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Modelling competing theories


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Delft University of Technology

Modelling competing theories

Conradie, Willem; Craig, Andrew; Palmigiano, Alessandra; Wijnberg, Nachoem DOI

10.2991/eusflat-19.2019.100 Publication date


Document Version Final published version Published in

Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, EUSFLAT 2019

Citation (APA)

Conradie, W., Craig, A., Palmigiano, A., & Wijnberg, N. (2020). Modelling competing theories. In V. Novak, V. Marik, M. Stepnicka, M. Navara, & P. Hurtik (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, EUSFLAT 2019 (pp. 721-739). (Proceedings of the 11th

Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, EUSFLAT 2019). Atlantis Press. https://doi.org/10.2991/eusflat-19.2019.100

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Modelling competing theories

Conference Paper · January 2019 DOI: 10.2991/eusflat-19.2019.100 CITATIONS 0 READS 7 4 authors:

Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

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Strategic design View project Willem Conradie University of Johannesburg 45PUBLICATIONS   520CITATIONS    SEE PROFILE Andrew Craig University of Johannesburg 16PUBLICATIONS   122CITATIONS    SEE PROFILE Alessandra Palmigiano

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 86PUBLICATIONS   904CITATIONS    SEE PROFILE Nachoem M. Wijnberg University of Amsterdam 109PUBLICATIONS   1,338CITATIONS    SEE PROFILE


Modelling competing theories

Willem Conradieaand Andrew Craigband Alessandra Palmigianob,cand Nachoem Wijnbergd,e

aSchool of Mathematics, University of the Witwatersrand

bDepartment of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Johannesburg,

cFaculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology

dCollege of Business and Economics, University of Johannesburg

eAmsterdam Business School, University of Amsterdam


We introduce a complete many-valued seman-tics for two normal lattice-based modal logics. This semantics is based on reflexive many-valued graphs. We discuss an interpretation and possi-ble applications of this logical framework in the context of the formal analysis of the interaction between (competing) scientific theories.

Keywords: Non distributive modal logic,

Graph-based semantics, Competing theories.



The contributions of this paper lie at the intersection of sev-eral strands of research. They are rooted in the gensev-eral- general-ized Sahlqvist theory for normal LE-logics [9, 8], i.e. those logics algebraically captured by varieties of normal lattice expansions (LEs) [16]. Via canonical extensions and dis-crete duality, basic normal LE-logics of arbitrary signa-tures and a large class of their axiomatic extensions can be uniformly endowed with complete relational semantics

of different kinds, of which those of interest to the present

paper are relational structures based on formal contexts [15, 13, 6, 7, 17] and reflexive graphs [3, 4]. In a math-ematical setting in which the original discrete duality for perfect normal LEs has been relaxed to a discrete adjunc-tion for complete normal LEs, these semantic structures have yielded uniform theoretical developments in the al-gebraic proof theory [17] and in the model theory [11] of LE-logics, and also insights on possible interpretations of LE-logics which have generated new opportunities for ap-plications. In particular, via polarity-based semantics, in [6], the basic non-distributive modal logic and some of its axiomatic extensions are interpreted as epistemic logics of categories and concepts, and in [7], the corresponding ‘common knowledge’-type construction is used to give an epistemic-logical formalization of the notion of prototype of a category; in [5, 18], polarity-based semantics for non-distributive modal logic is proposed as an encompassing

framework for the integration of rough set theory [20] and formal concept analysis [14], and in this context, the ba-sic non-distributive modal logic is interpreted as the logic of rough concepts; via graph-based semantics, in [4], the same logic is interpreted as the logic of informational en-tropy, i.e. an inherent boundary to knowability due e.g. to perceptual, theoretical, evidential or linguistic limits. In the graphs (Z, E) on which the relational structures are based, the relation E is interpreted as the indiscernibility rela-tion induced by informarela-tional entropy, much in the same style as Pawlak’s approximation spaces in rough set theory.

However, the key difference is that, rather than generating

modal operators which associate any subset of Z with its definable E-approximations, E generates a complete

lat-tice (i.e. the latlat-tice of Ec-concepts). In this approach,

con-cepts are not definable approximations of predicates, but rather they represent ‘all there is to know’, i.e. the theoreti-cal horizon to knowability, given the inherent boundary

en-coded into E (in their turn, Ec-concepts are approximated

by means of the additional relations of the graph-based re-lational structures from which the semantic modal opera-tors arise). Interestingly, E is required to be reflexive but in general neither transitive nor symmetric, which is in line with proposals in rough set theory [22, 23, 21] that indis-cernibility does not need to give rise to equivalence rela-tions.

In this paper, we start exploring the many-valued version of the graph-based semantics of [4] for two axiomatic ex-tensions of the basic normal non-distributive modal logic, and in particular their potential for modelling situations in which informational entropy derives from the theoretical frameworks under which empirical studies are conducted.



This section is based on [4, Section 2.1] and [5, Section 7.2].

11th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT 2019) Atlantis Studies in Uncertainty Modelling, volume 1


2.1 Basic normal nondistributive modal logic

Let Prop be a (countable or finite) set of atomic proposi-tions. The language L of the basic normal nondistributive

modal logicis defined as follows:

ϕ := ⊥ | > | p | ϕ ∧ ϕ | ϕ ∨ ϕ | ϕ | ^ϕ,

where p ∈ Prop. The basic, or minimal normal L-logic is a set L of sequents ϕ ` ψ with ϕ, ψ ∈ L, containing the following axioms:

p ` p, ⊥ ` p, p ` >, p ` p ∨ q, q ` p ∨ q, p ∧ q ` p,

p ∧ q ` q, > `>, p ∧ q ` (p ∧ q), ^⊥ ` ⊥, ^p ∨ ^q ` ^(p ∨ q)

and closed under the following inference rules:

ϕ ` χ χ ` ψ ϕ ` ψ ϕ ` ψ ϕ(χ/p) ` ψ(χ/p) χ ` ϕ χ ` ψ χ ` ϕ ∧ ψ ϕ ` χ ψ ` χ ϕ ∨ ψ ` χ ϕ ` ψ ϕ ` ψ ϕ ` ψ ^ϕ ` ^ψ

An L-logic is any extension of L with L-axioms ϕ ` ψ. Relevant to what follows are the axiomatic extensions of L

generated by⊥ ` ⊥ and > ` ^>, and by ϕ ` ϕ and ϕ `

^ϕ. Let L0(resp. L1) be the axiomatic extension obtained

by adding⊥ ` ⊥ (resp. p ` p) to L. Notice that L1is an

extension of L0.

2.2 Many-valued enriched formal contexts

Throughout this paper, we let A= (D,1,0,∨,∧,⊗,→)

de-note an arbitrary but fixed complete frame-distributive and dually frame-distributive, commutative and associa-tive residuated lattice (understood as the algebra of

truth-values) such that 1 → α= α for every α ∈ D. For every set

W, an A-valued subset (or A-subset) of W is a map u : W →

A. We let AWdenote the set of all A-subsets. Clearly, AW

inherits the algebraic structure of A by defining the opera-tions and the order pointwise. The A-subsethood relation

between elements of AW is the map S

W : AW× AW → A

defined as SW( f , g) := Vz∈W( f (z) → g(z)). For every α ∈ A,

let {α/w} : W → A be defined by v 7→ α if v= w and v 7→ ⊥A

if v , w. Then, for every f ∈ AW,



{ f (w)/w}. (1)

When u, v : W → A and u ≤ v w.r.t. the pointwise order, we write u ⊆ v. An A-valued relation (or A-relation) is a map

R: U × W → A. Two-valued relations can be regarded as

A-relations. In particular for any set Z, we let∆Z: Z × Z → A

be defined by∆Z(z, z0)= > if z = z0and∆Z(z, z0)= ⊥ if z ,

z0. An A-relation R : Z × Z → A is reflexive if∆Z⊆ R. Any

A-valued relation R : U × W → A induces maps R(0)[−] :

AW→ AU and R(1)[−] : AU→ AW defined as follows: for

every f : U → A and every u : W → A,

R(1)[ f ] : W → A

x 7→V

a∈U( f (a) → R(a, x))

R(0)[u] : U → A

a 7→V

x∈W(u(x) → R(a, x))

A formal A-context1or A-polarity (cf. [1]) is a structure

P = (A, X, I) such that A and X are sets and I : A × X → A.

