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Chapter 7. Impact of aspect-oriented programming on systems

8.4 Epilog

In any community of scientists, there are some individuals who are bolder than most. Occasionally they generate a rival to the established paradigm [Kuhn, 1962].

That was in 1997, when Kiczales et al. [1997] presented AOP. As most promising new paradigms, AOP started with hype (see Figure 8.1). Hype is a natural handmaiden to overpromise, and most technologies build rapidly to a peak of hype.

Following this, there is almost always an overreaction to ideas that are not fully developed [Bezdek, 1993]. AOP is currently at this stage (have already been some criticisms published [Tourwe et al., 2003; Constantinides et al., 2004; Steimann, 2006]) and to go further it needs more critical reviews by disciples of Dijkstra. The criticism leads to a crash of sorts, followed by a period of wallowing in the depths of cynicism. Many new technologies evolve to this point, and then fade away. The ones that survive do so because someone finds a good use (= true user benefit) for the basic ideas [Bezdek, 1993].

Figure 8.1 Evolution of new technology [Bezdek, 1993]

It is likely that OOP will not be the last programming paradigm developed in the history of software engineering. Something will supersede OOP, just as OOP has superseded procedural programming. Whether AOP will become a subsidiary technique to implement just a few crosscutting concerns like logging, tracing, debugging, etc. or its anomalies will be resolvable and it will become a mainstream paradigm is impossible to predict. One thing is certain, the potential transfer of AOP to the mainstrem of the software development dependents on our ability to discover the AOP’s pitfalls. Thus, the dissertation is one more step towards closing AOP to the “asymptote of reality”.

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