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Zolnikow I.D., Lamina W.A., Koroluk A.J.: Kompleksnaja tiechnołogija kartografirowanija i monitoringa gietierogiennogo

XV. Instytucje i organizacje kartograficzne, zagadnienia prawne

26th International Cartographic Conference. August 25–30, 2013. Dresden, Germany. International Cartographic Exhibition. Catalog. Organisers N. Prechtel, M. Buchroithner. Dresden 2013, 182 s. Katalog eksponatów wystawy,

nadesłanych przez 37 krajów (w tym Polskę – 12 poz., s. 113–116) i Międzynarodową Organizację Hydrograficzną, z krótkimi opisami i miniaturowymi reprodukcjami.

Agilera Delgado T.P.: „Łowuszki” dla płagiatorow – iz opyta zarubieżnych kartografow po primienieniju mietodow zaszczity

awtorskich praw na kartograficzeskije proizwiedienija. „Gieod. i Kartogr.” 2010, nr 2, s. 9–14, 2 ryc., 3 tab., 3 poz.


Aguilera Delgado T.P.: O razwitii prawowoj ochrany riezultatow intiellektualnoj diejatielnosti i wwiedienija ich w choziajstwiennyj

oborot. Awtorskoje prawo i kartografija. „Gieod. i Kartogr.” 2008, nr 9, s. 34–41.

Akinyemi F.: To pay or not to pay. Acces to geographic data from a user perspective. „GIM International” Vol. 27, 2013, issue 9, s. 34–37, 3 ryc.

Bericht über die Tätigkeit des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie. 1. Juli 2006 – 30. Juni 2007. Frankfurt am Main:

Verlag des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie, 2007, 74 s., 64 ryc., 2 tab.

Bericht über die Tätigkeit des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie 2009. Frankfurt am Main: Verlag des

Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie 2010, 92 s., 79 ryc., 4 tab.

Board C.: Reflections on cartography as the British Cartographic Society celebrates its golden jubilee. „The Cartogr. J.” Vol. 50, 2013, no. 2, s. 105–108, 1 ryc.

Board Ch.: ICC 2011: Some personal views and experiences. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 57, Dec. 2011, s. 26–27, 4 ryc.

Board Ch.: Reflections on three ICA commissions. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” special issue: Sept. 2009, s. 10–11, 1 ryc. Dot. komisji terminologii, przekazu kartograficznego i historii kartografii.

Buchroithner M., Hopfstock A.: Konferenzbericht 28. ICC Washington, D.C. 28th International Cartographic Conference, 2–7

Juli 2017. „Kartogr. Nachr.” Jg. 67, 2017, H. 5, s. 289–291, 4 ryc.

Buchroithner M.: Dresden is getting ready for ICC 2013. „Kartogr. Nachr.” Jg. 63, 2013, H. 1, s. 38, 1 ryc.

Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie. Aufgaben und Leistungsspektrum. Einleitung D. Grünreich. Oprac. zbior. Frankfurt

am Main: Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie, 2010, 43 s., 28 ryc.

Cartography in Croatia 2011–2015. National report to the ICA 16th General Assembly, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2015 = Kartografija u Hrvatskoj 2011–2015. Nacionalni izvještaj ICA-i, 16. generalna skupština, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2015. Prepared by D. Tutić, M. Lapaine, M. Viličić. „Cartography and Geoinformation = Kartografija i

Geoinformacije” Vol. 14, No. 23, June 2015, s. 51–111, 16, 16 ryc., bibliogr. 2011–2015, 341 poz. Równoległe teksty w jęz. angielskim i chorwackim.

Cartography in Ukraine 2011–2014. National Report for the 16th General Assembly of the International Cartographic Association. Rio de Janeiro, August 23–28, 2015. Compiled by R.I. Sossa, I.S. Rudenko, G.M. Fedunkiv. Kyiv:

Ukrainian Cartographic Association, 2015, 36 s., 16 ryc. Treść: 1. State cartography, 2. Academic cartography, 3. Commercial cartography, 4. Other activities, 5. The list of main cartographic products (98 poz. atlasów i map), 6. Key pyblications (134 poz. lit.).