Any formal A-context induces maps (·)↑: AA→ AX and

(·)↓: AX→ AAgiven by (·)↑= I(1)[·] and (·)↓= I(0)[·]. These

maps are such that, for every f ∈ AAand every u ∈ AX,

SA( f , u↓)= SX(u, f↑),

that is, the pair of maps (·)↑and (·)↓form an A-Galois

con-nection. In [1, Lemma 5], it is shown that every A-Galois connection arises from some formal A-context. A formal

A-concept of P is a pair ( f, u) ∈ AA× AXsuch that f↑= u

and u↓= f . It follows immediately from this definition that

if ( f , u) is a formal A-concept, then f↑↓= f and u↓↑= u,

that is, f and u are stable. The set of formal A-concepts can be partially ordered as follows:

( f , u) ≤ (g, v) iff f ⊆ g iff v ⊆ u.

Ordered in this way, the set of the formal A-concepts of P

is a complete lattice, which we denote P+.

An enriched formal A-context (cf. [5, Section 7.2]) is a

structure F = (P, R,R^) such that P = (A, X, I) is a

for-mal A-context and R: A × X → A and R^ : X × A → A

are I-compatible, i.e. R(0) [{α/x}], R(1) [{α/a}], R(0)

^ [{α/a}]

and R(1)

^[{α/x}] are stable for every α ∈ A, a ∈ A and x ∈

X. The complex algebra of an enriched formal A-context

F = (P, R,R^) is the algebra F+= (P+,[R], hR^i) where

[R], hR^i : P+→ P+ are defined by the following

assign-ments: for every c= ([[c]],([c])) ∈ P+,

[R]c = (R(0) [([c])], (R (0)  [([c])])↑) hR^ic = ((R(0) ^ [[[c]]]) ↓,R(0) ^[[[c]]]). Lemma 2.1. (cf. [5, Lemma 15]) If F = (X, R,R^) is an

enriched formal A-context, F+= (X+,[R], hR^i) is a

com-plete normal lattice expansion such that[R] is completely

meet-preserving and hR^i is completely join-preserving.

1 In the crisp setting, a formal context [14], or polarity, is a

structure P = (A, X, I) such that A and X are sets, and I ⊆ A × X is a binary relation. Every such P induces maps (·)↑: P(A) → P(X) and (·)↓: P(X) → P(A), respectively defined by the assignments B↑:= I(1)[B] and Y↓:= I(0)[Y]. A formal concept of P is a pair c= ([[c]],([c])) such that [[c]] ⊆ A, ([c]) ⊆ X, and [[c]]↑= ([c]) and ([c])↓= [[c]]. The set L(P) of the formal concepts of P can be partially ordered as follows: for any c, d ∈ L(P),

c ≤ d iff [[c]] ⊆ [[d]] iff ([d]) ⊆ ([c]).

With this order, L(P) is a complete lattice, the concept lattice P+ of P. Any complete lattice L is isomorphic to the concept lattice P+of some polarity P.



Many-valued graph-based frames

A reflexive A-graph is a structure X = (Z, E) such that Z is a nonempty set, and E : Z × Z → A is reflexive. From now on, we will assume that all A-graphs we consider are reflexive even when we drop the adjective.

Definition 3.1. For any reflexive A-graph X = (Z, E), the formal A-context associated with X is

PX:= (ZA,ZX, IE),

where ZA:= A × Z and ZX:= Z, and IE: ZA× ZX→ A is

defined by IE((α, z), z0)= E(z,z0) → α. We let X+:= PX+.

Any R : Z × Z → A admits the following liftings:


((α, z), z0) 7→ R(z, z0) → α


(z, (α, z0)) 7→ R(z, z0) → α

Recall that for all f : A × Z → A, and u : Z → A, the maps2

f↑: Z → A and u↓: A × Z → A are respectively defined by

the assignments z 7→ ^ (α,z0)∈Z A [ f (α, z0) → (E(z0,z) → α)] (α, z) 7→ ^ z0∈Z X [u(z0) → (E(z, z0) → α)].

Definition 3.2. A graph-based A-frame is a structure G =

(X, R^,R) where X = (Z, E) is a reflexive A-graph, and R^

and Rare binary A-relations on Z such that the structure

FG:= (PX, IR, JR^) is an enriched formal A-context. That

is, R^and Rsatisfy the following E-compatibility

condi-tions: for any z ∈ Z and α, β ∈ A,

(R[0] [{β/z}])[10]⊆ R[0] [{β/z}] (R[1] [{β/(α, z)}])[01]⊆ R[1] [{β/(α, z)}] (R[1] ^ [{β/z}]) [10]⊆ R[1] ^ [{β/z}] (R[0] ^ [{β/(α, z)}]) [01]⊆ R[0] ^ [{β/(α, z)}].

where for all f: A × Z → A and u : Z → A,

u[0]= E[0][u] : A × Z → A

(α, z) 7→ IE(0)[u](α, z)= u↓(α, z)

f[1]= E[1][ f ] : Z → A

z 7→ I(1)E [ f ](z)= f↑(z)


Applying this notation to a graph X = (Z, E), we will abbrevi-ate E[0][u] and E[1][ f ] as u[0]and f[1], respectively, for each u, f as above, and write u[01] and f[10] for (u[0])[1]and ( f[1])[0], re-spectively. Then u[0]= I(0)E [u]= u↓and f[1]= IE(1)[ f ]= f↑, where the maps (·)↓and (·)↑are those associated with the polarity PX.

R[0] [u] : A × Z → A (α, z) 7→ I(0)R [u](α, z) R[1] [ f ] : Z → A z 7→ IR(1) [ f ](z) R[0] ^[ f ] : Z → A z 7→ JR(0) ^[ f ](z) R[1]^[u] : A × Z → A (α, z) 7→ J(1)R ^[u](α, z).

Hence, for any z ∈ Z and α ∈ A,

E[0][u](α, z) := V z0∈Z X[u(z 0) → (E(z, z0) → α)] E[1][ f ](z) := V(α,z0)∈Z A[ f (α, z 0) → (E(z0,z) → α)]. R[0] [u](α, z) := Vz0∈Z X[u(z 0) → (R (z, z0) → α)] R[1] [ f ](z) := V(α,z0)∈Z A[ f (α, z 0) → (R (z0,z) → α)] R[0] ^ [ f ](z) := V(α,z0)∈ZA[ f (α, z 0) → (R ^(z, z 0) → α)] R[1] ^ [u](α, z) := Vz0∈ZX[u(z 0) → (R ^(z 0,z) → α)].

The complex algebra of a graph-based A-frame G =

(X, R^,R) is the algebra G+ = (X+,[R], hR^i), where

X+ := PX+, and[R] and hR^i are unary operations on

X+defined as follows: for every c= ([[c]],([c])) ∈ X+,

[R]c = (R[0] [([c])], (R[0] [([c])])[1])

hR^ic = ((R[0]

^ [[[c]]])


^ [[[c]]]).

By definition, it immediately follows that

Lemma 3.3. If G is a graph-based A-frame, G+= FG+.

Hence, by the lemma above and Lemma 2.1,

Lemma 3.4. If G = (X, R,R^) is a graph-based A-frame,

G+= (X+,[R], hR^i) is a complete normal lattice

expan-sion such that[R] is completely meet-preserving and hR^i

is completely join-preserving.

The following lemma is an immediate consequence of [5,

Lemma 14] applied to FG.

Lemma 3.5. For every graph-based A-graph G =

(X, R,R^),

1. the following are equivalent:

(i) (R[0] [{α/z}])[10]⊆ R[0] [{α/z}] for every z ∈ Z and

α ∈ A;

(ii) (R[0] [u])[10]⊆ R[0] [u] for every u : ZX→ A;

(iii) R[1] [ f[10]] ⊆ R[1] [ f ] for every f : ZA→ A.

2. the following are equivalent:

(i) (R[1] [{α/(β, z)}])[01] ⊆ R[1] [{α/(β, z)}] for every

z ∈ Z and α, β ∈ A;


(iii) R[0] [u[01]] ⊆ R[0] [u] for every u : ZX→ A.

3. the following are equivalent:

(i) (R[0]^ [{α/(β, z)}])[01] ⊆ R[0] ^[{α/(β, z)}] for every z ∈ Z and α, β ∈ A; (ii) (R[0]^ [ f ])[01]⊆ R[0] ^[ f ] for every f : ZA→ A; (iii) R[1] ^ [u [01]] ⊆ R[1]

^[u] for every u : ZX→ A.

