• Nie Znaleziono Wyników


F erm en tation in open and clo sed v e s s e ls . F. W.

Wi n d i s c h (Woch. Brau., 1928, 4 5 , 547—553).— Obser­

vations on actual brewery ferm entations confirm the conclusions of Stockhausen and W indisch (B., 1928, 685) th a t ferm entation in closed vessels, from which the carbon dioxide can be collected, improves the quality of the yeast and to a less degree th a t of the beer. I t is stated th a t in the brewery in question the plant for recovery of carbon dioxide yields a n e tt profit of 25%.

F. E. Da y. M ilk -ferm en tin g y e a st. C. S. R. Ay y a r (Agric.

Res. Inst., Pusa, 1928, Bull. No. 183, 5 pp.).—The organ­

ism was isolated from spoiled “ sterilised ” milk, and in 48 hrs. cultures on purple lactose agar a t 30° (optimum) appear as glistening colonies w ith a smooth edge. The cells are generally 5—7 - 5u. long and 4-8[i. broad after 24 hrs.’ culture. No spores are formed a t 25° or 30°.

Dextrose, lajvulose, galactose, sucrose, and lactose are fermented, b u t not maltose, raflino.se, arabinose, or mannitol. I t differs only in size and therm al death point (66°) from Torula lactis (Adamefz). F. E. Da y.

Influence of artificial acidification of m a sh or w ort on th e com p osition of the resu ltin g w o rts and beers. W. W in d is c h , P. K o lb a c h , and W. B a n h o l z e r (Woch. Brau., 1928, 45, 523—528, 535— 539, 553— 558).

—The composition of worts from m alt mashes prepared a t different reaction was studied and their behaviour compared w ith th a t of worts adjusted to similar reaction after preparation in the ordinary m anner. Acidifica­

tion with hydrochloric or lactic acid gave similar results.

When the final wort had p n 5-1 (approx.), maximum extract was obtained, b u t the m axima for fermentable extract and apparent maltose were a t about p n 5-5 and 5-2, respectively. These differences were taken to indicate an increase of soluble nitrogenous compounds between p H 5 -5 and 5-1 , and of reducing but non- fermentable dextrins between p n 5-5 and 5-2. The optimum for proteolysis was about p n 4-8, or possibly lower, b u t below p }1 5 -25 -3 a m arked falling off of attenuative capacity was found, which puts a lim it to the applicability of acidification in practice. The authors point out th a t the enzymes m ay have been affected by abnorm al reaction of the mashes after addi­

tion of acid or alkali before the buffering substances had gone into solution. The colour of alkaline w orts was darker th a n th a t of acid worts, and boiling increased this difference. The difference was greater when the reaction was varied in th e mash, probably owing to the effect on the oxidase. Acidification of the mash increased buffering over the phosphate (pn 7-0 75-67) and pro­

tein (pH 5-6 74-27) ranges, hence though the initial p n values of such acidified worts were lower th an th a t of normal worts, the further fall during ferm entation was less and the p n of the final beers was virtually unaffected.

When normal worts were subsequently acidified the buffering was unaltered, and the p n of the beers was below the normal value. F. E. D a y .

Influence of form ald eh yd e on the germ in ation of steeped g rain . B. La m pe (Z. Spiritusind., 1928. 51, 343—344).—The experiments were made with a barley which showed a germination of 9S—99% in eight days under normal steeping conditions. The treatm ent of the grain during the first two days was divided into two periods, in each of which the corns were steeped in water for 16 hrs. followed by aeration for 8 hrs. On the third and following days the germinating grain was fre­

quently turned and sprinkled. Additions to the steep water of 0-25% and upwards of formalin checked the germ ination and reduced the number of germinating corns by about 50% . If, however, 0-25% of formalin was added only a t the second period of steeping, the diminution in the germinative energy of the corns was restricted to 5% . Similarly, if smaller additions of 0-15 and 0-20% of formalin were confined to the period of the second steep, the proportion of grains which had germ inated by the eighth day was greater th an with the barley steeped in untreated water, although up to the fourth day the converse held good. C. Ra n k e n.

