• Nie Znaleziono Wyników

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If June 1. R epresentatives of m anagem ent, labor, and W ar M anpower Commission agree a t m eeting in W ashington th a t m anpower controls should be lifted “in a m anner consistent w ith war production needs” . ~ ~ C h a ir m a n A very of M ontgom ery W ard sends le tte r to Secretary of W ar Stim son dem anding th a t W ar D ep artm en t im m ediately re tu rn possession of a subsidiary property, the H um m er M fg. Co., Springfield, 111.

11 June 2. W ar Production B oard imposes new controls on the use of tin.

f Jun e 3. Senator Pepper says R econstruction Finance Corp.

has approved a $7,500,000 loan to U. S. Sugar Corp. for starch p lan t a t Clewiston, F la .~ ~ B r a d le y Dewey, A.C.S. P resident­

elect and chairm an of aw ard com m ittee, announces $1000 American Chemical Society A w ard in P ure Chem istry, provided by A lpha Chi Sigma, has been aw arded to F rederick T . Wall, U niversity of Illin o is .~ ~ A .C .S . announces $1000 B orden Co.

aw ard in th e chem istry of m ilk has been m ade to B en H . N icolet, Bureau of D airy In d u stry , U. S. D e p artm en t of A griculture, Beltsville, M d., and th e $1000 E li Lilly & Co. prize for o u tstan d ­ ing achievem ent in biochem istry has been aw arded to M ax A.

Lauffer, U niversity of P ittsb u rg h .

f June 5. Jam es E. M arkham , Alien P ro p erty C ustodian, says every effort will be m ade to p rev en t re tu rn to G erm an hands of Germ an-controlled corporations an d p aten ts, seized during the w a r.~ ~ G la s s m anufacturers m eet in H otel B iltm ore, New York, to plan organization of Glass C ontainer M anufacturers In stitu te to replace Glass C ontainer Association of America dissolved early this year by order of U. S. Suprem e C ourt.

If June 6. W inthrop W. Aldrich, president In tern atio n al Cham ber of Commerce, addressing C anadian M anufacturers Association, subm its four-point w orld-trade program which opposes cartels and com m odity agreem ents.

If Jun e 7. D ocum ents from files of I. G. F arbenindustrie introduced as court evidence show th a t I. G. tran sferred complete control and title to all p a te n ts it sold to S tan d ard Oil of N . J.

If Jun e 8. Senate Finance C om m ittee tu rn s down A dm inistra­

tio n ’s request for additional tariff a u th o rity . ~ ~ U . S. C ircuit C o u rt of A ppeals upholds G overnm ent in seizure D ecem ber 28, 1944, of M ontgom ery-W ard facilities in Chicago an d six other cities. ~ ~ W a r M obilization an d R econversion D irector Vinson lifts all restrictions on use of carbon black in tires an d rubber products and disbands Special In teragency C om m ittee on C arbon Black. ~ ~ P r e s id e n t T rum an signs E xecutive O rder 9568, pro­

viding for release of scientific inform ation for p ublication1.

If June 9. M ontgom ery W ard files m otion in C ircuit C o u rt of Appeals for a stay of its m andate following Arm y announcem ent th a t it will m ake effective W ar L abor B oard’s directives granting retroactive back pay of $1,342,000 to C IO U nion employees.

If Ju n e 11. W PB allots 100,000,000 pounds aluminum a quarter 1 Chem. Eng. N ew t, 23,1089 (Ju n e 26, 1946).

a t e

to industry for civilian production. ~ ~ G o v e ra m e n t indicates it and M ontgom ery W ard seeks early Suprem e C o u rt decision in legality of Arm y seizure an d operation of p l a n t . W P B says pulpwood production during first q u arter of 1945 was so far below 1944 levels as to be a “grave” national concern.

Suprem e C o u rt denies W isconsin Alumni Research Foundation petition asking review of decision which held invalid th ree p aten ts relating to production of v itam in D .~ ~ W a r M obilization D irector Vinson testifies before M ead Senate W ar Investigating C om m ittee th a t last week he authorized disbandm ent of In te r­

agency C om m ittee on C arbon B lack a fter being advised produc­

tion had been increased by m ore th an 43% in p a st 4 m o n th s .~ ~ B. F . G oodrich Co. announces longer, more uniform tire life through use of new sy n th etic rubber GR-S-10.