4. the following are equivalent :

(i) (R[1]

^ [{α/z}])

[10]⊆ R[1]

^[{α/z}] for every z ∈ Z and

α ∈ A;

(ii) (R[1]

^ [u])

[10]⊆ R[1]

^[u] for every u : ZX→ A;

(iii) R[0]

^ [ f

[10]] ⊆ R[0]

^[ f ] for every f : ZA→ A.


Many-valued graph-based models

Let L be the language of Section 2.1.

Definition 4.1. A graph-based A-model of L is a tuple M =

(G, V) such that G = (X, R,R^) is a graph-based A-frame

and V: L → G+is a homomorphism. For every ϕ ∈ L, let

V(ϕ) := ([[ϕ]],([ϕ])), where [[ϕ]] : ZA→ A and ([ϕ]) : ZX→ A

are s.t.[[ϕ]][1]= ([ϕ]) and ([ϕ])[0]= [[ϕ]]. Hence:

V(p) = ([[p]],([p])) V(>) = (1AZA,(1AZA)[1]) V(⊥) = ((1AZX)[0],1AZX) V(ϕ ∧ ψ) = ([[ϕ]] ∧ [[ψ]],([[ϕ]] ∧ [[ψ]])[1]) V(ϕ ∨ ψ) = ((([ϕ]) ∧ ([ψ]))[0],([ϕ]) ∧ ([ψ])) V(ϕ) = (R[0] [([ϕ])], (R[0] [([ϕ])])[1]) V(^ϕ) = ((R[0]^ [[[ϕ]]])[0],R[0] ^ [[[ϕ]]]).

Valuations induce α-support relations between value-state

pairs and formulas for each α ∈ A (in symbols: M, (β, z) α

ϕ), and α-refutation relations between states of models and

formulas for each α ∈ A (in symbols: M, z αϕ) such that

for every ϕ ∈ L, all z ∈ Zand all β ∈ A,

M, (β, z) αϕ iff α ≤ [[ϕ]](β,z),

M, z αϕ iff α ≤ ([ϕ])(z).

This can be equivalently expressed as follows:

M, (β, z) αp iff α ≤ [[p]](β,z);

M, (β, z) α> iff α ≤ 1AZA(β, z) i.e. always; M, (β, z) α⊥ iff α ≤ (1AZX)[0](β, z) = Vz0∈Z X[1 AZX (z0) → (E(z, z0) → β)] = Vz0∈Z X[E(z, z 0) → β] = β; M, (β, z) αϕ ∧ ψ iff M, (β, z) αϕ and M,(β,z) αψ; M, (β, z) αϕ ∨ ψ iff α ≤ (([ϕ]) ∧ ([ψ]))[0](β, z) = Vz0∈Z X[(([ϕ]) ∧ ([ψ]))(z 0) → (E(z, z0) → β)]; M, (β, z) αϕ iff α ≤ (R[0] [([ϕ])])(β, z) = Vz0∈Z X[([ϕ])(z 0) → (R (z, z0) →β)]; M, (β, z) α^ϕ iff α ≤ ((R[0]^[[[ϕ]]])[0])(β, z) = Vz0∈Z X[R [0] ^[[[ϕ]]](z 0) → (E(z, z0) →β)]; M, z αp iff α ≤ ([p])(z);

M, z α⊥ iff α ≤ 1AZX(z) i.e. always; M, z α> iff α ≤ (1AZA)[1](z) = V(β,z0)∈Z A[1(β, z 0) → (E(z0,z) → β)] = V(β,z0)∈Z A[E(z 0,z) → β] = β; M, z αϕ ∨ ψ iff M, z αϕ and M,z αψ; M, z αϕ ∧ ψ iff α ≤ ([[ϕ]] ∧ [[ψ]])[1](z) = V(β,z0)∈Z A[([[ϕ]] ∧ [[ψ]])(β, z 0) → (E(z0,z) → β)]; M, z α^ϕ iff α ≤ (R[0]^[[[ϕ]]])(z) = V(β,z0)∈Z A[[[ϕ]](β, z 0) → (R^(z, z0) → β)]; M, z αϕ iff α ≤ ((R[0] [([ϕ])])[1])(z) = V(β,z0)∈Z A[R [0]  [([ϕ])](β, z0) → (E(z0,z) → β)].

Definition 4.2. A sequent ϕ ` ψ is true in a model M = (G, V) (notation: M |= ϕ ` ψ) if [[ϕ]] ⊆ [[ψ]], or equivalently,

if([ψ]) ⊆ ([ϕ]). A sequent ϕ ` ψ is valid on a graph-based

frame G (notation: G |= ϕ ` ψ) if ϕ ` ψ is true in every model M = (G, V) based on G.

Remark 4.3. It is not difficult to see that for all stable

val-uations, if p ∈ Prop and β, β0∈ A such that β ≤ β0, then

[[p]](β, z) ≤ [[p]](β0,z) for every z ∈ Z, and one can readily

verify that this condition extends compositionally to every ϕ ∈ L.

Before moving on to the case study, let us expand on how to understand informally the notion of α-support at value-state pairs. To this end, it is perhaps useful to start

analysing M, (β, z) α⊥. By definition, this is the case iff

α ≤ β. Hence, the role of β in the pair (β,z) is to indicate the maximum extent α to which the ‘state’ (β, z) is allowed to α-support a false statement. Equivalently, (β, z) does not α-support the falsehood for any α  β. Hence, when A is linearly ordered, β indicates the ‘threshold’ beyond which (i.e. overcoming which by going up) α-support becomes meaningful at the given ‘state’ (β, z). These observations open the way to the possibility of imposing extra conditions on the extension functions [[ϕ]] : A × Z → A, depending on


the given situation to be modelled. These extra conditions are not required by the general semantic environment, but are accommodated by it. For instance, if considering this threshold β is not relevant to the given case at hand, then one can choose to restrict oneself to valuations such that,

if p ∈ Prop, then [[p]](β, z)= [[p]](β0,z) for every z ∈ Z and

every β, β0∈ A. One can readily verify that this condition

extends compositionally to every ϕ ∈ L.


Case study: competing theories

In the previous sections, we have illustrated how many-valued semantics for modal logic [12, 2] can be general-ized from Kripke frames to graph-based structures. This generalization is the parametric version (where A is the pa-rameter) of the graph-based semantics of [4], and the main motivation for introducing it is that it allows for a rich de-scription of certain essentials (in the present case, of the role of theories in the practice of empirical sciences), while still using basic intuitions from the crisp setting. For in-stance, in the many-valued setting, the basic intuition still holds that the generalization from classical Kripke frame semantics to graph-based semantics consists in thinking of the graph-relation E as encoding an inherent boundary to knowability (referred to as informational entropy) which disappears in the classical setting (in which E coincides with the identity relation). Informational entropy can be due to many factors (e.g. technological, theoretical, lin-guistic, perceptual, cognitive), and in [4], examples are dis-cussed in which the nature of these limits is perceptual and linguistic. In the present section, we discuss how the

theo-retical frameworksadopted by empirical scientists can be a

source of informational entropy.

For the purpose of this analysis, we consider graph-based

structures (Z, E, {RXi | Xi⊆ Var,0 ≤ i ≤ n}) in which X =

(Z, E) represents a network of databases, and Var is a set of variables which includes the variables structuring the in-formation contained in the databases of Z. In this context, L-formulas can be thought of as hypotheses which will be assigned truth values (more specifically, truth-degrees) at value-state pairs of models based on these frames. We will refer to any such pair (β, z) as a situation, the β component of which is understood as the maximum degree of flexi-bility in operationalizing variables in that given situation. This truth value assignment of a formula (hypothesis) at a value-state pair (situation) is then intended to represent the significance of the correlation posited by the hypothesis, when tested in the given database according to the degree of flexibility allowed at that situation, with higher truth

val-ues indicating higher levels of significance.3This

interpre-tation is coherent with the property mentioned in Remark

3However, in this paper we do not intend to set up a

system-atic correlation between significance levels and truth values. The values chosen in the example below are only supposed to be intu-itively plausible.

4.3: indeed, the higher the flexibility in operationalizing variables, the more leeway to obtain a higher α-support of hypotheses at situations.

