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Cost relations of the treatments of ship hulls and the fuelconsumption of ships


Academic year: 2021

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(Economic Technical Department TNO)




Dipl. Chem. H. F. M. FROHN






Ir. H. C. EA

Verfinstituut TNO.

H. Vettewink.el & Zonen.

Ministerie van Defensie (Marine).

N.V. Kon. Mu. ,,De Schelde".

Centraal Laboratorium TNO.

Van Nievelt, Goudriaan en Co's Stoomvaart Mij N.V.

Verfinstituut TNO.

Kon. Ned. Stoomboot Mij. N.V.

Pieter Schoen & Zoon N.V.

Shell Tankers N.V.

Metaalinstituut TNO.

Dok- en Werf Mij. Wilton-Fijenoord N.V.

Centraal Laboratorium TNO.

Nederlands Scheepsstudiecentrum TNO.


De mogelijkheden voor de bestrijding van corrosie en van

aangroei van de scheepshuid hebben zich de laatste jaren

g unstig on twikkeld.

Verbeterde roestwerende verfsystemen, aangebracht op door stralen gereinigde ondergrond, verbeterde

aangroei-werende verven en de toepassing van kathodische

bescher-ming hebben de toestand van de scheepshuid aanzienlijk

verbeterd zodat thans de periode tussen twee opeenvolgende

dokkingen van het schip vaak meer dan 18 maanden is.

(Een tiental jaren geleden was dit slechts een maand of 9). De vraag rijst of de toepassing van de genoemde mogelijk-heden economisch aantrekkelijk is. In dit rapport worden de verschillende posten beschreven die bij de beoordeling van

de economic van belang zijn. Hierbij wordt gebruik

ge-maakt van gegevens die door deskundigen van enige rede-rijen, werven en verffabrieken ter beschikking zijn gesteld.

De kosten van enige methoden orn staal te ontdoen van

walshuid en roest, de kosten van enige oudere en moderne verfsystemen zijn geanaliseerd aLsmede de kosten van

onder-houd van het schip in dok. Het blijkt dat bij gebruik van

betere, (eventueel) duurdere oppervlaktebehandelingen en verfsystemen dusdanige besparingen worden verkregen op

dokkosten en onderhoudskosten dat dergelijke betere

be-handelingen zichzelf betalen.

Een voordeel is dat de toestand van de scheepshuid bij die betere behandeling aanzienlijk beter blijft dan met de oudere methoden bereikbaar is. De scheepshuid blijft gladder

waar-door de wrijvingscoefficient niet alleen van dokking tot dokking maar ook op lange termijn gezien slechts weinig

toeneemt. In principe zijn voortdurende besparingen op de brandstofrekening verkregen.

De grootte van de te verkrijgen besparingen kan ook wor-den vastgesteld. Aan de hand van gegevens uit de logboeken van enige vrachtschepen in lijndienst, passagiersschepen en

tankers zijn de veranderingen Van het brandstofverbruik geanalyseerd. Uit de verkregen resultaten is afgeleid dat voor de Nederlandse koopvaardijvloot een besparing van f 18.000.000, per jaa.r bereikbaar is met de thans ter

be-schikking staande middelen.

Het blijkt ook mogelijk te zijn uit de logboeken een indruk te verkrijgen van de toestand van de scheepshuid ; een

op-tredende verruwing wordt merkbaar en kan aanwijzingen geven voor de wenselijkheid van een dokking voor een


De grootte van de te verkrijgen besparingen alsmede de

steeds kleiner wordende noodzaak schepen in dok op te

nernen voor werkzaamheden aan schroeven en roeren, wijzen crop dat verdere ontwikkeling van roestwerende en

aangroei-werende middelen en alles wat daarmede samenhangt

ge-boden is.


Means to prevent corrosion and fouling of ships' hulls have developed favourably.

Better anti-corrosive paint systems applied on blast

cleaned steel, better anti-fouling paints and the use of

cathodic protection have improved the condition of the

ships' hull. As a result, the period between two successive

dry-dockings of the ship has increased from 9 months, some ten years ago, to more than 18 months nowadays.

The question arises whether use of these technical means will be attractive economically.

The present report describes the factors relating to cost of pre-treatment of steel and coating, and cost of dry-docking, which have to be taken into account.

Information supplied

by experts from ship-owners,

ship-yards and paint-manufacturers has been condensed

into tables and diagrams, which are analysed. It has thus be-come evident that, in the long run, costs of better pre-treat-ment of the steel and better paint systems, are earned back through savings thanks to less dry-docking and lower main-tenance costs.

Application of better protection schemes moreover makes for a smoother hull; this has the advantage of a lower

fric-tional resistance, not only between two successive dry-dockings but also continuously. Thus an overall saving in

costs of fuel consumption will be obtained. The level of these savings are estimated by studying the pertinent information of the ship's log-books.

At the same time, indications are found in relation to the moment that a dry-docking for maintenance will be profi-table.

The level of the savings, as well as the present control of propeller and rudder-gear, are indicative of still longer pe-riods out of dry-dock; further development of anti-corrosive and anti-fouling agents is, therefore, a must.


page Glossary of terms

. ...

. ...


Summary . 5

1 Introduction . .

. ... .

. . .

. ... .


Brief historical survey .

Surface roughness 6

2 3

4 Costs of pre-treatment of ship plates

5 Costs of bituminous paint systems . .

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Costs of modern paint systems based on chlorinated rubber . . 8

Costs of mechanised shot blasting and the use of a zinc rich pre-construction primer 9

Costs of epoxy resin/coal tar based paint systems 10

Comparison of costs of older and modern paint systems 10

Fuelconsumption .


. ... .

. 11

Fuelconsumption of cargo vessels. 12

Fuelcon.surnption of passenger vessels . 1,5

Fuelconsumption of tankers 116

14 Estimation of economics in fuelconsumption for the Dutch Merchant Navy 18

15 Conclusions . . . . 18 Acknowledgement 19 19 20


References . . . Tables Figures . . .

Surface preparation

The Method to remove rust and mill scale from steel



The exposure to sun and rain which causes the break-down of mill scale. The resulting rust can be removed by steel wire brushing.


A process in which a solution of chemicals in water

removes mill scale and rust.

Blast cleaning

All methods to remove mill scale and rust from steel

surfaces by blasting with grit. These techniques are done with steel shot (round), cut pianowire (round when in

use), ground copperslag (coarse), etc.

Steel wire brushing

The method to remove loose particles of rust and of mill kale by rotating steel wire brushes.

Pre-construction primer

A special kind of paint which is applied in a Very thin layer to protect the prepared steel surface from rusting during construction.


Anticorrosive or antifouling compostion as delivered by the paint manufacturer.

