• Nie Znaleziono Wyników

D eterm ination of labile sulphur in gelatin and proteins. S. B. Sh e p p a r d and J . H . Hu d s o n (Ind.

Eng. Chem. [Anal.], 1930, 2, 73—75).—I t is pointed out th a t different proportions of labile sulphur may be obtained from the same sample by variations in the method employed. The details of a procedure worked out to determine the sulphur which forms silver sulphide in presence of ammoniacal silver chloride solution are

described. S . I. Le v y.

p H control. Ma g n u s.— S ee I .

See also A., Mar., 382, Tanning m aterials in leaves of C a rp in u s b etu lu s at different tim es ( Nie t h a m m e r).

Pa t e n t s.

Manufacture of [bleached] glu es, gelatin s, and the like. A. R. Ja h n (B.P. 324,461, 7.3.29).—The glue etc. liquor concentrated to 15—45% of solids, is churned with sodium thiosulphate (2% or less on the weight of glue) for 10 min. at a temperature between the jellying point and 60°. The product contains minute bubbles which assist dissolution when the glue etc. is used. Ammonium carbonate may be added to the liquor to assist bubble formation, and borax as a preser­

vative. These bubbles may be removed if necessary by slow churning at 90°. Liquid glues, e.g., starch products, may be similarly treated. E. B. Hu g h e s.

Manufacture of plastic com positions [from casein ]. E. P. Ca r p e n t e r, Assr. to Am e r. Ma c h i n e &

Fo u n d r y Co. (U.S.P. 1,740,573, 24.12.29. Appl., 7.7.27).—A mixture of casein ground to 60-mesh wTith sufficient dilute hydrochloric acid to give an acidity of 10° is heated a t about 60° to cause the casein to form a homogeneous plastic mass, which is washed in a 20% to saturated magnesium solution to remove impurities and cloudiness; the product is dried a t about 40°, ground to 90-mesh, sprayed with water, and moulded and dried by compression and heat. L. A . Co l e s.

E m u lsion s (B.P. 323,720).—See III. D yeing of cham ois leather (B.P. 303,523).—See VI.


R h eology of so il p astes. G . W. S . Bl a i r (J.

Rheology, 1930, 1, 127—138).—A plastometer is de­

scribed for investigating the behaviour of pastes of soil or clay and water while flowing through narrow glass tubes. The data obtained from this instrument are useful in agricultural practice, since there is a close correlation between shearing strength of a sample and the pull required to draw a plough through the particular type of soil. The plastometer can also be used to study the effect of fertilisers on the physical structure of the soil. I t has been found necessary to introduce a new constant into the flow equation, 'without which serious errors occur in estimating the viscosity of very thin pastes and the mobility of thicker ones. I t is not possible to present a complete equation to relate the rate of flow’ to the shearing stress independent of capillary dimensions, but certain constants of the material can be obtained having independent dimensions which are closely related to the properties of the soil.

E. S. He d g e s.

B r itis h C h e m ic a l A b s tr a c ts —B .

3 8 6 Cl. XV I.—Ag r i c u l t u r e.

N ature of hydrolytic acidity in so il. T. Ar n o

[with W. Si e m e n s anclW. Ho f f m a n n] (Z. Pflanz. Düng., 1930, 16A, 65—79).—Published work on the . nature and determination of hydrolytic acidity in soils is critically discussed. Examination is recorded of the apparent acidity indicated by treatm ent of soil with various neutral salt solutions. True hydrolytic acidity is th a t remaining after exhaustive treatm ent of the soil with neutral salt solutions and the removal of active and exchange acidity. Recorded hydrolytic acidity values depend on the pn value of the neutral salt solution used in their determination. The cause of hydrolytic acidity cannot be ascribed to a particular form of associa­

tion of hydrogen ions with the acidoid particles of soil, whereby they are exchanged only with the cations of hydrolytically alkaline salts, but, in common with neutral salt decomposition, results from the exchange of hydrogen ions with cations of both neutral and hydro­

lytically alkaline salts. This exchange is a surface phenomenon, and therefore depends on the degree of dispersion of the soil particles. Sodium acetate by increasing dispersion records higher values for hydro­

lytic acidity than flocculating neutral salts.

A . G . Po l l a r d.

Relation between degree of dispersion and nature of the exchange b ases of so il. L V ajn a (Mezög.

K utat., 1929, 2, 303—319 ; Chem. Zentr., 1929, ii, 1963).—The degree of dispersion increases with the hydration of the cations. If the exchange bases are bivalent the degree of dispersion is increased. The International (Washington) Method A is not recom­

mended for determining the original degree of dispersion of a soil. A. A. El d r i d g e.