S ep aration of fu sel oil from the first d istilla te . B. La m p e and W. Ki l p (Z. Spiritusind., 1928, 51, 351—352).—The factors which govern the separation of fusel oil from th e first distillate through the agency of added w ater arc the relative volumes of w ater and

B r itis h C h em ica l A b s tr a c ts —B.

70 Gl. X IX .— Foods.

spirit, the proportions of ethyl alcohol to fusel oil,- and the tem perature of the mixture. The optimum separation results from adm ixture of the distillate and w ater in equal volumes. W ith less w ater an emulsion forms which clears w ith great difficulty, whilst with too great a proportion of w ater the yield of fusel oil is low owing to its solubility in the water.

The separation of the fusel oil is incomplete if the con­

tent of ethyl alcohol in the distillate is high. W ith ratios of fusel oil to alcohol such as 1 :0 - 7 3 and 1 :1 - 2 4 the separation of oil is immediate, whereas w ith a ratio of 1 : 1 • 31 the separation is imperfect. In addition, the lower the tem perature of the m ixture of distillate and water the greater is the yield of fusel oil and the more rapid is the separation. Optimum results are obtained if cold w ater is added to the already cooled spirit distillate. C. Ra n k e n.

See also A., Dec., 1400, A ctivator of m a lt a m y la se (Nish t m u ra). In vertase (Ca n a l s and Go m b e r t).

S tereoch em ical sp ecificity of ketone ald eh yd e m u ta se (Ne u b e r g and Sim o n). 1401, D ecom p osition of 3 -h yd roxyb u tyric acid b y liver en z y m e s (Ku i i- n a u). C rystallin e u rea se (Su m n e r and Ho l l o w a y).

Influence of io n s on action of u rea se (My s t k o w s k i).

U ricase ( Pr y z l e c k iand Tr u s z k o w s k i). 1402, U ricase ( Pr y z l e c k i). R elation of co -z y m a se to ph osp h atase a c tiv ity (Ra y m o n d). H exosep h osp h ates and a lc o ­ h olic ferm en tation (Raym o n dand Le v e n e). A lcoholic ferm en tation of su g a rs (Ne u b e r g and Ko b e l).

A ctivator Z (vox Eu l e r and others). S p ecificity of ca rb o x y la se (Ne u b e r g and We i n m a n n). P r o teo ly tic en z y m es from bacteria (Moycho). D ecom p osition of o liv e oil b y m ic r o -o r g a n ism s. (Pig u l e v s k i and Chartk). G row th of B a c te r iu m ra d ic ic o la (Sn ie s z k o). T ran sform ation of c ellu lo se into d e x ­ trose b y bacteria (Woo dm an and St e w a r t). 1408, C atalase content of conifer lea v es (Do y le and Cl in c h). R ic e ; o x id a se (Hig o c h i). E n zy m es of w h ea t flour (Ne u e n s c h w a n d e r).

B a cterio lo g y of sila g e . Wa l t o n.—See XVI.

Pa t e n t s.

In vertase preparation and m eth od of preparing and u tilisin g the sa m e . L . Wic k e n d e n, Assr. to J . J . Nauglf, (U.S.P. 1,689,607, 30.10.28. Appl., 6.11.25).—An invertase-containing preparation is pre­

pared hy heating yeast a t 55—65° in the presence of a sugar syrup o f p n 4—5. W . J . Bo y d.

P roduction of citric acid. A. F e r n b a c h and J. L.

Y u i l l , Assrs. to R o w x t r e e & Co., Lt d. (U.S.P.

1,691,965—6, 20.11.28. Appl.. 3.11.25).—See B.P.

266,414—5 ; B., 1927, 344.

R aw rubber fro m la tex (B.P. 300,719).—See XIV.

D ry y ea sts (B.P. 300,039).—See XX.


Inoculation of p asteu rised m ilk . A . Wo l f f

(.Milch. Zentr., 1928, 57, 277—283, 293—297, 341—346).