Anticorrosive paint

A paint to protect the steel surface from corrosion.

Antifouling paint

A paint to protect the underwater part of the ship's

hull from fouling by algae, barnacles, molluscs, etc.

Paint system

A number of Coats of anticorrosive and antifouling

paint applied on the ship's hull.

Paint coat

One layer of either anticorrosive or antifouling paint.

Application costs

The costs of application by rolling, brushing or spraying of paint.

Period of service

The time in which the ship is able to sail between two successive drydockings.

Touching up

Making repairs in the damaged paint syStern, restricted to rather small areas.







An analysis has been made to the costs of different methods of surface preparation of ships' hulls, the costs of application of paints and the costs of different paint systems.

By comparing the total costs of several painting schemes with the costs of drydocking over four years, it has been found that the use of better paint systems has economic advantages.

Investigations have been made for cargo vessels, passenger vessels and tankers concerning the condition of the ship's hull as a result of the difference in protecting properties of the paint systems, and changes in fuelconsumption for the voyages in several periods of service.

An economy on fuel costs of 10% may be obtained by using the best available products. This means an economy of approx.

Dfl. 18,000,000. per year for the Dutch Merchant Navy.



The development of new paint systems, of modern

ways of pre-treatment and of application methods

has led to a great divergency in the treatment of

schip's hulls to protect these against corrosion and


To make a choice out of all the possible schemes

the financial aspects as well as the protection

prospects should be considered.

An economic evaluation will be made about

costs of pre-treatment of the steel, the costs of

application of paint systems, costs of paints and

costs of maintenance in drydock.

The requisite information came from

ship-owners, shipyards and paintmanufacturers which

gave helpful collaboration. Valuable data about

changes in fuel consumption were collected from

ships' logbooks.

Most of the informations and considerations are

based on new ships and on 1963 prices.


Brief historical survey

Corrosion and fouling roughen a ship's hull and

thus a higher frictional resistance occurs, which

results in lower speed at equal power. All

ship-owners and other interesties are familiar with this

effect. For cargo vessels the normal frictional

resis-tance may be about 80% of the total resisresis-tance and

for large passenger vessels and men-of-war, which

move faster than cargo vessels it is never lower than


Before World War II, the British Admiralty and

the United States Navy paid attention to this

matter, finding an increase in frictional resistance

for each day after the ship has left drydock. The

percentage depends on the type of ship under

consideration and the area of operation. More

details are given in Marine Fouling and its

Pre-vention [I] and by KEMPF [2].

After World War II, considerable attention has

been paid to trials with the Lucy Ashton" by

CONN e.a.[3]. A comparison has been made of the

frictional resistance of different pigmented paints,

viz, iron oxide and aluminium. By simply selecting

an aluminium bituminous paint a 5-10% decrease

in frictional resistance has been observed.

TODD investigated also the effect of different

types of paint on surface roughness [4]. He found

that plates. coated with a zinc chromate

anticorro-sive paint with a cold-plastic antifouling paint on

top yield a slightly increased resistance in

compa-rison to the resistance obtained when normal paint

systems are used, and that plates with an


paint and a



composition show a distinctly greater increased

resistance. The latter coating feels rough and

sandy. However, ships painted with a hot-plastic

antifouling composition remain free from

corro-sion and fouling for a longer period of service,

whereas ships painted with other types of paint are

fouled and corroded sooner, which results in a

great increase in roughness.

It is possible to carry out investigations into

the relation of roughness of the ship's hull and an

increase of the ship's resistance by making runs





during favourable

weather conditions. This can be done for warships

quite conveniently, but in the case of

merchant-men this cannot be arranged practically.


How-ever, by comparing many observations on fuel

consumption per covered mile, a picture can be

obtained of the economic significance of the

rough-ness of a ship's hull.

Prior to 1940, ships were usually built with

steel plates from which the mill scale had largely

disappeared by weathering. Just before launching

rust and remaining mill scale parts were removed

partially using steel wire brushes. Rust and mill

scale often remained in the plate's pores, causing

rust and blistering after painting.

After World War II, ships were built under a

system of prefabrication, which took less time. It

often happened that large parts of mill scale had

not yet been weathered from the plates. Since

steel wire brushing is a time-consuming operation

it is not easy to be done in a proper way to remove

all mill scale and rust. The remaining mill scale

is then covered by paint, which is undesirable from

a corrosion point of view.

Sand-blasting has been done to a large extent,

though pickling has been used also. Some years

ago, however, in the Netherlands blasting

tech-niques with sand were forbidden because of

silico-sis' danger. Other types of blasting materials have

found their way for cleaning purposes. Steel shot,

cut piano wire and ground copperslag are

exam-ples of different types nowadays in use to remove

mill scale and rust.

At present the application of paints is generally

done either by brushing, rolling or by the more

modern way of airless spraying. Brushing is

prac-tically restricted to the application of the first

coat of the anticorrosive part of the paint system.

Rolling is done mostly for maintenance in

dry-dock. However, airless spraying has found its way

for the application of all anticorrosive and

anti-fouling paints, during construction of the ship as

well as during drydocking.

For a long time a main constituent of

anticor-rosive paints has been some kind Of bitumen or

coaltar. The cheapest paints were and are still

based on this product. Bituminous paints,

pig-mented with iron oxides became very popular and

are still in use for older ships and coasters.

The pigmentation of bituminous paints with

aluminium flakes improved the performance. This

type of paint is in use to a very large extent, though

the commercially available products vary


After World War II new types of anticorrosive

paints came up. The difference with the older

types was the use of unsaponifiable vehicles. The

vinyl type is well known. In the present report

only attention will be paid to the chlorinated

rubber based red lead paints and an epoxy resin/

coaltar based paint system.

The antifouling paints are based on special

, I

matrixes, the

toxic agent



Fuprous-oxide. The amount of copper differs in relation to

different qualities.

Special antifouling paints have been developed

for application on the modern types of

unsaponi-fiable anticorrosive paint systems.

A recent development is the use of

pre-construc-tion primers.

In the case that mill scale and rust are removed

before construction which can economically be

done fully mechanized, a protection is needed to

prevent rusting during the

construction' period.

This is done by using pre-construction primers,

among which the zinc rich primers are very

successful [5].


Surface roughness

Three types of surface roughness can be

distin-guished for a ship's hull:

worsening of the surfaces due to corrosion of

the plates and the desintegration of the

paint-system in the course of years,

fouling by encrusting organisms, and

fouling by algae.

When proper antifouling paints are used regularly,

surface roughness caused by barnacles etc. need

not occur any longer.