T he phosphate question [in so ils]. III. In­

fluence of phosphoric acid on the grow th of plants.

0 . Ar r h e n i u s (Z. Pflanz. Düng., 1930, 16A, 94—10i ; cf. B., 1929, 787).—Curves representing the relationship between crop yields and increasing phosphate content of the nutrient solutions in sand cultures were sigmoid in type. Corresponding relationships between the rate and extent of phosphorus intake and the growth period of plants are recorded and discussed from the point of view of fertiliser treatm ent. A . G. Po l l a r d.

Phosphoric acid content and reaction conditions of the soil in various countries. C. Dr e y s p r in g

and C. Kr ü g e l (Superphosphate, 1929, 2, 181—188,

201—210, 221—230).—The root-soluble phosphoric acid (Neubauer) of soils from Poland, Tunisia, Algeria, the Cameroons, Finland, and Czechoslovakia was determined. Ch e m ic a l Ab s t r a c t s.

Reaction and phosphate content of soil. F.

Te r l i k o w s k i ( Rocz. Nauk. Roln. Lei., 1929, 22, 427—

434; Chem. Zentr., 1929, ii, 1963).—In general, soils having p n below 6-0 arc poor in active phosphorus compounds. In other groups no definite relation was observed, but most of the soils containing a t least 15 mg.

of P 20 6 per kg. have an alkaline reaction.

A . A . El d r i d g e.

Reaction and lim e question [in so ils]. R. Th u n

(Z. Pflanz. Düng., 1930, 16A, 79—94);—Numerous soil analyses are recorded, showing chalk content, p B value, and hydrolytic and exchange acidities. The relation­

ships between acidity, the availability of soil phosphate and potash, and plant growth are discussed. Close consideration of the lime condition of soils is of para­

mount importance in modern agricultural practice.

A. G. Po l l a r d.

Fixation of iodine in s o ils. J. Be c k (Z. Pflanz.

Diing., 1930, 16A, 57—65).—The iodine content of a number of mineral soils examined varied directly with the proportion of clay. Examination of the mechanical soil fractions of soils showed the iodine to be largely concentrated in the clay fraction qf mineral soils, and in the organic m atter of humus soils. The iodine content of soils poor in clay and humus does not increase appreciably as a result of continuous manuring with

seaweed. A. G. Po l l a r d.

Balanced fertilisers and L ieb ig ’s law of the m in im u m . W. Th o m a s (Science, 1929, 70, 382—384).

—The work of Lagatu and Maume, showing th a t the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium by the vine does not follow Liebig’s law, is discussed.

These results show th a t whatever the effect the absence of an element from a fertiliser has on yield, it is due not to a depression, but to an increase in absorption of the other elements and the lack of nutritional balance which results. L. S. Th e o b a l d.

[Fertilising] effect of surophosphate, nitrophos, and phosphorite com pared w ith that of super­

phosphate and T hom as slag. M . G 6r s k i and J. Kr o t o w ic z o w n a (Rocz. Nauk. Roln. Les., 1929, 22, 139—152; Chem. Zentr., 1929, ii, 1962—1963).—

The effect of superphosphate (100) was greater than th a t of Thomas meal (90), and much greater than that of surophosphate or Polish phosphorite. The results depended largely on the nitrogenous fertiliser.

A. A. El d r i d g e.

C itrate-soluble phosphoric acid in colloidal phosphate. J. B . Ma r t i n and E. C. Sh o r e y (J. Assoc, Off. Agric. Chem., 1930, 13, 1 3 31 3 6).—Colloidal phosphate, if present, passes into the ammonium citrate extract, but may be flocculated by addition of sodium chloride. K. V. Th im a n n.

U se of crude [am m oniacal] ga s-liq u or as a fertiliser. K. H. Ra u p p (Gas- u. Wasserfach, 1930, 73, 230—232).—Field trials indicate the value of ammoniacal liquor (1-—4% NH3) as a fertiliser. No inju ry to arable crops resulted from the use of diluted liquor. On meadow land applications of liquor at full strength caused a temporary discoloration of the grass, but considerably increased hay yields were

obtained. A. G. Po l l a r d.

M ethod for differentiating natural guano from its su bstitutes. L. P i n t o (Z. Pflanz. Diing., 1930, 16A, 111—120).—The presence of guanine in natural guano serves to distinguish it from s y n t h e t i c prepara­

tions. Guanine in guano may be determined by means of metaphosphoric acid in alkaline extracts, but precipitation with silver nitrate from nitric acid extracts is much more sensitive. A. G. Po l l a r d.