Cartwright W.: President’s report. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 54, June – juin 2010, s. 1–3, 2 ryc.

Cassettari S.: Fifty years of the British Cartographic Society, 1963–2013. „The Cartogr. Journ.” Vol. 52, 2015, no. 3, s. 215– 223, 7 ryc.


Celt V., Tóth K., Smits P.: INSPIRE iz perspektive JRC-a = INSPIRE from the JRC point of view. „Kartografija i Geoinformacije” Vol. 11, no. 18, Dec. 2012, s. 38–55, 2 ryc., 1 tab., 30 poz. lit.

Die Forschungsagenda der Internationalen Kartographischen Vereinigung IKV. „Kartogr. Nachr.” Jg. 60, 2010, H. 6, s. 334–

343. Tłumaczenie dokumentu ICA research agenda Międzynarodowej Asocjacji Kartograficznej.

Diez D., McCutcheon E., Rösler-Goy M.: Geodaten für alle – Scheitert dies am Datenschutz? „Kartogr. Nachr.” Jg. 62, 2012, H. 2, s. 74–78, 3 ryc., summ.: Spatial data for everyone – doomed by privacy protection?

Diez D., Schmidt W., Rösler-Goy M., Seyfert E.: Schutz des Persönlichkeirechts bei der Verarbeitung von Geodaten. „Kartogr. Nachr.” Jg. 59, 2009, H. 6, s. 323–328, summ.: The protection of privacy with the processing of geodata. Diez D.: Ein fremder Hund in meinem Garten auf einem Luftbild von Google – darf das sein? „Kartogr. Nachr.” Jg. 60, 2010, H.

5, s. 283–284. Dot. dostępu do geoinformacji i ochrony sfery prywatnej.

Diez D.: OpenStreetMap – Unterwegs für eine freie Weltkarte. „Kartogr. Nachr.” Jg. 60, 2010, H. 2, s. 89–90. Drecki Igor: 16th general Assembly of ICA. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 65, Dec. 2015, s. 23–25, 3 ryc., 1 tab. Fairbairn D.: ICC 2013: Some personal views and experiences. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 61, December –

dècembre 2013, s. 20–21, 2 ryc. Dot. XXVI Międzynarodowej Konferencji Kartograficznej w Dreźnie w sierpniu 2013 r.

Field K., Kent A.J.: Fifty years of The Cartographic Journal. „The Cartogr. Journ.” Vol. 52, 2015, no. 3, s. 228–231, 1 tab., 95 poz. lit.

Field K.: Politics and cartography collide: mapping the changing landscape of Ordnance Survey. „Cartogr. J.” Vol. 47, 2010, no. 1, s. 7–11, 1 ryc., 7 poz. lit.

Fonariow W.M., Jablonskij L.I.: O sozdanii nowoj Jedinoj sistiemy gosudarstwiennych kart Rossijskoj Fiedieracyi. „Gieod. i Kartogr.” 2015, nr 7, s. 24–30, 5 ryc., 7 tab., 5 poz. lit.

Forrest D.: Fifty years of cartography at the University of Glasgow. „The Cartogr. Journ.” Vol. 52, 2015, no. 3, s. 232–242, 6 ryc., 3 tab., 9 poz lit.