Moreover, in the context of the graph-based structures above, an empirical theory is characterized by (and here identified with) a certain subset X of variables which are

relevantto the given theory; also, in what follows, for all

databases zj∈ Z, we let Xjdenote the set of variables

struc-turing the data contained in zj.4 Hence, the A-relation E

encodes to what extent database z2is similar to z1(e.g. by

letting E(z1,z2) record the percentage of variables of z1

that also occur in z2), while the relations RX encode to

what extent one database is similar to another, relative to

X(e.g. by letting RX(z1,z2) record the percentage of

vari-ables of X1∩ X that also occur in X2). Below, we give a

more concrete illustration of this environment by means of an example about dietary theories.

The first theory, known since antiquity, is that body-fat loss of individuals depends on what they ate and how much ex-ercise they did. We refer to it as the ancient theory (A), on the basis of which Aretaeus the Cappadocian might have

created a database zA recording how many kochliaria of

olive oil and of honey, how many minas of bread, of olives, of lamb, and how many kyathoi of wine a group of ath-letes and a group of rhetoric students ate each day, and how many stadia they walked or ran each day, and how many

minaseach individual weighed each day.

The second one, the modern theory (M), was developed

in Victorian times by Wilbur Olin Atwater.5 In line with

the Taylorist view on labour efficiency, the modern theory

explains body-fat loss in terms of a negative balance be-tween the daily caloric intake of individuals provided by food and their daily caloric expenditure, due e.g. to main-taining body temperature or to exercise. The modern the-ory improves over the ancient in that it provides a common ground of commensurability, which was absent in the an-cient theory, between the variables relative to food intake and those relative to exercise, by reducing all of them to their energetic import, measured in calories. Hence, an

imaginary database zM built by Atwater on the basis of

this theory would record how many calories individuals got from food and how many calories they spent per day, and their mass in kilograms measured each day.

The third theory, referred to as the hormonal response

the-ory(H),6postulates that body-fat loss is governed by a

hor-mone, insulin, which is released in response to the intake

4It is interesting to notice that this basic environment naturally

captures the idea that evidence is laden with theory: that is, we can think of each database zjas being constructed on the basis of

the theory corresponding to set of variables Xjassociated with zj. 5Source: https://www.sciencehistory.org/


6Source: https://idmprogram.com/


of certain macronutrients: namely, it is maximally released in response to intake of carbohydrates, less so but still sig-nificantly released in response to protein intake, while fat

intake does not trigger any significant insulin response.7

This theory posits that as long as insulin values are high, the body cannot access its own fat and use it as energy source, no matter how severe the caloric restriction. An imaginary

database zHbuilt by Banting and Best (who famously

dis-covered insulin and its function) on the basis of this theory would record how many calories from carbohydrates, how many calories from proteins, how many calories from fat individuals got from food, how many calories they spent per day, and their mass in kilograms measured each day. This scenario can be modelled as the graph-based A-frame

(Z, E, RA,RM,RH), where A is the 11-element Łukasiewicz

chain, Z := {zA,zM,zH}, and E : Z × Z → A is as indicated

in the following diagram:

zA zM zH 1 1 0.2 0.4 1 1 1 0.6 1

For any arrow in the diagram above, its value (i.e. the sim-ilarity degree of the target to the source) intuitively rep-resents to which extent the target database provides infor-mation about variables relevant to the theory according to which the source database has been built. This simility relation is reflexive by definition. Moreover, all ar-rows have non-zero values because the three databases

con-structed on the basis of the three different theories have

a minimal common ground, namely they all include the weight of individuals (which, as we will see, is the depen-dent variable in the hypotheses tested on them). We assign

value 1 to all the arrows which have zM as source or zAas

target, since the information relevant to the modern theory can be fully retrieved from all databases, and the informa-tion relevant to the modern and hormonal response theories

can be fully retrieved from the variables in zA. The arrow

from zAto zM is assigned the lowest non-zero value, since

from the information about the caloric intake and

expendi-ture contained in zMone cannot retrieve the actual types of

food the individuals ingested or the exercise they did.

For X ∈ {A, M, H}, and for any z, z0∈ Z, the value of the RX

-arrow from z to z0represents the similarity degree of z0to

z relative to X. A concrete way to picture this is the fol-lowing: assume that a scientist adopting theory X is asked

7Proviso: for the purpose of keeping this example simple, we

are oversimplifying the hormonal response theory.

to which extent s/he would swap database z for database

z0. If the scientist in question is Aretaeus, and he is asked

e.g. to give up zHfor zM, he would not be very happy, for

although zH is not particularly good for his purposes and

requires a substantial guesswork from him, he would be

even worse off with zM, and he would suffer the same loss

of information captured by the value E(zH,zM). This

jus-tifies letting RA(zH,zM) := E(zH,zM)= 0.4. However,

Are-taeus would certainly be willing to swap zM for zH, since

whatever little he can do with zM can be certainly done

with zH, and in fact possibly more. Hence we let again

RA(zM,zH) := E(zM,zH)= 1, and so on. Hence, RA:= E.

If the scientist in question is Atwater, and he was asked to

give up zAfor zH, he would be fine with it, because both

databases provide all the information relevant to the theo-retical framework he has adopted. In fact, he would be fine with swapping any database for any other database: that is,

the relation RM: Z × Z → A maps every tuple of databases

to 1. An analogous reasoning justifies the following

defini-tion for the reladefini-tion RH: Z × Z → A:

zA zM zH 1 1 0.3 0.5 1 1 1 0.9 1

where RH and E only differ in the value of the arrow

from zA to zH. The relations above are E-compatible

(cf. Definition 3.2), and E-reflexive (i.e. E ⊆ R for any R ∈

{RA,RM,RH}, see [4] Definition 6) hence (Z, E, RA,RM,RH)

is a graph-based A-frame for a multi-modal language with

modalities A,M,H and ^A,^M,^H, in which the

ax-iomsiϕ ` ϕ and ϕ ` ^iϕ are valid for every i ∈ {A, M, H}

(cf. Proposition A.1).8

Let the formula ϕ be the hypothesis stating that individuals who restrict their daily caloric intake to less than 20 calo-ries per kilogram of body mass will lose weight over time. This hypothesis is phrased in terms of the variables rele-vant to the modern theory, and hence it can be tested on

all databasesin Z. Let us assume that the results of the

tests of ϕ do not vary from one situation to another situa-tion with the same degree of flexibility β, and it turns out that, though 80% of the individuals restricting their daily caloric intake to less than 20 calories per kilogram of body mass indeed lost a bit of weight, generally not too much,

8Notice that, although the setting of [4] is crisp, the

corre-spondence results in [4] Proposition 4 remain verbatim the same when passing to the many-valued setting. This is a phenomenon already observed in the correspondence theory for many-valued logics [19].


10% of individuals remained at the same weight, and 10% even gained weight. Let us assume that in the statistical

model this results in moderate effect size, but a p-value of

0.1, which is considered to yield too low a level of signif-icance to reject the null-hypothesis (that caloric restriction has no effect). So we propose, for the sake of this example,

to assign [[ϕ]] : ZA→ A according to the following table9:

β zA zM zH 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.2 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Let the formula ψ be the hypothesis stating that individ-uals who restrict their daily caloric intake to less than 20 calories per kilogram of body mass and who let at least 80% of their caloric intake come from fat will lose more weight than individuals on the same daily caloric regime but getting less than 80% of their calories from fat. This hypothesis is phrased in terms of the variables relevant to the hormonal response theory, and hence it can certainly be

tested on zAand zH. We wish to make a case that, modulo

some guesswork that of course will make the results less

reliable, the hypothesis ψ can be tested on zM as well. For

instance, if the database zM built by Atwater was based on

a group of individuals living in Connecticut in the years 1890-1895, and for some fortuitous circumstances an inde-pendent database exists about their eating habits (e.g. the list of customers of the local grocer’s and their weekly or-ders, and by chance these customers also include the

peo-ple in zM), then it would be possible to make some

esti-mates about which individuals in the sample of zM let at

least 80% of their daily caloric intake come from fat. This is of course an easy way out in our fictitious example, but it reflects a very common situation in the practice of em-pirical research, that databases do not perfectly match the hypotheses that scientists wish to test on them, and that some guesswork is needed to a greater or lesser extent. Notice that the imperfect match between the observations in databases and variables in hypotheses is independent from the (maximum) degree of flexibility in operationalis-ing variables (formally encoded in the value β of the pairs which we refer to as ‘situations’). Specifically, the degree of flexibility in operationalising any variables is an a priori parameter that we fix for each ‘situation’, independently of the hypotheses tested in the given situation. In contrast, the

9It can be checked that this valuation is stable.

discussion in the paragraph above is relative to the test of a specific hypothesis on a database, and hence depends in-herently on the given hypothesis. Furthermore, once such a suitable translation is found, its suitability will not de-pend on how the target variable is operationalised in each situation, but will depend only on the match between the theory according to which the database has been built and the theory to which the hypothesis pertains.