Effect of heavy application of phosphoric acid on the yield of oats. M . Ko r c z e w s k iand F. Ma j e w s k i

(Rocz. Nauk, Roln. Lei., 1929, 22, 213—244; Chem.

B r itis h C h e m ic a l A b s tr a c ts —B .

C l. X V II.—Su g a r s; St a r c h e s; Gu m s. 3S7

Zentr., 1929, ii, 1963).—The inorganic phosphate in the straw and roots corresponded with the concentration in the so il; phosphoric acid fertilisation only slightly affected the percentage of organic phosphoric acid in the seed. The highest nitrogen content occurred with the lowest and highest applications of phosphorus.

The nitrogen yield was fairly constant. The injurious effect of heavy applications of phosphate is not direct, but is due to disturbance of the chemical-physiological equilibrium. A. A. El d r i d g e.

R esorption of phosphoric acid and potassium

b y cereal p lan ts. J. P Az l e r(Z. Zuckerind. Czechoslov., 1930, 5 4 , 297—302).— Comparison is made w ith barley, rye, oats, and wheat of the resorption of phosphates and potassium in Neubauer experiments. In spite of frequent cases of low germination and tendency to injury by fungal diseases, rye- is considered the most suitable of the cereals for this purpose.

A. 6. Po l l a r d.

Influence of lig h t on the resorption of potash and phosphates in Neubauer exp erim en ts. A.

Nk m e c and M. Gr a6a n i n (Z. Pflanz. Diing., 1930, 16A, 102—110).—Experiments with rye in Neubauer tests showed th a t the intake of phosphate was smaller, and of potash greater, in strong light, than in weak.

Comparison of growth in daylight with th a t in light of various colours showed th a t the resorption of potash was decreased by green light and increased by red and blue light. Coloured light in all cases reduced the intake of total ash constituents. Results with phosphate were less definite. A. G . Po l l a r d.

Influence of the potash concentration in the culture m ediu m on production of carbohydrates in p lan ts. G. Ja n s s e n and R. P. Ba r t h o l o m e w ( J . Agric. Res., 1930, 4 0 , 243—261).—From determina­

tions of potassium, sugars, dextrin, starch, and hemi- cellulose in six crop plants grown in soil, sand, and water cultures, it is concluded th a t the relation between potassium and carbohydrate in the plants fluctuates greatly, and th a t a high percentage of sugars and starch is not necessarily associated with a high percentage of potassium. In water cultures it was found th a t between concentrations of 0 and 5 p.p.m. potassium was taken up in amounts in excess of the plant require­

m ent of potassium for sugar and starch elaboration.

The total weight of sugars and starch showed good correlation with, the percentage of potassium in the

plant. E. Ho l m e s.

N itrogen content of, and distribution in, legu ­ m in ous plants during grow th. II. Wo za k (Forts.

Landw., 1929, 4 , 485—488 ; Chem. Zentr., 1929, ii, 2689).—Experimental results for various leguminous plants are tabulated. A. A. El d r i d g e.

Effect of various m od es of cultivation on nitrate form ation in soil. A. V. Sa b a s c h n ik o v (Forts. Landw., 1929, 4, 625—632; Chem. Zentr., 1929, ii, 2718).—

A review of work carried out a t Russian experiment

stations. A. A. El d r i d g e.

Lack of catalyst and bacterial content of soil in relation to the fertilisin g action of calcium cyan- am ide. W . Ku b i e n a (Forts. Landw., 1 9 2 9 , 4 , 6 1 7

622 ; Chem. Zentr., 1929, ii, 2718).—Most cultivated soils are poor in catalysts bringing about the decomposi­

tion of calcium cyanamide ; sandy soils, poor in electro­

lytes and colloids, are unable to decompose the com­

pound, and also contain relatively few bacteria. The fertiliser is unsuitable for soils lacking humus.

A. A El d r i d g e.

[Culture of] sugar beet. F. F. Ma t z k o v, A. Y.

Ko k i n, S. I. Ko k in a, P . Ne n k o, A. A. Ve t u k h o v a, and

B . A. Pa n s h i n (Nauch. Zapiski Sakh. Prom., 1929, 8, 297—326).—Maximal root and chlorophyll production and maximal sugar content are obtained during 10-hr.

days. In continuous light the energy of leaf assimilation decreases, whilst th a t of respiration increases. On decrease. of the number of leaves to one third the root weight and sugar content remain normal. The sugar content of the beet is not increased by purely chemical stimulants. Ch e m ic a l Ab s t r a c t s.

