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The notion of state dysfunctionality – origins and defi nitions

The phenomenon of state dysfunctionality can be observed in global political reality since the beginning of the states themselves. However, it is at the beginning of the nineties of 20th century when an increasing interest in this phenomenon can be observed, generally referred to as ‘state failure’ – mainly in the context of huma-nitarian situation in the areas aff ected by crisis of statehood. A serious shift in its perception was a result of September 11th terrorists attacks, because of it the concept of ‘failed state’ permanently entered world politics, media or international security discourse, succumbing to numerous simplifi cations and becoming a more and more vague term. A multitude of defi nitions of dysfunctional states, as well as diff erent terms used to refer to this phenomenon, such as: failed states, failing states, collapsed states, crisis states, weak states or fragile states has led to the terminological chaos. Hence, this chapter aims at organising the defi nitional scope of state dysfunctionality in the most important contexts of its use. Willingness to depart from the Eurocentric term ‘state failure’ and replace it by ‘state dysfunctionality’ obliged the authors to defi ne its boundaries and divisions within this conceptual category, emphasising the necessity of gradation, which will strengthen its defi nitional frame-work and allows to diff erentiate the specifi c contexts of its use.

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