕ 2u

∂t∂s(t, s)


Which implies that, T VϕR(u) < ∞. This completes the proof.


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Wadie Aziz

Escuela de Matem´aticas, Universidad Central de Venezuela Caracas - Venezuela

E-mail: wadie@ula.ve Hugo Leiva

Escuela de Matem´aticas, Universidad Central de Venezuela Caracas - Venezuela

E-mail: hleiva@ula.ve Nelson Merentes

Escuela de Matem´aticas, Universidad Central de Venezuela Caracas - Venezuela

E-mail: nmerucv@gmail.com Beata Rzepka

Department of Mathematics, Rzeszow University of Technology W. Pola 2, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland

E-mail: brzepka@prz.edu.pl

(Received: 12.02.2010)


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