Smooth surface of a very good paint system after of service, before overcoating


The surface roughness is then caused by corrosion

and desintegration of the paintsystem or by a

combination of this roughness and fouling by


However, because on many ships


the smaller types and old vessels

the correct paint

systems are not used generally, all types of surface

roughness will occur. It is practically impossible

to determine the economic consequences of each

type of surface roughness separately for each vessel.

In the majority of ships that will be discussed in

the present report, corrosion occurs in combination

with fouling by algae and sometimes with fouling

by barnacles. In some cases the increase in fuel

consumption is due to algae fouling only.

For other vessels, the consequences of corrosion

(and deterioration of the paint system) have

be-come economically observable because the fuel

consumption was determined before and after

cleaning the ship's hull by blasting with copper

slag and repainting.

4 Cost of pre-treatment of ship plates

As has been indicated in the brief historical survey,

all mill scale and rust have to be removed from

the ship plates. The most common methods of

surface preparation are.:

weathering followed by steel wire brushing,

blast cleaning with steelshot, cut piano wire,

or copperslag,



blasting techniques with

steelshot, or cut piano wire.

Method (a) will not lead to a perfectly cleaned

substrate, but for small ships it is still done.

Method (b) can be done by hand in which case

compressed air is used to accelerate the grit.

Method (c) can only be done for plates (and


before construction. In most

circum-stances the surface preparation by method (b) and

by method (c) has to be followed by the application

of some pre-construction primer as this will prevent

corrosion of the perfectly cleaned substrate. In the



only zinc rich pre-construction

primers were taken into account, either based on a

polystyrene binder or on an epoxy resin based


It must be remembered that these

pre-tion primers will be damaged during the

construc-tion of the sub-assemblies.

The damage locations have to be touched


before the sub-assembly leaves the workshop. In

Table 1 a comparison is given of the costs of the

mentioned methods.

Table 1. Comparison of costs of surface preparation

The costs of the pre-construction primer and the

touching-up will be considered together with the

completion of the paint systems in following



Costs of bituminous paint systems

For protecting the ship's hull against corrosion,

the anticorrosive paints based on bitumen


pigmented with iron oxides. However, the

protec-tion will only last for a very short time. For better

performance, the bituminous anticorrosive paints

have been pigmented with aluminium flakes.

Some remarkably good paints are still

on the

market now.

For preventing the ship from fouling antifouling

paints are used which are pigmented with fillers

e.g. iron oxide, and in particular cuprous oxide as

a toxic agent. The antifouling action depends

among others on the content of cuprous oxide.

The price of the paints increases if more


oxide is used in the paints. See Table 2. The North

Atlantic qualfty has the lowest amount of toxic

followed by the tropical and supertropical quality.

Table 2. Comparison of costs of antifouling paints

Four paint manufacturers have given valuable data

about painting schemes of different qualities,

as can

be seen in Tables 3, 4 and 5.

Table 3. Costs of bituminous paint systems (anticorrosive paint with iron oxide as a pigment)

pre-treatment method 1963 price Dfl./m2

(a) (b) (c)

steel wire brushing blast cleaning

fully mechanized shot blasting

approx. 2.50 approx. 6.70 approx. 0.75

antifouling paint 1963 price Dfl./rn2

North Atlantic quality, type II tropical quality, type III

supertropical quality, type IV

approx. 0.30 approx. 0.45 approx. 0.60

part of the treatment


price Dfl./m 2 paint manufacturer


steel wire brushing 2.50 2.50 2.50 anticorrosive paint, 3 coats to

100 p.m 0.75 0.60 0.40

antifouling paint III, 1 coat 0.60 0.45 0.46 application (4 coats brushed or

rolled; overheads included) 1.50 2.00 2.00


Paint manufaturers B and C estimated the costs of

wages at approx. Dfl. 0.50 per m2. Manufacturer A

quoted a slightly lower figure. However, according

to data given by a shipyard, 3 to 4 minutes are

required per m2 per coat; at a wage level of

Dfl. 8.- to 8.50 per hour, this results in Dfl.0.42

to 0.56 per m2 per coat.

Table 4. Costs of bituminous paint systems (anticorrosive

paint with aluminium flakes as a pigment)

) 4 coats.

) 3 coats of a top quality product. ) 1st layer.

) 2nd, 3rd, 4th layer.

An improvement of these older procedures has been

obtained by using a zinc rich polystyrene based

primer immediately after the removal of rust and

mill scale although this system is not in use

nowa-dags. The higher costs of this system are given in

Table 5.

Table 5. Costs of an improved paint system (zinc rich primer followed by an anticorrosive paint with aluminium flakes as a pigment)


It will be noted that there is very little difference

among the prices quoted by the


manufac-turers, both as regards the iron

oxide and the

aluminium pigmented bituminous anticorrosive

paints. Whereas the difference between the

anti-fouling paints of type III and type IV is only

Dfl. 0.12 to 0.15 per m2, which is approx. 3% o

the total costs per m2, it is recommendable to use

only the best antifouling paints.


Costs of modern paint systems based on

chlorinated rubber

On big freighters, passenger vessels and tankers, a

high quality paintsystem is often used, for example

built up with paints based on chlorinated rubber.

The anticorrosive paints are usually pigmented

with red lead.

For antifouling purposes the tropical and the

supertropical types are generally used. Application

is mostly done by airless spraying.

Since it has no sense to apply these better and

more expensive paints on a ship's hull that has not

been pre-treated properly, the hull has to be

cleaned as good as possible, the best method being

blast cleaning. The costs of such treatment are

summarized in Table 6.

Table 6. Costs of chlorinated rubber based paint systems

Permanent roughness due to overcoating rust, rests of fouling and partly desintegrated paint system


"7 --..e

part of the treatment


price Dfl./m2 paint manufacturer


steel wire brushing 2.50 2.50 2.50 anticorrosive paint, 3 coats 1.20 1.202) 1.532)

intermediate coat, 1 coat 0.18

antifouling paint III, 1 coat 0.45 0.45 0.43

application of total paint system

(overheads inculded) 2.50 2.50 0.843) 1.26°)

total 6.83 6.65 6.56

part of the treatment


price Dfl./m2 paint manufacturer


blast cleaning of the hull under

construction, manually 6.70 6.70 6.70 anticorrosive paint, 4 coats 2.80 2.00 2.60 antifouling paint, tropical, 2 coats 1.65 1.30 1.36

application of total paint system

(overheads included) 2.50 3.60 3.60

total 13.65 13.60 14.26

part of the treatment 1963 price Dfl./m2 steel wire brushing 2.50

zinc rich polystyrene based primer,

1 coat, thickness 35 t.ern 1.20

application of the zinc rich primer

(overheads included) 1.00

anticorrosive paint, 3 coats 0.90

antifouling paint III, 1 coat 0.45 application of the anticorrosive

and the antifouling paint

(over-heads included) 2.00


Paint manufacturer B has specified the use of a

zinc rich pre-construction primer based on

poly-styrene giving still better protection; the costs are

given in Table 7.

