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Przeciwdziałanie korupcji w ochronie zdrowia

W dokumencie dyscypliny finansów publicznych (Stron 156-164)

Jerzy Kowalczyk, CeDeWu, Warszawa 2012, s. 225.

książka analizuje zagrożenia korupcją w publicznej służba zdrowia, przedstawia też skuteczne metody przeciwdziałania im. Autor omówił modele funkcjonowania placó-wek leczniczych oraz charakter panujących w nich stosunków, wskazując na organiza-cyjne, psychologiczne i obyczajowe wzorce sprzyjające korumpowaniu pracowników.

Opisał procedury mające temu przeciwdziałać oraz wymienił bariery utrudniające podejmowanie działań antykorupcyjnych.

Auditing 8


to the Act on Responsibility for a Breach of Public Finance Discipline 8 The notion of public finance discipline refers to obeying the rules while managing public resources. It is mainly defined in the Act on Public Finance. For breaching these rules, strict discipline was set out in the Act on responsibility for a Breach of Public Finance Discipline of 17 December 2004, amendments to which were passed on 19 August 2011 and introduced significant changes. The amended regulations entered into force on 11 February 2012. The article presents the reasons for the changes introduced to the regulations, as well as some of those changes that can positively influence the effectiveness of asserting responsibility, and the preventive and educational function of the regulations in the field. The article considers solutions that are important from the perspective of audit bodies which are obliged to notify of cases where public finance discipline could have been breached. The authors also describe proposals for potential further changes in these regulations.

ANNA GOLONKA: Audit Bodies and Audit systems in the Fight

Against Terrorism Financing 30

Combating symptoms of financial support for terrorism, as well as cutting off resources of terrorist organisations are those methods of fighting terrorism financing which are more and more frequently used. In the Polish legal system, these issues are regulated in the Act on Preventing Money laundering and Terrorism Financing. A special role has been assigned to direct and indirect control, which is regarded as an effective preventive measure. The article is dedicated to an analysis of the provisions of this act that regulate the status and mandate of bodies established to exercise control in the field. It also describes procedures that are meant to allow for discovering cases of financial support for terrorism.




LECh ONIsZCZENKO: Compensating Procedure with Regard

to shipyards 43

The NIk has carried out an audit on how public interest is protected in relation to the implementation of the compensating act with regard to the “Gdynia” Shipyard and Szczecin “Nowa” Shipyard. The basic objective of the audit was to assess the activities of the entity that carried out the compensating procedure, and of those entities that participate in the procedure, which comprises sales of assets, fulfilment of debtors’

claims and legal protection of shipyard workers. The audit, which was also aimed at assessing the results of the procedure, covered the period from 1 January 2008 to 31 March 2011, and was conducted at the Ministry of Treasury, the Agency for  Industry Development (ArP), the “Gdynia” Shipyard, the Szczecin “Nowa” Shipyard, Bud-Bank leasing and the Polish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG).

MIChAł WILKOWICZ, słAWOMIR sTOLIńsKI: Audit of the Restructuring

and Privatisation of Bus Transport Companies 56

The NIk has conducted an audit of the restructuring and privatisation of bus transport companies, commonly referred to as PkS, which covered a big group of entities owned by the State Treasury. The NIk carried out this audit on its own initiative, in response to problems that can be observed in the sector: negligence in restructuring, its dispersed structure that hampers effective competition on the transport market, and its decreasing financial results. The audit allowed for assessing the restructuring measures in some entities and companies, and the performance of public administration bodies that execute owner’s rights towards these entities. The  findings covered the years 2007 – 2010. The audit was conducted at the Ministry of Treasury, at five regional offices and two local self-government units that have become the owners of transportation companies as a result of municipalisation, as well as at thirty-one transport companies and entities.


Audit Findings Published in February and March 2012 (ed.) 69 The section comprises information on audits completed by the NIk in selected areas and published in the form of pronouncements on audit results. In this issue, we discuss the following audits: organisation of flights of VIPs on planes of the Polish Armed Forces in the years 2005 – 2010, and their safety; professionalization of the Polish Army on the basis of several army units; financing of environmental protection with the money of the regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in the city of Szczecin; use of public subsidies for freelance works by foundations and associations


in the Zachodniopomorskie region; protection of roads against overloaded vehicles;

duties of the public administration related to transportation of hazardous substances;

charges and fines for occupancy of roads in the Małopolskie region; flood protection in the river basin of the Odra; investment support for entrepreneurs; assistance to persons who suffered in the flood of 2010; housing management by government administration bodies and by self-governments.