1f Ju n e 12. M r. H um phrey, chairm an com m ittee on taxation, N ational Association of M anufacturers, a t a m eeting of 300 southern California business leaders, asks 10% income tax cut from 1946 to stim ulate production and create jobs.

If Jun e 13. W PB sends detailed m em orandum to m anufac­

tu rers allowing them to place orders now for unlim ited am ounts of controlled m aterials. ~ ~ W P B officials say G overnm ent is studying R ussian request for prom pt resum ption of shipm ents of industrial alcohol to Soviet Union. ~ ~ W P B releases alum inum for civilian uses im m ediately or 18 days ahead of d ate set for general open ending of controlled m aterials. ~ ~ U n it e d S tates R ubber announces th a t flameproof, w aterproof upholstery is being m ade available for th e first tim e for civilian u s e .~ ~ Reynolds M etals Co. announces extensive postw ar building and research program is being planned for its plastics division.

~ ~ H a r r y C. M arkle, area director W ar M anpower Commission, says for a t least 3 years after w ar ends there will be no unemploy­

m en t problem s in th e A kron rubber industry area.

If Ju n e 14. W PB lifts all restrictions on use of z in c .~ ~ L a m - m ot du P o n t, chairm an, executive comm ittee, E. I. du P o n t de Nem ours, takes sta n d in cartel plot case in which D u P o n t is codefendant w ith Rohm & H aas.

1f Ju n e 15. B attelle In stitu te , w ith the installation of a new electron microscope, begins long-range program of industrial research, according to D irector Clyde Williams.— Acting Secre­

ta ry of S ta te Grew confirms 2-way oil exchange agreem ent be­

tween th e U. S. an d A rgentina whereby U. S. will get vegetable oil for U nited N ations in exchange for supplying fuel o i I .~ ~ W PB allows purchase of copper raw m aterials up to a 30-day in­

ventory supply w ith o u t authorization by th e a g e n c y .~ ~ B . F.

Goodrich says postw ar autom obile will ride on rubber springs which elim inate p a rt of th e noise an d all lubrication and repair of present steel springs.

f Ju n e 16. H ow ard S. F ritz, director of research, B. F . Good­

rich, says increasing o u tp u t of synthetic tires will bring lower cost.

If J u n e 18. Suprem e C o u rt decides th a t labor union cannot be sued under a n titru s t law for action resulting in destruction of 697

I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y Vol. 37, No. 7

a n em ployer’s business. ~ ~ S u p r e m e C o u rt rules th a t th e Asso­

ciated Press, in passing on ap p lican ts for m em bership, m u st dis­

regard possible com petitive effects on existing m em bers, th u s upholding a low er c o u rt ruling th a t A P ’s m em bership bylaw s violate S herm an A n titru s t L a w .~ ~ P e tro le u m A dm in istrato r for W ar Ickes announces th a t a group of ex p ert technologists is in G erm any u n d er auspices of P etroleum A dm in istratio n for W ar stu d y in g refinery a n d oil pro d u ctio n m ethods.

f Ju n e 19. J . E d g ar Pew , chairm an, P etroleum In s titu te ’s C om m ittee on Petroleum R eserves and vice president Sun Oil*Co., P hiladelphia, tells Special S enate C om m ittee in v estig atin g p etro ­ leum resources th a t th is co u n try has sufficient oil reserves to m eet its requirem ents for generations to c o m e .~ ~ C a r te l conspiracy tria l involving D u P o n t, R ohm & H aas, L am m ot du P o n t, an d five o th er officers an d executives of th e tw o com panies goes to ju r y .~ ~ P r e s id e n t T ru m an directs S ecretary of W ar to seize a n d operate p lan ts of D iam ond A lkali Co., a t Painesville, Ohio, w here 2000 w orkers are on strike. ~ ~ S e n a t e approves P resid en t’s re­

q u e st to reduce tariffs' 50% u n d er Ja n . 1 ra te s w hen n egotiating trad e agreem ents w ith o th er nations. ~ ~ W P B restores controls on atabrine. ~ ~ H o u s e approves H .R . 3266 providing for certifica­

tio n of drugs composed w holly or p a rtly of penicillin.

