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Comparative Education

Sezen Sigin, Adil Adnan Ozturk

3. Findings and Discussion

5.2. Comparative Education

Comparative education is a branch that analyses the national education systems by taking political, social and cultural factors into consideration and discusses the meaning of primary and secondary education. (UNESCO, World Survey Of Education, 1955) As regard to Mr. Turkoglu, it is a discipline that assists for describing the similarities and differences of the two or more education systems in different countries and cultures and brings useful suggestions about the methods of people’s education.

(Erdogan, 2006:97)

Comparative Education proceeded to progress as an education discipline in 1990s (Erdogan, 2006:98). Comparative education got into the academical framework after 1960s. It is possible to see few examples of this field in 10th and 11th centuries at Turkish education history. (Bilhan,1992)

Regarding to Erdogan (2006), there were 44 articles, 17 books for this field in Turkey until 2006.

Turkoglu’s 2 articles (Turkoglu, 1983a, 1983b) and 2 books (Turkoglu, 1983, Turkoglu, 1984) are found within these 44 articles. Although many academicians notably Kemal Aytas (Cagdas Egitim Akimlari 1976) made researches in this field, there are few known academicians as “Comparative Educationist”

nowadays (Erdogan; 2006). One of those is Prof. Dr. Adil Turkoglu.

Writing process of the book was started on November 1979 and completed on March 1982. It was acknowledged as associate professorship thesis and published in 1983. The book consists of 3 chapters.

In the first chapter, the problem is set forth and the applied method is told, in the second chapter the evolution of French, Swedish and Romanian Education Systems is explained then the education systems are discussed with regard to these factors; I. Goals of Education, II. Basic Principles and Legal Foundations, III. The roles of Central- Local Governments, IV. Planning of Education and Finance. In the third chapter, it is consisted of result and suggestions (Turkoglu, 1983:4). Every country develops and practices an education system which is suitable for her political regime’s principles. These three countries have different political regimes from each other.

According to the author, French education system’s impact on our education system, Sweden’s being pilot country and Romania’s applying a socialist education system are characteristics which should be known and searched by us (Turkoglu, 1983:5).

5.3. The Dissertations Directed by Prof. Dr. Adil Turkoglu

Adil Turkoglu directed 45 total thesis as thesis supervisor of master and doctorate programs. Mr.

Turkoglu directed 23 master thesis. He directed 12 of those 23 thesis between the dates of 1988-2007 at Cukurova University, 8 of those 23 thesis between the dates of 2007-2010 at Adnan Menderes University and one of those 23 thesis in 2011 at Dokuz Eylul University. When we look at the thesis directed by him, we can see the subjects of primary and secondary education programmes, academic successes, programme reviews, reinforcers, syllabuses and learning issues based on the problem.

Turkoglu directed 20 doctorate thesis. He directed 10 of those 20 thesis between the years of 1988-2006 at Cukurova University and one of those 20 thesis in 2010 at Adnan Menderes University. The subjects of his doctorate thesis are foreign language education, text reading and comprehension, knowledge mappings, teacher training programs, teacher behaviours, teacher’s professional attitudes.

6. Result

Adil Turkoglu’s contributions to Turkish Education are important. He wrote 7 books in his active professional life of 44 years. Some of these books are published more than one. From Village Institutes to Urban Institutes: A Modal Proposal book within his 7 books was taken as an example by many people and institutions notably Eskisehir and Aydin Municipalities.

The other important study of Mr. Turkoglu is his associate professorship thesis published in 1983 and named as A Comparative Research (Ankara: Ankara Universitesi Egitim Bilimleri Fakultesi Yayinlari No: 121, Ekim 1983). In his study, he compares the French, Swedish and Romanian education systems. He is one of the preeminent academicians in the field of comparative education. Symposium on Educational Sciences’ pioneered by him during his being the dean of Faculty of Education in Cukurova University, 27th will be held in 2018. Hundreds of declarations presented in these symposiums were put into article and shed light on Turkish science and education life. Also he made an impression of hardworking academician through his articles, speeches and declarations in various organisations.

7. References

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Comparison Of 2004 And 2017 Social Study