Forrest D.: Profiles. The British Cartographic Society. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 63, Dec. 2014, s. 7, 2 ryc. Frančula N., Kljajić I., Vučetić N., Lapaine M.: Povijest Hrvatskoga kartografskog društva. U povodu 10. obljetnice = History of

the Croatian Cartographic Society. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary. „Kartografija i Geoinformacije” Vol. 10,

no. 16, Dec. 2011, s. 174–185, 3 ryc., listy członków władz oraz zorganizowanych konferencji i sesji, 27 poz. lit. Frančula N.: Polish Cartographical Review. „Kartografija i Geoinformacije. Cartography and Geoinformation” Vol. 16, No. 27,

2017, s. 160–161, 1 ryc. Prezentacja kwartalnika ze spisem treści ostatniego numeru z 2016 r. Gartner G.: President’s report. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 57, Dec. 2011, s. 1–3, 4 ryc. Gartner G.: President’s report. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 58, June – juin 2012, s. 1–4, 4 ryc.

Gartner G.: President’s report. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 59, December – decembre 2012, s. 1–3, 2 ryc. Gartner G.: President’s report. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No 60, June 2013, s. 1–3, 1 ryc.

Gartner G.: President’s report. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 61, December – dècembre 2013, s. 1–3, 1 ryc. Gartner G.: President’s report. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 64, June – juin 2015, s. 1–3.

Goodwin J.: New Ordance Survey linked data service. New features and apportunities for developers. „GEOInformatics” Vol. 16, 2013, no. 6, s. 30–31, 2 ryc., 4 poz. lit.

Grelot J.-P.: ICA in the 1990s: entering the information society. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” special issue: Sept. 2009, s. 8–9, 1 ryc.

Hénaff-Bargot E., Sarazin J.-T.: Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Départment des cartes et plans. „Le Monde des Cartes” No 208, Juin 2011, s. 15–17.

Hurni L.: Cartography at ETH Zurich. „Kartogr. Nachr.” Jg. 59, 2009, H. 6, s. 12–13, 2 ryc.

Jakowlewa R.B.: O koncepcyi sozdanija i razwitija otrasli gieodiezii i kartografii do 2020 goda. Formirowanije nieobchodimoj

normatiwnoj prawowoj i normatiwno-tiechniczeskoj bazy. „Gieod. i Kartogr.” 2009, nr 12, s. 3–6.

Kent A.J.: The British Cartographic Society annual report for the year ended 30 June 2016. „The Cartogr. Journal” Vol. 51, 2016, no. 4, s. 356–360.

Klemenčić M., Richter-Nowosel Ž.: Cartography in the Lexicographic Institute = Kartografija u Leksikografskom zavodu. „Kartografija i Geoinformacije” Vol. 7, no. 10, Dec. 2008, s. 86–95, 8 ryc. (równoległe teksty w jęz. angielskim i chorwackim). Dot. Instytutu Leksykograficznego w Zagrzebiu.

Koch W.G.: Polnische Konferenz der Kartographiehistoriker, Poznań, 15.–17.9.2011. „Kartogr. Nachr.” Jg. 61, 2011, H. 6, s. 333–334, 1 ryc.

Koch W.G.: XL. Gesamtpolnische Kartographische Konferenz, Wrocław 2017. Tagungsbericht. „Kartogr. Nachr.” Jg. 67, 2017, H. 6, s. 326–327, 3 ryc.

Konecny G., Breitkopf U., Radtke A.: The status of topographic mapping in the world – A. UNGGIM-ISPRS project 2012–2015. „zfv Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement” Jg. 141, 2016, H. 1, s. 20–26, 12 ryc., 3 poz. lit.

Kopecká M.: Detská mapa sveta Barbary Pethenik v Medzinárodnom roku mapy. „Kartografické Listy” R. 25, 2017, č. 2, s. 99– 103, 6 ryc., 1 poz. lit., summ.: Barbara Petchenik Childern’s World Map during the International Map Year. Kraak M.-J.: President’s report. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 65, Dec. 2015, s. 1–2.


Kraak M.-J.: President’s report. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 70, June 2018, s. 1–2, 1 ryc.