H Ju n e 20. D u P o n t, R ohm & H aas, an d six executives of tw o corporations a cq u itte d of cartel charges. ~ ~ W P B says th ree governm ent-ow ned m agnesium p lan ts have resum ed operations o r stepped up production. ~ ~ A lu m in u m Co. of A m erica officials say orders for 12,000,000 pounds of alum inum sheet h ave been placed by Q u arterm aster C orps for construction of shelters in Pacific a r e a .~ ~ W a r D e p artm en t cancels c o n tract for $20,000,-000 toluene p la n t a t Lake Charles, L a., W PB s a y s .~ ~ S in c e April W PB says it has approved 754 applications for preference ratings for reconversion construction an d equipm ent.

H Ju n e 21. A ssistant A ttorney G eneral W endell Berge says D e­

p a rtm e n t of Ju stice has n o t decided on its course following cartel verdict, a cq u ittin g E . I. du P o n t de N em ours, R ohm & H aas, and six individuals. ~ ~ W P B an d R u b b er R eserve Co. say America has developed b e tte r sy n th etic rubber th a n G erm any according to a re p o rt from a technical m ission th a t w en t to E urope to stu d y ru b b er developm ents there. ~ ~ O p e r a tio n s a t D iam ond Alkali seized by W ar D e p artm en t Ju n e 19 are slowly retu rn in g to norm al.

7 Ju n e 22. A ssistant S ecretary of th e In terio r M ichael V.

S trau s announces th a t B ureau of M ines is m aking sy n th etic fuels an d gasoline w hich will drive in te rn a l com bustion engines. ~ ~ W PB says production of m agnesium , allowed to drop during past tw o m onths, m u st be increased to m eet urg en t new m ilitary de­

m and. ~ ~ N e w E ngland Council a t q u arterly m eeting in Boston appeals to Congress to g ra n t deferm ents to scientific technical stu d e n ts to correct a situ atio n “w hich has already placed th is co u n try a t a disadvantage com pared w ith o th er Allied N ations an d prom ises, if continued, to be d estructive to p ostw ar pros­

p e rity ” .~ ~ E d w a r d G. B u d d M anufacturing Co. announces th a t as soon as m aterials an d m anpow er are available it will build 59 stainless steel railroad passenger coaches for operation be­

tw een N ew Y ork an d M ia m i.~ ~ B e rn a rd M . B aruch calls for economic destru ctio n of G erm any’s heavy industries a n d cartels an d w arns th a t v ig ilan t controls m u st be m aintained on all Ger­

m an scientific research an d technological grow th.

f Ju n e 23. G overnor D ewey says a $765,000 m aterials an d soil testin g lab o rato ry for th e N ew Y ork S ta te D ep a rtm en t of Public W orks will be erected a t Syracuse U niversity as soon as building m aterial priorities can be obtained. ~ ~ M a s s a c h u s e tts In stitu te of Technology gets $450,000 from tw o alum ni: Alfred P . Sloan, J r., chairm an of board of G eneral M otors, gives $350,000 to

endow professorship in field of in d u strial m anagem ent, and G erard Swope, retired presid en t of G eneral E lectric, gives

$100,000 to endow a group of p o stg rad u ate fellowships.