Insecticidal properties of cryolite and barium fluosilicate. S . Ma r c o v it c h and W. W. St a n l e y (Ind.

Eng. Chem., 1930, 22, 121).—These materials are less soluble than is sodium fluosilicate and are safer on foliage. They have given good results against the Mexican bean beetle when used as a spray a t the rate of 1 lb. per 50 gals, of water, or as a dust at 6 lb. per acre. Fish oil was used to increase the adhesiveness of

the dust. C. Ir w i n.

S oils at C am eron’s H ighlands. J. II. De n n e t t

(Malayan Agric. J., 1930, 18, 20—29).

Production of am m onium oxalate for use as fertiliser. W . Do m in ik ( Rocz. Nauk. R o ln . L e i, 1929, 22, 169—181 ; Chem. Zentr., 1929, ii, 1962).

Effect of various doses of phosphorite in presence of various nitrogenous fertilisers. B. Vo v k ( Rocz.

Nauk. Roln. Les'., 1929, 22, 89—131 ; Chem. Zentr., 1929, ii, 1963).

p H control. Ma g n u s. Consistency of plastic m aterials. Sc h o f ie l d and Bl a i r.'—See I. Determ in­

ing total nitrogen. Em m e r t.—See VII. Sugar palm .

Mil s u m and De n n e t t.—See XVII.

See also A., Mar., 38-5, Copper as an elem ent n ecessary to plants (Qu a r t a r o l i). Phosphorus- containing constituents of rye em bryos ( Ko e h l e r).

Pa t e n t s.

Sprayer [for insecticidal solutions etc.]. Lo w e l Sp e c i a l t y Co. ( B .P , 297,729, 16.7.28. U.S., 26.9.27).

Form aldehyde derivatives.. (B.P. 299,064). Diazo- am ino-com pounds (B.P. 324,041).—See III.


A sh and electrical conductivity of syrups and m o la sses derived from sugar cane. F. W. Ze r b a n

and L. Sa t t l e r (Ind. Eng. Chem. [Anal.], 1930, 2, 32—

35).—The authors’ formula (B ., 1928, 422) gives results within about 0-5% , and generally within 0-25%, if the following modifications are made. On account of the high amount of ash, the concentration of the solution is reduced to 0-5% , and the sugar concentration may be corrected by adding 4-5%> of .pure cane sugar. If this is omitted the formula becomes 0-001640(9- 13ii + 1935

B r it is h C h e m ic a l A b s tr a c ts —B ,

388 Cl. X V II.—StraAM; Stabohes ; Gums.

— Kj) for raw-sugar products. For cane syrups 0-001640

X (9-13 K + 2047 — K±) gives better results. For re­

finery products lower factors have been found, and there are grounds for associating this with the removal of weak bases by the char. F. E. Da y.

Colloidal state of substances in products of m anufacture of beet su gar. S. S. Ku t z e v (Zhur.

Sakharn. Prom., 1929, 3, 297—306).—Colloids are preferably coagulated by freezing or by neutralising with hydrochloric or sulphuric acid. Partial decolorisa- tion may be due to adsorption of colouring matters by the coagulated colloids. Beet syrup, when vigorously shaken with benzene, carbon tetrachloride, or ether, forms an emulsion which on separation forms a gel on the surface of the un mixed solutions. The colloids extracted by emulsion, after settling for 1—2 months, retain 6—9% of molasses. Basic lead acetate does not precipitate all the optically active colloids. Titration with standard soap solution is inexact in the presence of colloids which can form a foam.

Ch e m ic a l Ab s t r a c t s.

T echnical and econom ical b asis of the conversion of w ood into su ga rs. M. Na p h t a l i (Z. angew. Chem., 1930, 43, 215).—Dried waste wood gives a yield of 60—70% of its carbohydrate content in sugar and a yield of 30% of its weight in lignin when treated on the counter-current principle with concentrated hydro­

chloric acid. The operation is carried out in prodorite stoneware vessels and the resulting liquor is filtered through porous stones built into the vessels. The filtered syrup is sprayed through hot gas oil, which separates most of the hydrochloric acid and water, leaving a mixture of oil and syrup, which is heated to expel the oil for use again. The resulting syrup is dried in a spray dryer and the dilute acid recovered from the oil evaporator and dryer is treated with hydrogen chloride to bring it up to its original concen­

tration for use again. Acetic acid is also recovered from this dilute acid liquor in amount equal to that obtained by the destructive distillation of the wood.

The sugars obtained by the above process are suitable only for animal fodder or for the production of alcohol by fermentation. A. R. Po w e l l.