Krajuchin A.N., Pozdniak G.W., Fiłatow W.P., Riabczikowa W.I.: PKO „Kartografija” – 70 let. „Gieod. i Kartogr.” 2008, nr 8, s. 46–53, 5 ryc.

Kummer K.: Der Stellenwert der Kartographie im Amtlichen deutschen Vermessungswesen. „Kartogr. Nachr.” Jg. 59, 2009, H. 5, s. 272–276, 4 ryc., 8 poz. lit., summ.: The status of cartography within the official German surveying and


Lapaine M., Tutić D.: Medunarodna godina karata – 2015 = International Map Year 2015. „Kartografija i Geoinformacije” Vol. 11, no. 18, Dec. 2012, s. 200–201, 1 ryc.

Litwinow N.Ju., Jabłonskij L.I.: O mieżdunarodnom godie karty. „Gieod. i Kartogr.” 2015, nr 11, s. 2–5, 1 ryc., 10 poz. lit., summ.: About the International Map Year.

Lutz P.: Zum Urheberrecht in Kartographie und Geoinformation. „Kartogr. Nachr.” Jg. 64, 2014, H. 4, s. 219–225.

Mazurow S.F., Jegorszin A.A., Walkowa O.A.: Wostoczno-Sibirskoje aerogieodieziczeskoje priedprijatije. 65 let

kartografirowanija Wostocznoj Sibiri i Dalniego Wostoka. „Gieod. i Kartogr.” 2012, nr 2, s. 2–8, 6 ryc., 1 tab., 7 poz.


Mikšovský M.: Kartografická společnost ČR. Historie a aktivity v ICA. Praha: Kartografická společnost ČR, 2009, 48 s., 29 ryc. Moellering H.: The International Cartographic Association Research Agenda: Perspectives, comments and recommendations.

„Cartography and Geogr. Inform. Science” Vol. 39, 2012, no. 1, s. 61–68, 1 tab., 16 poz. lit. Moore A.: ICC 2015: Some personal views and experiences. „Gieod. i Kartogr.” 2015, nr 11, s. 22–23, 2 ryc.

Nyrcow M.W., Samsonow T.Je.: 28-ja Mieżdunarodnaja kartograficzeskaja konfieriencyja «ICC 2017». „Gieod. i Kartogr.” 2017, nr 9, s. 14–21, 5 ryc., summ.: The 28th International Cartographic Conference ICC 2017.

Orłow S.W., Pobiedinskij G.G.: Woprosy cenoobrazowanija na gieodieziczeskije i kartograficzeskije raboty dla

gosudarstwiennych nużd. „Gieod. i Kartogr.” 2012, nr 12, s. 8–19, 5 tab., 25 poz. lit., summ.: Pricing on geodetic and cartographic works for State needs.

Pundt H., Toppen F.: 20 years of AGILE. W: Societal geo-innovation. Selected papers of the 20th AGILE Conference on

Geographic Information Science. Red. A. Bregt, T. Sarjakoski, R. van Lammeren, F. Rip. Cham: Springer Intern.

Publishers, 2017, s. 351–367, 6 ryc., 4 tab., 3 poz. lit. AGILE – Association of Geographic Information Laboratories for Europe.

Report ICA commissions. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 64, June – juin 2015, s. 9–19, 16 ryc. Sprawozadnia komisji

MAK: Art and Cartography (S. Caquard); Atlases (A.C. da Rocha Bérenger Resende); Cartography and Children (J.J. Reyes Nuñez); Cartography in Early Warning and Crisis Management (M. Konečny); Cognitive Visualization (A. Griffin, S. Fabrikant); Digital Technologies in Cartographic Heritage (E. Livieratos); Education and Training (D. Fairbairn); Generalisation and Multiple Representation (W. Mackaness, D. Burghardt, C. Duchéne); Geospatial Analysis and Modeling (B. Jiang, X. Yao); GeoVisualization (J. Dykes); History of Cartography (E. Liebenberg); Map Design (K. Field); Map Production and Geobuisness (M. Jobst, P. de Maeyer); Mapping from Remote Sensor Imagery (X. Yang); Maps and Graphics for Blind and Partially Sighted People (A.C. Escanilla); Ubiquitous Mapping (M. Arikawa); Use and User Issues (C. van Elzakker).