If Ju n e 24. C hem ical a llo tm en t re p o rt of W P B for first tim e in six m onths indicates th a t definite increases in a llo tm en ts of m any chem icals h ave been m ade to in d iv id u a ls .~ ~ W P B asks t h a t in­

terregional recru itm en t facilities of W M C be placed a t disposal of ru b b er com panies to end lab o r shortages. ~ ~ W P B officials tell Zinc In d u stry A dvisory C om m ittee th e estim ated 1945 zinc supply will be only ab o u t 95% of essential requirem ents. ~ ~ W P B re states policy on cancellation of w ar c o n tracts in an am endm ent to D irective 40 to provide for cancellation as rapidly as possible a fter v icto ry over J a p a n . ~ ~ S e n a t o r M ead asks for im m ediate survey of iro n ore deposits in N ew Y ork S ta te b y sta te and federal agencies. ~ ~ W P B extends policy rules for handling w ar c o n tract cancellation a fte r th e fall of Ja p a n . ~ ~ P e tr o le u m A dm inistration for W ar asks oil in d u stry for new high production ra te of 5,213,100 barrels d aily of all p etroleum liquids during July.

f Ju n e25. W PB is form ing com m ittee to stu d y an d d istrib u te technical inform ation g ath ered from enem y countries, th e group to be know n as E nem y T echnical R ep o rts C om m ittee. D onald B. K eyes, d irector of W P B ’s office of production, research and developm ent, will be chairm an of new com m ittee. ~ ~ I n d u s tr y A dvisory C om m ittee asks W PB for an ad d itio n al 50,000 to n s of steel for steel shipping container in d u stry in th ird q u arter. ~ ~ W PB frees cane alcohol for beverage p u r p o s e s .~ ~ S ta te D ep art­

m en t reveals p lan to clam p controls th ro u g h o u t th e w orld on G erm an efforts to regain econom ic position. ~ ~ R . S. Reynolds, president, R eynolds M etal Co., reveals D efense P la n t C orpora­

tio n will expand alum inum extrusion p la n t a t Louisville, K y ., a t a cost of $2,000,000. ~ ~ W P B says re te n tio n of controls on allo­

cation of sodium phosphate for a t least four m ore m o n th s has been recom m ended by sodium phosp h ate m an u factu rers in dustry advisory com m ittee.

H Ju n e 26. W PB says cu rren t softw ood plywood is insufficient even to m eet m ilitary requirem ents. ~ ~ T e n n e s s e e E astm an C orp. announces th a t it has begun co nstruction of p la n t addi­

tio n s for m aking cellulose esters an d ace tate rayon.

IT Ju n e 27. B oard of D irectors of th e A ssociated P ress an­

nounces a p etitio n for rehearing G overnm ent’s a n titru s t case against th e A P will b e filed w ith Suprem e C o u rt on o r before Septem ber l .~ ~ C h a r l e s R ayner, S ta te D e p a rtm e n t’s petroleum adviser, tells S enate com m ittee stu d y in g petroleum problem s, th a t U . S. m ay have to im port oil a fte r th e w ar as consum ption is rising while discoveries of new resources are declining. ~ ~ S enate passes and sends to H ouse legislation to extend life of a n titru s t suits.

1f Ju n e 29. W ar F ood A dm in istratio n places all supplies of castor oil u n d er com plete allocation. ~ ~ M a th ie s o n A lkali ex­

pands d ry ice o u tp u t 50% w ith com pletion of a $400,000 ad dition to its S altville carbon dioxide p lan t, according to G eorge W.

D olan, p re s id e n t.~ ~ O P A ban s use of fuel oil for p roduction of paving products, d u st palliatives, or for surfacing or m ain taining roads. ~ ~ W P B eases control on off-grade py re th ru m . ~ ~ A t t o r - ney G eneral B iddle in re p o rt to Congress urges continuance after th e w ar of w estern steel-m aking o perations to end d o m in atin g in­

fluence of big eastern producers. ~ ~ I n t e r i m ta x bill, for re tu rn of 5.5 billion dollars in ta x cred it to business, passes H ouse W ays and M eans C om m ittee. ~ ~ L e n d -le a s e to R u ssia for m achine tools cancelled and p rio rity tran sferred to F ran ce an d Belgium .

IT Ju n e 30. D e p artm en t of Com merce offers a th ree-p o in t plan for full em ploym ent a fter w a r.~ ~ S ta b iliz a tio n E xtension A ct, renewing price control laws, passes Congress. ~ ~ C la r if ic a tio n of D P C re n ta l term s for w ar p lan ts is asked by A llis-C halm ers M fg. Co.