Table 7.

Costs of an improved paint system (zinc rich

primer followed by a system based on chlorinated rubber


Also in this case it will be noted that there is

little difference among the prices quoted by the

paint manufacurers.

The costs of pre-treatment are the major part

of the total price and constitute about 45%. The

price of the antifouling paint is about 9% of the

total price and practically equal to the percentage

in older systems. Accordingly there is little point

to economize by using a cheaper antifouling paint.

As -a-result of the higher coat thicknesses and

higher quality of the paints a better protection

against corrosion and fouling can be expected.

Close-up of permanent roughness


Costs of fully mechanized shotblasting

and the use of a zinc rich pre-construction


One of the shipyards has specified the costs of the

removal of all rust and mill scale by using an

im-peller type of shotblasting installation.

Immediate-ly after cleaning a zincrich epoxy resin based

pre-construction primer is sprayed on all plates and

sections. This is done fully mechanized. After

construction of the sub-assembly the damages in

the primer coat are touched up by steel wire

brushing and the application of a coat of the


rich epoxy resin

based pre-construction

primer locally. After that the whole sub-assembly is

coated with a second coat of this primer.

On the stocks the anticorrosive coats are applied

and finally the antifouling paint. Good results have

been obtained with a chlorinated rubber based

paint system properly applied. Using this system

the periods between dockings could be extended

from about 9 months to about 14 months, because

of the better quality of the antifouling paint and

the good condition of the anticorrosive part of the

paintsystern. The costs of this system are given in

Table 8.

Table 8. Costs of a modern treatment of the hull of a new ship

The fully mechanized surface preparation and

use of a pre-construction primer has led to

con-siderable savings in costs of treatment, see also

Table 7. Investments are rather expensive and

might be prohibitive for smaller shipyards.

However, at the moment, steel can be ordered

in a blastcleaned condition and protected by a

pre-construction primer.

part of the treatment 1963 price Dfl./m 2

blast cleaning of the hull under

construction, manually 6.70 zinc rich polystyrene based primer,

1 coat of 35 p.M 1.10

anticorrosive paint, 4 coats to

100 ilm 2.00

antifouling paint, supertropical,

2 coats to 50 p.m 1.30

application of total paint system

(overheads included) 4.60

total 15.70

part of the treatment


price Dfl./m2 shot blasting, fully mechanized (wages and

overheads included) 0.70

zinc rich epoxy resin based primer, 1 coat

thickness 10 p.m 0.35

touching up 0.20

zinc rich epoxy resin based primer, 1 coat

thickness 15 p.m 0.50

application of the second coat of the zinc

rich primer (overheads included) 1.35

intermediate coating, based on chlorinated

rubber 0.68

anticorrosive paint, 2 coats of chlorinated

rubber red lead paint thickness 200 p.m 5.22 antifouling paint, 1 coat, supertropkal quality 2.28 application of the last 4 coats of the paint

system (overheads included) 1.50



Costs of epoxy resin/coal tar based paint


Epoxy resin/coaltar based paints have the

advan-tage of the possibility to apply a coat of about

200-250 p.m in one operation.

A particular good protection against corrosion

is possible.

Usually an intermediate coating is necessary,

between the epoxy resin/coal tar based paints and

the antigouling paint to obtain a good adhesion of

the antifouling paint. The costs of this system are

given in Table 9. During the obligatory annual

dockings the anticorrosive part of this paint system

will only need to be touched up to repair the

mechanical damages. The estimated life of this

anticorrosive paint system is about 10 years. It

must be remembered that the antifouling paint

has to be renewed every one or two..years.

In maintenance jobs it can be difficult to use

epoxy resin/coal tar based paints because of

ad-hesion troubles*).

Table 9. Costs of an epoxy resin/coal tar based paint system

The prices mentioned in Table 9 have been given

by paintmanufacturer B. Other prices are

men-tioned also, specially for the epoxy resin/coal tar

paint. As the epoxy resin part of the paint is

rather expensive and the coal tar part cheap, the

price will depend very much on the ratio of these

two parts.

However, an average price of this painting

scheme (manual,


cleaning included)


Dfl. 16.00/m2 can be considered as reasonable.

This price can be reduced to Dfl. 10.00/m2 if

fully mechanized shotblasting is used.

1) At the moment some practical solutions are available.

9 Comparaison of costs of older and

mod-ern paint systems

Comparing the costs of a modern paint system with

the costs of the older paint systems, the modern

systems are twice as expensive as the older ones.

FAMY [6] has come to the same conclusion,

com-municating that an older paint system


Nfr. 12.92 per m2 (Dfl. 9.50 per m2) and a modern

system Nfr. 26.02 per m2 (Dfl. 19.00 per m2).

Naturally the question arises whether there are

distinct advantages justifying the greater expense

when a modern paint system is

used. So also

maintenance and repair costs have to be considered.

Moreover the advantages of a smoother ship's

hull might lead to savings in fuelconsumption.

Upon comparison of the maintenance costs of

three sister vessels, on which the same aluminium

bituminous paint system had been applied, but

the surface preparation had been different, it was

found once more that proper treatment of a ship's

hull is of major importance. One of the ships had

been blast cleaned, one chipped with a rotating

steel wire flail and one steel wire brushed. The

costs of chipping are in between blast cleaning

and steel wire brushing. After three years the

maintenance costs were lowest for the blast cleaned

ship, twice as high for the ship which has been

chipped and three times as high for the ship which

has been steel wire brushed. From the difference

in expenditures it can be calculated that there is





Subassemblies, made of blast cleaned steel plates and fully

protected in the workshop by two coats of a zinc rich

epoxy resin based pre-construction primer. An epoxy resin/ coal tar based paint system is applied on the stocks resulting in a smooth surface.

part of the treatment


price Dfl./m2 blast cleaning of the hull under construction

(manually) 6.70

2 coats zinc rich epoxy resin based

pre-con-struction primer, 25 [Lai 1.10

application of the zinc rich primer

(over-heads included) 1.00

1 coat epoxy resin/coal tar based

anti-corrosive paint, 200-250 iim 2.00 application of the anticorrosive paint

(overheads included) 1.00

1 intermediary coating, 20 p.m 0.50 application of the intermediate coating

(overheads included) 0.60

2 coats antifouling paint 1.30

application of the antifouling paint

(overheads included) 1.20


an economy in costs of maintenance materials and


of about Dfl. 2.00 per m2 of wet surface

per year for the blast cleaned ship compared

with these costs of the steel wire brushed ship.