Report ICA working groups. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 67, Dec. 2016, s. 15, 3 ryc. Sprawozdania dwóch grup

roboczych MAK: International Map Year (B. Rystedt); Marine Cartography (R. Furness, L. Tsoulos).

Report ICA working groups. Sprawozdania komisji MAK: Art and Cartography (P. Piatti, A.-K. Reuschel, S. Caquard); Atlases

(P. Jordan); Cartography and Children (J.J. Reyes Nuñez); Cognitive Visualization (E. Livieratos); Education and Training (D. Fraser); Geographic Information for Sustainability (S.V. Pyankov, V.S. Tikunov); Geospatial Analysis and Modeling (B. Jiang); Geoinformation Infrastructures and Standards (A. Cooper, J. Hjelmager); History of Cartography (E. Liebenberg); Map Design (K. Field); Map Projections (M. Lapaine); Mapping from Remote Sensing Imagery (X. Yang); Maps and Graphics for Blind and Partially Sighted People (A. Coll); Maps and the Internet (R. Cammack); Planetary Cartography (H. Hargitai); Theoretical Cartography (A. Wolodtschenko); Use and User Issues (C. van Elzakker), s. 20 – 21, 1 ryc. Sprawozdania grup roboczych MAK: International Map Year (B. Rysted); Toponimy (P. Menezes).

Reports ICA commissions. „Gieod. i Kartogr.” 2015, nr 11, s. 8–17, 10 ryc. Sprawozdania komisji MAK: Cartographic Heritage

into the Digital [Technologies] (E. Livieratos); Cartography and Childern (J.J. Reyes Nuñez); Cartography in Early Warning and Crisis Management (M. Konečny); Generalisation and Multiple Representation (L. Stanislawski); History of Cartography (I.J. Demhardt); Location Based Services (H. Huang, J.M. Krisp); Map Design (K. Field); Map Production and Geoinformation Management (P. Schmitz, M. Jobst); Mountain Cartography (D. Petrovič); Sensor-driven Mapping (J. Li); Spatial Data Infrastuctures and Standards (S. Coetzee, F.-J. Behr); Topographic Mapping (A. Kent); Toponymy (P. Menezes, C. Palagiano, P. Jordan); Use, User and Usability Issues (K. Ooms).

Reports ICA commissions. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No 60, June 2013, s. 9–15, 1 ryc. Sprawozdania z bieżącej

działalności następujących komisji MAK: Art and Cartography (B. Piatti, S. Caquard), Cartography in Early Warning and Crises Management (M. Konečný), Digital Technologies in Cartographic Heritage (E. Livieratos), Generalisation and Multiple Representation (D. Burghardt), GeoVisualization (A.C. Robinson), Map Design (K. Field), Mapping from Remote Sensing Imagery (X. Yang), Maps and Graphics for Blind and Partially Sightet


People (A. Cool Escanilla), Maps and the Internet (R. Cammack), Mountain Cartography (R. Wheate), Planetary Cartography (H. Hargitai) i Use and User Issues (C. van Elzakker).

Reports ICA commissions. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 57, Dec. 2011, s. 9–20. Sprawozdania komisji MAK: Art and

Cartography (P. Piatti, A.-K. Reuschel, S. Caquard); Atlases (P. Jordan); Cartography and Children (J.J. Reyes Nuñez); Cognitive Visualization (E. Livieratos); Education and Training (D. Fraser); Geographic Information for Sustainability (S.V. Pyankov, V.S. Tikunov); Geospatial Analysis and Modeling (B. Jiang); Geoinformation Infrastructures and Standards (A. Cooper, J. Hjelmager); History of Cartography (E. Liebenberg); Map Design (K. Field); Map Projections (M. Lapaine); Mapping from Remote Sensing Imagery (X. Yang); Maps and Graphics for Blind and Partially Sighted People (A. Coll); Maps and the Internet (R. Cammack); Planetary Cartography (H. Hargitai); Theoretical Cartography (A. Wolodtschenko); Use and User Issues (C. van Elzakker).