<rSuMe*U ^beuelojxme*ità in


M «»»-production precU ion machining by g a g e s has h e lp e d make V -E d a y p o i s i b l t .

lu C s h a tle * G

A a s t m o n th ’s column reported briefly how a q u artz optical JLm flat is prepared. We now describe one of th e m ost im por­

ta n t uses of optical flats—nam ely, th e inspection and calibration of th e gages needed in large num bers for fine m achine work.

These gages are n o t new. T hey have been employed for m any years, b u t th e sim plicity of th eir theory and application is still rem arkable, in view of th e im p o rtan t results obtained. T he gage really consists of a sm all block of special steel, having a definite accurate dim ension betw een tw o p ractically parallel sides. T he idea and application of these gages are a ttrib u te d to a Swedish craftsm an nam ed Johannson, b u t th e perfection and skill w ith which th ey are m ade on a production basis w ith 0.000001 inch accuracy can be credited n o t only to Swedish, b u t also to Am eri­

can workmen. Gage blocks are m ade by fine grinding pieces of steel w ith precision m achines, using fine abrasive wheels and a lubricant. T he sam e surface is th en m achine-lapped w ith pro­

gressively finer abrasives u n til a high degree of sm oothness is obtained. T he blocks are sorted in to tw o grades, rigidly in­

spected for accuracy, stabilized, and given several final inspec­

tions. P resident H arrin g to n of th e Savage T ool C om pany has contributed m aterially to reductions in cost and im provem ents in usefulness and accuracy of these instrum ents.

In use th ey are grouped to gether to m ake a sy n th etic gage m erely by th e selection of blocks whose dim ensions add u p to th e dimensions required. B y wringing th e blocks to gether or sliding one surface carefully over th e next surface, any com bina­

tion can be m ade to adhere in to a u n it w hich is used as desired.

Figure 1 shows a typical u n it gage w ith tu n g sten carbide wear blocks on each end. T he com bination consists of a gage, having a dimension across th e parallel faces of 0.650 inch, w rung to one

wen rto w n

having a dim ension of 0.500 inch, together w ith several sm aller gage blocks plus a w ear block on each end. T ungsten carbide is n o t used for th e gage blocks them selves because its therm al co­

efficient of expansion is unsatisfactory and th e cost is unneces­

sarily high. F urtherm ore, it is no t known how to m ake tungsten carbide gage blocks as perm anent and stable as a carbon steel gage block properly h eat-treated .

M anufacture of these gage blocks in hundreds of different sizes, each one standardized, calibrated, and certified, is a triu m p h for Am erican m ethods of m ass production. Figure 2 shows a gage block, m ade by th e DoAll C om pany, being used to calibrate a plug gage betw een optical flats. T he gage block is nearest th e o p erato r's hand. T h e fringes, or light and dark bands, on th e

i th e plug, are used to calculate th e deviations gage block n o t on th e plug,

in th e diam eter of th e plug from th e known dim ension of th e gage block by m eans of th e angle betw een th e to p optical flat a n d th e surface of th e gage block, or th e “wedge of a ir” .

Gage blocks are n o t lim ited to checking line dimensions only;

they can also be used to m easure an angle down to 1-3 seconds of arc. Such m easurem ents are useful in certifying th e angle of a bevel gear or th e ta p e r on a key. I t is accomplished w ith th e aid of simple trigonom etry. W henever tw o lines intersect a t less th a n a rig h t angle, a rig h t triangle can be form ed by erecting a perpendioular to eith er line and extending it to m eet th e other line. T he ratio of th e length of th is perpendicular to th e length of th e line it m eets is called th e “sine of th e included angle” . From th e known length of tw o sides of th e triangle and a table of sines, th e value of th e included angle can be determ ined.

M easuring th e angle of a bevel gear is ju st as simple. T he tri- ... ‘ a D o ...

-angle is bu ilt of a DoAll sine b ar 0Continued, on page 66)

Figure 1 (Below). A Typical Unit G a g e with Tungsten Carbide Block»

Figure 2 (Right). H e liu m - Light Lamp Mea»uring Diameter of a Plug G a g e