A ship painted with an older system must be

re-painted every 9 to 12 months; during

drydock-ing one or more coats of anticorrosive paint have

to be applied and after that the usual antifouling

coat. When the ship is about 5 years old, the rust

must be removed by scraping and chipping to

make reasonable good painting possible. Due to

the heavy corrosion, repairs must be carried out

much sooner than is necessary for a ship properly

protected against corrosion.

A ship treated in the modern way needs only

touching up of the damages in the anticorrosive

part of the paint system and a new coat of

anti-fouling paint every 12 to 15 months. Dependent of

the system used, overcoating the entire ship's hull

with anticorrosive paint will only be necessary

every 2 to 4 years.

The following savings in maintenance costs can

be calculated :

A saving in wages of about Dfl. 1.00 per m2 of

wet surface per year as it is not necessary to

apply one or two coats of anticorrosive paint;

the application costs being Dfl. 0.35 to Dfl. 0.70

per m2. Moreover there is a saving in costs of

scraping and chipping.

Any savings in material costs of the

anticorro-sive paint are considered to be not important

as most of this saving is consumed by the more

expensive antifouling paint.

For touching up the anticorrosive part of the

paint system and the application of one new

coat of antifouling paint, drydocking will

normally require two days.

However, when there is much scraping to be

done and an entire new coat of anticorrosive

paint has to be applied (being the case for the




drydocking time


soon cover three or even more days. Actually,

there is not only one day saved per drydocking,

but more days are saved because of the longer

periods between successive drydockings. These

periods may be such that over a period of four

to five years the ship will drydock 4 times or less

when modern paint systems are used, but will

have to drydock 6 times when older systems

are involved.

Drydocking costs depend on the size of the

ship, ranging from Dfl. 2.000. to

Dfl.5,000.--per day for the first and last day for vessels of

about 10,000 to 50,000 tons respectively. This

includes all costs of bringing the ship in and out

of drydock.

Extra drydocking days are cheaper. After

conversion to m2 of wet surface, the costs of

drydocking for a ship painted with a modern

paint-system are about Dfl. 0.50 per m2 per

year lower than for ships painted with an

older system.

During drydocking the permanent costs like

salaries of the crew, costs of insurance,

de-preciation, etc. have to be paid. These costs

differ very much for several types of ships, but

for drycargo-liners a loss in permanent costs

of about Dfl. 2.00 per day per m2 of wet

surface of the ship can be calculated. Due to

the low number of days at sea of these ships

about 140-180 per year

it may be assumed

that there is a fair chance that anyhow the

ship would not have been in operation that

extra day of drydocking which would imply

that no loss in permanent costs is sustained.

Assuming the chance of a loss would be 50%,

it can be taken into account that roughly

Dfl. 1.00 per m2 of wet surface per day would

be involved as regards permanent costs.

Recapitulating, the total savings will be in the

order of Dfl. 2.00 to 3.00 per year per m2 wet

surface for ship protected in the modern way. The

modern painting schemes are about Dfl. 6.00 to

9.00 per m2 wet surface more expensive than the

older ones.

This extra expenditure has to be earned back

within 2-4 years by lower costs of maintenance

for counter-balancing extra costs and savings,

which is actually the case. Further savings due

to a lower frictional resistance resulting from a

better condition of the ship's hull, can be

consid-ered a sheer profit.



The fuel consumption of three categories of ships

will be considered, viz, cargo vessels, passenger

vessels and tankers.

This classification is necessary because of

dif-ferences in service, especially difdif-ferences in actual

steaming days. Also differences in paint systems are

usual. For instance tankers are about 300 days per

year at sea and are usually protected by modern

paint systems.

Drycargo-liners only make some 140-180 days

at sea per year and most of them are protected by

the older paint systems, especially the smaller


On an average, there is an 'increase in

fuel-consumption per mile covered during each period

of service. This increase is accelerated for all

categories in the event of fouling. As indicated in

chapter 4, fouling by algae is the main type of

fouling met on ships nowaday. This type of

fouling particularly

occurs when the



operated in warm waters, and fouling starts

usually within 6-8 months after the ship has left

drydock. The corresponding extra increase in

fuelconsumption in the last few months of each

period of service constitutes heavy extra costs.

From an economical point of view it is important

to calculate these extra costs as exactly as possible.

Accordingly, the mean fuel consumption of the

last voyages has been compared with the mean

fuel consumption of the first voyages for the same

period of service. The number of voyages taken

into account depends on the total number of

voyages in each period of service. Although


would be possible to compare the mean

fuel-consumption of some voyages immediately before

and after drydocking, one cannot be sure that

any decrease of fuelconsurnption is only attributed

to the re-smoothing of the hull. Normally during

drydocking repairs are carried out or changes are

made at the propeller and main engine.

A study of the fuel consumption of a ship can be

made by calculating the average fuel consumption

per mile covered for each voyage. However, it is

necessary to make corrections to an assumed rate


speed which is close to the average rate of speed

for all voyages.

It was found from data out of the ships'

log-books that the displacement of a ship for different

voyages along the same routes did not

differ very

much. As can be seen from the formula this factor

Fig. 1. Fuel consumption of ship I

o drydocking

does not affect the fuel consumption so much as

does the rate of speed. For sake of simplicity no

pertinent corrections for differences in

displace-ment have been applied.

For correcting the fuel consumption because of

differences in speed, the formula given by the

British Admiralty has been used:

x va



E.H.P. = effective horsepower


displacement of the ship in tons,


speed in knots, and

Cad =

Admiralty Constant.

No corrections have been made for the fuel

con-sumption of auxiliary engines.

As usually, it has been assumed that the E.H.P.

is proportional to the fuel consumption per unit

of time for alle rates of speed concerned. Thus, the

fuel consumption per mile covered will be

pro-portional to the square of the ship's speed.


Fuel consumption of cargo vessels

The fuelconsumption of 5 ships has been


Ship I of 4,750 G.R.T.,

Ship II of 10,900 G.R.T.,

Ship III of 10,950 G.R.T,

Ship IV of 500 G.R.T. and

Ship V of 2,700 T.D.W.

ship I

Ship I has been making regular services from the

Netherlands to African coasts and back, each

voyage covering about 10,000 miles.

0 0.05 a. 2 0. 0.04 1 0.03 15 10 1_1 :1 35 40 45 SO number of voyage I I 30 25



0.05 1

fouling by algae could be observed.

The ships bottom was scraped and scrubbed.

After touching up with anticorrosive paint an

entire coat of anticorrosive paint was applied and

after that an antifouling coat, tropical quality.

Since 1960 an antifouling paint


quality has been used.

As to the fuelconsumption the corrections have

been made as mentioned in chapter 10.


average speed was 12.5 knots.