D eterm ination of the su gar content of car- bonatation slud ge. 6 . Va v r in e c z (Z. Zuckerind.

Czechoslov., 1930, 54, 302—304).—Numerous methods for the preparation and clarification of sugar extracts from carbonatation sludge are compared. Results vary considerably. Extraction by shaking with water required 6—48 hrs. for completion, due, it is suggested, to the slow liberation of adsorbed sugar.

A . G . Po l l a r d.

D eterm ination of laevulose w ith cupro-potassium carbonate solution. H. A. Sc h u e t t e and J. N.

Te r r i l l(J. Assoc. Off. Agric. Chem., 1930,1 3 ,93—98).—

The copper-lsevulose equivalents for the Soldaini-Ost solutions are given, reduction for 2-5 hrs, a t 48-9° being recommended. Filtration should be delayed for 48 hrs.

to allow precipitation of the colloidal cuprous oxide

formed. K. V. Th i m a n n.

D eterm ination of d extrose in the presence of laevulose. D. T. En g l i s and W. J. By e r (Ind. Eng.

Chem. [Anal.], 1930,2,121—122).—The rates of reduction of iodine by dextrose and dextrose-lsevulose (1 :4 ) mix­

ture have been examined. In a solution buffered by borate to p n 10-6, dextrose gave the theoretical reduc­

tion a t 60 min., after which further reduction proceeded very slowly. In carbonate solution a t pn l l -5, the theoretical reduction was reached in 10 min.; and in 120 min. was exceeded by about 4%. In presence of the above proportion of larvulose the reduction in 60 min. at 10-6 and in 10 min. a t p s 11 *5 was increased by about 4%. After about 130 min. this excess became about 6% a t pn 10-6 and 30% a t ps. 11‘5.

I t is concluded th a t borate has no protective effect on the lsevulose and th a t the different rates of reduction are determined by the alkalinities. F. E. Da y.

D eterm ination of starch syrup and starch sugar in presence of sucrose and invert-sugar. C. I.

Kr u i s h e e r (Z. Unters. Lebensm., 1929, 58, 261—281 ; cf. B ., 1926, 963).—From determinations of reducing power and laevulose content (1) before inversion, (2) after weak inversion with 3% hydrochloric acid for 10 min. at 68—70°, and (3) after stronger inversion with 3% hydrochloric acid for 1 hr. on the boiling water-bath, by means of a num ber of simple equations it is possible to determine sucrose, invert-sugar, and starch syrup in presence of one another. The method is suitable for the examination of marmalades, syrups, and sugar products. The method of Schoorl (B., 1929r 952) for determination of reducing power and that of Kolthoff (B., 1923, 467 a) for determination of lsevulose are suitable. W. J. Bo y d.

M easurem ent of the tenacity (Ergiebigkeit) of starch es, esp ecially of potato starch . Pa r l o w

(Z. Spiritusind., 1930, 53, 14—15, 56).—Detailed methods are described for the determination of the tenacity of starches by the Lawaczeck viscosimeter and by a simpler and cheaper form of viscosimeter devised by the author. The latter apparatus is an improved form of th a t of Stern, and has the advantage th a t the starch solution is prevented by an arrangement from falling in drops from the lower end of the capillary through which it flows. An unbroken flow of starch solution is obtained, and the surface tension effect which increases the time of flow is excluded. The viscosity readings are not directly proportional to the tenacity owing to the viscosity increasing more with the higher concentrations than corresponds to the higher content of starch in solution. The values obtained are n o t absolute, and both types of viscosimeter require to be standardised by the normal starch of Wolff,- which can be obtained from the Research Institute of the Starch Industries. The tenacity of the normal starch is taken as 100%, and, according to the measure­

m ents made, a starch showing values below' 120% is of inferior quality, 121—150% is normal, and above 150% is considered excellent. C. Ra n k e n.

p H control. Ma g n u s.—See I. P h ilip p in e b agasse-

Va l e n z u e l a and We s t.—See V. Culture of sugar b eet. Ma t z k o v and others.See XVI. Detection of hydroxym ethylfurfuraldehyde in honey. We i s s.

H oney and honey cakes. Kr u i s h e e r. Saponins and sugar w a res. Lo d e.—See X IX .

B r itis h C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s —B .

C l. X V III.— Fe r m e n t a t i o n In d u s t r i e s. 3 3 9

See also A., Mar., 300, V elocity of inversion of sucrose ( Ta k e t o m i).

Pa t e n t s.

Glue products (B.P. 324,461).—See XV. Maize products (B.P. 324,702).—See X IX .

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