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Design Thinking24

W dokumencie FRSE THEMATIC REPORTS (Stron 58-64)

Implementing an evaluation culture among stakeholders of the Integrated

3. Design Thinking24

A model of external evaluation of a given qualification is developed by IBE and an EQAE. Currently, the first qualification integrated into the IQS, “carpentry assembly in construction”, is being evaluated25.

An IBE team and the EQAE for this qualification (Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute for Sustainable Technologies) are operationalising the process in a series of workshops, meetings and consultations. The team is also developing specific evaluation criteria (accuracy, reliability and adequacy), as well as evaluation tools and report templates. The goal is to design an evaluation process that matches the qualification, taking into account its actual context, the AB and the recipients of the qualification.

Being the first external evaluation in the IQS, it will be used to examine the approach to testing

21 Since the turn of 2018, when the support became available, the majority of entities operating within the IQS have declared their willingness to use it.

22 The training is designed to help teams to adapt to the new conditions and deal with their institution’s new role as an EQAE.

23 Learning agile planning and controlling the design work process is intended to help EQAEs effectively manage the process.

24 Design Thinking may be helpful in designing external evaluation tailored to the specific features of a certifying institution.

25 The qualification was integrated into the system and is validated by the VCC Foundation.

57 Implementing an evaluation culture among stakeholders of the Integrated Qualifications System

the functioning of the internal quality assurance system and to treating external quality assurance as an ongoing cycle. Furthermore, the actual survey questions and methods will be tested.

Activities to date and expanding the field of dialogue

In line with the premises of the PDCA/PDSA cycle, support provided to IQS stakeholders is monitored and evaluated on an on-going basis. An example of this is the evaluation of the selection of potential EQAEs, which will be discussed later in this section.

Two selection processes have been conducted since the Act on the IQS came into effect. The first was run between November 2016 and September 2017, and EQAE status was awarded to 14 institutions in 37 qualification groups. In late 2017, the process was evaluated26. Based on conclusions and

recommendations, representatives of IBE were able to prepare the second selection run, which began in April 2018. Modifications in relation to the first selection process included:

→ a more precise scope and definition of qualification groups,

→ operationalisation of criteria,

→ communication with applicants,

→ IT system management,

→ organisation of the committee’s work.

The selection was conducted for 11 qualification groups and ended with the entry of 8 new entities on the EQAE list27. As in the previous case, also this selection process was evaluated28.

Subsequently, many conclusions and recommendations were made concerning information and promotion activities, the formal and content-related evaluation stage, the work of the committee and voting procedures, as well as cooperation between entities during the selection process.

The recommendations are currently analysed as part of the preparation for the next selection procedure.

The evaluation shows a higher level of satisfaction among stakeholders thanks to the improvements.

Representatives of the ministries involved compared the two selection processes, emphasising the improvement of the procedures, new functionalities and tools to enhance work quality.

Evaluation culture is developed as part of a process of ongoing individual and group reflection, as exemplified by recent workshops attended by representatives of various ministries and EQAEs (October 2019). The workshops focussed on sharing experience in the scope of concluding agreements, defining key challenges and presenting modification proposals. The process also included surveys among the ministries and EQAEs which had already singed such agreements. The conclusions were used as a starting point for in-depth reflection during a workshop on the challenges concerning the actual signing of the agreements and, in a broader sense, on cooperation from the point of view

26 The goal of the qualitative survey was to collect opinions from individual actors of the process, including about the formal and content-related evaluation, the committee’s work, voting and entry on the EQAE list by the Ministry of National Education. The following methods were used: desk research, group and individual interviews, including individual in-depth interviews (IDI) and telephone in-depth interviews (TDI). The survey was conducted by P. Stronkowski, M. Szostakowska and A. Szczurek of Ośrodek Ewaluacji and the Idea for Development Foundation (an external entity).

27 In addition, one of the entities entered on the list during the previous selection process reapplied and was added as an EQAE to another qualification group.

28 The goal of the survey was to collect opinions from the individual actors of the process regarding its subsequent stages and, in general, the selection of EQAEs. The survey also focussed on the current situation and options for implementing the recommendations formulated during the evaluation of the first selection procedure (2017). From a methodological perspective, this was also a qualitative survey. In late 2018, an external research agency conducted an evaluation of the process, which included desk research, as well as group and individual interviews with the stakeholders involved.

of both sides. Based on these analyses, the participants proposed changes and formulated recommendations regarding solutions to problems they considered crucial.

Figure 3. Experience in concluding agreements from the point of view of EQAEs

Source: material developed during workshops, based on a presentation and discussion of the survey findings.

The workshops provided material to be used in an in-depth analysis of the process of signing agreements from the participants’ point of view. Furthermore, the participants formulated recommendations for changes in the actual process and for cooperation between the EQAEs and the ministries involved. In addition, the workshops demonstrated that involving all parties in the discussion on the current and future situation gave them a stronger stimulus to participate in the system. This corresponds to the analysis of the education evaluation system mentioned earlier, according to which various forms of involving stakeholders in the process of change determine their level of understanding and approval of the process (Walczak et al., 2017). Ultimately, according to the findings of the surveys and workshops, the next step is to translate the recommendations into practice.


Similarly to the IQS, which is currently under development, the tasks and roles of the entities involved in the system, outlined in the Act on the IQS, are being clarified and tested in practice.

All the stakeholders of the IQS are learning and adjusting their organisational cultures to the system.

The quality assurance system, which the IQS aims to provide, is intended as an effective tool for

awarding high quality, credible qualifications. As demonstrated in this paper, creating a quality assurance system on such a wide scale is an unprecedented and challenging project, where external and internal evaluation are of key importance. Ultimately, the quality which the system is to assure depends on

59 Implementing an evaluation culture among stakeholders of the Integrated Qualifications System

the evolving evaluation cultures of individual stakeholders: private individuals and public institutions, as well as non-governmental organisations or businesses, which play different roles in the system.


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Mirosław Warowicki


The first part of the chapter1 presents a summary of the discussion on the theoretical basis of the changing role of educational and training institutions. The author discusses the traditional and proactive role

W dokumencie FRSE THEMATIC REPORTS (Stron 58-64)