The resulting data are given in Table 10 and

plotted in Fig. 1.

In the twelve periods of service, there is a



in fuelconsumption during ten

periods. The two remaining periods are not

comparable, because only a very small number of

voyages were made. For the first periods, from

1953 to 1957, the average fuelconsumption during

the second half year is 20% more than the mean

value in the first half year. Voyage no. 24

indi-cates a low fuelconsumption after the ship was

overhauled in 1958.

The mean fuelconsumption rises considerably

during the next voyage and then remains

con-stant for the other voyages of that period of service.

From 1959 to 1964, the average fuelconsumption

for the second parts of the periods of service was

again higher than the mean value for the first

parts. For the individual periods of service, the

increases were.




1962+ 8.0%

1963+ 7.0%

This effect might be attributed to the use of

an iniproved paint system during the latter years,

resulting in less corrosion and fouling, the ship's

hull being kept in a better condition as to surface

roughness. It must be admitted that in 1961 and

1962, the increase was greater, but it occured only

at the last voyages.

Ship II and Ship III

Ships II and III have been making regular

ser-vices, each voyage covering about 13,500 miles,

composed of several short and a few long distances.

The periods of service of both ships were often

shorter than 12 months. In respect of the mean

fuelconsumptiern, corrections have been made to

an average speed of 16.5 knots.

During drydocking the hulls were touched


with an aluminium bituminous


paint, whereafter one entire coat of the

anticorro-sive paint and one coat of an antifouling paint were


However, in 1962 Ship III was blast cleaned

after which an epoxy resin/coal tar based paint

system was applied. During subsequent drydockings

only touching up by anticorrosive paint and the

application of a new coat of antifouling paint has

found to be adequate.

As to the fuelconsumption, the corrections have

been made as mentioned in chapter 10. The

avera-ge speed was 163 knots for both ships. The

resul-ting data are given in Tables 11 and 12 and plotted

in Fig. 2.

and A = drydocking


10 15 20 25

number of voyage


For ship II the decrease in fuelconsumption

after each drydocking was considerable, e.g.:

from voyage:

3 to

4 from 0.089 to 0.073 ton per mile

5 to

6 from 0.083 to 0.071 ton per mile

11 to 12 from 0.088 to 0.077 ton per mile

19 to 20 from 0.083 to 0.080 ton per mile

25 to 26 from 0.088 to 0.065 ton per mile

In 1959, there was an increase of about 12% for

fuelconsumption during two short periods of

ser-vice averaging 6 months. The next two periods

each lasting approximately 11 months show an

increase of 13%.

Then a period came in which only the last

voyage shows a distinct increase, being 10%. In

the last period of service during the last three

voyages 10% more fuel was used.-than in the first

three voyages. After the ship had been shotblasted

in 1963, the fuelconsumption was very low, viz.


During all periods of service after 1960, Ship III

showed an increase in fuelconsumption. This

in-crease amounted to approximately 10% after

about 5 months of operation, after which the

fuelconsumption remained constant for one or two

voyages. During the sixth voyage, it showed again

a steep increase. After three out of four drydockings,

a considerable drop in fuelconsumption was

ob-servable (see Table 12).

Reviewing the figures for Ships II and III,

being vessels of the same class, it can be observed

that after nine out of eleven drydockings there was

a considerable drop in fuelconsumption and after

the other two drydockings the fuelconsumption

re-mained on the same level. There is a marked,

nearly equal, drop in fuelconsurnption for either

ship after its hull had been blast cleaned, viz. from

0.088 to 0.065 and from 0.086 to 0.069 tons per

nautical mile.

This means a decrease of about 25%.

-o 11 o_ I 10 9 -.1 I - I 1 I I 5 10

Fig. 3. Speed of ships IV

15 20 25

Ship IV

This ship, a small coaster of 500 G.R.T, is making

regular voyages from Amsterdam to the ,Baltic

Sea usually covering 1,388 miles in 7 to 8 days.

For protection against corrosion ordinary

coal-tar is applied every year. No antifouling paint is


The main engine was adjusted to its specific

power. The increase of the frictional resistance

was caused by fouling of algae in summer,

re-ducing the rate of speed considerably. For

examp-ple, in 1963 the average speed was about 11.5

knots in May, dropping to 10.5 in July and even

9.5 to 9.7 in August. Later in the year the average

speed increased gradually.

Owing to the lower rate of speed, the voyages

take about one day more and the fuelconsumption

thus rises 10 to 20%. Further informations are

given in Table 13 and Fig. 3.

Ship V

This ship of 2,700 tons D.W., on which a very

good paint system is used, is known to be hindered

by algae fouling.

In June 1962 a very good antifouling paint ivas

applied. After 12 months no fouling by barnacles

could be observed, though a minor "beard" of

algae was present along the waterline. This beard

has been removed but a new coat of the antifouling

paint was not applied. Immediately after

dry-docking fouling by algae occurred again after

which the speed dropped about 0.5 knots at a speed

of 10 knots and about 2 knots at a speed of 20


Estimated Economies for cargo vessels I, II, III, IV and V

Although Ships IV and V give interesting pictures,

comparison of profits and losses cannot be ma.de

due to insufficient information. With ships I, II

and III, the increase in fuel consumption for the

last few years, after 1960, is not so great in any

o = drydocking I 1 1 I 30 35 40 45 50 55 number of voyage 4 12 August '63 August '62


period of service as in the years before 1960. Very

probably this may be attributed to better

pre-treatment of the ship's hull and improvement of

the quality of the paints.

When for cargo vessels a changeover is made to

improved products,

e.g. aluminium pigmented

bituminous anticorrosive paints of good quality

and antifouling paints of the supertropical type,

which are about Dfl. 1. more expensive per m2

of wet surface, the increase in fuelconsumption

will be approximately 10% less for the second

half of a period of service.

As an example the economy thus obtained can

be calculated as follows: The wet surface of

Ships II and III is about 4,200 m2. The extra

costs for



4,200 x Dfl. 1. =

Dfl. 4,200.. Covering 60,000 miles per year at

0.08 tons of fuel per mile, the fuelcosts will be

Dfl. 50. per ton x 60,000 x 0.08 = Dfl. 240,000.

When in the second -half year 10% less fuel is

used, then the economy will be Dfl. 12,000.

Dfl. 4,200. = Dfl. 7,800..

In relation to the wet surface this means an

economy of about Dfl. 2. per m2 of wet surface

per period of service (approximately I year).

However, changing from an older system of

good quality to a modern system, another profit

of 10% in fuelconsumption may be attained, viz.

for the first half of the period of service. This

in-volves blast cleaning of the hull; but this extra

expenditure will be earned back in 2-4 years by

lower costs in maintenance (chapter 10).

