• Nie Znaleziono Wyników

Municipality in Poland

5. Conclusion

Chances EAZ management

a chance to obtain funds from the EU support for the Association of the Krakow Metropolis

increase in the number of inhabitants and employees

development of the educational area (for children of EAZ employees)

city recognition


- economic changes related to threats (pandemic)

- competitiveness of other economic areas with limited investors’ interest

The analysis shows that a serious barrier to the development of WEAZ is the lack of a professionally prepared offer for entrepreneurs and the lack of professional investor service. The strengths include large reserves of investment areas and access to the local workforce, technical infrastructure in the Zone and its surroundings, the transport network with its main axis, and the A4 motorway. The creation of the Wieliczka Economic Activity Zone began too late in relation to other communes. However, the strategy, the method of building the brand of the zone through promotion resulting from identifying the location of the global event in this economic area turned out to be effective. Recognition and precise planning of the location and construction of the infrastructure quickly encouraged entrepreneurs to choose the place and invest in this area. The zone has immense potential by indicating further areas in the local plans for the purpose of the EAZ, with the simultaneous acquisition of further funds from the European Union for developing land infrastructure. New jobs were created in the commune, where the number of inhabitants is growing extremely dynamically. Wieliczka Economic Activity Zone is an area characterized by a well-dedicated type of activity, preserving its environmentally friendly character.

• infrastructure preparation – the area intended for EAZ must be equipped with basic utilities, should have access to a public road and be well integrated into the communication network, not only local but also regional and even national;

• legal preparation of the land – a local spatial development plan should be in force in the EAZ area and the legal status of the land should be clarified;

• an appropriate socio-cultural climate, which proves the awareness of the advantages of EAZ among the local community, will result in the acceptance of the investor without any fear.

An essential element in assessing the importance of investments for the increase of the innovation potential of host regions is the impact of these investments on the advancement of local research and development activities.

The most beneficial investments are those which lead to the development of a network of R&D centers in the regions. Integrated Territorial Investments are particularly important for economic growth, which, under the EU financial perspective 2014-2020, have become the basic tool for supporting functional areas. They constitute a mechanism for implementing the concept of managing municipalities’ development based on the integrated management theory.

The construction and development of the Wieliczka Economic Activity Zone is a very significant strategic goal of the Wieliczka Commune. To achieve this objective, we should consider the following factors:

• social – benefits for residents expressed by the availability of new jobs, the possibility of starting their own business in an above-average favorable environment;

• building the brand/image and promotion of the commune;

• launching urbanization processes, arranging space;

• economic, including an increase in income from (PIT, CIT, VAT tax forms), and real estate tax.

The presented analysis indicated that an increase in employment, increase in budgetary income of communes, the development of entrepreneurship of inhabitants, and innovation of economic entities is possible almost exclusively through investments that can be implemented in Economic Activity Zones.

The review of theories regarding the development of the local economy in terms of the legitimacy of the existence of economic activity zones clearly confirmed the hypothesis that their creation brings positive changes to a given area. The establishment of a local EAZ increases the potential and attractiveness of a given site, which in the light of constant competition between regions contributes to strengthening its position. The creation of the

EAZ is an important activity in the management of the commune, resulting in more effective use of local resources (wasteland, post-industrial areas), which used to be a cost burden. Key advantages of the functioning of the EAZ are the creation of new jobs, diversification of the employment structure, especially in rural areas, promotion of the area, inflow of capital, and a number of other ones indirectly related to the emergence of infrastructure investments in the EAZ.

Local development carries a risk, which has an impact on activities related to the creation of economic activity zones (Limański & Drabik, 2017).

However, the market economy is conducive to the development of enterprises of all sizes, with particular emphasis on small and medium-sized ones. Suitable conditions for the development of those entities that act for the benefit of the local economy should be provided. Success may be achieved with the involvement of the investor’s resources and capital, and with the financial support of a given territorial unit. The formation of economic activity zones depends on a commune’s favorable location and spatial structure, the rich demographic, environmental, financial and socio-cultural resources.

The desired direction of extending the analysis proposed in the chapter is the confirmation of the impact of investments in EAZ, not only the influence of financial resources on the budgets of municipalities but also an increase in the level of innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as a comparison of the effects observed in municipalities with the location of EAZ, and the examination of the dynamics of quantitative and qualitative indicators. It is particularly important to research and conduct in-depth analysis of individual municipalities to assess the impact of EAZ on the development of smart specializations. As the analyzes conducted for the regions show, it was found that the presence of smart specializations translates into stronger regional development. This means that municipalities with EAZ locations are the main drivers of regional development, mainly due to their innovation. Supporting their development, especially innovative activities, should encourage the process of entrepreneurial activity of residents and generate R&D among entrepreneurs as well as stimulate through supply-demand relations the development of other sectors of the region, and thus economic growth.


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Biographical note

Artur Kozioł, Ph.D., local government official, mayor of Wieliczka since 2006. In 2022, he defended his doctoral thesis at the Institute of Economics, Finance, and Management, Faculty of Management and Social Communication of the Jagiellonian University, entitled „Management in Local Government Units and the Economic Activity Zone in the Krakow Metropolitan Area.” The originator of the creation of the Wieliczka Economic Activity Zone, also a co-organizer on behalf of the Wieliczka commune of the so-called central events during World Youth Day (the largest mass event in the history of the country).

Panelist in discussion panels at the Economic Forum in Krynica on innovative management of the municipality, conferences on the organization of World Youth Day, as well as numerous initiatives within the Self-Government Movement. Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Conference „Economic Activity Zones and Management in Local Government” (Niepołomice, 2022).

Co-organizer of the 21st edition of the Polish-Peruvian Conference in the series ECONOMY-FINANCE-MANAGEMENT, entitled „Contemporary Challenge in Economic Policy, Business and Management.” Initiator of close cooperation between the local government and Kraków’s universities (since 2015). He also runs initiatives for students (patronage of student competitions, meetings as part of lectures, coordination of student internships, and support in preparing materials for master’s and bachelor’s theses).

Suggested citation (APA Style 6th ed.)

Kozioł, A. (2023). The impact of economic activity zones on local development: The example of Wieliczka Municipality in Poland. In A.

Ujwary-Gil, A. Florek-Paszkowska, & A. Kozioł (Eds.), Economic Policy, Business, and Management in the Post-Pandemic Perspective (pp. 97-114).

Warsaw: Institute of Economics, Polish Academy of Sciences.