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Manage process of rehabilitation

Management organization in structure social help on environmental of self-help home

3. Manage process of rehabilitation

On effective realization of goals on status environmental home of self-help basic effect has planning but also realization particular stages of action undertake towards people we care for, folding in to management of procedures and rehabilitation processes given participant. Those management constituent also of all rehabilitation process exist second level of function organization social help, which is environmental home of self-help, as different centre of day support, realized analogical status goals.

On rehabilitation process (physical) in a frame of participation of a physical dis-abled person and/or intellectual in environment of a home self-help consist of:

Interview environmental( as element of individual diagnose),

prepare diagnose individual (separate psychological, pedagogic and others

unanimously with demand also analyze accessible documentation for example:

medical, education, law)

44 Ibid.


46 Regulamin Pracy w Środowiskowym Domu Samopomocy w Janowie Lubelskim, załącznik do Zarządzenia Kierownika Środowiskowego Domu Samopomocy w Janowie Lubelskim z dnia 16 czerwca 2009 roku.

observation participant in period adaptation in conditions function is centre (as

element diagnose individual also as form verification won data which often give in change in the mean time of a ill/disable person conditions using from service home),

prepare individual plan behave support-activism

realize goals individual plan proceedings support- activism (in data forecast in plans

period right with individual well-chosen method ),

contains appraisal function participant by assistant leaded (formal documentation

observation changes function participant-every week

presence individual plan proceedings supporting- activism (achieving period- every

half a year-realization goal plan ,mark function participant, mark adjective goals selected applied work method).


There we have to point out that direction process rehabilitation participant en-vironmental home self-help proclaim important part of success manage organization and itself community patients of a home is an element basic filler exist unit whereas to higher by unit efficiency cooperative in range behavior continuous work individual organization cells could contribute rational organization division tasks sides standard-ize middle and work tools patient assure right to level development mind patients and their possibilities individual notebooks, lecture, help science, selected audition and radio together analyze and introduce uniform work method in range patients at school, boarding-school, internet and class therapy, arrangement plan of studying, ther-apy and technique gathering, repeating and strengthen recognize messages planed from truss teaching with everyday situation in life groups educational and others cells organizations post47.

Planning and by the same time realize process rehabilitation in forms of partici-pation of a person disability in environmental homes self-help starts at the moment ex-ceed by patient doorstep home. Regular diagnose possible preference needs not holds as with switching off a person needs with social contacts inside centre. In front of this impact diagnostic with use of standardized method48 are supported by observation in condition a conditioner patient to demand new group social also receive particular rules behave inside institution, regular minimum regulations. Necessary approach activity di-agnostic is justify statement that human is part of cosmos but simultaneously is

exis-47L. Ploch, Włączanie społeczne w placówce specjalnej, (Warszawa: Publishing Difin, 2011), pp. 130-131.

48Proper methods standardized for given member group of support-activism i.e. psychological tests and pedagogical. Diagnosis of participant is composed on its requirement of effective use of favor of center Environmental Home of Mutual Aid and bringing up of quality of service of this favor. It does not define legal fixing requirements precisely and diagnostic methods, so, data of centers considerably differ in ap proach for and realization of diagnostic process.

tence uniquely. This immanent towards world material despite this is also towards him transcendental. This is a person and at the same time a human. Characteristic human being but most of all describe it, next point out on her fundamental property and dis-cuss their ontological structure49. Point out demand fact importance diagnose on area of pedagogy special which has fundamental meaning for all rehabilitation process and first of all for unit diagnosed and their parents. Diagnose makes a person handicapped, but exactly the same beaver before diagnose and after it. Getting official, formal and specialist information about diagnosed automatic condition turn on it in other social existence area. Diagnose changes identity50.

Function gathering information about paper in center result from fact of needs making sure their right care help professional prophylaxis better understanding their au-thentic interest and possibilities. Information has to enable realize wide idea individualist in action didactic and upbringing favors to rather positive bond emotional with pupils, but also accept the most optimal for specified group of patients model action enable realized strategy in social incorporation51.

Glance for participant Environmental Home of Mutual Aid as huge richness possible development, unrealistic in their potential visualize fact that human being appear seem has double element constrictive ontological axiological. On surface on-tological person is constitute by specific reality substantial homely real existed nature intelligently. Second measurement a person is sphere higher value, especially logos and ethos. Person is someone, who is able to actualization truth and good. Those values has always dimension social because person with their own nature is subject between a person simultaneously definition approach to construct individual plan52 supportive activism53 with behave rolls respected needs intellectual evaluation emotional but also spiritual.