For Ships II and III the advantage in costs of

fuelconsumption would be Dfl. 24.000. per year,

which means Dfl. 6. per m2 of wet surface.


Fuel consumption of passenger vessels

The fuelconsumption of two passenger liners will

be considered:

Liner I of 23,114 G.R.T. and

Liner II of 15,000 G.R.T.

Liner I

Liner I made its maiden trip in 1947. The voyages

from 1959 will be considered.

Each year 5 voyages were made of about 26,500

miles each with an average speed of 20.5 knots.

These voyages often took the ship to tropical


About half a year after the ship had left

dry-dock considerable fouling by algae was observed.

The frictional resistance increased, thus

neces-sitating more fuel in order to stick to the time


Consequently the ship was drydocked every half

year (after 2 to 3 voyages). After removal of the

algae fouling the ship was touched up with

corrosive paint after which a new coat of

anti-fouling paint was applied.

As to the fuelconsumption corrections were

made to the average rate of speed of 20.5 knots,

although these corrections were very small. No

corrections were made in way of changes of

dis-placement as these are only very small for passenger

liners. The resulting data are given in Table 14.

In the period of service from 1959-1960 five

voyages were made.

Comparing the last two voyages with the first

two, a raise in fuel consumption of 15.6% can be

calculated. The extra fuekonsumption has cost

2 x 26,500 x (0.218

0.189) x Dfl. 50. =

Dfl. 78,175..

If the ship had drydocked after voyage 5, then

the fuelconsumption during voyages 6-and 7 would

have been as low as that for voyages 3 and 4. This

means a saving of Dfl. 48,000. being the

dif-ference between Dfl. 78,000. and Dfl. 30,000.,

the costs of drydocking, touching-up with

anti-corrosive paint and one coat of antifouling paint.

In fact the shipowners realized this point and,

accordingly, in the subsequent periods of service

the ship was drydocked after the third voyage

(No. 10).

Actually, during voyage No. 10 the

fuelcon-sumption went up by 18% over against that for

voyages 8 and 9; this involved Dfl. 45,000,

more for fuel, so that it would have been even

more advantageous - to drydock the ship after

two voyages. This point is hard to judge; only if

at the end of the second voyage there is a clearly

observable beard of algae and an increase of

fuelconsumption, a drydocking after the second

voyage has to be considered.

It should not be overlooked that the ship, when

drydocking, lies idle for one day, which costs

ap-proximately Dfl. 25,000.. However, when the

schedule of voyages is arranged that anyhow a few

idle days are avaible these costs should not be

considered, or only partly, whenever a decision

is to be taken with regard to drydocking.

Liner II

This passenger vessel was built in 1950. The


The ship crosses the Atlantic regularly, making

voyages of about 2,800 miles at an average speed

of 16 knots.

During drydocking at the end of 1960, the

ship's hull has been blast cleaned after which the

paint system was renewed entirely. An economy

in fuelconsumption was obtained of

approxi-mately 12%.

Whereas the fuelconsumption is affected rather

considerably by such factors as heavy seas, wind,

etc. only the outward bound voyages were

com-pared, the same was done with the homeward

bound voyages in as much as they were made in

the same season.

Of 10 voyages, the average fuelconsumption per

mile has been calculated at an average speed.

Thereafter the fuel consumption has been

correct-ed to an average specorrect-ed of 16 knots. The resulting

data are given in Table 15.

A comparison was made of the voyages that

were made immediately before and after blast

cleaning of the ship's hull. A distinct economy in

fuel of approximately 12% was noted for outward

as well as for homeward voyages.

Upon comparison

of the



(Table 15), which were made in 1959 before

blast cleaning with the voyages 130-139 (Table

15), which were made after blast cleaning, it is

noted that only the outward voyages show a

considerable saving. This may be I incidental in

that either the weather was bad during the

out-ward voyages in 1959 or during the homeout-ward

voyages in 1962. However, the average economy


still 16%.

According to the shipowner the extra

expen-diture for blast cleaning and painting, amounting

to Dfl. 76,056. has been earned back in about

18 months. The shipowner compared 20 voyages

before blast cleaning (92-111, Table 15) and 20

after blast cleaning (114-123,and 130-139, Table

15) and found that 1,868 tons more fuel were

used in the period prior to blast cleaning. At a

price per ton of Dfl. 50. this means an economy

of Dfl. 76,800., moreover, as an extra advantage

the average speed was 0.29 knots higher.

Two years after blast cleaning the

fuelconsump-tion in respect of the voyages 130-139 is about

8% higher than that for the voyages 114-123,

which were made immediately after blast cleaning.

It has been stated by AERTSSEN [7] that in the

case that older ships showing heavy

corrosion are

blast cleaned, the advantage of lower

fuelcon-sumption is less spectacular than when a ship with

less heavy corrosion is blast cleaned. Blast cleaning

the hull of rather new ships, the original condition

can be regained. Ships having a badly corroded

hull, the original smoothness cannot be regained,

thus introducing a more rapid desintegration of

the paintsystem.

13 Fuelconsumption of tankers

The fuelconsumption of two tankers will be


Tanker I of 32,000 tons D.W. and

Tanker II of 50,000 tons D.W.

Tankers habitually move to places all over the

world, covering distances of less than 2,000 to

more than 8,000 miles per voyage.

As the fuelconsumption of tankers in ballast

conditions is much lower than when fully loaded,

these two conditions will be dealt with separately.

For cleaning, drydocking and overhauling the

engineroom, tankers are taken out of service for

10 or more days per year. They are in ports for

only about 30 days per year. Tankers generlly

experience little inconvenience from fouling dining

the first 6 to 8 months after drydocking, so that he

fuelconsumption does not rise very much during

that time. Thereafter, fouling by algae is often

Observed, which causes a rapid increase in


Tanker I

This tanker was built in 1955. The voyages as

from 1960 to 1964 will be considered. The fuel

consumption per mile covered has been corrrected

to an average speed of 15.5 knots for ballasted

and for loaded voyages.

Tanker I is drydocked every year, the hull is

touched up with an aluminium bituminous

corrosive paint after which a coat of an

anti-fouling paint is applied with a thickness of 80-100


The fuelconsumption after drydocking is

con-siderable less than just before drydocking, as can

be seen by comparing the last three voyages before

drydocking with the first three after drydocking.

See Tables 16a and 16b.

A comparison is made of the increase in

fuel-consumption for the loaded voyages for the last

voyages over against the first voyages for


period of service. For the three periods of service

each of one year, the increases are 10%, 31%,

18%, averaging 20%.