Reports ICA commissions. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 59, December – decembre 2012, s. 8–18. Sprawozdania

komisji MAK: Atlases (P. Jordan); Cartography and Childern (J.J. Reyes Nuñez); Education and Training (D. Fairbairn); Generalisation and Multiple Representation (D. Burghardt); Geospatial Analysis and Modeling (B. Jiang, X. Yao); GeoVisualization (G. Andrienko); History of Cartography (E. Liebenberg); Map Design (K. Field); Map Production and GeoBusiness (M. Jobst); Map Projections (M. Lapaine, L. Usery); Mapping from Remote Sensor Imagery (X. Yang); Map and Graphics for Blind and Partially Sighted People (A.C. Escanilla); Maps and the Internet (R. Cammack); Mountain Cartography (I. Drecki, G. Aitken); Open Source Geospatial Technologies (S. Anand); Use and User Issues (C. van Elzakker).

Reports ICA commissions. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 61, December – dècembre 2013, s. 9–18, 21 ryc.

Sprawozdania komisji MAK: Art. and Cartography (B. Piatti, S. Caquard); Atlases (P. Jordan); Cartography and Children (J.J. Reys Nuñez); Digital Technologies in Cartographic Heritage (E. Livieratos); Education and Training (D. Fairbairn); Generalisation and Multiple Representation (C. Duchêne); Geospatial Analysis and Modeling (B. Jiang, X. Yao); History of Cartography (E. Liebenberg); Map Design (K. Field); Mapping from Remote Sensor Imagery (X. Yang); Maps and Graphics for Blind and Partially Sighted People (A. Coll); Maps and the Internet (R. Cammack); Maps and Society (C. Perkins); Mountain Cartography (R. Wheate); Use and User Issues (C. van Elzakker).

Reports ICA commissions. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 67, Dec. 2016, s. 7–14, 9 ryc. Sprawozdanie dziesięciu

komisji MAK: Cartographic Heritage into the Digital (E. Livieratos); Cartography and Chidren (C.C.R. Gimenes de Sana, J.J. Reyes Nuñez); Cartography in Early Warning and Crisis Management (M. Konečný); Location Based Services (H. Huang); Map Design (K. Field); Map Projections (M. Lapaine); Maps and Graphics for Blind and Partially Sighted People (A. Coll Escanilla, E. Hunt); Planetary Cartography (H. Hargital); Topographic Mapping (A. Kent); Use, User and Usability Issues (K. Oons).

Reports ICA commissions. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 68, June 2017, s. 8–12, 6 ryc. Sprawozdania ośmiu komisji

MAK: Cartography in Early Warning and Crisis Management (M. Konečny); Education and Training (D. Fairbairn); Location Based Services (H. Huang); Map Projections (M. Lapaine); Maps and the Internet (R. Cammack); Mountain Cartography (D. Petrovič); SDI and Standards (S. Coetzee, F.J. Behr, S. Camboim, M. Finn); Toponymy (P. Menezes).

Reports ICA commissions. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 69, Dec. 2017, s. 7–15, 13 ryc. Sprawozdania jedenastu

komisji MAK: Cartographic Heritage into the Digital (E. Livieratos); Cartography in Early Warning and Crisis Management (A. Konečny); Cognitive Issues in Geographic Information Visualization (S. Christophe, S. Caquard); Generalisation and Multiple Representation (D. Burghardt, C. Duchene, G. Touya, P. Bereuter, P. Raposo); Location Based Services (H. Huang); Map Production and Geoinformation Management (M. Jobst); Maps and Graphics for Blind and Partially Sighted People (A. Coll Escanilla, E. Hundt); SDI and Standards (S. Coetzee, F.-J. Behr); Topgraphic Mapping (A. Kent); Use, User and Usability Issues (K. Ooms); Visual Analytics (A.C. Robinson).