—A description is given of the treatm ent of pasteurised milk, before or after heating, with a variety of lactic

acid bacteria which have been found to survive th e pasteurisation process, in order th a t the m ilk m ay undergo a norm al lactic ferm entation on long keeping and not be spoiled. F . R . En n o s.

P ro v isio n a l d efin itio n s for p reserved m ilk p ro ­ d u cts. F . E . Nottbohm (Z. U nters. Lebensm., 1928, 56, 63—72).— Criteria and methods of evaluation of preserved milk products are discussed, and provisional definitions drawn up by the Commission of the Verein D eutscher Nahrungsm ittelchem iker and the V erbande Deutscher D auerm ilchfabrikanten are given.

W. J. Bo y d. E lectrom etric d eterm in ation of ch lorin e in m ilk . T. Su n d b e r g (Z. Unters. Lebensm., 1928, 5 6 , 32—38).—Various methods of making this determ ination are compared, and a new form of apparatus is described.

The author recommends the use of acetic acid in place of sulphuric acid in the potcntiom etric method, 5 c.c.

of glacial acetic acid being added to 20 c.c. of milk diluted to 150 c.c. The chlorine content of the milk can bo obtained from th a t of the serum by multiplying by 0-96 in the case of milk containing 3 -4% of fa t or 0-99 in the case of skimmed milk. The potcntiom etric method is shown to be superior to th a t of Volhard.

W. J. Bo y d. A new carbohydrate in ry e flour and the d etec­

tion of ry e flou r in w heaten and other flo u rs th ereb y. J . Til l m a n s, H. Ho l l, and L. Ja r iw a l a

(Z. Unters. Lebensm., 1928, 56, 26—32. Cf. Schulze and F rankfurt, B ., 1894,533 ; 1S95, 377).—The alcoholic extract of rye flour showed a higher alkali-binding power per unit of nitrogen th an th a t of wheaten flour. Also in titratin g the alcoholic solutions w ith alkali a pre­

cipitate was obtained in the rye flour ex tract which proved to be the sodium salt of a carbohydrate, whereas the wheaten flour ex tract remained clear. The precipitate was soluble in acidified w ater or 70% alcohol, b u t insoluble in alkaline 70% alcohol or in acidified 95%

alcohol. The free carbohydrate was obtained by decom­

posing the sodium salt w ith 20% perchloric acid, neutralising the solution to litm us w ith sodium hydroxide solution, and adding a large bulk of absolute alcohol.

The precipitate was separated by decantatiou of the liquid, washed w ith 96% alcohol, and dried in vacuo over sulphuric acid. The yield was 1% of the flour taken. The white crystalline substance so obtained corresponded in properties and elem entary composition to trifructose anhydride. I t was not found in maize, rice, oat, or barley flours. In the detection of rye flour in other flours, 5 g. of the sample are shaken for 15 min.

with 20 c.c. of 70% alcohol and the m ixture is cooled to —3° with frequent stirring for 10 min. in a m ixture of ice and salt. The liquid is separated by centrifuging and decantation followed by filtration if necessary.

10 c.c. of the clear liquid arc treated w ith 0-5 c.c. of iV-sodium hydroxide solution in 70% alcohol. Pure wheaten flour gives only a slight turbidity, whereas in the presence of rye flour a dense tu rb id ity or precipitate is formed. In this way 10% of rye flour in a sample m ay

be detected. * W. J . Bo y d.

D etoxicated cotton seed m ea l. P. Me n a u l (Oil

& F a t Ind., 1928, 5 , 333—335).—Gossypol m ay be

B r itis h C h e m ic a l A b s tr a c ts —B .

Cl. X IX .—Fo o d s. 71

precipitated by light petroleum from an ethyl ether ex tract of cottonseed. The product is a highly active form of gossypol, and decomposes readily a t 100° into w ater and a nou-poisonous, insoluble, reddish caramol.

Gossypol in situ in the sced-glands or dissolved in

•cottonseed oil is not so decomposed a t 100°. By raising the moisture content of cottonseed meal to 40% and heating above 100°' by steam under pressure, th e gossypol is caused to exude to the surface of the meal and to undergo decomposition ; thus a non-toxic meal is obtained which has been used as a poultry and cattle food w ith very satisfactory results, the proteins present having exceptional growth-promoting qualities.