Let us imagine that ψ is confirmed for 95% of the individ-uals in the samples of all databases. Let us assume that

in the statistical model this results in a high effect size for

coefficient of the (dummy) variable recording whether the

high-fat diet was followed or not and a p-value of 0.01, which corresponds to a level of significance generally con-sidered to be high enough to reject the null-hypothesis (that the type of macronutrients from which restricted caloric

in-take proceeds has no effect on weight loss). In short, the

results in respect to this hypothesis seem very strong and

credible. So we propose, for β= 0, to assign a truth-value

of 0.8 to ψ at zAand zH, and a truth-value of 0.4 to ψ at zM,

a strong discount due to the guesswork needed to

accom-modate the testing of ψ on zM.10 The following table gives

the complete specification of [[ψ]]:

β zA zM zH 0.0 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.1 0.9 0.5 0.9 0.2 1.0 0.6 1.0 0.3 1.0 0.7 1.0 0.4 1.0 0.8 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.9 1.0 0.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

We are now in a position to compute the extensions ofMϕ,

Hϕ, Mψ and Hψ.11 Intuitively,Xχ can be understood

as what becomes of hypothesis χ when ‘seen through the

lenses’ of theory X.12

It can be verified that:

10For higher values of β, these values increase accordingly. It

can be checked that the valuation as specified in the table, is sta-ble.

11Since R

A:= E, the modal operators Aand ^Acoincide with

the identity on X+.

12These modal operators can be used to reason about

“compar-ative studies” which span across all databases and establish the degree of similarity between each databases and the focal one.


[[Mψ]] =                                                         β zA zM zH 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0                                                         ≤                                                         β zA zM zH 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.2 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0                                                         = [[ϕ]] and [[Mψ]] =                                                         β zA zM zH 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0                                                         ≤                                                         β zA zM zH 0.0 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.1 0.9 0.5 0.9 0.2 1.0 0.6 1.0 0.3 1.0 0.7 1.0 0.4 1.0 0.8 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.9 1.0 0.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0                                                         = [[ψ]]

It can also be checked that [[Hϕ]] = [[ϕ]], [[Hψ]] = [[ψ]]

and [[Mϕ]] = [[ϕ]].

These identities and inequalities can be interpreted as fol-lows: each theory leaves unchanged the hypotheses for-mulated in terms of its own variables, or proper subsets thereof; however, if a hypothesis formulated according to a more expressive theory is ‘seen through the lenses’ of a less

expressive theory (this is the case ofMψ), it is expected to

score worse. Finally, ϕ and ψ are prima facie incomparable. But is it really so?



Although very stylised and simplified, the scenario above illuminates a number of interesting notions and their inter-relations. First, we have identified each theory with the set of its relevant variables. This move naturally provides a connection with a strand of research we have been recently

developing, based on the idea that lattice-based modal log-ics can be interpreted as the loglog-ics of categories or formal concepts [6, 7, 5]. This connection can be articulated in general terms by modelling theories as categories, exten-sionally captured by sets of hypotheses, and intenexten-sionally captured by their relevant variables.

Having identified theories with sets of variables has al-lowed us to associate states of the models (understood as databases) with theories, thereby giving a very simple and concrete representation of the otherwise abstract idea that ‘observations are laden’, and that this

theory-ladenneslays at the core of the informational entropy that

this paper sets out to studying. In the toy example of the previous section, states (databases) bijectively correspond to theories, but this does not need to be the case in general. Related to this, we have captured a local and a global way in which similarity ensues from theory-driven infor-mational entropy. Specifically, the relation E captures the

localperspective, in which a given database z0is similar to

a database z to the extent to which z0is amenable to test

hypotheses formulated using the variables of the theory

as-sociated with z, that is, to the extent to which z0is suitable

to answer questions pertaining to ‘the theory of z’, while

the relations RXcapture the global perspective; i.e., RX

en-codes information on how similar any one database is to another in respect to their relative performances in testing hypotheses formulated using variables of X.

These formal tools can be used to illuminate a very com-mon situation in the practice of empirical research, namely that databases do not perfectly match the hypotheses that scientists wish to test on them, and that a key underlying aspect in empirical research concerns precisely how to ad-dress this imperfect match. In this paper, we have laid the groundwork for addressing this issue with bespoke logi-cal tools, by means of the modal operators interpreted

us-ing the relations RX, which, as discussed above, translate

hypotheses from the ‘language’ (variables) of one theory to the ‘language’ (variables) of another, and what is lost in translation depends on the relationship between the two theories.

Finally, we can try and discuss whether the formalization above throws light on the following two questions: what does it mean for theories to compete? And how do we as-sess whether one theory has outcompeted the other? We propose the following view: theories can compete,

most obviously when hypotheses that belong to different

theories (as ϕ and ψ in our example belong to M and H respectively) predict the same dependent variable (weight loss in our example). The most direct way in which two theories (e.g. M and H) can compete is when their respec-tive hypotheses (ϕ and ψ) are tested on each member of a set of databases. Each of these databases will be more or less suitable to test a given hypothesis. In particular, any


hypothesis is expected to get its best scores13if tested either on databases which are constructed in accordance with the theory in the variables of which the hypothesis is formu-lated, or on databases that are maximally similar to those. We refer to all these databases as being ‘home-ground’ to that given hypothesis. For instance, in the case study of the previous section, every database is ‘home-ground’ to

ϕ, while only zA and zH are ‘home-ground’ to ψ. When

a hypothesis is tested on a database that is not its ‘home-ground’, it will typically find no or less adequate values for its variables. The solution, as in our example of

test-ing ψ on the database zM, is to look for proxies that

rep-resent to some extent the missing variable (or recover the values of the missing variables by some motivated guess-work). These proxies are often second-best or worse, mak-ing the results of the test less credible, even if they lead to accepting the hypotheses. This results in assigning the hypothesis a lower truth value at the database where

prox-ies/guesswork were needed to test the hypothesis.

How-ever, precisely due to the disadvantage of not being on ‘home-ground’, if a hypothesis pertaining to theory X is tested on a database z which is not ‘home-ground’ to it and gets more than half as good results as the competing hypothesis, pertaining to theory Y, to which z is ‘home-ground’, this should be considered an impressive victory of

theory X and its hypothesis, just as is the effect of the rule

that goals scored by soccer teams (in e.g. the Champions League) in away matches count double.

Applying this view to the case of ϕ and ψ, we can hence argue that ψ outcompetes ϕ, since, as discussed above,

ev-ery database is ‘home-ground’ to ϕ, while only zAand zH

are ‘home-ground’ to ψ, and moreover, ψ scores systemat-ically better than ϕ on each database that is ‘home-ground’

to both and, even when β= 0, the lower score of ψ on zM

(0.4) is very close to the score of ϕ on zM(0.5).



In this paper, we have introduced a complete many-valued semantic environment for (multi) modal languages based on the logic of general (i.e. not necessarily distributive) lat-tices, and, by means of a toy example, we have illustrated its potential as a tool for the formal analysis of situations arising in the theory and practice of empirical science. As this is only a preliminary exploration, many questions arise, both technical and conceptual, of which here we list a few.

A range of protocols for comparing theories. As

dis-cussed in Sections 5 and 6 hypotheses that look prima facie incomparable can become comparable through the lenses

13We do not mean ‘best scores’ in absolute terms, but in relative

terms: that is, a bad hypothesis will score low on every database, but it will still get its higher scores on databases that are max-imally compatible with the theory in the language of which the hypothesis is formulated.

of the modal operators. In this paper we do not insist on a specific protocol to establish a winner among competing theories. However, we wish to highlight that the framework introduced can accommodate a wide range of possible pro-tocols, including those involving common-knowledge-type constructions.

More expressive languages. We conjecture that the

proof of completeness of the logic of Section 2.1 given in Appendix B can be extended modularly to more expressive languages that display essentially “many valued” features in analogy with those considered in [2]. This is current work in progress.

Sahlqvist theory for many-valued non-distributive

log-ics. A natural direction of research is to develop the

gen-eralized Sahlqvist theory for the logics of graph-based A-frames, by extending the results of [19] on Sahlqvist theory for many-valued logics on a distributive base.

