• Nie Znaleziono Wyników

Szara strefa gospodarki: determinanty i mechanizmy kształtowania

Paulina Malaczewska, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2019, s. 224.

W książce zawierającej pięć rozdziałów dokonano analizy zjawiska szarej strefy, jej wiel-kości oraz zmian strukturalnych jakim podlega. W pierwszym zdefiniowano oraz ogól-nie scharakteryzowano szarą strefę; w drugim opisano kilka teoretycznych modeli tego zjawiska; kluczowy trzeci rozdział zawiera opis dwóch elementów nieformalnej go-spodarki – pracy nierejestrowanej oraz produkcji ukrytej. W kolejnym przedstawiono mierniki poszczególnych parametrów tego rodzaju gospodarki. W ostatnim rozdziale wykazano przydatność skonstruowanych modeli matematycznych. Praca ma przede wszystkim charakter teoretyczny, ale może zainteresować badaczy szarej strefy oraz polityki gospodarczej.


8 Address by the President of the Supreme Audit Office to the Parliament

– State Budget Execution in 2018 8

On 18th July 2019, President of the Supreme Audit Office Krzysztof Kwiatkowski presented the lower house of the Polish Parliament, the Sejm, with the “Analysis of the State Budget Execution and Monetary policy Guidelines in 2018”. Almost all administrators of budget parts were audited, as well as the country’s largest earmarked funds, selected agencies, state legal persons and other entities that incur public expenditure, including 98 beneficiaries. NIK also audited the National Bank of Poland (Polish: Narodowy Bank Polski), and NIK’s opinion on the execution of the monetary policy guidelines was positive.

PAWEŁ LIPOWSKI: Preventing or Hampering Audit Proceedings

– Legal Conditions Versus Practice 16

The article attempts to discuss the issue of preventing or hampering audit proceedings on the basis of the binding legal regulations related to the functioning of the Supreme Audit Office of Poland. In his article, the author presents the most important legal regulations in the area. Since the judicature and literature in the field are rather modest, the author adds his own comments to the regulations quoted.

DANIEL KOTKOWSKI: Proposals for Changes in the Cohesion Policy

Audit System – EU Funds, Perspective 2021-2027 27

In his article, the author discusses the main proposals for changes in the audit of the European Union’s Cohesion Policy funds for the years 2021–2027, presented by the European Commission together with the legislative package for the EU’s future budgetary perspective. The article presents an analysis of their impact on the Member States, especially Poland. The directions for transformation of the activities of the Polish audit institutions have been outlined, related to compliance with the law on such funds spending.



STANISŁAW DZIWISZ: Legal and Penal Protection of the Right

for Public Information – Rights and Duties of NIK 38

The law on access to public information sets forth criminal responsibility for a person who does not make public information available, despite the obligation to do so. Providing access to public information, due to the unprecise definition of the notion of “public information” and the obligation to comply with the limitations on access to such information, is not an easy task. In his article, the author analyses an offence of not making public information accessible by the responsible party, with special attention to the obligation of the Supreme Audit Office to making public information available.



Prevention and Treatment – How Self-Governments Deal with the Issue 51 The NIK audit focused on the effectiveness of local self-government units’ activities taken with regard to depression prevention and treatment. The audit was conducted in 13 local self-government units, and covered the years 2015–2017 (three first quarters).

In-depth examination comprised designing and planning of the measures related to depression prevention and treatment, the actual implementation of these measures, and the use of public funds allocated for this purpose. The assumption behind was that the activities of the local self-governments should complement the mental health services portfolio guaranteed by the National Health Fund (Polish: Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia, NFZ).

AGNIESZKA BURY: Effectiveness of Labour Market Services

– Activation of Employed 66

The situation of Poland’s labour market, which deteriorated in the years 2008–2013, was one of the reasons for introducing the changes in the law on employment promotion and the labour market agencies. The new solutions, adopted with the amendments of 14th March 2014, were aimed at strengthening the impact of the labour market policies on the employment growth, and at mitigating the effects of the existing structural gaps, especially with regard to qualifications and competences of unemployed persons. They were also supposed to contribute to activation of the jobless so that they look for employment. The objective of the NIK audit was to examine whether the activities undertaken by local labour agencies, introduced with the amendments, were effective and whether they actually supported the unemployed in finding permanent jobs.

MARIA M. GOSTYŃSKA: Patients’ Out-of-Court Claims – Compensation

for Medical Errors 80

The objective of the audit was to examine whether the regional committees for medical cases provided the patient with compensations, without a necessity to take legal actions.

The audit was conducted in eight regional offices with regard to ensuring proper functioning of the regional committees for medical cases through appointing competent committee members, and providing them with appropriate administrative and organisational services.

KAROLINA WIRSZYC-SITKOWSKA, SYLWIA KRAWCZYK: Natural Resources in Health Resorts – Supervision of the Use of Resources

and Treatment 99

Although treatment in heath resorts is one of the oldest fields of medicine, standards for this treatment have not been set so far, including norms and procedures for individual stimulation treatment. The only binding regulations impose on health centres an obligation to use only natural resources for such treatment. In practice, the lack of standards may translate into improper treatment, or lead to using insufficient or low quality resources.

That is why NIK conducted an audit that examined the effectiveness of the supervision in the area, and whether medicinal resources were correctly used in 16 health resorts treatment centres.

MAŁGORZATA ROMANOWICZ: Audit of the Multinational Corps Northeast in Szczecin – International Commitments of the Supreme

Audit Office 110

In accordance with the international agreements, the Supreme Audit Office started the examination of financial statements of the Multinational Corps Northeast in Szczecin.