E. L e w k o w it s c h .

Injury to o n ion s and fru its caused b y exp osu re to a m m o n ia . G. B . R a m s e y and L. F. B u t l e r (.1.

Agric. Res., 1928, 37, 339—348).—The yellow, brown, and red pigm ented tissues of onions, bananas, apples, and other fruits when exposed to ammonia (0-8—3-2% ) a t 31 • 5° and R .H . 83% are discoloured brown or greenish- black. The injury varies from mere discoloration to a c tu a l softening of the complete fru it in the case of the

pear, banana, and peach. E. A. L u n t . See also A., Dec., 1397, D ig e stib ility of certain v a r ie ties of o a ts and of b u lru sh m ille t (Ha l m a n).

E ffect of p o lish in g and of m eth o d s of cooking of ric e on it s a b sorp tion (Sug im o toand others). Calorific valu e of so lu b le carb oh yd rates in feed in g-stu ffs (Al l e n). N u tritiv e v alu e of lin seed cake (St e w a r t).

1405, C olorim etric d eterm in ation of v ita m in -/!

(v o n Eu l e r). Effect of quinol on v ita m in -/! content o f stored o ils (Hu s t o n and others). V ita m in -/! con ­ ten t of w h ea t oil (Su r e). V ita m in -/! and -B content of the p igeon pea (Mil l e r). V itam in content of b a rley g e r m (Sc h it t e n h e l m and Eis l e r). C oncentra­

tio n of vitam in-jB (Le v e n e). 1408. R ice ; oxid ase ( Hig o c h i). E n zy m es of w h eat flou r (Ne u k n sc h- w a n d e r).

M ilk -ferm en tin g y e a st. Ay y a r.—See X V III.

Pa t e n t s.

D ryin g of h o p s, g rain , and other lik e a g r ic u l­

tural p rod u cts. T. E. Da v ie s (B.P. 300,758,15.10.27).

—W ater-gas or semi-water-gas is b u rn t in a current of air which passes upw ard to th e hops or other m aterial supported on racks in th e upper p a rt of th e building.

A dvantages claimed are economy of fuel and a slight bleaching action on th e m aterial. W. J . Bo y d.

M anufacture o f flou r. E. A. F i s h e r and 0. R.

Jones (B.P. 300,291 an d 300,537, 10.6.27).— (a) A cur­

re n t of moist, hot air is circulated for not more th an 3 hrs. over th in layers of flour on tray s so th a t th e flour is k e p t a t 5482° w ithout substantial loss of m oisture. The R .H . of the heated air should not fall below 00% . The m axim um im provem ent is effected iu 1-J— 2 hrs. a t 60° or in 10— 20 m in, a t 71°. The product gives dough of greater stab ility and w ater absorption, loaf of greater volume and b e tte r shape, and frequently a b e tter colour of crum b, (b ) The flour is throw n into th e form of a cloud and treated by a

strong air-current from which it is subsequently re­

covered by means described. W. .1. B o y d . M anufacture of a flou r im p rover. N . V. Noury

& van DKR Landes Haxdelmaatschaitij, and J . A.

L. vander Lande (B.P. 300,515, 12.5.27).— A wheaten cereal is heated at atmospheric pressure in a stationary atmosphere, w ithout increasing th e moisture content, to 70— 90° until 5— 70% of th e gluten becom es non- rctainable in a washing test in which th e dough is kneaded under running water. As a moisture content of 15— 20% in th e cereal is desirable, a closed vessel may be used, and exclusion of oxygen or th e presence of indifferent gases or vapours is often found to be favourable. The improver so obtained causes a marked increase in th e strength of flour to which 0 -5 — 2% has been added, but it will not by itself yield a satisfactory

bread. W . J . B o y d .

M anufacture of cassa v a m ea l. S. W. D u n c a n (B.P.

