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Entities required to take action to conciliation between the parties

The circle of entities required to take action to conciliation between the parties is very wide because of the multidimensional meaning of marriage, and associated with the fact that the importance of this extends also to the appearance of married life built on the only actual connection. As stressed by john Paul II – “The support of marriage (…) must inspire the entire activity of the Church, of Pastors, of the faithful and of civil society: in a word, of all people of good will.”55

55 john Paul II, Address to the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, 29 january 2004.


In the context of a specific case of nullity of marriage must be performed by a group of persons, of whom alleged the spouses remaining together in the conflict are in contact – especially by family and friends, acquaintances, colleagues, pastors, employees of all types of marriage and family counseling, treatment centers staff, psychologists and psychiatrists, mediators, legal clinic workers and courts, operating as in the Church and in the state56.

a) all the faithful

Generally referred to concern about “to avoid litigation among the people of God as much as possible” as well as their quick and peaceful settle has been entrusted to all the faithful57. Remind us that also the words of john Paul II: “(…) we must all contribute our share to the building up of a society that makes possible and feasible the enjoyment of rights and the discharge of the duties inherent in these rights”5.

The scope of care entrusted to all the faithful depends on the position that a person occupies in the community of the Church, her personal relationship to the parties to the conflict, and the knowledge and expertise at its disposal59. In this framework can be put to mediate

56 In his address to the prelate auditors, officials and advocates of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, on 30 january 2003, john Paul II has pointed out: “Working towards a positive overcoming of marital conflicts and in providing assistance to the faithful who are in an irregular marital situation, it is necessary to create a synergy that involves everyone in the church: pastors of souls, jurists, experts in the psychological and psychiatric sciences, other laity, especially those who are married and have life experience. All must keep in mind that they are dealing with a sacred reality and with a question that touches on the salvation of souls.” –http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/

john_paul_ii/speeches/2003/january/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_20030130_roman-rota_en.html (25.8.2011).

57 Cf. CIC 1983, can. 1446 § 1.

5 john Paul II, Message to the secretary of the United Nations Organization on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights, December 2, 1978, Acts of the Apostolic See 71 (1979) pp. 124–125.

59 It also follows from the rights and obligations made by the legislature, including


in finding appropriate ways to resolve conflicts (can. 1446 § 2), provide assistance and advice of the opinion (can. 228 § 2, can. 1064) 60.

In his speech to the to the prelate auditors, officials and advocates of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota from 28 january 2002 john Paul II called for: “The Church and every Christian must be the light of the world.”61 It is therefore also the commitment of the faithful as “ecclesiastical community”62 “by help offered to those who are married, so that faithfully preserving and protecting the conjugal covenant, they daily come to lead holier and fuller lives in their family”63.

b) marriages

Extremely important role in conflict prevention and resolution of problems in marriage is the example of other people involved in marriage. The ability to handle with problems that arise in marriage and family is undoubtedly a matter of innate and learned skills, but also knowledge, experience, awareness of own limitations and work on their own development. Reliable message about this can give

with can. 210: “All the Christian faithful must direct their efforts to lead a holy life and to promote the growth of the Church and its continual sanctification, according to their own condition.”

60 CIC 1983, can. 1446 § 2: “Whenever the judge perceives some hope of a favorable outcome at the start of litigation or even at any other time, the judge is not to neglect to encourage and assist the parties to collaborate in seeking an equitable solution to the controversy and to indicate to them suitable means to this end, even by using reputable persons for mediation.”; can. 228 § 2: “Lay persons who excel in necessary knowledge, prudence, and integrity are qualified to assist the pastors of the Church as experts and advisors, even in councils according to the norm of law.”; can. 1064: “It is for the local ordinary to take care that such assistance is organized fittingly, after he has also heard men and women proven by experience and expertise if it seems opportune.”

61 http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/speeches/2002/january/documents/

hf_jp-ii_spe_20020128_roman-rota_en.html (25.8.2011).