In 2018, NIK presented the results of the audits related to 2016 financial statements, within the contribution of framework countries and multinational funds, as well as the legality of the expenditures – they have been discussed in this article. These audits are conducted on a rotational basis by the Supreme Audit Institutions of Denmark, Germany and Poland. Rotation takes place every three years.


Audit Findings Published in June and July 2019 – ed. 122 In this section, we discuss the audits that have been completed by the Supreme Audit Office and published in the form of pronouncements on audit results (management letters). In this issue of our bimonthly we discuss the following audits: safety of antibiotic treatment; gratuities in the State Treasury companies; electronic system for tolls collection;


local investments; effects of the implementation of operational programmes for the years 2014–2020; supervision of PGNiG S.A. over the EUROPOL GAZ S.A. company; training coaches of competitive sports; modernisation of the Rail Baltica railway; employment of persons with disabilities by the public administration; implementation of Rodzina 500+

social programme; thermal efficiency improvement in multi-family houses; financing of the Voluntary Fire Brigade (Polish: Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna, OSP).

State and Society


PAWEŁ WIECZOREK: Poland’s Market in the Years 2016–2018

– Conditions and Forecasts 124

In the years 2016–2018, the situation on the labour market in Poland improved considerably.

The number of employed persons increased, and the unemployment rate dropped to a historic low level. Still, the market has several structural weaknesses, such as gaps in the personnel’s qualifications versus the needs of entrepreneurs, omnipresent unstable forms of employment, rigidity of the labour code, hidden unemployment in agriculture, and low effectiveness of the labour agencies. As a result, little progress can be observed with regard to Poles’ professional activity, which, consequently, hampers the process of meeting the demographic challenges due to the decreasing population and the Polish society’s aging.

International Cooperation


EWA MIĘKINA: Digitalisation as a Challenge for Supreme Audit

Institutions – Meeting of the Contact Committee of the EU SAIs 165 This year’s meeting, organised on 27-28 June, was hosted in Warsaw by the Supreme Audit Office of Poland. President of NIK Krzysztof Kwiatkowski was the chair of the Contact Committee from October 2018 to the end of the meeting. The main topic discussed was digitalisation and the challenges and opportunities that it produces for Supreme Audit Institutions of the European Union.

Polish version p. 154

NIK In Brief


Representatives of the Audit Board of Indonesia Visited NIK – ed. 175 A discussion on the peer review conducted by NIK was one of the main topics discussed on 11 July 2019 in Warsaw by President of NIK Krzysztof Kwiatkowski and Vice Chairman of the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia Barullah Akbar. NIK was the leader of the team that carried out the peer review of the Audit Board (BPK). 

Unusual Classes at NIK – ed. 176 For almost ten years, students from all levels of schools and universities visit the Headquarters of the Supreme Audit Office in Warsaw to get acquainted with the history of NIK and its audit activity. They are presented with the basic information on, e.g. legal position of NIK, and the Council of NIK (Polish: Kolegium). They also get to know who can be an auditor. During their visits, apart from lectures, students have a sightseeing tour in the NIK Headquarters in Warsaw.

Notes About New Books


Information for Readers and Authors 185

Information for Subscribers 187

„Kontrola Państwowa” w bazach danych

„Kontrolę Państwową” można odnaleźć w dwóch naukowych bazach danych: The Central European Journal of Social Sciences And Humanities (CEJSH) – Środkowo-Europejskim Cza-sopiśmie Nauk Społecznych i Humanistycznych oraz Index Copernicus Journal Master List.

CEJSH jest elektroniczną, ogólnie dostępną bazą danych publikującą angielskie streszcze-nia artykułów, rozpraw oraz pozycji przeglądowych, które ukazują się, głównie w językach narodowych, w czasopismach poświęconych naukom społecznym i humanistycznym, wydawa-nych w Republice Czeskiej, na Węgrzech, w Polsce, Słowacji, a także w Bośni i Hercegowinie, Estonii, Łotwie, Litwie, Serbii, Słowenii i Ukrainie. Została utworzona przez prezesów Akade-mii Nauk państw Grupy Wyszehradzkiej. Streszczenia publikacji naukowych, także tych, któ-re ukazały się na łamach „Kontroli Państwowej” począwszy od nr. 6/2011 znajdują się na stro-nie CEJSH: http://cejsh.icm.edu.pl/. Umowa zawarta w 2014 r. z Interdyscyplinarnym Centrum Modelowania Matematycznego i Komputerowego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (ICM UW) umożliwia także udostępnianie pełnych tekstów artykułów w bazie CEJSH.

Index Copernicus Journal Master List (JML) to system zajmujący się oceną czasopism oraz spo-rządzający ich ranking na podstawie około 30 parametrów zgrupowanych w pięciu kategoriach:

jakość naukowa, jakość edytorska, zasięg, częstotliwość/regularność/stabilność rynkowa oraz jakość techniczna. Obecnie JML obejmuje przeszło 6000 czasopism.

Zasady publikowania w „Kontroli Państwowej”

1. Przyjmujemy do publikacji teksty naukowe, przeglądowe i poglądowe, poświęcone problema-tyce związanej z profilem czasopisma – szeroko rozumianej kontroli i audytowi oraz artykuły o pokrewnej tematyce.

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Warunkiem publikacji jest uwzględnienie zgłoszonych przez recenzentów uwag i poprawek.

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„Komitet Redakcyjny” oraz w każdym wydaniu papierowym, na s. 2). Zgodnie z modelem

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wkładu innych osób w ich powstanie oraz pisemnego oświadczenia o oryginalności składa-nego w redakcji artykułu.

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