300,673, 15.8.27).—B e fo r e b e in g d ried , t h e g r a te d r o o ts a re t r e a t e d in a s u it a b le p r e ss w h e r e b y t h e g r e a te r p a r t o f t h e s ta r c h , a v a lu a b le b y -p r o d u c t, is r e m o v e d in t h e

ex p ressed liq u id . W. J . B o y d .

M anufacture of ch eese. L. H. S t e d e f o r d (B.P.

298,174, 1.7.27).— Curd is ground in a coarse grinding mill and then emulsified and pasteurised by agitation in a thin layer at 60— 68° in a jacketed cylinder inside which is m ounted a revolving drum with vanes ; the semi-liquid cheese is then cooled and solidified in moulds. An em ulsifying salt, or sour milk, a lactic acid culture, or ground mature cheese m ay be added to the ground curd. W. G. C a r e y .

M edicated an im al food stu ffs. O. S t i n e k and B. D i e t h e l m (B .P. 274,915, 26.7.27. Switz., 26.7.26).—

Bran and sim ilar seed husks are m ixed with a dilute solution of a m edicam ent (potassium iodide) arsenious oxide, strychnine), with or without heating, until sw ell­

ing occurs, when th e m ass is dried. B. F u l lm a n . M anufacture of iron com p ou n d s of the phos­

p h oru s-con tain in g bodies of e g g -y o lk p roteid s.

S. and T. P o s t e r n a k (B.P. 283,866, 17.1.28. Switz., 17.1.27. Cf. B .P . 268,805— 6 ; B „ 1928, 138, 315).—

An excess of a solution of a soluble iron compound [e.g., ferric chloride) is added to a suspension or solution of egg yolk before or after digestion with pepsin and trypsin or to a solution of the a- or a- and ¡3-compounds described in B .P . 268,806 (B y 1928, 315), and th e iron compound is precipitated by neutralising or acidifying the alkaline solu tion . The phosphorus-containing «-com ­ pound described in B .P. 268,806 [loc. cit.) binds not only 2 equivalents of iron for each phosphoric acid radical present, but som ewhat more than 3 equivalents, so that when th e substance is precipitated by a mineral acid in presence of 1-2 and fewer equivalents of iron th e iron is “ organically com bined ” [i.e., otherwise than as a salt), and th e free phosphoric acid hydroxyl groups can be subsequently saturated b y alkali or alkaline-earths.

The acid iron salts are yellowish-w hite and contain about 14-5% F e and 10-5% P. The normal iron salts formed b y m ixing a neutral solution of th e a- and ¡3-compounds

B r itis h C h e m ic a l A b s tr a c ts —B .

72 Cl. XX.— Me d i c i n a l Su b s t a n c e s ; Es s e n t i a l Oi l s.

with excess of a soluble iron salt contain about 18% Fe and 9-5% P and are reddish-yellow. W. J . Boyd.

P reservation of b everages. F . J . An d r e s s, Assr.

to Br o w n ie Co r p. (U.S.P. 1,691,538, 13.11.28. Appl., 16.5.25).—The milk or flavouring beverage is treated w ith hydrogen peroxide a t a tem perature a t which the la tter is an active germicide w ithout injurious action on the beverage. The acidity of the resulting product is removed by adding a sufficient q u an tity of an innocuous neutralising agent. W . J . Bo y d.

D estruction of in sec t p e sts in food p roducts and other m a teria l. A. M. Ko b io i.k e (B.P. 300,529, 9.8.27).—The m aterial is placed in a gas-tight kiln which is then exhausted. Carbon monoxide is adm itted till the pressure in the kiln is equal to th a t of the atm os­

phere, and the gas is w ithdraw n again by means of a vacuum pum p. Carbon disulphide vapour or other fumigating gas is then passed into the kiln and again withdrawn. Finally air is ad m itted and circulated by means of a suction pum p and fans. The carbon disul­

phide container m ay be heated by steam coils to facilitate vaporisation of the fum igant, and the kiln m ay be heated similarly to increase the effect of the fumigant.

W. J . Bo y d. W rapping m a teria l (B.P. 292,162).—See X.

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