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3.2 Computer-mediated communication

After discussing the overall description of language, together with its variations and connections with some other areas such as sociology or culture, we start with a definition and description of the phenomenon which is relatively new and which will

70 function as a background for further discussion. This new phenomenon is commonly known as computer-mediated communication. According to Grzenia (2006: 59), the term computer-mediated communication (CMC) has two equivalents: ‘electronic communication’ and ‘media communication.’ These two terms are strictly interrelated on the grounds that there must be a sender who uses electronic devices in order to send electronic messages which later on will be delivered to an electronic receiver who also by means of electronic gadgets will be able to decode information. As one can notice, a word ‘electronic’ has been recently overused and nowadays it appears in many various forms such as electronic mails, electronic calls, electronic people, electronic culture, electronic society, and even electronic linguistics (Herring, 2009: 48).

It must also be stated that apart from some electronic features, this communication is strictly connected with media due to its ubiquitous implication. Moreover, it is important to point out that there is one significant feature which distinguishes computer-mediated communication from other forms of communication. CMC is strictly symmetrical in comparison to other forms of communication which are asymmetrical.

Symmetrical media are these which allow the sender and the receiver for a mutual interaction. By means of using various forums, chat groups, Skype, and other messengers users are able to exchange information, share ideas or even express emotions. It is impossible when it comes to media such as the radio, television or the press where such an interaction does not exist. Such a distinction contributes to the fact that asymmetrical media do not function as a tool of communication, but as a tool of sending a message (Baron, 2002: 65).

Zając (2007: 1) is trying to find out the answer why computer-mediated communication is becoming more and more popular nowadays despite some significant and negative features which influence its functioning. One of them is connected with the fact that people who communicate only by means of electronic devices do not have a chance to take part in nonverbal communications which are very important in maintaining good interpersonal relations. In comparison to a face-to-face conversation, typing on the keyboard means sending and receiving messages without any options to observe our interlocutors. In everyday communication, messages which we want to convey may be in the form of spoken words or expressed in some other ways such as mimics, gestures, postures, eye sights, touch, intonation, movements, and even a timbre of voice. Thanks to all these features we are able to see how our interlocutor behaves in a particular situation, which emotions are evoked inside him and even when he or she

71 lies. In the meanwhile, computer-mediated communication is based strictly on sending and receiving text messages which our interlocutor would like to convey by using his or her own spoken words.

Nevertheless, one cannot deny the fact that with the advent of modern technology and all these electronic devices, this type of communication is becoming an integral part of our everyday life. Nowadays we can be in touch with people who live in different parts of the world and exchange both text and voice messages by having access to the Internet. On the basis of this consideration, we may come to the conclusion that we are influenced by technological determinism. One should wonder whether all these features of new media and modern technology determine our behavior and shape our way of thinking and attitudes or maybe it is all created by people who state that their needs, actions, and desires are as important as all these possibilities which are offered by media (Collot et al, 1996: 20).

Despite all these negative features of computer-mediated communication, which have already been mentioned, Frobish (2013: 25) claims that impersonal communication may become beneficial in the situation when particular teams are supposed to accomplish tasks only by using various computers which are linked by means of the network. In the situation when there are fewer channels and the pace of the interaction is also limited, particular participants are more motivated to focus on the task than wasting time on having unnecessary conversations or doing things which could distract their attention.

Belmore (1996: 16) focuses on grammatical differences between computer-mediated communication and other written or spoken forms. In her research which was conducted on Bulletin Board Systems (BBSs) she called this new variety of language

‘Electronic Language’. BBSs are devoted to people who want to have discussions ranging from political debates to very personal conversations. Thanks to computer-mediated communication people who post their messages on these systems can stay in touch almost all the time. A very rapid increase in a number of people who started using these systems contributed to even bigger growth of the popularity of BBSs. On the basis of observation and research, which Baron conducted, she came to the conclusion that Electronic Language which is used on these systems is neither ‘written’ nor ‘spoken’ in the conventional meaning of these words. Even if there is a constant interaction between participants due to the fact that they send messages to each other, it cannot be called a spoken language because those people do not see and hear each other. On the other

72 hand, messages which are sent to other people cannot be labeled as written ones owing to the fact that participants very often send them spontaneously, without checking grammar or paying too much attention to the proper layout or the structure of the text which should be written according to all rules. Thus, this new variety of language functions as “talking in writing” or “writing in talking” (Eisenlauer, 2013).

Finally, it must be stated that there is one more factor which contributes to a very rapid growth of computer-mediated communication. Bargh et al (2002: 35) came to the conclusion that from the psychological point of view, people who use different social networks to stay in touch with other people and make new friends are more willing to reveal their “true self” than during a face-to-face conversation. Talking to someone on-line makes us more anonymous, but at the same time helps us to talk freely about things which for sure we would not bring up during face-to-face conversations. In this situation, lack of visible gestures, mimics, movements, and voice make that we can create a perfect description of ourselves without taking into consideration all negative aspects which may occur. That is why, on the basis of these descriptions, which are sometimes fake, we can take a liking to somebody much faster and more willingly than in the situation when we would meet this person in real (Panek, 2016: 18).