62 CIC 1983, can. 1063, 1st sentence.

63 CIC 1983, can. 1063 n. 4.


only those who themselves are involved in the experience of living in a marriage and family64. The legislature also tends to use their opinion – “men and women proven by experience and expertise” – in organizing by the community of Church “help offered to those who are married”65.

c) family and friends

Because of emotional ties essential meaning to the reconciliation between warring spouses have their loved ones and friends. Very often, their authority and the appropriate involvement can be used to reconciliation. It is important, however, their consciousness, to what extent can – because of the special relationship with the parties or one of them – to support the parties in their married life, would not contribute to conflict. Good example of their life will be always major support for the others.

d) colleagues and other acquaintances

Colleagues and other acquaintances also can contribute to ways of curbing the conflicts between spouses, or even prevent them. It may be helpful for the parties of their detachment. In case of improper relationships with loved ones, their opinion and advice can influence the relationship of the parties.

64 CIC 1983, can. 208: “From their rebirth in Christ, there exists among all the Christian faithful a true equality regarding dignity and action by which they all cooperate in the building up of the Body of Christ according to each one’s own condition and function.”;

can. 225 § 2: “According to each one’s own condition, they are also bound by a particular duty to imbue and perfect the order of temporal affairs with the spirit of the gospel and thus to give witness to Christ, especially in carrying out these same affairs and in exercising secular functions.”

65 CIC 1983, can. 1064.


e) pastors of souls

All pastors are required “to take care that their ecclesiastical community offers the Christian faithful the assistance by which the matrimonial state is preserved in a Christian spirit and advances in perfection”66. Their role in the reconciliation of conflicting interests of the spouses is significant because of the measures which are at their disposal, and properly used can important influence on the relationship between spouses67.

The scope of the obligation to take action for the reconciliation of the spouses is determined by the office or function exercised by particular cleric. The source of information for the parties about the possibility of challenging the marriages is often priest known for them – own pastor, vicar or confessor.

According to can. 529 § 1: “In order to fulfill his office diligently, a pastor is to strive to know the faithful entrusted to his care. Therefore he is to visit families, sharing especially in the cares, anxieties, and griefs of the faithful, strengthening them in the Lord, and prudently correcting them if they are failing in certain areas. (…) He is to work so that spouses and parents are supported in fulfilling their proper duties and is to foster growth of Christian life in the family.”

And a parochial vicar – by reason of his office – “is obliged to assist the pastor in the entire parochial ministry” (can. 548 § 2).

The local Ordinary should take care of the proper organization of the assistance provided by the community of believers. He should also listen to the opinion the spouses – men and women – if it will be useful68.

In cases of nullity of marriage special options for activity in protecting the fraternal relations between the faithful also between spouses, has confessor. Its participation is also a great responsibility:

“In hearing confessions the priest is to remember that he is equally a judge and a physician and has been established by God as a minister

66 CIC 1983, can. 1063, 1st sentence.

67 CIC 1983, can. 1063.

68 CIC 1983, can. 1064.


of divine justice and mercy, so that he has regard for the divine honor and the salvation of souls.” (can. 978 § 1).

f) staff of the institution of marriage and family support, and experts from different fields of knowledge

The judge, realizing the obligation under the can. 1446 § 2, in the quest for reconciliation of the spouses, may use “reputable persons for mediation”. They may be staff of marriage and family counseling, treatment centers, staff legal clinics, specialists in the field of psychology and psychiatry, therapists, mediators. But I also experienced pastors, “family members, friends, people trusted because of their impartiality, kindness, social prestige”69.

An important role also have specialists in secular law – lawyers working in the courts, lawyers, legal advisors and legal clinics staff.