Reports ICA commissions. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 70, June 2018, s. 5–12. Sprawozdania ośmiu komisji MAK:

Cartographic Heritage into the Digital (E. Livieratos); Cartography in Early Warning and Crisis Management (M. Konečný); Cognitive Issues in Geographic Information Visualization (A. Griffin, R. Roth); Geospatial Analysis and Modeling (Yao X.A.); Location Based Services (H. Huang); Map Design (K. Field, I. Muehlenhaus); Map Projections (M. Lapaine); Maps and Graphics for Blind and Partially Sighted People (A. Coll Escanilla, E. Hundt); Mountain Cartography (D. Petrovič, T. Patterson, D. Tutič); SDI and Standards (S. Coetzee).

Reports ICA commissions. „ICA News - Nouvelles de L'ACI” No. 66, June 2016, s. 7–16, 9 ryc. Sprawozdania komisji MAK:

Atlases (R. Sicher); Cartography in Early Warning and Crisis Management (M. Kolačný); Education and Training (D. Fairbairn); Generalisation and Multiple Representation (D. Burghardt, C. Duchêne, J. Stoter, V. Altena, M. Post); Location Based Services (H. Huang); Map Design (K. Field); Mountain Cartography (D. Petrovič, T. Patterson, M. Buchroithner, B. Schröter); Use, User and Usability Issues (K. Ooms); Marine Cartography (R. Furness, L. Tsoulos).

Reports ICA working groups. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 61, December – dècembre 2013, s. 18. Sprawozdania grup

roboczych MAK: International Map Year (B. Rystedt); Toponymy (P. Jordan).

Reports ICA working groups. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 68, June 2017, s. 12. Sprawozdania dwóch grup roboczych


Reports ICA working groups. „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 69, Dec. 2017, s. 15, 1 ryc. Sprawozdanie grupy roboczej

Maritime Cartography (R. Furness, L. Tsoulos).

Reports ICA working groups. Marine cartography (R. Furness, L. Tsoulos). „ICA News – Nouvelles de l’ACI” No. 70, June

2018, s. 12, 1 ryc.

Rodionowa Ł.W.: Kolledżu gieodiezii i kartografii MIIGAiK – 90 let. Uczebnyj process w kolledże. „Gieod. i Kartogr.” 2010, nr 2, s. 34–38.

Rösler-Goy M: Eine Landkarte ist eine Datenbank! Zu aktuellen Landgerichtsurteilen zum Datenbankschutz. „Kartogr. Nachr.” Jg. 63, 2013, H. 1, s. 33–36, 9 przyp.

Ruas A., Lecordix F., Richard H.: Compte rendu sur l’organisation de la 25° Conférence Cartogrphique Internationale tenue à

Paris, France, du 3 au 8 Juillet 2011. „Cartes & Géomatique” No 212, Juin 2012, s. 55–90, 18 ryc., 26 tab. Scassa T.: Legal issues with volunteered geographic information. „The Canadian Geographer” Vol. 57, 2013, no. 1, s. 1–10, 57

poz. lit.

Schiewe J.: New DGfK Commission on Cartography and Research – goals and activities. „Kartogr. Nachr.” Jg. 61, 2011, H. 3, s. 148–149.

Schulz F.: Kartographie in der Schweiz – Ein Rückblick auf die vergangenen Aktivitäten der SGK. „Kartogr. Nachr.” Jg. 67, 2017, H. 3, s. 154–164, 13 ryc. SGK – Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kartografie.

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