State and Society 71

ANGELINA sAROTA: Organisational Units of the Central Administration

within Civil service 71

The author analyses the notion of civil service with regard to a group of employees of the government administration (public officials) for whom a special law exists, set out in the Constitution. Due to the vagueness and diversity of terms used both in the Polish Constitution and in legal acts, there are disputes in the judicature and doctrine as for the scope of this law. These disputes are difficult to resolve also due to the multitude of organisational forms of public institutions. The article presents in detail problems related to this issue, and it focuses on system flaws that make it impossible to standardise the rights and responsibilities of officials, complicate the legal system and add to its inconsistency.

JAN WALULIK: status of Findings of Air Investigation Commissions

in Legal and Administrative Proceedings 87

The article discusses the issue of the legal status of findings of aircraft accident and incident investigations. The author questions the extent to which such findings may be binding in civil, criminal and administrative procedures. Particular emphasis is placed on the matter of probative value of final reports including such findings. Further, the possibility that such reports may be deemed as official documents and thus used as evidence is discussed.

Eventually, the author analyzes possible constraints to the mentioned use of the reports, which arise from general procedural rules as well as air law regulations.

AGNIEsZKA PIWOWARCZYK: Effects of Irregularities in SmallOrders

within structural Funds 109

The Act on Public Procurement is not applied for orders and competitions whose value does not exceed an equivalent of the amount of 14,000 Euros in the Polish zlotys, referred to as small orders. The lack of clear regulations in the national law does not mean that the ordering party is exempt from the obligation to obey the provisions of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU. The author discusses the norms and rules


for granting small orders, taking account of the requirements that beneficiaries of Structural Funds must meet. She also presents potential sanctions for irregularities.

The article is aimed at showing that they can result in a financial correction, also in the case of orders that are not included in the Act on Public Procurement.

BARBARA sURDYKOWsKA: Laval Quartet and its Potential Impact

on Collective Rights of Employees in EU Member states 117 The article gives an overview of the impact of the rulings of the European Court of Justice in the laval, Viking, rüffert and the Commission versus luxembourg case on the practice of collective bargaining and the effectiveness of industrial actions in the EU. The article focuses on their social consequences for the internal market of the Union. The author presents an analysis of the relation between economic freedoms and fundamental rights. She also discusses doubts of the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee related to potential consequences of the judgments of the European Court of Justice. Particular emphasis is placed on differences between the attitudes of the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human rights towards the perception of the right to collective bargaining.

PAWEł WIECZOREK: selected Issues Related to Poland’s security

of Resources 132

Unhindered and sure access to resources, which is the basic element of security of resources, is considered one of the most important factors that build international competitiveness of the European industry. It is simultaneously an element of the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy. The article explains the notion of security of resources. It also shows, among others, for how much time current recorded resources of the main types of raw materials will last, including energy, metallic and chemical materials. The author also discusses factors that hamper access to new deposits, namely formal and legal limitations, economic and ecological problems, social protests and geological limitations. Moreover, he studies prospects of the Polish mining sector with regard to main minerals, the extent to which the economy depends on imports of minerals and consequences thereof, as well as the concept of sustainable mining, juxtaposed with practice.

Notes About New Books 153

Information for Readers and Authors 160

Information for subscribers 162


„Kontrola Państwowa” znajduje się na liście wybranych czasopism Ministra Nauki i Szkolnic-twa Wyższego. Zgodnie z komunikatem ministra nr 16 z 21 czerwca 2010 r. w sprawie zmiany liczby punktów dla czasopism naukowych za artykuł naukowy wydrukowany w naszym dwumie-sięczniku autor otrzymuje 9 punktów. Jest to maksymalna liczba możliwa do uzyskania w piśmie nieposiadającym IF (impactfactor), który jest publikowany w JournalCitationReport.

„Kontrolę Państwową” można odnaleźć w dwóch naukowych bazach danych: THE CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES (CEJSH) – Środkowo- -Europejskim Czasopiśmie Nauk Społecznych i Humanistycznych oraz Index Copernicus Journal Master List.

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