After drydocking the fuelconsumption is much

lower (Table 16a) e.g. in:


1960 drop from

0.228 (voyage 11) to 0.193 (voyage 13)

1961 drop from

0.212 (voyage 34) to 0.151 (voyage 37)

1962 drop from

0.216 (voyage 60) to 0.183 (voyage 62)

1963 drop from

0.227 (voyage 79) to 0.189 (voyage 82)

For the ballasted voyages the same has been done.

The increase in fuelconsumption of the last voyages

over against the first voyages in the three periods

of service of one year are; 24%, 17%, 24%,

avera-ging 22%.

Here again the fuelconsumption is


lower after drydocking (Table 16b) in:

1960 drop from

0.185 (voyage 10) to 0.163 (voyage 12)

1961 drop from

0.203 (voyage 35) to 0.161 (voyage 36)

1962 drop from

0.173 (voyage 61) to 0.156 (voyage 63)

1963 drop from

0.194 (voyage 80) to 0.140 (voyage 81)

Tanker II

This tanker was built in 1961. The voyages as from

1961 to 1964 will be considered. For the majority

of voyages, the distance covered was about 6,300

miles. The fuelconsumption per mile covered has

been corrected to an average speed of 16.5 knots.

Before construction all steel plates were blast

cleaned and protected by a zinc rich epoxy based

paint coat.

eu 0.30 a, 2 7,"' 0.25 0.20

The anti-corrosive system, consisting of another

coat of the same zinc rich paint and but a very

thin coat of an epoxy resin based anticorrosive

paint pigmented with micaceous iron


failed badly by severe blistering. This phenomenon

has been understood later. The ship was clrydocked

and blast cleaned again after which an epoxy resin/

coal tar based anticorrosive paint system was

ap-plied. After this drydocking the fuelconsurnption

was found to be much lower than original, see

Tables 17a and 17b. After about seven months'

service fouling by algae increased the frictional

resistance, leading to a rise in fuelconsumption of

37% (compare voyage 28 and voyage 10 in loaded


At the next drydocking (1963) only fouling of

algae was observed. A new coat of antifouling

paint was applied. In the next period of service the

fuelconsumption was considerably lower (voyages

29 and 30). During the first seven months after the

1963 drydocking, no fouling has been reported and

no substancial rise in fuelconsumption was

observ-ed (voyages 39 and 40).

The extra costs due to higher fuelconsumption

at the end of the 1962-1963 period of service, can

be calculated on a basis of 6,000 miles per voyage

and fuelcosts of Dfl. 50. per ton.

Comparing loaded voyages 24, 26 and 28 with

voyages 10,

11 and 13 (Table 17a) has shown

Dfl. 62,700. extra fuelcosts and comparing

bal-lasted voyages 23, 25 and 27 with voyages 9, 12

and 16 (Table 17b) has shown extra costs of

Dfl. 44,700.. The total of Dfl. 107,400. extra

expenditure was probably only caused by the

o= drydocking

/ ballasted


Fig. 4. Fuelconsumption of tanker II






loaded 20 25 30 1 35 40 number of 'voyage 5 10 15


algae fouling which has been observed at the

1963 drydocking.

Assuming that algae fouling has to be expected

after 8 months, it could be considered profitable

to drydock the ship just to remove this fouling and

apply a new coat of an ordinary antifouling paint.

In that case the extra drydocking can be of short

duration and will cost about Dfl. 30,000.. The

advantage would be that algae fouling will cause

no troubles in two years. An economy of about

Dfl. 90,000. per year seems to be possible

(2 x Dfl. 107,000. extra costs of fuelconsumption,

minus Dfl. 30,000.

extra drydocking, in 2 years).


Estimation of economies in

fuelcon-sumption for Dutch merchant navy

On January 1st, 1963 the total number of sea

going vessels sailing under the Dutch flag was

1,525 and their


tonnage amounted to

5,037,000 G.R.T. In these figures fishing craft,

warships and lifeboats are not included [8].

It can be demonstrated that per 10,000 G.R.T.

per mile covered the fuelconsumption is 0.1 ton.

The price at that time was approximately

Dfl.50.--per ton, which means that Dfl.50.--per mile covered

Dfl. 5. is necessary for each 10,000 G.R.T.

It is considered to be possible to decrease the

average frictional resistance of the ship's hulls by

better protection against fouling and corrosion,

using better paint systems so that about 10% less

fuel is consumed. However, the ships considered in

the present report have already been treated in a

better way than usually is done for the larger part

of the Dutch Merchant Navy. This means that

the attainable economies will


better than

given here for the following three categories of


420 Cargo vessels

of 500 G.R.T. and more

about 3,000,000 G.R.T.

898 Cargo vessels

of less than 500 G.R.T.

For 140 days of service at an average speed of

15 knots the mileage covered per ship will be

50,000 per year.

For 3,000,000 G.R.T. the fuelcosts are


300 x 50,000 x Dfl. 5. = Dfl. 75,000,000..

The saving of 10% on these costs leads

approxi-mately to an economy of Dfl. 7,500,000..

57 Passenger vessels, totaling 610,000 G.R.T.

For approximately 200 days of service at an

average speed of 17.5 knots the mileage covered

per ship will be 84,000 per year.

For 610,000 G.R.T. the fuel costs are

approxima-tely 61 x 84,000 x Dfl. 5. = Dfl. 25,000,000..

The saving of 10% on these costs leads

approxi-mately to an economy of Dfl. 2,500,000..

121 Tankers, totaling 1,609,000 G.R.T.

For 300 days of service at an average speed of

15 knots the total mileage covered per ship will be

108,000 per year.

For 1,600,000 G.R.T. the fuelcosts are


160 x 108,000 x Dfl. 5. = Dfl. 86,000,000..

The saving of 10% on these costs leads

approxi-mately to an economy of Dfl. 8,600,000..

The total economy for the larger part of the

Dutch merchant fleet would thus be more than

approximately Dfl. 18,000,000..



The costs of surface-preparation for new ships

are taking about 45% of the total costs of

pre-treatment and painting

Using shotblasting installations reduces the

costs of surface preparation considerably.

The difference in price of the three normally

used qualities of antifouling paints is but small

compared with the total price of the paint

system, surface-preparation and painting. It is

recommendable to use the better antifouling


The use of an improved modern paint system

will yield the following economies:

shorter drydocking times

lower costs per drydocking

lower costs for wages for maintenance

lower losses on permanent costs during

dry-docking times

longer periods of service between

twosuc-cessive drydockings.

The extra costs of good surface preparation and

better paint systems are more than balanced by

the lower maintenance-costs.

By using better antifouling paints, barnacle

fouling will be prevented for a period of service

of more than one year.

Fouling by algae, which is generally to be

expected in this case after about 8 months of

service, will still




resistance of the ship considerably.


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