Towards an analysis theory dynamics. We have shown

that using the many-valued environment allows us to dis-cuss competition between theories in an intuitively appeal-ing and formally sound manner. This lays the basis for a host of further developments to model the dynamics of the-ories and databases, to better understand what distance be-tween theories means, as well as studying the hierarchical relations between theories, in analogy with the hierarchical structure of categories.

Socio-political theories and scientific theories. The

present semantic environment naturally lends itself not only to the analysis of competition of scientific theories but also to the analysis of a wide spectrum of phenomena in which theories, broadly construed, play a key role. For instance, building on the present work, in [10], a formal environment is introduced in which the similarities can be analysed between the competition among political theories (both in their institutional incarnations as political parties, and in their social incarnations as social blocks or groups) and the competition between scientific theories.


The authors would like to thank Apostolos Tzimoulis for insightful discussions and for his substantial contributions to the proof of the completeness theorem.


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Correspondence results

In what follows, for every graph-based L-frame G, we

let R: Z × Z → A be defined by the assignment (z, z0) 7→


Proposition A.1. The following are equivalent for every graph-based L-frame G:

1. G |= ⊥ ` ⊥ iff for any (β, z) ∈ ZA,

^ z0∈Z X [R(z, z0) → β] ≤ ^ z0∈Z X [E(z, z0) → β].

2. G |= > ` ^> iff for any z ∈ ZX,

^ (α,z0)∈Z A [R^(z, z0) → α] ≤ ^ (α,z0)∈Z A [E(z0,z) → α]. 3. G |= p ` p iff E ⊆ R. 4. G |= p ` ^p iff E ⊆ R. Proof. 1. ⊥ ≤ ⊥ iff R[0] [([⊥])] ≤ [[⊥]] iff R[0] [1AZX] ≤ (1AZX)[0] iff R[0] [1AZX](β, z) ≤ (1AZX)[0](β, z) ∀(β, z) ∈ ZA iff Vz0∈Z X[1(z 0) → (R (z, z0) → β)] ≤V z0∈Z X[1(z 0) → (E(z, z0) → β)] ∀(β, z) ∈ Z A iff Vz0∈Z X[R(z, z 0) → β] ≤V z0∈Z X[E(z, z 0) → β] for any (β, z) ∈ Z A.


2. > ≤ ^> iff R[0] ^ [[[>]]] ≤ ([>]) iff R[0] ^ [1 AZA] ≤ (1AZA)[1] iff R[0] ^ [1 AZA](z) ≤ (1AZA)[0](z) for any z ∈ Z X iff V(α,z0)∈Z A[1(α, z 0) → (R ^(z, z 0) → α)] ≤V (α,z0)0∈Z A[1(α, z 0) → (E(z0,z) → α)] ∀z ∈ Z X iff V(α,z0)∈Z A[R^(z, z 0) → α] ≤V (α,z0)∈Z A[E(z 0,z) → α] for any z ∈ Z X. 3. ∀p[p ≤ p] iff ∀m[m ≤ m] (ALBA [9]) iff ∀α∀z[R[0]  [{α/z}[01]] ≤ {α/z}[0]] (m := {α/z}) iff ∀α∀z[R[0] [{α/z}] ≤ {α/z}[0]] (Lemma 3.5) iff ∀α,β∀z,w[α → (R(w, z) → β) ≤α → (E(w,z) → β) (∗) iff E ⊆ R. (∗∗)

To justify the equivalence to (∗) we note that

R[0] [{α/z}](β, w) = Vz0∈Z X[{α/z}(z 0) → (R (w, z0) → β)] = α → (R(w, z) → β), and moreover {α/z}[0](β, w)= V z0∈Z X({α/z}(z 0) → (E(w, z0) → β))= α → (E(w,z) → β).

For the equivalence to (∗∗), note that instantiating α := 1

and β := R(w, z) in (∗) yields 1 ≤ E(w, z) → R(w, z)

which, by residuation, is equivalent to (∗∗). The converse direction is immediate by the monotonicity of → in the second coordinate and its antitonicity in the first coordinate. 4. p ≤ ^p iff ∀j[j ≤ ^j] iff ∀α,β∀z[R[0] ^[{α/(β, z)} [01]] ≤ {α/(β, z)}[1]] iff ∀α,β∀z[R[0] ^[{α/(β, z)}] ≤ {α/(β, z)} [1]] iff ∀α,β∀z,w[α → (R^(w, z) → β) ≤α → (E(z,w) → β) (∗) iff E ⊆ R. (∗∗)

As to the equivalence to (∗), note that R[0]

^ [{α/(β, z)}](w)= V (γ,z0)∈Z A[{α/(β, z)}(γ, z 0) (R ^(w, z 0) γ)] = α → (R^(w, z) → β), and that {α/(β,z)}[1](w) = V (γ,z0)∈Z A({α/(β, z)}(γ, z 0) → (E(z0,w) → γ)) = α →

(E(z, w) → β). For the equivalence to (∗∗) note that

instantiating α := 1 and β := R^(w, z) = R(z, w) in (∗)

yields 1 ≤ E(z, w) → R(z, w) which, by residuation, is

equivalent to (∗∗). The converse direction is immediate by the monotonicity of → in the second coordinate and its

antitonicity in the first coordinate. 

Remark A.2. Clearly, E-reflexivity (i.e. condition E ⊆ R

in Proposition A.1.3) implies the inequality in Proposi-tion A.1.1; however, this inequality is also verified under

weaker but practically relevant assumptions. For instance, if A is a finite chain, the inequality in Proposition A.1.1 is

equivalent tomin{R(z, z0) → β | z0∈ ZX} ≤ min{E(z, z0) →

β | z0∈ Z

X}= E(z,z) → β = 1 → β = β. Hence, this

condi-tion is equivalent to the condicondi-tion that for every β ∈ A and

z ∈ Z, some z0∈ Z exists such that R(z, z0) → β ≤ β. This

condition is satisfied if for every z ∈ Z some z0∈ Z exists

such that R(z, z0)= 1. Similar considerations apply to the

remaining items of the proposition above.



This section is an adaptation and expansion of the com-pleteness result of [10, Appendix B], of which Apostolos Tzimoulis and Claudette Robinson are prime contributors.

We will use the validity of⊥ ` ⊥ in the proof of the 

case in Lemma B.7. As discussed in Section 5, this axiom is valid in the model of our case study.

For the sake of uniformity with previous settings (cf. e.g. [5, Section 7.2]) in this section, we work with

graph-based frames G = (X, R,R^) the associated

com-plex algebras of which are order-dual to the one in Def-inition 3.2. That is, for the sake of this section, we

de-fine the enriched formal context PG:= (ZA,ZX, IE, IR, JR^)

by setting ZA := Z, ZX := A × Z and IE : ZA× ZX → A

and IR: ZA× ZX→ A and JR^: ZX× ZA→ A be defined

by the assignments (z, (α, z0)) 7→ E(z, z0) → α, (z, (α, z0)) 7→

R(z, z0) → α and ((α, z), z0) 7→ R^(z, z

0) → α, respectively.

For any lattice L, an A-filter is an A-subset of L, i.e. a map

f: L → A, which is both ∧- and >-preserving, i.e. f (>) = 1

and f (a ∧ b)= f (a) ∧ f (b) for any a,b ∈ L. Intuitively,

the ∧-preservation encodes a many-valued version of clo-sure under ∧ of filters. An A-filter is proper if it is also

⊥-preserving, i.e. f (⊥)= 0. Dually, an A-ideal is a map

i: L → A which is both ∨- and ⊥-reversing, i.e. i(⊥) = >

and i(a ∨ b)= i(a) ∧ i(b) for any a,b ∈ L, and is proper if

in addition i(>)= 0. The complement of a (proper) A-ideal

is a map u : L → A which is both ∨- and ⊥-preserving,

i.e. u(⊥)= 0 and u(a∨b) = u(a)∨u(b) for any a,b ∈ L (and

in addition u(>)= 1). Intuitively, u(a) encodes the extent

to which a does not belong to the ideal of which u is the

many-valued complement. We let FA(L), IA(L) and CA(L)

respectively denote the set of proper filters, proper A-ideals, and the complements of proper A-ideals of L. For any L-algebra (L, , ^), and any A-subset k : L → A, let

k−^: L → A be defined as k−^(a)= W{k(b) | ^b ≤ a} and

let k−: L → A be defined as k−(a)= V{k(b) | a ≤ b}. By

definition one can see that k(a) ≤ k−^(^a) and k−(a) ≤

k(a) for every a ∈ L. Let Fm (resp. Fm0, Fm1) be the

Lindenbaum-Tarski algebra of the basic L-logic L (resp.