It is them who deal with people in situations of major marriage crises and relationship break-ups, before sending the case for consideration in the church tribunal. First of all, importance is the attitude of those who belong to the Church. Stressed and explained this john Paul II in his address to the prelate auditors, officials and advocates of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, on 28 january 2002: “(…) professionals in the field of civil law should avoid being personally involved in anything that might imply a cooperation with divorce. (…) this may prove difficult (…) But they too must seek effective means to encourage marital unions, especially through a wisely handled work of reconciliation.”70

Moreover, the atmosphere in which will be held between the spouses their case in the civil court can largely decide the attitude of the parties to each other and to other courts before which the parties

69 j. Krukowski, Obowiązki sędziów i urzędników trybunału, j. Krukowski (ed.), Komentarz do Kodeksu …, p. 73.

70 http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/speeches/2002/january/documents/

hf_jp-ii_spe_20020128_roman-rota_en.html (25.8.2011).


will operate – including the proper tribunal in cases of nullity of the marriage canon.

g) advocates and a staff of canonical clinics

A special responsibility rests with the canonical advocates and a staff of canonical clinics. It’s mostly on them bear the burden of responsibility of clarify to the parties the proper meaning of the proceedings for nullity of marriage, to visualize what good is it protected in process – also in the spiritual dimension – and which attitudes contribute to a determination the truth about marriage and, which may be a threat.

Requires indicate that the task of a lawyer is not only protect the interest of the client subjectively understood by the party, but also protect the interest of the Church71. The common goal to the Church and to the parties is to establish the truth about marriage72, about the sacrament.

The responsibility of those who advise to the parties or represent them is the greater, the greater their authority, higher legal education and more experience. Require them also to the steady expansion of their knowledge in the service of truth.

h) staff of the ecclesiastical tribunal

The concern for the reconciliation efforts of the spouses rests primarily on those employees who were called to the composition of the tribunal in a particular case of nullity of marriage. They in fact – knowing precisely the case – are best able to verify at which level and by what means it will be possible reconciliation of warring parties.

71 Cf. R. Sztychmiler, Podmioty obowiązku ustalenia prawdy w procesie o nieważność małżeństwa, R. Sztychmiler (ed.), j. Krzywkowska (ed.), Współpraca sądów ze stronami procesowymi i adwokatami, Olsztyn 2011, p. 92.

72 Ibidem, p. 91.


However, the obligation to take action urging both parties to participate in the process, their activity, mutual dialogue, or even cooperation, relates also extends to other employees of the tribunal.

Especially if the person concerned to challenge own marriage until the tribunal will seek information on opportunities and manner of bringing the case to the ecclesiastical court. Similarly, in the proceedings, because of the significant time for the consideration of the matter, the party involved will often have to deal with various members of the tribunal – either by telephone contact or personal.

The atmosphere of seriousness, professionalism and understanding and a common position which will express the values of reconciliation of the parties to the case can convince that this is not just a trick designed to simplify the work of justice, but the real concern for the protection of the rights of the parties of the judicial forum. On the attitude of unquestionable value for all employees ecclesiastical tribunals pointed john Paul II, in the words addressed to the staff of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota in 1986: “your work is judicial, but your mission is evangelical, ecclesial, and sacerdotal, while at the same time remaining humanitarian and social.”73

i) judges

A clearly stated obligation to strive for reconciliation of the parties relates the judges74 and remains topical at any time of the dispute submitted to arbitration by a tribunal75. Can not be treated as a simple formality – requires the faithful use “as a very important expression of pastoral concern for spouses experiencing difficulties”76.

73 john Paul II, Address to the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, 30 january 1986, http://


19860130_roman-rota_en.html (25.8.2011).

74 CIC 1983, cann. 1446 § 2, 1676; DC, art. 65 §§ 1-3.

75 CIC 1983, can. 1446 § 2.

76 john Paul II, Address to the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, 18 january 1990, http:/www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/speeches/1990/documents/hf_jp-ii_


Its implementation is also expressed in efforts to prevent new conflicts between the parties77.

The legislature also obliges judges to care about the relationship the parties after the case of nullity of their marriage7. Existing provisions are reinforced by the Magisterium of the Church.