Entertain advisability active in direction changes in any from share patient func-tion establish using connecfunc-tions won actual data with informafunc-tion as possession al-though action in precinct about participant right with postulate co-operation54.

In frames function day center support-activism contain establishment from range social

49 S. Kowalczyk, Człowiek a społeczność. Zarys filozofii społecznej, (Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 1996), p. 108.

50 D. Baczała, Niepełnosprawność intelektualna a kompetencje społeczne, (Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2012), p. 48.

51 L. Ploch, Włączanie społeczne w placówce specjalnej, (Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Difin, 2011), p. 127.

52 S. Kowalczyk, Człowiek a społeczność. Zarys filozofii społecznej, (Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 1996), p. 11.

53According to disposition of minister of labor and social politics proceed regarding environmental houses of mutual aid from day 9 December 2010 year whenever tongue is in disposition about it proceed indi vidual plan support-activism established belongs to understand - as result, for requirements properly and capabilities of each psychophysical participants, kind and range of favor showed in house.

54 L. Ploch - Postulate of cooperation understood as ability to analyzing of result of information piled with data earlier concerning e.g. school failures .

rehabilitation are define individual on base diagnose support minimum at:

analyse access (deliver by participant) documentation ;

interview environmental (assessment social situation);

separately diagnoses: physiological and pedagogic ;

observation participant during visit in centre in period expectancy on acceptance

in period to three months after direct (period destined on carry out physical and pedagogic diagnose, introduction identification on surface after potential development dominant problems also preference and talent)

Accuracy and reliability diagnose inconspicuously condition adequate prepare individual plan supportive activation and in some success process of rehabilitation of patient55.

After diagnostic process exist also on many areas as in co-participant patient home or therapist generate success or fiasco undertake action. For the most essential elements managing process rehabilitation conditions environmental home self-help recognize can:

patient diagnose environmental home self-help (possible introductory diagnose of

a person with disability waiting for acceptance to Environmental Home of Mutual Aid),

evaluation plan supporting activation,

attitude and quality of work leader assistant,

quality personal contact essential centre with family/ guardian,

involvement members of family and guardian in process their rehabilitation

(understood as presentation attitude openness in sphere generalization ability), co-operative members of team supporting- activation,

co- operative cadre therapist from cadre administration centre.

(reference: our own)

Manage rehabilitation physical process of patients environmental home self-help determine basic management element organization- specific unit social self-help. Their effective whereas it is accidental co-function many factor with both plane with different scene build success one theater. Success coming back and finding by patients home yourself own in reality with sickness and disability.

55 A. Szalast, “Osoby z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną w ośrodku wsparcia dziennego”, „Niepełnosprawność i Rehabilitacja” No. 1/2012, (Warszawa: Instytut Rozwoju Służb Społecznych, 2012), pp. 33-34 (chose pages: 31-40).


Environmental home self-help system element of social care testify on thing of adult persons with physical disorder in it with disability intellective act in fact role in process integration social also prophylactic marginalization and social exclude social member burden weight our own disability or disability close person. In front of achieve on base programs safety of physical health, reorganization general country system of care over persons with problem disorders and/or physical ill center of support day start fulfill in local structure help key role. Named center halfway fill institution low, fulfill de-mands letting as well for continuation treatment and therapy started on way of hospi-talization, as and on incorporation new, alternative ours all its own forms impacts into patients.

To testify services were performed on as highest level as needed is compe-tent and high qualified cadre of employees also effective of managing whole function of home. Hole whole function to two plane designation specific of center support day among type numbers unit in structure social care: function environmental home self-help as organization unit social self-help also function members of community home (cadre therapist and participants) in process rehabilitation. Managing whole institution sit on direction/manager which to organized, planning also monitoring function of the institu-tion. That is why his competence and abilities managing huge measure depend on good luck making decision in front of participants at home and as well as natural links social support which are their families. General creed are straight with law acts determine law fix and by the way guarantee quantity of service. Use and interpretation needs natural law and there are the same general through process of managing environmental home of self-help not right laying in competence manager/director unit together with their individual predisposition managing. Having on attention also specific all with function center of day support/environmental home self-help also individual character manag-ing, right manager/director principle is being imagination that statement, that every from centers should as the same function attitude exist as separate its own form of sup-port persons disable in local structure social help.


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Kamil Augustyn

PhD student at Rzeszow University, Poland Prof. PhD Kazimierz W. Krupa

Rzeszow University, Poland Wojciech Krupa

Specialist of Business Consulting Pavlo Skotnyy, PhD

Drohobych University, Ukraine Anna Zielińska

PhD student at Rzeszow University, Poland