L0, L1). Moreover, in what follows we write Fm∗for the

Lindenbaum-Tarski algebra of an arbitrary (not necessarily

proper) extension L∗of L. In the remainder of this section,

we abuse notation and identify formulas with their


Lemma B.1.

1. If f : L → A is an A-filter, then so is f−^.

2. If f : Fm∗→ A is a proper A-filter, then so is f−^.

3. If u: L → A is the complement of an A-ideal, then so

is u−.

4. If u: Fm∗→ A is the complement of a proper A-ideal,

then so is u−.

5. If ϕ, ψ ∈ Fm∗, then ϕ ∨ ψ= > implies that ϕ = > or

ψ = >.

6. If ϕ, ψ ∈ Fm∗, then ϕ 0 ⊥ and ψ 0 ⊥ imply that ϕ ∧ ψ 0


Proof. 1. For all a, b ∈ L,

f−^(>) = W{ f (b) | ^b ≤ >} = W{ f (b) | b ∈ L} = f(>) = 1 f−^(a) ∧ f−^(b) = W{ f (c1) | ^c1≤ a} ∧W{ f (c2) | ^c2≤ b} = W{ f (c1) ∧ f (c2) | ^c1≤ a and ^c2≤ b} (?) = W{ f (c1∧ c2) | ^c1≤ a and ^c2≤ b} (]) = W{ f (c) | ^c ≤ a and ^c ≤ b} (∗) = W{ f (c) | ^c ≤ a ∧ b} = f−^(a ∧ b),

the equivalence marked with (?) being due to frame dis-tributivity, the one marked with (]) to the fact that f is and A-filter, and the one marked with (∗) to the fact that

^(c1∧ c2) ≤ ^c1∧ ^c2.

2. In general, f−^ need not be a proper filter, even if f

is. However, let us show that this is the case when f is

a proper filter of Fm. Indeed, in this algebra, f−^(⊥)=

W{ f ([ϕ]) | [^ϕ] ≤ [⊥]} = W{ f ([ϕ]) | ^ϕ ` ⊥} = W{ f ([ϕ]) | ϕ ` ⊥} = f ([⊥]) = 0. The crucial inequality is the third to last, which holds since ^ϕ ` ⊥ iff ϕ ` ⊥. The right to left implication can be easily derived in L. For the sake of the left to right implication we appeal to the completeness of L with respect to the class of all normal lattice expansions of the appropriate signature [9] and reason contrapositively. Suppose ϕ 0 ⊥. Then, by this completeness theorem, there is a lattice expansion C and assignment v on C such that

v(ϕ) , 0. Now consider the algebra C0 obtained from C

by adding a new least element 00 and extending the

^-operation by declaring ^00= 00. We keep the assignment

vunchanged. It is easy to check that C0is a normal lattice

expansion, and that v(^ϕ) ≥ 0 > 00and hence ^ϕ 0 ⊥.

Items 3 and 4 are proven by arguments which are dual to the ones above.

5. As to proving item 5, we reason contrapositively. Sup-pose > 0 ϕ and > 0 ψ. By the completeness theorem to which we have appealed in the proof of item 2, there are

lattice expansions C1 and C2 and corresponding

assign-ments vi on Ci such that v1(ϕ) , >C1 and v2(ψ) , >C2.

Consider the algebra C0obtained by adding a new top

el-ement >0 to C

1× C2, defining the operation ^0= ^C

0 by

the same assignment of ^C1×C2 on C

1× C2and mapping

>0 to (^>)C1×C2, and the operation0= C0 by the same

assignment ofC1×C2on C

1× C2, and mapping >0to itself.

The normality (i.e. finite meet-preservation) of0and the

monotonicity of ^0 follow immediately by construction.

The normality (i.e. finite join-preservation) of ^0is verified

by cases: if a ∨ b , >0, then it immediately follows from the

normality of ^C1×C2. If a ∨ b= >0, then by construction,

ei-ther a= >0or b= >0(i.e. >0is join-irreducible), and hence,

the join-preservation of ^0is a consequence of its

mono-tonicity. Consider the valuation v0: Prop → C0defined by

the assignment p 7→ e(v1(p), v2(p)), where e : C1× C1→ C0

is the natural embedding.

Let us show, for all χ ∈ L, that if (v1(χ), v2(χ)) , >C1×C2,

then v0(χ) , >0. We proceed by induction on χ. The

cases for atomic propositions and conjunction are imme-diate. The case for disjunction uses the join-irreducibility

of >0. When χ := ^θ, then v0(^θ) = ^0v0(θ) , >0, since, by

construction, >0is not in the range of ^0.

If χ := θ, then v0(χ)= v0(θ) = 0v0(θ). Then the

as-sumption that (v1(χ), v2(χ)) , >C1×C2 implies that v0(θ) ,

>0. Indeed, if v0(θ)= >0, then, by induction

hypothe-sis, (v1(θ), v2(θ))= (>C1,>C2) and hence (v1(θ), v2(θ)) =

>C1×C2. Therefore, from v0(θ) , >0, it follows from the

def-inition of0that v0(θ) = 0v0(θ) , >0, which concludes the

proof of the claim.

Clearly, v1(ϕ) , >C1 and v2(ψ) , >C2 imply that

(v1(ϕ), v2(ϕ)) , >C1×C2 and (v1(ψ), v2(ψ)) , >C1×C2. So, by

the above claim, v0(ϕ) , >0and v0(ψ) , >0, and hence, since

>0is join-irreducible, v0(ϕ ∨ ψ) , >0.

The proof of item 6 is dual to the one above. 

Lemma B.2. For any f ∈ FA(L) and any u ∈ CA(L),

1. V

b∈L( f−^(b) → u(b))= Va∈L( f (a) → u(^a));

2. V

b∈L( f (b) → u−(b))= Va∈L( f (a) → u(a)).

Proof. For (1) we use the fact that f (a) ≤ f−^(^a)

im-plies that f−^(^a) → u(^a) ≤ f (a) → u(^a) for every

a ∈ L, which is enough to show thatV

b∈L( f−^(b) → u(b)) ≤


a∈L( f (a) → u(^a)). Conversely, to show that



( f (a) → u(^a)) ≤^


( f−^(b) → u(b)),

it is enough to show that, for every b ∈ L, ^



i.e. by definition of f−^(b) and the fact that → is com-pletely join-reversing in its first coordinate,



( f (a) → u(^a)) ≤ ^


( f (c) → u(b)).

Hence, let c ∈ L such that ^c ≤ b, and let us show that ^


( f (a) → u(^a)) ≤ f (c) → u(b).

Since u is ∨-preserving, hence order-preserving, ^c ≤ b im-plies u(^c) ≤ u(b), hence



( f (a) → u(^a)) ≤ f (c) → u(^c) ≤ f (c) → u(b),

as required. For (2), we use u−(a) ≤ u(a) and the fact that

→ is order-preserving in the second coordinate to show the


b∈L( f (b) → u−(b)) ≤Va∈L( f (a) → u(a)). To

show ^ a∈L ( f (a) → u(a)) ≤^ b∈L ( f (b) → u−(b))

we can show that for any b ∈ L ^


( f (a) → u(a)) ≤ f (b) → u−(b).

After applying the definition of u−(b) and the fact that →

is completely meet-preserving in its second coordinate, the above inequality is equivalent to



( f (a) → u(a)) ≤ ^


( f (b) → u(c)).

Let c ∈ L with b ≤ c. Since f is order-preserving we get ^


( f (a) → u(a)) ≤ f (c) → u(c) ≤ f (b) → u(c).

 Definition B.3. The canonical graph-based A-frame

asso-ciated with any Fm∗is the structure GFm∗= (Z, E,R^,R)

defined as follows:14

Z:= {( f,u) ∈FA(Fm∗) ×CA(Fm∗) |



( f (ϕ) → u(ϕ))= 1}.