Expression of special concern for the proper exercise of justice are the annual speeches by the Pope to the staff of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota.

Reminding the words of Pope Paul VI, john Paul II stressed the value of proper preparation and permanent formation of the judges, not only in terms of legal: “The ecclesiastical judge is essentially that

‘living justice’ (quaedam iustitia animata) of which St. Thomas speaks, citing Aristotle. He must, therefore, understand and fulfill his mission in a priestly spirit. Over and above the requisite knowledge – judicial, theological, psychological, social, etc. – he must also acquire a great and habitual self-mastery.”79

spe_19900118_roman-rota_en.html (25.8.2011).

77 CIC 1983, can. 1508 § 2: “The libellus which introduces litigation is to be attached to the citation unless for grave causes the judge determines that the libellus must not be made known to the party before that party makes a deposition in the trial.” and DC, art. 127 § 3: “The introductory libellus is to be attached to the citation, unless the praeses or ponens for grave reasons decrees, with a decree indicating reasons, that the libellus is not to be communicated to the respondent party before that party has given his judicial deposition. In this case, however, it is required that the respondent party be notified of the object of the cause and the ground(s) proposed by the petitioner (cf. can.

1508, § 2).”; CIC 1983, can. 1560 § 2 “If witnesses disagree among themselves or with a party in a grave matter, the judge, after having removed discord and scandal insofar as possible, can have those who disagree meet together or confront one another.” and DC, art. 165 § 2; CIC 1983, can. 1598 § 1 “After the proofs have been collected, the judge by a decree must permit the parties and their advocates, under penalty of nullity, to inspect at the tribunal chancery the acts not yet known to them; furthermore, a copy of the acts can also be given to advocates who request one. In cases pertaining to the public good to avoid a most grave danger the judge can decree that a specific act must be shown to no one; the judge is to take care, however, that the right of defense always remains intact.” and DC, art. 220.

7 Cf. CIC 1983, can. 1686 and DC, art. 252.

79 john Paul II, Address to the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, 17 February 1979, http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/speeches/1979/february/documents/


j) bishops

In accordance with the provision of canon 1446 § 1, then

“especially bishops, are to strive diligently to avoid litigation among the people of God as much as possible, without prejudice to justice, and to resolve litigation peacefully as soon as possible”.

The duty of the diocesan bishop is to care for the particular church entrusted to him. This concern is performed by using the power of governance afforded to him – legislative, executive, and judicial power80. He must protect the unity of the universal Church81. He is the judge of first instance in his diocese and for all cases not expressly excepted by law.82 He can exercise judicial power personally, but the legislature recommends that has exercised this power through others3.

Therefore the Bishop must establish a diocesan tribunal for their respective dioceses.84 He should watch over the activities of his court – to verify the attitudes of employees and associates of the tribunal and establish rules for the functioning of the tribunal5. He should worry about the proper preparation of persons involved in the justice system – the appropriate qualifications, solid formation, knowledge not only in the field of canon law, but psychology, psychiatry, sociology, etc.

Because such knowledge can significantly affect the increase in the effectiveness of measures aimed at reconciliation of the parties the process.

The Authors of Instructions DC, in the introduction to it, underlined: “(…) it falls to the Bishops, and this should weigh heavily on their consciences, to see to it that suitable ministers of justice for

hf_jp-ii_spe_19790217_roman-rota_en.html (25.8.2011).

80 CIC 1983, can. 391 § 1.

81 CIC 1983, can. 391 § 2.

82 CIC 1983, can. 1419 § 2 and DC, art. 22 § 1.

3 DC, art. 22 § 2.

84 DC, art. 22 § 3.

5 DC, art. 303 and art. 308.


their tribunals are trained in canon law appropriately and in a timely manner, and are prepared by suitable practice to instruct causes of

their tribunals are trained in canon law appropriately and in a timely manner, and are prepared by suitable practice to instruct causes of