For any z ∈ Z as above, we let fz and uz denote the first

and the second coordinate of z, respectively. Then E: Z ×

Z → A, R^: Z × Z → A and R: Z × Z → A are defined as


E(z, z0) := ^


( fz(ϕ) → uz0(ϕ));

14Recall that for any set W, the A-subsethood relation between

elements of A-subsets of W is the map SW: AW× AW→ A

de-fined as SW( f , g) := Vw∈W( f (w) → g(w)). If SW( f , g)= 1 we also write f ⊆ g. R^(z, z0) := ^ ϕ∈Fm∗ ( fz−^0 (ϕ) → uz(ϕ))= ^ ϕ∈Fm∗ ( fz0(ϕ) → uz(^ϕ)); R(z, z0) := ^ ϕ∈Fm∗ ( fz(ϕ) → u−z0(ϕ))= ^ ϕ∈Fm∗ ( fz(ϕ) → uz0(ϕ)).

We will write G = (Z, E, R^,R) for GFm∗ = (Z, E,R^,R)

whenever Fm∗is clear from the context.

Lemma B.4. The structure GFm∗ of Definition B.3 is a

graph-based A-frame, in the sense specified at the begin-ning of the present section.

Proof. We need to show that R^is E-compatible, i.e.,

(R[1] ^[{β/(α, z)}]) [10]⊆ R[1] ^[{β/(α, z)}] (R[0] ^ [{β/z}]) [01]⊆ R[0] ^[{β/z}],

and that Ris E-compatible, i.e.,

(R[0] [{β/(α, z)}])[10]⊆ R[0] [{β/(α, z)}]

(R[1] [{β/z}])[01]⊆ R[1] [{β/z}].

Considering the second inclusion for R^, by definition, for

any (α, w) ∈ ZX, R[0] ^ [{β/z}](α, w) = Vz0∈Z A[{β/z}(z 0) → (R ^(w, z 0) → α)] = β → (R^(w, z) → α) (R[0] ^ [{β/z}]) [01](α, w) = Vz0∈Z A[(R [0] ^ [{β/z}]) [0](z0) → (E(z0,w) → α)],

and hence it is enough to find some z0∈ Z such that

(R[0]^[{β/z}])[0](z0) → (E(z0,w) → α) ≤ β → (R^(w, z) → α), i.e.  V (γ,v)∈ZX[β → (R^(v, z) → γ)] → (E(z0,v) → γ)  → (E(z0,w) → α) ≤ β → (R^(w, z) → α) (∗)

Let z0∈ Z such that uz0: Fm→ A maps ⊥ to 0 and every

other ϕ ∈ Fm∗to 1, and fz0:= f−^

z (cf. Lemma B.1.2). Then

E(z0,w) = Vϕ∈Fmfz−^(ϕ) → uw(ϕ)

= R^(w, z),

and likewise E(z0,v) = R^(v, z). Therefore, for this choice

of z0, inequality (∗) can be rewritten as follows:


(γ,v)∈ZX[β → (R^(v, z) → γ)] → (R^(v, z) → γ)

→ (R^(w, z) → α) ≤ β → (R^(w, z) → α)

The inequality above is true if

β ≤ ^



i.e. if for every (γ, v) ∈ ZX,

β ≤ [β → (R^(v, z) → γ)] → (R^(v, z) → γ),

which is an instance of a tautology in residuated lattices.

Let us show that (R[1]

^ [{β/(α, z)}])

[10]⊆ R[1]

^ [{β/(α, z)}]. By

definition, for every w ∈ ZA,

R[1] ^[{β/(α, z)}](w) = V (γ,z0)∈Z X[{β/(α, z)}(γ, z 0) → (R ^(z0,w) → γ)] = β → (R^(z, w) → α) (R[1] ^[{β/(α, z)}]) [10](w) = V (γ,z0)∈Z X[(R [1] ^[{β/(α, z)}]) [1](γ, z0) → (E(w, z0) → γ)].

Hence it is enough to find some (γ, z0) ∈ ZXsuch that

(R[1]^ [{β/(α, z)}])[1](γ, z0) → (E(w, z0) → γ) ≤β → (R^(z, w) → α), i.e. V v∈Z(β → (R^(z, v) → α)) → (E(v, z 0) → γ) → (E(w, z0) → γ) ≤ β → (R ^(z, w) → α) (∗)

Let (γ, z0) := (α,z0) such that fz0 : Fm→ A maps > to 1

and every other ϕ ∈ Fm∗to 0, and uz0: Fm→ A is defined

by the assignment



1 if > ` ϕ

uz(^ϕ) otherwise.

by definition, uz0 maps > to 1 and ⊥ to 0; moreover,

us-ing Lemma B.1.5, it can be readily verified that uz0 is

∨-preserving. Then E(v, z0) = Vϕ∈Fm( fv(ϕ) → uz0(ϕ)) = Vϕ∈Fm∗( fv(ϕ) → uz(^ϕ)) = Vϕ∈Fm∗( f −^ v (ϕ) → uz(ϕ)) = R^(z, v),

and likewise E(w, z0)= R^(z, w). Therefore, for this choice

of z0, inequality (∗) can be rewritten as follows:


v∈Z(β → R^(z, v) → α) → (R^(z, v) → α)

→ (R^(z, w) → α) ≤ β → (R^(z, w) → α) (∗)

which is shown to be true by the same argument as the one concluding the verification of the previous inclusion.

Let us show that (R[0] [{β/(α, z)}])[10]⊆ R[0] [{β/(α, z)}]. For

any w ∈ ZA, R[0] [{β/(α, z)}](w) = V (γ,z0)∈Z X[{β/(α, z)}(γ, z 0) → (R (w, z0) → γ)] = β → (R(w, z) → α), (R[0] [{β/(α, z)}])[10](w) = V (γ,z0)∈Z X[(R [0] [{β/(α, z)}])[1](γ, z0) → (E(w, z0) → γ)].

Hence, it is enough to find some (γ, z0) ∈ ZXsuch that

(R[0] [{β/(α, z)}])[1](γ, z0) → (E(w, z0) → γ) ≤ β → (R(w, z) → α), i.e. V v∈Z(β → (R(v, z) → α)) → (E(v, z0) → γ) → (E(w, z0) → γ) ≤ β → (R(w, z) → α) (∗)

Let (γ, z0) := (α,z0) such that fz0 : Fm → A maps > to 1

and every other ϕ ∈ Fm∗ to 0, and uz0:= u−

z (cf. Lemma

B.1.4). Then

E(v, z0) = Vϕ∈Fm[ fv(ϕ) → u−z(ϕ)]

= R(v, z),

and likewise E(w, z0)= R(w, z). Therefore, for this choice

of z0, inequality (∗) can be rewritten as follows:


v∈Z(β → (R(v, z) → α)) → (R(v, z) → α)

→ (R(w, z) → α) ≤ β → (R(w, z) → α).

The inequality above is true if

β ≤^


(β → (R(v, z) → α)) → (R(v, z) → α),

i.e. if for every v ∈ ZA,

β ≤ (β → (R(v, z) → α)) → (R(v, z) → α),

which is an instance of a tautology in residuated lattices.

For the last inclusion, for any (α, w) ∈ ZX,

R[1] [{β/z}](α, w) = Vz0∈Z A[{β/z}(z 0) → (R (z0,w) → α)] = β → (R(z, w) → α), (R[1] [{β/z}])[01](α, w) = Vz0∈Z A[(R [1]  [{β/z}])[0](z0) → (E(z0,w) → α)],

and hence it is enough to find some z0∈ ZAsuch that

(R[1] [{β/z}])[0](z0) → (E(z0,w) → α) ≤ β → (R(z, w) → α), i.e. V (γ,v)∈ZX[β → (R(z, v) → γ)] → (E(z 0,v) → γ) → (E(z0,w) → α) ≤ β → (R (z, w) → α) (∗)

Let z0∈ ZAsuch that uz0: Fm→ A maps ⊥ to 0 and every

other ϕ ∈ Fm∗ to 1, and fz0 : Fm→ A is defined by the


fz0(ϕ)= (

0 if ϕ ` ⊥


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rocznicy podpisania Traktatu między Rzecząpospolitą Polską i Republiką Federalną Niemiec o dobrym sąsiedztwie i przyjaznej

terapii, i ze względu na ten czynnik podejmuje się decyzje, czy można takie leczenie zastosować czy nie, - nieekonomiczna, która bierze pod uwagę dobro pacjenta i

Koncepcja Europejskiej Polityki Sąsiedztwa pojawiła się w początkach 2002 r., gdy rządy Wielkiej Brytanii i Szwecji zaproponowały przyjęcie nowej po­ lityki wobec

Nie wydaje się także, żeby na gruncie prawa polskiego o charakterze dobrej lub złej wiary samoistnego posiadacza miała prze­ sądzać zasada, iż do skutecznego